The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1915, Image 5

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iv.i"' 'U' "$ r '.ijsKa
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Judgment Fund
Amount mi hand April 7, '15...
No lleoolpts or Disbursements
Halanco April 20 15
Occupation Fund $
Water Fund
Water Levy Fund
Electric Light Fund
Electric Unlit Levy Fund. ..
Fii onion's Fund
101 87
Ml s7
ini t
n77 on
j io or.
i!S7 US
8io on
.:i!) no
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lot 87
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Garden Seeds - Onion Sets
'1 .f
I ,At '
r """"""'""
Lnilii's' Suits nt Miner out 10 mid ti.
Don't fi.rget thu tiaiiil concert to
night. Floyd Tnriiiirt! was In llosemont
Will Mount ford wont to Campbell
Itobt. Avery mid wife" wore In Hust
ings Friday.
Miss Gertrude Coon was in Guide
RocU Friday.
Conductor A. II. Bugley spent Sun
day in MeCook.
Fred Guild wns down from Blue
Hill Tuesday.
Koadmaster Phil Trout wns in Mo
Cook Monday.
Bring in your oremn nnd buy coal.
J. O. Caldwell.
The Best of Shoes "Queen QuKllty" nt
Miner Bros Co.
The county commissioners were in
session Tuesday.
Dan Harbor returned to Osceo'a
Monday morning.
George Holt of Cowlcs was on our
streets Wcduesduy.
F. G. Turnure nud wife were Hast
ings visitors Friday.
Will Auld was in Omaha the first of
the week on business.
20 percent discount on Wall Paper
and Paint E. S Garber.
Dr. Asher nnd Max Moede wcro In
Itiverton Tuesday afternoon.
FOR RENT A good 5-rooin house
Hutchison & Saladen. adv
Miss Edith Beckwith Is on the sick
list with the mumps this week.
For rubber boots nnd rubbers come
in and sec us. The Ellis Shoe Store.
Order your Lettuce, Radishes, Celery
and other vegetables from Miner Bros
Miss Gertrude Coon, county super
intendent, went to Lincoln Monday
Harvey Rickerson was called to
Missouri Saturday morning by the
serious illness of Ids father.
Hen Williams came iu from Cheyenne
Wyoming, Monday, to visit his mother
Mrs. 1. II. Holmes and family.
Distiict eotirt will convene In this
city Monday, May 3rd. 'I here itru.
ilfty-tive eases on the civil do-ket.
Arthur Young of Ansley, Nebraska,
spent the first of the week in this city
with his uncle, W. II. McKimmey and
Splint; Suits! Spring Coats! Spring
Skirts! Spring Dress Good'! Every
thing new for Spilntr at Miner Dro.
Tho spring weather nukes one real
ize it is u pleasure to live in Nebraska,
nud '.vc should like to have it remain
this way the year around,
Puul Pharos and .lack IVgg left
Sunday for Oklahoma ami other south
ern states on a sight seeing ttip, and
in Impes of improvim; their health.
Howard Yost, who wis been touch
ing school in dist'ict No. It for the
past year, (dosed a very successful
term for tho summer vacation, Friday.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs I),in Harbor on
Saturday morning a lino ton pound
boy who has been named Thomas
Newman Barber. Dan says he has
not as yet decided whether to make a
prize lighter or a druggist of him.
On last Saturday afternoon eighty
Ave one hundredths of an Inch of rain
fell in this vicinity which will help
the crops and garden truck. The s'orm
caused the south wall of the stair way
leading to the basement of the Peter
son building, to give way, taking with
it considerable of the brick sidewalk.
service nmsT
Put Your Brain to Work!
