The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1915, Image 7
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF V A i H l A ' , & f ( X' 4 L teMONAL swrsoiooL LESSOR KIiJ B,- RHI'InUS. ActltiR Wr.-ctor of Huml.iy K.-hnnl Toursu. Moody Hlblu In. Mtitute. Chicago.) LESSON FOR APRIL 11 DAVID ANOINTED KIND. LLSSON TliXT-I Samuel 10:1-13. OOLDliN TEXT-Mtin lookotli on th imlwurd appeal :uict', but Jehovah lookotli tn UUc heart.-! Bamuol li:7 II. V. After tho events recorded In last Sunday's lesson Samuel retired to Hainan nover uguln to see Saul's face. Samuel "mourned" (15:35) I. o., bo walled and lamented the deposed king. It was noble for Samuel thus to be grieved over Saul's sin; still, God had work for him to do. There Is a sor row that "workoth ropentanco" which Is pleasing In tho sight of God, but that Idle sorrow which sponds Itself in unprofitable mourning Is detrimen tal to. man and a hindrance to tho kingdom of God (ch. 8:7; 15:1) Men may fall but tho kingdom goes for ward. Wo do not Interpret verso 'A us suggesting any subterfugo on God's part but rather that God refused to pay any attention to Samuel s fear God answers fear by giving us duties to perform and in their performance we are delivered from our fears. I. David Chosen to Be King, vv. 4-10. Saul, tho clamorous cholco of tho peo ple, was not succocded by David "tho man after God's own heart" for sev eral years after this lesson. God's will in this matter was shown to Samuel progressively: (a) In chapter 13:14 Samuel 1b informed thut God hath sought "a man after his own heart;" (b) in 1G:1 ho is told to go and find tho king whom God had pro vided; (c) in verso 12 Samuel is at last definitely told whom God has selected. This selection Is in ac cordance with tho prophecy made cen turies beforo regarding tho kingly scepter (Gtn. 49:10). Of course It was high treason, this not Samuol was about to perform, and Saul yet had many friends and supporters (v. 2). God Bcems to have permitted Samuel to uso ono avowed purpose to con ceal tho roal ono, but "such a course It ono to uso but sparingly" (Maclaren) God can and docs protect thoso whom ho sends (Ps. 34:7) and "man is im mortal till his work is dono." Just what or how did not concern Samuel for ho had God's promlso (v, 3). A step at a timo' was sufficient and la taking each step Samuel was to tell tho exact truth. Thus God guides and tests his sorv ants. Samuel was a judgo as well ai a prophet (ch. 7:16) and tho people of Bethlehem wcro agitated at his arrival. It may bo, too, that these ciders wcro fearful of Incurring tho displeasure of Saul. There was no occasion for fear, as Samuel's purpose was to sacrlflco and hl3 mission ono ot peace oven as tho angelic messengers who quieted tho shepherds with their mossngo of "peaco" when "great David's greater son" was ushered into tho world. Jesso was a grandson ol Ruth tho Moabitess aud also a de scendant of Itahab tho harlot. On his father's sldo ho belonged to the strong trlbo ot Judah. Ho was evi dently a man of somo wealth, certain ly in his children. After tho sacri fice and beforo tho feast Samuol it inado acquainted with tho sons ol Jesso. Tho first, Ellab, was tall and good to look upon and at onco Samuel fixed upon him as th'-certain choice for Jehovah. II. David Anointed King, vv. 11 13. Seven sons aro set aside and yet Samuol did not hear tho voice ol God's approval. In seeming dismay he asks, "Aro hero all thy children?" Jessa sooma to havo made a careless and reluctant reply that the youngest was away from homo tending sh.cep. Thereupon Samuel asserts that "we -will not sit down (to tho sacrificial feast) till ho bo brought hither " It Is from such lowly positions that God la constantly promoting men to positions of responsibility and prominence. Witness Carey, Livingston, Moody and a hundred others past and present David at this timo was about fifteen years old (Dcochor). Ills namo means "darling," significant of tho affection of his mother, whoso namo is un known, but to whom David twice makes rofcrenco (Ps. 8G:1G; 11C:1C). David was abort, compared with his brothers, but