The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1915, Image 3
tttHNKpK f RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF MiBWKKiBSBBMMSBSSMtSIBvmiSSiSi -"" . -. , ' i ifrMJiirttsuMe ' rtnJtMWgjy'. k I La w.r f INTOMTIONAL SllWSfflOOl Lesson By E. O. SHM.nRS, Actltu; UlriM'tor o Sumlny Soliool Course-, Tlio Month Willi? ItiKtltutP, ClilntKn, III.) LESSON FOR APRIL 25 DAVID AND GOLIATH. LKSSON TPJCT-I Samuel 17.3-51. GOI.DUN THXT-H God lc for us, who 1s fiBiilnat us? Horn. 8:31 It. V For forty duys (v. 1C) Goliath deflei SihiTb iirmy, encamped near Oetlile .hem. Three of tho Bona of Jessu woro in Saul's army and to them David is sent with food (vv. 13, IS, 111) These brothers Bcornfully reproached David when he expressed n willingness to fight Goliath, accusing him of pride and reminding him that hesnshutn fihcp hord (vv. 2G-29). David's words are carried to Saul and he is Introduced to tho king. I. Boastful Pride, vv. 38-44. Fear and dlBmay wcro nroused at tho very sight of this proud Philistine (vv. 11, 24, 32), yet such fear waB foreign to David, for his eyes wcro not upon man but upon Ood (v. 37). Ho related to Saul his exploits not as boasting but ns giving him assuranco that God was nblo to deliver him out of the hand of this Philistine. Saul, who had ouco been n man of like slinplu faith, 1b now as much in fear aB any of his army. David was perhaps about twenty years of age and verse f6 calls him u "strip ling," henco it was that Saul'B armor would not fit him (cf. 10:23). Human ly speaking, it was an impossible thing David offered to accomplish single handed. Even Saul (v. 32) sought to dissuade David, but David was not trusting In man nor depending upon tho armor of the king (v. 39; Pa. 27:1 3; Ibb. 12:2; Rom. 8:31). David took his familiar staff and sling (see 1 Thess. 6:2'.) and sallied forth, "strong in tho Lord, not in himself; armed not with steel but with faith." Crossing "tho valley" (v. 40 marg.) ho prepared his sling, with which every Israelite was skilled (see I Sam. 13:10-23). On camo tho giant, a ninn about nine feet tall (v. 4), "a stalking mountain, over; laid with brass and iron," preceded by his protector (v. 41). Why such a sol dier after his period of triumph should desiro this added safety 1b not quite clear. It suggests, however, tho sin ner'B timidity which reveals his essen tial weakness in that be trusts him self, takes no chances, and is even sus picious of his own supporters. What a contrast! This armored giant and this ruddy-faced, unarmed youth, car rying only tho staff, wherewith ho was wont to fight wild beasts, and hi3 sling! When God calls a man he uses that weapon with which tho man is most familiar, and when tho church or tho Christian soldier seeks to fight in tho nrmor of another, or by using tho weapons of tho world, it Ib foredoomed to falluro (Ex. 4:2; JudgeB 3:31). II. Conquering Humility, vv. 45-51. David acknowledged Goliath's su perior nrmament, yet armed -with tho nnmo of tho God of the army of Israel which Goliath had Insulted, his conn denco overtops that of tho Philistine and ho hurls back his broud boast. Furthermore, tho victory was to bo an immodiato one, "this day" (Zech. 4:C; James 4:7). With calm assurance he Informs Goliath of tho outcome of their conllict, but tnkes no credit to himself. David had naught but naked faith and tho senso of a just cause to strengthen his arm. Ho would do to Goliath and tho Philistines tho things that Goliath had boasted ho would do to David (vv. 44 and 46) "that all tho earth may know that there is a God In Israel;" sco also v. 47. David's seemingly insufficient preparation is now revealed to bo abundant, for ho had four stones more than he needed (r. 40). It is thus that God chooses 'ho weak things to confound tho mighty (I Cor. 1-27). III. Summary Wo havo before us thrc-o lessons. First the lesson of Indi vidual responsibility. A sinful king had paralyze'd tho effectiveness of tho ortr.7 of iBrael. David, "a man after God'B own heart," refused Saul's ar mor, crying out "I cannot go in these." Saul, bound by tradition, must use conventional weapons. Every great ndvnnco in tho history of tho church has been led by somo man who struck