The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1915, Image 6

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Hjr n. O. BHM.KHH, Acting Director ol
Hunday School Courno of Moody Hlbli
Institute, CtilcfiKo,)
I.RBSON THXT-Il Hutniiol 6112-13 nnd
Fsalm 24. (Htmly nil of ctmptur 0 )
aoi.DHN THXT-I whs kIiuI when tlioy
aid unto imp, l.'t tin ko unto tlio liousu
of tho Lord.-I'salm l?.'.t
TIiIh event probably occurred H. C.
1012, In tho twenty-Bucond year of
David's reign. It would bo a Rood
plan to iihhIkh to vnrloUH pupils hucIi
BUbJucto as: (a) What thu urk sob
nnd how It camo to bo loot; (b)
Whero It had boon Blnco tho da'8 of
JobIiuii; (c) What occurred to It whllo
In poBBcsBion of tho l'hlllstlnus; (d)
Who vns Obud-cdotn? (o) Uzzltih? (f)
Mlchal? (b) How Jerusalem catno to
bo tho ocut of government.
I. Tho Ark Recovered, vv. 1-5. David
realized that whllo Cod wiib tho
God of all tho IrlbcB, Htlll thero waB
no vlBlblo rellKlouB center; thoro was
tho coiiHcquunt danger of confound
ing tho locnl placo of worship with
that of sotno local Haul (god) nnd the
poBfllblo breaking up of tho national
rellanco upon Jehovah. Whero Klr-Jath-Jonrlm
wan la not definitely
known, hut perhaps it wuh eight or
ten miles west of Jerusalem. Tho ark
had lodged hero for perhaps soventy
years. David and tlioy that were with
him followed tho cxnmplo of tho Phil
Istlncs (I Ham. G: 1-18) In their tnodo
of transferring tho ark rather than to
have it carried upon tho shoulders of
tho prleBts (Josh. 3:3). Preceded by
"David and tho hotiso of Israel," 1. o
leaders of tho peoplo and all others
present, thoy began tho return Jour
ney from tho house of Ablnndab.
II. Tho Ark Retarded, vv. 6-11.
They had reached ono of tho opon
places used as a threshing lloor whan
tho oxen slipped and tho cart was
shaken. Uzzluh, ono of tho two into
whoso charge It had been placed, laid
hold of tho ark to keep it from fall
ing. Why wus ho slain therefore? Wo
havo already suggested tho reason.
How to carry tho ark was plainly writ
ten (Num. 4:5-12; 7:9). Neglect of
(lod'u word gets many well-moaning
peoplo Into trouble, along with their
friends, also. Tho ark was tho sym
bol of God's presence, und men had
to bo taught to revere his holy name
and his glorious presenco (sco last
clauso v. 2), Uriah's sin was tho sin
of irreverence Ho seems not to
havo sensed tho Invisible God in his
vislblo abode. Tho result struck ter
ror Into tho heart of David and tho
peoplo,, nnd tho ark was left In tho
liouso of Obed of ICdom for a period
ot threo months. David's "Improved
plan" was a proved failure.
III. The Ark Restored, vv. 9-19.
David, by thus abandoning the urk,
HeeniB to havo resented tho judgment
of God, yet bo must havo realized
that God had milllclent causo for his
'icts. Tho urk is a type of Christ,
who is Immanuel, God with us. Tho
ark contained tho luw of God, as
Christ enshrined tho will of his Fa
ther. Over tho law was tho blood
sprinkled mercy seat whore God met
his peoplo (Ex. 2G: 18-22). In Christ
wo tlnd our morcy seat whero wo
meot God. Though this ark brought
Judgment to Uzzlah It brought bless
ing to Obcd-odom (v. 12). Even so
Christ brings Judgment or Joy accord
ing to our treatment of htm. Obed
cdom so piously cared for tho urk that
both ho and his household wero rich
ly blessed. If Christ Is really In our
hearts wo will bo blessed, and Christ
ubtdoth forovor.
