RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF J iimmnn .-. FolKWeTouclY liPassiia ZfoJiikL CharvdterMaiYX SUPPOSE THERE SHOULD BEI CHILDREN "Well, I suppose you Know thnt tu borculoHlH linn developed In three gen orations of Tim Man's family?" ques tioned The (losslp. "Yes," answered Tho Mother of The Girt quietly. "And Tho (ilrl Iuiowh?" probed tho visitor. "Ycb, bIio knowH," caino tho oven tones of Tho Mother again. "And you will not Interfere?" wont on Tho Gossip, nnd before Tho Mother bad tltno to tell her tlint tho lire of Tho (llrl wiih her own to glvo or with hold, tho tnlker said: "Suppoflo there Hhould bo children." And The tilrl, reading In the next room, heard. j Mij Tho flrBt part of Tho OobbIp'b con versation nmiiHCd her. Sho had gone through with all tho strugglo before iilio itavo Tho Man her promise. Hut In her discussion concornhiK tho mat ter with cither Tho Man or Tho Mother tho BUKRcatlon of Tho Gossip had not entered. Suppose there should bo children 1 Tho Mother hod not suggested Much a possibility, nnd Tho Girl hud been too much absorbed In Just loving Tho Man to think or It. Her consent to marry blm had been merely a matter of personal concern. Tho hcrltngo of Tho Man had already touched him with a ghostly finger, suggesting to him that ho vn marked for other things than marriage. Hut ho was young. Tho Girl was young, nnd bad so much of vital Btrength. They would go away together to tho heights and wont of lato, when, townrd tho dnwa tho Dream Spirit camo and touched her, bidding her follow him out Into the Bliadowa. Suddenly sho found herself stand lug on u naked beach dreur, cold, wlnd-BWOpt. Tho wiivcb of tho ocean dashed their Icy spray along the nlioro and tho sound wns that as of children walling. A groat darkness sottlcd over tho land; that darkest hour which comes Just boforo tho dawn. Then camo tho flrBt gray streak across tho eastern sky, nnd Tho Girl BttW. Along tho barren shoro ran little children numbering many, muny thoiiBnnds. They wcro linked, and a grout brawny hand scourged them ns they ran until tho bench was crimson with tho blood which dripped from their little nude bodies, nnd tho uli was filled with their helpless cries for mercy. Tho Girl covered her eyes with hoi hands to shut out tho vision, but the Dream Spirit drew them down again. "Thoy nro tho thousands of llttlo children brought Into tho world by mothers who knew beforehand that thoro was every possibility that they would bo scourged down to death by tbo hand of Inherited disease. "Little, llttlo children," wont on tho Dream Spirit, "children moant to live and to bo happy; children meant to havo strong bodies and untainted blood; yet children brought into tho world doomed from tho beginning." Tho son washed over tho blood stained beach, and tho children were dissolved In tho Bunllght of a now day. Tho affianced brldo of Tho Man marked for other things than mar Midsummer Coat of Heavy Cotton Cloth lite 9- ' teiM C S&L -MdMfcf S 1 SOLDIERS WHO WEAR VEILS British Troops In Southwest Africa Have to Conduct Campaign Under Difficulties. Ono of tbo hottest places where tho nrltlsh nro fighting Is in German Southwest Africa, whero General liotha 1b In command of nn expedition against tho enemy. Tho habitable" part of German Southwest Africa lies In tho center of a sun-scorched, water less, shndcleBB desert or shifting sand, nnd GenornI Hothn's men havo to carry everything they need, for nothing whatover can bo obtained from tho country, not even fodder for tho unl mals. Tho sand penetrates everywhere, and tho bent of tho sun is so terrific that all tho troops lighting with Gen eral Hotlta havo been served out with vcIIb nnd "goggles." Without them, indeed, it would bo Impossible to get along at all, and. ns It Is, hundreds of tho Hoer burghers, though hardened campnlgnerH. hnvo been bo bllBtored by tho sun that they nro in hospltnl. Tho heat nt midday Is 122 degrees In tho Bhado nnd tho "shade" la a sweltering tent. Many of tho troops pass that time of tho day with noth ing on but n sun helmet and u pair of boots. II IIII C Jt tE9flHLH Wmmmmmtimwrn mm i mmwmmmmm Tho weavers