vo RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . r 5 7 - ,4 $r y. : . w FolkWeTouclY IiPassiig pjwia 4? AOtARC BYE AND BYE. When It was noised around that Tho Man had secured his divorce his frlcnda congratulated him and suld that he hud done the right thing. They told him that no man had a right to encumber a career with a woman who could not keep up with the pace- ho set. They Bald it was u crime against himself to hang such a millstone about his neck, and that they were- heartily glad that he hud not let any sort of maudlin sentimen tality keep him from putting The Woman away beforo alio ruined the splendid success Tho Muu had made of his lire. And The Mnn received this com mendation with a grateful Bmltc. Ho said that ho hud tried honestly to pull her ulong with his own swift moving procession, mid that each now year told off by tho calendar had found her nioro hopelessly In tho rear. Ho declared that Tho Woman was broken and old boforo her time, und that ho hud not been willing to bo dragged buck by her when ho wub Just in the prime or his lifu with many successful years of splendid ac tivity ahead of him. And even while Tho Man thus justi fied himself to his friends who had aided and abetted him In the matter of tho divorce, The Woman sat alone in tho homo alio hud mnde him tho present an unreality, slipping from her at tho touch of memory which took her back along tho road of yes teryear when she stood In the soft dra peries of tier white satin gown, utmost enveloped by tho billowy folds of her wedding veil. She could not now remember which i . , w The Woman Sat Alone in the had dominated her emotions lovo or pride, as sho heard his clear, manly promlso to "lovo, honor and cherish" as they should journey together do vn tho full length of life's troublo roud, bo intermingled had been tho two. In tho years v.iilch followed their marriago sho always believed In him, ovon when her own father pcintcd out to her that Tho Man was very poor and that his futuro looked uono too brilliant. Tho Woman was an excellent mana gor. She had been taught by a prac tical mother how to mako tho pennies go a very long way, so she Just smiled up Into hor father's face when ho threw cold water on hor enthusiasm, and began her work. So it was that Tho Man was sur prised to find himself very comfort able and happy in tho llttlo homo Tho Woman somehow mauaged to eke out of his ridiculously small sal ary, and never once did ho stop to ask bow it was accomplished. As sho turned and twisted her own clothes until they wero woin thread bare that be might make a guM ap pearance, and hold tho respect of his fellow-men as well as his own, eho found out that it comforted her to Bomotlmos whisper "byo and bye." For, you see, sho believed In to morrow. Then camo tho children ono by ono, until there wero four, and, al though The Man's appearance of pros perity made posslblo by Tho Woman's personal sacrifices had won him sev eral promotions tho mothor of tho ,iS HMil mm, rll z&akwmuii b-wu jx i 1 1 aj 1 1 1 1 tawzuzr' --L. uwicimtygixx NEWSPAPER ayIDICATf aWWMMHanMHHHMiHMHHMn llttlo brood sometimes found It dim cult to keep the tears In bounds when in a tired voice sho told herself "byo und byo." Hut the phrasu had become her slo gan, and she believed that beyond the skimping, and pinching, and sacrific ing or the years when tho children "wero young luy the "byo und byo" that meunt different things for her self. So she worked from sunrlso to sun setand often beyond thut. Tho Man leaned upon her Btrongth und judgment, ilu drew lusplratiou from the Bweet, clean homo Tho Worn an made him; from tho sweet, clean children she sent out to meet him at the close of oueli dny'B work, and ho never stopped to ask how she ac complished bo much with so little. And If, sometimes, Tho Woman's heart wus still so young thut alio viewed her habitual shubblness with a sigh, und stilled her longing for u new und pretty frock, she stilled the yearning und whispered to herself: "Byo und byo." As tho children grew older tho old song on The Woman's lips was less frequent, for with tho years her bur den