IV. The Psalm of Praise, Ps. 24.
In tho Jowlsh synagogue this psalm
is recited at tho currying back of tho
book of tho law to Its purine, nnd In
tho Greek church at tho consecration
of tho church. Tho twenty-second
psalm prcsontB tho suffering Savior;
tho twenty-third presents tho risen
Savior as tho shepherd caring for und
lending his sheep, nnd tho twenty
fourth tolls of tho reigning, glorilled
Lord. Tho whole earth Is Jehovah's
(v. 1) nnd no Incident hotter teaches
tho converse, viz., that ho is God of
tho earth and not a mere tribal deity.
Ho "fouuded" and "established" It,
and all "tho fullness," and "thoy that
dwoll thoreln" nro his by creatlvo uud
redemptlvo right. Since wu belong
to him wo owe him worship und serv
ice nnd a servunt is ono who
"stands" v. 3). Tho conditions of fel
lowship with Jehovah aro "clean
hnudB and a puro heart" (v. 1), those
who deal with honesty and reverence.
"Vanity" nnd "Idolatry" aro frcauoutly
synonymous tonus.
Tho first and tho fourth condition
relate to others, tho second und tho
third to one's lnnor life (seo 1 John
1:6, 7). t
Tho reward of acceptablo worship
nnd servlco 1b "blessing from tho
Lord" (v. G). In vorso eight wo llnd
Israel's grent namo for God Hrst used
in tho Psalms.
Ho is gloriously strong, this Lord
of the hosts of heaven.
In 1 Cor. 2:S, Jesus who was cruel
lied Is called tho "Lord of Glory." Even
so our coming King Ib "strong und
Mighty" and will prove himself
"mighty in battlo" (seo Itov. 19:19-21).
Wheu he, tho King of Glory, leads
captivity captlvo all of his follow orB
will huve a part In that triumphal
One Remarkable Thing Is That No
body It Knocking It Excels As
Drought-Reslstmg Crop.
Thero Is one remurknblo thing nboui
riudun grnsB; nobody Ib knocking It
When fcterltn appeared tho hammeri
wero Immediately taken up, and that
really splendid grain crop for thlu-fiol
und dry yearn had to battlo Its wny tc
thu front, which It did In magnificent
shape. Sudan grnBS and fterltn art
really companion crops; tho ono foi
hay and tho other for grain. The)
lire both easily more drought-roslstnnl
than any of thu previously knowr.
A conservntlvo estimate of Sudut
grusB Ib that It Is decidedly higher Ir
feeding vnluo to eunu hay, whllo nt
tho same tlmo possessing tho advan
tngo of being liner and uimlur handled
At least two crops can be cut in uti
nverugu year. It bIooIb moro prollll
cnlly than nny other rrop, and conse
quently less feed Is required. Its
reeding value Is superior to pralrlc
hay, timothy or any of tho known
sorghums, hut not equal to alfalfa. It
can bo made to servo as u pasture
crop, with good results. Its ability
to make a good crop under conditions
which no other crop except possibly
feterltu can withstand should not bu
overlooked. Appaiently theru Ib only
ono caution to be exercised In taking
hold of Sudan grass, and that Is to
look out Tor Johnson grass, which la
very similar in appearance, uud which
Is u pest except where It rree.eB out.
Many Farmers Have Proved That It
la a Success Thousands of Acres
of Land Still Available.
Dry running has cumo to stay. Many
rurmers huve proved Mint It la a suc
cess. Some havo railed, It. Is true, but
their fulluro has been due to one ot
two causes cither the land was poor
ly adapted to dry fanning, or improper
methods of farming wero practiced.
