1 n-1f .. ' ". W yTSJ RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF ( P I 1 IHGIDEHT IS CLOSED MEXICAN GOVERNMENT CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR FLAG INCIDENT. WAGING WAR ON ALCpHOL Temperance Question la- Foremost One In England Hessian Fly Survives Winter In Nebraska. Wenlern Newnpnpcr Union Sfivtri Service Washington. Itinsimich us the dese cration of the American ting flyltiK Inbovo tlio homo of .lolm I. Mc.MnuiiH, an American citizen murdered In Mex ico City, was tho net of lawless per sons acting without authority, tho iUnlted States government hns derld iod to muko no domnnd for nn apology. Secretary Uryan announced that the Incident wbb clocd with the receipt of n dispatch from tho Hrnzlllnn mln- Istor In Mexico City. Tho Brazilian minister," said Mr. Hrynn, "did not think tho facts In tho icaso showed any nttctnpt on tho part lof any onlcprs or authorities to dose icrnto tho flap, nnd ho did not there foro regard It ns a caso whoro nn apology should ho nsked." Officials (pointed out later that the nttltudo wsb in accord with tho policy of tho United IStntcs In dealing with such cases in ithe pant. Tho payment of tho $20,000 Indem nity to tho widow of McMnnus nnd tho genoral expression of regret by tho IVllla-ZapaUi authorities, nro held to 'be sufllclcnt reparation. WAGING WAR ON ALCOHOL. Temperance Question Takes Prece dence Over All Other Matters. London. Tho war on alcohol, nn outcome of tho labor situation In Great Britain, has definitely taken prece dence ovor tho much-talked-of "spring advance of tho allies In tho west," tho jrcason being that tho problem of am munition has become moro pressing than that of recruiting. Tho pronouncement of cabinet lead jors of tho letter of King George on (tho question of tompcrnnco aro In tended to pave tho way and sound (ptibllo sentiment preparatory to olther shutting off absolutely tho snlo of drink throughout tho country, except on physicians' prescriptions, or tho adoption of somo mensuro which, whllo perhnps not called absolute pro hibition will havo almost ns drastic an effort. Hessian Fly Survlv;s Winter. Washington. Tho Hessian fly has survived tho winter In Nebraska nnd threatens heavy damngo, according to a statement Issued by tho department ,of agriculture. Early nnd deep plow ling of nil Infested fields is recommend ed. Wheat sown latn last fall which did not get a very good start will fall especially easy proy to tho fly.. "Tho Ifarmers will faro much bettor," says the department, "to destroy these Iheavlly Infested fields where, owing to ttneks of tho fly, tho present stand Is ivory thin, than ho will to allow it to Istnnil nnd permit the files to emerge and Injure fields not sorlous "Infested." Claim Treasury Was Looted, Washington. An official statement by tho Vllla-Zapata convention govern ment In Mexico City received by tho istato department: charges that Car jranza officials during their occupancy of the capital removed from tho na tional treasury government bonds nnd jothcr BOcurltieB valued nt 1G.000.000 (pesos. Many of theso securities, which had been, deposited ns guaran tees by concessionaires nnd contrac tors, are ownod by foreigners. Huerta 8a I Is for South America. London. Tho Fabra agency of Ma drid haa received a dispatch from Cadiz, Spain, saying that General Vic torlano Huortn, former provisional president of Mexico, had sailed, with 'fciu family, for Buenos Ayros, Argen tina. Passenger Charged With Arson. Paris. Raymond Swobodn, ono of tho passengers aboard tho French lino .steamship La Touralno, which wns Im periled by a flro nt son on Mnrch G, 'has beon arrested charged with set ting lire to tho vessel. Passes Antl-Tlpplng BUI. Dos MoinoB. Tho Iown houso has passed tho nntl-tlpplng bill prohibiting proprietors of hotels and restaurants (and conductors on dining and sleoplng cars from allowing employes to ro celvo gratuities. Tse-ne-gat Taken to Denver. Salt Iiko, Utah. Tse-ne-gnt. tho direct cauao of tho recent Pluto upris ing, has beon taken to Donver to stnnd trial in federal court thoro on a chnrgo ,of killing a Mexican on tho Nnvajo Springs reservation n year ago. Another British Ship Torpedoed. Now Ilavon, England. Tho British 6teamer Sevon Sens, of 632 tons, was torpedoed by a