1 RED GLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ; I ! ;1 I FOR THOSE WHO CARE POWELL BROS. POOL AND BILLIARD PARLOR r Pedestal and Jardiniefs CALL IN AND ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking Red. Cloud Nebraska v A MAN IS SAS'rTHB POOD -essso -mmm- vses-- The. better the food the healthier' !thc .man. Every man, if he values hiitjself. insists on pure, good, sweet butter and on really fresh eggs. Our reputation for sell ing fine butter and eggs is perfectly well established in this community. Our gro ceries are the best in town for the money. jA GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER j n,n i, P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE 9a M33m S9S9MMHI S9S9 Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING 'LHDY HTTENDRNT Calls Answered Day or Night ED. ANACK ALL THE PHONES g IF YOU WANT THAT f) I Monument - Marker - Headstone I FOR s DECORATION DAY You Should Place OVERlflG BROS. & GO. 2 Makers of Artistic Monuments I A New and Up-to-Date - Line of - Cigars and Tobacco Now is the time to buy Jardiniers and Ped estals for the flowers. Why not buy the earth enware Jardiniers and pedestal to match. You can set the earthenware Pedestal on the porch or in the yard. Weather has no effect on them. They are both useful and ornamental. SEE THEM v AS GOOD HE FEEDS ON & GROCERY McFARLAND BUILDING 8 Your Order Now THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. HUBLIBUBD EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the I'ontofllce nt lied Cloud, Nob. as Second Clan Matter1 V M. McAKTIIUK l'UllMSIIKIt THE ONLY DKMOOHATIU 1'AJ'KH IN WKHHTKH COUNTY The court house grounds havo been staked out for tho construction of Inner sidewalks find curbing. Plans arc made for the grading ot tho grounds and wlion completed we will have us lino a court house nnd grounds ns we could wish. Vlbitorn still praise the appcaranco of tills building itnd it is the concotibiis of opinion that we got our motley's worth. , This country now feels assured that w have a man in the president's chair who is able to guide the ship of stato in this tho worst of all storms. Presi dent Wilson deserves tho esteem of all our citizens for tho cillcicnt manner In which he has kept us out of tho Euro pean dlfllcultics. This country does not want war. Wur seems devasta tion as we can easily see by looking at the countiics of Europe. It will take fifty years to recover from the de struction already mado. Wc are n peace loving nation. We do not want to be dragKed into war or forced into war and Woodrow Wllbon kuows that and Is doiiiK his utmost to keep us from tho consequeuces of war. The nation's honor can be upheld In the great majority of cases by other means than war. War is the labt resort and this nation desires to keep clear of that. Sub-marine torpedo boats are the progressive idea of tho burning ships used in our Civil war. They are more certain, more destructive. It was a foregone conclusion that sooner or lator some of the larger passenger carrying vessels should become vljtims of the sub-marine. When tho Lust tanlu went down the shock was not so great because of the warnings that had been issued. Americans who sailed on that vessel knew thus they were tak ing their lives in their hands and they took the risk. Some of thorn did not believe the warnings mount anything because the ship was so largo biit tno fact is that there is not even ti war vessel big enough or strong enoiigh to withstand tho action of otie Of these torpedoes'. As to' whether the attack ing party was criminally guilty or not remains yot to bo learned for all tho evidence is not yet in. During the progress of war all kinds of alarms are sent out and it is for us to wait until we have all the cvidencu before us befoic wo form an opinion one way or the other. KANSAS PICKUPS (I'roiu Smith County) Tweedo Shrader and