The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1915, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Aaron IIciIup wimin Praul' n Friday.
I. tilit-s' hut!-, ut Mi nor -lit 4 Id mill up.
Have y(,u oluu tlililng jet?
Dun Pmiiroy of lliveilon was In
town Tuesday.
The ltest of Shoes "QuoeiiOjinlity'' ut
Miner Bros ( o.
Isaac Shepherdsoii of Kivertoti was
in town Monday.
Glen Phelps was down from Bladen
Friday after noon,
Oeorge Itrailsliaw was flown from
Blooinliigtoti Sunday.
Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill
whs in town Weilnesiliiy.
2(1 percent discount on Wall Paper
nnd Paint K. S Garbor.
Uase bull Friday afternoon, Blue
Hill High School Vb Bed Cloud.
Have you seen thoH'ilnc spring Shoes
nud Oxfords at Miner Bros Co.?
Will nnd Howard Hunt bpent Sun
day in Hiverton with their parents.
S50.000 to loan on real estate
security. L. l Auilttoiir.
Alan Blackledge and Dow Kaley
.spent Sunday in Superior with friends.
Attorney L. II. Blackledge was a
passenger to Omaha Sunday evening.
Order your Lettuce, Radishes, Celery
and other vegetables from Miner Bros
J. K. Chancy and wife spent Sunday
in Superior with their sou, Ed. Chancy
and wife.
Clifls. Woods and Will Shoemaker
were passengers to Grand Island Mon
day morning.
Claim (. Musselman and Miss Ruth
Shippert both of Alma, were united
In' marriage at the home of Rev. J. L.
Bcebe, Sunday, May Oth at high noon.
Mr. Musselman is engaged in the
mercantile business at Alma.
If you havo any dehorning to do,
remember to do it as early as possible,
while the days are cool and the tiles
scarce. Prevention is the in s hu
mane and elective method, which' can
hi accomplished by the use of caustic
potash en the horns of calves not
more than a month old.
Will Taber arrived in the city 1'iies
day night for a short visit with friends
and relatives. Win. informs us that
he has quit the stock food bushier,
and has embarked in tho pool hall
busiucss'in Omaha. He returned to
Omaha, Wednesday morning, accom
panied by his mother, who will make
her home with him.
The spring lias Oben Te'xc3eding uni
form iu temperature since the melting
of the snow, but it is well to remember
that it is customomary to have frost iu
May. Do not be in too great a hurry
to set out the plants from the hot bed.
A checked plant is said never to fully
recover. The tender vegetables are
beans, corn, cucumbers, eggplant,
melons, okra, pepper, pumpkin, stjiiuih,
sweet potato and tomato. While it is
generally useless to try to rush the
season, still It may bo well to ri-k a
few hills of corn and beans for an
early crop, but be sure to cover wi'h
newspapers or litter on cold nights.
JVant better tea?
"Want tea with a finer
"Want that flavor guaran
teed? Then ask for
"The Kind With
Try a package today.
F. G. Turnure & Son
Remember We Give S. & H. Green Stamps
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Afternoon and Evening
At 4 O'clock At 8 and 9:45
lO end 5
Miss Inez Homier wont to Kansas
City this morning.
Rev. W. P. Cole was up from Guide
Rock Tuesday night.
Guy Zeigler spent Sunday in River
ton with his parents.
Paul 1'hares returned from a tour of
Kansas Sunday morning.
Jack Pegg returned home from a
tour of Kansas Friday evening.
Alf. McCall and Wade Koontz went
to Kansas City Sunday morning.
Attorney MoNcny went to Nelson
this morning to attend district, court.
Dan Barber came down from Osceola
Saturday evening to visit his wife and
Our spring stock of shoes have arriv
ed and they are beauties. The Ellis
Shoo Store.
Sheridan I'harcs of Superior spent
Sunday in this city with his family and
mother, Mrs Barbara Pharcs.