Gorman submarlno off Beachyhend Thursday afternoon. Tho attack was without wnrnlng, nnd cloven of her crow of eighteen, Includ ing all tho ofllcorB except the socond englnocr wcro drowned. Such was tho forco of tho explosion thnt tho "hatches' wcro blown off nnd a big holo was torn In tho steamer's sldo, catis ilnjr her to sink within thrco minuses. TAKING THE JOY - ' ' "-'" ' nn mm i.i. ii.. . i-w-- u--- pgfi iytj Uf'uiiyriBlit.) EXPORT TRADE RUS HIGH ROUNDED UP BY TURKS AND RUTHLESSLY MASSACRED. Increases Shown In Shipments France and Great Britain City of Mexico In Neutral Zone. to Western Newapapur 'Jnlon Ncw Service. Tabriz, Persia. Preceding the rcoc cupntlon by tho Uussluns of Saltnnc plains, In Azerbaijan province, north east of Urumiab, hundreds of native Christians wcro rounded up by tho Turks In tho village of Haftdcwan and massacred. Many of tbeso were searched out from tho homo of friend ly Mohammedans who tried to hide them. Tho Russians on entering tho vlllago found 720 bodies, mostly naked nnd mutilated. Tho recovery of bodies from wells, pools nnd ditches and their burial kept 300 men busy for threo days. The walling of women Intensi fied tho horror of tho scone. Surviv ing widows who wcro nblo to Identify tho bodies of their husbands Insisted upon digging graves and burying tho bodies. Mexico City Neutral Zone. Washington. With the hopo of Bo curing permanent protection for tho 250,000 foreigners in Mexico City, tho United States government lins pro posed to tho Vllla-Zapata forces and to General Curranzn that tho Mexican capital bo declared neutral and outside tho field of operations hereafter In Mexico's civil war. Tho Vllla-Zapata forces havo agreed to tho proposal and nro willing to ovnctinte tho city ns soon ns a similar agreement 1b ob tained with tho Carrnnzn authorities, who nro now being negotiated with. Tho Vllla-Zapata forces havo agreed to tho proposal of tho United States for neutralization of passenger trains bo tween Mexico City nnd Vora Cruz. EXPORT TRADE RUNS HIGH. Increases Shown In Shipments to Great Britain and France. Washington. Continued hugo In creases In American exports to Franco nnd Great Britain and the principal European neutrals Is shown in an an alysis of foreign trado for February issued by the department of com merce. Decreases in exports to Rus sia and Germany that began soon after tho war's outbread continue, and no Americnn merchandise reached Austria-Hungary during tho month. How ever, tho lntter country sent goods to tho United Stutes valued at 1903,996, as compared with Austrlnn Imports a year ago worth $1,823,921. Improve ment in trado conditions in some of tho Latin-American countries ns thoy nffect tho United States was reflected In tho Btntomcnt, which showed that exports to Brazil last month were worth $2,174,420, compared with $1,- S01.002 in January nnd $1,854,762 In February, 1914. Allies Buying Automobiles. Applcton, Wis. A local automobile concern has announced thnt It hns re ceived nn order from tho European al lies for $1,500,000 worth of m'achlnes. Will Abandon the League. Omaha. Womon who belonged to tho so-called "Child Conservation League," nnd who withdrew when they learned tho national organization was merely tho project of a Chicago book concern, will federnto with tho Mothers' Culture club, which has many branch organization and mem bers In Omnhn. Each woman paid $15 for n set of books which aro published by tho Chicago concern and which nro supposed to bo a courso of study for mothers. Farmers to Have Mutual Company. Fremont, Neb. Farmers of Dodgo county In nttendnnco at tho quarterly meeting of tho Dodga County Farm ers' union at Scribnor, voted to orgnn Izo n mutual hall insurance company to protect theinsolvoa against loss of crops. It wns brought out at tho moot Ing thnt tho farmers nro not sntlsofld with tho Insurance pollclos offered by tlio gonornl compnnlos, clnlmlng thoy do not get tho protection thoy want, and as a result many of them hnvo been carrying their own insurance OUT OF SPRING GERMAN CRUISER EITEL FILLS ' COAL BUNKERS. Turkish Government Promises to Pro tect Foreigners In Urumlah Submarine Sinks Two More Ships. Western Newspaper Union News Service. Newport News, Va. Under super vision of the United States