out boldly, insensible nllko to tho con ventionalism of Ida friends nnd tho gibes of the enemy. God would have evory man work according to himself, no, copying, not imitating, but with his own equipment. Second, all tho glnnts of sin havo not yet been overthrown. Wo still havo the giants of Intemper ance, Unchastlty, Graft, Selfishness, Ambition and tho Inequalities of our civic nnd social life. These can only bo ovcrcomo in tho strength of God. Iluiiyan mentions three giants, Pride, Grim and Pagan; to theso wo may add, Anger, Untruthfulness, Self ishness and Sullcnncss. Third, Our Helper. See Golden Text. Of nil tho graces David pob Bc&scd, faith was the root of each ono faith in a living God. His active faith caused him with nimble feet to attack this blasphemous t'tiemy (v. 48). H!b fnltli In God characterizes his cntlro life, resounds in his songs and strengthened his life of service for Jo hovah. ' It is such faith that strengthens tho arm of tho true saint of God, that en ables him to "ovcrcomo" In his own lllfe, to undertako for God and to go U Itho ends of tho earth In his name. J Available for Wear With Various Frocks A separate coat, which becomes a suit-coat when worn with Its own par ticular skirt, but is availablo for wear with various frocks, will com mend itself to every woman, espe cially to hor who contemplates n Jour ney. Many of theso coats havo been designed this season, nnd they have been enthusiastically welcomed. They nro shown in tans, grays, black nnd whlto mixtures, nnd In checks. In theso neutral colors they go well with frocks or Hklrts In any color. Ono of tho newest nnd smartest of coatB of this kind Is shown In tho picture. It is cut with almost straight lines at tho front and back nnd trimmed in braid nnd buttons with a crisp military precision. At each side, a llttlo bolow tho waist line, there 1b nn Insert of fan plaits, giving the desired flare, and the double turnqver collar, set on at the back, Is another concession to de mands of the vogue. Tho skirt to match Is plain, fitted about tho hips and with a very con servative Hare from hip line to bot tom edge. It Is n llttlo longer than ankle length, but short enough to be a correct tailored model. In nearly all coats of this kind tho fit is vague, tho waist lino either Headwear for All Now that the return of spring lures everyone to tho out-of-doors, devotees of motoring aro happily busy getting together their "motor togs." Coats and headwear for ruln-or-shlne driv ing must bo considered from every point of view, and let no one think that becomlngncss Is not ns impor tant In motor apparel as in any other. nut this is a hint hardly needed for the buyer of headwear. Women aro accustomed to placing becomlngness as tho paramount essential when choosing any kind of millinery. In tho cliolco of motor hats there Is so great a range this spring that ono can afford to be exacting at)d to look until the very best model Is found. Two motor bonnets nro pictured hero thnt may be depended upon for good service. They aro made of silk. One of them boasts n brim and Is quite llko a hut in shapo. It is developed in pongoo with brim-rover turning up nt tho back over tho folded-over crown. A Bilk cord nnd fan of fringed braid supply tho decoration and theso are supplied in any color demanded. Tho bonnet nt tho left of tho plcturo Is made In chungeablo taffeta piped with n dark color in tho same silk. BAHJkL. aV "V LaeaeEaaeaw "&9" " raised above or dropped below tho normal, and only a suggestion, at most. In many of them lines nro perfectly straight or show n gradual llaru from the shoulders down. New Towels. Some of the newest Turkish towels have an Initial quite four or live Inches long, worked In French knots nt the left of the towel, above the border, in stead of In the center, as Is usually done. For a man's uso towels worked with theso large letters are very good looking. Among the newest designs for small guest towels Is ono of a lino dumask of a very smnll pattern without a woven border. The latter is hemstitched on and consists of an inch-wide hem of colored linen, pink or blue. Tho Initial may be embroidered in whlto on the hem or worked on tho towel Itself In a