of cotton cloths have bocomo expert in making fabrics much llko tho heavier weaves of wool In ap pearanco, ns well ns some novelties that appear only in cotton. Theso heavy weaves, including cotton cordu roy and corded mutorlnls, nro also shown In baskoi. weaves. Thoy aro all used for tho popular sport skirts and summor coats that are featured o strongly for street and 6uting wear. All of a sudden cretonnes havo sprung Into uso in tho making of apparel. Gay ly flowered and quaintly figured cre tonnes aro UBod to make bright morn ing dresses and aro called "garden" dresses. Floppy-brimmed hats or beach bonnets (which are sunbonnets parading under a now name) are worn with them and mado of the same cretonne. Ono of tho best models for a coat of cotton corduroy, corded cloth, or fancy weaves In cotton, Is shown In tho plcturo given here. Llko a few of tho heavy linen weaves, It is unmus sable. For decoration It doponds upon machine stitching and buttons mado by covering button molds with tho fabric. It Is cut along tho same lines ns populnr sport conts of wool, with high, convertible collar, big pock ets, and wide belt across tho back. Among other new wraps or cotton Tor midsummer smocks raudo In whlto or , bluo or brown aro commanding much attention. They are atraigiu hanging garments with tho fullness taken up by old-fashioned "smocking" at tho neck1 nnd at tho ends of tho sloovos. CretonnoB In small figures are used for tho collar and cuffs and aro chosen In strong color contrasts. Tho whlto smocks aro pfottlest, but those in light brown are equally smart. Thoy are tho somothlng now In outer gar ments that women are all ready to welcome. Poke Bonnet. Adorable poko bonnots In the sam pretty coloring Bhow to advantage atop blonde curls, for, unlike our American kiddies, tho bobbed hair ef fect la not being worn on tho other sldo of tho water. Tho little girls all havo their hair long and flowing over their shoulders and of course it curls whether naturello or a la klde or poker. Tho Urltlsh boy, no matter how tiny, Bpurna tho bobbed effect nlso, and rears a closo-cropped llttlo bullet bend proudly to tho Infantile fashionable world. Perfect Vision. "You big mutt." said the batter, ns tho umpire called tho third strike, "that wns u foot outside. What's the matter with your eyes7" "Nothing nt nil." replied the arbi trator In chilling tones. "1 qnn sec from hero to the clubhoiiBo, nnd If I don't seo you over there In live min utes It'll cost you ilfty dolinrs." ECZEMAS AND RASHES Itching and Burning Soothed by Cutl cura. Trial Free. Tho Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Relief, rest and sleep follow the use of theso, supercreamy emollients and Indicate speedy and completo healment in most cases of young and old, even when tho usual remedies havo utterly failed. Samplo each free by mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Her Objection. She I don't mind lato callers. Ho Oh, thank you. She It's late stayers I object to. HOW WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. rwlnnd. Ohio-"My loft slda pained mo so Jffi JiiiV'ii'. tmlonro an opera. tion, but tho lirst bottlo I took of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogotnblo Com pound relieved mo of tho pains in my sida nnd I continued its uso until I becama rotjular and frco from pains. I had asked several doc tors If thero was anything I coum take to help mo and they said there wns nothing thnt they knew of. I am thankful for such a good medicine and will always givo it tho highest praise.' -Mrs. C. II.'GniFFlTH, 1CGS Constant St, Clevelnnd, Ohio. Hanover, Ta. "I suffered from fe male troublo and tho pains wero so bad nt times that I could not ait down. Tho doctor advised a Bevcro operation but my husband got mo Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Now I feel liko a new person and can do a hard day's work nnd not mind it What joy and happiness it is to bo well onco more. I am always ready nnd willing to sneak a good word for tho Compound." -Mrs. Ada Wilt, 303 WalnutSt, Hanover.Pa If there nro any complications too do not understand Tf rlto to Lyala 