KA miiifnnniwiwnfiKmiiin i mh imJtwuiinx.i.iiiiiii. ' "wwfaMW;l, MIHIMgWWWWWMK.,. f.-luMItrIW8W1 " ot-jbt rjWWtJKU REt) CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebrnskft. PUBLISHED RVBKY THURSDAY Entcntl In tin- 1'oi.UiIIU'p nl Hi l ( loml, Noli. m Hicontl ('Inns M inter' A . McAKTMJK I'L'iiMNHKii TUB ONLY DKMOfUATIO I'AI'KK IN WKIINTKIl COUNTY LIFE ON THE FARM Tho United States Seoietury of AkiI culturo sent out ti number of letteis turnout tlio Untied States ashing Uio women on lliu farm to suggest ways or plnns of making fnriti life mom pluus nut and ho has received iiiihwci's that reveal greatly varying conditions. A few of tho women complain because tho woiklng day Is too long, they have notltno for anything tmtN labor. Some Miy Unit if they could have mi auto mobile that was very eii'-y to manage they would be happy. Soino want talhlng machines and some want the old fashioned literary society or spoil ing school A woman In Now York does not like to havo tho nowspiipeis call tho fanners "hayseeds." Tliufro answers show that life on the fai m is about what tho Individual makes It. With tho modern maohliioiy, tho model n fai m home with all the conveniences that any city dueller has no woman's II fo on the farm should be ilksoine. in fact, even where tho in dividual belleveb ill working himself to the highest pitch, it is doubtful if ho makes for himself and his family a liardor existence than those city cousins in the tenamoiit. Tho fact is that the Intelligent farmer can havo the very best of everything nil tho farm and can make his life and the life of his family tho most ideal of any. It is all what the individual makes it. The public is cordially invited to use the columns of the Chief for tho discussion of matters of public inter est. We will even invite you to tell us how to make this paper n better one, how we can Improve It so that you can enjoy it more. Any subject that is next to jour heart, and you bolicvr needs attention, would make a good articlo for this paper and wo ask you to use it Who will bo the that? The farmeiH arc being wakened up many limes these nights by uiiumii.1 noises. Many of them have- been greatly startled Several have solved tlio mystery after repeated skiiiulslies scantllly attired In their night el t' on. shotgun in tin: hand and butcher knife in tho other. Thou) noises were tot madd by I cms nor lions but wore hiinply the cinching of the wheat and ul fid fa growing in Nebraska fields Which Indicates that wo will surelj have a ci-Hcking good ciop. Week after ne.l has been designated lis (Mean lTp Week. Tho Idea Is In have everv strict, alley anil jiird clean and hk an induced out the city will furnish teams to haul away all it fits" that is plied either in the streets or nlleysoiiiing thai week. Now that we nil know about it lit us make it a point to co-operate and make thl tin cleanest oily in the nation. We can not hope for Mime tlmo to bo tin largtst city In the woild, but it would bo a mighty nice thing If wo could be tho cleanest city. Wo can if we will Xiet everybody scrub and rake. A very attiactlvo foreign advertise ment was offered us this week which we politely declined by informing the would bo Hdveitlscr that our columns were for our home people first of all and thut so long as they desired to use these columns, wo felt compelled to Tcfuso everything fioni tho outside While wo are on tho subject wo wish jou lo rend every advertisement in thlB isHiio very carefully. You will find the various articles of uioichan dlse well represented, and wo conn dently believe that you will make no mlstako If you make your puichiiMs or theso linns You will ilnd in this city the very best assortments of (everything that you want and a prices that aio fidr aid just to all These men stand behind their gooib, ami they gnaranteo their quality. They aro w. r hy of h .1 your trlido A Food and Nerve Tonic is frequently required by old ago. Wo always recommend dVSSSSM Emulsion containing Uuvophotfhitti Man ideal combination for Una purpose. H. E. Grict Drug Co. Miner's pcrfW CoiiyrUlu 1015 Tlio H. ninck Co. tt' ' .'