had bright eyes (v. 12 marg.) and a fair face a "comely porson" (v. 18). David was agllo and otrong and though seemingly scoffed at by his brothors and neglected by his father It did not pervert his good naturo nor turn him from tho porform unco of his dutlos. Samuel did not greet David as ho had' greeted Saul, ho may havo been dlspappolntcd. This gives emphasis to tho words In verso 12, "Arlso anoint blm: for this Is ho." David Is anointed, set apart, for tho kingship, but is not equipped nor does ho enter upon his offices till lator. In this ho la a typo of Jesus who shall yet reign on David's throne. Verses 13 and 14 tell of the develop ing contrast In tho lives of Saul and David. David tho young king, poten tial only at this timo, 1b a great in spiration to tho young of all ages In that, (1) Ho did his lowly work thoroughly; (2) While doing It he sought to cultlvato and Improve him polt (v.lS); and (3) Ho gave himself wholly to God; henco the record "aud tho Lord is with him" (v. 18) AMERICAN SPARROWS rrr. r ; X -tt" Song Sparrow Above, Streaked With With Black Stripes Below, White (Prepared by the United Stiites Depart ment of Agriculture.) There aro somo forty species ot sparrowB lu North America which .uro helpful rather than harmful and should bo encouraged rather than discour aged; ut least, this tho opinion of tho United States department of agrlcul turo'B Investigator whose "Somo Com mon HIrds Useful To The Farmer" has Just been issued as Farmers' Hulletln No. G30. While tho English sparrow is noisy and obtrusive, the American species are unobtrusive both in song and action. Thcso nativo sparrows, although bo seldom noticed by tho majority of people, may probably bo found In near ly every part of our country, although sot more than a hulf dozen forms aro generally known In any one locality. While American sparrows aro noted Bced eaters, they do not by any means confino themselves to a vegetable diet During tho summer, and especially In tho breeding season, they eat many In sects and feed their young largely up on tho samo food. Examination ot stomachs of three species tho song sparrow, chipping sparrow, and field sparrow shows that about one-third of tho food consists of Insects, com prising many injurious beetles, as snout beetles or weevils, und leaf beetles. Many grasshoppers aro eaten. In case of tho chipping sparrow, theso insects form one-eighth of tho food. Grasshoppers would seem to bo rather largo morsels, but the bird probably confines itself to tho smaller species; indeed, tho greatest amount (over 3G per cent) Is oaten in Juno, Field Sparrow Crown Chestnut; Above, Streaked With Dull Red, Black and Gray; Throat and Breast, Brown; Belly, White. when tho Ir.rgor opccles aro still young and tho smallor most numerous. He sides tho insects already mentioned, many wasps and bugs aro taken. As a wholo, tho insect diet of tho nativo sparrows may bo considered beneficial. There aro several rccordB ot potato bug larvae oaten by chipping sparrowB. Their vegetable food is limited al most exclusively to hard seeds. This might seom to indlcato that tho birds feed to some extent upon grain, but tho stomachs examined show only ono kind, oats, and but Uttlo ot that. Tho great bulk of tho food Is made up of grass and weed seed, which form al most tho entire diet during wintor, and tho amount consumed is immense. In tho agricultural region of tho up per Mississippi valley by roadsides, on borders of cultivated fields, or In abandoned fields, wherever they can obtain a foothold, masses of runic weeds spring up and often form almost impenetrablo thickets which afford food and shelter for lmraenso numbers of birds and enable them to withstand great cold. A person visiting ono of theso weed patches on a sunny morn ing In January, when tho thermometer Is 20 dcgrecB or more below zero, will bo struck with tho life and animation ot tho busy Uttlo Inhabitants. Instead vm- -sjPSDiriaF' - . r r . rjrtc- s i -?- - . 9 j... . j. trava'-riM'K nrr, - Jki iJiiikfti w w 4S. -XisZjf'2rZ.V ? J. V'll: .' ircy.srM.