The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1915, Image 1
jwjBmvr:Twfc!ik M ito UH'iuK'iil SofUty r f T"yy JV ac fi? ft syjr.Ksz s-r-zltJtziF- ffaM Adeter K?Wh &-?. "- ' in 'l-.j?.?imty. X-J,. "3.1. ki & 3& .gM. a yjgy'g' aB,.'gygTwv-w --- -j& '!Jj?gS?'ai'gSJ?fti?aJu'y ' .' ?:. -s-?5 '- mma&m&-?is . 'zihtemmmzw fa l p A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 4. J RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ALMUL 129, 1JI15. NUMBER 18 m 5SrX Overland Model 31 xJj-X ANYONE CAN DRIVE AN OVERLAND H start, other underslung road at all The electric control buttons on the dash stop and light it. Nothing could be simpler. No nrrnnitnmnt rmilfl hn ns rnnvnninnt. J The long wheel base, large tires and rear snrintfs insure complete comfort on the times. The high tension magneto means depp.ndability under all conditions. The Overland is, in every sense, an all-around family car. It was designed to make driving and riding comfortable. In no other car can you get so many comforts and conveniences unless you pay a much higher price which is absolutely unnecessary. Model 81 $850 F. 0. B. Toledo James Peterson HE Red Cloud 1 G 3ME Guide Rock Id FENCE POSTS NOW IS THE TIME . Tennesse Red Cedar Rounds Wisconsin White Cedar Quarters, Halves and Rounds 1 'Inquire About the 'Bull Dog' Fence Anchor" THE MA10NE-AYEHY G0. "Let Us Solve Your Fence Post Worries" irvto f ml trrua 4 - IFll wma 1 I4fc)0 II. m. I nrJI 111 f? M KU &X&-U&V&aM&i k. r aaaV lBBv Here's WherelfourTroutle Ends OUR experience in vision testing enables us to correct your eyes with scientific accuracy. We specialize in the most modem forms of spectacles and eyeglasses including the popular Tone and Kryptok Invisible Bifocal Lenses. It will be a pleasure to demonstrate for you the superior merits of these lenses in our patented v You will admit that Fits-U's are the most com fortable and best-looking glasses you ever saw. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist .tt.i'iiufi',,,-; -.'ism-mX. "" .' County Commissioners Met On Tuesday KbdCioUI), A pi II 27, HU.V Hoard of Comity Coinniissioinrs met pmstiiuit to adjournment. Mediums all pruhonl towlt: Floyd MuCull Cliair man of Boaid, Paul Stoiey, T. J. Clmp lin, W. G Iloifman and (irant blildlur. Ui'port of hpoclnl romiuittce on road asked for by Fted Tamer in Benvor reck township: We, your committee appointed to vlvv said road beg to repot t that they hive examined Kied Farnor's real estate and Hud that the most practical road in the discretion of your com- mlttoo for the petitioner is from the northwest coiner of his said real estate anil thence west 80 rods to the section lino between sections !) and 10, thence south forty feet, thence east eighty rods thence north foity feet to place of beginning said tract being the north forty fuot of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 2, town 2, range U. We hereby appraWe tho land to bo tilton for said roadat 8100 per acre or S123 aud that said amount be paid to Albert and Cla'ra A. George as dam ages for said laud; that any bridges that are necessary to be built on said road are to bo built by said Farucr and your committee hereby deems that Slid bridges will cost 8100 the expense of which together with the amouut for the land as appraised shall be paid to the county treasurer before said road shall be opened or this order filed with the county clerk. Grant Siiidmiii, Paul Stoiiev, W. G. Hoffman-. Tho foregoing report is adopted and tho same is hereby made the order of the board. Moved and seconded that two cul verts bo placed in section 7, township 1, range 12, located on tho load running east and west in said section east from Fianklin and Webster county lino as follows: One OOrodseast of said Frank lin and Webster county lino and one U'dO rods cast of aforesaid Franklin and Webster county line and said cul verts to be maintained by Webster county. Motion carried. On motion the following claims wcie audited aud allowed and clerk instructed to draw warrants on their respective funds in payment of same. llrldgo Fuud u it uartn 0 00 Boom Uros 20 9 (Continued on page 4) City Council Seats Newly Elected Men lcd Cloud, April 20, 1015 Tim City Council met in an adj mrned session, with Mayor Uamerell presid ing. Councilmcn Perry, Storey and Caldwell present. Minutes of meetings of April fHth and 6th read and approved. Oath of Geo. H. Overing read and ordered Hied. Bond of S. R. Florance for $10,000 read aud approved. Bond of O. C. Tecl read and approv- J times A Hurdcn'B bond of $500 read tnd approved. Mr. Crane of the Major Coal Co., waa present and submittal contract fur coal fupply, which was laid over un til the next meeting. . Rt. port of S. It FloraVco read and ordered placed on file. ' Malone-Avery Co appeared before the council and nqifBted a permit to build ;i now brick office building on their lo'S Council granted permit. The following claims were allowed: Guy Ztfigler $1JD 00 W. A- Patten 80 00 J as. Elherton 75 00 E U. Weber 40 20 S. R. Florance exp account .... 