iMWtir&X?XtiNtt Ji RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF . j i1 Mumnwi !:. lj-j r i - .. ,. , , ,, ,,,. f i I 7 " . I 4 (r '; I" .X I ssSS3SiosS5!S NO ALUM in DrPRICE'S BAKING POWDER illtiiii HOME NEWS Bulletin of Tho Week's Doings Ladies' Suits at Miner -at $10 and up John Havel wu in Hastings I'rlibt; . Iloy Mmsli whs up from Guide UooU Tuesday evening. $50,000 tu Iciiui on real otitic security. L. P. Alimuiht. Hrlng in vour croiuti ami liny coal. J. O. Cildwell. Tho Host of Shoes "tjuooiJ'iality"at Miner Uros ( o. Frank Cowdon was in Palisade this week on business. Have you seen thiwlluo spring Shoe nnd Oxfords at Miner Itros Co.'. Miss Irene Pegg returned homo from Lincoln Saturday evening. I)r Reno of Superior spent Sunday in tills city with Dr. R. K. Camp. "Why Girls Lento Home," at tho big tent, Monday, evening, May loth John Wolfe spent Friday and Sat tiriluy in Sutton visiting relatives. You will see n Rood clean show at the big tent, Monday evening, May 10 Order your Lettuce. Radishes. Celery and other vegetables from Miner llros Co. Are you going'.' "A here! To see the Lowis Stock Co Monday evening, May loth. I am. Glen Foe and Howard Yot spent a few days last week in Lindoln visit ing friends. Mrs. Bessie Andprson of Omaha ar rived In the city the last of the woi It to visit her mother. Miss Flossie McKimmcy went to Guide Rock Monday morning fur u short visit with friends. County Superintendent Miss t ! i -trudo L. Coon, returned homo from Lincoln tho last of tho week. Spring Suits! Spring Cunts! Spring Skirts! Spring Dress (iood-! Kteiy thing now for Spiinir at Miner Bros. :Co. City Marshal (Jrant Uhri-tv and Sheriiro. I) Hedge, after a diligent search all day Tuisday, taken into custo ly on Tuesday evening, a mile cast of the Damerell ranch, as they were, presumably, on their way to Kansas, Maggie Glenn, 1' lua l'.rsois, JJoss Barnes and Tom Maekey. The arrets were made on iiipiest of the sherill' of Franklin oounU. who holds a tvnrrunt for Tom Mickey, ln being charged with enticing joimu girts utvuy from homo. The (''imiltiin enmity the -nine evening for the quartette. The ghA uro ubout 15 and 10 jours of age. iftiPAon I r "mmmmmmMM Want better tea? Want tea with a finer flavor? Want that flavor guaran teed? Then ask for gfa0&2SP TEA 'The Kind With theFlavtn" Try a package today. F. G. Turnure & Son SERVICE FIHST Remember We Give S. & H. Green Stamps XSv II "s t u' Coats Ml S.i an I uput Miner's. A .1 HniRir was up funn Outdo Illicit 'A e ii. f . ..i , l. i . levilie heuwen acts tti li t'l L vl Si ,!!, o '. l ..I ll 11 111 I I il t,MtU III it Oil iut'i(! ,i , ,i,il.,'i io. itlcnoc uii Locust sit" t, t ir spline "Ok I' -U ies li irii :i- Iv '"I ml they i.e..uilis - Til" Bids Slim" Siure. I', te. ,-iten anil r,. ,.( Blue Hill spe t .'i.L. ....,) i.i iuia ui.y wuli Bd, A . i'-k and wife BiiV a si' ll-ket ftir The Lewis Stock Co and save money. Seo big ad in this piper for prices. '.In tu Miner Bros, Co, for all yotn wants in Women's Wear and in Ury Goods, Groceries mid Shoes, Roy Jones of Clay Center arrived in the city Saturday evening to visit his wife and her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Uriirelh. On Monday Ed. A mack purchased Howard Wilt's undertaking business nt Guide Roek and removed tho stock to his establishment hero. Mrs. J. O. Llndley assumed chnrgo of her stand on Webster street anil Fourth avenue, on Saturday, mid Charley is again at the helm. Rev Beebe is in Beaver City today attciidinga convention of the Christian churches of tho Sixth distrlot. Ho will deliver an address on church union before that meeting During tho baud concert on last Thursday evening, Eugene, son of Mr. a id Mrs. I). X. Bush, was thrown by one of his young companions, falling in such a way as to fracture his arm. The last of tho week the Malone Avery Co. moved their- ollleo building into the street, and will commence the O.'ectiou of it new pressed biick build ing, HJ'n.Vid, this week, which will bo u credit to that firm as well us the en tiro jity. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Saladeti have re Cudved word that Hazel Siladen, who is attending the MoPherson McPnersuii. Kausts, has been chosen to represent that college in a vocal contest to be held in Wichita this week. The contest will be taken part in by colleges from all over the state of Kmisas. Miss Hazel left Monday for Wiohifi Tho following is the wiather report for l he mouth of Aptil, as furnished by Voluntary Observer Clias. S. Lud low: mean tompeiature, .is'; maximum teinperatiiio, S! date 2S; minimum tompiTituro, S.'i, date '.'; total precipi tation, i 1!) indies; total snowfall, none; number of days, clear, lo; partly cl Mdy, ."5; c-'omly, 10; dates of light frost, 1 'J ;ij date of hail, "I; thunder h' pint-', tth; diieetiou of prevailing wi d. southwest; rainfall tlnce Jan uary 1, 7 15 inches. am mj4Ba George Holt was down from Cowles Tuesday afternoon. Mrs..!. A. Tul leys left Wednesday morning for Denver. Al Aultz and Tress Harwood wtro Hastings vWltois Wednesday. George VanCatnp returned homo from Omaha Wednesday morning. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill w s In town this week attending dis trict cum t . Attorney It. 13. Sutherland of Xelon was iu town this week attending dis trict eoiirt. Mrt. MoKeeby dentil ted Tuesday evening for Olney Sptings, Colorado to v s t her son Fred. The business men will hold their monthly banquet at the Royal hotel Tuesday, May 11th. Rev Myers went to Bladen Wodnos. day to attend the county Sunday school it pivetulo'i, Rev t'olo was up from Guide Roek Wednesday ov. Mug attending the Bap 1 1st leviVill meeting. Ouiiiu in and see ur Euim.t Lou Tennis shoes also Saudnls for all of people. - Tile I'j.ii Shoe Store. Oar tent is new and is water pi oof We also o.irry our own electric light p mil with Tho Lewis Slock Co. The Red Cloud High school and Fr.itiklin High school base ball teams will cross bats here Friday afternoon al i o'clock. Go out and see the game. Judge Duiigan and Couit Reporter Band of Bastings came down Mon day and arc holding an equity term of district court hero this week. Mrs. James Catlior returno I home the first of the week from California where she hail been on a sight seeing trip, which included the Exposition at San Francisco. "The Creation" will bo shown at the Tepee Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nnd Friday afikusoons. May 11, l'J, l.'l and 11th, only at I o'clock. Regular program at night show. Lloyd Bines loft for Baraboo, Wis consin, Saturday molding, where he will begin it tour of tho country with the Gollmars Bros. Circus, otllclatlng iu the capacity of bass diutnmer. L. B. McKimmey, who has been visiting in thiseity for tho past two months with his son, W. 11. AtcKim mey and family, left Saturday morn ing fur Blue Springs to visit miuthei son. The Misses Genevieve Robinson and Alice Fowler of Guide Bock wete the guests of Miss Mary Christian Tuesday evening. They left for Bladen Wednc.' day to attend the Sunday school con vention. Misses Gertrude Wullbrandt, Inez Llndsey, Georgetta Coon and Grace I3avis of tho Methodist Sunday school went to Bladen Wednesday morning to attend the county Sunday school convention. Owing to the bad weather the twelfth grade held their "sneak'' party In the building formerly occupied by Ed Amuck today. Juilging from the music they indulged in stepping the light fan