navy the German converted cruiser Prlnz Eltol Frlcdrleh Wednesday filled her bunk ers with 1,600 tons of coal which had been delivered alongside during tho day. When tho coal barges arrived at tho shipyards where the Eltcl Fried rich is moored orders were immedi ately given to bar all approaches. As the first sack of coal was hoisted from the barges the ship's band struck up n Gcrmnu national air and at frequent intervnls until a late hour tho sailors labored to tho accompaniment of patri otic music. Permission had been given to Coin mnuder Thlerlchens to coal his ship after a conferenco In Norfolk. Submarines Sink Two More Shies. London. Two Gormnn submarines, the U-28 nnd another, tho number of which lias not been ascertained, which havo been operating off the west coast of England during the past few days, havo added two more British steam ers, the Flamlnlan anil Crown of Cas tile, to their list of victims, totaling flvo since Saturday. Thoro was no loss of life on tho Flntnlnlnn nnd Crown of Castile, the crews of each being given baro time In which to get Into their boats. In the case of tho latter vessel, however, the submarine llrcd before the crow left the steamer, nnd shells passed along tho bridge on which tho captain and nn apprentlco were standing. A GUARANTEE OF PROTECTION. Turkish Government Makes Promise to Ambassador. Washington Assurance that protec tion will bo given to tho entire popula tion of Urumlah, Persia, whoro attacks on Americans nnd other foreigners and on native Christians havo beon report ed, has beon given Ambassador Mor genthau nt Constantinople -y tho Turkish government. In n message to the state depart ment Mr. Morgenthnu snld tho Otto man authorities had promised that not only foreigners, but natives as well would bo protected by the Turkish reg ular troops due at Urumlah last Sat urday. Oftlclals hero aro inclined to be Havo that tho stories of atrocities nt Urumlah wore overdrawn. Villa Levies War Funcf. San Antonio, Tox. General Villa Is reported from Monterey to havo re ceived nnd acknowledged a contribu tion" of 1,000,000 pesos from Monterey merchants. Americnns. It Is said, were exompt from contributions. Gen oral Vllln, when ho received tho mom brs of tho Montorey chnmbcr of com merce In connection with the contribu tions, caused tho foreigners to bo sep arate! from' tho Mexicans. Legislators Are Entertained, Lincoln. Nob. Members of tho legls laturo wero tho guests of tho Commer cial club nt a bnnquet at the Commer cial club rooms Wednesday night, fol lowed by tho gridiron stunt stagod by nowspapor men and members of tho club. Tho stunt wbb n mock session of the houso and sonnte, stnged In tho dining room following the dinner. Ec centricities of various members, Jests about happenings of tho session nnd a general tnke-off on law-making ns ex emplified In 1915 mnde- up -the pro ceedlngs. Persian Disorder Being Denied. Washington Tho Turkish govern ment denies that thero hovo beon nny disorders at Urumlah, Pcrsln. Ambas sador Morgonthnu nt Constantinople cabled tho state department that tho grand vizier had so informed htm on tho strength of n roport tnado to him by tho Turkish war otUce. Mr. Mor genthnu reported thnt further instruc tions that order must bo maintained had been nont to Urumlah nt his re quest nnd that regular Tutkuli troops were on tholr way to tho oceno. - 5101 TAKES TOLL EASTER BLIZZARD CAUSES MUCH GRIEF IN EAST. SITUATION BAD IN MEXICO Mexican Situation Declared More Chaotic and Helpless than Ever Submarine Sinks More Vessels. Western Nc-wspnpnr Onion Sewn .Service. Norfolk, Vn. Reports of many ma rlno disasters along the Atlantic sea board have reached this city In the wake of Saturday's violent storm. Tho loss of life was not known. Flvo members of tho crew of tho tug Edward Luckenbach nro known to hnvo been drowned when that ves sel foundered off False enpe. and ten others nro missing. Tho Dutch steamer Prlns Mnurlts is believed to have gone down with nil aboard, num bering forty-nine. The vessel wns lnst henrd from off Cape Hatteras. when her wireless calls Tor help said Bho wns In n dangerous condition. Two British warships, the coast gunrd cutter Onodnngn. and several other vessels rushed to the Mnurlts' nld. Tho British warship, the