The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1915, Image 5
1-7' . -;wroif,'sr!jrff"'"yt '- Pr' -ft t, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF f HP A ' t i. m i r. WIL, m m m i W.1 HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings !S See Dr. Wat rich. Monday, April Until Today is Aibor day Did you plant ii tree? Boscoe Woesnor was hi Hatlti s Monday, Geo. Holt of Cowlos was in town Sunday. Col. .Jahe Klllnger was In Bladen on Saturday. The Ilest of Shoes"(uoei.(jiiallty"iit Miner Bros Co. Intues Utibatka of I) Union wiis In town Wednesday. Boadmnster l'hil Tiout was in lie publican City, Friday. Mrs. A. II. Bugloy spent Thursday in MeCook with friends. .Inch Bogg wat n passenger to Iiui vale Monday evening. Attorney McXeny was in Superior Tliursday on business. Vale Fox went to York last week to visit his brother, Charley. Frank Klllnger and Aaron Hedge spent Sunday in Campbell. FOU 11KNT A good b-room houso Hutchison & Saladeu. adv Have you seen those line spring Shoes and Oxfords at Miner ltros Co.'.' Frit. Moodeof Blue Hill has accept cd u position with the Ued Cloud Auto Co. Mr. and Mrs. C5. A. Wells of Cowles spent Sunday In this city with J. 13. Butler mid wife. Attorney Dorsey of Bloomlngton spout Sunday in this city with Attor ney McNony and wife. Mrs. Geo. Davis returned home from North Branch, Sunday evening, wheio she hud been visiting relatives. Spring Suits! Spring Coats! Spilng Skirts! Spring Press Goods! Evuiy thing new for Spi lug at Miner Bros. Co. Charley Powell left Wednesday morning for Rochester, Minnesota, where he will havo an operation per formed Bring in your cream, poultry and eggs to us. Wo pay the highest market priee. Swift it .Co., Clare Woltu maiiHgei. Bandmaster Bet. 1ms announced that the llrst open air baud concert of the soason will be given on Thiusday evening, April L'Oth. Dr. Warrick, tliu specialist, will meet oye, ear, nose and throat, patients and those iKellng glasses llttt-d at. Dr. DanieioH's olllce, Monday,, -Cth. Arthui Young of Ansley, Nebraska, spent Thursday evening in this city with his uncle, W II. MoKiuiniey mid family. lie was euroute to B aver City to visit relatives. The hiiuie tilont play entitled, "A Debtot Honor," was given at thonpeia house Monday evening. 1 he house was puck ed to Its full cap.ioitx, and the play was good, each and every one in the cist proving a star. Prof. But, s orchcstin fin uisliod tin' music winch was up to the usual high standard. "Do not burn cnrnstull.h or straw but plow under all crop losidiios," is the advice of the depai tment of agri cultural chemistry at the Univeislty Farm. Corn stalk's and oat stinw aie wot tli ?1 "() u ton as fertilizers Be sides returning nitrogen, phosphorus and lotassiuin to the soil, they help to Improve the texture of the soil by increasing the humus content. Down at Belolt, Kansas, tliu other day a lady went into u dry goods store and asked to look at tliu new suits. After trying one on she informed the clerk that sho only wished to see how bhe was going to look in the suit she had ordered from a malt order house The lady certainly displayed no small amount of norve, and to us it seems as though a person of this type Is not entitled to live, even in Kansas. DREW SHOES DRAW TRADE Made by The Irving Drew Co. Makers of Finest Footwear in America The Latest Are "The Tipperary Pump") "Military Oxford" (Black Patent Leather, White Top) "Sand Colored Cloth Top Boots" We Havo Thorn In Your Blzo F. G. TURNURE & SON C3TRemember We Give S. & H. Green Stamps With Footwear Sales mnnwrnmi RED RIVER SEED POTATOES Garden Seeds - Onion Sets TUFJNURE & SON u. r SERVICE H NO ALUM in DrPRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER 3SSS SSN 1 ill! H 1 ii lidies' Suits at Miner'- at ill) anil up lelV t liaplin of Cowles was in town S.iturday Col. Besse was in illuV IBB Monday on business. I tob t. Avery and wife- spent Sunday in Superior. Dr. Crelghton is now diking a now Ford ro'idMiT Bring In vour cream and buy coal. J. O. C ild well. Alf McCiill went to Kansas City Sunday morning. Chas Kessler came down from Hast ings Monday evening. '2(1 percent discount on Wall Paper and Paint B. S Barber. Pasture For Bent Plenty of good grass, water and shade. A. Boats. Garrett Olnnstede of (Juiile Koek was in the city the last of the week. For rubber boots and rubbers come in and see us. The Kllis Shoe Store. 