Charley Walters and Meredith Butler
went to Stockhnm, Nebraska, Monday
morning to build a cement silo.
I Come in and see our Emmy-Lou
! Teiinii shoes also Sandals for all sizes
of people. The Ellis Shoe Store.
Ellas Goble hud the misfortune to
cut' tils foot quite badly Monday morn
ing, while chopping kindling wood.
TO fE1
IS end to
,1. L. Christian returned home from
St. Joe Tuesday morning where ho had
been on business.
Go to Miner Bros. Co., for all your
wants in Women's Wear nnd in Dry
Goods, Groceries and Shoes.
Rev. W. P. Colo will preach at the
Baptist church iu this city noxt Sun
day both morning and evening
Spring Suits! Spring Coats! Spring
Skirts! Spring Press Goods! Every
thing new for Spring at Minor Bros.
Prank Cowden returned home from
Lincoln Friday, where he had been
attending a meeting of the secretaries
of the Commercial Clubs of the state.
The young folks of this city who
played the "Debt of Honor" at the opei a
house soin: time ago, will go to Bloom
ingtoti, Pri-'ay, where they will put on
that play.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garber, Mesdames
h. H. Blackledge and A. D. Ruuiiey
went to Hastings Wednesday morning
to attend the state convention of the
Eastern Star lodge.
Maitlaud Lump Coal for May deliv
ery ST. 25 per ton, in full loads deliver
ed from car. Our legular terms (pay
ment 10th of month following date, of
delivery) will apply. Pi.att & Pukes.
The towns and cities in Nebraska as
k rule are making .progressive stride'
those days. It speaks volumes for the
enterprise as well as tho wealth anil
thriftiness iu these communities. Prom
all portions of Nebraska comes tLe
same report increasing building ac
tivity, trade Hiul business expansion
and town and municipal improve
incuts. This all taking placo with so
much war and turmoil iu the Old
World is to say the least something
quito remarkable, and not bo remark
able, either, when ono considers tho
wealth and resources of this, one of
the greatest producing states iu the
union. Hastings Daily Republican.
Lewis Gives Good Show
On Monday evening the W. F. Lowls
Stock Company, which has been mak
ing i ogular yearly visits to our city for
the past several years, opened tho sea
son horo for u week's engagement, In
their tent erected north of tho mill.
Tho opening play was entitled. Why
Girls Leave Home," ami was a good
clean, rural drama. Tho specialties
between acts were all ucw, anil tho
large crowd which taxed the tent to
Its full seating capacity, had only
words of praise for the play ami
The company is giving an enti o
change of program each night, and the
plays put on have all been well chosm
ami of such a nature as to merit the
largo crowds who havo witnessed them.
Their featuro play, "Dora Tliorne," Is
to be given on tomorrow evening, anil
a matinee on Saturday afternoon is
also announced as homo of tho leading
attractions of the week's engagement
Mr. Lewis, together with every
member of his company, pot&c-s a
pleasing person lUty, their entertain
ments are as good, if not better than
thou often seen at a big prtce,i!isomu
of tin) large tlieatios of a city, nnd
the LmvU Stock Company, will ever
be welcome to the city.
Si 3 zafit'L.
Mrs O. C. Tecl was In Hastings
0 fKxr Granite ware sale Saturday nt
Variety Store.
Mrs. Dave Kaley spent Tuesday and
Wednesday In Hastings.
J. A. Burden and wife and J, A. Brad
ford and wife were in Hastings Wednes
day. Mrs. W. A Miiynard returned homo
from Council Bluirs Monday night
where she had boeu visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Wilson came down
from McCook Saturday to visit his
mother, Mrs. John Wilson, who Is very
Harvey Rlckerson returned from
Missouri Thursday evening where he
had beou visiting his father who was
very ill
The Misses Cecllo Thornton nud
Louise Schumacher spent Saturday In
Franklin with the hitter's sister, Mrs.
