The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1915, Image 6

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Claims Canning Industry Will Save
America from Famine Car-
raiua Troopi Meet
Western NrwnpAper Union Mows Srnlcft.
London. The British admiralty an
sounccn Ihnt thn British battleships
Irresistible and Ocean, and tho French
battleship Ilouvct, were blown up by
mines iu tho Dardanelles and sunk,
and that virtually all Hits crows of the
three vessels wero lost.
Tho admiralty statement n'ddH that
tho battleships Queen and Implacable
havo been dispatched from Englnnd to
replace tho lost Ilrltlsh ships.
Tho Ocean struck a drifting mine
and tho admiralty bcllevea thn Irre
sistible probably met with a like din
aster. It la announced tho operations
against tho Dardanelles are con
tinuing. Tho otalcmcnt says tho Hrltlsh
losses nmong tho personnel of the
ships wero not heavy, considering the
calo of operations.
Chicago and New York Would Starve
In Week but for Them.
Chicago. Chicago would starve to
death In a week, New York In three
dayn, If all canned foods wero removed,
G. W. Drake, secretary of tho Western
Association of Canncrs, told thn con
vention of the National Canncrs' asso
ciation hero. "Tho development of
tho canning Industry Is so thorough,"
he addod, "that there can never be a
famine In America. In caso of war,
tho canning Industry could supply
enough canned food to feed tho great
est army tho nation could possibly as
semble. Tho 1,200,000,000 cans we
tarn out annually represent only one
third of tho capacity of tho country."
Carranza Forces Suffer Route.
Washington. Defeat and completo
routo of the Carranza forces under
General Monclovlo Herrora by the
conventloa troops of General Hosallo
Hornandes at Oregano, southeast of
Pledras Negrss, Is reported to the VII
lista agency by the military command
er at Pledraa Negras. The dispatch
said a largo number of prisoners wero
taken by tho convention forces and
Herrcra's men scattered and fled to
tho Burro mountains, near tho border
between the states of Chihuahua and
This defeat, tho agency claims,
marks tho end of reslstnnco by the
Oarranza element In this section of
the country.
D. A. R.'s Elect Officers.
Omaha. Mrs. C. II. Aull of of Om
aha was elected state regent of Ne
braska, Daughters of tho American
Revolution, at tho final business ses
sion of tho frtnto conference. Other
ofllcors elected wero: Mrs. E. G.
Drake of Heatrlco, vlco regent; Mrs.
M. J. WIckorsham of Weeping Water,
stato recording secretary; Miss Eliz
abeth Wright of Fairmont, stato treas
urer; Miss Chattio Coleman of
Stromsburg, stato auditor; Mrs. C. S.
Palno of Lincoln, stato registrar; Mrs.
K. M. Corroll of Hebron, stato his
torian. Legislative League Banquets.
Lincoln, Nob. Two hundred and
thirty legislators, former legislators
and a few men of moro or Icsb prom
inence in stato affairs, Bat down to
gether to the fourth annual dinner of
tho Nebraska Legislative leaguo at n
local hotel Thursday night. The din
ner itself was one of the best of its
kind, though a number of tho guests
had left tho dining hall before the
end of the toast list was reached.
Germans Notified to Leave Italy.
Paris. Germans at resorts In tho
Italian rhrerla have been privately
notified by tho authorities to leave
(Italian territory immediately, nays a
dispatch from Nico to the 1 lavas
Gathering Manufacturing Census.
Omaha, Neb. J. B. Collins, super
visor of tho manufacturing census for
the district of Nebraska, has a force
of ten men already at work, and tho
schedules are beginning to coniu in.
Six months is allotted for tho comple
tion of tho work. Tho stato is divided
into districts and a man assigned to
each district. According to the Huts
prepared in advance, thero nre 3,650
manufacturing concerns that will bo
included in tho census. Of this num
ber COO aro in Omaha. .
Token of Gratitude to America.