11. C. Hansen purchased a new Ford touring car of Jas. Peterson this week. F. C. MeDole of Orleans has accept ed u position in Ja. Peterson's garage. Order your Lettuce, Badishes, Celery and other vegetables from Miner Bros. Co. Hugh ljealis in the city this week vl-itiinr his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. .Beal FOB SABB Kami and road horses. John Sorensoii, 0 miles southwest of luavale. Dun rmhoir of ( riiiil Bock purchased u now Ford auto from .las, I'oteroon S ilmday. Our sprlngstock of shoos havo arriv ed ami they are beauties. The Bills Shoe Store. Mr. mil Mis Dick Biinchy ennm down from fl i and Island, Monday to visit friends fiuorge Hailcll was in Bong Island. Kansas, Friday visiting his mother who is very sick. .1. A. JIi'Arthur ami son, Ar'hnr weie in Bone Island. Kmisis, Friday, attending the wedding of their noiee a d cousin, Miss May Call and I'red Bowman of Topeliii The llrst of the weok Attorney B W. Stewart pureluised the abstract busi ness of. M. W. Carter and has taken possession of tliH same. Mr. (Jailer ami family are moving back to Nelson tills week, and while lesidiug In this' city made many friends who regret to hivu them leave. Mr. Stewart needs no Introduction to our citizens, having been engaged in tliu practice of law here for some time, and being well and favcrably known, and wo bespeak for him biiccess. Farm Loans At best rates and terms to bo had in this state. Call for mo at State Bank of Bod Cloud. C. F. Cathiiii. FI9ST rf''W")"" Spiing Coats at S" and up at Minei's. Ben MeFarliiud returned homo Sat urday from Lincoln, Clias. Woods canio homo f'-om Brand Island Tuesday evening. John and Miss Bose Metiuiro weie In Bivertou S'liiday afternoon. SriO.nnO to loan bn real estate security. L. 1. At.uHKllli. Order your (ieiniiiie Bed Blver Bally Ohio Seed Potatoes from Miner Bios. Co. Bono MeBuiio and Bruce Shercr, who are teachingsehool nearltiverion, weie homo Saturday. Miss Cecllo Thornton, the domestic science teacher, is on the sick list with the mumps this week. Warren Longtin was down from Hastings Wednesday attending the funeral of John Polniokv. The Misses Cioneveivo Boblnson and Alice Fowler woro up from Guide Bock Wednesday shopping. (Jo to Miner Bros. Co., for all youi wants in Women's Wear and in Dry Bonds, Groceries and Shoes. Miss Laura Hedge was down from Franklin the last of the weok visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Hedge. Bov. II. B. Clarke, Hli evangelist, be gan a series of levival meetings last evening at the Baptist chinch. Fiod A'jois, Deputy Oil Inspector, was in the city today and whllo heiu ho made this olllce a pleasant visit. Lloyd (Ii lines put chased a Ford ro.nlsii'i of ,I,is, Polfi-sou this week in which lie will iruiol over his territory as saicMiiuii. A stoia goinu' the i minds in the n.'u smi'i : A j onng iiiaii ill the cotiiitiy had a tt n.l r passnm and took his uirl smut llimcrt 'Mlow U i ml of win." said Ihtj gill, ''to bring me those inveli ll)trn. I think thou is some ilt-w on ihnu tcl " ''Yes," s,iiil thoyniith in visl,' c inhaf.issilient. "there is, hut 1 mil gi in to pay it oil' tomm i." ' SOUTH 1NAVALE Most of the funnels finished sowing oa's last week. Henry Coulsoti has ptiiehascil a new iiiitomoliile. Muriel Kiiinliislcj is sick with the mumps this week. Mis. Ira Truelilood Is visiting at the Whiteloy homo this week. Fay A meson and family spent Sun day at the W M. Points home John Mltcheland family spent Sun day at the Claience Heed home west of luavale. Mr. and Vis. Btherton of Bed (loud are visiting their sou and family at present Mrs. B. F Points and children visit ed ichuhos in Bed Cloud Satin day and Sunday. Mrs. T. Whl'eloy spent Saturday arid Sunday in Franklin with her sou and family. Alva Stoner