Thero Is considerable laud In tho
scmlnrld regions Mint Is not good dry
farm land, nnd probably nevor can bo
successfully dry farmed. Hut on tho
other hand, there aro thousands of
acres of splendid land yet nvallablo
which aro capable of producing prollt
able crops under scientific dry fnrm
It Is or the utmost Importance, how
ever, to rollow out theso methods most
carefully. Often a fence, or only a
division line, separates tho man who
Is dry farming nt u profit from tho
mnn who Is losing money, ir you will
study tho difference carefully you will
Uud that one Is moro thorough than
thu other In his operations. Ho plows
deep und at tho right time, ho keeps
down weeds, maintains a mulch to
conserve molsturo und selects good,
clean seed of tho right kind.
Many Farmers Do Not Understand
Necessity of Preparing Good Seed
Bed Packer Is Needed.
Deep plowing is essential in all dry
farming countries. The use of the
subsurface packer or some other Im
plement that will pack tho furrow
slice llrmly down against tho subsoil
again, also Is necessary. Too many
rnrmeis do not understand thu neces
sity or preparing a perfect seed bed.
They uro Inclined to plow nnd burrow
tho ground with tho single purpose In
view of getting loose dirt to cover tho
seed. This Is a mlstnke, for looso
dirt Is only an incident In thu prepara
tion of n seed bed nnd piny havo but
little relation to moisture conservation
which Is, utter all, the essentlnl thing
In all scmlnrld countries.
Any Man Can Build One, as It Re
quires Little Skill Saves Crop
During Droughty Year.
The pit silo ts tho cheapest and best
silo you can build. A good pit silo may
bo built ror tin actual outlay or cash
ror material not to exceed thirty dol
lars. Any man can build one, as It
requires llttlo skill; no high priced
machinery Ib necessary tor tilling; It
can't rail down; there Ib no upkeep
nnd the enallao can't rree.c. Tho
! silo will Biivo your crop during n
droughty year and glvo a Teed enrry-
lug all thu value of the green fodder.
If you build a silo nnd feed ono win
ter from It, you will wonder how you
over farmed without ono.
Kafir Is Essentially Drought-Reels
ltn Dion fM..H CIIm. I. C...
,iiy mil. ww, II unayo ,a ?U"
perior for Milk.
Knflr la essentially a drouRht-reslst-Ing
crop and It Is not proper to com
pare it with corn In those sections
In which corn doe best. Whero tho
rainfall Is aufllolent to grow good
crops or corn It probably will not
prove prolitahle to ralsu knllr ror
sllngu. Under proper conditions or
molsturo com will yield moro fodder
to tho acre, und dim Bllngu Ib aomo
what superior to knur sllagu for milk
Treatment for Ailing Hen.
U a hen lays many btniill eggs she
haa intlammatlon of tho oviduct; It
many double ones, she la more- than
likely to havo been red too heavily
on corn or somo rood twice ua stimu
lating. Glvo both plenty or green
stuff and a drop of aconite, evening
und nioi nliig.
An All-Season
Admirers of the shepherd's check
In cloths ror tailored suits and theso
aro many wero 'given a very great
variety In models this spring to choose
from. Thoso suits ror which small
checkB wero chosen, cut on simple,
but cnrefully thought out lines, proved
to bo tho most successful. A great
many of them wero made with short
walstcd box coats, A less number had
short Jackets, nnd some of tho smart
est wore designs In which somlllttlng
coata figured. Skirts wero nearly al
ways plain, moderately wide and
soinewhut (luring. Tho advance of tho
sensoti proved that tho suits of shep
herd's check received a merited ap
preciation. Tho pretty spring suit bo
comeB tho crisp midsummer suit by a
variation or tho shoes and hats worn
with It, nnd Ib u paying investment
Tor street wear.
Ono or thorn Is Illustrated hero. The
porrectly tailored skirt is plain with
moderuto llnro and cut Instep length.
Transparent Hats and
larly In tho season hats having
transparent brims made their appear
ance. These brims wero Hat and
mounted on brnld crowns. Thoy were
mado of mallnes, net, chiffon or thin
cropo. Nearly always, embedded be
tween layers of such airy materials,
(lowers, with petals spread lint, added
touches of lovely color. The effect
Ib very pretty and gavo tho bats
their distinguishing name that of
"halo" huts tho embedded wreaths
encircling the head like a halo.
