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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1915)
M)ftNie'i,iM89 (, wKi;Aw,KL.-;s!UW L, i V- i-w e r RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF It ' l'- i SUMMARY OF THE NEW STATE LAWS DIGEST OF WORK DONE BY THE THIRTY-FOURTH NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE. MANY DILLS INTRODUCED Nearly Three Hundred New Meaourcs Were Enacted Into Laws and Will Be Put on the Statutes. Western ,SYe simper Union .Vows .Service Following In a snoiisl-e of Iho measures Irtweed by thu thirty-fourth Xobrnskii legislature- lit Its session Juit finished, mid which will be placed n lawn upon lh Mtaluto Ikiokb. In tlio house thnro woro Introduced 70C bills, unil In the soimto 290. Of Ibein only but n ttlllu over one fourth succeeded In rcachhiK tho gover nor'H lunula und receiving oltlelul sanc tion. SENATE FILES. 9. F. 1 Provides for n public ware house system for handling (train. S. F. 2 I'rovldcH for tin- unnsolldatlon ;f Otnuhu. South Omaha, Fluienee, Dun dee utid IJenson, on vote of majority of thoHc living In territory affected Emer gency claim) attached. , 8; F. 3 legalizes warranto Is-eucd In I'olk county. Emergency clauso attached. S) F. 0-I'rovldi'H for ttie sterilization In certain cases of defectives In state lusll tullonii. 8. F. 12 Provides for pensions for molbers of dependent children. 8. F. 18 Authorizes tho lew of it 2 mill tax In IXiuglas couuty for thu support of tho poor. 3. F. 21 Unvlses prnvlson for paving In crtles of second class, bo that material may be Indicated In petition. Kmcigciicy clauso attached. S. F. 22 Permits organization of ichool districts by i-nunty unit. In counties less than 7,000 Inhabitants. S. F. 24 Provides pnnslons for firemen In cities having less than 25.000 Inhab itants. S. F. 25 Provider CDinpensillon for In Juiles recclvivl by volunteer llremeii In in eorporntcd villages. 8. F. 26-1'iiiyldes that railroads shall furnlHli shippers' of live stuck with turns I'orlatlnn lor shipments of onu or more cars, S. F. 29 Authnrlze.H county iigiicultutiil Hoclctles to nciiilrn tltlo to land. S. F. 31 Provides for a ntnto parole luiicor. S. F. 33M.FKiill7Fs the profession of chlroprnetlc" In Nebraska. iSi.F 387I'r'hlcs for wortcliiK prlsonera In city nnil village J.ills on streets. S. F. 37 Provides that im order for service by publication on non-resident de fendants may bo inado by Judge of dls rlct court In vacation. i 8. F. 38 Offenders may bo bound over fftcr their prollmlimry examination to tho next Jury term of the district court. Emergency clauso attnctied. S. F. 40 Stato treasuror authorized to receifv moneys Rrantod under educational nets by national congress. Umuigcncv clause attached. . 6:F' A2 Providing u two-year course in the suitu normal for truliilng of rural teachers. 8. F. 45 Makes shooting on public highways unlawful. Emergency elauuo attached. n.8, E: 48 Mmlts municipal tnx levies to 35 mills oxelusli of special assessments and levies for payment of lond Issues. S. F. 49 Provides that vlllaite trustees must ho bona lido residents and losu otllce when they move out of vllluco. 8. F. 80 County Judges fee bill. 8. F. 51 Extends power to sell land for delinquent taxes to includo special assessments of all klndB. 8. F. 52 Provides for rotation of names on ballot where Micro Is more than ono candlduto for olllce, on tho sums tlckot. l.mcrgeucy clause nttached. 8. F. 53 Extends burglary ntatiits to cover entering telephone booth of pay station. Emergency clause attached. 8. F. 54 A. Joint memorial to congress en tho subject of Irrigation. 8. F. 55 Kxtends tho charter of char itable societies. ..8. F. 57 Provides for service by publi cation In casus whero defendant's name Is not known. S. F. 59 Authorizes guardians to mort gage trust estates, under direction of county court. 8. F. 61 Prohibits the sale, of opium, morphine, cocaine und other "dope" under stringent penalties. Emtirccncy clausu attached. 8. F. 05 Regulates the maintenance and operation of electric transmission lines. Kanergoncy clauso utluched, S. F. 67 Provides manner In which water supply may be put chased for Irriga tion districts. Emergency clauso at tached. 8. F. 68 Provides regulation for tho us of ditches In Irrigation districts. 8. F. e Regulates the matter of bond Issues by Irrigation districts. 8. F. 74 Makes unlawful overdrawing on banks without arrangement for credit. Kmargcncy clauso attached. 8. F. 77 Fixes salaries of members of firs and pollco department In Omuha, 8. F. 78 Authorizes levy of special tax for flro fighting equipment In cities hav ing over &,uo population. 8. F. 80 Repeals law requiring testing of grain by vertical section. 8. F. 83 Repeals requirement for state ment by leghlatlvo f.uulid.iies as to choice for U. 8. senator. 8. F. 85 Raises tho requirements for thw examination and registration of nurses, Emorgoncy clausu attached. S. F. 94 Provides for a city planning commission for Omahn. 8. F. 101 Extends embezzlement stnt ute to cover cases In which defendant has part ownership In property embezzled. 