Coron na, reached the position reported by the steamer, but tlierew ns no trace of the vessel. Vessels Blown Up by Submarines. Newcnstle, Eng. Three Tync trawl crs, the Gloxlann. .Tnson nnd Nellie, wcro sunk by the German submarine TJ-10 Friday. After all the members of tho crew were safely In smnll bonts, the GermanB blew tip the trawlers. They then towed the fishermen toward tho Tyno until they encountered a fishing craft, which brought the men nshore. The fishermen say that tho commnndor of the submarine was quite congenial. lft supplied hot coffee and tobacco to them. MORE CHAOTIC THAN EVER. Mexican Situation Said to Be in Worst Condition Known. El Paso, Tex. A statement from the Americnn colony nt Mexico City. In which It was declared that the situa tion was "more chaotic nnd helpless than ever." wns brought to tho border by Arthur Billiard Johnson, n delegate representing Jointly tho 2.000 Ameri cans nnd the international committee of the capital district, tho latter com posed of seventeen nationalities, ag gregating moro than 10,000 persons. Mr. Johnson Is on his way east to take up the matter with ptibllo men. The resolutions wore drawn March 10 at n meeting attended by about 200 members of the Amerlonn colony. In answer to a communication from tho Washington government again sug gesting that tho Americans leave the republic. Live Stock Judging Contest, Lincoln, Neb. In the first Intcrscho lastlo llvo stock Judging contest ever held nt the University farm, tho team from Onkland high school won the first place of the eleven teams com peting. Out of a possible 5,700 points, Oakland won first with 4.2C3; Falrfleld second with 4,144: Pawnee third, with 4.11S; Blair fourth, with 4 02fi; Red Cloud fifth, with 3,944; Tecumseh sixth, with 3,856; York seventh, with". 3.853; Wnhoo eighth, with 3.812; Crete with 3,694; Holdrege with 3,638, nnd Alma ninth, with 3.230. Big Mall on Temperance. London. The first morning mail to reach Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd-George Saturday brought about 15,000 letters, virtually all dealing with the question of nbstlnenco from drinking In England. These commu nications were received by tho chan cellor In answer to tho full page ap peal appearing In tho newspapers urg ing citizens to wrlto him in fnvor of nbsolute prohibition. East St. Louis. 111. Tho Italian govi crnment has contracted with dealers hero for fifteen thonsnnd horses. A previous contract for 8,000 horses al ready has been filled nnd several thou nand horsos have been shipped under tho now contract. Thus far eighty thousand horses have been shipped from hero to tho European -belllgcr-entfl. Many Athletes Will Be There. Lincoln. Nob. Tho nnnual meet of tho Western Intercollegiate Gymnasi tic association, snld to bo tho largest event of tho kind over staged In tho west, will bo held In Lincoln April 10. Moro teams nnd moro Individuals will bo entered thnn over before In tho his tory of tho association. It Is estimat ed that tho contests will bring about 150 athletes, conches and officials to' Lincoln. Tho entries Include 108 men from tho Universities of Nebraskn, Minnesota, Chicago, Illinois, Purduo, Indiana and Iowa. Government Aid for Farmers. Washington. Government aid to farmors on farm mortgages will bo in terposed by a group of roprescntntlves In opposition to nny other plan of rural credits nt tho next session of congress. Ropresontntlvo Henry ef Texas Bald: "Wo will fight any propo sition from tho congressional Joint committee of rural credits that does not provldo for tho two fundtimcntnl propositions of government aid and a banking system for tho farmers sopar nto nnd distinct from tho federal re Borvo system." BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA Aurora wants tho t916 G A. R. an cumpment. Tho old high school building at Tho vlllago of Bonnet bus Just or ganized a commercial club. Exeter was destroyed by lire. Merchants at Ord have Inaugurated ft co-operative delivery service. Tho commercial club at Liberty Is pushing n project for n now hotel. Peru is already discussing the quos tlonof a Fourth of July celebration. Lenora Kruse, 11 years old, of Avoc.i, fell from n hay left aud broke several ribs. Dairymen at Beatrice have taken steps to orgnnlzc n cow-testing