Adam Morliavt, who fractured his
leg sometime ago, was down town
Tuesday for tho tlrst tinio since the
Tho W. R. C. will meet Saturday ut
'J:ao p. m. Let every member be pres
ent as there is important business to
be transacted.
J. D. and Wright McLaughlin of
Grand Island have purchased the Hol
land Hotel of Win. Reeves and have
taken charge of the sumo.
Mrs. Ida Squires has moved her
music studio to E. W. Coplou's resi
dence and will bo thero from Tuesday
till Thursday of each week
Miss Laura Hedge, who has been
teaching school southeast of Franklin,
closed u very successful term Friday
and returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Marshall of
Laurel, Maryland, arrived iu the city
Sunday to visit relatives, the P L.
Hansen, Will Holmes and Cluis. Put
nam families.
Rev J. L. lleboe was iu Cowles Sun
day where ho delivered an address on
the subject, "Church Union" to tho
Congregational and Christian churches
of that place.
Maitlaud Lump Coal for May delivery
7.'2o per ton, iu full loads delivered
from car. Our regular terms (payment
10th of month following date of deliv
ery) will apply. Plait & Fiikks.
O. I). Hedge, II. J. Maurer, Uoscoc
Wecsucr, Wilbur Hamilton and Henry
Gilliam went to Lincoln, Monday
iiiornlcir, to attend tlio A O. U. W.
grand lodge which convenes there this
The Lebanon Hour mills whp have
been hauling tlioir Hour tn this city'
with mules, have given tho mules a
rest, and they now transport the stall
of life to this city in a large ,auto
mobc truck. j
Commencing the first of June trains
Nos. 4 and 11, now running between
here nud Hastings, will be run thru to
Oxford, which will change the time of
its departure from tills city for Hast
ings. Miss Busliie Tulley, a representative
of tho state university at Lincoln, has
charge of the Senior class of tho high
school nud is training them for their
class play which is entitled "Christo
pher Junior" and will be given nt the
open house on class night, May -'iltli,
Eli tor Hosmer of tho Commercial
Advertiser Is going around this week
with one of his eyes bandaged up on
account of having 11 sty on it. Bro.
Hosmer has certainly had his share of
8 ckuess lately ami we are glad to note
that he gradually getting able to take
up his duties again.
General Manager Hurl., Commercial
Superintendent Madison both of Liu
co n, District Superintendent Johnson
and Tralllo Chief Sluyter of Hastings
of the Lincoln Telephone it Telegraph
Co , were in tho city Wednesday after
uoon looking over tho plant here.
The band boys havo been successful
in securing the services of l'rof) BeU
of Rod Cloud, to take charge as leader
of the band where Prof. Peteis left olf.
We uie of the opinion that the boys
should consider thomsolves very fortu
nate iu securing the services of Mr.
Bet, and that they could not have
found a more able man iu the state of
Nebraska to study under and we hope
they will retain him as long as he can
bo had. He gives them Tuoday night
of each week which is as much time as
the average boy in town and country
can well spuro during tho summer
mouths and pel haps the same might bo iring the school mouths, Bladen
The Invitations for the graduating
exercises of tho class of 1015 of the
R:d Cloud High School are out. The
class consists of twenty eight boys and
girls, ull of whom exhibited good busi
ness judgement iu selecting this ofllco
to furnish them tho job. Tho Invita
tion, itself, is engraved, the work being
done by the N C. Leary Co of Omaha,
as no otllcc lu this city Is equippod for
such work. The program for Com
mi ncemeut Week, being printed, was
din o here. Tlit-so two, the invitation
a d program, mo enclosed iu a neat
cover on which is embossed, "Class
o l!)ir" together with two sets of en
velopes, milking a highly creditable
piece of work an I one which pleased
The l'roitlext Baby will teeelvM u i-nld ring, ami Its mother
will receive a 'i plec- dinner so mi M,"0 i It uister Coupons; second
prize, 8,000 Booster Con, mis; ilnr.l iiz. ij.itio Booster Coupons;
fourth prize, 1,000 Rooster Uuiihui: llf h ,. zeJ 0(H) Booster Coupons.