family uto Sun day dinner at Hurt Payne's P. M. llrowu nnd family spent Sun day at the home of John Humes. Doll llrowu and family were Sunday vlhltois at the home of Oliver Noble. Mrs. Tom Heath of Canadian, Texas, is visiting at the home of lieit I'ajne this week. tjitito a number of tho young people of Oriole attended church tit Mt. Hope Smi'lii) evening. Mr. J. C. Peterson was called to his old home in Uuionville, Iowu, to the bed-bide of his aged father who is seri ously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Shad low of Aliiiena. aro hero spending a few davs with their daughter, Mis. llariy llrowu and family. C. W. Hooper and family were Sun day visitors at the homo of E. E. Spur rier's and all went to Oilole tor Sunday School and church. We hail frost a couple of nights last week hut it did not seem to d.tiiumo anything. We have line prospects for a mm crop, (iiirdeiih look good ami some of tho farmers have their coin planted. Mr.s. (ieitrude Price has returned home after spending last week In Topeka, attending the state Sunday Seliool convention. Shu was sent as tho delegate fioui the Oriole Sunday School and will have her leport readv to give to tho school next Sunday Let ovorybody come and hear It. Duekervlllo was well represented nt tliu home talent play at the onera house at Lebanon labt Friday evening. Those who attended were E E Snur- rler, wife and duiurhtur. Melbu. r'av Upp, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. I.annigain Mr. and Mis. CliiTord Keavis, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mays and Dulcle Payne. . . FurniiLouiis At best rales and teims to be hud In this state. Call for me at Stato Hank of Red Cloud. C. F. Cathkr. Program For Memorial Sunday On Sunday, May 23d at 10 o'clock a m. all soldier and sailors of the Civil and Spanish American wars and mem bers of tho W. R C. will meet nt the O. A. R. hall and from thero they will march to the opera house at 11 o'clock where union services will be held. Music Choir Invocation lev. Myers Mude Choir Address k,.v. Hummel DECORATION DAY On Mny .'list all comrades of tho G. A. U. and members of the V R. U. with all soldiers of the Spanish Ameri can war will meet at tho O. A. It. hall at 1 o'clock where line of march com manded J. D.Crans, O. D., and J A. McCracken, Color Hearer, will form on Webster street and match south and west to the cemetery, headed by the Red Cloud band. Details will be as signed by Post Commander and Presi dent of tho W 11. C., to decorato graves oi comrades and members ot the W. R. C Tho line of march, will then form and march to the opera house where tho following program wil be given: Music Rod Cloud Hand Invocation Rev. Myers Music High School Orchestra Reading "Lincoln's Address nt Gettysburg" Chaplajn Doyco Music choir Recitation Gladys Renfro Flag drill Gir8 Reading) List of Dead Comrades S. II. Klzor Recitation Ueatrloo McKelghau Music High School Orchestra Address rv. Heebe Address p.j. Munday Sontr "America" Audience Henedictlou Rev. Myers District Court Proceedings Elizabeth Harlan v Henry Harlan. Docreo of divorce for plalntiir. Lizzie Hastings v Ray Hastings. Di vorce for plaintiff. Lucy M. Stonebreaker efcal v S. C. Shuck et al. Decree of foreclosure. Luclle E. Wheeldon v Riley C. Wheel don. Divorce for plaintilf. Drovers & Merchants Rank v Win. Roats. Judgment revived. Phoebe Cook v John L. Christian et nl. Motion to strike application for receiver sustained. Special Pictures At The Tepee Manager Geo. Warren of the Tepee, announces that he has contracted for four sets of motion pictures from the world Film ' Corporation, oueiset a week to be exhibited hero beginning with Monday, May 17th. both after noon and evening. These pictures are tho best that can be obtained, and in contracting for the four sets, Mr. Warren Intends to give them a fair trial, ami ascertain if the theatre