The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1915, Image 2

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ftl I
The Last
(Mtrnaas uu, Bf uunai ser!DDrl Som)
CHAPTER XX Continued.
In tho Inner room, whoso opening
door gavo glimpses of Lnnstron and
tho dfvlelon chiefs, a magic of secret
council which tho Juniors could not
qulto understand had wrought tho won
dor. Lanstran had not forgotten tho
load. He could sco thorn; ho could
boo everything Hint happened. Had
not I'artow Bald to him: "Don't Just
road reports. Vlsunllzo men and
events. Uo tho artillery, ho tho In
fantry, bo tho wounded llvo nnd think
In tholr placce. In thin way only can
you really know your work!"
Mb elation when ho Haw IiIh plans
coin right wan Hint of tho Instrument
of I'artowto training and Marta's Horv.
Ice. Ho pressed tho hnnds of tho nion
round hint; his voice caught in his
Kratltudo and his breaths wero very
snort at tlmo, Ilko thoso of n spent,
happy runner at tho goal. Feeding on
'Victory and growing greedy of more,
his division chiefs wero discussing how
to press uo war till tho Ornyn sued for
peace; nnd he was silent In tho midst
of tholr talk, which was interrupted
.by the rliglng of the tunnel telephone.
When he come out of his bedroom,
Lanstroa'a distress woh bo evident that
tboBo who woro seated nroso and tho
others drew near In Inquiry and sym
pathy. It ncomcd to them thnt tho
chlof of staff, the hend of tho machine,
who had loft tho room had returned an
"Tho connection was broken while
wo woro Bpoaklng!" ho said blankly.
"That means It must linvo been cut
by tho onomy thnt tho enemy knows
of its existence!"
"rerhapa not. Perhaps an accident
a chnnco shot," said tho vice-chief.
"No, I'm suro not," LuiiBtron replied.
"I am suro thnt It was cut deliberately
and not by hor."
"Tho C3d Itoglmont is going forward
la that direction tho samo regiment
that defonded tho house and It can't
go any fuatur that It la going," tho
vlce-chlof continued, rather incoherent
ly. Ho and tho otherH no less felt tho
nowa aa a personal blow. Though ab
aont In person, Marta had bocomo In
aplrlt an lntlmato of their hopes and
"8ho Is helpless In their power!"
Laustron said. "Thoro Is no telling
what thoy might do to her In tho rage
or tholr discovery. I must go to hor!
I am going to tho front I"
A young ofllcor of tho Grnye who
waa with tho signal-corps section, try
ing to koop a brlgndo headquarters in
touch with tho staff during tho rotreat
two or throo miles from tho Gnlland
house, had seon what looked llko nn In
aulntod tolophono wlro at tho bottom
of a crater In tho earth made by tho
explosion of a heavy shell. The In
atructlona to nil subordinates from tho
chief of Intolllgonco to look for the
oarce of the leak In information to
the Drowns made him quick to see a
clew to anything unusual. Ho Jumped
down Into the crater and not only
found his pains rewarded, but that
tho wire was Intact and ran under-
faTdTr nt V dJroct,on- Who had
laid ItT Not tho Grays.- Why was It
theroT Ho called for ono of his men
to br as a buzzor, and It was tho work
of little moro than a mlnuto to cut the
wlro and mako nn attachment. Then
ho heard a woman's volco talklug to
?h.. !! d ,leard 0II0U8 to know
- ,.t.wB,noio other than Unatron.
