The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 15, 1915, Image 6

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Mexican Contestants Putting Aero
planes Into Real Service Italy
Is Threatening a Grand
Western Nownpaper Union Ncwm Hmlro
Washington. American merchants
and Itnportcnt havu been Invited by
tho Htalo department to Fund in Tor
submission to the lliltlsh embassy
Wj proofs that goods purchased in Ger-
innny and now in transit or awaiting
shipment woro p.ild for before March
1. Assurances hnvo boon given by tbo
jj British embassy that on tho produe-
lion 01 sucn proor goods will not no
interfered with by tho allied ships.
Upheaval Threatened In Italy.
Kama Political iinrtles favorablo
to Italy's Immcdlato Intervention in
tho war, comprising democrats, null
culs, reformists, socialists and nation
alists, hold groat meetings throughout
Italy Sunday, In an endeavor to bring
about tho participation of tho country
In tho conflict. Tho Couriorro d'ltnlla,
commenting on tho event, saya that It
huH assumed tho character or a warn
ing to tho monarchy, since tho na
tional party, which nrrnnged tho meet
ing, ndoptcd n resolution containing
this sentence: "If after long waiting
thoro nro disillusions, no mnttor of
what naturo, a profound political up
heaval Is lnovltnblo."
Mexican Contestants to Drop Bombs
and Darts on Enemy.
Brownsville, Tex. Tho arrival of
an aviator at tho Villa lines nbout
Matamoros with news that moro aero
plalncs are coming, and tho whir of
a monoplane belonging to the Carran
za garrison In Matamoras, promised
early developments In tho Blego of
tho fortified city opposlto hero. Jack
Knight was tho American' aviator. Ho
registered from El Paso. With him
came Juan P. Garcia, a Villa aviator
from Monterey. A Villa blplano has
lain Idle for a week near Mntnmoras
for lack of an aviator. Knight and
Garcia said they were Informed morn
biplanes woro coming, but that they
Aid not know when to expect them
German Cruiser Eltel Interned.
Norfolk. Vn. Tho Gcrmnn cruiser
Prlnz Eltol Friedrlch has been In
terned nt tho Norfolk navy yard,
whero sho will remain until tho end of
tho European war. Tugs and stenincra
In Hampton roads blow sirens In sa
lute bb sho slowly steamed from Now
port Nows nnd took her berth near
tho historic frlgato Constitution. Com
mander Thlerlchena Immediately went
to tho ofllco of Hear Admiral Realty,
commandant nt tho ynrd, nnd signed
an ngreomont not to vlolato tho Amer
ican neutrality lawB.
Huerta Has Eyes on Mexico.
Washington. Another snnrl hnn
aeon added to tho already badly
tangled Mexican situation by tho nows
that Vlctoriano Huorln wns en route
from Spnln to New Ymrk presumably
.with plana In mind for re-establishing
his regime south of tho Itlo Grando.
Although thoro wero no point blank
Indications that Huorta was planning
to start a cross-rovolutlon against tho
Cnrranza nnd Vllla-Zapata factions
thoro was n strong belief thnt ho was
not moking tho trip "for his health."
Was a Real D. A. R.
Towa City, In. Mrs. Maria Mnrcla
Whlto, aged 78. 1b dead at her homo
In Muscatine, In. Her groat grand
uncle, Simon Humphreys, wns tho
rourth signer of tho Declaration of In
dependence; her grandfather, Dcclum
Humphreys, wns a general In tho rev
olutionary war, nnd the lattor's
brother, Gcorgo W. Humphreys, was
a personal friend of Presldont Ceorgo
Washington. Tho faintly still treas
ures a watch ho presented to Ooorge
W. Humphroys.
Washington. "Winter wheat condi
tion on April 1 was 88 8 per cent of n
normal, against 05.G last yonr and
tho ten year nverngo, tho dopartmont
of agrlculturo haB announced
Enlisted Strength of N. N. G.
Lincoln, Neb. Enlisted strength of
tho Nebrnska national guard com
prises 1.020 men, according to the
federal Inspection report Just made
public. All hut sixty-two woro ac
counted for In tho company Inspec
tions made.
8t Louis Goes Republican.
