The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1915, Image 7

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Services of Illinois Board of Arbltra.
tlon Offered. Thaw Ordered
Balk to Matteawan.
Chicago, 111. Governor K. V. Dunn
lias ordered inoinbers of tlio Btato
board of arbitration to offer their
Mjrvleou to Chicago building trades
workmen nnd their employers iu tho
intercuts of Industrial peace.
Tho wtrlko order Issued by tho car
penters' dlalrlot counsel was follow
ed by a rotallatlvo muasuro In tho
form of a lockout directed ut 10,000
carpenters engaged In construction
work all ovor Cook county. Tho lock
out debarred tho union carpontorB
from work on 1000 buildings which
uro being erected by 1,200 contrac
tors, who am pledged und bonded to
maintain their stand until every
union In tlio structural trades comes
to terms. Tho terms lucludo an nnti
Htrlko agreamont covering a period of
(hrco yeura. Tho union leaders de
clared that tho strike would not end
until tlio domands of tho men for an
increase ia wages of C cents an hour
had been granted. It was estimated
that 125,000 wugo earners In Chicago
wero nuulo jobless, for tho lockout
and strike Uoup operations on $30,
000,000 wopUi of work, Besides tho to
tal of 00,000 unionists of varloui
branches of the building trades, at
least 00,000 moro mon and women In
ahops and mills that furnish material
for tho butldlngB were laid off. Em
ploying Interests predicted that tho
list of Idle will grow unless an agree
ment to arbltrato Is respected. Tho
labor situation In Chicago has been
growing wore ten so each day bIiico
March 1, when tho lathers went on
etrlko. The building trados unions
that aro confronted with the alterna
tive of accepting tho Employers as
sociation's terms or being locked out
are: Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers, Ooxnent Finishers and Mar
bio Setters.
Thaw Ordered to Asylum Again.
New York. Harry Kendall Thaw
baa been ordered back to tho state
hospital for tho criminal insano at
Mattcawnn by tho appellate division
of tho Now York supremo court. In
an opinion concurred In by all the
Justices tlio court affirmed tho donial
by Supreme Court Justice Pago of a
motion to return Thaw to tho Juris
diction of tho state of New Hamp
shire, whence ho was extradited to
stand trial for conspiring to escape
from tho Matteawan asylum, and
ruled that tlio original order commit
ting him to tho institution was still
valid. Plans wero immediately
formulated to take tlio caso to tho
stato court of appeals. A decision
adverse to Thaw camo as a great sur
prise to Ills counsel.
Orders Investigation.
Washington. While disinclined to i
credit reports that Japan had estab
lished a naval baso at Turtlo Day,
Lower California, United States of
ficials have instituted an investigation
to learn exactly what uso the bellig
erent warships wore making of Mex
ican territorial waters. Should It do
velop that tho British and Japanese
vessols wero actually using Mexican
waters as a tomporary baso of sup
plies it is considered posslblo that tho
attention of tho Mexican authorities
may bo callod to it by tlio Washing
ton govcniment and the mattor also
bo brought to tho attention of Great
Britain and Japan.
Says Neutrality Violated.
Now York. General LJstovau
military governor of Lower Califor
nia, wired Francisco Urquldl, Villa
counsel general horo, giving tlio re
sult of his investigation of reports
that Mexican neutrality ia being vio
lated by operations of Japaneso na
val forces in Turtlo bay, Lower Cali
fornia. Tlio telegram reports tho
Japaneso ships aro in St. Bartholo
mew to siivn tho grounded cruiser
Azazma. Tlio reported mines aro
nothing but small buoys Bhowing tlio
tho plnco of nnchors and works of
flotation and tho encampments Just
Ashing camps, tho messngo says.
Make Butter From Sunflowers.
London. According to a dispatch
to the Exchango Telegram Co. from
Amsterdam, tlio Prussian ministry of
railways has ordered all statlonmas
ters to plant sunllowors In every, bit
of available ground around tho de
pots. Sunflowors, it is claimed, yield
an oil that can bo used In tho manu
facture of butter.