asso ciation. Lincoln has secured the national conferenco of music supervisors for next year. The Westerr lengtie baseball reason will open nt Lincoln, Friday, April 23, with Denver. , Fruit prospects over the state nre said to bo tho most promising for ninny seasons. The Kearney hasebnll tenm has adopted the name "Buffaloes" as its official "moniker." Lincoln Commercial club Is making arrangements for nn historical page ant, June 5 nnd 6, Parker Anderson ,nn old resident of Pauline, was found dead In bed, a vic tim of heart failure. Syracuse will vote on water exten sion, sewer system and electric lights nt tho coming olectlon. Congregatlonallsts of Beatrice nro mnklng arrangements for the erection of a new $16,000 church edifice. Chndrou Commercial club has nn employment bureau that last week found places for twenty-four people. The Wnhoo school board put the lid on cards nnd dancing by any of the teachers employed for the coming year. While excavating for the new school house at Campbell, workmen tin earthed portions of the skeleton of n mastodon. Fred Ferglor. of Seward was In stantly killed when he jumped from a moving train at Tamorn, his neck be ing broken. According to the figures of the United Stntes department of ngrlcut ture, Nebraska leads in the number of horses per capita. Fred Rose, a 10-yenr-oltl boy living near Broken Bow, had his lower Up bitten off by a vicious horse he was loading to water. Legislators wero entertained by the Lincoln Commercial club with n ban quet at which the gridiron stunt wns the prevailing motif. Roy Dean of Humboldt has just shipped by express a car load of draft horses to Ohio, whoro they will be used for farm work. Nebraska City polico have requested citizens of thnt place to refrain from feeding the tramps that are over running that community. Tho Bentrlco postoffico will continue ns u first-class office, the receipts for the fiscal year ending March 31 ex ceeding the $40,000 mark. Playgrounds will bo established In a numb'pr of Nebraska towns this sum mer, Hastings having planned to spend $2,500 on one for thnt place. R. B. Bedell, former principal of the Albion high school, hns been elect ed to succeed L, E. Martin to the su perintendency at Schuyler. Estimate Is made that 75 per cent of the bees In Richardson county have died of starvation, neglect and dis eases Incident to the long winter. W. F. Denton, of Sterling, was elected chairman of the Burlington system by tho order of railway train men at its meeting held In Chicago. Freeman Wndsworth, 13 years old, wns accidentally shot nenr Wayne when a gun in the hands of a com panion wns discharged while on a bunting trip. Early and deep plowing is recom mended In Nebraska by the depart ment of agriculture to kill the Hessian fly, which has to a certain extent sur vived tho winter. Shickley board ot education will add a twelfth grade to the schools nt thnt place. A chapter of tho Sons of the Amer ican Revolution will be organized at Lincoln. A number of cases of smallpox have developed at Hastings, despite tho ef forts of officials to subdue it. A quar antine is now being rigidly enforced. N. W. Smails, recently elected post master at Fremont, has tnken chargo of tho office, B. W. Reynolds, who re tires, making the transfer without ceremony. Roy Scarborough, 22 years old, of Dunbar, was found dead in an alloy nt that plnco, opllepsy, to which ho was eubjoct, being tho probable cause of bis death. The Community club of Liberty, which has a membership of fifty-four, has taken preliminary steps for the erection of a new hotel at that place to cost about $5,000, As tho result of the shooting ot Mrs. Ida Stout by her husband, Harry, in a Burlington train in Lincoln, May 28, 1914, flvo Nebraska saloonkeepers aro mndo defendants in a $11,400 dam age suit. Charles H. Miller, In charge of the music nt the Lincoln high school, was elected a director of the national con ference of muslo supervisors nt their sessions just closed at Philadelphia, Tho oldest framo building in Lincoln, built over fifty years ago, and located near tho Burlington depot, Is being torn down to bo replaced with a mod ern brick block. According to figures just completed, tho 484 students of tho college of agri culture represent sixty-seven