color to correspond with the hem. Separate Coats. Separate coats are receiving a great deal of attention; motor coats con tlnue to be full length or seven-eighths. Some of the newer conts are of uneven length. Motoring I - Weather The "body" possessed by this silk makes It especially well suited to soft crowns. Also, In tho better grado, It tins fine resisting qualities ngalust dampness, und sheds dust readily. This bounot 1b finished with broad rib bon ties in a soft weave that will not crush. A buckle, mado of tho silk used In tho pipings, over a foundation of buckram, and two flat buttons of the same, aro used for trimming. Many of the new volls nro largo squares of chiffon hemmed all around. Among them is a novelty showing a squnro insert of net or Inco In tho chiffon at ono side. This is placed over the face, when tho veil Ib not needed for actual protoctlon, and al lows tho wearer to boo clearly, JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Spring Waists. Spring waists aro both novel and wcarablo. Tho most notlceablo fea tures nro tho continued uso of high collars nnd tho return of jabots and rufllcB. That the jabot has returned is good nows, for never did women look moro attractlvo than when they woro jabotfj nnd ruffles of crisp linen and lace. Vogue. "LIFE, LIBERTY A Western Canada Farmer Writes as to Conditions. A. G Hansen is a farmer living near Clnvet, Sask., nnd as un old resident of Minnesota, takes strong exception to some of tho articles appearing in American papers disparaging the true conditions In Western Cnuada. The "Cottonwood Current" of Cottonwood, Minn., an Important weekly paper in the southwestern pait of the state, re cently published a letter from Mr Hansen, which Is Interesting rending In his letter Mr. Hansen makes a splendid enso for Western Canada ngalnBt those who seek to deter farm ers in tho StntCB from settling in Can ada He BayB: "The district In which we llvo Is a fair comparison to any other district in the country, tnndo up mostly of set tlers from tho Stntcs. Tho majority hero consists of Americans from Min nesota, Iowa and tho Dakotas, with a few Canadians' nnd nn odd English man. Wo havo been here eleven years, over slnco this part of the country was sottlcd, and tho majoilty havo done well. If they havo not, It Is certainly not tho fault of tho country. "There has not been a crop failure In this district slnco nettled This year was tho poorest, caused by lack of rain, although a fnlr estlmnto of wheat la about twelvo bushels per acre, average, and oats nbout ten. Some farmers got ns much as twenty flvo bushels of wheat per aero, and if all got good prices. "Tho laws of Cnnada arc nearly tho same us thoso of Minnesota, and wo enjoy tho samo privileges. "So far as tho European war Ib con cerned, wo Buffer to a certain extent as all the world docs. Canada Is giv ing a helping hand to her Mother Country, nnd wo American-Cnnndians firmly believe It Is Canada's duty to do so. I havo not heard ono American-Canadian who hns expressed a dif ferent opinion. Canada is not com pelled to send hex soldiers. Tho serv ice rendered Ib all voluntary service "Tho accusation that old settlers are considered undeslrablo citizens and aro forced out of business, evon In danger of being 'mobbed at thetr own fireside,' Is all falso, a mcro fabrica tion In the mind of badly Informed correspondents. There aro a few who have been discovered carrying letters, others papers and plans to provo them spies, and whose object Ib to conspire against tho government. TheBO havo Justly been arrested. Such a class of people cannot bo considered good citi zens, whether living in Canada or In tho United States. "Some people aro failures wherever they are, and as an excuse for failure In their country It may seem easy to put tho blnmo on the Canadian people and the Canadian government. Fact Is, thousands of peoplo from tho United States aro emigrating to Canada at tho present tlmo, which shows they aro not afraid of the Canadian govern ment. "Tho government is giving away, free of charge, provision through tho winter to farmers In certain district's affected by tho drought, and Is also sending seed grain to those In need of help. ThlB Is very different from driving settlers away from their own homes. "I have always observed that the peoplo who love their Mother Country most are thoBo who mako the best citi zens of their adopted country. The glorious 'Stars and Stripes' will al ways stand for what Is good and noble to us, though we live in a neighbor country where we also enjoy 'life, lib erty and the pursuit of happiness. ' Advertisement After the Meeting. Orator's Wlfo Did tho people ap plaud? Orator (with bitterness) Applaud? They mado less noise than a rubber heel in a feather bod! ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE for the THOOI'H Over 100,000 package of Allen's Coot-Hane, the antiseptic powder to abake luto yourBlioeH, are being uited by the German ana Allied troop at the Front because it resin mo teei, bitch in stant relief to ConiB and IJuiiIoiib, liot, Hwolleu aching, tender feet, and makes walking easy. Bold every where. 25c. Try It TODAY. Don't accent any substitute. Adr. Tho man who makes the best of everything should havo no troublo In disposing of his goods. Somo men aro pleasant to talk to nnd (llsagrecnblo to listen to. fui yVivviLizaLiJ MEN'S 2.50 3 3.50 '4.00 4.50 5 5.50 SHOES WOMEN'S '2.00 '2.50 '3.00 3.50 & 4.X SHOES BOYS' 1.75 '2 '2.50 '3.00 MISSES' '2.00 & '2.50 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY . WEARING W-L. DOUGLAS SHOES W. It. DouglM .hoe. are made of leatuer., on trie latcic moueu, careiuuj conuruciea oy me ino.s xpert 1BJ ana pattern matter in una oi equal price., can compel, wuu n.uiuuugiu enoee loriiyio, wommamnip anu quality, as cuauurwum, ooiy wauuof hoe. they are nn.arpM.ed. J Thn B3.0O, S3.SO and S4.0O .boe. will clve as rood Berrleo M other make! coatlne SM.00 to U3.00. The aV1.60,3.oo and mojao .hoe. compare favorably wltb oiuer raaue. eoitine aui.uu to ajH.uu. . thero are many men and worsen wear I ahoee. Coniuf t them and ther will tell I Douglas tuue cannot be excelled lor AIIriril WhenbuytniW.t,. wr iwn a loot lor BUNAMr BtamDed on the bottom. ShoM tbUA ttitnioed worth the price paid for Ihrm. For 3e ynani W. I.. Douilaa ha. cuuantowl their value and protected thewrartr iiitlnnt hUh tulctt for Inferior ibou by having tila NAMK AND I'lllCl! itamped on the bottom belore they leave the factory. Do not ba pereuadrd to take tome other make claimed to be Jiut a food. You are paylut your money aod are entitled to the ban. If your dealer cannot supply yon, write for Illua. Umtml Catalog showing how to order by mall, W, I- Uuuq-la., aiO Hpark Bt Brockton, Moss. Sick. Ctft&ntum Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer .without giving Lydia E. l'inkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. Here arc three never before published: From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. FnoviDEKGR, K. I." For tho bctiollL of women who nufler as I have dono I wish to Htnlo what Lydia K rinlthnm's Vcgctublo Coni'xmnd lias tlono for mo. I did eonio heavy lifting and tho doctor mild ib caused a displacement. I havo alwayn been weak and I overworked after my baby was Irorn nnd Inflammation sot in, then nervous pros tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia K Pink ham's Vegetablo Comixnind. Tho Cbintmuml is my best friend and when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce hor to tako your medicine." Mrs. H. T. Kioumond, 81 rrbgress Avenue, Providence, III. From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y. Peru, N.Y. M Boforo I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com pound I was very irregular nnd had much rain. I had lost three children, and felt worn out all tho timo. This splendid medicine helped me as nothing elso had dono, and I am thankful every day that I took it." Mrs. Mama Irwin, K.FJ). 