St. Louis, Mo. Tho entire repub
lican ticket of twenty-eight nldormen,
led by A. H. Frederick for chalrmnn of
tho board, wns elected horo Tuesday
by a plurality estimated nt 25,000.
Will Not See Fight Pictures.
Washington. Persons who had
hoped to seo tho Wlllard-Johnson fight
In motion pictures will bo disappointed.
It waB recalled horo thnt a federal
statute expressly forbids not only the
Interstate transportation of fight films,
but tho Importation of such films from
foreign countries. It provides a fine
of $1,000 and Imprisonment for one
year or both for ench offonse. Tho
law wns pased by congress on July
31, 1910, twenty-aoven days nftor tho
JoluiBon-Jeffrles fight at Reno, Nev.
V$ rjft" X .JMftJtiftUfcUfa,
- HURRAH! ! 1 I IICAnr je II
iZsm zsL j ("2 v -J
University Museum Presented With
Ancient Agricultural Implements
Marked Improvements
Shown in Trade.
Wf?,lt'r.n,NcttHl,'lI,er Union Nows Service.
nshlngtori Germnny'a intenitlon
to compensnto tho owners of tho
American ship William P. Frye.sunk
on tho high seas with her cargo of
wheat by tho commerce raider Prlnz
Eltel Friedrlch, hns been formally
communicated to tho United States
government. Ambassndnr nomrd
cabled a noto handed him by tho
iionin rorcign olllcc In reply to tho
recent American communication sub
mitting n claim for an Indemnity of
$228,053.54 on behnlf of tho Frye's
owners. Tho foreign ofllco upholds
without qualification tho legality un
der international law of tho ralder'B
action In sinking tho Fryc. and bases
tho liability of tho German govern
ment to pay Indemnity solely upon
thO Old PrU88lan-Amorlnnn Irnntlon
of 1700 and 182S, which provldo that
contraband belonging to tho subjects
oi citizens of either party cannot bo
confiscated by tho othor and may bo
detained or used only In consideration
of payment of the full value.
Trade shows Marked Improvement.
WaslllllKtOn. IlllRlnnon rnnrllllnno
-wum v-Miuiviutio
throughout tho country aro showing
marked Improvement In almost all
lines, according to reports from na
tional bank cxamlnera tnut mmi,. .,,,i,.
He by tho treasury department. Eighty
oi mo ninety examiners In tho United
States reported normnnnnt Imnrnvn.
ment In business, and Malno Is said
to uo tho only state whero real de
pression exists. Tho reports aro an
nounced to be thn rnanlf nf n.,rfni
observation and Imostlgatlon.
Primitive Instruments Presented to
State University Museum.
Lincoln, Neb. There has nrrlvod al
tho state museum. University of Ne
braska, what is believed to be the larg
est number of ancient agricultural
tools ever gotten together la ono col
lection in tho world, comprising eighty
bison nnd mooso scnpula digging tools
used by Nebraska's soml-underground,
rectnngulnr houso builders who lived
along tho Missouri river thousands of
yenra ngo. Tho Implements woro sent
by R. F. Gilder of Omnha, nrchaoolo
gist for tho state museum, nud every
ono was secured by him during his ten
years' archaeological survoy or Ne
braska's ancient house ruins.
Tho collection of hoes will bo placed
on exhibition shortly and Nebrnskn
fnrmcrs will get a chanco to bridge
tho., span between tho modern steam
gang-plow and tho bono spndo or hoe
used In Nobrn&kn's earliest cornfields.
Ixindon. An attempt whb mado nt
3 o'clock Thursday afternoon to as
sasslnato tho sultan of Egypt. Hus
sein Komal. according to a Router
dispatch from Cniro. As tho sultan
wns leaving Abdln palace, a native
llredi shot at him. This wont wide
nnd tho natlvo was immediately
Highest Price Paid for Wool.
Rawlins, Wyo. Tho highest price
over paid for Wyoming wool on the
range was handed to L. E. Vivian,
when ho received 30 cents per pound
for his clip of 210,000 (ostlmatcd)
pounds, shortly to bo shorn from his
sheep north of Rawlins. No other
sales aro reported, although a number
of buyers have been dickering for sev.
ernl das. It is bellovcd now wool
will go to 40 cents, nnd probably CO
cents per pound before the shearing
season Is over.