increased. The children not only demanded a greater number of expen sive clothes, but Tho Man was put ting money now into a buslnosB which ho had bulldcd on tho firm founda tion of all The Womau's strong young years of service and sacrifice anfl every penny counted. So it was that Tho Woman skimped and saved and sacrificed us boforo, un til ono day sho realized that tho last young blrdllng had stretched his wings and Down out of tho homo nest to Home Sho Had Made for Him. make a homo of his own, and that Tho Man hud reached a point In busi ness where there would bo no longer any need of sacrifice. Tho "byo und byo" hud evolved it self out of ull tho spent years of The Woman's splendid youth, aud strange Indeed did it seem to her that now when her promlbo to herself had been fulfilled she did not euro in tho very least. Ono day Tho Mun told her that his placo in tho business world demand ed much of his wire; that people looked to her to becomo u shining so clul light; to entertain his friends as became his standing. Tho Woman listened and wus si lent. Sho was awkwardly conscious of her work-stained hands, and tho stoop ol her tired shoulders; sho knew that her life us numbored by years was but at Us prime, but nevertheless she felt the relentless grip of old age upon her, and for the Urst tltno since she began her years with Tho Man she was afraid. For sho know of a certainty that the demand ho roado of her was impos sible of fulfillment. Tho autumn sunset bathed the quiet patience of Tho Woman's face in Its golden glow as sho sat In tho homo she had mado ror Tho Man. Memories of tho years which had poured tho full strength of all tho years of her radlunt, splendid youth took flight, leaving her face to faco with tho present and what there re mained or tho future alone. I Beautiful Midsummer Toilette IIbBBBBbY wy Jx TS V S. BBBhSBBBHBBBbT I IBBx ?3k k Bl I VjBBBBBBBBBBBBBx CMK ,?& .??$. VtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHkJ BHbBH fftZ BK mW t BS BBBBBBBHBBBBBBBDLm The unusual and distinguished stylo of this costume has been achieved by tho employment of familiar mate rials. White voile, very tluo in qual ity, illet lace, with an open mesh, Boutucho braid, und pearl buttons nre all staple goods well known and well loved. The pretty rashlon or posing ono transparent fabric over another shows to excellent udvuntngo lu tho skirt. Tho underskirt of voile Is full und round. Above the two-Inch hem there are soven narrow tucks an Inch und a half npart. Just abovo tho knees a band of braiding, in an ornamental scroll pattern, Is applied all around tho underskirt, llulshlug Its decora tion. Tho overdrosB of filet lace does not extend to tho bottom or tho under skirt, but Is shorter by about nine inches. It Is gathered in at the waist lino with the voile, leaving a panel or tho underskirt uncovered at, the front, for the lace does not extend across the entire front of the gown. It is caught up und fastened to the underskirt Just below tho knees nt each side, forming n slight drupe. In tho bodice, which suggests the "moyen ngo" Inspiration, the draping Panama Hat of For many generations' tho I'atiamu hat wus woven In ono shnpo, und It took much urging' und good manage ment on the part of those who bought und Imported the genuine South Amer ican Pajinmu hat to pnVsuudn tho na; tlvo mnkers to produco othor shapes. Hut finally this was accomplished and now one inny buy a Panama lu nlmoHt any Bhtipo. Not nil the huts known by this name are South American prod ucts, (there ure Panamas and Puna mas), but whether mude In Japan or Connecticut, or brought from its na tlvo home, the Panama Is u beautiful product. It Is and Is Ilkelyto continue to ho the ideal hat for midsummer outing weaY, for sports and for traveling. It 1b soft enough to be comfortable, and uncrushnble aud firm enough to need no Bupport. It Is mado with tho Inten tion of fitting the head, us to the crown, and for Bhadlng tho ayes, as to tho brim. Hut in the past few seasons it has been possible to get Panamas with very wldo brims, and these havo added ono more to the number of wldo-brlmmcd