1, Peru, N.Y. From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W. Quincy, Mass. South Quinoy, Mass. "Tho doctor said that I had organic troublo and he doctored mo for a long time and I did not get any relict I eav J,yuia u. l'inkham's Vegetablo Compound ad- skz vcrtiscd and I tried it and found relief beforo I had S1IC liuiBuuu mo iirac uouio. I continued taking it all through middlo lifo and am now n strong, healthy "woman and cam my own living." Mrs. .Tank 1). Duncan, Forest Avenue, West Qidncy, Mass. K Writ e to TFIHAE. PINK HAM MEDICINE CO. (CONTIDLM IAL) LYNN, MASS.,forulvico. tterivlll bo opened, read ana nnnwerod by a woman und halu lu strict coulldoucc. ML s?''LLVI DR. BRADBURY, Dentist It will pay you to come to me for your Dental work. 26 long years of experience In one spot. Painless guaranteed fillings, crowns and bridges. Plates that wear and fit. Diseased gums successfully treated. Fillings from $ I up. Railroad fare for SO miles allowed. Send for Free Booklet. 921-22 Woodman of World, Omaha Bad Language. ThomiiB A. L'dlBon on IiIh sixty eighth birthday unld to a reporter: "Tho result of this war will bo n Qormun republic that In fifty yenn. will forgo ahead of all of ub." Tho roporter, Impressed by Mr. Edi son's war knowledge, asked: "Whnt langungo do tho Uolgluns use Walloon, French, Germun?" "Humph," said Mr. Edison, "I know well what languago I'd ubo If I woro a Uelglnn." More. Cobb Is It a privilege- to know Short? Webb Yes; an expense, alBo. Judge. YOL'R OWN rmCOHIST WIM. TKI.I, YOD Trr Murine Hj Kemtdjr for Ued, Wck. Watery ll;K and (IrunQlatr'l Hrellds: No Hmarllni Iust Hie comfort. Wrlto tor Hook or the K nail Free. Marine Uje Itemed? Co., Ctilcao. This would bo a much hotter world If peoplo would only finish everything that they start. AMWI.rA HKKI), 16 00. Farmi for aale on crop payment! J. Mulhall, Boo City, la. Adv. When sho reads n historical novel Bho skips tho historic pnrt. tba beat domeitlo and Imported country, no outer miu Wherever vou live ing w.i.iJougiaa you mat w. tbo price. Dourtai tho. ANU I'UIC ara aliiaiii 7MfffjtXijCVfrfy. KM (WiWRvtSv.S7 afRntfj millliW HiMfftS' We!llIIIIL ir..alllUkUrMVUrWIiail11IIU,'anm ffliRr.. mmmwmmmwm. rcvvu77Kr ivc-,iiiuvin4T1UfwariAuiir'! mmmw Awvcr, irman mwnm iyaTOiv'm BTaTaHahBkXXTaTaKPl - - awMBBZL'ir.Tf .. , "A IAAW WWWV aTi2' JeTJaaeaV "aiSTalPr-''-"S-'1wB -t aHaHaHaJefMnlBH VsCg-HHaV aaaHaveWQlaV BEWARE OFPBF A smMi ( y r Nft Catarrh Can Be Cured FREE PROOF TO YOU Dr. Gordon's Homo Treatment, wherever used, Is producing results heretofore unheard of. Guaranteed to give satisfac tion or no pay. Don'l oay It can't be done. TRY IT. Hurry, my friend, act today. You cannot concelvo how much this means to you. Wo will send proof free. Drop us a postal or letter today. j Home Remedy Company, Lincoln, Nebr. Dninpni'HH caused by u woman's tours Ih always oppressive. Official Denial No War Tax on Homestead Land In Canals The report that a mar tax Ih to b placed om IlouiCHlciid IuiiiIh In Wextern C'uumla having been Rlreii couBlderaliln circulation In the Uiilleil HlateH, thlH Ih to adflse all enquirer that no Huch tax ban been placed, nor Ih there any Intention to place a war tax of any nature on finch lands. (HlRnetl) W. D. Hcott, Supt. at lmmicratlon, Ottawa, Cuuad a, March iSth, 1916. DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing la favor because it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure the finest fabric. For laundry purpose sit his no equal. 16 ex. package 10c 1-3 more' starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska CLIP HORSES NOW. They will (eel better, work better and are I ei liable to culdi. tncrxaan their tuIuo by clipping now, (Jet a Stewart Clipping Maruln from jour hard, ware and barnrna dealer today, Price 17 W (or the World"! bfiicllpplnir machine. Ollpi bonei, mnlta and cowi equally well. Absolutely guaranteed ! uleue or money refunded. Don't delay Vo It new. CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAIT CO. Wells and Ohio Sla. Chicago, III. Sudan Omit) valuable dcicrlptlve Bookie l'ree, and attractive prlcea on matured, ln- pected. Guar. leed. V. Ullery. I.ubbork, Tex. W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 17-1916. It you could vlilt tbo W. Zm Douglas factory at Brockton, Ma..., and sm bow carefully tba (hoe. aro made, and tba high grade leather oaed, you would than under. stand wby they look and fit better, bold their abapoaad wear longer than the makes for the prloa. VV. L. Dqualaa ahoe.aro.oiel throusn bo stores In the larcaciiiea no anoa dealer. every, wfcart j0 v wtmLA mflmiV iwfmwrw m Mi Sfl (if II .)