-' -;'. i nn. v e MBMiaaMBanMMiiiWMHiManM EAT MANY INSECTS Black and Brown; Crown Chestnut, Streaked With Black and Brown. of sitting forlorn und half frozen, they may bo seen Hitting from branch to branch, twittering uud lluttorlng, and showing every evidence of enjoyment and perfect comfort. If ono of them is captured It will bo found lu excel lent condition; lu fact, a veritable ball of fnt Tho snowbird and tree sparrow aro perhaps tho most numerous of ull tho winter sparrows. Examination of many stomachs shows that In winter the treo sparrow feeds entirely upon seeds of weeds. Probably each bird consumes about one-fourth of un ounce n dny. Tho writer of tho new hulletln has estimated tho amount of weed seed annually destroyed by theso birds in Iovn. On tho basis of one-fourth of an ounco of seed eaten dally by each bird, and an average ot ten birds to each square mile, remaining in their winter range 200 days, there would bo a total of 1,750,000 pounds, or 875J tons of weed seed consumed In a sin glo season by this one species. Largo as aro theso figures, they unquestion ably fall far short of tho reality. Tho estlmuto of ten birds to a square mllo is very conservative, for In Massachusetts, whero tho food supply Is less than in tho western states, the treo sparrow is even more abundant than this In winter. In Iowa several thousand tree spar rows havo been soon within tho space of a few acres. This estlmato, more over, 1b for a single species, while, as a muter of fuct, thcro aro at least a half a dozen birds (not all sparrows) that habitually feed during winter on theso seeds. Farther South tho treo sparrow is replaced In winter by the white throated sparrow, tho whlto-crowned sparrow, tho fox sparrow, tho song sparrow, tho field sparrow, and sovernl others; so that all over tho land a vast number of these seed caters aro at work during tho colder months, re ducing next yeur's crop of worso than useless plants. TREATMENT FOR FENCE POST One of the Best Preservatives Is Coal Tar Creosote To Determine Tem perature of Creosote. (By B. O. LONQYEAn. Colorado Agrl cultural College.) A small, but satisfactory, tank for tho open-tank method of treating fenco posts can bo made from ono ot tho galvanized steel barrels used for shipping oil and gasoline. These barrels are 3G inches high by 32 Inches1 In diameter and by removing ono ot tho heads with a cold-chisel, or other wise, a tank 34 Inches deep remains. This tank is heavy enough to serve tho purposo of post-treating, nnd may J bo supported upon two iron cross-bars built into tho sides of a brick or stone work fireplace. Such a tank will hold about 10 or 12 poBts of ordlnnry slzo at ono timo. Ono of tho best preservatives is coal tar creosoto. The posts Bhould bo seasoned and tho creosote should bo heated to at least tho tempcraturo of boiling water with tho posts In It Uy leaving the posts In tho creosoto whllo It cools down, a good degreo of penetration should bo Bccurcd with most of tho quick-grow-lng soft woods llko cottonwood, pop lar, elm, and tho split cedar posts found on the market Tho tempera ture of tho creosoto may bo roughly determined by hanging a small tin can of water In the tank, and when tho water bolls, the proper tempera ture has been reached. Tho process of treatment may bo hastened by keeping tho creosoto in tho tank hot and removing tho posts after about an hour's Immersion into an open barrel of cold creosoto for another hour, whllo a now batch ol posts Is being heated In tho tank. Poultry Overlooked. Thero Is many n farm whero tho poultry Is considered an unimportant offshoot of tho business, but which, it cultivated right "up to tho handle," as It should bo, would produce more money than all tho crops raised. Animal Protein Best. Animal protein matorlal produces moro eggs than vegotablo protein ma terial, and is tho most ecocomicnl. It can best bo provldod in tho form of beef scrap and skim milk. in i I i i nmawmwH ?,-lm, rL Easy Money. nurghir Come, now, I Just beat up tho Janitor and got upHtuirs hero and I want your purse quick. Flntdwoller You bent up tho Jani tor? Hurglnr Yes. Here, where aro you going? Klatdwcllor It's nil right I haven't any purso myself, but I'm suro I can ralBo ono among tho tonants In a few minutes. SUFFERED FOR FOUR YEARS. Mr. J. M. Sinclair of Ollvohlll, Tenn., writes: "I strained my hack, which weakened my kidneys and caused an nwful bad baclmcho and inflammation ot tho bladder. let ter I becamo bo fW much worso il "I consulted a doctor, who said that I had Dia betes and that my heart wns af fected. 