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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1915)
I'SP fti Hi m tf K i m I fjiV If You VERY ono of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. Deposits Guaranteed by WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. oapitaij IMIIW'' 'II! HOT TI'H"' II1' 'l'i "! Glean-Up and Paint-Up Week Are You Ready For It Brighten up your home inside and out. Wo have the best Paint and Varnishes obtainable Chi-Namel Varnish Stains For Your Floors, Furniture and Casings Sewall's Chemically Pure Paint For (he Outside and Inside of Your Buildings Pure White Lead or Oil Everything Needed to Make Your Home Neater Wall Paper In All Grades With Prices the Lowest Now Is tho Time to Begin and Keep It Going to Make a Beautiful City. j j . Chas. L. The Druggist Pedestal m AND vg ? Jardiniers CALL IN AND SEE THEM ROY SATTL Furniture and Undertaking Red Cloud Where Are You Going This Summer Not everybody can go to California; the summer will bring thousands from tho Kast to the ranch i eboits and hotels of Scenic Colorado, tho Black Hills, tho IJlg Horn Mountains, the Absaroka Mountain ranches beyond Cody, TUB NATIONAL 1'AllKS-This Is going to be a big season for Olaoler and Yellowstone National Talks, and for hstes l'aik, Colorado, just north of Denver, mtjoining the new Iloeky Mountain National Turk. Tho increased number of Hasten) visitors to these western summer localities during the sum. mer of 11)1-1 showed t he "grip" thut the glorious summer Hfo of tho mountains was taking with Eastern people. Publications now coming off the press. An early mention Is niiulo to vail them to your attention mid to Indicate tho wisdom of making your plans curly. Wilte me of tho locality you have in mind, Desire W State Guaranty Fund NEBRASKA I', l!'r TIP i'K '''I ' i '"'I , ' 'I 1",1 'I "'P''1'! Cotting V QHBTEZ22ai S3 F1 ft 5- - Mil I IWI ! 1 1 I! !' Em M W'SWW 1! lllli lllilill s Now is the time to )z buy Jardiniers and Ped- (i estals for the flowers. Why not buy the earth enware Jardiniers and pedestal to match. You can set the earthenware Pedestal on the porch or in the vard. Weather has no effect on them. They are both useful and ornamental. Ev ! 8 Nebraska jl N. B. BUSH, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Nebr L. W. WXKELEY, General Passenger Agt. loot Farmim Street, Omaha, Nebr, ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Clovid, Ncbrnukrx MMIIilSHKD KVKKY THURSDAY Snttrtd In the roHolllie nt id c! ( loud, Ncl). an Kiciiiut Class Mutter V II. MuAUTIIUlt l'Mltl.tNiiKli PHK ONLY DP.MOOIIATIC I'AJ'KH IN WKIMTKK COUNTY Keadors of Tho Chief will find n sum mary of till tho luws passed by this legislature on tho iusldo sheets of this Issue. There are a numher of changes in our laws anil if you desire to keop posted just save this Issue for you will find It of considerable vtiltio sometime when you wlsli to refer to the now luws. Next week Is uleiin-up Week. Al ready tho city is nearly clean and by next week there ought not to be u single yard, street or alley that is not fully up to tho standard. Remember that the city will send wagons to col lect all refuse that is conveniently placed in the strocts or alloys. Do it now. Mr. H. Peters of (initio Rock has published a booklet on tho early his tory of Webster county which Rive1 authentic records of tho early days iind is interesting to old and young alike. Mr. Peters says in his Intro dilution that he was impelled to write this book because he l asked so many times to relate early day experiences. Tho book is Illustrated with scenes of pioneer days and Is easily worth the modest ptice asked which is thirtyllve cents. It is printed by thcliuido Hock Signal antl is well piinted and taste fully arranged. This book should be in every homo in the county. It has been estimated that two thous and dollars a mouth goes out of this post olllco to various mail order houses every month in the year. This means about one hundred dollars a day. This money never comes back. If all the residents of this community did all their trading with the nntil order houses we would soon be a town of two or three hundred. City property and farm propel ty would greatly decrease in valuo. A f:u m that is located near