mmm . JK "V .H 1 1 1! JM t C m sttuo iiisioitc.! l ly m , . I Ai f'Z m 1 . 1 :niTltfi, -' -"3 A,iii!Zr IrfrSSg?1 ?ggliBt!!SSa?S3Ba3Vgiat?. ,, ttr-gsa- -irj-ywyr gn sow,.,,. Sfefctf- " -- mm m fesni.:.. srBTBiK-' H-:.,i.ruBfckji miW A Ncwspaprx That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME i:3 nwnuMuavi RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAY 1, 115. NUMJ5ERU0 0 Franklin H. S. Team Defeats Red Cloud ANYONE CAN DRIVE AN OVERLAND The electric control buttons on the clash start, stop and light it. Nothing could be simpler. No other arrangement could be as convenient. The long wheel base, large tires and underslung rear springs insure complete comfort on the road at all times. The high tension magneto means dependability under all conditions. The Overland is, in every sense, an all-around family car. It was designed to make driving and riding comfortable. In no other car can you get so many comforts and conveniences unless you pay a much higher price which is absolutely unnecessary. Model 81 $850 F. 0. B. Toledo James Peterson Red Cloud T G 3ME Guide Rock 3 1 1C FENCE POSTS NOW IS THE TIME Tennesse Red Cedar Rounds Wisconsin White Cedar Quarters, Halves and Rounds "Inquire About the 'Bull Dog Fence Anchor' ' THE DULONE-AVEBY GO. "Let Us Solve Your Fence Post Worries" l HI mi Help Us Pick The Most Popular Girl in Red Cloud The best qualified people'we know of to settle this momentous question are folks who carry the FOUNTAIN PEN Every owner of a Parker Pen is entitled to one vote for every cent the pen costs. A $2.50 pen will count for 250 votes a $4 pen for 400 votes and so on. Every one who purchases a Lucky Curve Pen of us during the contest gets double votes. Ask us for folder giving rules of contest. The winner ot the contest will receive a beautiful pearl and gold mounted 57.00 Parker Lucky Curvo Fountain Pen as a prize. J ! Contest ends June 15. Read the rules and go to it. Watch our windows for daily records. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist On lust lVuliiy itf lui noon tho Flunk Mil llitfh .School hull tt'tini ctosscd huts. vjtli tin- loci I I i Ik I behool loam ;m (I do fo 11 id them hi it lUtle.s-, game by it seoto of 11 to 11. Thu Koil Cloud team entered tho tfiime en or confident liy thu tliuiblvi! defeat of Cowles on thu foiu part of the week, mid together with looiu playing and Inability to hit in times of need eiiusod their defeat. Gros enois by Kidd and Lindloy were Responsible for scvuinlhcoics and weie t le tui tiiir of several batting inllies by the Frank Unites. iMolkle pitched for Fiankliti and was touched for eleven hits and eight fieu ti ip- to tlrbt base l'oltilclcy ami Gigor both hit tho leather for home inns w illu 1'opo was content with 11 two b.i3'tfor. rriiiiklin utilised Zelbs to with diaw in the fourth inning after he had been touched for blx lilt-. l'olniuky llnihhing the game allowing only u six hits and had the game won only to have it thrown away on passed balls and enois In the ninth. The locals have the material for n btroug tuutn and with a little woihing together would develop a strong team, hiving a strong line of hitters and slab urtibts. Fi Iday's game proved tho fact t mt the boys were not capable of tak ing all chances offered them by their opponents. Stupid base running lost them at least three runs and would h ivo turned the game lut(a different bcoie. Bono the midget short stop of tho visitors was the btar of that aggre gation in both Holding mid batting, his WJrk in tho short Hold being remark able, while at the pluto he connected for thteo safe blows out of live times up. We have n few words to say o 1 the oiUuiatiiiK of tho Franklin umpire, if he could be cnllad one after four inn ings of sublime elfoits towards his own team was requested to leave tho Held and his successor tho Professor from Fianklin helped matters little. Thoy ofllciatcii in a manner that drow only tho jeeis from tho crowd and while their duties as umpiring bases was only 11 small part of theofllciating It caused n good deal of hard feelings. Any Red Cloud runner who stealing bases was a sine out if the visiting umpire saw him. The following is the score: 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 0-U H E Franklin. ,3 1 1 !! 0 u II 3 4 H 12 5 Red Cloud.. 