1 Buffer- Mr. J. M. Sinclair. cJ for four ycnr8 and was In a nervous stnte and very much depressed. Tho doctor's modi clno didn't help me, so I decided to try Doddt Kidney Pills, and I cannot say enough to express my relief nnd thnnkfulnoss, us they cured me. Dia mond Dinner PHIb cured me of Con stipation." Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at your dealer or Doddt Medicine Co., Uuffalo, N. Y. Dodd Dyspepsia Tab lets for Indigestion havo been provod. COc. per box. Adv. The Unexpected. "Did you hour about Seootlelgh?" "No." "Ho woko up In the night nnd went to tho wall cupboard for tho bottlo of Jamaica ginger. He was In such n hurry ho didn't stop to feel for tho electric light button, but chnnced It." "Dear, dear!" "Ho grabbed a bottlo that he thought was tho right ono and took a swallow of tho stuff." "My, my I" "It burned him painfully." "Oh, that's too bad! What wub It?" "Tho Jamaica ginger." Parliamentary. Ilrown Whore's thnt fiver I laid on tho tablo a moment ago? Mrs. Drown You never expected to Bee that again, did you? Drown And why not? Mrs. Drown You told mo that In parliamentary practice, whon a bill Is laid on tho tablo, It Is seldom hcurd of again. Harper's Dazar. Their Kind. "What do you think of tho way that upstart Dinks gives himself airs? Hero he was talking tho other day about tho delights of his salad days." "Well, I could havo reminded him that they woro not chicken salad days." Point of View. Aviator I must tako a vacation 1 Manager To got rested up? Aviator Lord, no! Down! Explained. Mistress Aro you married? Applicant No, ma'am. I bumped into a door. When prohibitionists havo banquets thoy aro supposed to eat tho toasts. Comparative Food Values I pound of 1 pound of Comparative Cost per Pound 1 pound of I pound of It would be difficult to find a food that affords the same abundance of true nourishment, at so low a cost, as does the famous wheat and malted barley food Grape - Nuts At three-fifths the cost, a package of Grape-Nuts supplies j nearly one-third more nourishment than a pound of rib roast beef. And besides, in buying a roast you pay for about 20 refuse, and there s a shrinkage in cooking. Grape-Nuts food comes ready cooked and every particle in the FRESH-SEALED package is good to eat. Its rich nutri ment includes the 'vital' salts that are necessary for brain, ' bone and sturdy muscle. Grape-Nuts is delicious easily digested economical. Thinking people everywhere are more and more adopting) Grape-Nuts ; "There's a Reason"; Sold by Grocers everywhere. BREAKING THE NEWS GENTLY Liverpool Man Exceedingly Careful That He Should Not Shock the Nerves of His Friend. In Liverpool there Is a man, writes a contributor to Peurson'fl Weekly, who Is famous for hid calmness on every occasion. Ono day ho strolled leisurely Into the ofllco of a friend, "I've just had a chut with your wife," ho began. "Why, I didn't know sho was In town." "Oh, die wasn't In town," replied tho other. "I called at your house." "I didn't know she wns receiving to day," bald tho husband, with somo sur prise. "I thought sho had u head ache." "Sho didn't mention It to me," said tho calm man. "There wan quite a crowd at the houso." "A crowd 1" echoed tho husband. "Yes," went on tho calm num. "They cunio with tho llro engine." "Tho lire engine I" gasped tho Iiub band. "Oh, It's all right," went on tho calm man. "It's all out now. It wnsn't much of a llro, but 1 thought you'd like to know of It." Preventing Premature Burials. Tho feur of being hurled nllvo al ways has been, and Is, so widespread that the French Academy of Science somo years ago offered a prize oqunl to $7,500 for tho discovery of somo means by which even tho Inexperi enced