8. F. 102 Kxtends foritery statute to cover letters and otlior w tilings, 8. F. 105 lrovldes Instances In which supremo court Judges titu disqualified to eict In cases ponding before, them. S. F. 106 Provides how vacancies on ir rigation boards may bo filled. S. F. 107 Provides for train ing in public schools, S, F. 109 Makes county superintendent a non-partisan ofllco, 8. F. 119 Provides for listing and re turn to assessor of all goods In storage S. F. 120 Authorizes county boinls to compromlso and pay dormant Judgmonts und claims, 8. F. 124 Regulates business colleges and proscribes form or tuition notes taken by them. , 8. F. 125 Provides for Issue of 6,000 copies of tf.'sslon laws 11)16 session. S. F. 126 Provides that no candidate ut a primary who Is defeated may ufterward be a candidate by petition. 8. F. 131 Defines u legal newspaper to have circulation of 200 coplns weekly und to have been published ut least DU weeks 8. F. 133 Hoard of education In Oninlia to be elect'd at largo Instead of by wards. 8. F. 184 Hoard of education In Omaha to bn noininuted by petition. S. F. 135 In Omaha tho board of edu cation Is authorized to permit use of stliool buildings for iiL'lghbothood meet ings, S. F. 130 -School tax In Omaha shall not exceed 25 mills per annum. S. F. 139 lletlnes live stock rnmedlos, regulates their sale, requires icglstiatloii fee from manufacturer, Importer or deal er, and provides u penalty of not moru I.Mt-r rtm ,aunaW.Mm.i. . .. .- t than $100 for violation, emergency clause attnehed. S. F. 140 Authorlres the giving of a cash bond for security for coHts in cass when required of a uou-lexldent. 8. F. 141 Provides regulations for tho salo of rancori tinted feeding stuffs, emer gency clauso nttufhed, S. F. 142 Regulates n.ile of agricultural seeds, provides for their Inspection, fixes stand mis of purity and provides penalty of not ihoro than $100 lino for violation of act. emergency il.iuso attached, S. F. 144 -Authoilres cities or counties to acquire by cmlnout domain land need ed to proton stteets and roads, 8. F. 148 Adds a college of phnnmcy to the statu unlvtitslty, S. F. 149 Provides for n public defend er In DouglaH county to defi-nd In felony cases at n salary of $1,.'0U per annum, S. F. 162 Incorporates the giand lodge of tho A. V At A. Masons. Ihncigency clauso iitfni bed S. F. 164- Amends statuto (S19U Rev. Stat IfllS) relating 'to ptocedurc on tu vitsals In supiomo court, ptovldlng for special mandate to court btluw. und foi slay of procei dings thorn on new appeal, emergency cl niso atlached. S. F. 1CC -Urniits tln 11 H. government the right to npiuopilale and usu all Mood waters within tho slate. S. F. 172 -Provide legulitlotis ns to the listing of i ream by tho food commis sion, emergency clause attached. S, F. 189 Makes Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday, 8, F. 192 exempts rural telephone llms without switchlioaids and farmers' mutual companies of less capital than $..000 from making annual irports to stato railway commission. S, F. 197 Regulates the manufae Hire, salo and distribution of iinll-hog cholera serum ami virus and prohibits sauiu ex cept where authorized by live stock s Hil lary board, emorgency clausu attached. S. F. 201 Repeals present law with re gnid to seining ami authorizes the chief deputy gamo waiileu to sclno out coarso llsli when necessary 8. F. 211 Authorizes all Incorporated villages, towns and cities to levy a tax of ono mill for music and amusement fund, 8, F. 219 Provides grand and petit Jurors may be seived by mall emergency clnusci attach' (I. S. F. 225 Piovldes for resurfacing as well as paving streets In Om iha. S. F. 227 Authorizes levy of to 2 mills for park fund In allies 5.000 to 25,000 Inhabitants 8. F. 228-l)cllne.s term "week" In con nection with piibllHheil notices to mean any seven consecutive days. S.. F. 241 Piovldes for consolidation of school districts of cltlos mid vlll igcs vvheiu consolidated with n metropolitan city. (Applhs to Omaha merger) 8. F. 249 -Raises sheriff's inileugo to 10 fonts per mile and his pav for boaidlng prisoners fixed at 50c per diem, except In Douglas county, wheio It Is fixed at 3x conts. S. F. 259 Permits levy of 45 mills In school districts on submission of same to votcis S. F. 261 Authorizes villages and cities of the second class to levy a 3 mill tax foi the purpose of supplying hydrants, etc., nccessaiy for u public water supply. I'.morgency clauso attached, S. F. 252 Authoilzlng the Issuing of bonds for tho construction of public buildings In cities from &,U00 to 2T,000. S. F. 267 Makes It duty of attorney general to resist und defend suits arising over Itifilngement of patents lelutlng to concrete bridges S. F. 289- Piovldes that drainage, dis trict may pro rate bade funds whorn same have accumulated .?. F. Ml-Fixes salaries of officers In cities 5,000 to 25.0U0, HOUSE ROLLS. H. R. 2 Relates to drawing and sum moning of Jiule.s In counties having mote than one bundled thousand population. Passed with emergency. H. R. 3 IlrovldeH thjt the countv boards In uach county n the state sIihII nl the. election In Hllii. submit the ques Hon of the adoption of the highway com missioner sstem. H. R. 4 Rlates to building and loan associations and iixes