Brussels. Prominent Belgians con
nected with tho national commltteo
formed for tho purpose of looking
after Belgian Interests during thu war,
havo formed an organization to erect
a monument to America, In tokon of
gratitude for tho assistance given by
tho United States in feeding tho war
sufferers in this country. Tho monu
ment will bo erected nt tho corner of
Avcpuo Louise and Boulovnrdo Water
loo, tho most conspicuous spot In Brus-elB.
Turkey Promises Protection to Non
combatants During War Em
bargo Question Is Considered
Western Newspaper Union News .Service.
Venice Reports received In Venice
from Vienna say that some thousands
of the population of tho Austrian cap
ital are unablo to obtain bread, tho
now decree restricting production by
one-fourth hnvlng caused a general
dislocation of tho entire trade. Stocks
of flour are declared to havo run so
low that In many places bakers found
it lmpoBslblo to mnko bread at all.
Tho bread mado was everywhere
speedily sold out, especially In tho
suburbs, and lato customers, unablo
to obtain their portions, nre said to
havo stormed the bakeshops in sev
eral districts. The authorities are re
ported to have endoavorcd to calm
tho people by dcclnrlng that the bread
Bhortago wns only temporary. Dread
and flour tickets will bo issued in
Vienna and nil towns In Austria with
a population of over 5,000 beginning
April 4.
Answer Is Equivocal.
Washington. Tho United 8tntes
government considers that Grent Brit
ain and France, In tho British order In
council nnd In tho nccompanylng notes,
havo not answered the questions pro
pounded to them as to what warrant
there Is under International law for
tho establishment of an embargo on
all commercial Intercourse, directly
and Indirectly, botwecn Germnny nnd
neutral countries. It wns stntcd of
ficially at the Rtato department that
this government still does not know
whother the action of tho allies Is In
tended ns a legal blockade or whother
tho nrdlnaryrulcs of contraband nnd
non-contraband nro to bo tho legal
bnsls for future detentions. On n de
termination of this question probably
will depend not only tho nature of any
steps which may he taken by the Unit
ed States at this tlmo, but also tho
basis for tho many claims for damages
arising out of interruptions to Ameri
can commerce under tho new policy of
tho allies.
Fair Promise Is Made to the Turkish
Washington. Ambassador Morgen
thnu at Constantinople has cabled tho
stato department that the Turkish
government had given him assurance
that every protection will bo given
non-combatants In Turkey during tho
war. Mr. Morgenthau had made repre
sentations on behalf of foreigners to
the porte on instructions from the
American government.
London. A Berltn dispatch to Tten.
tor's Telegraph company by way of
Amsterdam says tho Gorman ombnssy
at Constnntlnoplo declares that tho
roport of tho btrancllnc of PHnm
Mehmmed Burhnn-Kddln. son of former
Sultnn Abdul Hamld, Is unfounded.
French Will Buy Cotton.
Paris. Tho French foreign office, it
Is understood, has decided to buy tho
cargo of cotton aboard tho steamship
Dacla, which was seized by a French
cruiser nnd taken Into Brest while on
a voyage from the United Stntes to
Rotterdam. Tho cotton is valued nt
about $750,000, and It Is proposed by
tho towners of tho vessel thnt tho
French government purchaso the
The disposition of the ship must ho
left to a prlzo court, but tho official
view Is clear.
Largest Battleship In the World.
Newport News, Vn. -Tho new dread
naught Pennsylvania was successfully
launched hero Tucsdny. Tht largest
engine of naval warfare In the world
slid down tho wnys whilo a prayer was
uttered that she might bo a messen
ger of 4eaco rathor than a weapon of
destruction. Christened by Miss Ellz.
aboth Kolb of Gqnnnntcwn, Pa., ns
Secrotary Daniels gavo a signal, tho
monster hull slid Into tho wntors of
the .Tamcn rlvor and was1 ready for
May Introduce Innovation at Next
Session of Congress Largest
Export Balance Ever
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
London. The British steamer Lcou
warden, bound from London for Har
lingen, Holland, has been torpedoed
by the German Hubmarlne U-28 four
miles southeast of the Mass, Holland,
llghthhlp, according to Router's Maas
luls correspondent. The crew of seven
teen men were given live minutes to
tnko to their small boats, which the
submarine toved until a pilot steamer
was mot. The men were then trans
ferred to tho pilot boat and landed at
Hook of Hollnnd.