Bombs Kill German Children.
Amsterdam (Via London). Dla
patches recolved from Freiburg in
llrelsgau, grand duchy of I'adcn, an
nounce that a hostile airman dropped
bombs there, killing bIx persons and
injuring a largo numbor, moat of thorn
school children.
t- DaHnr- Workers' Wanes.
Pittsburgh. Hcductinns In wages In I
tho hot mill departments of tlio Am
erican Sheet and Tin Plato company,
an Important subsidiary of tho United
(States Stool Co., was announced.
Fremont lire loss for year Is JUS,
000. Tho Itaiidolph Commercial club baa
been orgunlzed.
I'ulrhur 1'resbyterluns dedicate a
MH.OOO i-hurch.
F. J. Kovur wou tho postoillcu pri
mary at Schuyler.
Tho Hoy Scout movement is being
pushed at Louisville.
Plerco went dry by thirty votes.
Mayor Duff was re-elected.
Tho thirty-fourth session of tlia
stnto legislature Is ended.
City Clerk Urntton of Hastings is
serving his sixteenth year term.
George Mantel dropped dead while
plowing In his Held near Kearney.
Seward bonds for now high school
building carry. Ninety women voted.
Tho Missouri Pacific railway Is
contemplating a new yard In Omaha.
Tho llrst grand jury investigation
ever held in Hustings will open
May 10.
It. S. Brauncr, a farmer lllng four
miles north of Stanton, committed
Sentiment toward paving some of
tho principal streets In Stromsburg is
Firo destroyed tho residence of S.
A. Mllgrim at Hooper, causing a loss
of IU'00.
Will ltlnderspuchcr, Hustings hutch
is circulating a petition to bo appoint
ed dog catcher.
Tho oil tractor meet to bo held at
Hastings this year has been post
poned till next year.
Victor Snyder has purchased tho
elevators formerly owned by W. II.
Lewis, at Alma and Everson.
Nebraska soil conditions aro Ideal,
says Secretary Mellor of tho stato
agricultural board in a bulletin.
Adam McMullcu, elected mnynr of
Wymore, orders all card tables out
of tho cigar stores and pool halls.
State Engineer Johnson has adver
tised for bids on tho Platte river
bridge nt North Platte, to cost $4:1,975.
Charles W. Bryan, brother of W. J.
Mryan, was nominated city commis
sioner in the primary election at Lin
coln. Tho Hastings schools will hold a
May fcto at Chautauqua park May G
and 7, with Miss Knthcrlne Kohl as
May quoen.
Men Dceder, Holt county, was kill,
cd by falling from a windmill tower.
Chadron expects free mall delivery
after July 1.
Tho Kearney district of tho Catho
lic church will bo honored shortly by
tho establishment of a parochial
school in that city.
A petition has been issued at Host
nigs asking that Amy Robinson, the
only woman physician there, bo ap
pointed city physician.
Elbert Moren, living near Johnson,
suffered a broken arm and Internal
injuries when two teams and a wagon
load of oats ran ovor him.
Farmers' Muslncsa association gets
the Hell Elevator and a company of
farmors and business men buy tho
Trans-Mississippi elevator at Shelby.
Nebraska Is to bo represented by
l.r.OO feet of moving plcturo reels In
tho series of reols along the Lincoln
highway that aro to bo shown at tho
San Francisco exposition.
Tho Spanish war veterans of Ne
braska will hold their eighth annual
encampment in Omaha April 27 and
28. Governor Morehead and ex-Senator
Thurston will be speakers.
A continuous soarch la being kept
up for tho bodels of Mrs. 'Archio Fer
guson and her two littlo daughters,
who It Is believed leaped from tho
stool bridge into tho Platte river at
North Bend.
Doputy gamo wardens over tho
stnto are warning people not to tako
slock In rumors that a new law pass
ed allows people to fish and hunt in
holr own counties without a license.