Amounts they may loan to members, permits Investment of Idle funds In U. S 8Ute. county, town ship or school district securities. H. R. 5 Provides for establishment of an accredited twelfth grudo county high school In any county In the stato where iiono such now e.xlst and defines quullfic.i tlons of thoso who may vote bonds for such purpose. Passed with emergency. H R. 13 Provides for perpetuation of eornnrs of land surveys, by county sur veyor, upon notice by road overseers, when samii are. likely to be lost or destroyed: fixes fees therefor and provides penalty for failure to notify such surveyor. Puvscd with enietgcncy. H. R. 14 Provides for survey of sec tions Into legal subdivisions, county sur veyor to restore lost or obliterated cor ners nnd rules for such survey. Passed with emergency. H. R. 21 Provides for cumulative vot ing nnd votlnr bv nroxv liv tnKiMtnMnm of nny ppinpany lncoiporated under tho laws of Nebraska. H. R. 22 Amends statute against as sisting prisoners to break Jail or plnee, of confinement to Includo tho assisting of any prisoner accused or convicted of crime against tho laws of the United States or any state or territory thereof. H. R. 26 Relates to nuimals afflicted with contagious or Infectious diseases, provides for their Inspection and appraisal, for liiilemnlllcatlon if killed, and provide penalty. H. R. 29 Appropriates $150,000 for hos pital at tho stato medical college in Om aha. H. R. 32 establishes a supreme court commission. H. R. 36-Provldes that physlclins and surgeons may file lions for professional services; written notice theieof to be served upon person from whom lien Is claimed, H. R. 40 Relates to tho practice of dentistry. H. H. 4 An act to fix the data for the use of money, to regul Ho tho lemllMi- of money. l.oan shark bill. H. R. 46 Appropriation for state uni versity, H. R. 47 Provides penalty for receiving stolen property of less value than $35. H. R. 49 Relates to hours of labor by women; hours not limited except in cities above the 5,000 class. H. R. 60-Anpronrl.ites $2,000 ns nucleus fund for lallof of blind In thu state. H. R. 61 Fixes first Mond ly In June of each year for annual school meeting. Passed with emergency. H. R. 52 exempts tlremen who have been membeis In good standing for llvo or more consecutive Murs In lire or hook and ladder company fioin Jury service H. R. 53-Authorlrcs Issuing of exemp tion certlllcates to thoso who have been members 4n good standing of nny llro or hook nnd ladder company for a. period of five years. H. R. 54 Creates n iminlclpil court In cities of metropolitan class; Jurisdiction cfcextenslvn with district court In sums not exceeding $1,000, no change of venuo from this court. Salary $2,600 per annum, clerk $1 200. H. R, 57 State university appropriation of !M per cent of tho 4 mill levy. Passed with emergency. H. R. 58 -Provides that sale, contract, agreement or assignment of wages of heid of family Is void unless executed and acknowledge! by husband and wlfo. H. R. 60 Appioprlntion for payment of Incidental expenses of tlilrty-foiiiih ses sion legislature) of Nobrnski. Passed with umcigency. H. R. 61 Appropriation for pajment of membeis, oHIcc-ia nnd employes, thirty rum Hi wsslnn legislntuio of Nebraska. Passed with emergency. H. n. 64 Provides for pension of $10 per month for widows of ietlre.1 police of llceis, so long as ihey shall lem.ilu such widows, H. R. 65 Provides that comity boards may levy upon taxablo piopcrty of rouutv for construction of a couit house or J.itl upon petition of f5 per cent of legal voters of u couuty. Passed with einei gency. H. R. 67 Omahn city Judges may ap point constables. H, R. 68-Property sunjert to Inherit ance tax. Passed with emeigcim. amn-uiarwiifft-uu. .-wr-.B - ru H. R, 70- Provides penalty for wrongful possession or use of nny badge or card of nny society or lodge H. R. 74 Honils for contlnunnce In ac tions of lorclblu entry nnd detainer. H. R. 77 Itclalos to endorsement, by prosecuting attorneys, of names of wit nesses on Informations after sune are filed. . H. R. 78 -Relntes to peremptory chal lenges, reduces number of such chal lenges lipoid part of defendant, In certain cases, and Increases number of such chal lenges upon part of tho state In similar cases. H. R, 79 Relates to continiiinces In Justice courts; provides for seven days, after return ihy, Instead of thlity dns, In llrst instance. H. R, 81 Provides rnr non-election of constables and In cities of the metropoli tan rliss reduces number of Justices of tho pe.ieo fioin six to two H. R. 82- Deilnes territorial Jurisdiction of Justice of the peace; restrict! d to dis trict f i nut which elected. H. R. 83- Defines each countv In stato ns n separate Justice of thn peace dis trict; Omaha a sepai.ttn district. H. R. 90 -Repeals tho provision that clerks, under dliectlon of court, report In cumbrance by mmtgugp, Judgment or oth erwise In partition sales of really. H. R. 91 Appropriation for eilzab"lh D. n.ivls. whose husband was stabbed and killed at state penitentiary. H. R. 92 Relates to vesting and trans fer of real and personal property belong ing to religious societies; district court given