So good an item of art In millinery
was destined to outlast tho early sea
son and to introduce many transpar
ent hats for midsummer. Tho latter
uro made, crown und nil, of tho thin
fabrics, nnd brims have grown wider.
Flower and feather trimmings but
mostly (lowers nro mounted on tho
outside or undorbrim Instead or being
embedded In tho material.
A betiutirul hat or this character Is
shown in tho picture It Is of black
mallnea made over a franio of fine
silk wire. Tho edge wire and one
other nro outlined on tho undorbrim
by flitter Jet. Thoro Is an linmonso
pompon of mallnea nt tho front with
two long Jet ornaments thrust In it.
Nothing could bo prettier ror midsum
mer wear than this exquisite plcco or
Hemp und leghorn hats, with fac
ings of crape on the upper or under
brims are among tho loveliest offer
ings In dress hats. Light pink crepe
Is tho favorite color and hats of this
character aro among tho beBt do
blgned for bridesmaids at Juno wed
dings. Ono ot them Is shown In tho
Illustration. It has a crown of hemp
und Its upper brim covered with cropo
stretched smoothly over It, leaving
the hump as n facing. It Is ti limned
I I I ill I I I i ut'$i'i'?:V?r v'Wji,j(4Xl JW , .
U M I Ml I l;SrliEiKihJ ,-: 1 L
. :W? 't wS$&3 ' - n&38&M&$& -- Rs
Street Suit
The Jacket Is among the modest num
her made with normal waist lino,
which rises n llttlo at the back, whero
plaits nro depended from tho belt. It
Is cut in points at thu front, Is longer
than at the bnck and is shaped by
small plaits laid In at each side. Tho
belt terminates at these plaits.
Thu shoulders aro somewhat long
nnd so aro tho plain coat sleeves. Tho
flaring turnover collar Is cut In threo
pieces und unusually well adjusted.
Hall buttons in threo sizes uro used
ror fastening and trimming.
The suit Is worn with low shoea and
black cloth galtem, to bo changed to
white Tor midsummer wear. The sailor
lint, of blnck taffeta, with collar and
border in blnck uud whito stripe, is
trimmed with smnll pompons of blnck
feathers with long curving ribs ex
tending from them. White neck ruffs
or mallnes or combinations or white
and black look well with these check
Others for Midsummer
with a wreath of roBo foliage against
u background of ribbon with a narrow
border in bluck. "Llttlo Juno roses are
sot In tho wreath. Tho ribbon band
Is extended into sash ends at tho back.
Near tho brim a llttlo cluster ot rosea
Is tied Into the sash with a bow. Tho
coloring Is pale pink with tho narrow
blnck border or tho ribbon und dark,
natural green of tho follago adding
depth und character. Tho roses are
shaded and deeper in tone Minn the
body or tho lint.
Smart Costume.
Ono or tho smartest costumes rot
young women, exhibited on a living
model at a recent opening, was or very
pale tan worsted uud mohair mixture,
made with short, Hare skirt, revealing
tho new slim black leather pump, guilt
less or buckle or bow, and stockings
or natural silk. A little coat, button
ing high to tho throat, was sur
mounted by a very tall choker collar
or whito organdlo with points reaching
up over tho choeks und n broad stock
or black satin holding it in placo. Tho
coat hud a belt and u plaited coattnll
at tho back. This knowing spring cos
tume waB completed by a tiny black,
satin hat with slashed sailor brim and
a floating veil of black mesh with an
allover vlnet pattern.
Dotted Chiffon Gown.
Chiffon figured In largo polka dots
of contrasting color is used for somo
very smart looking frocks, but mod
els of such pronounced material must
bo very graceful and conservntlvo ot
line, and utterly without elaboration.
A good example of such treatment Is
n frock of sand color chiffon polka
dotted largely in dark bluo.
Wheat and Other Grains Have
Had an Excellent Start..