Record Week for Foreign Trade.
Washington. Exports exceeded Im
ports passing through the thirteon
principal American customs districts
during the week ended March 13, by
I47.229.C59. giving the largest balance
in favor of the United States ever pro
duced by a single week's foreign trado
business. Tho total value of exports
for tho week was $69,840,719 and of
imports $22,661,060. An analysis of
foreign trado conditions Issued by the
department of commerce BhowB thnt
exports for tho three months from
December 1, 1914. to February 28,
were estimated at $778,511,871, nnd lm
portB $367,028,862. nottlng a favorable
balanco of $411,483,009.
Administration Leaders Planning to
Bring It Up Next Session.
Washington. Administration lead
ers plan to bring up a bill for presi
dential primaries at the next session
of congress. President Wilson said he
had gone over tho question very thor
oughly with Senator Pomereno of
Ohio, but that no conclusion had been
reached as to whether a constitutional
amendment would bo necessary.
Destroyed by Her Own Crew.
Washington. Count Bernstorff, the
German ambassador.' has received mi '
official report that the Dresden wns
blown up by her own crew after hav
ing been attacked in neutral waters
of Chile by British warships. Tho of
ficial report added that British ships
began firing from a distance of 3,000
meters, but that rather than be do-'
stroyed by the enemy ships, the com
mander of the Dresden chose to save
his crow and abandon the vessel.
Nebraska Boy Champion.
Lincoln, Neb. Owen Dally, the Ne
braska boy and lightweight wrestling
champion, disposed of Matty Mntsuda,
the Japanese challenger, Thursday
night at the Oliver theater In the most
spectacular grappling contest of the
season. Tho tawny-skinned athlete
succumbed to one of Dally'B deadly toe
holds, sustaining an Injury which cost
htm the first fall and also compelled
him to forfeit the second and the
Carranza Abandons Blockade.
Washington. General Carranza has
nbandoned his blockade of tho port of
Progreso on urgent representations by
tho United Stntes. Tho Mexican gun
boat Zarngosa has been called off nnd
two American ships laden with sisal
for tho United States wore cleared
without Interference. Tho United
States has served notice on General
Carranza thnt tho port of Progreso,
through which practically all tho sUal
used In making harvesting twlno for
this country' Is obtained, must bo kept
Did Not Find Indian Outlaws.
Donver, Colo. A special to the Don
vor Times from Cortez, Colo,, says;
Brig. Gen. 11. L. Scott has returned
to Bluff, Utnh, from Douglass mesa,
after an unsuccessful soarch for Tso-Ne-Oat,
tho Pluto Indian wnntod on n
charge of murder. Oik Polk. Pohov nnd
their Pluto followers, according to re-
pori irom tho Indian country. Storms
hnvo put tho telephone linos out of
commission again. Tho return of
Scott, although not confirmed, Is cred
ited horo by personB in touch with tho
Saskatchewan Moving for Eventual
Prohibition Bread Famine Threat
ens Violence in Cities
of Austria.
Western Newspaper Union News Service
Paris. Zeppelin airships raldec
Paris early Sunday nnd dropped a
doicn bombs, but the dnmngo done
was unimportant. Seven or eight per
sons were injured, one seriously.
Four of tho aircraft started for tho
capital, following the valley of the
Olse, but only two reached their goals.
Missiles also were dropped at Com
I)iegne, RIbecourt and Dresllnccturt,
but without serious result.
Residents of 'tho city exhibited
more curiosity than, fear as to tho
aerial invasion. Trumpeters gave tho
signal that all lights must bo ex
tinguished ns soon as warning wns
received of tho Zeppelins' approach.
Searchlights wero turned upon tho
clouds, nntl-qlrcrnft guns opened Are
nnd neroplanes rose to attack the
Germins. but their operations wero
hampered by n heavy mist. Thou
sands wntched the Invasion from bal
conies. Bread Famine in Vienna.
