v RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF fc'-fc, v U Kl 7 Mi i MM. ,-tr jTaHT ..?A,,.-. .J ".ws-.-! -s y&4&rr 4a j&i ''- '''' V ! - r,&:r ' SSV VsbbVMi . 'i Mb j :im. 1 sssi y ' . "?' vyic"" T -T as ...' MMaHVNMVHMw J " The criilHor .Mornslnl, one of tho crnck vpbbcIh of the Italian navy, firing MORE GERMAN RESERVES ON WAY Xy&$y$ ill I Mil r NVvAfv4 1 1 .A , 11 . I Members of the German landattirm, recently called to the colors, on their for tlio front nnd accompanied by mothers, wives nnd sweethearts, DUKEOFTHEABRUZZI The duko of tho Abiuzzl is com-rnander-in-chlef of the naval forces of Italy. Rebuilding Bridges. One of the most Kratifylnp; results af tho present war excitement in Great Britain is the action of the house of lords providing for a gen eral strengthening of the bridges along the main roads of motor tralllc. TheBO bridges wore mostly under tho management of tho big railroad com panies, and tho heavy truck 4rafllc did not appeal to them enoughto cause them to expend either money or labor in strengthening tho bridges. Tho heavy traffic In motor trucks for the Ilrltish war department hnB brought tho question of strong bridges vividly before tho people, and strong presBuro Is being brought by tho courts, officials of tho government and tho press on tho railroads. Tho result Is that bridges arc rebuilt all over tho country. A Square Deal. When tho Jury of a western court found tho nccubed guilty of the cilmc charged, tho prisoner roso in tho dock and dramatically exclaimed: "May heaven strike mo dead if I nm guilty!" Tho judgo waited a few minutes, nnd then mild: "Prlsonor nt tho bar, slnco Provi dence has not seen fit to interfere, tho sentonco of the court will now bo pronounced." ITALIAN CRUISER IN ACTION 1X . .rm. .yrssssasttma J m &b N- - sTL tasssBl '... ..- .. s- ,.-' - v -. X . """"' ""'OT."r-vv.' - sssTxmsx' wSSSsSwlSS FINANCIAL MAGNATES AS PRIVATES ! kmuttfiiim - i't I V i--ii2S2a5iaS222: I-' JS Tk'yaSmxSTyfJf ff I 1 1-T. J, f " 'M " -- .-. '-X-..H- 1V r&yt:ii Some idea of the seriousness with which tho war is bolng taken in Cana da may bo had by the accompanying snapshots made recently during tho review of tho Montreal forces by tho duko of Connaught, Men of largo affairs arc taking their military duty seriously and are drilling in tho ranku ns simple privates of tho homo guard. Beginning with tho man at tho right next to tho olllcer with his hack turned Is Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor, general manager of tho Hank of Montreal; next to him Is A. K. Holt, general manager of the Iloyal Trust company, nnd the noxt In line Is A. D. MncTler of ihe Canadian Pacific railway. Tho olllcer second from tho left Is tho duko of Connaught, whoso fare is lighted with a smile when he recognizes Sir Frederick. ALPINE REGIMENT ON FRONTIER vmje. " -i"' t.ir. '6 . ' ..-j? ,. zrmiMx;3 . . .wifisft.. ; ,:a . t zomtfs Alpiuo regiment of the Italian Austrian frontier. New Name for Cigars. In ono of tho German papers re cently there was a referenco to Bis marck herrings, Bismarck cigars, etc. It appears that there are also Bulow herrings, which run the Blsmarcks very closo In popularity, and also Bulow hams. It Is suggested thnt tho failure of Bethmnnn-Hollweg to nssoclato himself with any comestible Is duo to tho length of his name. But an enthusiastic udmlrerof lllndcnhurg has been selling cheap cognac ns llln dcnhurg schnapps and grog as Hin denburg tea. Also a doubtful mixture of various intoxicants 1ms boon chris tened Fllndcnburg coffee. It seems rather snd that tho vendor of these coucoctlons, which wcro sold In - her HOS-inllllmetor kmih. TO FRONT way to a Btatlon in llerlan to entrain ,Jn9& '', . ILTMl, ?V i.JViV! "'V . . '".ntn.i T-'-i. ,. -Jf v JE army behind u snow barricado on tho opaque cups, should have been reward ed for hlB loyalty by ono month's Im prlsonment for Infringing tho nlcohol Ic prohibition. Manchester Guardian. His Tip. Flatbnish What can I do with those chickens that come into my gar den and eat up tho soed? BenBonhurst Well, If you havo a gun this Is tho open season for chick ens. Admitted. Mr. Bacon Thoy say General Grant accomplished a great deal without opening his mouth. Mrs. Bacon Of caurso; but you must remember, John, ho was a man! . .," . ' ' mmmmiLSM XiXSSt&SX'SZ:, : f '. 