1st Door East of Court House j SPECIAL MUSIC
Sunday; Nay 2, 1915:
"When Should We Expect a Revival of Religion"
Morning Subject)
"Moral Insanity of the World"
Evening Subject)
Preaching at Amboy Sunday Afternoon
Watch What The Chief Says About The Church
Total iiivi 31
No registered warrants outstanding
S. R. Floiianci:, City Treasurer.
Annual Report of
The City Treasurer
lied Cloud, Neb., April '.', 11U5.
Honorable Major and City Council,
lied Cloud, Neb.,
I submit report covering
receipts and disbursements of the City
Treasurer's olllee for tho period from
May 5, 101 1 to April 'Jo, 1015.
Occupation Fund
Halanco May 5, 101 1 J 23 '2'1
Receipts 2140 III
Farm loans
At best rates and terms to be had in
this state. Call for mo ut State Hank
of Ked Cloud. C. P. Catiikr.
Con Darr was in Hastings Saturday.
Johu Rose of Blue Hill was in town
$50,000 to loan on real estate
security. L. P. Aliiiuoht.
Frank Cowden was In Bloomlngton
tho last of the week.
Now is the time to figure with me
on your hull insurance. VanCnmp.
Have you seen those line spring Shoes
and Oxfords at Miner Hros Co.?
Pasture For Rent Plenty of good
gross, water and shade. A. Roats.
Attorney Bernard McNeny was in
Superior tho first of, tho week.
Order your Genuine Red .River Early
Ohio Seed Potatoes from Miner Bios.
You can buy(re&pouslble Automobile
Insurance at VanCamp's Insurance
Our springstock of shoes have arriv
ed and they are beauties. Tho Kills
Shoe Store.
Mrs. Clarence Mitchell of Franklin
spent Tuesday, in this city with Curtis
.(leer and wife.
Ho to Miner Bros. Co., for all your
wants iu Women's Weor nnd in Dry
Goods, Groceries and Shoes.
Miss Eva MeUoy of Blue Hill spent
Saturday and Sunday In tho city ns the
guest of Miss Goorgetta Coon.
Bring in your cream, poultry and
eggs to us. We piy the highest
market pi ice. Swiff it Co., Clare Wolfe
Rev. lliinimell, Attorney Munday
and K. .1. Ovorlng, .Jr.. were In Bladen
Monday whtra they were the speakers
of tho day at an Odd Fellows' district
Dr. MHoh'ell has been busy getting
his tennis court in 6hape on tho lots
east of tho Brethren church. Klectric
lights have betu installed and the doc
tor and his friends will be ab!o to en
joy playing the game nights.
On last Sunday morning about forty
members of the Odd Fellows' lodge of
this city and several of the Rebekahs
attended tho Congregational church
the occasion being in honor of the 05th
anniversary of this order in America.
Rev Beebe gave a very interesting address-on
Odd Fellowship and its teachings.
City Council Proceedings
(Continued from page 1)
Finance Caldwell, Koontz, Saladen.
Supply Perry, Koontz, Saladen.
Buildings Saladen, Perry, Koontz.
Side nnd Cross Walks Koontz, Sala
den, Caldwell.
Advisory Mayor chairman, Perry,
Koontz, Saladen, Caldwell.
Streets and Alleys 1st Ward, Koontz
and Perry. 2nd Ward Caldwell ami
Mayor Damcrcll appointed tho fol
lowing as city olllcers:
Physician of Board Health Dr. H.
City Marshall (Iraut Christy at
salary Si'.r. per month.
Supt. of Water nnd Light Plant
Guy .eigler, at salary ?M() per month.
In regard to city attorney a motion
was made by Perry nud boconded by
Caldwell that the services of city at
torney be dispensed with for the
present. Motion curried.
A motion was made anil seconded
that the Mayor and Street and Alley
Committee employ the street commis
sioner. Motion carrie'l. Mark Mc
Coukey was appointed to till that
Powell Bros, were granted a llceson
for the ensuing year to operate billiard
and pool tables and bowling alley.
.1. W. Gilbert was gruited a license
to opeiate pool and bllllaiil hall for
the ensuing year.