.flEHHLt W Senator Weesner Makes Very Worthy Record TIih folloiviiL-Hi tlclu tut on from tlio WorliMlfiulil miller (lute of Monday, April 13, will bt- Ki'iul with lnh'iust by the in, my fik-iuU of Stimttor A'usnorf "Piub i itnil Hpnovitl of tlit) claims b II by lliu liKi-liilino ii'Milts In h pel siiiiuI i'iiiniili for t lonht tint1 inotubcr of thu H-nu'e: Tlmt iiuMiibt'r Is Kcnif tor WuHhiitM-of .WeliMur I'ountv, (iliiiir man of tlii' i-on.itu olitiiiiN cdiiiiiiltttu' U'ul oim of the riotous uho Iiuh IiuiI cull bl'K'iulil pieviou-, f.xp. rl:iic '. XrH Af hi I W M P kl 1300 ft 1 Our Wooltex Mid-April Style Exhibit affords you season to Complete assortments of spring styles This special event is planned for those who prefer to select a tailored suit or coat late in the season, and have it fresh and new for summer wear. You may need it for a vacation trip or summer travel. School and college girls will have special need for tailored garments during the summer. Teachers find such garments indispensable for vacation trips and summer school w.ear. Wooltex tailored coats, suits and skirts are the ideal apparel for summer travel They aro so easy to keep spic and span under all conditions. The pure wool and pure silk materials the woolen materials prc-shrunken do not lose their beauty from rain or other conditions incidental to travel. Their superior character o tailoring keeps them trim and shapely. They arc stylish aud becoming appear equal to clothes that often cost twice as much. Come in tomorrow. You'll find . more than ordinary values to repay you for your visit. Coats The Miner Bros. Co "A Dr. Price's CREAM BAKING POWDER XXXi Cream of Tartar, the thief ingredient of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, is a product of ripe grapes. It is pure and health nil beyond question. Alum, the chief ingredient of many of the substitutes offered in place of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, is a min eral acid, which has been disapproved by physicians and chemists for use in the preparation of food. "DurliiRtlie session just closing the Webster county mini litis put in mi viti-ii-iml itinoiuit of lime on his work, lie hits K into tliH record of every oliilin with it lhoroiie;liniHi tlmt umi'lis him us one ut til" most em of ul mill puliis taking membuth of thu Ut(ilttiiie unit ii biixlneh mini in nil piirtiuiilnrH Senutor Weesner Iiuh hud tho contl ilenud. ut Hit tlmos, not inily of the nibiiilieisof his own house, but of the mi'inhers In thu other hoiiso us well. Ills lecoi'il Iiiim benu one whiuli Iculorh of both houses believe will llml Keiienil approval ut tho hands of his home people. The Store That Sells Wooltex the final opportunity of the seledt tailored garments from Suits Mighty Safe Place To & nTi!LlI.BLcK Company Jtm:iiiM PARIS-CLEVELAND .v School Children Join The Pig Club Contest Tho following suhool children In this county huve joined tho lf)lo Yg club contest: Dist. OS Chester Wilson, Cluienco Wll.illllls. Dist. !in (leorrfo (Just. DUt. fi3 Siimnur IMielmiin, (5em While. Eujyeno White, tultii l-'rey, Ruth Froy, Amu Sclmofer. Dist 14-Uobert Tophnm, Wallut-o Tophum, L'lwreuue. Menus. Cecil Mcun-, John llloom, .loo Tophiun. JSk ,v TfUUllMk " Skirts Trade" 3Sn A MAN IS AS THB FOOD I nut i.hl ItM The better the food the healthier the man. Every man, if he values himself, insists on pure, good, sweet butter and on really fresh eggs. Our reputation for sell ing fine butter and eggs is perfectly well established in this community. Our gro ceries are the best in town for the money. J QIVC um A TRIAL OK DC 19 j P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE Dist. 27 Lynn Delph Dist. 70 Mtturico Foy, Aubrey Fearn, Ilirold Sloner, Clllford Slbert, Kunnuth Stoner, Gull Fenrn. Dist. 2 Edward lloal. Dist. 77 Albert Dreher, Fred Drehcr, Arthur Stoveus, Hiirvcy Stevens, Ches ter Shirley, Gilbert Shirley. Dint. .'Ill-Two children. Dist. 18-ltobeit Duiho. (lulle Koalt public school Fred Hunt, Hubert Campbell, Hurry Conuor, Floyd Uiiilmrdbou, Willie Stlchley, Frunlcllu Luuo, ? - J f w 33 -M WS33' Miner's m 'A "M 'a tm VnTTKlT 1711 Copyright 1010 The H. Black Co. i .- -,, vS3SS!aSS AS GOOD HE FEEDS ON fe GROCERY Odd Fellows Will Attend Church Sunday, April 25 All members of Hen Adhem LoiJko No. 180 nro requested to meet nt tho lodfo room Sund.iy morning, April 55, ut 10:30 o'clock, niid from thero they will nmrch to tho United Church, where Hv. Jleebo will delivor tho Annlvcrsiiry address at 11 o'clock. A. It, MoltTHUlt )n ... F. E. M.vuheb Commit toe. Chief h1s brlns results. Try them. .Ax 'I' 1 -i: if. A i " t . i TJik' W,;ZiWr,t&ii'