countioa In Nebraska. Tho highest registration from one county Is 154, from Lancaster. SENDS p BILLS ASKED TO EXTEND AUTHORITY OF LIVE STOCK BOARD To Bring About Eradication of Conw taglouB and Infectious Diseases Western Ner. spacer Onion News Ser1e Two moro bills wero sont to the legislature Wednesday morning by Governor Morehend, und wero Intro duced In the lower chamber as II. IL Nos. 7G2 nnd 763. Tito former measure was formally Introduced by the Gage county delega tion, and provides that school board members In' cities of 5,000 to 40,000 Fhall be elected for terms of six years, one-third to ho chosen every two years. Tho second bill confers special powers on the state veterinarian and tho live stock sanitary board, to mako antl enforce quarantine regulations governing Interstate shipments of. stock to bring about the eradication JOHN A. BARKER Editor Franklin Progress, whs- Is rep resenting the Slxty.flrst district in the house of representatives. of contagious nnd Infectious diseases. Authority is conferred on tho state veterinarian und his assistants t brand or murk Infected animals In quarantine for the purpose of identi iication. They are also empowered to make urrests without warrant It is mado incumbent upon county attor neys to proseoutc violations of the law reported from the state veteri narian's office In another message to the house, Governor Morehead requested that a Bpccinl committee bo appointed to con fer with him on the amount of an ap propriation treemed necessary to re imburse owners of cattle which may be killed by order of tho stato veteri narian or the live stock sanitary board because of foot and mouth disease. Iowa-Nebraska Boundary To put Lake Manawa territory into Iowa and bring the East Omaha strip Into Nobrnska Is tho purposo of H. R. No. 398. the Negley bill for an Iowa Nebraska boundary commission, which the house In committee of tho wholev approved Mondny and sent to third reading. An nmendmont was added for nn appropriation of $300 to pay expenses. Originally tho Missouri river was tho boundnry line between tho two states, but in the course of tho past fifty or sixty years Bevcral sudden changes have been mndo In the chan nel of the stream, the effect of which, under federal laws and court deci sions. Is to leave tho tracts thus cut off In tho Bamo states where they were located. The boundary commission provided for by tho Negloy act will endeavor to mako a trado and restore tho river boundary. The senate haB recommended for passage a bill appropriating $2,012.54 for the relief of Snrpy county for ex penses incurred In trying police offi cers who pursued tho escaped con victs following the prison outbreak and ns a result of which a farmer, Roy Blunt, was killed. Thero was no op position. Senator Gates of Sarpy ex plained thnt this was tho nctnal sum expended by tho county in tho prose cution of the case ngalnst theso ofll corB as a result of popular clamor at tho tlmo and that county could no! .void it. In a communication to tho legisla ture, Governor Morehead called at tention to the Borvlcos rendered by tho members of tho tornado relief commission appointed two years ago, and suggested that a resolution be passed expressing tho thanks of the lnwmakors, on behalf of tho people ot tho state. A committee was appoint ed in tho houso, comprising McnsrB. Hostetlor, Larson and Lnnigan, to draft such n resolution. Tho commis sion has hnd a report printed showing a balnnco of $G,75G on hand, out of tho $100,000 appropriated In 1913, which will go back Into tho stato treasury. Abolishment of tho presidential elector method of voting for president and vlcp president of thd United States nnd substitution of nnmcB of thd candidates tltercfor la nrged in a momorial to congress, which Repre sentative Anderson of Boyd still has hopes of getting tho legislature to act upon, An effort by Chnmbers of Douglas county to rovlvo tho boxing bill failed in tlio Homo. Tho vote showed only thlrty-two members In favor and nftv against IL 7 ' V "I iTr if 4 "i ? r. 1 V t J" -c - Vtr -33, aW " -aurx-x. - jaj4cuitau s .rt---, t3.--irfr ftw ''-WWtWW.tfMIWBBIiWaaw Kprm?!u3 okRt3$(uia 0&S&iWb&WMMVXWt'MiN f rmwtvftTrSMMwcrcr gtw.-TT mwnsumPkT a tiii.twuiiWtoiu.tOTi---jjui.. Mnwm IJBrrrawnn,iw . -r --