lurlsiiietlon to decree transfer, upon hearing after notice, through trustee ap pointed by court. H. R. 94 -Related to porsonnl Injuries from defective stieels In villages und cities of second class, costs cannot bo recovered ngnlnst such village or city un less duo notlco Is given Passed with emergency. H. R, 104 Provides for aid to countv fairs, sune to bo flist applied to payment of premiums, H. R. 105 Provides for trimming of hedgo fences, undergrowth, etc , und the burning and removal of same. Passed with emergency. H. R. 107 Provides that at least seven months of school be taught In districts having from 20 to 75 pupils. H. R. 114 Reduces legal curving capn clty of bridges built anew or repaired bv county bond on other than main traveled loads between tho cities and towns from twenty tons to fifteen tons. H. R. 11'. County boards In each countv Instead of Justices of thu peace, made overseers of tho poor, rxcept In towns or cities as may be otheiwlso provided by law. H. R. 122 Provides that whero two or mote defendants uro on trial at Mime lime the county ntlorney shall bo allowed per einptniv challenges for each of such de fendants. H. R. 128 Provides that when land Is taken for railroad right-of-way, not nioro than 40 acres tiiav bo taken for "all other purposes"; original provlson was 20 acres. H. R. 137 Provides for public welfare board In cities of tho metropolitan class. H. R. 138 In counties under commis sioner svHtcin tho county road fund Is placed under control of the county honid. simo to be expended by thu overseer of tho road district under the direction of tho commissioner of his district. Passed with emergency. H. R. 139 Relates to road overseers and subjects them to removal from olllco bv county board upon failure to perforin duty. Passed with emergency. H. R. 140 Relates to drainage districts and provides for complete tccord for re ceipts and disbursements; penalty for failure. H. R. 142 Appropriation for sewerage system for hospital for Insano at Ingle slde. Passed with emergency, H. R. 144 Regulates private employ, inent agencies nnd places same under rules prescribed by commissioner of labor. H. R. 146 Authorizes county boirds to establish and maintain workhouses. H. R. 148 Relates to stato aid bridges and provides that county boards may, with consent of state board of Irrigation, purchase, ns well ns construct, bridges 75 feot or more In length. H. R. 150 Relates to theft of automo biles or motorcycles nnd provides pen alty. Passed with emergency. H. R. 151 Provides for election, by township board, of one of Its members ns township highway superintendent, defines his duties touching township roads and culverts, and provides for his removal for cause. H. R. 152 Fixes compensation of Judges and clerks of election; 30 cents per hour for tlmu employed. H. R. 154 Congress memorialized to pass ship purchaso act recommended by President Wilson. H. R. 155 Provides that district Judge, In vacation, shall make such order re specting service upon unknown heirs or devisees as may to the court seem proper. H. R. 156 Provides that district Judge, In vacation, imv, upon guardian's peti tion, grant nnd Issue order to show cause why license should not be granted for salo of ward's realty. H. R. 161 Township board regulates use of money by road ovorseers. H. R. 165 Appropriates $150,000 for state aid brldgo fund. H. R. 167 Provides that stato banks' re-discounts nnd bills payable may bo equal to tho amount of Its paid up capital and surplus. H.'R. 171 Appropriates money for nor mal schools. Passed with emergency. H. R. 172 Appropriation for normal schools. H. R. 174 Provides for grant or gift of endowment funds to cemetery, mausole um, or burial associations and for cuo of burial lots. Passed with emergency H. R. 178 Provides for settlement of estates whero administration has not been had for more than two yeat s from dale of death. H. R. 185 Provides for mowing and burning all weeds nnd grass along public roads, that samo bo dono bv over seer upon failure of owner and expenses charged to land Involved and collected as tax. Passed with emergency. H. R. 190 Authorizes attorney general to appear for slate In cases nffectlng water lights In Nobrnska Interstate stremns and appropriates money for such purpose, H. R. 192 Appropriation for relief of Sarpy countv for costs growing out of prleon breaking cases. H. R. 194 Provides for employment of prisoners by county boards in counties having moio than twenty thousand and bvs than one hundred thousand popula te, und by major and council In cities of ovor llvo thousind and less than one hun dred thousand Inhabitants H. R, 195 Regulates m.innfaeturo.. use and silc of embalming fluids ami provides penalty. H. R. 199 Appropriation for relief of Mrs lone. Story, Injured lu laundry nt feetilo minded Institute. Passed with uiuui gency. H. R. 200 -Provides, nt prim iry election, that polls open and close ut S a, m. and S p. m , H- R. 204 Relates to salaries pild pure food depirtmcnt inspectors, H. R. 205 Provides for three deputy Inspectors of vveilghts and measures at $ 50 per day. H. R. 203-Mnkes county attorney ex of ficio couuty coroner without additional