1. l'lnkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lvnn.Mass. Yonr letter will be opened, rend and answered by a woman an held la strict confidence 1 1 'iii n-k. i imr mi km SI! & 1 Ostrich Boa In Enthusiastic Revival S And the Girl, Reading In the Next Room, Heard shako off tho grim hand thnt lay upon Tho Mun. "Hut supposo thero should bo chil dren?" BUggestod Tho Gossip to Tho Mother or Tho Girl. Tho Girl pushed tho Idea usldo and wont on reading in tho next room, but tho words sho had heard kept running In between tho printed lines of her book. Sho went for a walk In tho twilight stillness, and It seemed to her that ovorywhoro thero wero chlldion, healthy, splendid specimens, bubbling over with llfo and happiness, and every ono that turned a Mulling face to heru scorned accusing her of some borriblo thing sho was about to do. Sho called to seo u friend, and in a friendly llttlo chat tried to force The Gossip's suggestion from her mind, but It clung. rlngo found herself sitting up In bed tho sunlight of nn autumn morning streaming In nt her window. Ah the days went by and prepara tions for Tho Girl's wedding pro gressed tho thought Implanted In her iiulud by Tho GosbIp b'ecamo ns a plant that stretched out Its tendrils and wavo them into tho woof of Tho Girl's lire, and so tonnclously did thoy cling, laud bo fast did they grow that thoy crowded out flowers of thought llko a rough and hardy weed, until thoy filled Tho Girl's conscious hours, nnd llappod over Into her subconsciousness, 'haunting her dreams by night "1'or myself it would not matter. Any Buffering 1 might Incur for my Beir 1 could bear. Gladly would I glvo myaeir In your nlnco If I mlcht " sho told Tho Man touched already by his ghostly heritngo when ho camo to her "HUT SUPPOSE THERE SHOULD HE CHILDREN?" she went on. look ing bravely Into his eyes. "Perhaps wo havo tho right as far ns we aro concorned. HUT NO WOMAN HAS THE RIGHT TO 11RINO AN IMMOR TAL SOUL TO LIVE IN A HUMAN HODY THAT WILL HE SCOURGED 11Y THE HAND OP INHERITED D1S EASE." Then sho told him of tho doomed babies walling on tho naked shorn. lashed by tho hand from which thero was no escape And Tho Man holped her do the only right thing there was to do. Bfefev" k d&k x ' - ,3 IBBBBBBBBBBBBBKSiW' n W'KT U Ai ( -.. i i-.V. ' .HIA. v. aHlllV Mi. ;r -i dy-t b W ''-. a:'MW, ..h?! L'-v . tAfT' -' V. " fOt'B OWN DBUOGI8T WILI. TELL YOU ry Morlns Hye Remedr for lied, Weak, Watery lyni ana GrnaUllfjHTell(HL No (jmarilnji utt Mre comfort. Wrlto for Book of the Kjr j mall Free. Marin Hje Uemedy Co., Chicago. Th virtues of somo men aro never apparent until brought out by the criminal lawyers who defend them. Constipation. Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently, on the liver. Stop after dinner dis tresscure indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eye SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRIC& Genuine must bear Signature mmBSsz -q IsssssslnADTFDC LLMB mitti r Ammr Iiver m m dills. Utz Children Cry for Fletcher's (X14& M' The Invitations to tho wedding wero In tho houso and Tho Girl and Tho Man had apont n very happy evening addressing them. Tho prospective brldo had gouo to bud a llttlo less troubled In mind than had been hor Ants as Sterilizers. Many schemes havo been developed for ridding clothing or Boldlers of vormln, ns substitutes for tho romedy used In penco times slmplo cleanli ness. Gasollno or kerosene rubbed Into tbo Beams Is tho favorite Idea A member of tho Kronen Academy of Medlclrio, howovor, has roported a simpler scheme, which is good during wnrm weather. Tho soldlor Is directed to tnko off his clothing nnd lay It on an ant hill. Tho nuts will soon dlscovor tho hiding plnccs of tho llco and capture thorn with enthusiasm. Tho ostrich boa has mot with an unanticipated but enthusiastic revival of popularity, nnd aeems destined to outdistance other kinds of Huffy and airy neckwear. Tho unusunlly cool weather of spring has mado somo sort of protection almost a necessity, and thero Is no denying tho becomlngness of soft feathors about tho throat. Whlto rox, red fox nnd light gray or tan fur neckpieces ono sees