titstio and also had an euj lyable time iu other amusements On Saturday evening a small fire was discovered iu 'he Argus ollleo under the stairway leading Io tho ollleo of Dr. Cross and the biazo was sonii put out. A cigar stub fell thru a crack iu the stairsteps and set liio to some waste that had gathered there. On Tuesd'iy afternoon the high school bull team I rout Cowles came down i li I cross, d hats with our local high school team. Our boys had on their hitting clothes nnd won thetame by a score of 1!) to 2. Vernon Zeiss was on the uiouud for our boys and Davis and lltitchliis wero the pitching stair tor the visltois. About thirty m 'tubers of tlio Guide lioc't loile ui-i opted .til invitation to vi-U the D'gieeof' linlife of this place on Tuescny cwniig. 1'he Red Cloud degree smtV Initi.ited sixteen catidldati-.s and ittur lo.lge closed llie.v put on the lane diill, which was fol io a i-l by a program consisting ol music, reudiius, etc. A louuiiftil spread was served and all re pot t having spent a very enjoyable evening. "Creation" foBe Shown At The Tepee Next Week Manager Geo. Warren of tho Topee, who is over alert iu seeming tho best obtainable iu tho moving picture world, for his patrons, announces thai ho has secured the photo drama, "Creation," which will bo shown at the Tepee at a special matinee at -t o'clock iu the attoruoou on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday uud Friday. May 11, 12, 1.1 and 11th The presentation of the drama com plete it qui res eight hours, each of the tour parts lasting two hours, but at the same time each part being so com plete iu itself, that it tnatteis little which you may seo first. Part 1 tiaces Creation from pre historic times to the Deluge and on to Abraham's time. Part II begins with Meluuisedec, leads through Israel's ex nerieuces to the Babylonian captivity. Part III extends from Daniel's time to Jesus' advent. His boyhood, ministry, sulfciluKS, resurrection and high ex ultation. Pai t IV reviews tho period from Pentecost through the "Dark Ages," und onward to our day, and by tho illumination of tho prophetic scriptures the future is pictured to us. Witnessing "Creation" we may see moving on tho canvas, with every semblance of reality, the outstanding figures of history, with whom reading mid study have made us familiar. Philosophers, statesmen, warriors, princes, potentates, scholars and artists pass in fascinating succession before our eyes, acting tho parts wh'cu were played by those churuutors when they wete on earth's stage iu actuality. We see the Garden of Eden as an ingenious imagination stimulated by Biblical lesearch pictures it for in. We view the stutely cltlesjof antiquity and their modern successors. Wo sweep over the world with ever increasing interest from the time of our remotest ances tors to the preseut as tho bcroll of history unrolls. Abh supp omnnting the combination of films, pictures and panoramas is a seiiesof led dies il-livcied by a pilot. o graph, wli h a clear an I uisiiiici. enun ciation, and timet so tliu they ac- coinpHiiy the pivseulat! II on the screen with prtcislou, Haling r Wmieii has auuoiiiii'iid that lie witUxlii -it these pictures at his regular prices. A1HW '4 BUi&autMiieaiKttGattMicm' School Board In Session On Monday llKt) Oi.oi I), Xi'.iut , May ,1, li),,. Regular meeting of the Hoard held lit the Washington building. Picsi ilent Henry Gilham presiding Mem bers present Coon, Blackledgo, Wees tier. Ovorlng. Mi mes of last meeting rend and up proved as read. superintendent gave monthly repot t. The teaeheis committee p'icseiiteil the following repiul: Red Cloud City Schools May ll. IPIft To the Boaid of Educatlou: Siippleiueitt al repoit of Teachers committee. Iu