silmy on first Thursday after the llrst Tiusday In January, 1017. ' H. R. 210 -Relates to .disposition of property found upon or near body upon which Inquest Is hold. H. R. 211- Relates to rendvcrtlslng nnd salo of est.ttu bv sheilff, H. R. 217 Regulates stiluglng electric vvlrvs over ntlli o,ul tuieks H. R. 222 Piovldes for ndoptlon of leu reus svstem of icglstiatloii of laud titles. Ill countli s, upon petition of 10 pur cent of freeholders of a county. H. R. 233 Provides for additional pnv to iiicmhuis of county bonds when en gaged In overnelng toad woik, H. R. 250-Provldes that county boards may acquire I mils for agrloultuial pur poses from state, H. R. 242 Appropriation for Casslo Oyer, deaf and dumb child, for loss of arm lu laundry machine In charge of state. - iM.uirw H. R. 244--Relates to apportioning costs of division fences. Including hog and sheep fight fences, and defining same u legal fen co, H. R. 245 Relates to Initiative and ref erendum In municipalities, H, R. 246 -Appropriates money for nor mal schools, H. R. 248 Provides penalty for sale, by butcher, or nny imwholi some llesh of imv diseased iinlmal. or sale of any dlseitsed animal which Is living, Includes offering for sale. H. R. 258 South Omaha charter amendments. H, R. 259 rjellues boundarhs of school lands In (Irant county, per Dixon and Alt survey. Passed with emergency. H. R. 260 Repeals provision that state fiiidltiir furnish himself nnd state treas urer with ofllces, fin I, lights iinT supplies. H. R. 261 Relates to regulation of motor vehicles with secretary of state, fixes fees theiufor hi occupation tax nnd provides for e linage In coior of tags, each year. Passed with emergent') H. R. 262 empowers state lio.nd of Ir rigation to nelvlsi) with and assist county boat ds In plans for construction, repairing and supervision of hlghw.ijs and bridges. Passed with emeigoney. H. R. 263 lti lutes to salaries of mayor, councllmen und excisemen of cities. Passed with emergency H. R. 264 To appropriate money for additional breeding ponds at the state llsh hatchery, H. R. 269 Provides that nil stato of fleers icquhcd to make biennial repoits shall, on or before) the flist eliv of tho mietlug of each Icglsliituic. have readv ror distribution, COO copies bv auditor and '00 copies each by treasurer, secretuty or state, (ommlhsliiuer of public lauds' and buildings, iittnimy, supeiiuteii dent of public Instruction, slate libtarlan, and adjutant general. H. R. 272 Relates to veterinarians and regulates their practice. H. R. 274 Provides for partial closing of parks In cities, towns nnd villages eon talnlng less than 5,000 inhabitants, and tegulutcs charge for admission thereto; cannot bo closed to public for more than live d.ts at any ono time, and not moru than twent.v-tlve el iys lu any onu jeai; "closing" construed. , H. R. 276 Authorizes Irilgitlon or drainage districts to eoiitinct with United States whereby bonds of districts may bo guaranteed or ciedlt secured for general irrigation, ditch, or f.inal pui poses. H. R. 277 Amends flection law. ballot to bo not over three columns wide and mat ks to bo made on left side of candi dates name. H. R. 284 Repeals sections 2IS4 and 2185. Revised Statutes 1IU.I, relating to ic moval of division fences. H. R. 289- Pivlng and oiling stieets In cities of second class nnd villages H. R. 291 Relates to appointment bv district Judge of two or more persons as probitlon olilcurs, one of whom shall bun woman. H. R. 292 Relates to mortgages and trust deeds less than fee and held us se curity for loans, and provides that sune shall not bo assessed as put of capital stock of a bank, nor ileductcd from the capital stock nor undlvldi d profits for assessment purposes. I'.isbid with emer gency. H. R. 293 Provides for .inditing ac counts of board of directors and general manager of metropolitan water districts by state auditor. H. R. 297 Relates to Inlg.itlon dis tricts; generally regulates und ulno de fines duties of officers thereof. H. R. 299 Relates to assessments nnd bonds for paving nnd general street work in paving dlstilcts--by major and coun cil. Passed with emergency, H. R. 301 Relates to drainage of city lots, such lots to be kept free from weeds by owner or occupant. H. R. 304 Requires express companies to properly house llvo stock entrusted to their care and provides penalty. H. R. 313 Provides ror sain of estate belonging to religious societies. H. R. 316 Authorizes county boards to establish public roads parallel to and not more than five hundred feet fiom railroad by resolution and without petition. H. R. 319 A bill for an act for tho reg istration of voters In all cities of the tlrst class having a population of over 40.000. H. R. 321 An act providing for payment of tuition by pupils in city high schools. H. R. 330 Provides for formation of water power districts. H. R. 331 Relates to compensation of water commissioners and fixes maximum. H. R. 338 Authorizes cities of tlrst class having population of morn than forty thousand and less than one hundred thou sand to require.' owner or owners of lots or lands within city to keep same, with alleys and streets abutting, free from