Venice. Owing to the notion of tho
Austrian government in reducing by
one-fourth tho production of bakeries,
many districts In Vienna are reported
to Have been virtually without bread
for n week. The sight of cakes nnd
tarts In the windows Is said to havo
intensified the wrath of the people,
who In many districts threatened vio
lence. An official report shows that
the state Is supporting 141,000 fami
lies. Vienna thus far has expended
$1,750,000 In housing nnd feeding Gal!
cinn refugees. Budapest Is about tc
issue bread tickets, although the au
thorltles for a long tlmo hnvo Insisted
thnt such a measure Is quite unneces
Premier of Saskatchewan Moving for
Eventual Prohibition in
Regina, Sask. Premier Scott, of this
province has announced thut his gov
ernment will propose measures to
abolish the bar for the sale of liquor
or have the government take over the
wholesale liquor traffic. Not only
would tho retail sale of all intoxicat
ing liquors como to an end by this
measure, but the wholesale trade
would bo operated In a government
monopoly under a system of dispen
saries. Later even these dispensaries
may be abolished If by a referendum
vote the people of the province bo
Dwindling of Wheat a Mystery.
Hastings, Neb. Nearly 21,000 bush
els of wheat, which fourteen stock
holders thought they had stored in the
Harvard Elovalor Co.'s elevator, has
dwindled to less than 200 bushels, ac
cording to several stockholders of the
Farmers Co-operntlve Grain associa
tion, who wero hero engaging legal
talent for an anticipated litigation.
Etnll Bnuors, 37, manager, who has
been in charge for three years, has
been gono for several days.
Yucatan Suffers from Mexican Strife.
Washington. A committee of hemp
growers from tho state of Yucatan,
Mexico, and representatives of Ameri
can hemp importers havo laid before
tho state department an appeal for
some action by the Washington gov
ernment that would terminate tho rev.
olutlonary troubles of General Alva
rado, the Carranza governor of Yuca
tan, and an opposing faction. They
said the revolution which resulted in
the recent blockade of tho port of
Progreso by Carranza threatened the
destruction of a large portion of the
sisal crop, from which most of the
harvest binding twlno used in the
United States Is made.
Valparaiso, Chile Nineteen mem
bers of tho crew of tho German cruis
er Dresden, sunk off Junn Fernandez
Island on Sunday by British warships
aro still missing.
Will Welcome American Tourists.
Florence. Amorlcan tourists when
thoy nppenr ngaln In Italy after the
war will be appreciated as never be
fore. Touring Americans, Germans,
Russians nnd English hnvo disap
peared from the pleasure cities of this
country. Some of tho principal hotels
hero aro closed. The best house re
maining open hns but six persons
stopping In It, two of them Americans
passing through on business. This
hotel and others thnt nre open aro
naturally running at a loss.
Threats to Blow Up Eltel.
Newport News, Va. As a result of
threatening letters snld to havo been
received by Captain Thlcrlcbcns of the
German auxiliary cruisor Prlnz Eltel
Frlcdrlch, precautionary measures
wero taken to guard against any at
tempt to damage tho ship. Tito pier
to which tho Prlnz Eltel Is moored was
fenced In and extra guards were put
on patrol. Ono letter Is ftnld to have
domanded that Captain TWertihcrtf
loavo port Immediately cr his vessel
rould bt- blown v.
Odell will vote on tho liquor ques
tion this spring.
Kearney will havo a place in tho
state baseball league.
W. B. Trumnn 1b tho caucus nomi
nee for mayor of Auburn.
Sunday, May 9, wilt bo observed
over the stato ns Mother's day.
Edward Barnard, nine years old,
was killed by a jitney bus ut Omaha
Retail clothiers of tho stato aro or
ganizing a branch of the nutional asso
ciation. Max Umbrlght, a former Lyons boy,
met his death in a battle In the Euro
pean war.
William Troope, of Nohawka, was
stricken blind while attending a mov
ing plcturo show at Omaha.
A jitney bus company of local citi
zens hns been organized at Grand
Island with n capital of $10,000.
A spe'clal Nebraska train to the San
Francisco exposition Is n possibility
being developed over the Btatc.
Automobile races will bo tho special
feature of the state fair this fall, the
races continuing over Saturday.