straws used for tho picturesque llower-ladun millinery of midsummer. nut tho hat thut is denrest to tho heurt of lovers of tho Panama Is that which keeps us closo as possible to the original, mannish shupo or a va of the mntrrlnlrt Is reversed, und vollt appears over filet net. It hangs straight und boxlike from the shoulders to ut least six Inches below tho normal vsalst line. Small tucks play a very lm portunt part in Its construction, ap pearing over the shoulders and part way across the front. Thoy Hupplj the required scant fullness in tho ma tcriul that In caught In by tho garni ture of braiding at the bottom. The braiding is in silk soutache like thut in tho skirt, with the pattern wid ened at the front. Tho long plain sleeves nro finished with small tucka lu a group of soven on tho forearm and a second group of tlvo on tho up per arm. A narrow pattern lu the braiding outlines the arm'seye. Thcro is a tall standing turnover collar of voile und u tlo or nnrrow bluck velvet is brought twice around tho throat. It supports the collar close under tho chin nud terminates in two long ends ut tho front. Tho (lower-trimmed leghorn fiat with sash ends of wide black velvet ribbon, and the low shoes or bluck nud white kid, ure details not to bo lost sight or in completing u tollctto or exceptional beauty. Enduring Beauty riation that does not seem to changi Its character Three popular shape, holected from this season's showing ol Panamas ure illustrated hpre. They nro to be recommended ns practical and becoming and correct In typo. These hats aro usually very simply trimmed with bunds or silk, ribbon or llncu. Flnt rosettes or hanging scurf ends ure favorite decorations, und not to be Improved upon, Tho wide brimmed shapes nro sometimes swathed with mullnrs nnd finished with huge bows of this fabric. Occa sionally (lowers or feathers ndorn them, Hut narrow-brimmed Panamas aroytrimmed lu tho simplest munner possible. Tho (Jno South American Panama, If well cared for, will stand many seasons' wear. These hats can bo cleaned and reblocked ir ono wishes to change tho shapo. Hut It Is better to swatho tho hat in a wldo silk or chif fon scarf than 'to reblock it, and to wear It In Its orlglnul ahnpo. A hat bo fine, so shapely and sensible will always look well. It sooms a pity to wear out a hat whoso making Involves such pains taking nnd wondorful work, by using a hat pin. In a fine hat it is better to sow hat fnstoners In tho band and secure it to tho head In this way, JULIA BOTTOMLEY. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA A funnel h' union linn been organ Ized at .Murdoch Four telephone booths were broken jpen and robbed lu olio week ut Lin coln, The Ponder National blink luu changed Us charter to a state Instltu (Ion The sluto ralr this fall promises to lie the biggest and greatest In Hi hlstorj Fortj-llvo mothers were entertained by the p. K. 0. of Fulrbur one after noon recently. t'.Mll Totuniull, who shot himsoll tvhllo on a Hitrllngton train ne.ir Sow nrd, will recover. Undertakers of the state will bold their annual convention nt Lincoln Juno . l ami 10. P. M Whitehead, of (lothenburg lias been elected superintendent 01 the Ked Cloud schools. Charles Quick of Hustings snstnlned fracture of the light arm while cranking an automobile Albert Lonien. a Lincoln mull car rler, la confined to his home as the result of an attack by a savage dog The Hoard of l!ducatlon at College View has decided to Install it twelve grade accredited school for next year The Infant child of Mr. and Mr. John Jelnek of Swunton was Instantly killed In an aiifo accident near that place Miss (irnco Khullcnbcrgor of Alma lias been appointed secretary to bet father. Congressman A. C. Shnllon berger W T. Smith BiiHtnlned a painful In lury when his hand was caught In n machine In tho Huiiliigtoii shops at liattsinouth. Flag Day. Juno 14, will bo celebrat ed by all tho 0. A H. posts this year the IHSth since the adoption of tht stars and stripes. Cage county Is considering the prop osition of a new Jail and sheiiff's quar ters The llentrlcc commercial club It bucking the move. Hev. II. F. (alther of Heatrlco do livered the commencement address at the graduating exercises of the Liberty high school, Omaha Masons will erect a quartet million dollar temple ror the use ol the various bodies. It Is thought work will begin lu August. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schlndler, pioneer residents or Heatrlco, cele brated their golden wedding anni versary lust week. Nearly four hundred pupils, repro Renting schools of tho state, took part In tho lntcrsehool truck nud field meet at Lincoln last week. The Nebraska State Homeopathic society at Its cloning session in Lin coin Inst week, declared Itself In favot of constitutional prohibition. At the state shoot ut North PlatU last week, Henry Uethnusen mado o score or 95 out of a posslblo 100, giv ing htm the stntc championship. F. L. Hurdlct, n carpenter residing near Nohawka, was accidentally killed by a freight train on the Missouri Pacific between Union nnd Nohawka, Allen Fmley of Wlsner bus brought suit ugulnst tho C. &. N. W. Hallway company in the sum of $iO,000, ror the loss or a leg, which occtirrDd when ho nlighted from a train' on thut road twelve yours ago. Catherine Portcho nnd Lena Gillian, two Lincoln girls, have started on a "hike" for Sun Francisco. They will attempt to walk the entire distance mil will sell papers us u means of jefraylng expenses on the route. Llttlo Mario Huff, four years old, a pupil of a Lincoln school, wandered out of hor way one morning last week, and was round several hours later, tired and rootsoro In nnother part or the city, several miles rroin her home. One or tho attractions of tho Btato fair at Lincoln this fnll will bo a thrilling raco between an automobile and an aeroplane. Harney Oldflold , master driver, and I)c Lloyd Thomp son, world's greatest aviator, will man ho machlnos. Llttlo Clarice Chrlstonson of Mln den, three years old, upset tub of boil ing water, scalding hersoir so aoverely that her death resulted a row hours later. Tho domostlc science class or the Heatrlco high school entertained tho members or tho board or education and the superintendent or schools nnd high school principal nt n bunquot. A profit of $100, netted rroin the re ceipts or tho annual Pan-Hellenic dance or the rrntornltlcs and sorori ties of the university at Lincoln, line been turned over to tho state ortho pedic hospital. Hotween thirty nnd rorty enses of boor nnd a number or cases or wlno, whisky nnd other nlrohollc drinks which wore emptied Into tho sower by Lincoln police had boon seized during raids made within tho past two yearB by tho department. Tho Lincoln chnpter or the Sons of tho American Revolution will erect a monument over the grave or Captain Richard llnddleson, a pioneer ot Lin coln and a real soif or tho revolution. Captain Huddleson's grave at Wyuka semetery Is unmarked at present. A "Swat tho Fly" campaign is being launched at Hastings. Samuel Tllton, a civil war veteran and at ono time county commission of (ancaster county, Is dead at his home at Firth, from kidney and heart trou ble. The University Placo Y. M. C. A. has leased tho old Wesloyan gym nasium, which has been equipped with shower 'baths, reudtng and game room and other modern Improvements. A mnn whoso namo could not bo learned v;us run down by u train on a brldgo near Heatrlco and knocked Into tho river. Ho was picked up and taken to Wymoro for cnecUcftl treat meat. Are Your Kidneys Weak? Ho you know tli.it deaths from kidney trouble nrc 100,000 n year In the U. 8. Jilonc? That dentin lmvo increased 72 in 20 veani? If you arc run down, loi iiiK weiaht, nervoim, "blue" and rheu matic, it you hivve bncknclie, dizrjr ipelW nnd urinary dimnlem, net quickly. Uc Donn'n Kidtiev Pilln, No other medi cine In fin widely lined, none no highly recommended. A Nebraska Case "JTffft flrtwi Tilli itnr," John M. Hilton, lllootnlleM, Net)., miys. "Tor years my UMncya were (Unordered and ciuihoJ niicli he vorc pains through t h nmnll of my tmck Hint I rouliln't, turn In tied. MornltiKS I hail to Kflt up ilowly nnd when I did inunaRo to get nut of tied I couldn't fitoop. Tho Kidney