'JaS2f.sy&iiiwA-M- .Mm,lSir . jX'-r. l2!fc EXCELLENT FARMING Letters from Settlers Indicating Growing Prosperity. Tho prcnent car will add another proof that farming In Western Canada, when carried on with the wuno energy and 8stem devoted to other lines of nustness, will bring nbout results fully ns satisfactory. Mixed farming iih a tocsin has been Miundod for a number of years, and today It Is being ndoptod pretty gen erally throughout tho Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan nnd Albertn. There are those who hao mado no greater success of It than they did when they pursued grain growing alone, but where ono has failed to ac complish what ho had hoped to do, do.ens have scored success. From Sedgewlck, Alberta, wo hear of K. I.. Deputy, for past twelve ears manager for Fryo & Sons, packers, Seattle, who during 1!H wore tho largest buers of hogs on Alberta markets. Ho Is taking up active work on his 1,'JOOacro farm near Sedge wick Although ho whb ono of tho highest paid salaried officials on the Pacific Coast, his frequent visits and pcibonal knowledge of fanning condi tions In Western Canada convinced him there nro greater opportunities In farming Alberta laud than In commer cial life, with greater assurnnco of ultimate Independence and prospects of home making under the most do slr.iblo conditions Thomas McKay, a farmer near liar dlst, Alberta, lias this to say about the country: "1 cnnio to Hardlsty from Osago Clt, Kansas, nliiu years ago and took up a homestead hero. This Is u good district for Uio fanner who wishes to rnlM grain exclusively, and as u mixed farming country it cannot bo beaten nn where in tho world to my knowl edge. "I hud ten cattle, which ranged out side all last winter, and this spring they were fat enough "for the markot. this without being fed but ono night during tho entlio winter; they wero fine tat cattle and looked beautiful. I raised sumo winter wheat hero which weighed sixty-seven and a half pounds to the bushel, government weight, and which I shipped to Calgary. Tho mil ler who bought It said that It was tho best wheat that has ever genu Into Calgary. Wheat in this district yields ns high as forty bushels to tho acre, oats average sixty bushels. Alfalfa does well here. "All In all 1 think tho farmers are very well satisfied with tho country, uud tho farmer who faims his laud Intelligently Is sure to malto a suc cess. Tho climalu lieio Is tho best I havo over lived in, the Hummers nro delightful and tho winters aro mild. There has never been a bllzzaid dur ing tho nine jours 1 havo lived hero nor any cyclones or wind storms." A settler in tho neighborhood of Glelchou, Alberta, spent $2,000 In im proving liis quarter section, lias 12ft acres ready for crop, keeps 70 head of stock, believes in mixed farming, keops two hired men, ono all ear, tho other In hummer only. He milks 12 to 18 cows, and receives nn nvcrago niontlil cream chequo of $110. last Juno ho sold $1,200 worth of hogs and ALCOJI01.-3 PER CHNTt AVegclahlc PrcparallonforAs-slnulalinp,llit:R)dindRctiiila-lindllie Stonuchsand Boitcls of Pronotes DitSeslioaCliccrfuh h'css'inil Rcst.Conlains neither Opiuin.Morpliiuc nor Wine ml, Not Narcotic, ftdpt ofCHJDcSiirU HTCtfm Junpkut St4 Ave 6VM J?otAtUfSoi korm.