Council adjourned.
I rll"inyi)i'iiMiiiHlrririfriuu5lmmitqViyP M
BfT1f"h ;;? "" ' " ' if m
2177 :i5
Disbursements Iii8r 41
Balance April 20, 1015 lot 01
Water Fund
Balance May 5,1011 8 G01 8.'J
Receipts 2721 54
322.'! 37
Disbursements 2015 38
Balance April 2C, 1015 577 Oil
Water Levy Fund
Balance May 5, lull 8 lit 20
Receipts 1357 58
1N01 78
Disbursements 1501 73
Balance April 20, 1015 210 05
General Fund
Balance May 5, 10n-Overdraft8 03 12
Receipts 331! 80
3221 71
Disbursements 2l).'l3 70
City Treasurer's Statement
April 20, 1015.
Mayor and City Council, City Rod
Cloud, Neb:
I submit statement cover
ing receipts and disbursements of my
otllco for tho period from April 7th
115, to April 2C, 1015.
Occupation Fund
Overdraft April 7, '15 8 13 00
Receipts 205 00
Balance April 20, 1015
Electric Light Fund
Balance May 5, 1011
287 08
237 32
OllS'J 13
10210 75
Disbursements' !M70 00
Balance April 20, 1015 810 00
Klectrio Light Levy Fund
Balance May 5.1014 012 00
Receipts 2233 07
280 00
Balance April SO, '15 S 101 01
WHter Fund
Amount on liHiid,AprU 7, '15 ..8 1 40
Receipts 570 50
Made by The Irving Drew Co. Makers
of Finest Footwear In America J
The Latest Are-si
"The Tipperary Pump"
"Military Oxford"
(Black Patent Leather, White Top)
"Sand Colored Cloth Top-Boots"
We Have Them in Your Slzo
CSTReme'mber We Give S. &. H. Green Stamps With Footwear Salea
Bttlance April 20 '15 577 00
Water Levy Fund
Balance on hand April 7, '15... .) 10 05
Receipts 200 Ou
Balance April 20 '15 210 05
General Fund
Amount on hand April, 7 '15... 9 588 21
Receipts 400 00
088 21
700 23
Balance on hand April 20, 15,. 287 08
Electric Light Fund
Amountonhand April 7, '15...S1271 70
Receipts 850 80
2128 5G
Disbursements 1288 47
Balance April 20, 1015
Judgment Fund
Balance Mav 5, 1011 v 2()(l Oil
Receipts 10187
301 87
Disbursements 20D 00
Balance Apt 11 20, 1015 101 fc7
Firemen's Fund
Balance May 5, 1011 22 15
Receipts 130 00
152 15
Disbursements 110 00
Balance Apiil 20, 101 'l 15
Balance May 5, 10H 1083 fio
Receipts May 5, '11 to April 20,
1015 21090 08
23071 78
Disbursements May 5, '14 to
April 20, 1015 21482
1. To liny person who will trim 'Mr st ip windows during tho
Booster Club cinipalgii, we simll k.'U' 'l.'i'li o.i ipous We shall an
liounco In our newspaper advorils "in m. .n- uyctrd In tho window"
tho name of the trimmer.
2 Ouo hundred thousand coupons to tho couplo who will bo
married Iu our store and notify us In udvanei.Ho that wo may ad
vortlse It. Tho coupons to be creditod on the last day of tho Booster
Club only.
Music Saturday by Violet Zeiss.
The ballot box will bo closed each Monday after business for a
The largo Poster nt our store tells of a method of getting thou
aands of coupons without eiTort.
As soon aa you get 5,000 coupons In tho Booster ballot box you
will bo given a Booster Pin by tho Booster .Journal.
Men's and Boys' High Grade Spring Suits
MEN'S $10 to 930 - - BOYS' $3 to 98
New Silk Hats Now Showing
Beginning Saturday and for ten days we will
give double coupons on shoes.
he Qomden-Kaley Qlothing Qo.