h dead town does not bring very much on the market. Tint town rins down, the fin m inns down and then wo won der why thu children aie drawn to the city. The way for any community to prosper is fur that community to do all its trading within itself. This is the true theory of development. You cuui'ot till the barrel with water by pouring in an Inch stieam at the top if llie bung halo is left open. What help-, oi.o helps all. Trade at home and pros per. A Lusty Engine For the Burlington To build an engine with pulling ca pacity and yet without a too healthy appetite for coil is the problem of the locomotive designer of today, Tho lluilingtou sjnteiu Is just now boast ing Homo frelght-puilers that M'oiu to have coiuo near soiling tills problem. Tinware tioineudoiis engines iu the llrt place, i'hcIi tttilghinir with i's tender and leady for seivice nearly IlOt) tons f7(t,fS0 pounds, to be exact. Tho length over all tor each of these engines is 8.'1 feet t)).J inches, which brings it within tile limitations ot most of the big DO fiof turu-lubl n along the system. While these engines ate ict of thu extreme si.c id' some tif tne giant push ers along thu Brio and Uio Mmta IV, they have begun to make seivice rec ords out along I he Hurliugtuu. One of I hem has already drawn a train of 85 cam over a division l.'iil miles long and possessing mitximiim and steady grades of thice.'eiitlis of on,- per ee it. This perfoiiuimco was aeeoiup ished while the h eoinotlvt) - con-nuted (!;tll pounds of coal trt the liHMon-milb at oiuhtytlve cents a ton. equal to nearly thirty cents' win th of coal for lO.IKH) ton inflos. Tut the other way around anil reduced to actual llguie-, this lusty little boy on the (turllugloii haul ed lO.O'tl .ross tons of f might one mile for -0 70 ee'Hs No wonder that the "stove ctuuinlMe, s" out in the round houses nlung the llurliuuton's busy line -those shrewd old fellows who on evety road know more nbotit its run ning lli'iti all ot the executive hoads put together forgot to brag about tho engines of yesterday and hcitin to grant an ungrudging pialse to this new-comer among the motive power units of the "Q", Travel for December, 'What Is the Best Remedy For ) Constipation? -4 This is a question asked us many timet each day. Tho answer ia Wo guarantee them to bo satisfactory to you. Bold ouly by ua, 10 ccuta. H. E. Grice Drug Co. Must Vaccinate Hogs Pigs from Immune sows are not al ways fieo from tho liability of having choleia, nccoidllig to the depm tinenl of animal pathology at I ho University Farm. Some litters may lo fun owed in infected pelts and go past weaning time without becoming infected, while others get cholera within two or three weeks after farrowing. Tho pigs should be closely watched and If any show signs of cholera they should be given serum alono. This will usually carry them well past weaning time when they can be given the aim ultimo oils treatment. If tho herd seems to bo extraordinarily susceptible to cholera, however, it will be necessary to give the serum alone more than once In order to cany them several weeks past weaning. Pigs given the simultaneous treat tuent soon after weaning sometimes lose this protection within a few months To acquire a long tlmo im munity, pigs should weigh nt least no or (it) pounds at tho time or receiv ing the simultaneous treatment At this weight the immunity usually lasts the ordinary lifetime of tho hog, altho In sotno instances hogs that have proved positively Immune at 1-5 pounds havo later developed cholera. Kill Gophers Now Gophers aro just beginning to work In your alfalfa tlcH. Hero aro some ways to get rid of them. The roturns from a little labor expended now will pay big returns. Select potatoes about the slzo of Kiigllsh walnuts; insert an open ended (pill I about two-thirds of the way thru the potato, half till the cavity in tho potato (made by the quill) with strych nine; plug the balance of the hole with potato, place the medicated potatoes iu u basket or pail, allowing thorn four or live hours to saturate before using. Take a sharp end gate wagon rod nnd spado and these potatoes out to tho Held to bo treated. Uy probing with the end gate rod into tho ground be tween the gopher hills, tho iiuiaways are easily located. When