The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1915, Image 5

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Union Memorial Service
May 30th, 1915
At the Opera House
11 A. M.
Sermon by Rev. Hummel
Sunday School at South Side Mission 2:30 p. m.
Sermon by Rev. J. L. Beebe at Close of the
Sunday School.
Sunday Evening at United Church
Address by Prof. Moritz, Supt. of Schools
"Who Was the Man of Sin. the Son of Perdetion?"
(Read 2 Thess. 2:3)
The United Church Has No Hobbies. Come!
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
For llaso Ball Goods go to Fogel's.
Dow Kaley was In Superior Tuesday.
Ladies' Suits nt Miner s at $10 and up.
Jim Kthcrton was In Nelson Sunday,
Sheriff Hedge was in Hastings Fri
day. Monday will bo observed as Decora
tion day.
Barn for sale. Iutiiiire of Walter
Marshall. adv
Joo Henderson was down from Mc-
Cook, Friday.
The Best of Shoes "Queer, quality" at
Miner Bros. Co.
Get on the wagon and boost for a
livelier Red Cloud
Will Mount ford was a passenger to
Orleans Sunday evening
Reduced prices on trunk':, suit cases
and traveling bags at Fogel's.
Fritz Moude has resigned Ills position
with the Red Cloud Auto Co.
$50,000 to loan on real estate
security. L. P. Ar.nittoiir.
E. J. Overing Jr., will bo tho orator
of the day at Wrny, Colorado, on Dec
oration day. .
Our springstock of shoes have arriv
ed and they Hro beauties. The Ellis
Shoe Store,
Ralph Woods of Wymorc spent the
first of tho week in this city with his
parents, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Chas. Woods.
Spring Suits! Spring Coats! Spring
Skirts! Spring Dress Good! Kvciy
thing new for Spring at Miner Bros.
Miss Flossie McKimmey returned
home Sunday from Edi-on, Nebraska
whero she had been spending a weelc
with relatives.
Mrs. Clin'oul Henderson of Bct-gs,
Oklahoma spent last week in this city
with her aunt, Mrs. tiriee, and sun
Flave. She left tlio (list of the week
for Chester where bhe will visit
Spring Coats at S3 and up at Miner's.
Ed Crary was up from Guide Rock
Father Fitzgerald was in Superior
Tom Auld of Omaha was in town on
Tomorrow the schools closo for the
summer vacation.
Miss Jennie Miner spent Sunday in
Inavalo with friends.
Attorney Sutherland cainc up from
Nelson Sunday evening.
A now line of hammocks just re
ceivedsec them at Fogel's.
Have you seen those line spring Shoes
and Oxfords at Miner Bros Co.'.'
J. L. Christian and C. H. Potter
were in Alma Monday ou business.
Attorney E. U. Overman was in Alma
attending district court tho first of the
Mrs. J. W. Boehr was n passenger to
Fairfield Tuesday morning to visit her
Mrs. Warren Longton of Hastings is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Ilulmgrniii this week
Go to Miner Bros. Co., for all your
wants In Women's Wear ntul in. Dry
Goods, Groceries and Slices.
Rev. Austin and wife arrived in tho
city Monday evening to visit their
daughter, Mrs. Harry Cramer and
Bruce Eshelman returned home the
last of tho week from Mcl'herson, K119.,
where ho has. beonJittendlng college
the past j car.
Jim Etherton, who has been engineer
at the power house for several months,
has resigned his position which will
take effect June 1st. Harry Huft'er
will take his place.
V. E. and R. C. Long of Kansas City
have located In this city and have
opened up an establishment called the
Red Cloud Hat Works whero they will
reblock and clenn hats.
Miss Marie .Tern burg, who has been
teaching school at Sutherland for tho
past year, was operated on for appendi
citis at North IMiitto recently, but was
able to return to her home in this city
the first of tho week.
Harry RoaU went to Detroit today.
Get a State Spoon at Miner Bros. Co.,
store. s
H. J. Mattrtr returned homo fronr
Lincoln Tuesday evening.