Tho seeding of spring wheat was
pretty gcnornl this spring about 7th
ot April or about as early as In Illinois
and Iowa. Oats and barley followed.
Information Is to hand that on first
of May all.seedlng was practically fin
ished. Farmers will now bo busy at
their breaking, nnd tho land for sum
mer fallow will bo cntored upon. Somo
who did not get their land prepared
last fall, will bo later than the others,
but as tho spring lu Western Canada
has been very opon they will bo only
a few days later. At tho tlmo or
writing rnln would bo welcome, but
at seeding time, tho ground contained
a splendid lot of molsturo and tho
lack of rain nt tho present time will
not be serious. Tho number of rartn
orB who have gono Into tho raising of
cattlo has been considerably In
creased, and tho preparation ror ex
tensive cultivated grass pastures Is
In ovidcuco everywhere. Tho culti
vation or rodder corn Is being largely
entered upon In Manitoba Micro be
ing upwards of 2G.O0O acres in corn.
In Saskatchewan thero will be a
largo iucrcuso In tho nrea planted, and
In Alberta many of tho moro progres
sive farmers nro taking hold of It.
Tho yield varies according to the cul
tivation It receives, and runs from
flvo to nlno tons per acre. Iti somo
portions of Manitoba whero it has
been poor Tor somo years, success hns
been nehlcvcd in ripening and it is
expected that a variety will soon bo
developed that wl'.l provide seed for
tho entire West, that will at an early
date glvo to Western Canada a fame
for tho growing of a marketable corn
equal to that It has now for tho
growth ot smaller cereals.
A trip through Western Canada re
veals field after field of alfalfa, tho
growth of which in any portion of
tho country is now absolutely assured.
When theso facts aro mado known to
tho farmers of tho corn and alfalfa
growing states, whero their value as
wealth makers la so well known, thero
will bo no hesitancy in taking advan
tage of tho splendid gift ot ICO acres
of land mado by tho Government of
tho Dominion of Canada, where equal
opportunities are offered. Besides
these free grant lands, thero aro tho
lands of somo of the railway com
panies add largo land companies, that
may bo had at low prices and on
reasonablo terms. During tho month
of February a largo number of In
quiries were received, asking for farm
lands. '
An encouraging feature of tho farm
land situation in Canada Is tho large
percentage of sales mado to settlers
In the country who desire to Increaso
their holdings or to others who will
tuko up farming in placo of different
occupntloiiB previously followed. Ad
vertisement. Essential Elements.
We cannot remove tho conditions un
der which our work is to bo done, but
wo can transform them. Thoy aro tho
elements out of which wo must build
tho temples wherein wo serve. West
May Be Kept So by Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment. Trial Free.
To bavo good hair clear the scalp
of dandruff and itching with shampoos
of Cutlcura Soap and touches ot Cutl
cura Ointment to dandruff spots and
itching. Nothing better than these
pure, fragrant, supercreamy emol
lients for skin and scalp troubles.
Sample each free by mall with Skin
Rook. AddresB Cutlcura, Dopt. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
A mnn who Is tied to his wlfej apron
string certainly Isn't fast.
to Feed ihe World'
Tho war's fearful devastation
crocs has caused an unusual demand for eraln
from the American Continent. The
world must bs fed and there is an unusual demand
for Canadian wheat. Canada's invitation to everv
industrious American is therefore especially attrac
tive. She wants farmers to make moneyand happy,
prosperous homes for themselves while helping her
to raise immense wheat crops.
You can get a Homestead
other lands can be bought at remarkably low prices. Think of the money yoa
can make with wheat at its present high prices, where for some time it is lia
ble to continue. During many years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20
bushels to the acre many yields as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful
crops also of Oats, Barley and Flax.
Mised farming is fully as profitafte an industry as grain raising. The excel
lent grasses, full of nutrition, are the only food required either for beef or dalrv
tnmAjia ZruA arhnAl. marlrt rnnvanlent .-llm -..-if--i i
yuayvavv. - - , -..-
.Military service is not compulsory
lilnn alMrt tllnri f" fr V All Iflftfll.