&o chlof of BtafT of tho Browns, and
U o woman must bo n spy. An orderly
ditched to tho chief of lntolnco
with tho nowa returned with tho or-
"Drop everything and report to me
In peraoa at onco." '
M?. do. m.r Meel
Sil?- Od08 not by Wcaterllng-
Leaving hor mothor to enjoy the
mUS "rrV,nR Kro,J trance
,i "? went,oa first terrace
.' P'nt near th veranda
wiiti its panorama of retreat
?-.!. B0nse8- L,k0 th0 sroy
-.-, w.u viruy uoiaiery was oru
from tllQ rsnirn- In xnl,. .,..
the control of officers, keeping to
; under
..... v, , anurina nn batches, i
the control of nothing but their
u.mwU0. niuauy moy woro hi
COVOr. from InnHnnt It ..
ill roc-
tlon, but Bomo rolled on Btralght
Of fllcht mill finnn.l r,f 1..1 ...
Coursing aoroplancs wero plnylnc
now part. Their wirelces was Inform
b mo urown gunnors whero
maflSCS Wern thlnlrnal MM. I,.
....... .Mlvvui, aiiih Hliy i
thnt tho Urown nrtlllery tiro drovo
trnntlnr- tin.1l.iu .. ,..) .11.... .1 .
-..... u,u., inuuuiiiK ilium 111
hack with tho foarful Bliephordry
their BhcllB. Olllcors' Bwords Unshod
in mo incos or tnq bolters or In
lug rear-guards to tholr work. OJllcera
and orderlies wero gallonltm hither
and thither with message, la want of
wires. Commanders had been toz to
hold, but how' and whero to hold? Thoy
miw neighboring reglmcute and bri
gades going and they had to go. The
machine, tho complicated modern war
machine, was broken; tho machine,
with its nerves of Intelligence cut, be
came a thing of disconnected parts,
each part working out Its own salva
tion. Authority ceased to bo that of
tho bureau and army lists. It was that
of units racked by hardship, acting on
tho hour's demand.
Gorged was tho pass road, over
flowing with the struggling tumult of
men and vehicle. Self-preservation
breaking tho bonds of discipline was
In tho ascendant, and It sought the
highway, even as water keeps to the
river bed. Llko specks on tho labor
ing tide was tho whlto of bandages. An
nmbulauce trying to cut out to one
stdu was overturned. Tho frantic
chauffeur and hospltal-corpB orderly
wero working to oxtrlcato tho wound
ed from their painful position. A gun
was overturned against tho nmbulance.
A melee of horsee and then was form
ing at tho foot of'tho garden gato In
front of tho nnrrowlng bounds of the
road Into the town, as a stream banks
up bnforo u Jam of driftwood. Tho
struggle for right of way becume In-
An Insulated Telephone Wire at the
Bottom of a Crater.
creafllngly wild; tho dam of men,
horses, and wagona grow. A Drown
dirlglblo was descending toward tho
great target; but on closer view its
commander forbore, tho humano Im
pulso outweighing tho dcslro for retri
bution for colleagues In camp and
mess who had gone down In a holo
caust In tho aerial battles of tho night.
Under the awful spell of tho pano
rama, sho did not Beo Westerllng. who
had stopped only a few foot distant
with his aide and his vulet, nor did ho
notlco hor as tho tumult glazed his
eyes. Ho was ns an artist who looks
on the ribbon of tho canvas of his
painting, or the sculptor on tho frag
ments of his statue. Worse still, with
no faith to glvo him fortitude except
tho materialistic, ho saw tho altar of
hla god of military etllelency In ruins.
Ho who had not allowed the word ro
troat to enter his lexicon now saw a
rout. Ho had laughed at reserve
armies In last night's feverish doflance,
at Turcns's advocacy of a Blower and
surer method of attack. In thoso hours
of Bmltlng at a wall with his lists and
forehoad, In denial of all tho truth so
clear to averago military logic, If he
had only oven a fow conventional di
rections nil this disorder would have
been avoided. Ills army could have
fallen back In orderly fashion to their
own rnngo. Tho machine out of order,
ho had attempted no repair; ho had al
lowed It to thrash ltsolf to pieces.