1 2 112 3 10 0-11 11 1) Batteries FrHnklln: Monkte, Ream and Jastrum. Red Cloud: Zeiss, Pol nicky and I'ichler. Umpiro Hassinger for Red Cloud. Editors And Preacher Address Business Men! The t'oinmeicial Club met Tuesday at the Royal hotel, tor lis logular monthly discussion of matters that re late to the w el fine of Red Cloud. After an elegant live eouise "feed," which only tho Royal knows how to h'fvt, F. j Maurei as toastmastor liitrod iced A B. MeAithiir of Tho Chief. Tho I'ditoi, after a few happy lematks as to his ortorleal abilities, s.irung a manuscript and gave his homers many ideas as to, "The Value of Ad ei Using" He explained how it was not the long wordy advertisement that peoplo lead, but it is tho ad that ii light to the point that people notice. In speaking further 01. the subject Mr McArthur said that if nieichunts would udveitlso as conslstentlv as Sears A. Saw buck, eto , that they would get better letiirns. Editor V. 1) Edson of tho Argus, seemed to have gotten his "foot iuto it" last week by publishing what ho would do with 6100 if he had it. Tho Commercial Club walled on him inl ine (lately, ami he explained all in a lucid and convincing manner, taking as his bubjeot, "How Cau SIU0 l!c Spent To llest Advantage For Tho Good of The City." Mr. Edson bald that what Red Cloud needed was co operation, with the fiii'tiiots in the vi cinity fit Red Cloud. Ho said that the farmers did not care for our smokers nud foods, but were iuteicsted in good roads, and that if we cou'd raise this mouoy the people in the rural districts would soon Hud our wares and come to our town. Rev. J.L. Ileobo was next iutioduced and made many beneficial and in structive suggestions 011 tho subject, "How and What To Advertise." He explained tho history of advertising, and said that it was over 3000 jeurs ago that tho first ad was put out to tho public. Mr. lloebe gave many in stances where cities had impioved their business by judicious advertising. James Mitchell, W. I). Edson and Walter Miushall wero appointed to make arrangements for tho June meeting of tho club. In this week's Issue will be found the annual report of City Cleric O. C. Teel, which for luck of spBco wc wero unable to.publlsh last weok. Mrs. Geo. Harris was operated on this week in Hastings and hor many friends hope for her speedy recovery. r i 0 UUUUUIIIIIlll! .jMiUuuuamij HBNRY COOK, M. D. ii:am:ii in DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES J We Pat It UpToYoa QJffii DEAR MADAM:-- Ask yourself a question or two and answer them fairly and squarely. Then figure if you are getting what's com ing to you in the way of dress. Do your dresses look as at tractive as some of your friends and neighbors, who pay the same price? Does the material put in your dress have the quality that you pay for? If you get the right goods at the right prices you are bound to overcome a lot of dilliculties. We are showing a beautiful line of Summer Dress Goods and Trimmings, and we are sure we can please you. Our time against yours will you look? Roscoe P. Weesner & Co. r N A Great Line of J mamma Straw Hats Silk Hats Oxfords Shirts Trousers Suits L Pay Cash and Get Stamps : : PAIL STOREY The Clothier WE REQUEST THE PLEASURE Of conferring with you as to youi Account. While adhering to a policy of safety and con servatism, we make it a point to give to our customers close personal attention and an in telligent recognition of their needs. If the highest character of personal banking service ap peals to you wo shall esteem it a favor to be honored with a visit from you. v WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA capital I "I'TVii '' iipiiii'f rail mi!" "1 ITiffFllllIIIP'lIBi1' i'1'11 ill k '. !. I j lli I I'lli'll Lu J liuyiiittliyillLI'lii ii' iu If "J.JJIi"' u Ll il. ' DE NTIST R. V. NICHOLSON ALL WORK DONE WITH LEAST PAIN POSSIBLE PRICES REASONABLE ALL WORK POST1VELY GUARANTEED tS'OFFICE OVER ALBRIGHT'S 9TORC , 4i f-0 WJ M, i i , 1 K ilr ft f t .,& i ', j w 'i i.'.ix? TO ii t . t f ,.in tw -; r I J mi 'mi is, J! HHIIIIIilllilllllllllllllllllllilllinilinill!!!!!! u'ifti'SJiUiitMHi'uinjiuiiiUiiifiiiiintJ'iirKJsuini'UiLiii!!:!!';!:.!: tLtit'jmrusnjiJi'imiinriiiir idiu:;u::::'IUuu'UlJu;:J!:Ill!i!!lMIIul:i:M::tj:IilfllL:!ij!lL:iIlLfI;J:JvJI:iMllJIlUlEii- U Mr 1W fc- . lfcMrtfirr wim' K-mt -m - JfK T - V i "W jHMMmr ma j j (H jii. ' JitiiiiiiliTf' Tl'HTTfTfl jjRiiUMlMJUll''Mili1'tri'ni HM?r"'' ''P'l '".''I'l'.'T L!TrT?ririlLL-L-l -Z .. . -. .. .a iM.lHWiyMllllMlllllll'll ygFppgi