The Booster Store
f1w iii dBtHSmSLmWlLm
This la the most Important Advertisement I Ever Caused to be
PublUhod. Read Every Word and then Narvell '.
On n personal visit to Mr. Henry Ford by one of his agents tho
subject of u possible August 1st Rotmto was approached (Tho Ford
Company nnnciincod last year that If their total sales reached 300 HO
cars hft'ween August 1, 1014, and August 1. I!H5, piich purchaser
during that period would receive lm"k a refund nf S10 toSOO.)
I then said to Mr. Ford: "If I could maUeii dellnlte refund state
ment wo would increase our local sales 500 cars."' "You may nay,''
was Mr. Foul's deliberate and slu'tiitlcant reply to this "You may
say that we shall piy bach to each pm chaser of a Ford ear between
Aticnst 1, 101 1, and AiuniHt 1, 1015. barriuis' the nnfon seen, the sum
of S.'iO You may say that 1 authorl.ed you to make this statement!"
Ford Touring Cars for 34001698 tho $50 Rebate F. O. B. Debate
Ford Runabouts for 9440 less tho 940 Rebate F. O. B. Detroit
Rod Cloud ... Guide Rock
311 E
Balance April 2G, 1015 2102 24
S. R. Fj.ohanck, City Treasurer
Balance April 20, '15 8 840 00
Electric Light Levy Fund
Balance on hand April 7,'15.... 39 00
Receipt 200 00
2:10 00
Balance April 20, '15
Firemen's Fund
Amount on luiiid Aprll7,'l5.,.. V) 15
No Roceipt No Disbursements
Balance April 20, '15 42 15
Farmers Read This
You know that land is wealth, then
why not taUo a run up to Bird City,
Kansas, and loolt at nice level land
that yields big wheat crops, and can
bo bought from S10 to S25 per acre. A
special bargain in 0(0 acres only 5
miles from town, less than $10 per
acre, half in crop, rent share to pur
chaser. Remember 0110 personal in
vestigation is worth a hundred descrip
tions Call on or write,
J. W. Skkiteu, Bird City, Kansas.
Spring Coats at 85 and up at Miner's.
The W. C.T. U. will meet with Mrs.
Anna Rust on Wednesday, May 5th.
The Ladies Aid of tho M E. church
will hold a market at Wullbraudt's
store on Saturday.
The twenty-fifth annual convention
of tho Webster County Sunday School
Association will bo held in Bladen,
May 5 and 0th.
Base Ball game Friday afternoon at
four o'clock. Rod Cloud II. S. vs
Cowlcs H. Si Go out and boost for
the homo team.
A chorus consisting of thirty three
members under tho direction of Glen
Walker rendered "Tho Prodigal Son"
at the Methodist church Sunday eei
ing. Thu church was seated to Its full
capacity and everyone fipoko very
highly of tho musical.
"Life insurance increases the stability of the business
world, raises its moral tone and puts a premium upon
those habits of thrift and saving which are so essential to
the welfare of the people as a body."
Legal Reserve Policy
from tho Travelers' Insurance Company of Hartford, you do not buy
agents' estimates, uncertain dividends (refunds) and disappointments
in your old age. Travelers Policies are guaranteed throughout.
Do you want to speculate on your family's protection? "
Geo. PL VanCamp, Agent
(Over Storey's Clethlnft Store)
PHONESi Ind. 241 and 173 Bell 128
riHICA I!!l!llll"ll!l1l!lllllllll!nillll!l!llllll'l!itlllll'll 4h MHB Wmm
(vS 1J:.:j::i:;. ;L:.::;lU::.::;:.:;;::;:;;J:.i:.i;:f t9lftK-'Ejj
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Best Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs
Walter W. Marshall
Red Cloud,
!l (i
. .1
'' '
1 V ;j