going public care for pictures of this class. The first of this class to be shown here Is the photo play, "Tho Seats of ttie Mighty," bv Sir Gilbert Pinker. and Is pronounced by critics as being the most ambitious photo piny iu America. Owing to the .fact that the securing of thee pictures is just that much additional expense, the regular service being contracted for by the year and tho films having to be paid for whether shown or not, Mr. Warren has tult obliged to charge the small sum of five cents additional for tho evening show, but giving the public it chance to seo the pictuies, at the rogiilar prices iu tho afternoon at I o'clock. Mr. Warren is certainly sparing no pains iu his endeavor to please his patrons and the fact that Ills effort b aro not iu vain is proven by the large patronage the Tepee enjoys . m Railway Commission Favors Lincoln Telephone Co. The State Railway Commission has rendered an opinion In the Red Cloud telephone case. In lDlO the Fanners Independent exchange made a deal with the Lincoln Telephone company whereby the latter was to run its toll lines in on tho fouuci's switch boaid. It asked permission to use its own switchboard hiuI to trunk across a connection with tho independent company's switchboard. This the commission permits, finding that it is for the better soi vice of both companies Tho Independent company objected, betting up tho contract and aiguiug that it put their subscribers to a dis advantage in toll business. State Journal. Tho change which does not apply to the local service, only the toll service, was made here Monday, with appar ently no hard feelingb, wo are pleased to announce. Alfalfa Seed SG.50 Per Bushel This seed is colored but most of will grow us well us tho best. C., PL.vrr. Spring Con ts ut S." and up at Mlnei's. NEW MATERIALS . t0m. &r -. j ft i!v i 'ma ii - vw .-- x. -j rmM BEAUTIFUL AS A NEW. BRIGHT RAINBOW ARE OUR NEW SPRING MATERIALS. JUST COME IN AND SEE THEM. YOU WILL LIKE THEM: YOU WILL BUY THEM. WE ARE CAREFUL IN SELECTING OUR TRIM MINGS. AND WE KNOW HOW TO HELP YOU "MATCH" GOODS AND TRIMMINGS SO THAT YOUR COMPLETE COSTUME WILL BE STYLISH AND HARMONIOUS. WE NEED ONLY TO TELL OUR CUSTOMERS THAT OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE. THOSE WHO ARE NOT OUR CUSTOMERS NEED ONLY TO COME IN: THEY WILL BECOME CUSTOMERS. The Miner Bros. Co. 3TYour Moneys Worth in Your Purchases When You Trade at Our Store. S J Don t Miss Sunday SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1915 UNITED CHURCH J. L. BEEBE, Pastor 1st Door East of Court House j SPECIAL MUSIC Moral Regeneration--Or Change of Heart , (Morning Subject) Short Address on "The Horrors of War" (By Jas. Gllham) The Cause of the Present War in Europe Evening Subject) I Men s Bible Class Meets Sunday 1 0 a. m. nm n m emu ""i w i bjsshhiim l!!llll!!iP"nWf"l,i ""X -. IIIIIISIlMiliiilUllllllil'lli, i.ZC? vr AH This in Your s A TIM y,ji 1 c. faa'6-&eof Kt These are the features that mark Warner Oualitv This is what ye can offer you in a corset for SI nnrl this is: wnv wn tn ,-, 1 nr JT' tj ii fi p -i ' " n.-iAinuuumi warners Rust Proof Corsets. Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent For " Outterick Patterns - Warner Bros. Corsets llliinium'HiimMmiiH'ii'i'HiPHiit".... .".THY US FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRlflTlfiG.-. One of These Services! Hi I .ii'..ii.ii!iiiuiiL.j:w,iJl t U'mwirti'mntit t . ii. ... . . -w .. .11 ,11 . . IIIU;Ul,ij,i ,, i Corset For $1.00 1. Soft cloth guaranteed not to tear. 2. All metal parts guar anteed rust-proof. 3. All metal parts guar anteed not to break 4. Rubber button hose supporters. 5. Thin double boning. C. Double interlinings. 7. Flexible clasp. 0. Attractive trim. ri 9. Comfortable support. 10. Fashionable design. '.'"..'uiUlliililllllllllil..lllllli.ii,,.,. J ii s" 1fc -v is i kH 4' IWrWX3C6. -.A fe i -,.'-i.li- -r i4'r