and wife attended the Fanners' Union convention at Guide Bock hist Saturday. Win. Volgt of Nolson was out look iiitf after business intuiestsnu his farm a few days lust weok. Frank Cowden of Bed Cloud was tuiusiictiug business in the Mt Pleas ant neighborhood last Friday MlssCleo Wilmot, M. II. Ilunsicker's and Carroll Noble's were guests at the Uobt. Huuslcker home last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Stokes, Jr., returned home from Paulino lust week whore she hud bean called on account of the dentil of her mother. MI You Can Enjoy Life Eat what you want and not bo troubled with indigestion if you will tako a beforo and after each meal. Sold only by us 25c a box. H. E, Grlce Drug Co. School Board Transacts Considerable Business (Continued Fioin Page One) April IP, 'IS. Begiilur adjourned meeting of the Bo.inl hold in the olllce of Dr. Cielgh ton, Piosldent Henry Gilliam, pie siding. MetubeiN piesent, Blaeklodgo, Coon, Crelghton, Weesner, Overlng. Minutes of previous meetings read iitul itppi oved as read. The teaclieis' connnilteo submitted the following repoit: Bed Cloud City Schools lleport of Committee on Teachers To the Board of Bdueatioii: We your commit ten having had under consideration tliu recommenda tion of teachers for employment for tho ensuing year in our school, io-s-peot fully repoit: 'In the grades all are euiplojed with out specllli designation of any guide and with tho understanding that they ate subject to assignment to any guide as maybe determined for the good ot the schools. At tho same time they aio tentatively considered for curtain grades to which they aru expected to be assigned, If circumstances do not make a change desirable In tho opinion of tliu Superintendent or Boaul On this basis wu recotninund ns follows. For Sub primary, there are no appli cations, and we i commend offering tlio position to. Miss IriniiOriuiosut Stlfi, she having fuimetly tuuijlit in that position. As tho assistant in that woik, and also to take chat go of the music, thus tukiiii! tliu nliici'.s of the Cadet, Iluel Boblnson, and of Mr. W'agonur, Music, we recommend Miss Simmons, tin appli cant f i om Lincoln, at the. cotnblt oil salary of theso positions, SM For Fiist grade, re-election of Miss Schumacher. For Second Krade, re-employ nient of Miss Coombs, who uudtirtliu rules does not need to bo re-elected. For Third grade, ro election of Mi's Bllham. For Fourth g.ado, leelection of Miss Henderson. For Fifth grade, ro employment of Miss Burko who does not need to be ro. elected. For Sixth grado the present teacher, Miss Potter has not applied mid wu re commend Ireiio McOuirc, subject to the requirement that she take summer work in the lines of Pedagogy and Music. For Seventh grado, ro employment of Miss Cluistiiiti, also as Piliielpal of tliu Lincoln school. For Bight h giado, no applieatloi s being In, tho selection of u teacher should be deferred. In tho High School there will bo vacancies as follows: I'rinclpalship and ICnglish. We maid the following recommenda tions: For Piiiiclpul, Buth Johnston, at an increase of Sid monthly over her pies unt salary of SKI). For Langimue, Vernon Stoiey. - For Coiniucrciiil, Josephine Bichaids. For Agilculuuo, John lloohr at pies cut siiIhi'.i . For Doni' stic Science, Ceeilo Thorn ton. For Matlietiiiitics, Bstella Duckor. For Knglish, Miss Olive Prion ol Bockfoid College. "or Science and History, W. 1'. Medlor ot Cicie. Mr. Medlor Is also qualified to superintend school physi cal training and athletics. For Manual Tiainliig, Superintend ent and John Wolfe assistant at SI 'JO tier J ear. All salniles are governed by schedule except those named. All subject to proper eeitillcatlon by state department lilt I IKII.IIII L. II. Bi.A(i;t.i;i)oi:, ) E J. OVhIUMI. .lit., Con E A. CimioiiioN, ) ft J. OVhIUMI. .lit,, Com The Board then proceeded to vote on teachers with the following result: Sub'l'rimary, Miss Crimes, six voten. Asst. Sub-Primary and Music, Miss Simmons, six votes. Fiist grado, Miss Schumacher, six votes. Third guide, Miss Cilham, live votes. Fourth grade, Miss