Tho artillery's maceration of tho
human Jam suddenly ceased; perhaps
because tho gunners had seen tho Itod
Cross ling which a doctor had tho
presence of mind to wavo. Westerllng
turned from a Bight worse to him than
tho killing that of tho llowlng retreat
along tho road pressing frantically
over tho dead and wounded In growing
disorder for tho cover of tho town.
Nenr by were Uelllul, the chlof of In
tolllgonco, and a eubaltorn who had
arrived only a mlnuto bofore. The sub
nltorn was dust-covered. He seemed
to havo come In from a hard ride. Both
wero watching Marta, as If waiting for
her to speak. She met WeBterllng's
look steadily, her eyes dark and still
and In his tho reflection of the vagu6
realization of moro than ho had
guessed In her relations with him.
"Well," sho brenthed to Westorllng,
"tho war goes on I"
"Thafa It! That's the volco!" ex
claimed the subaltern In an explosion
of recognition.
A short, sharp laugh of irony broke
from Helllnl; tho lnugh of ono whose
auspicious nro confirmed In tho mix
ture of tho eubllmo and tho ridiculous.
Marta looked around nt tho Interrup
tion, alert, on guard.
"You seom amused," sho remarked
"No, but you must hnvo boon," re
plied Helllnl hoarsely. "Karly this
morning, not far from tho cnBtlo, this
young olllcer found In tho crator mado
by n tcfi-lnch Bhell n wlro that ran In
a conduit underground. Tho wlro waB
Intact, Ho tnpped it. Ho heard a volco
thanking noma ono for her part In the
yr JJ jfM -
victory, and It seems that tho woman's
volco that answered Is yours, Mlse Gal
land. So, General Westorllng, the leak
In Information was over this wire from
our staff IntOrtbo Drowns' headquar
ters, as Bouchard believed and as I
came to believe."
So long had Marta expected this mo
ment of exposure that It brought no
shock. Her spirit had undergone many
subtlo rehearsals for the occasion.
"Yes, that Is true," she heard herself
saying, a little distantly, but very
quietly and naturally.
Westerllng fell back as from a blow
In tho face. Ills breath came hard at
first, like one being strangled. Then
It sank deep In his chest and his eyes
were blood-ehot, as a bull's In his final
effort against tho matador. Ho raised
a quivering, clenched fist and took a
stop nearer hor.
But far from flinching. Marta seemed
to bo greeting tho blow, aa If she ad
mitted his right to strike. She waa
without any sign of triumph and with
every sign of relief. Lying waa at an
end. She could bo truthful.
"Do you recall what I said In the reception-room
nt the hotel?" she asked.
The question sent a flash Into a hid
den chamber of hie mind. Now the
only thing he could remember of that
Interview was the ono remark which
hitherto ho had never Included In his
recollection of It.
"You snld I could not win." He drew
out tho words painfully.
"When you said that you brought on
this war to gratify your nmbltlon, I
choso to bo ono of tho weapons of
war; I fought for civilization, for my
homo, with tho only means I had
against tho wickedness of a victory of
conquest the precedent of It In .this
nge a victory which should glorify
such trickery as you practised on your
"I should like to ehoot you dead!"
rcricd Bellini.
"And you let mo make love to youl"
Westerllng said In a dazed, groping
monotono to Marta.
Such a wreck was he of his former
self that Bho found It amazing that she
could not pity him. Yet she might
have pitied him had ho plunged Into
tho fight; had he tried to rally ono of
tho broken regiments; hnd he been
able to forget himself.
"Hather, you made love to yourself
through me," Bho answered, not harsh
ly, not even emphatically, but merely
as a statement of passionless fact. "If
you dared to endure what you ordered
others to endure for tho sako of your
ambition; If"
Sho wnB Interrupted by a sharp zip
In the air. Westerllng dodged and
looked about wildly.
"What Is that?" he asked. "What?"
Five or six zips followed like a
charge of wasps fiylng'at a speed that
mado thorn Invisible. Marta felt a
bruBh of air past her cheek and Wes
terllng went chalky white. It was the
first tlmo ho had been under fire. But
these bullets wero only strays. No
more camo.