reference to tho selection of a teacher for Guide 8 left iinlllled at lite last previous meeting, weieport that since that tltno wo have had throe appllea lions for tho position: Miss Jessie Kellogg, present teacher, Miss Pearl Hherer and Miss Maile Jernbiirg. Tho educational qiiallllcatlous of all of them seem to be siiillclent, Miss Kel logg is the present teacher and the other two are graduates in former yours or the Red Cloud High School Upon vote of tho committee each can didate received one vote, wo theiefore report the matter to the board for its action. L II. Blackledgo 1 E. A. Crelghton f- Com. E J.Oveilng,Jr. ) Since formulating tho above report we have received further application from Guy Dunbar of lnavalc which Is herewith submitted. L. II IIi.acki.imkik, Chairman. Pearl Sherer by telephone from her mother to the piesldeut of the Board today has withdrawn her application. L II. Blackledgo, Chairman. Moved mid seconded that for com mencement we make rates and Is sii'ini'o of letters same as last year Motion carried. Oaths of olllce of C. J. Pope and C. E Cross members elect toco! veil and placed on lllo. Moved mid seconded that wo author ize those .students to be excused to at tend field meet who bring written ex cuses from their parents. Motion car ried. Ballot spread on application for 8th guide and resulted as follows: Miss Kellogg, A votes; Miss Jernbiirg, 1 vote; Guy Dunbar, I vote; Miss Kellogg wiih declared elected. The following bills were presented: American Book Co $11 8.1 W. C. Gilliam S 2(1 Retl Cloud Chief 7 00 Moved and seconded that the above bills be allowed. Motion carried. Moved mid seconded that this Board adjoin it slue die Motion carried, E. .1. Oveiing, .Ir , Secretary May:, nun. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment of old Board, Dr. Cross and C. J. Pope being new members piesont. Upon motion of Dr. Cross and seconded by Coon, L. II. Blackledge was appointed temporary chairman, ami C. J. Pone, sect etary. Organization of the Board resulted as follows' L. II. Bltioklodge Jpresident; (Jen. Coon, vice president; 0. J. Pope secretin y. Up ti motion Board adjourned to nnei the 17th iosl tit i o'clock p in. at ollleo or l,. II. Ulncklcdge. C J Pope, Sect etary Creation A ben ut if u I photo-diama iu four pal ts showing the story of the Croat ion from the beginning to tho present time will bo given at tdo Tepee, Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday mid Friday afternoons, m, j-j n.u ut i u,r,-Ar, (Afternoons onlj ) Admission 10 mil . cents. The tegular moving pictino piogram in the evening at 8 and !):'!! Don't fall to seo "Creation." It Is being shown all over the world It is beautiful and grand. Mrs. Alma J. McDonald Mis. Alma J Mi'Donuld, wif of Edward McDonald, died at Croon wood, Xebiaska, last Wednesday and lite remains were btoiight, to thiseity Friday evening for interment, Tho fuueial services were held at the Methodist church Saturday morning, Rev. Myers olileiating The deceased was 211 years of ago at the time of her demise, and was a daugliterof Mrs. Ed. Mimes, who resides east of Amboy. Besides her mother, several brothers, her husbiind and t wo sons are left io mourn her death. Tho Chief along with tho entire com munity extends sympathy to the bereaved relatives. ANNOUNCEMENT We have moved our fix tures from the Royal barber shop to the Geo. Fairfield shop, under the Tepee pool hall, which we recently pur chased. When in need of a first class hair cut, shave, shampoo or massage, sec us. HUNT BROS. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North ot Red Cloud Garage Graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phono lnd.212 ,watfcw'jmfchM'it .