Such a bill passed tho houso but did
not get through tho senate.
Nebraska's winter wheat crop Is es
timated at from 101 to 104 per cent
of normal by tho Burlington crop ex
perts In the first weekly report on
conditions, by tho road. The ten
yenr average of condltlona at this
seaaon Is tnken as tho normal. Con
dition In tho Omaha, Lincoln and
southeastern Nebraska districts was
reported 101 per cent and in tho
southwestern part of tho state at 104
per cent.
Tho now city council of Grand
Island has been organized with tho
election of August Meyer ns presi
dent. Committees have been appoint
ed to work on tho now sowor proposi
tion recently passed by a popular
Suit has been filed In tho federal
court by Frank R. McCormick, re
ceiver of tho First Nntlonnl bank of
Sutton against tho Luebben Daler
company nsking for funds alleged to
havo been lost Just before tho failure
of tho bank. Tho amount sued for
la $21,(791.58.
Manager Matney of the Koarney
Stato league baseball team, stated
that ho has forty men algncd for tho
Tho Nebraska Stato Pharmaceuti
cal naaociatlon will hold Ita annual
convention in Omahn, Juno 7 to 10.
Hendquarters will bo at the Hotel
Since tho suit of William M. Lucas
and others against tho Ashland Light,
Mill and Power company, was begun
In tho Saunders county district court
in 1907, at Ashland, nine persona
Identified In the enso, havo died.
Session Was One of Parliamentary
Drill Productive of Much
Amusement to Male
Wostorn Newspaper Union News Heivlcr.
Women of various organizations held
a legislative session at tho state houso
Thursday, that was replete with argu
ment, debate, discussion mid parlia
mentary tactics, oxer laws proposed,
thoroughly disserted and finally dis
posed of, with a dispatch unheard of In
masculine legislation.
Tho session was not Intended ns a
burlesque performance at the expense
of the lords of creation who had been
holding forth so long In tlio same
chamber, but It approached that desig
nation on numerous occasions. Only
the fact that the ladles were not
familiar with frequent amusing per
formances of regular members kept
them from doing tho same thinga. Tho
session was aerlous in many respects,
tho members engaging In arguments
on tho merits of bills with no Inten
tion of Its being funny. The humorist
of tho ladles' houso was Mrs. A. M.
Hunting, whose gentle sarcasm di
rected at tho arguments made by men
in slmllnr situations brought down the
Mrs. ness Gearhart Morrison was
speaker. Mrs. A. M. Muntlng, al
though a representative taking tho
placo of Meysenburg of Hutler, acted
ns chaplain and thereby went farther
In tho economy program than had been
thought of before. Mrs. I M Schrcek
engast wns chief clerk and Mrs. F. A.
Alabaster first assistant. These ladles
wero extremely careful to divide tho
Inbors and In that reaped did not net
at all like tho clerical forco In the reg
ular legislature.
Mrs. Morrison aa apeaker followed
the regular oredr of business, but hur
ried through without nny first reading
bllla in order to refer some others to
the standing committees. One bill
wac ncted upon In passage. It was H.
R. 49, tho female labor law which
caused such a commotion in tho re
cent legislative session of tho men,
except that tho objectionablo provi
sions were not In It. Mrs. Frnnk Har
rison showed herself a seasoned mem
ber on this roll call by whispering to
her neighbors until the clerk had
called her name throe or four times,
when with slmulnted surprise alio an
Bwered. reading her explanation, and
later changing to thoothcr Bldo.
The real burlesque of tho day was
the proposed constitutional amend
ment to give mon tho right to vote,
it being asaumed in tho discussion
that they had never been so honored.
The roll call and tho cxplanationa of
votes wero made tho opportunity for
repetitions of many of tho arguments
used by men ns rensons why women
should not hnve the ballot. And very
probably all the ladieB who wero tak
ing part In tho session wore favorablo
to surrrago. Tho voting showed a
largo percontnge voting In tho nega
tive, for reasons that tho mon who
had preceded them in tho samo chnm-1
ber so many different times would
havo voted against woman suffrago.