Another Steamer Torpedoed.
London. A big submarine that
dashed through a heavy sea at Incred
iblo speed torpedoed ami Fank tho
steamer Northlands, off Ileaehy Head,
In tho English channel. Whllo some of
tho crew Inndcd nt Deal, bolloved tho
attacking "underseo booto" was t ho
famous U-12, others believed It was of
iv newer and far moro powerful typo.
Word of tho sinking of tho Northlands
was rccolvod hero only a short tlmo
before tho crew of tho Grimsby trawl
er Agnthn wns landed nt Blyth, near
in n i VQWJaMSffywMif.w
Claims Undue Detention of Steamer
Odenwald at San Juan
Cruiser Eltel to Be
stern Newspaper Union News Service
On tho Italian Frontier. Tho war
ships of tho Italian fleet departed sud
denly Moiiday from tho Medltcranean
naval stations at Spclza, Goeta and
Maddaleim Islands. They concentrated
ut Augusta, Sicily and nt Tarantn on
tho Adriatic. Tho departure of these
warships caused a profound impres
slon. particularly at Spezla, whore un
til Sunday tho harbor was crowded
with dreadnoughts, cruisers nnd tor
pedo boat destroyers, while the town
was filled with otneers and sailors.
Italy now has tho finest fleet In her
history. It Is headed by several new
dreadnoughts, of which the most form
idable Is tho Contc dl Cavour, which
corresponds In tho Italian navy to
Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth.
Tho future movements of tho fleet
aro veiled with nbsolnto secrecy. It
Is nsscrted that only tho king nnd one
or two of the highest government of.
flclals aro acquainted with the plani
decided upon.
Eltel Will Be Interned.
Newport Nows, Va. Commander
Max Thierlchens, of the German aux
iliary cruiser Prlnz Eltel Friedrlch.
nsked the United Stntec. trnvm-nmnnf
through port authorities hero to Intern i
his ship nnd crew for the war. Up to '
the last moment tho German skipper i
kept up the appearance of being ready
for n dash for sea, and when tho time
for decision finally came, ho explained
that failure of "expected rollot" to ar-'
rlvo had mndo It necessary to Intern
rather than "deliver crew nnd ship to
fruitless and certain destruction by '
Ilrltlah and French warships waiting i
off tho Virginia capos."
Claims Undue Detention at San Juan
of Steamer Odenwald.
Washington. Investigation of tho
circumstances under which tho Ameri
can forts at San Juan, Porto Rico,
opened fire on tho German steamer
Odenwald nud alleged undue detention
of tho vessel by tho port authorities
has been requested of tho stato depart
ment by tho German' embassy here.
The embassy has Issued a statement
charging that no warning shot was
fired as a signal for tho vessel to heave
to as Is customary In such cases. A
report to the treasury department from
tho collector of customs directly con
tradicts this, saying a warning ahot
wiib fired and was unheeded.
London. Tho Rotterdam corre
Bpondent or the Dally Telegraph says
ho has absolutely reliable nuthorltv
for stating that the German emperor
hlmscir recently visited Rmperor '
Frnncis Joseph at Vienna to urge that '
Austria mnko territorial concessions
in order to securo Italy's neutrality
Tho mission, adds the correspondent,
wns undertaken with tho greatest se
crecy, but railed or Its object, owing ,
10 nungnrian opposition,
Nebraska Teachers Go to Philippines.
Washington. Earl Hanner or Beth
any, Ralph M Sams or Eastwood and
Paul H. Stownrt or Konnard, Nob.,
havo been appointed to positions in
tho Phlllpplno teaching Bervico, and
will sail ror tho Islands April 24.
President Will Speak.
Washington. Presldont Wilson has
accepted nn Invitation to attend Dec
oration day exercises at Arlington na
tlonnl cemetery on May 30, and ho
probably will speak nt tho Invitation
or tho Grand Army or tho Republic.
Suicides by Shooting.
Ashlnnd, Neb. Hnrry French, son
or Robert E. French, grand custodian
or Nebraska Masons, committed suicide-
by shooting hlmseir whllo walk
ing on tho trnck toward Momphls.