- - f'j-ii'.innit'fiVrrfi'yirf iTYiihritniTifTf - v - in - If eSS3 H CSSSni u u U Coupons! rliiiiiiiiiViiViiiu'iTuUi5i'iii'inni'hiyH Thousands of Them for the Friendyof listers BOOSTER COUPONS NEXT WEEK From Monday, May 10th, to Monday, May 17th we shall give double Booster Coupons on all cash purchases made. at. our store, also we shall give double coupons this week on settlements of ac counts. Come In. Bring your fiiiuuls In. Look over the bargains we are oliorlng. Please yourself. Favor Mime Booster with your coupons. Save hard earned cash. Are you getting those llfty coupons freo fiom each of your friends in the card contest'.' Iu order to reward tho most skilled wrlteis of cards in tho Post Card Contest, the Booster. Journal or Sprlngllold, III., will give to each of tho best ten wilters, who Is not. now a Booster, a non transferable coupon check for 11)0,000 Booster Coupons. This must be deposited for ynuiself iu the Booster Club Ballot Box. This chock with other Booster ominous you can collect, will enable you to win one of tho premiums that will lie given in tho Booster Club. On Saturday, next week, closes tho big oll'er for free coupons. Who will win tho watch Monday, .May !il. A big showing of new spring merchandise. Suits, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ties and Shirts in fact every thing a man or boy needs. Come in an inspect them. The Booster Store Jhe Qomden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo. m i This Is the (most Important Advertisement I Ever Caused to b Published. Rend Every Word and then Marvoll' On a personal visit to Mr. Henry Ford by one of his agents the subject of a possible August 1st RobHe was approached (The Foul Coinptny unit uncoil lust tear that if their to'al -ales reached .'l(X),H0 cars lie! ween August 1, Bill, and August I. H ' Ti . aeh purchaser during that period would receive bu"k a refund of J-'ltl to(iO ) I then said to Mr. Fori I: '-If I could uiuhcn dellui'e refund state ment we would iucteasii our lie al -ales fillU cars.-1 "You may say,"' was Mr Foul's deliberate add slgnlllcaul leply to this "You may suv that we shall p-v hack I ea"h purchaser i X a Ford etir between Aiitrust 1, ltd I, and Auu'tist I, I'.llfi. bui-rloL' the unfoieseett, the sum of S"ti You may say that I aiithori-'.oil you to make this statement!', Ford Touring Cars for 5-100-lens tho SCO Relmto Y. 0. B. Deboto Ford Runaboutn for 5440 leso tho 540 Rebate F. 0. B. Detroit JIMlfflkS PETERSON Red Cloud ... Gulcto Rock EX-PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT "Life insurance increases the stability of the business world, raises its moral tone and puts a premium upon those habits of thrift and saving which arc so essential to the welfare of the people as a body." WHEN YOU BUY A Legal Reserve Policy from the Travelers' Insurance Company of Hartford, you do not buy agents' estimates, uncertain dividends (refunds) and disappointments iu your phi age. Travelers Policies are guaranteed throughout. Do you want to speculate on your family's protection? Geo. N. VanCamp, Agent (Over Stern's Ulothlnft Store) THE OFFICE WHERE YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME PHONESi Ind. 241 and 173 Bell 128 3Bi.ils3 lJ!!lifflllliill!!!!lii!!ISffiffill!l S9-MI.In . I HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF I Fresh Vegetables and Fruits EVERY Fancy and Stable Groceries Best Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs U Walter W. Marshall I TSa1 Plnud . ltfAfnnolra III i BiBa. fSA ri!l)1'l!lllllll!'!ll'OilliMinilll'li,l!''ll""!'l "Bk MSS mJII fiiTriTt fli(trT trtn'ii' Coupons! mm n . JSjvim1 SiMmrnVfSflmmmmmmmmmM u WEEK J i "V V If, t m I nt-fiC B3 t v ''iS1 i vll ' m & i'i - in i ft : i! If jS B5-'W","a