weeds, provldis for such lemoval upon fallum or owner 'or owners and ror spe cial usscssmont touching same. H. R. 339 Authorizes city of first class to, require owners to piovido sewer con nections nnd to make special assessments therefor. H. R. 341 Attachment not to Issue against non-resident or foreign corpora tion unless caiio of action aijses on con tract Judgment or decree. H. R. 343 Ropoils act establishing Junior normal schools. H R. 347- Relates to fees nnd salaries of county otllcl.els. H. R. 349 Provides Hint state treasurer may Invest not to exceed K0 per cent of current funds In his hands In vvnrrnnts of this state or any countv thereof when ho deemi same proper. Passed with emer gency, i H. R. 360 Appropriation for purchase of additional land for Norfolk asylum for Insane. Passed with emergency. H. R. 362 Provides for fire escapes nnd other safety nppllances on all public buildings. Including school houses, when two or more stories In height. H. R. 377 Provides for filing liens for wells or cisterns, H. R. 382 Provides for condemnation of properly for cemetery purposes by muni cipalities. H. R. 391 Relates to destruction of weeds on railroad right-of-way nnd com pensation theiefor. H. R. 392 Appropriation for normal schools; money accumulated from endow ment funds, H. R. 393 Provides for bond by defend ant In attachment cases, H. R. 397 Provides for showing In rourt where remlttiir has been ordered. H, R. 398 Authorizes governor to ap point commission of three to act with llko commission from stato of Iowa to ascer tain correct boundaries between Douglas ind Pottnwatuiulo counties H. R. 403 -Relates to rules and regula tions governing Die and police companies In metropolitan cltlos. H. R. 404 Compels railroads to stop cal)ooses of stock trains within one-hnlf mllo of Stock exchange building at South Omaha. " H. R, 405 Relates to apportionment of state school funds; one-font th to be equally divided between all districts In state entitled thereto und thieo-foiirths pro rata to nil pupils lu state per reports of county superintendents, latter based upon average dally attondunre. H. R. 406 Stato auditor make settle ment with counties for amount duo state for support and maintenance of In sane patients. H. R. 410 Provides that county attor ney may proceed to collect forfeited recog nizance by ordinary civil procedure. H. R. 413 Reorganizes Judicial districts of state In part. H. R. 418 Authorlres county board In counties containing cities of first class to guide, pavo or ro-pavo loads und boulu vaiils and to Isihiu bunds and warrants theiefor. H. R. 419 Relates to macadamizing, curbing or otherwise Improving streets hi cllles, H. R, 420 Confeis additional and sup plemental power upon council of cities of Hi hl class having over foity thousand nnd less than ono hundred thousind touching ul.isillfatlmi of coitalu streeits, their pav ing ami macadamizing; the formation of dlstilcts therefor und tho levying of spe cial assessments upon realty therein. H. R. 426 Authoilzes stato banks nnd trust companies to subscribe to stock of, submit to examinations by, and become members of federal reserve banking system. -j- H. R. 429 An act to require Justices of the peace to pay all fees In excess of a cot tuln sum Into the county treasurer. H, R, 430 -An uct to define and prevent enrrput practices ut elections. H, R, 439 Relates to crediting county treasurers with uncollecuiblo taxes in scavenger tax salo. H. R. 443 Appropriation for new build ing at .Norfolk stato hospital for insane. H. R. 450 Relates to power of cities 'of first e l.i ss to sell certain real estate be longing to city. H. R, 451 Relates to general powers of cities, towns nnd villages to pave and curb streets thereof. Passed with emer gency. H. R. 456 An net for the regulation of municipal J, ills. i .1: iR 6, Raises limit of general tax Icvv lu cities and villages to llftee-n mills and for grading ami struct woik lo eight and one-half mills. H. R. 461- empowots county laurels In counties under township organization to cieate; new townships out of cities of sec ond class and to changei township bound aries to confoiiu theteto P.isscd with emergency. H R. 467 Provides penalty for destroy ing auv Inldgu or landmark. H, R. 478 -Provides for publication In newspaper of personal tax roll In each county, In dlscietlon or county boaid. H. R. 487 Regit! ites construction of boulevatds In cities of metropolitan class. H. R. 490 Regulates cost or publication or lav. list lu newspaper H. R. 492- Appropriation ror putcluise of additional lauds for feeble minded Insti tute Passed with emiqgeiicv. H. R. 497 -Permits liimates'of hospitals for Insane to write lettois with limited restrictions only. H. R. 499 Relates to application for admission and expense at hospitals for Insane. H. R. 500-T-Cliange.s mime of Hastings Insane hospital to "Iiiglejdde Hospital for Insane." H. R. 501 Changes name of school for dc.if and dumb to "Nebiaska School for the Deaf," and the name or the Institu tion ror the blind to "Nebiaska School ror thu nilnd." H. R. 503 Relates to employment of prisoners and manner of ciedltlug their wages. H. R. 504 -Relates to application