Henderson, blx votes. Sixth grade, Miss McOuirc live, Miss Sheier one High School Principal, Kulji Johnston, six votes Languago, Miss Storey, six votes. Agriculture, John Boohr, six votes. Domestic .Science, Miss Thornton, six votes. Mathematics, Miss Duckor live, Med lor, one. Bngllsh, Miss Prieu, six votes Science and History, W. P. Medlor, six votes at $8o Oo. Assistant Manual Training, Juhu SVolfc, six votes. Tho following bills wcru presented: John W.Boehr 8 12 7.'1 Buth Johnston 11 00 J. O. Culdwell 2f 05 Fred Eddy 1 00 II. E. Crico Drug Co 11 80 State University .'1 .'Is L C. Smith 25 HO County Commissioners -Bi'i 00 Moved and seconded that ubovo bills bi) allowed. Motion carried. Moved and seconded to (.djottrn. Currle.j E.J. OvKiilNd, J n., Societal y. PtigHfej 1 We have four gold w lehes to be itlveii to tho Boosters or to porsons who aio not Uiosie's, I'm-y n I l be given during tho next sixteen weeks in the following wiij. One watch will bo given hi in I each four consecu tive weeks after the count on l I. . April atlth, to any Individual who casts tho most Hon i i Coupons during the period of four weeks. All coupons cast In these contests count on tho Brand Prio for the best Booster in tliu Booster Club Campaign, tint nil Boosters stmt even In. each watch contest of four weeks; thus each Booster, high or low lu the club, has the sumo opportunity in each wntch contest. Any Individual having won ii watch from tho store will not bo allowed to enter tho following watch contests, neither may any member of the immediate family of u winner, nor a helper. An Individual who Is not n Booster may enter these watch contests and coupons may be east in 'tho nam) of some Booster, in wliieh case, to get the credit, the coupons must be counted by us before they aru put lu tho ballot box. However, these coupons collected by persons i.ot Boosters must bo cast all for one Booster. In casu of a tlu tliu premium will be sold at auction mid tho money divided. h' Tho llrst Watch Contest Monday, May 'i tth. Sou the Boster at our storo for Coupons. Ask us about it. One tliottsiind coupons will be given to Maude Ciow for music which will be reudeied at our stoic from 2:.'l0 to .'lilld p. m.wStituiilay, April ytli. he Qomden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. The Booster Store ivC3S3 m- 39'VV 0 EconoBiy, simplicity and cllicicBcy makes the Ford a universal utility. A utility because it serves every body doctor, farmer, salesman and banker. In every business, or as a pleasure car. the Ford proves leliable and economical. Low first cost $00 less than last year, and the plan of sharing profits with the buyers and low upkeep expense are reasons why it pays to own a Ford. They serve and save. Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail UOO.000 new Ford cars between August 1911 and August 1915. Touring Cur $490 - Runobout $440 IF. O. B. nctroU) J&iViES PETERSON Hod Cloud ... Guide Rock s HE 3S C EX-PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT "Life insurance increases the stability of the business world, raises its moral tone and puts a premium upon those habits of thrift and saving which are so essential to the welfare of the people as a body." WHEN YOU BUY A Legal Reserve Policy from tho Travelers' Insurance Company of llai tfoid, you do not liny agents' o-tlmite, uncertain dividends (rofuiuts) and disappointments in your old ago. Tiavolrs Bolides aro gnnraiitood throughout. Bo you want to speculate on your family's piolectlon? Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent (0vr Store's Clothlnft Store) THE OFFICE WHERE YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME PHONES: Intl. 341 and 173 Bull 2 rnHM r I. ,iU HAVE A COMPLETE " s LU f Fresh Vegetables and Fruits f EVERY Fancy and Stable Groceries 4 Best Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs Walter W. Marshall Red Cloud, e9G9t Is from Monday, April 2li, to big special offer in freo Booster 33SE 3 ran 30 rum imtitiii i i" r ii, iitiMlil.l'.iLl.Liili.u ilU LINE OF WEEK Nebraska ! r m miiwi m i i i sj i in fcni 1 1 r i . '