Dr. Kigln, acting stato veterinarian,
destroyed a number of glandercd
horses in Polk county Inst week.
Fremont's new Empress theater,
costing $75,000, hns been completed,
and wns formally opened last week.
Six towns Beatrice, Kearney. West
Point, Fremont, Teknmnh and Wahoo
are now In the stato racing circuit.
Frank N. Rawllngs, a pioneer of tho
state and a resident of Lincoln for
nearly forty years, Is dead nt his home
Tho saloon question will be put to
n voto at tho Bprlpg election at North
Bend. Tho town has been dry for sev
eral years.
To stimulate the Interest of local
growers, York county Is contemplat
ing nn Independent corn contest the
coming fall.
Races between an automobllo and
an aeroplane will bo dally features
at the Nebraska state fair Septem
ber 6 to 10.
Ed FariB, a Tecumseh telephone
lineman, sustained serious injuries
when ho fell from tho top of u polo
when It broke.
The twenty-second annual session of
the Southeastern Nebraska Educa
tional association is being held at Lin
coln this week.
A pin prick several weeks ago ne
cessitated tho amputation of a por
tlon of tho right hand of Mrs. F. E.
Flxen of Inland.
Joseph E. Alexis of the stato uni
versity has been tendered tho associ
ate professorship of languages in tho
University of Utah.
G. A. Gregory, an inspector in State
Superintendent Thomas' office, haB
been tendered tho superintendency of
tho Crete city schools.
The Omaha Auto club will issue a
magazine devoted to the boosting of
good roads and the general advance
ment of Nebraska's resources.
Leslie Pine, n rural mail carrier nt
York, was stricken with "snow blind
ness" while on his route nnd' for a
while wns In n critical condition.
Tho department of botany nt tho
stato university hns Just received
from Prof. Juan Corrlg. at Santingo,
a mnmmoth collection of Cuban ferns.
Petitions are being circulated nt
Lincoln asking that tho question of
Sunday theaters be submitted to tho
votors of that place at the coming elec
tion. A high school competition stock
Judging contest will bo hold April 3 ,
at the university farm at Lincoln un
der nusplces of tho animal husbandry
"If you Bpend in Fremont tho dol
lars you earn at Fremont thero will
bo moro dollars in Fremont for you to
earn," has been adopted as a slogan
by the "ad" club at that plnce.
Miss Edith Ragsdale had her hand
badly mangled when it got caught in
a wringer in the laundry at College
View. Only prompt action of physl-i
clans prevented her bleeding to death.
A number of habitual "dope" fiends
are in the Omaha Jail, almost dement
ed as the result of inability to obtain
drugs prohibited by tho federal law
now in effect.
Work has commenced on Fairbury's
big tabernacle in which revival ser
vices will be held from March 25 to
April 25 by tho several Protestant
churches of that place.
Schools, theaters and churches of
Alnsworth have been ordered closed
by tho board of health on account of
the number of scarlet fever cases.
Public and private gatherings are pro
hibited. Tho now $20,000 school building nt
Stella has just been completed, and
with its strictly modern equipment
nnd seven teachers 1b an object of
particular pride to its natrons.
W. C. Shrevo, for twenty years Jani
tor of a Beatrice school, was tho re
cipient of a fruit shower from tho
pupils on his sovonty-sccond birthday,
which occurred a few days ago.
A Lincoln mnn paid $13.50 for a
three minute talk over tho long dis
tance telephone with a resident of
San Francisco, the first conversation
between thoso places, and he says it
was worth tho prlco.
James Carmody, a Syracuse mer
chant, was seriously burned when a
can of gasoline wns overturned and
Ignited, causing an explosion.,
Mra, Emma Manchester, for sixteen
years supremo guardian of tho Wood
men Clrclo, wns rolndorsod for that
placo nt the annual convention nt
Dr. Sweezey, state unlvorslty nstron
omer, snys tho legend regarding
equlnoctlnl storms Is pu,ro fiction nnd
has no foundation In roallty, as tho
mere fact that tho sun crosses tho
equator has nothing to do with creat
ing a storm.
Speaker Jackson Has Plan for Hold
ing Members Till End
of Session
Western Newspaper Union News Servlc.