might nt onco determine wheth er, in a glvun case, death had ensued or not. A physician obtained the prize. Ho had observed tho following well-known signs: If tho hand of tho suspected dend person Is held towards a candle or other artificial light, with tho fingers extended and one touching tho other, and one looks through the spaces botween tho fingers towards tho llsht, thcro appears a scurlct red color whero tho lingers touch ench other, duo to the blood still circulat ing; it shows Itself through tho tis sues which havo not yot congested. When life Is entirely extinct, tho phe nomenon ot Hcarlot spaces between tho lingers at onco censes. Tho most oxtcuslvo and thorough trials estab lished tho truth of his observation. Final Opinion. "I bco thcro is un exodus ot for eigners In Mexico." "Well, Instcnd of them fool for eigners Joining In nny such uonsenso, I think they ought to get out" Not the 8ame. "Havo you caught any of tho dl vino afflatus from tho coming of tho spring?" "No; nil I've caught Is tho Influ enza." The War Geography. Knlckor What is an island? Docker A body of lnnd entirely sur rounded by a war zone At the Races. "That horso was pulled." "Yes, and I was plucked." Haiti moro American. If you want a middlo-ngod woman for housowork you should advcrtlso for a girl. Reaping a man's noso to tho grind stono doesn't sharpen his wits. rib roast beef Grape-Nuts food rib roast beef Grape-Nuts food OUR COAST DEFENSE In there modern day of heavy arma ment nnd pcientllic war equipment, much tlioi(;lit Ims been Riven to our coast de fense. The question of prcparcdnem is one Hint concern nil patriotic Americans for it Is nhvuyn the unexpected attack that caue consternation, Thin ii nleo true In matters pertalninR tq hen lth. That great enemy of health Stomach trouble may pprinR nn unexpect ed nttnek nt any time nnd it In well to be picparetl by always keeping n bottlo of lliwlcttcr'H Stomach Hitlers In tho houae. It U your bulwark in time of distress. He on guard nt nil times, nnd as soon as you notice tho appctito failing, digestion becoming inquired, the liver inactive and . tiio bowels refuse to perform their daily functions, commence takinpf tho Hitter. Prompt notion, together with tho aid of thi medicine, has been tho means of pre venting much Buffeting from Sick Head ache, Nausea, Poor Appetite, IndlgcaUon, Constipation and HilioiiHncis. Don't tiiflo with your health, but rather help Naturo when weakness is manifested. Hosti'ttcr'H Stomach Hitters is Nature' nlly, nnd them' together, form a combina tion that Ib sure to result to your welfare. Try it today, but be sure you get Hostet tor's. SEPARATED LAMBS AND GOATS Governor Knew What He Wat Doing When He Told Anecdote of Ancient Vintage. The governor of u southorn state cume to his ofllco with a frlond ono morning to find a number of men wait ing In the anteroom. Pausing an In stant, ho told a story that was a de cided "chestnut" When ho got Inside tho private ofllco tho friend said: "That was a horribly old oao you sprung on thoso fellows." y "I know It," chuckled tho governor, "but did you notice that one that laughed?" "Well, I noticed that three or four did." "Those," said tho governor, "aro the fellow who won't get in to see me. Thoy aro tho ones who havo favor to ask." Rchoboth Sunday Herald. Method In Hl Madne. "Do you rcallzo thut your long ser mons aro rather tiresome?" naked the young parson who wns now at the game. "I do," replied tho wlso parson, who wns beginning to enrry weight for age. "That Is why my congregation give mo such long vacations." The Way to Do. Frlond 1 seo you adopt tho policy of a good housewife In managing your theater. Manager How so? Friend You always keep your house In print. Just That "Tho Germans aro going to mobil ize tho elephants in a monagorle for heavy work. That's new line, Isn't It?" "Quito so; a sort ot trunk lino." Its Result "What do you think of this busi ness of tho Germans taking a Fryer "They aro apt to find thomselves In a broil." Superstition 1b what prompts a por son to bellovo a horseshoe over the door has moro vlrtuo than a lock and koy. o