nnd admission of children to homo for thu feeblo minded. H. R. 505 Regulates admission of chil dren to Nebraska oithopedlc hospital. H. R. 508 Changes name of home for friendless to "I Ionic for Dependent Chll elteii." and iigulato.s admission theieto H. R. 510--Authorlyes grunting of addi tional diminution of time to piloueis for good behavior, dlllgcnco and fidelity to mists. H. R. 514 Provides that counties pay costs of trauspottlng pilsoneis to peni tentiary and rutin n of fugitives from Jus tice. H. R. 518 Relates to soci eties In cotittles and raises to S cents per Inhabitant tho sum which county boards innv grant In aid thereof. H. R. 524 Piovldes that assessors gath er statistics touching all poisons In nil naval or army servlcu of thu 1'nlted States In time of war. H. R. 526 Provides penalty for Injuiv or Interference with teOoplinno, telegraph or electric light wires and fixtures H. R. 530 Provides for creating incor porated water power districts. H. R. 543 An net wilting to commis sioner districts in counties having over l.Ti.000 population. H, R, 559 Provides that countv clerks bo ex-olllclo countv comptroller In coun ties having population of 150,000 or more. P.ised with emergency. H. R. 560 Relates to Interference with or Inlury of Irrigation or water power canals and to .stealing water therefrom. Including persons In control thereof. H. R. 567 Provides lor Inspection of peillgtees of stallions and Jacks Con solidation bill, H, R. 572 Appropriation for purchase of additional land tor hospital for tubercu lous. H. R. 574 Approptlatlon for lelmburs Ing C. K. Ruchholz for four ellseascd horses killed bv order of state official. H. R. 608 Litigants hjvo benefit of ob jections to rulings, mders or Judgments of court without formal notation of such oblectlons on th" record nt time made. H. R. 610 Dlstilct court mnv order countv nttornov to Investigate nnd report whero offense appears to have been com mitted nnd tu certain cases to order pros ecution without s.ich Investlgitlon. H. R. 611 Ucl.iiis to pleiellugs In couits H. R. 612 It Is unncccsnry to oblect a second time to evidence, once admitted by court over objection. H. R. 613 An acting county Judge may be appointed for full term of said nllle'e. H. R. 639 Appropriation for roller of I.ucv A T.ilhcrt widow; husband killed In auto accident caused by ward of tho state H. R. 640 -Appropriation for purchase of land for homo for dependent children. Passed with emergency ' H. R. 641 Appropitatlnn for new hos pital building for Nebraska orthopedic: hospital. H. R. 651 Provides n budget Mstom for the state, governor to preparu budget re poit. H. R. 652 Provides for state efficiency sin vnv commission. H. R. 660- Appropriation for piyment of current evpenses, probable and .existing deficiencies and for support nnd mainten ance of vat Ions Ktnto Institutions H. R. 661 Appropriation for state pen itentiary. H. R. 662 Appropriation for buildings at tho Nebraska institution for fcubln minded. H. R. 663 Appropriation for buildings and Improvements at Nebraska hospital for Insane nt Lincoln. H. R. 661 Apprnpr.itlnn for building homo ror dependent children nt Lincoln. H, R. 665 Appropriation ror buildings nnd equipment at hospital ror tubercu losis. H. R. 666 Appropriates $10,000 for laundry nt Mllfoni soldiers' homo H. R. 667 Appropriates $8,000 for build ings nt tho soldiers' homo nt Rurkett. H. R. 668 Appropriation for sewerage system nt girls' Industrial seliool at Gen evn. H. R. 669 Appropriation for Improve ments nnd building nt Nebraska school for deaf nt Omaha. H. R. 670 Appropriation for dairy barn nnd silo at Nebraska Industrial homo ut Milford. H. R. 673 Provides that school board shall not pay teacher after notlco that such to-icher was under previous contract to teach In some other district. H. R. 695 Tho Judges of all courts In the stato may appoint a person or persons to perform tho duties of probation of ficer. H. R. 697 Provides for ro-rcglstratlon of voters In cities of 7.000 to 2.',00 In habitants. ,.H. R. 706 Provides that county clerk shnll perform duties of sheriff when lat ter officer is disqualified. H. R. 727 Provides ror cancellation of tax certificates uftor live years tr forcclos. lire Is not commenced. H. R. 742 Relative) to adjustment of boundaries of school districts. H. R, 749 Appropriation for use of stato railway commission to be used for Investigation of railroad rates, H. R. 750 -Appropriation for salaries of state olllcers. H. R. 751 Appropriation for mainten ance of stato Institutions. ' H. R. 752 Appropriation for miscellane ous deficiencies, H. R, 753 Approptlatlon for claims against, state. H. R. 755 Relates to woman's Indus trial homo nnd proper shelter and care of penitent women at Milford. H. R. 756 Relates to boards of educa tion, provides for their nomination In cities having population of more than forty thousand and less than ono hun dred thousand, at primaries at which members of city commission are choson; no filing feo required. H. R. 759 Provides that all physicians uso prepartlon or nitrate, or sliver upon eyes or newly bom babies. H. R. 760 Relates to the construction of highways and Improvement