The speaker ruled with an Iron hand. '
She would not announce tho result of
the voting other thnn to say It had J
carried. No protest roso from tho
indignant ncgatlvo voters at this an
nouncement. Mrs. E. T. Hartley Introduced one
of the sorioua bills of tho session, a
child welfare bill similar to the one
now in effect In Kansas. Mrs. Hartley
not only was successful in having her
bill passed, but so Interested tho women
in It that talk was heard In tho corri
dors to tho effect thnt action will
probably be tnken by Nebraska women
to secure through tho regents the es
tablishment of child wolfaro work In
tho extension department of tho uni
versity. Some of tho speeches, especially
from the authors of tho hills, wero
long nnd In that reaped did not dif
fer from tho usual course of events
where lawmnklng really counts. Mrs.
Jackson. representing Nuckolls,
moved directly nfter ono of tho rather
oratorical addresses that speeches
bo limited to threo minutes. Tho mo
tlon was entertained nnd cnrrlcd.
Mrs. Trester, repreacntlng York
county, Introduced an act to require
husbands to support their wivea nnd
children and to prescribo punishment
for violations of its provisions by a
term of not less than threo years la
tho penitentiary.
A groat deal of fun was had ovor
tho foraalo labor bill which was
amended by tho legislature to allow
women In small towns to work over
nine hours a day, and which bill
women generally disaprovo of. A liko
bill was brought in as a roport of a
standing committee.
Somo of tho women who acted as
legislators for a day, and tho counties
they represented wero Mesdames O. J.
King, Lancaster; Cornell, Cherry; A.
J. Cornish, Sarpjr; Edgar Burnett,
Gage; Dr. Burnett, Polk; Hohmnn,
Burt; Hostetier, Buffalo; Alllo Jack
son, Nuckolls; J. w. Johnson, Clay;
Leroy Davis, Lancaster; G. L. Reedor,
McPherson; Mutz, Koya Pahn; A. O.
Taylor, Scotts Bluff; A. A. Spanglor,
Franklin; J. C. Johnston, Red Willow;
J. J. Brlstow, Webstor; Darner of
Bothnny, Dawson; w. A. Georgo, Cus
ter; A. C. Rickctts, Washington; Miss
Truax, Cheyenne, nnd Dr. Philbrlck,
Which, to Be Decided Later.
She But If 1 can't live on my In
come and on can't live on yours,
whero would bo the advantage of our
Me (thoughtfully) Well by put
ting our Incomes together, ono of us
would bo nblo to live, at any rato.
Mr. F. C. Caso of Welcome lnko,
Pa., writes: "I suffered with Hack
ncho and Kidney Trouble. My head
ached, my sleep wna broken and nn-
refreshing, 1 felt
heavy and sleepy
nfter meals, was
always nervous
and tired, hud n
bitter tnsto In my
mouth, was dizzy,
h a d 11 o a t i u g
specks before my
eyes, was always
thirsty. had n
Mr. F. C. Caao.
dragging scnsntlon acrosa my loins,
dllllculty in collecting my thoughts
and wns troubled with short
ness of breath. Dodds Kidney Pills
havo cured mo of these complalnta.
You aro nt liberty to publish this let
ter for tho bencllt of nny sufferer who
doiilitit tho merit of Dodds Kidney
. Dodds Kidney Pllla, GOc. per box nt
your dealer or Doddo Medicine Co.,
Huffnlo, N. Y. Dodds Dyspepsia Tab
lets for Indlgeatlon hnvo been proved.
COc. per box. Adv.
Why He Went to a Concert.
Josef Hofmann tins a story which
Illustrates tho attitude of many poo
plo toward recitals of piano music.
A pianist was to give a conceit, and
ns the audience wns Ming iu tho ticket
Inker stopped a man who presented
two tickets.