I V1UU WW Utf VT wa
Write (or literature and particulars aa to reduced railway rata to
Superintendent Immlsratlon, Ottawa, Canada, or
W. V. Bennett, 220 I7lh SI.,
Boom 4,Bee DIdg.,0msha,Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
V.'. rWwT
(3(5 hi iM
Wife of Former County Attorney
Finds Quick Relief at First Dose
Thousands Are Restored.
David O. Hlnes, former county atp
torney of Dundy County, Neb., and
now an attorney of prominence In Hen
kelman, Is ono of tho many who have)
discovered the astonishing merits of
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy.
Mrs. Hlnes had long boon a suf
ferer from stomach troubles nnd re
lated ailments. She tried Mayr's Won
derful Itemedy. Then camo the fol
lowing letter from Mr. Hlnes:
"I havo received tho medicine yoa
shipped mo a few days ago, and my
wlfo has received so much beneut
from It Mint wo havo decided to or
der four more treatments or Mayr's
Wonderful Itemedy.
"The result of tho treatment so far
is -simply wonderful."
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives por
mnnent results for stomach, liver and
Intestinal ailments. Eat as much and
wlinlnvnr vnti like. No morn distress
nfter eating, pressure or gas in th
stomach and nrountl the heart. Get ono
bottle of your druggist now and try It
on nn absolute guarantee If not satis
factory money will be returned. Adv.
Quite So.
"You want employment nnd yet you
can't do anything."
"Sir, I wnB reared to be a lady."
"That profcs3lo'n Is slightly over
crowded Just now," responded th
business man grimly.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle ot
CASTOIUA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and seo that it
Tin nro Tm
Signature of C&4flrfflj
In Uso For Over 30 Tears.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
You would bo dismally lonesome If
everyone In the world wero as good
as you think you are.
Truth may not be stranger than no
tion, but It's a great deal shyer.
j The General Says:
Q Ynu can bur tho ranit dnrablff
B) thuworldutaprtcolbmlsreiuon
Jj tnMjtun
moflni In
reiuonablo t you
n Tnnr local hardwtro or tnmbrr dratcr eta
M nnppljr juu with Oortal n-tnod llonftni.
TA (limntnti-fd 6, 10 or 15 yonra according to
the thickness. Uun't accept a subiUtnte.
Nebraska Directory
Omah. Nebraiks
I Illl Ull FimnpriMPi ii
ftoomn from 11.00 up Hlnglr, 75 centa up dnubla.
Bid. Neat, clian, or
immrnUI, conTtolant,
cheap. LaatS all
on. Mdol
metal, can't iplll or tip
OTri will not toll or
I njura anything.
Guaranteed effect He.
eipreei paid fnr I1.M.
AB0LD I0MEHI, lit Oe Kalk Ave.. Brooklyn, M. .
Si UaaiA Watai
Wataoa K.CoteBiaa,WMb
HI IPHI NlnrU)n,l).U. llookefree; IllKkv
" w ai rw(
erenoea. ilait mula
HI'IN (ill.triH, pure, well matured aeed, til
per hundred lbs Vnlunble Instructive book
let & rvf .'Mutual Trading Co., I.ubbock, Tax.
VV. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 22-1915.
of European
people of the
of 160 acres FREE and
.-U..U.VU., viuuw CAbCUCUl,
In Canada. There Is no conscrin-
Itt V
Curee the lick and acta aa a preventive for other. Liquid elven on the
tongue. Safe for brood mares and all other. Ueft kidney remedy) 50c and
SI a bottle; S5 and JI0 a doien. Sold by alt drueclit and horse coode
houses, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturer.
ff"- -"fr
' ..
--wa nays) Wu.
'!ii.lq H.W
I & -v A"L i
M aWfliaeii'i'ii. "' ''"' .a l! "