"Come, general, lot us be going 1"
urged tho aide, touching his chlof on
the arm.
"Yes, yeB!" said Westerllng hur
riedly Francois, who had picked up the coat
that had fallen from Westerllng's
shoulders with hie start at the buzzing,
hold It whllo his master thrust his
hands through tho sleeves.
"And this Is wiser," said tho aide,
unfastening the detachable insignia of
rank from tho shoulders of the great
coat. "U'b wiser, too, that we walk,"
ho added.
"Walk? But my car!" exclaimed
Westerllng petulantly.
"I'm afraid that the car could not
get through the press In the town,"
was tho reply. "Walking Is safer."
The absence In him of that quality
which Is the soldier's real glory, the
picture of this deserted leader, this
god of a machine who had been
crushed by his machine, his very lack
of stoicism or courage all this sud
denly appealed to Marta'e quick sym
pathies. They had once drunk tea to
gether. ,
"Oh, It was not personal ! I did not
think of myself aa a person or of you
as one only qf principles and of thou
sands of others to end the killing to
save our country to its people! Oh,
I'm sorry nnd, personally, I'm horrlblo
horrlblo!" she called after him In a
broken, .quavering gust of words which
ho heard confusedly In tragic mockery.
Ho made no anewor; ho did not oven
look around. Head bowed nnd hardly
seeing tho path, he permlted the aldo
to chooso the way, which lay across
tho boundary of tho Gnlland estate.
The Retreat.
Marta remained where Westerllng
had left her, rooted to the ground by
tho monstrous spell of the developing
panorama of Beemingly llmltlesB move
ment. With each passing minute there
must be a hundred acts of heroism
which, If Isolated In the glare of a
day's nowfl, would make the public
thrill. At tho outset of the war Bho
had seen tho Browns, as part of a pre
conceived plan, In cohesive roar-guard
reslstanco, with every detail of per
sonal bravery a utilized factor of or
ganized purposo. Now sho saw do
fenso, Inchoate and fragmentary, each
part acting for Itself, all deeds of per
sonal bravery lost In a swirl of disor
ganization. That wae the pity of It,
tho helplessness 'of engineers and of
lovers when tho machlno wns broken;
tho warning of It to thoso who under
tako war lightly.
Tho Browns' rlflo flashes kopt on
steadily weaving tholr' way down the
Blopes, tholr rcsorvoB pressing closo on
tho heele of the skirmishers In greedy
Bwarma. A heavy column of Brown In
fantry was swinging In toward tho
myriad-legged, writhing gray caterpil
lar or, the pass road and many field
batteries were trotting along a parallel
road. Their plan developed suddenly
when a swath of gun-fire was laid
across tho pass road at the mouth of
the defile, as much as to say: "Here
we make a gate of doathl" At tho
same time tho head of the Brown in
fantry column flashed lte bayonets over
tho crest of a hill toward tho polfil
whero tho shalls were bursting. These
men minded not the desperate, scat
tered rifle-fire Into their ranks. Before
their eyes was the prize of a panic
that grow with their approach. Kinks
were out of legs stiffened by long
watches. The hot breath of pursuit
was In their nostrils, the fever of vie
tory In their blood.
In tho defile, the Impulse of one Gray
straggler, who shook a handkerchief
aloft In fatalistic submission to thn In-
evltable, became the Impulse of all.
Soon a thousand white slgnnlH of Bur
render woro blossoming. As tho firing
abruptly ceased, Marta heard tho faint
roar of the mighty huzzas of tho hunt
ers over the size of their bag.
Some doctors of different regiments
thrown togethor In tho havoc of rem
nants of many organizations, with the
help of hospital-corps mon, were try
ing to extricate tho wounded from
among tho dead. They heard a wom
an's volco nnd saw a woman's face.