Chas. Strong of CiilbcrUott was In
town Sunday visiting friends.
Order your Lettuce, Radishes, Celery
and other vegetables from Miner Bros.
Co. I
Attorney McNenv was In Alma at
tending district court tho lirst of the
Charley Walter and Meredith Butler
arrived home Tuesday ovonlug from
Stock ham.
Charley Fox camo down from York
Saturday evening to visit his parents.
S. 1. Fox and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bell of Lincoln
spent tho first of the week In this city
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Warren.
Come in and sec our Emmv-Lon
Tennis shoes also Sandals for all sizes
of people. The Ellis Shoe Store.
. Miss Hazel McKeighan of Lincoln is
in the city visiting her sister, Miss
Beatrice McKclghun, and frleudc.
Farmers, see mo for Crude Oil. It
will disinfect and clean your hogs of
lice and scurvy. Sam Lludsey. adv
Carl Jernburg returned homo Sun
day morning from Akron and Denver
where he had been visiting for 11 week.
Two and slxty-nlnc ono hundredths
Inches of rain fell in this locality last
weok which will help the wheat ami
Dr. Caldwell returned homo from
Hastings and Lincoln Friday evening
whero he had beeu spending n few
days. Drs. Cros and Nicholson returned
home from Omaha Friday whero they
had beeu attending the state deiltal
association meeting.
Bandmaster lletz announces that
tho Red Cloud Band has been chosen
as the ollicial band for the Independ.
ence Day celebration at Hastings ou
July nth. .
OwitiR to the Commencement exer
cises which tnko place this week, Band
master Bet, announces chat the open
air band concert will be given on to
monow, Friday, evening.
Flave Griee left Wednesday evening
for Pasadena, California to visit his
brother, Bert Grice and family. Be
fore returning home he will tnko in
the Panama exposition at San Fran
cisco. Supt. P M Whitehead of the Goth-
onburg public schools who was elected
superintendent of our public schools
for the ensuing year was in the city
Saturday getting acquainted with our
citizens. '
There will be regular services at the
Baptist church next Sundar. Rev.
Cole's subject for his morning sermon
will be "Bed Cloud's Greatest Needs'.
and for his I'veniiig sermon "The Way
to Secure World Peace." Everybody
invited to attend these services.
Encouraged by the success of the
past two weeks iu showing "Seats of
the Mighty" and "As Ye Sow," the
Tcpeo on in xt Monday afternoon and
evening will produce "Old Dutch", 'a
coinedy-draina in five part", with Low
Fiolds (of Weber and Fields, the world
famous comedians) and 1111 all Star
Cast. Afternoon at .'! o'clock, evening
at 8. Admission-afternoon 10 and 5,
evening 15 and 10.
I sses - essTs
Afternoon and
Afternoon at 3 Evening at 8
A Special Attraction
In five parts with Lew Fields
and an all Star Cast. A Shu
bert Broadway feature.
Afternoon Evening
10 and 5 15 and 10
Old Master
Has tho imported flavor at
the home grown price.
"Try it 'Yourself
and Know'
For sale by
Six Safety
Razor Blades
F. G. Turnure & Son
Remember We Give S. & H. Green Stamps
If you will cut out this advertise
ment and brine it to our
store on or before
Saturday, June 5tli
We are local igents for "flur
nett," the marvelous Safety R zor
Sharpening txpert of Omaha, and to
further popularize his work we are
going to rave six of your safety
rezar blade s sharpened for you FREE
Bring as many b'ndes as you wish
and we will have Burnett" Hone
and Strop them and rememhor bIx
blades will be sharpened FREE and
the regular prices charged for the
balance of thm.
Single Edge Ot:
Bladen, Doz. oc
Double Edge OK
Blades, Doz. OOC
Gricc Drug Co
Two sleeping rooms for rent. All
modern. Inquire at this olllce.
IUn llarber came in from Oseeola
Wednesday evening to visit his wife
mid sou.
Thu Sunday school at tho I'nited
church will be held as usual Sunday
Read the advertisement of Miner
Bros. Co., which appears on auother
page iu this issue.