1G5 84 O. C. Teel txp accoun 30 22 Geo. Clawson 85 00 O. D. Hedge 14 00 C. W. Ba.rett 2105 JceJTackHon 10 80 S. II. Bogart 10 00 Piatt and Frees 38 03 PopeBroa 1 25 Morhart Bros 105 Turnure & Son 3 25 James Peterson 33 50 Carl McArthur 1G 09 GriceDrupCo 100 Fred Wallm 1 05 Mutual Oil Co 27 50 McGrawCo 37 17 Grant Christy 05 00 W. D. EJaon 8 35 April 27, 1015. Tho new council held u special ses sion Tuesday moining with Mayor Damorell presiding and all membcis present. The ncwcouucilmou A. R. Saladon and R. W. Koont. wero sworn in by the Mayor mid immediately took their seats. Mayor Damorell appointed tho fol lowing councilmen on the various committees: President of Council Frank Perry. y (Continued on page 5) . i.M'mrai A. O. U. W. Entertains The A. O. U. W. lodgo initiated twenty olght new members on Tues dny evening. After the woilc was exemplified a souial time was enjoyed, paitiulputed in by the Woikmeu aud .their wives, meinbeis of the Degree of Honor, etc. Dancing piovcd to bo tho main fcittiuo of tliu entertainment, music being lurnished by tho llullej orchestia. A bountiful spicad was sei ved to which neaily all picsont did ample justice. Tho A. O. U W. lodgo have taken in seventy-live now mem slnco Januaiy 1st, and now have a membership of four hundred, a ic niarkablo showing, indeed, for a town tho size of Red Cloud. Mrs. Nautiio Halo was ou tho sick .list the first of the week with tho -mumps. Red Cloud Well Represented . ........ With tho eight delegates from Rod Cloud mid Uuido Rock, Webster county had the largest number of boys and girls enrolled in the junior agiicul tut al short coutso at the University Farm this week. Those attending from here were .John F Coon, Hlleiy Hooper and Iieuo IVgg. Those at tending from Guide Roclc wero Willie DaTour, Paul Pace, Homer Paiker, Emory Strickland and Lyal Williams Thu short course Is held each spilng and is intended for membeis of tho Boys' and (Jills' Clubs which are con ducted co operatlvoly by tho United States Department of Agrlculturo and tho Agricultural Hxtensiou Sorvico, Uulveislty Farm. It will bo remem beied that in tho annual stato contest that Ireuo Pegg won the champion ships of tho Hoys' and Girls' Clubs lo cooking and sewing. Save Our Profit Sharing Coupons Good For Securing Valuable Presents at Our Store. SHIT? V& Value Coupon With. Every 25c Cash Purchase Given Free With Cash Purchases 1 Full Value Coupon With Every $1.00 Cash Purchase Roscoe P. Weesner & Co. A Great Line of Straw Hats Silk Hats Oxfords Shirts T: rousers Suit! Pay Cash and. Get Stamps : : h PAIL STOREY The Clothier j UlI'Mllffll'IIMIilLIIII'l j lllUlllllllilWllllll ' I" ill I'll" I WlliMUMLII I Til J 'L' 'U'llffll lllllllllllllllllllll 'III 'IIIMI DENTIST, R. V. NICHOLSON ALL WORK DONE WITH LEAST PAIN POSSIBLE PRICES REASONABLE ALL WORK POSTIVELV GUARANTEED &TOFFICE OVER ALBRIGHT3 9TOKC aiMiiiiniu'ui ,!l'l'll!i!l!t!ll!!,W!!lll!ll!ltil!ll!l MiitniauauiiiiLimuiiioiiiiniirmniiH'i ci EffisnEasannmiramnii A Pleasant Evening Spent On Tuesday evening about seventy 11 70 mombcrs of tbe Chamber of Com merce and several Invited guests hpont ono of the most plcasunt times at a sraolior and luncheon that has been hold In this city at tho club rooms for Bimo tlmo. Tho evening was 6pent in playing cards, pool nud bllllurds and clears wero passed around. Those who did not ludulgo in these ou joyed a pleasant visit. The committee consisting of Messrs. LHson, Hamilton, Cowdun, Ui lines tuiKiutber served a luncheon consist ing of pickles, olives, sandwiches, cuke aud ooilco which was p.irtakou of by fill present. After tho luncheon was over Attorney V, K. Maurer noted as toustiimstor and tho following gavo very interesting talks ou tho subjects asslguod them and their spoeches wero well taken and enjoyed by all: Dr. Damcroll Civic Pride Rev. Uoobe.,.The Preacher and Ills Relation to tho City as a llusiucss Man. Rev. Myers.. Business Kuterpriseaud the Church. Prof, Moritz The Kuocker Another Old Settler Called On Monday morning ono of this community's oldest pioneers, Robert Hicks, died at his homo in Line town ship after au illness of several months. Mr. nicks was born In Ohio, January 20, 1825, and was 00 years, 3 months nnd (5 days old at tho time of his death, He settled in Webster county in tho fall of 1873, nud was a highly respected oitlion. In tho yoar 1832 ha mar ried Elizabeth Cody to and this union were boru uevcral children of whom some have passed away. Twochlldrcn, William D. Hicks and Mrs. Elmer Fogg along with his aged wlfo sur vivo him. In 1353 he united with tho churcirnnd has lived a Christian lifo over sinco, Tho funeral services wero held Tuesday afternoon at tho Chris tian church, Rov. Hummel assisted by Kov, lieobu, conducting tho saruo. i Lay asido your hammer and bo n Iloostor. A. T. Walkor was iu Alma Wednes day on business. Ned Grimes and wife were In Mlnden Wednesday. They autoed home iu Lloyd Grimes' Ford. I H ua i h . ,v m wjmm