Monday morning. Ho wao formorlv
station agent nt Mnlmo. Neb., nnd
leaves a wife- and two chlldron.
Washington. America's claim on
Germany on account of tho destruction
by tho Prlnz Eltel Friedrlch of tho
William P. Fryo Iisb been mado pub
lio. It is for (228,059.54. v
Trade Balance Favors This Country
During First Quarter Vast
Governmental Railway
WcRtrrn Newsp-iur-r Union News Service
Rotterdam. Tho British steamci
Ilarpalyce, tho first relief boat of Now
York state, and under charter to the
commission for relief of Ilelglum, has
either been torpedoed or sunk by ti
mine In the North sea. Tho Dutch
Btenmer Elizabeth, on Ita voyage from
Rotterdam for Now York, picked up
twenty-two of tho crew of the Har
pnlyco seven miles northeast of Noord
hinder lightship and brought them
back to Rotterdam. Tho Dutch steam
er Constance Catherlna picked up live
men nnd took them to Nlouwe Water
wcg. The steamer carried n crew of
llfty-threc men, twenty-six of whom,
It Is feared, liavo been drowned.
Enormous Government Project.
Washington. President Wilsons do
clslon on tho route of tho proposed
government railway through Alaska
puts In motion the most extensive gov
ernmentnl railway project since tlu
linking of tho east and tho Pacific
coast by the transcontinental railwny
system. Liko tho latter, the new pro
ject hns the twofold aim of opening
the way for pioneers nnd settlors in
this new nnd almost unknown region
of vast virgin resources, nnd at tho
same tlmo providing nn outlet Tor
these resources to reach the senboard
nnd tho trndo routes to tho Paclllc
Btntes and the Orient.
Trade Balance Favors America Dur
ing First Three Months.
Washington. America's favorable
December, January, February and
March trade balnnce, according to fig
ures furnished President Wilson by
Commerce Secretary Redlleld, is ap
proximately $000,000,000. For tho
week ended April 3, tho report Bays,
the Hgure8 wero J21.C21.172.
Tho secretary says that the foreign
trado shows no signs of falling off,
"Undoubtedly our International po
sition will bo greatly strengthened as
a result of tho enormous export trado
wo are doing, especially with Europe.
"When tho war Is over, wo will owo
Europe less than wo have In a gen
eration and Europe will owo us. which
shu hns never dono before, nnd owe
us a great deal."
Conditions Bad In Turkey.
Now York. Sanitary conditions In
eastern Turkey nro "unspeakable," ac
cording to reports from cities there,
whero tho American board of foreign
missions hns hospitals mado public
here. Typhus nnd typhoid rover nro
raging, physicians. missionaries,
nurses nnd othor Americans havo
caught tho contagion; hospitals aro
overflowing, all schools In at least ona
district have been closed nnd sick sol
diers "nro toppling over like tenpins"
It is said.
Will Distribute Maps of Road.
Lincoln, Nob. A mnp of the Omn-ha-Llncoln-Donvor
highway and all
roads centering In Lincoln will bo
printed by tho good roads commlttco
of the Lincoln Commercial club and
placed In all tho hotels, garages nnd
touring bureaus or the country nlong
the leading tourists' routes nud espe
cially at Omaha and Denver, tho ter
mini of tho Nebraska cross-country
route by way of Lincoln.
German Cruiser Arrives at Port.
Newport News, Vn. Tho Gorman
converted cruiser Kronprlnz Wllholm
tho elusive raider or commerce In the
South Atlantic, slipped Into this port
Sundny nnd nsked tor fuel and provis
ions. Mnny times reported destroyed,
tho former North German-Lloyd liner
hnd evaded hostile warships lor eight
months, whllo she sent rourtcen mer
chantmen to tho bottom. Her olllccrs
said sho was rorced to steal her way
past rour allied cruisers ofT tho Vir
ginia enpea to reach this rofuge.
Italy Gaining In Military Strength.
Rome. Italy's fnlluro to outer tho
war up to tho present tlmo is ox
plained In olllclal circles as duo to the
fact that that country's statesmen du
not wish to plunge tho nation into tho
enormous risks of war without first
oxhaustlng every possible means of ob
taining what tho people deslro with
out recourso to arms. It is pointed
out that In tho meantime Italy is
gaining ovcry day in military strength
and in economic resources by post
poning her entrnnco into tho conflict.