secretion pngfltMi too ortcn. especially at nignt. nonn'n Kidney I'HU rid mo of theso iilltuentR nfttir everything rim had failed nnd I linvo been In good health since." Cat Dotn't at Anr Stora, BOc m Bos DOAN'S rfRTiV FOSTERMOBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In tlio local treatment of woman's 111k, tuii nn leucorrlioea and Inflammation, hot douches of I'm 1 1 no aro very efficacious. Is'o womnti who lias over used medicated iliiiirlios will fail to appreciate, the clean and healthy condition I'axilnn produces and the prompt relief front soretiCHt and dUeouifort Trldcli follows Its uso.Tlils Is because l'aitlno jmis-uwcs superior cleansing, dltlnfect- ina; anil ncniing properties. For ton vears tlio Ltd I a 15. I'lnkhuin Medlctno Co. has rec ommended I'aztlno in their private correspondence with wo men, which proves lis superi ority. Women who have been rollarml sav It Is " worth its welirlit In L-nld." At druiriMstA. Mo. largo box or by mall. HiiinpU free). The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mi DRIVER WAS BUSINESS MAN 8aw More Profit In Hauling Stranded Automoblllt Than In 8eUng Him Gasoline. Mack Sonnott wub going to the San Diego fair in IiIb cur. About three o'clock In tho morning, and twenty miles from nowhere, Muck found that his supply of gusollno had given out. There wus nothing to do but sit by tho side or tho road and wnlt for some thing to come along, which Mnck pro ceeded to do. Ho hud waited but a few minutes when ho heard tho sound of wheels on tho road and soon a wagon wnu distinguishable in the dark. "There's a ten spot in it It you haul mo to town," hnllcd Mack. Tho driver readily consentod ana" Mnck settled down for a threo-hour ride. Thoy wero drawing Into a llttlo burg when Mack remarked that It was rather early ror tho driver to bo on tho roud. "Yes," ho replied, "but I havo to start curly to gut around to all my customera." Aid ns Mnck handed him tho ten spot ror his work, tho mnn continued: "You sec, I peddle gnsollno to tho otorcs lu tho smnll towns around lioro,"-Fhotopluy Maguzlno. Swift Heredity. "I have tho blood or mauy fighting men running In my veins." "Yes, nud I bot It ruiiB all tho raster vieu It smells powder." licforo starting on the right track, be sure you are headed tho right way. CLEAR-HEADED. Head Bookkeeper Mutt Be Reliable. Tho chief bookkeeper In a large business bouse lu ono of our great Western cities apeaks of the barm coffee and tea did for him: "My wife and I drank our first cup of Postum a llttlo ovoK two years ago, and wo havo used It over since, to tho entire exclusion of tea and coffeo. It happened in this way: "I had an) attack of pnoumonla, which left mo with dyspepsia, or neu ralgia of tho stomach. My 'cup of chuer' had always been coffeo or tea, but I becamo convinced, utter a time, that they aggravated my stomach troublo. I happened to mention tho matter to my grocer ono day and he Buggestcd that I glvo Postum a trial. "Next day it camo, and wo liked It bo much that wo will never change back; for I am a well man today and have used no .medicine. "My work as chief bookkcoper In our Co'u branch houco hero Is of a vory confining nature. During my cof 4ffm zU?ie feo drinking days I was subject to nervousness and tho 'blues' In addi tion to my Blck spoils. Theso hate left mo since I began using Postum and I can conscientiously recommend it to those whoso work confines them to long hours of severe mental exer tion." Namo given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Road "Tho Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. Postum comes In two forms: Poitum Cereal tho original form must bo well boiled. 15o and 2Bc pack ages, Instant Postum a soluble powder dlBsolves quickly in a cup of hot wa ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverago Instantly. 80a and GOc tins. Doth kinds aro equally delicious and cost about tho samo per cup. "There's a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocers. 1 ( uA !', M i d:.v i ? .4 m ft I? m i i in :'H4 d M !J m -i.s i s ' ' ii u mm wzzszgszsmm tbtliau, -M MH!ifVCTHiWUHttt VtWlK. QSES5WK3