They did not wonder at her presence,
for thero was nothing left lu tho world
for them to wonder nt. Had an Imp
from hell or nn nngel from heaven ap
peared, or a shower of diamonds fallen
from tho sky. they would not havo
been surprised. Their duty was clear;
thoro waB work of their kind to do,
endless work. Unite of thn broken ma-
chine, In tho Instinct of their calling
thoy struggled with tho duty nearest
at hand. Thoy begged her to go back
to the house; this was no place for
Hut Marta did not want safety. Dan
ger was sweet; It was expiation. She
was helping, actually helping; that"
was euough. She envied the peaceful
dead they had no nightmares as she
aided tho doctors In separating the
bodies that woro still breathing from
those that wero not; nnd she steeled
herself against overy ghastly Bight
save one, that of a man lying with his
legs pinned under a wagon body. His
Jaw had been shot away. Slowly ho
was blooding to denth, but he did not
realize it. He realized nothing in his
dollrlum except tho naturo of his
wound. Ho was dipping His linger In
the cavity and, dub by dab, writing
"Kill me!" on the wagon body. It sent
reeling waves of red before her oyee.
Then a shell burst near her and a doc
tor cried out:
"She's hit!"
But Marta did not henr him. She
heard only tho dreadful crack of the
splitting shrapnel Jacket. Sho had a
sense of falling, and that was all.
Tho next that she knew she was In
a long chair on the veranda and the
vaguo shadows bending over her grad
ually Identified themselves uu her
mother and Minna.
"I remember when you werp telling
bf tho lust war that you didn't ewoon
at tho Bight of tho wounded, mother,"
Marta whispered.
"But I was not wounded," replied
Mrs. Gnlland.
Marta ceased to bo only a conscious
ness swimming In a haze. With tho
Ha Was Dipping Hla Fingers In the
Cavity and Writing, "Kill Mel"
return of her faculties, she noticed
that both her mother and Minna were
looking significantly at her forearm;
so she looked at It, too. It was
"A cut from a Bhrapnel fragment,"
eald a doctor. "Not deep," ho added.
"Do I get an iron cross?" sho usked,
smiling faintly. It wus rather pleasant
to bo alive.
"All tho crosses Iron and bronze
and silver and gold!" ho replied.
All firing except occasional scattered
shots had now ceased lu tho immedi
ate vicinity, though In tho distance
could bo heard tho snarl of tho firmer
rctilstanco that the GrayB wero mak
ing nt somo other point Tho Galland
houso, for tho tlmo being, was Isolated
In possession of neither sido.
"Isn't thoro oomotlilng clso I can d.o
to help -with tho wounded?" Marta
uBltod. She longed for action In order
to escape hor thoughts.
"You've had a terrible shock when
you are stronger," snld the doctor.
"When you have had something to
eat and drink," observed tho practical
Minna authoritatively.
Marta would not have the food
brought to hor. Sho Insisted that she
was Btrong enough to accompany
Minna to tho tower. Whllo Minna
urged mouthfuls down Marta's dry
throat as she sat outside tho door of
the sitting-room with her mother a
number of weary dust-streaked faces,
with feverish energy in their eyes,
peered over tho hedge that bounded
the garden on theelde townrd tho pass.
Thcso scout skirmishers of Stransky's
men of tho 53d Regiment of tho
Browns made beckoning gestures as
to a crowd, bofore they sprang over
the hedge and ran swiftly, watchfully,
toward the linden stumps, closely fol
lowed by their comrades. Soon tho
wnolo garden was overrun by the lean,
businesslike fellows, their glances all
ferret-like to the front.
"Look, Minna!" exclaimed Marta.
"The giant who carried tho old man lu
pickaback tho first night of the war!"
Minna was flushing, but the flush
dissipated and she drew up her chin
when Stransky, looking uround, recog
nized her with a ajerry, confident
wave of his hand.