Kansas City, Mo. What is bollovod
by tho police to havo been a bomb ex
plosion wrecked tho seven Btory cool
ing building of tho Cudahy Packing
company's plant hero, causing a loss
estimated at $750,000, Investigation,
however, developed no trace of an ox
plosion. Company officials nssortcd
thoro was no gas In tho building and
that tho cooling pipes contained no
ammonia or othor materials that might
explode. Moro than 200 men wero em
ployed In tbo building on week days
but at tho tlmo only two woro al
work. Both were burned dangerously.
Alnsworth voted Sundny baseball bj
ten votes. '
Elmwood Is orectlng a new cltj
pumping station.
Tho state bowling tournament 1b be
ing held at Lincoln this week.
Nebraska City will begin at once
the laying of fifteen blocks of paving.
Tho state banking board has Issued
a charter to tho Stato Rank of Wlnno
A commercial club of thlrty-llva
membern has been organized ut Alns
worth. Burglars secured $75 when they en
tered the meat mrket of E. C. Twlsn
at Louisville.
Seven hundred delegates will attend
tho A. O. U. W. grnnd lodge meeting
nt Lincoln, Mny 1 1 to 14.
Evangelistic meetings in progress nt
Dcatrlce for the past two weeks re
sulted In thirty conversions.
Mlndcn Is tnnklng extensive prepar
ations to entertain tho visitors who
will attend the G. A It. encompmont
there In Mny.
A number of G, A. R. posts over tho
state celebrated the fiftieth nnnlwr-
; snry of Lee's surrender at Appomat
tox, last week.
Farmers or Johnson county report
that the wheat never looked finer nt
this time of the year than It does at
tho present time.
Humphrey Leo Oldham, a pioneer
of Cass county nnd a resident of the
stnte for nlmost Ilftx years, Is dead at
his home In Murray.
Work has begun on tho Tnlmngo
drainage district, by which It is hoped
to drain nil tho south and west por
tions or Otoe county.
Ruth Hcrzog, three yonrs old, of Ne
braska City, foil Into a tub of boiling
water and received Injuries from
which sho died Inter.
The spring meeting of tho Nebraska
City district Presbytery will bo held
at the Prcsbytorlal church in Tecum
sell, April 12, 13 nnd 14.
Church Howe, of Auburn, who has
been under treatment nt a hospital for
some time, has returned to his home
much Improved In health.
nne 12, of Chndron, the champion of the
Boys' and Girls' Gardening club, conducted
co-operatively by the U. S. Department of
Agriculture and the Agricultural exten
sion Service, University Farm. Myrtle
raised over a ton nnd a quarter of vege
tables on a patch sllgltly over half the
size of a city lot nt a net profit of $7t.-)0
Dr. A. L. Weathcrly of Lincoln In
charge of tho peaco work In Nebraska,
has received from Mrs. C. W. Hayes of
Omaha, petitions circulated In that
city, nnd beailng 13,000 signatures.
James Doyle. 70 years old. section
foreman at Jnnsen, slnco tho Rock
Islnnd was built In 1887 through that
town, has been retired nnd pensioned
by the company for twenty-llvo years'
continuous service.
Prof. E. II. Harbour, stato geologist,
anys that the skeleton or tho pre
historic mammoth round at Campbell,
Neb., is ono ot tho lnrgcst found in
Nebraska and probably ono or tho
best specimens found in tho United
Congressman C. E. Rcavls will bo
chief orator at tho Fourth of July cele
bration nt Syracuse.
Over 1.000 pupils of tho city schools
havo enrolled in tho Lincoln Gnrdon
ing club, carried on in co-oporntion
with the United States dopnrtmont, or
agrlculturo nnd tho agricultural ex
tension service, university rarm.
Dr. Inez Phllbrlck, president of tho
Lincoln Equal Suffrage association,
haa been nppolnted ns ono of nn or
ganizing commltteo of a woman's
ponce conference to be hold at tho
Pannma-Paclflc exposition at San
Will Madgett. who started life as a
bootblnck on tho streets or Hastings
nnd has slnco risen to prominence In
business circles or tho city, was elect
ed mayor Tuesday.