"You can't go In," tho olllclal Bald.
"You're not In lit condition."
"Didn't I pay for my tickets?" ques
tioned tho would-bo auditor. "Aren't
they in order?"
"They're perfectly in order," wns
tho reply, "but tho truth is you're
"Drunk? Drunk?!! mused tho other,
solemnly placing tho passports in hla
pocket. "Of courao I'm drunk. If I
weren't drunk would I como to a
plnno recital?"
Tells What's the Matter With Him.
"Well, what ia tho complaint?" de
manded Squire Pcacy, tho well-known
Arkansas Justlco of tho peace, as
there entorcd his olllco Constablo
Slackputter escorting a colored malo
factor. "Do complaint, yo' honah and
t'anky for do 'torrygatlon ", replied
tho culprit, before tho officer could
mako anawer, "am a posthumous
crccch In muh back, dat kotches mo
ker-bllck every time I tries to run.
Yassah, If it hadn't uh been dat-uh-way,
do enp'n, yuh, wouldn't uh over
took mo In a munt o' SundayBl"
Kansas City Star.
Cream of the Puzzle.
"I see whero tho Kurds are going
on a massacre"
"Ib there no way out of It?"
Tho truth la always getting In tho
way of aomo people That's why It
Is crushed to earth so often.
Mnrriago is tho monotony that re
lieves the excitement of life.
y '?r
Four Teaspoonfuls of
as the cereal part of the meal, helps keep one in fine fettle
There's a Reason in fact, a number of reasons.
Grape-Nuts is a concentrated food, hence a small portion goes a long way.
It is made of wheat and barley, and contains all the nutriment of these grains,
including those invaluable mineral salts so often lacking in ordinary food, but which
are indispensable for normal growth and maintenance of body and brain. One great
aim in originating Grape-Nuts was to supply this lack of mineral elements, and it
fulfills its purpose admirably.
Grape-Nuts is a delicious food, and digests quickly, generally in about one hour.
Compare this with the 2 J to 3 hours required by bread. j-
Ready to eat direct from the FRESH-SEALED package, crisp, nourishing, eco
nomical "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
sold by Grocers everywhere.
Attachment to First Home Is Much
the Same ns Is Evidenced
In Humanity.
The habit of birds in migrating
South when winter conies on Is In
fluenced by the need of finding a auf
llelent mipply of rood. As food grows
scarce when winter approaches in tho
farthest noithein places where birds
live they unturally turn to the South,
where, their Instinct IoIIh them, food
will ho plentiful. Th return of tho
birds In the spring to their accustomed
haunts In the North is one of tho evi
dences of their possession of an In
stinct which Is also strong In man.
The environment In which a bird or
human -being Is brought up generally
becomes a permanent part of Its na
ture. Ornithologists havo not yet
made it clear Just what enables tho
bird to find Its way back and forth to
(ho samo spot every year, and our
knowledge is eonllned to tho lact of
what tho 'homing Instinct" does.
After they mutu and build (heir
llrst nest and bring up their llrst fam
ily, birds cherish a fondness for that
spot much the same as tho attach
ment that man feels for his early
home. Tho spring migration of birds
Is their Joyful teturu homo after n
temporary sojourn abroad to secure
tho means of llwdlhood.
Gives Beauty Advice.
Girls, young Indies and misses, It's
no use to spend your coin on rougu
and powder to mako yourself look
beautiful. It will not Improve your
looks. And if you insist upon wearing
small, tight shoes with high heels, you
can depend upon It that they will
bring hard, drawn lines in your face.
Another menace to beauty hi a four
pound skypieco on your belfry. This
Is nil according to Dr. Ida C. Nnhin,
who makes a sweeping denunciation
of these things. If you want to rctnlu
your youthful beauty for ever und
ever, follow these dictates, says tho
doctoress: Plenty of soap nnd warm
water, lots of outdoor exercise, espe
cially walking, nnd drink two. quarts
of water every day. Tlieso will Insure
health, red cheeks and a slim, youth
ful figure. Doctor Nnhm recommends
tho water cure and walks especially
for ladles with too much embonpoint.