"See, he's a enptain and ho wears
an Iron cross !" said Marta as Stransky
hastened toward them.
"He nctB like It!" assented Minna
Kager, leviathan, his enp doffed with
a sweeping gesture as ho made a low
bow, Stransky was the very spirit of
retributive victory returning to claim
the ground that he had lost.
"Well, this Is like itettlne home
again!" he cried.
"So I see!" said Minna equivocally.
Stransky drew his eyes together,
sighting them on tho bridge of his noee
thoughtfully at this dubious reception.
"I came back for tho chance to kiss
a good woman's hand," ho observed
with a profound awkwardness and
looking ut Minna's hand. "Your
hand!" he added, tho cast In hla eyes
straightening as he looked directly at
her appeallngly.
She extended her finger-tips and he
pressed his lips to them.
"I kept seeing tho way you looked
when you belted mo ono in tho face,"
ho went on, "and knocked any an
archism out of mo that was left offer
the shell burst. I kept seeing your
fnco In my laet glimpse when the
Grays made mo run for It from your
kitchen door before I had half a chance
for tho oration crying for voice. You
wero in my dreams! You were In bat
tle with me!"
"This sounds llko a disordered
mind," observed Minna. "I'vo heard
men talk that way before."
"Oh, I have talked that way to other
women myself!" said Stransky.
"Yes," said Minna bitterly. His can
dor waB rather unexpected.
, "I have talked to others In passing
on the high road," ho continued. "But
never after a woman had struck mo In
tho face. That blow eank deep deep
deep as what Lanstron said when I
revolted on tho march. I say It to you
with this" ho touched the cross "on
my breast- And I'm not going to glvo
you up. It's n big world. There's
room In It for u place for you after tho
war Is over and I'm going to mako the
place. Good-by till I'm back back to
Btuy! Good-by, little daughtorl" ho
addod with a wave of his hand to Clur
lBBn as ho turned to go. "Maybe wo
shall havo our own automobile Borne
day. It'e no stranger than what's been
happening to mo since the war began."
"If you don't marry him, Minna, I'll
I'll" Mrs. Galland could not find
words for tho fearful thlug that she
would do.
"Marry him I I havo only met him
threo times for about three minutes
each time!" protested Minna. She
was as rosy as a girl and In hor confu
sion she busied herself rotylng'the rib
bon on Clarissa Eileen's hair. "He
called you little daughter!" she eald
softly to the child as Bho withdrew Into
tho tower:
Marta remained in tho chair by the
doorway of the tower, weak and list
Iobb. Now her lashes wore closed;
again they opened slightly as her gaze
roved tho semlclrclo of the horizon. A
mounted ofilcer and his orderly gallop
ing ucross the fields to tho pass road
caught her desultory attention and
held It, for they formed the most Im
petuous object on the landscape. When
tho olllcer alighted at tho foot of tho
garden and tossed his reins to the or
derly, sho detected something familiar
about him. Ho leaped the garden wall
at a bound and, half running, came to
ward the tower. Not until he lifted his'
cap and waved It did Bho associate this
lithe, dapper artillerist with a etooped
old gardener, in bluo blouse and torn
straw hat who bad once shuffled among
the flowers at her service.
"Hello I Hello!" he Bhouted In
clarion, greeting at sight of her. "Hello,
my successor!"
Only In tho whiteness of his hair
was he like tho old Feller. Mia tone,
the boyish Bpnrkle of hie black eyes,
thoso full, expressive lips playing
over tho brilliant teeth, his easy grace,
his quick and telling gestures they
wero of tho Feller of cadet days.
"Wonderful wounded! Wonderful!
Was thoro over such a woman?" he
cried. "Destiny has played with ub.
It sent a upy to your gardon. It put
you In my plnco. A strange service,
ours yes, destiny is In it!"
"Yes," Bho breathed palnfuljy, hli
suggestion striking deep.
Dally Thought.