with tho most summery of whlto urbnus and llowor-trlimned hats. This voguo Is probably a reflection from tho west ern coast, for visitors to tho Panama exposition havo found tho weather cool and everyone indulging In tho San Kranctsco privilege of wearing furs with summer gowns. Tho feather boa of today Is short as to length, long as to tlber, and liked best In white, natural color or two toned combinations. Occasionally a boa moro than long enough to Ho loosoly about tho throat Is seen, but not often. They all fasten with bows of soft mcssatlno ribbon, apparently, or tho cxcoptlon Is so rnro as to provo tho rulo. Very smnrt sets consisting or boa and ostrich-trimmed lints are shown, and thoro nro great numbers or cock ados, fans, and othor fnnclful orna ments mado or ostrich to bo used on midsummer hats. Threu bons nro shown here, ono In white, ono in the natural tan nnd whlto color or tho feathers, nnd the third in blnck tipped with white. In tho hiKt tho white lluo la tied or pasted on to tho colored Hue, and thero Is an endless variety In combinations to chnoso from In bona mado In this way. Hut tho boa may bo had now in any color, oven the most unusual now tints and shades. It is to bo remombored thnt a bit of rich and Huffy neckwear presupposes n hut to correspond. In tho group pictures hero a white fabric hat is shown trimmed with a pattern applied In small black beads about tho brim edge, it has a collar of whlto ribbon with small aquarea of embroidery In black, and a white rose Is mounted nenr tho edgo of tho rront brim. The second bead-trlmmod hat shows a re versal or color; whlto beads aro ap plied to a black hemp shnpo with rac ing or whlto crape. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been In uso for over 30 srears has homo tho slcnataro of ana nas uccn mauo unucr ins pcr-tStf.-tf- eonal eupervlslon slneo Its Infancy. T&ccUX Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All rnnntnrTnlts. Imitations nnd ' Just-as-COOd" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho heulth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare corlc, Drops nnd Soothlnjr Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotte substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverlshncss. For moro than thirty years 16 has been in constant nso for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency Wind Colic, nil Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food, Riving1 healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of &&&& In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TVIC CCNTAUR COMPANr. NCW VONK CITT. eH3 a.asSr aVfsi Pearl Ornaments. Pearl ornaments mny bo elegantly polished by first rubbing tho olive oil to romovo tho dirty nppoaranco, thon applying any rod nail polish. This latter glvos a burnished nppoaranco, and with a llttlo fast rubbing the pearl takes on a brilliant glow. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist It will pay you to come to me for your Dental work. 26 long years of experience In one spot. Painless guaranteed fillings, crowns and bridges. Plates that wear and fit. Diseased gums successfully treated. Fillings from $1 up. Railroad fare for 50 miles allowed. Send for Free Booklet. 921-22 Woodman tf Wtrld, Omaha STRICTLY No. l-BSePtr Lb, F. O. U. OMAHA Ank far OaUvmrmd Priam Write for Outmlog i -.- BLACK LEG LOSSES SORELY PREVENTED U CvtUr Bllikltf Pill, low. prlnd. riMti. nlUUti pnremd.fcy WHUni tockin.n. tecttiM TttMt WtM tltW VIMlMt ffslt. Writ far tnoUit nd iMtlmontit Mi. luku rnii fi.M Ui Um. HuUh Pill 4 00 IT anv lnTv44W- tttrt f?UtlV. tMlt. Th tuiwrlofltjr of CutUf bkhSiuU U eta to otir 19 yttra of nwUIUInc In vaMlM M. Utflt c C.ttw't. U unobUlMbi, ockr dlnec. k Ckltor UMfkUry, Bm, Cl m CklM, IS. tr.eti ud kill! all Uti, DMi, oir.n, or namtnUI, oonTmltnt. cbMD. Last all son. Uad.ot rotUl.c.n'liplllorU or.ri will not toll or Injur anjrthlnc. Uu.niDtMj CtT.CttT. AlldaalarsorCMnl .iprMi paid for II 00. HABOU I0UXM, 1M Do Kik Sroaklf a, K, 1. DAISY FLY KILLER , . ni' -y ji KJ" f Oifjgij -f-ifm--jt vm " vw i ZSGttetx: ,MMmmikt.'i4rjnr.ertvuacmmitKeut! T-yf" '"wmuMnt''ajtuiim'ii s