of tho samo In counties of 30,000 or moro, H. R. 761 Appropriation for paving near city of Lincoln near stato farm. H. R. 763 Relates to qtiamutlnn by state veterinarian and by live stock sani tary boaid. H. R. 764 Appropriation of money to prevent spread of foot and mouth dls cuso In live stock, H. R, 765 Provides thnt commandants of soldiers' and sailors' homo at Grand lstand urrango for porsons qualified to enter such home, but living outside the grounds thereof. H. R. 766 Provides Jail sentence for divorced husband falling to ptxy alimony. LEGISLATURE ENDS THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION ENDED TUESDAY, APRIL 13. TOTAL OF 308 BILLS PASSED' Appropriations for National Guard Amounts to $67,500 for the Blennlum. Lincoln. (Jttvcltj of tho speukoi nntl tlio lit'iiti-nnnt governor whack liii; on the kuukIb ut cucli end of Ui6 becoiitl Hour of tho state capltol Tuesday hrouglit tho thlrty-fourtli session of tlio statu legislature to a closo nt 3:30 p. tu. Tho curemonj wuh WltnesBPtl by more nioinburs than Ubunlly remain to tlio end. The lust bill ncted upon was tho mammoth maintenance- appropriation meusuro. Tho conloreiice committee's report was adoptcel without a light on any of tlio items. The total carried by this measure was $2,769,820, oa against the $2,05(7,910 carried by the bill when It left the house and $2,800,720 when It left the senate. In the conference the houso was raised $112,910. This was a decrease of only $17,500 over the sums at tachetl by the upper chamber. Tho voice of Secretary of War Garrison crying out In the east for the solons to Incrcuso tho appropriation for the national guard over the pittance al lowed by the house, was heard in tho capltol. The appropriation was boosted from tho $:!7,fj00 allowed by the house to $67,500, or a restoration of what the guard was given by tho 19111 legislature. In conferenco tho live stock sanltnry board was allowed $111,500. The irrigation board and tho stato engineer were treated to a conference ralso amounting to near ly $18,000 over tho house figures. Tho stato superintendent was cut down to $25,000. Figures on the ap propriations of the present session show that the total will be between $000,000 and a million dollars lower than 19KI. That too, In spite of the fact that state Institutions required moro money than they did then and In spite of tho fact tho educational Interests of the stato had to have at legislature passed in all H08 bills, which 112 are yet in tiio hands oi tho governor and not acted upon. Last season the legislature passed 209 bills. Outside of tho Greater Omaha act, probably the legislation along good road lines nnd tho Pal bey automobile net, may bb consid ered to bo among tho leading legisla tive acts. Among the concluding nets of the lower houso was the adoption of a resolution endorsing the administration of President Wil ion and his cabinet Seven Food Bills Passed. Tho food commissioner's depart ment fared very well at tho hands of tho 1915 legislature. Of the sovcd bills in which Food Commissioner llnrman was Interested, not ono fell by the waysido. One of tho meas ures passed mnkes It a felony to sell diseased meat Tho dairy hill pro vides for dairy inspection from May 1 to October 1, tmder tho former law It was only for tho three summer months. It nlso authorizes tho de partment to put tho buying or sell ing of cream on a quality basis. Tho weights and measures nmendmont provides for three Inspectors Instcnd of two. The stock foods' law requires the tiling of tho name of each Ingred ient with tho food commissioner, an analysis and a $5 feo from tho manu facturer for each brand. Tho con centrated feeding stuffs law requires tho branding of mixed feeds or parts of whole feeds with a fat, protein or Qbro analysis. Adds a Judge to the Ninth. Tho Nichols bill, addlnp another Judge to tho Ninth judicial district' and putting two moro counties In that district, was signed by tho govornor, despite, tho fact that tho legislature did not see fit to provldo for an extra Judge for Lancastor county In that bill. Tho governor askod for tho latter, hut the sonato did not agree with him. More Escort Wagons Arrive. A carload of escort wagons has been received by Adjutant General Hall of tho National Guard in Ne braska. Tho wagons nro furnished by tho federal War department Gibson for Kearney Normal. Tho state normal board has olccted H. II. Gibson of Cornell university, head of the department of biology and agriculture at tlio Koarooy nor nial school. Jury Commissioner for Douglas. Governor Morehead signed tlit Jury commissioner bill for Douglas) county and the loan shark bin. . Dorchester Has Plea. Citizens of Dorchester have put in their caso boforo tho Hallway com mission for additional passenger sorv Ico from tho Burlington. Tho Sallno county towns want trains Nos. 2 ami 8 to stop. Property at Full Value. Advoates of taxation reform won tholr only victory of tho sosslon when tho house passed tho Saunders bill, Senate File No. 161, providing that nil proporty shall bo llstod by tho assessor ut its full value. I 4 ? i v; I! 4 m & rKn7nvximmtau mm&ijjsMiimMiiiimimi isiwiiiwgaawwiwtfwtgiga