Lincoln. If the treasurers of Doug
las anil Lancaster counties would only
remit the money due tho state general
fund warrants would not havo to go to
discount. Tho sum duo from both of
them amounts to $42,000.
If they would remit this month and
every month from now on as the
statute plainly contemplates m delega
tion of certain power to tho state
treasure! tho stato would stand a
pretty good show of keeping its war
rants from being discounted and from
running from sixty to ninety days ut
4 per cent interest.
This is the position taken now by
Stuto Treasurer Hall, who finds that
theBC two big counties of the stato and
thirteen other counties aro still dis
obeying his orders.
The battle between stato and county
officials who nre hanging out bas
aroused considerable interoat over the:
state. County treasurers without num
ber, ns well ns sovcral former holders
of that office, havo taken tho position
thnt the state officer is asking nothing
unjust when he seeks to obtain month
ly remittances.
Consolidation Bill Goes
All three of the consolidation bills
backed by tho finance committee of
the house were approved Is commit
tee of tho whole and sont to third
reading. The bill combining tho stal
lion registration bureau with tho live
stock sanitary board went through
easily enough, as this eoawolldatlon
has already taken placo vnder tho di
rection of Governor lforehead. The
other two, however, ran p against
some stiff opposition. When the bill,
to mergo the fire commission with the
labor commissioner's office was taken
up, Broome of Box Butte moved to in
definitely postpono it Messrs. Broome.
Lanlgan, Hostctler and Mockett made
speeches against the bin. Thoy
claimed that tho fire commission is
now on an efficient basis and that if
placed under the labor commissioner
it would not receive proper attention.
Must Stay Till Finish
There will be no exodus of mem
bers of the legislature from Lincoln
after tho sixty days' sitting has boon
completed, until the final adjournment
of both branches, if Speaker Jackson
and house leaders havo their way. The
speaker thinks ho hns fonnd a method
which will keep practically all tho
members at their desks "until tho last
dog Is hung," instead of having them
drop out by twos, threes and half doz
ens until only a baro handful Is left at
the wlndup, ns in former sessions.
Speaker Jnckson announced Satur
day aftornoon that ho would ask for
another caucus of house democrats in
order to secure a pledgo from overy
majority member to stay and see the
work of tho legislature finished. If
such pledges are not given, tho speak
er will refuso to sign tho warrants of
members for the third and last Install
ment of their pay. amounting to $200,
until the day of adjournment.
Kill Railroad Bills
The railroads committee of the
house made a clean sweep of it Wed
nesday afternoon, and indefinitely post
poned every bill remaining in that
commltteo. Six of them, Including tha,
two and a half cent fare bill and the)
track scales measure, were killed, aa;
were several other old timers, one re
lating to a conductor on a Hght engine;
and another to require roads to in
stall Biding where shippers demand It
and put up bond to Insure "Vislness.
The committee of the whole recom
mended for passago S. P. 184, by)
Dodge of Douglas, to amend the pres-t
lent law prohibiting tho dlvidlag of fees,
by physicians and surgeons by making
,the law apply only to tho physician'
who pays the fee and not to the physi
cian who receives the rake-esT.
March 15 was tho fifteenth wedding
annlversnry of Lieutenant Governor,
Jnmes Pearson of Frontier county.!
He observed tho day by prosonting a
carnation to all members of the senate,
its employes nnd newspaper report
ers. Before tho senate adjourned It
took official notice of the anniversary
by adopting sultablo resolutions or
tho subject.
Tho state board of control has
awarded a contract for a now building
at tho stato hospital for tuborculnrs
at Kearney.
Add Penalties to Present Bill.
Tho house has put Its foot down on
the Peterson bill, which originally re
pealed the present ridiculous antl-clg-nrot
statute and substituted a work
ablo measure In Its plnco. That is.
the house shoved tho bill along to
third reading, but so completely emas
culated It that Its nuthor refused to
recognize It. As now wrltton, It em
bodies principally tho presont law with
an addition or two making moro strin
gent penalties for tho salo of slgarcts
to minora under 18 years of ago,
f WMaHtYvP
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