Whllo toying with a revolver nt
their homo In Omaha, Mrs. Earl L.
Frantz accidentally shot her husband
or Blx weeks through tho breast, his
death resulting n row hours inter.
Edwnrd Doughorty, Jr., was found In
an unconscious condition lying on a
lawn nt Lincoln by a newsboy at 5:30
Tuesday morning nnd died soon after.
Death was caused by acute congestion
of tho lungs duo to exposure.
Dr. W. C. Wnsser, pastor or tho
Methodist church at York, has re
ceived a call to a church at Torro
Haute, Ind. It is said ho will not ac
cept at present.
Joo Stechor, tho Dodgo county
wrestler, debated Wostcrgaard, tho
Dcs Moines champion, in straight ralla
at tho Lincoln auditorium Monday
The body or Harry French, rormer
Burlington agent at Malmo, was found
alongsido tho trnck near Ashland, a
bullot nolo In his body and a .32 call
bre rovolvor lying beside it, indicating
--Nl v
Firsi in
fTrsf in Quality
Pint in Results
First in Parity
First in Economy
nnd for these reasons
Calumet Baking
Powder is first in the
hearts of the millions
of housewives who
use itaifd know it.
Vfoild' Par Food Dpcntloi,
Ctlctto, IDinoIf.
Pari! Eipaiitioa, truce, Unci,
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
cnnnociu di m
Rooms from 11.00 up HlriRlo, 75 couta up double.
This Happened in Boston.
"Cynthln, will you recite, 'Mary Had
a Llttlo Lamb' for us?" asked tho
kind old gentleman.
"I do not care to, much as I should
like to obllgo you," replied tho llttlo
girl with the horn-rimmed eyeglasses.
"Ab a matter of fact, tho poom haa lit
tie, R any, literary value, and in addi
tion is not true to life ns it exists to
day. Under the constriction In trado,
duo to tho meat trust, Mnry could not
own nn entlro lamb. She might havo
had a chop, but beyond that tho poofs
Imagination must be blamed." Phil
adelphia Public Ledger
For years Mrs. L. II. Jeffrey of Al
len, Neb., suffered from aorlous Illness.
Sho had dangerous stomach dorango
nients. Mr. Jeffrey learned of MayrB Won
derful Remedy. Ho investigated. He
wrote to a man who had used tt
Aasured of the absolute safety, ba
gave a doso to Mrs. Jeffrey. The help
It gavo his wife Ib told in a letter be
wrote to a Sioux City druggist:
"I wish to say a row words in com
mendation or Mayr'B Wonderful Rem
edy for what it haa done for my wife.
She has been troubled with gall atones
for years. I saw Georgo H. Mayr'a
advertisement of his wonderful etora
ach remedy, so I sent for a bottle.
When I got It tho doso waa so large
that I waa afraid to glvo It.
"I wrote to J. F. Myers of Book
street, Sioux City, and ho wrote- that
it waa perrectly sare. My wife took
It with very satisfactory results. She
passed about half a cupful of gall
stones. Sho got some moro to com
ploto tho cure."
Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy glvea per
manent results for stomach, liver and
Intestinal ailments. Eat as much and
whatever you like. No moro distress
atter eating, pressure of gas in the
Btomach and around tho heart Get ono
bottlo of your druggist now and try it
on an absoluto guarantee if not satis
factory monoy will bo returned. Adv.
Means to the End.
"Tho doctor advises mo to eat alow,
y and sparingly."
"Thon don't tip tho waiter."
followed by a Little Ointment for
Daby'e Tender 8kln. Trial Free.,
They afford InfantB and children
great comrort, permit rest and sleep
and point to speedy healmcnt of ec
zomas, rashes, Rollings, cuaflnga and
other Bleep destroying skin troubles.
Nothing hotter at any prico for the
ursory and tollot.
Samplo each froo by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Tho average woman knows tho ins
and outB or flirtation. Sho first drawB
a man, then sho pulls him La.
F' bS
I Ta Joa't nn Bwitr mtm y W Ar r IW-na I
I WUat p4r. D.'t W bIiW. BirOln. It'll
I Mr cMtaictl mm wWko im hot rmln. I
Cl el U Ir prior U wr ilk id ui. I