Men lmaglno that they communlcnte
their virtue or their vice only by overt
actions, and do not see that virtue or
vice emits a breath every moment
E. W. Emersoa.
Wife of Former County Attorney
Finds Quick Relief at First Dote
Thousands Are Restored.
David G. HlncB, former county at
torney of Dundy County, Neb., and
now an attorney of prominence in Ben
kclman, Is one of the many who have
discovered the astonishing merits of
Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy.
Mrs. Hlnes had long been a suf
ferer from stomach troubles and re
lated ailments. She tried Mayr'a Won
derful Remedy. Then came the fol
lowing letter from Mr. Hlnea:
"I hnvo received the medicine vyou
shipped mo a fow days ago, and' my
wife has received so much benefit
from it that we have decldod to or
der four more treatments of Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy.
"Tho result of tho treatment so far
Is simply wonderful."
Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy glvos per
manent results for stomach, liver and
Intestinal aliments. Eat aa much and
whatever you like. No moro distress
after eating, pressure of gas In the
stomach and around the heart Get one
bottle of your druggist now and try It
on an absolute guarantee It not satis
factory money will bo returned. Adv.
Crooked Dipper Saves Life.
Charles Gise, a building contractor
f of York, Pa., resorted to a novel
method to save himself from choking
to death when a pleco of meat lodged
In his throat. Realizing that he would
choke before a physician could ar
rive, also grasped a dipper with a
curved handle and dislodged the Im
pediment, but lacerated his throat
There Will Still, However, Be a
Heavy Deficit of the World's
Normal Crop.
A grain expert who has boen watch
ing tho grain markets and the world's
grain fields for a number of years,
"There Is at the present tlmo about
two billion bushels of wheat, the pro
duction of tho countries at war, tied
up. This Is about one-half tho world's
total production of wheat, which la
four billion bushels. Ono writer ar
gues that, granting that the warring
nations produce a one-half crop In
tho coming year, a deficit of ono bil
lion bushels will still be shown. The
threo countries upon which the filling
of this deficit of one billion bushels
will rest aro tho United States, Can
ada, and Argentina. The combined
output of these three countries la only
1,249,000,000, their exportable surplus
would of course bo much less, so It
can easily be seen that the question
Is not one to be easily solved and it
behooves nil the above countries to
Increaso their respective productions
as much as they possibly can, for
when the war Is over and trade begins
.to re-establish Itself and the nations
undergo a process of rehabilitation,
tho demand for all breadstuff will be
"During the threo years following
the declaration of peace the farmers
of all neutral wheat-producing coun
tries will have ample opportunity to
market their wheat at good prices,
and It may safely be assumed that the
demand will be heavy. Canada has
an unusual opportunity in that aba
has tho natural environment for wheat
production; she is under the protec
tion of the British flag, and she will
not be molested upon the water to
any great extent; she can Increase
her acreage and greatly enhance her
production. In other words, she can
become a far greater wheat-producing
country than sho is at tho present
If the summing-up as made by this ex
pert bo correct, is there not the very
best reason for the continued effort
that Is being made by the Government
of the Dominion of Canada to secure
Bottlers on tho productive vacant
lands of the country? Not only aro
these lands capable of producing high
class wheat in largo quantities, but
cattle, pigs, sheep and horses also do
well. Tho climate is admirably suited.
Hla Tour.
"That man never seoms to stay
long at any ono place. What Is he do
ing, anyway?"
"Ho Is helping to take a census of
the birds."
"Oh, that nccounts for his being con
stantly on the wing."
But Many More May Coma If You
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Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are
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freeing tho scalp of dandruff, dryness
and Itching, besides satisfying every
want of tho toilet and nursery.
Samplo each froo by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt Y,
Boston. Sold ovorywhero. Adv.
Nothing Is moro painful than tho
nntlcs ot a fat woman trying to act
Women aro supposed to bo vain, but
no man Is as handsomo as ho thinks
ho Is.
. ..
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