-ir'-Cartfud iuoaf nutttryrn anvr A perfect Remedy fiu-lHMsTTpa? aion,oiirouun,iL'ii.i;iiirrjU)eiitJ norms. revvnsniie una Loss.ofSlbep.. r " i Hc SlmlleItfaaliire of XIC CtNTAUR aiMI'AWf NRW TORK Exact Copy of Wrapper ,piaarifTnrnrsmnswafi-iftiriiairn'n " nn-r-" XJftt Cbnteifii IS Fluid Drtxhrnil tfoV DR. BRADBURY, Dentist It will pay you to come to mo for your Denial work. 26 long years of experience In one spot. Painless guaranteed fillings, crowns and bridges. Platca that wear and fit. Diseased gums successfully treated. Fillings from $1 up. Railroad fare for 50 miles allowed. Send for Free Booklet. 92122 Woodman of World, Omaha BaT TaaB ssIbBbV In Noemoer two more cnrlonds, be sides supplying his own requirements, and Is not only making money but building up a good homo amid doslr ablo surroundings This Is an oxumplo of tho possibilities open to the Indus trious In tho Glelchen district. It Is stnted In tho last three months $38,000,000 of Amcrlcnn capital hns been Invested In Cnnnda, showing that United States flrauclal men nro sntlslled of tho solidity of Canadian in stitutions. Western Canada has been u heavy borrower and Western Can ada's great resource Is agrlculturo. U. S. financiers must bo convinced that agrlculturo in Western Canada Is sure and prolltnblu or they would not bu ready to Invent so many millions In tho country. Advertisement. Famous Feats of Archery. In tho das when tho bulTalo was found In vast holds on the western plains there wero Indians who, while riding at a gallop, could scud an ar row thiough n buffalo's body He marknblo ns this archery was, It did not equal that i cached by the archers of ancient times, It Is of record that tho Maclleas of (lalrlock, Scotland, were such skilled archers that they could hit a man at tho distance of KOO junta. In 171) t tho Turkish am bassador at London shot an at row In a Held near that capital 4 1H yards ilgulnst tho wind. The secretary of the ambassador on hearing the ox presslons of surpilsc from the ICng llsh gentlemen present, said the Sul tan had shot 500 jiikIh This was tho greatest performance of modern days, but a pillar standing on a plain near Constantinople iccorded shots rang lug up to SOU yards Sir Itobert Aitis lie, lliitlsh ambassador to tho Sub lliuu Porte, recoided that nl 17HS ho was present when the Sultan shot an arrow 1)72 mds Washington Star Light More Beneficial Than Heat. When ras of light fall upon tho skin of our bodies, which is tianslu cent, tho greater part of them are ar rested, homo by one Imv'it of tho skin. Home by another and still others nro not stopped until they have peuetiated tho subcutaneous tissues This arrest of tho light rays produces radiant heat, which has a higher penetrating power than convection heat as gene rated by a hot water bag or poultice, for Instance. K. C. Titus In an address boforo tho Illuminating Kugiuccrlng society said that such heat penetrated two Inches or more, while connection heat waH ox cited principally on the surface. This is why electric light baths nnd sun baths ate so stimulating to the or gans of elimination, especially the skin and kldne)s, and so bcuclldnl in so mnny diseases. HON-T VIHIT Tllll OAI.irOKVIA KX rOMITIONN Without a surplv ol Allen's Foot. Haso, tho imtlsrptle powder to bi hiVer Into the Shoes, or dlolveil In the foot-lath The Sundjrd Remedy for Ihe, feet (or 25 veJrs It elves In-ur.t relief to tired aehme 'eet and prevents swollen hot feet One lad writes "I tnloyed every mlnutn of my stav it the Impositions thanks to Allen s Foot-Ease In tny hoes. ' Get l TODAY Adv 'Twas Ever Thus. "Havo ou been operating in tho stock innrket of late?" "No. l'vo been operated upon." Judgo A man Is mighty fearless and plain spoken when ho is talking to his wom en folk. Tho crowd nt n bnll gamo wants to soo tho homo team win. Next to that, It prefers to see the umpire Injured. Children I asaaSBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf What is CASTORIA Castorin is a harmlcHs snbstltnto for Castor Oil, Par eorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morpliino nor other Karcotio suhstanco. IU nfro Is its gnaranteo. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrlbhncss. for moro than thirty years 16 lias been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It rcgulutes tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the la Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM CStNTAUn COMPANY, NEW VORK CITV, MRS. LYON'S ACHES AND PAINS Have All Gone Since Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Tcrre Hill, I'm "KindTy permit m to givo you my testimonial in favor of Lydia 10. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. When I first began taking It I wns BUflFcring from fenmlo troubles for some timo and had almost all kinds of aches pains In low er part of back and In sides, nnd press ing down pains. I could not sleep and had no appetite. Slnco I have taken Lydia E. 1'inkhnm'a Vegetable Com pound tho aches nnd pains nro all gone end I( feel like n new womnn. I cannot praise your medicine too highly. ' 'Mrs. Augustus Lyon, Terro Hill, Pa. It is tmo thnt nnturo and a woman's work uns produced tho grandest remedy for woman's ills thnt tho world hnn over known. From tho roots and herbs of tho Held, Lydia E. Pinkhnm, forty yenra ngo, gnve to womankind n remedy for their peculiar His which hns proved moro eflkneious thnn nny other combination of drugs ever com pounded, nnd todny Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is recognized from coast to coast ns tho utundard remedy for woman's ills. In tho Pinkhnm Laboratory nt Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousnuda of letters from women seek ing health many of them openly stats over their own signatures thnt they hnvs regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkhnm'B Vegotnblo Compound; nnd in some cases that it has saved them from surgichl operations. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine tlme3 In ten when the liver b right the stomach nnd bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly com-. pel a lazy liver to ao its duty. Cures Con-. ttipation, In digestion, Sick Headache.4 and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature BLACK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED tT CutUr's Bluklii Pills. Lo prlewl, riMh. relltU! lurtrrrwl ta WmUyi) itorkmrn. txvtuie tt arststt whtra stmr vsmIms fill. Writ" for Inoklrt and tMttmnalila. lO.fM SMS. RlUklr) rills 11.00 i.fsM smi. himii'S run si.vo i.tfiM ik. Dlikl,a Pilli 4 DO alMSthaakBk im. maims rim v Van anr Inlrctor. but Cutter's tKat. Tha auptrlnrtlr of Cuttar products la ilua Is niar 11 vtn snjr injKior. mil uuurrs otn t..r. of aiiarlallilna lit vaailrfi ana1 stmmi only. Insist 6n Cuttir's. If unntitilnM, oiclar dlrvct. Tin Cutttr LsborsUnr, Braty, Csl., or Lhlssis, Jtt AfekE.Vs HAIR BALSAM A toilet prfiwratlnn of merit, Jlrl to rraillt ataiUndrulT. For Rtltorlnf Color and Bsauty to Cray or Fadad Hai, tOft and II 00 at I'rmrgUta. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 23-1915. Cry For Signature of DAISY FLY KILLER fltcad sywhara, a rscts aid kills all alts. Nwl, elaan, or. iiamtatal.oooT.nlanL cbeap. La at a all aaaaorit Mad.ol tueui, can't spill rU ortri will not soil a. WuKSSSlmm I liiiisfTWrrwni I Injurs anything, Uuarentaed ffactlfai I--IJJ Alldaaleraoretao iprcss paid for !. PI fit BsEsa BsMPADTrDC. gBj JJITTLE .sbW IVtK JSVsra BjriUI.9. &2&&&z: HKFifl EggpJ K4J10I.D I011EII, ItQ D, Xalk Art , Brsoilra, . V. 'V ,! i M' r m m i VI V. R. KJI1 Hi U S if I 1 y; ! H cV ? f, I I jM ag