located, care fully uncover the runway, drop iu a couple of the potatoes, cover with Utter and soil so that the dirt does not till the original runway and that no light penetrates Treat each colony in the samtt manner, and the field will be effectually cleared of the pests. (Note: Strychnine s inked raisins can be substituted for potatoes. Notice Red Cloud Lodge No. 01) A O U. W. invites all members to attend a re ceptlou and banquet, given Tue-day evening, Apiil :J7tli, l'.ilfi, in hunorof the class of t)0 new members just re ceived in the lodco. Kach Workman may bring his wife or lady. Kuter tainmeut to suit the taste of all, both old and young. Come and, have a good old time. Lodge open In business session at 7:110 .slim p. All candidates must be on time. Social session xpeii at S:t'l l$v CnMMirru:. Methodist Mention A p.tirof tuts at tho Attendance at Sunday School is or i he inciease. The Intel mediate League stints oil in line stj le After Miy 11 there will be 70 less saloons in Nebraska. Mill week service Wednesday to which everyone is invited. llro Sullivan's address is ".'111 St. Mirys Ave., Lincoln, Xubr. A few more ladles are needed to at tend the Ladies Aid society. The pastor will open thedoois of the eluuelt ag.iln next Sunday morning. The Kpworth Leagu hastnovt-d in'o summer quartets. Meet with us iu the basement. The choir will sing t lie Oritorio"Tho Prodigal Son" next Sunday evening. Ever) body invited. "The very bet ever" said of the Tuesday evening Young Peoples meeting-, every Tuesday night. The brewers' year book shows the average consumption of liquor Iu dry suites to be l.!l" gallons per capita while In wot states It 1 -o,,' What does this moan'.' Ouly about half of the SSiWCOo asked for War Relief lias been paid by the Methodists Its coming from our colored schools In the South, our miss ion in Alaska, from tlio Indians iu the West and from the Canal Zone and from China ANNOUNCEMENT We have moved our fix tures from the Royal barber shop to the Geo. Fairfield shop, under the Tepee pool hall, which we recently pur chased. When in need of a first class hair cut, shave, shampoo or massage, see us. HUNT BROS. The Miner The Store That Red Cloud, You can walk easily in the new skirts Women are to have their own way. The narrow skirts are gone for good. Safety, comfort and modesty are dominant features of the new skirt modes. You are no longer to be hampered by a skirt that prevents a quick, long step in crossing a busy street. You'll find these new skirts just the right width, and remarkably graceful in style lines. They bear this mark of style and, quality excellence: M IllL'Il.lJLACK ikJiifmUaadJiMtU PARIS. 1 The pure wool materials were carefully skrunk before cutting. Every seam was tailor-basted before stitching.' No drawing or pulling out of shape in Wooltex Skirts. With all this superior quality and workmanship you pay no more for Wooltex Skirts than for the ordinary kinds. You can now choose from a full assortment in coverts, serge, poplin, gabardine and Chud dah cloth. Colors are black, blues, grays and sand colors. Full Lines of Summer Merchandise in all Departments Kg&SSS'v -ejE!S- 633' A MAN IS :-3 AS THE FOOD The better the food the healthier the man. Every man, if he values himself, insists on pure, good, sweet butter and on really fresh eggs. Our reputation for sell ing fine butter and eggs is perfectly well established in this community. Our gro ceries are the best in town for the money. j GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER 4 s P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOME Services Next Sunday, April 25, UNITED CHURCH 1 J- L. BEEBE, Pastor 1st Door East of Court Houso SPECIAL MUSIC 95th Anniversary of the Institution of Odd fellowship in America (Morning Subject) "Oddfellowship" Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will meet at the hall and march to the church. Evening Mubjoct) "To Hell and Back" Special Music A Cordial Welcome i I To Secure Real Bargains (MB P ll fn Bros. Co. Sells Wooltex Nebraska '4iss 'm& LOMPANYP CLEVELAND AS GOOD HE FEEDS ON GROCERY Patronize Chief Advertisers K I 1. :trl ti . m V n. 7g lro vpVtM.tfNWlt AmMit.4t m.4 i ft.Bt4Mai j-. ve vrt V v Wfc THf"Swtwwni--m r-ivv u rKR:,w fcifctttHwrew2M .( 4 A