hv RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF w r FACTORY SALE OF PIANOS Ki r SW,4Jn ) V it KWn If . 1 WE HAVE A CAR LOAD of Pianos direct from the fac tory which will be placed on sale at our store, commencing May 20th TO June 1st These Pianos must be sold at un heard of prices. Now is the time to buy if you desire to save money. Corns early and get first choice. We are going to offer to the music loving people of Red Cloud and vi cinity a high grade $350 Piano for $265, and a $300 Piano for $235, and a $650 Player Piano for $475, a Player Piano for $350, and others which we can sell cheaper. We will give a grand free musical concert from 3 to 5 p. m., Saturday, May 22. You are all welcome. Pianos will be sold for cash or on easy terms. Organs taken in trade. Free delivery on all sales. Stool and scarf free with each sale SPECIAL INDUCEMENT! FIVE DOLLAR BILL GIVEN AWAY FREE! We are going to give 300 sheets of music away free. Each piece will be wrapped and numbered on outside of the roll. We will have a drawing at 8 p. m., Saturday, May 22, and the one holding the lucky number will be presented with a Five Dollar Bill Absolutely Free ! One piece of music will be given to each family until the 300 pieces are given away. This music will be given away commencing at 10 a. m., May 22, 1915. ED AMACK McFarland Building Red Cloud, Nebraska OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 O'CLOCK til m i ,J m&mmmmmim ftr"-"! EjgMjBKHn