She says It's tho safest, surest and
quickest way to reduce.
Took a Chance.
"Walter Jones," snld tho teacher
sternly, "you aro not attending to tho
lesson. Did you hear Jcsalo Smith's
description of tho American product,
"Yes'm," replied tho small boy glib
ly. "AH right, then. Give mo a aentenco
In which you bring in tho word cor
rectly." With tho courngo of despair Walter
replied: "Hominy marbles havo you?"
Helpful Advice.
"Somo of those social workers
ovolvo somo profound theories."
"What now?"
"Tliis ono advises tho poor to mod
ify tho cost of living by purchasing
their stuff in burrcl lots."
Most of tho good is accomplished by
those who do not mako a profession
of that lino of work.
0'. '. '.'
r.,.- -mm- - . 'srs . I
r oBBSt .pW JfcJJS B
One cent postngo rate on letter is again
being htought into prominence nnd ninny
high plIlcuM declare thnt it m mire to coins
in tlio near future. All clauses of hutinca
would bo greatly benefited by ita adoption,
nnd cl hunted atntuticii aliow there would
Lo Mich nn increased deuinuil for n tain pa
that tho nppniont losa of revenuo would be
more thnn made up.
It ia nn impomdbility to place nn estimated
value nn health, it being n most pricrlcis
poirion but, perlnpa you havo been
cm-lean or negligent nnd have allowed
weakness to develop until ynunronow In a
badly run down condition, with poor np
petite, impaired digestion nnd constipated
lion els.
In order to get back to lienlth nnd
Mrength you mint firxt help Nnturo restore
the .Stomach, Liver nnd llowcla to n nor
mal condition. Tliia auggenta tlio friendly
nid of HoMcttcr's Stomach Bitters. You
will lind it nn excellent tonic, appetizer
and atienglh tnnlicr nnd well worthy of
)i)itr confidence.
It h nn nlnlulcly pure medicine, adapt
ed to nil ordinary family nilment nnd your
health will be greatly inqiroved by giving it
n fuir 1 1 nl nt once, lie aurn vou get tho
genuino llnatotter's Stomach Bitters with
our Privnte Stnmp over tlio neck of Bottle.
Denutlful Notes of the Nightingale,
for Instance, Are Inspired by
Paternal Love.
It la generally assumed that a bird
sings because ho Is happy, but sci
ence gocB deeper for an explanation
of the why and wherefore of tho
bird's song. Nature's optimistic Joy
In constructive progress Is expressed
iu tho singing of tho innlo birds who
charm their mates to further their
wooing, nnd continue after eggs are
laid to encourage tho fulfillment of
The song stops when tho little birds
como out of tho sholl. Tho nightin
gale, for weeks during tho period of
neat-building nnd hatching, charms
hla nuito and human ears near htm
with the beautiful music of his lovo
song. Hut ns Boon as tho littlo night
ingales como from tho eggs tho song '
changes to a sort of guttural croak,
Implying nnxloty nnd snnso of respon
sibility. It tho nest nnd contents wero de
stroyed the nightingale would at once
rcsumo his beautiful song to inspire
his mate to help him build another
nest and start nil over again tho lov
ing work of being fruitful and multiplying.
Home, Sweet Home.
Wife What, going out again to
night? Husband Yes, dear. Going out oc
casionally, you know, heightens the
pleasure of staying homo when one
gets tho chance to.
Wife Dut yo go out so often.
Husband Well, It's a pleasure that
really rcqulrca a great deal of height
ening. The Mourner.
"Does your wlfo griovo much over
her first husband's death?"
"Not so much as I do." Baltimore
A Record-Breaker.
"And do you really lovo me?"
"Lovo you? Darling, you're dearer
to mo thnn my wheat." Buffalo Kx-