Rev C. L. Myers delivered the gradu
ating address to tile class of 11)15 of the
luavale school Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Malono and daughter. Miss
Horenee of Lincoln are in tho city vit.
Hing her daughter, Mrs. Chal Gollutly
this week.
The W. C. T. U., will meet with Mrs
Mary Arnesou next Wednesday, June
2nd, at !2::i( p. in. This is Flower Miss
ion day. Donation of (lowers ruiuest-
Next Thursday night Rev. Myers will
address tho graduatliigclass of Cadmus
High school and the Eighth grade of
Hist 70 Saturday afternoon, Miss Pet
erson teacher.
Commencing next Monday tho new
schedule of the Burlington passenger
trains will go into effect. Train No 1H
will be changed to So, 10 and train No.
1.) will be changed to No. 17. The
passenger trains will run on the same
time card that was iu effect hiit summer.
Miss Grace Kcaglc was the best Booster for the
month and wears the gold watch. Who will wear the
next? The next one will he given to the individual
not having won one, or who is not a relative of a win
ner or not a helper, who ca Us the most coupons from
the count of Monday. May 24th. to the count of Mon
day, June 21st.
Are you getting all your baby friends nominated
for the Baby Show? Get your patrons in on Wednes
days. See tho Bulletin Board at our store to get the stand
ings in the Baby Show. Register at our store and get
100 Booster Coupons for your favorite Babyx and
Booster. Baby Show closes Saturday. June 12th.
Music next Saturday by Ethel Wilson.
Special showing now of Men's
and Boy's Straw Hats and Sum
mer Furnishings.
he Qomdenaley Qlothing Qo.
The Booster Store
Two Young Couples
United In Marriage
On Tuesday at Hastings Mr. Con'y
Barr of this city and Miss -Florence
RicUerson of Ayr wero married. This
young couple will rcsidoln this city.
On Wednesday at high noon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs Itufua Miksch
occurred the marriage of their daugh
ter, MIssElsio to Mr. Muriel Killough
of Mt. Clare. Rev. Beebe performed
tho marriage ceremony. Tho bride is
a graduuto of tho Red Cloud High
school and has taught several success
ful terms of school In this county. Tho
young couple left last night for Onoldu.
Kas , to visit her brother, Will MikagH
and wife.
An average cost of two cents a mile proyides- for
operating and maintaining a Ford car. And "Ford After
Service for Ford Owners" assures the continuous use of
your car. In every contingency there's a Ford dealer
near by. with a complete stock of parts. Barring tho
unforeseen, each retail buyer of a new Ford car be
tween August 1914 and August 1915 will receive from
$40 to SCO as a share of the Ford Motor Co's. profits.
Runabout $440; Touring Car 3400-f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment
Red Cloud
Culdo Rock
3 Ell 1
Two Aged Ladies
Called By Death
Mrs. Harris, who has resided in the
north part of this city for several venrs.
died this morning after u bhort illness.
She loaves a son and three daughters
to mourn her demise.
Mrs. Bogart aired 08 years. .'Imnnthn.
and 18 (Jays old, wife of S. II. Bnirurt
died at their home in this city Wednes-
uay noon after a sickness of several
weens, 'iiiu funeral services will be
held at tho homo Friday afternoon i.t
2 o'oloclc.
Farm Loans
At best rates and terms to be hud in,
this state. Call for mo at State Bank
of Red Cloud. C. !'. (Jatiikk.
Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent
(Over Store) 's Clothlnft Store)
PHONES! Ind. 241 and 173 Bell 128
RSnflik.C IT'll'T'llllinir'nillllllllll'IIIIWIIIII'll!!!!1!;! I aaaa.
p1Vo LyilBllllfflffllll V3MEi
f Fresh Vegetables and Fruits I
Fancy and Stable Groceries
RpRt Priroe PnM Fnr Rtitfor and F
I Walter W. Marshall I
3, Red Cloud, Nebraska
.MHmih. iFiiiiiifiDinniiufiiniiini!! oam. J
"3 lllHlllIiljyiiJllfflilillil 9aHIEU
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