The mother of each baby entered m uls contest will be given
1,000 coupons, which may be counted on iho ring and dinner-set anil
also for a Booster on tho grand prize.
To each person over six years of ago who registers at tho store
during the Baby Show will be given Wo Booster Coupons. To each
person registering who makes a piirohaso of 1 00 or morn at tho
time of registering will be given 1,000 extra coupons besides the
regular coupons from the purchase.
Boosters, get all your friends to register Seo that every baby
In tho whole community Is entered iu this contest, anJ got tho thou
hand Booster Coupons from Its mother.
Which Is tho Prettiest Baby lu this community We aro un
able to tell ami wouldn't dare to toll oven If we could Evory baby
Is pretty, so we'll havo to take a vote on It. During tho Baby Show
any person casting Booster Coupons for a Booster may wrltoou the
back of the coupons the name of tho baby for which ho or sho Is
voting. The baby for which he or she Is voting will be given tho
number of votes Indicated on tho face of tho coupons.
1. Every baby is pretty, therefore every baby may eutor this
2. Tho baby show is limited to babies LESS than four years
ut ago.
H, Each baby entered must be brought to tho store at somo
time during this show.
4. To each baby who is present at the store on the last day
of the baby show will bo crcdltod 10,000 votes on tho
ring. (This lo.Ooo votes counts only on tho ring and
dinner-set for that baby, and not for any Booster.)
.1. Standings of babies will bo posted each Monday.
The BABY COXIEST begins Monday, May 17th, and closos
Saturday, June l'Jth, when the ballot box will be closed and tho
votes counted.
On Saturday closes tho one big oiror for Free Booster Coupons.
Take advantage of It for your favorite Booster.
Jhe Qomden-JCaley Glot,)in9 G-
fa Thla ! the most Important Advertisement I, Ever 'Ctfuied to b 5
ruDiisntra. neaa every wora-ma inen nerveu
On a personal visit to Mr.' Hotiry Ford by one of hfs agents the
subject of a possible August 1st Rolmto was approached (Tho Ford
Company unm uncoil last year that if their total .ales reached .100,000
cars between August t, Mill, and August 1, 19if, filch purchaser
during that porlod would receive back a refund of SI0 to SCO.)
I then said to Mr. Ford: "If I could make u dHlnlte refund state
ment we would increase our local sales fi00 cars." "You may say,"
was Mr. Ford's deliberate-and significant reply to this "You may
say that wo shall psy back to each purchaser of a Ford car between
August 1; 1011, and Auuust 1, 11)15. barring the unforeseen, the sum
of 850 You may say that I authorized you to make this statement!',
Ford Touring Care for $400 less the $50 Rebate F. 0. B. Debate
Ford Runabouts for $440 less the $40 Rebate F. 0. B. Detroit
Rod Cloud
"Life insurance increases the stability of the business
world, raises its moral tone and puts a premium upon
those habits of thrift and saving which are so essential to
the welfare of the people as a body."
Legal Reserve Policy
from tho Travelers' Insurance Company of Hartford, you do not buy
agents' estimate-, uncertain dividends (rofiiuds) and disappointments
in your old age. Travelers Policies aro guaranteed throughout.
Do you want to speculate on your family's protection?
Geo. ML VanCamp, Agent
(Over Store) 's Clothlnft Store)
PHONES: Ind. 341 and 17,1 Bell 12B
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
Fancy and Stable Groceries n
Best Prices Paid
I Walter W. Marshall I
Red Cloud,
III i aaaaBasBSBteC'A lirilllllira.lffllllllllllllPillllll'i!!1!1!!""1! O aaaj . Ill
lj-ffilLVa9 Sii'SiiffiiiliiKiJ.,.! SS'iMLaLEsJ
Qulde Rock
For Butter and Eggs
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