The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1915, Image 1
MX5' nyssci"?m'wwJr,mr,"'.1 V tie' liW A. w if Hi 4 Xy r IV.v ) '',to Hi'' rlcnl Suckty VOLUME 43 v&iEfc? CI v vlr Fit Vl M rmD flr - 1 1 : HiK fufiM.n 1 1 , r ,' i i , i , FENCE POSTS NOW IS THE TIME Tennesse Red Cedar Rounds Wisconsin White Cedar Quarters, Halves and Rounds "Inquire About the 'Bull Dog' Fence Anchor" THE MA LONE-A VERY CO. "Let Us Solve Your Fence Post Worries" )ki ' 4iRt3iT Dress Goods Shepherd Checks Epingalino , Coverts Crepes Silks We are showing all the new shades in Crepes - Poplins RoscoeP.WeesnerSCo, OUR experience in vision testing enables" us to correct your eyes with scientific accuracy. We specialize in the most modem . forms of spectacles and eyeglasses, including the popular Toric and Kryptok Invisible Bifocal Lenses. It will be a pleasure to demonstrate for you the superior merits of these lenses b our patented You will admit that Fits-U's are the most com fortable and best-looking glasses you ever saw. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist Easter Calls For the Newest Sunday, April 4th is Easter It is a dress-up occasion -Have you your wearing apparel ready? IF NOTmmBUY NOW LADIES' SPRING COATS In our coats you will find propriety above all things styles that are neither extreme nor obscure. LADIES' SPRING SUITS Distinctively designed. Beautifully tailored. Just a few new numbers left but they are good ones. White Goods A most beautiful display of all the new weaves Lace Cloth Rice Cloth Seud Voile Splash Voile Embroidery Crepes, Etc. A Newsnter That fllves The News RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAHCII 25, 15. Another Old Pioneer Is Laid At Rest J. C. Wolfe, one of Webster county's pioneers, died at Havelock Saturday at the home of his son, S. O. Wolfe, after a short illness of three days. Mr. Wolfe had boon visiting hia boh there since Christmas and his remains were brought to this city Monday for burial, lie was botn in Ohio, .lun, 7, 1833 and was 82 years, 2 months and 13 days old at the time of his demise. He moved ti Indiana and in 185!) was united in marriage ' Martha A Grlswold and to this union were born three daugh ters and seven sons. His wife proceed ed him to the grave freveral years ago. Mr. Wolfe moved to Nebraska In 1871 and in 1873 he came to Webster county Hiid luts made his home here ever since. He joined the Christian church fifty vtii's ago and bus ,beon an nctlvo mem ber ever since. The funeral was held at the Christian church Tuesday after noon. Rev. Iliiiniiu'l preached the seiinou and Rev. lieebe assisted. In terment took place in the city ceme torv. Four sons-Sehuyler (5., of Have lock; Frank 11., of Red Cloud: Frod (1 , of Sutton and John Wolfe cif this city and one daughter, Mrs. Mat tie Uecd of Hastings, also sixteen grand .children and two great grandchildren' are left to mourn his demise. MUSICAL PROVES RARE TREAT The musical given by Prof. Bel, ami ,hls orchestra under the auspices of the Itt'il uiontl baud in tlio opera House last Friday night was u greitr, treat. The house was- full and everyone was en thusiastic In his praise of all the num bers Fiticliore after enchore was giv en which plainly showed the delight, of the. audience. K ioh and every number , was greatly appreciated and' greeted with genuine applau-o. T h e b-iiid (hoiild plan for another performance in the near future and we are Hiiro ,that they would have another full house. flosiecy Gloves Flfty - twt Weeks Each Year Far Sf.50. County Commissioners Held Meeting Tuesday RedUi.oijo, March 2.1, 11(15. Hoard of County Commissioners of Webster County met pursuant to ad journment. Members present T. J. Chaplin, W. G. Hoffman, Grant Shld ler, Paul Storey and Floyd McCall, Cliuli miin of said hoard. Motion made and seconded that the County Attorney proceed immediately and collect from School District No. 1! the sum of 11.10 for the old court liouso building purchased from Webster County by Secretary of School Dlst. No. 'i Motion can led. In the matter of sealed bids for the construction of bridges, culverts, re enforcing rods of all sizes filed by the following named companies, viz Omaha Structural Steel Co. of Onmhii, Nebr., Khmer Mfg Co, Dubuque, Iowa, Thu Millard IJridge Co , 'Lansas City, Mo., IMatt & Frees, Ketl Cloud, Neb., now coming on for investigation. Said bids vveie opened and compared, after a carclul comparison and Investi gation of said bids. It was moved and scuouded that all bids be and uio heie by rejected Motion carried. In the matter of Road Petition of Frederick Farner of Heavor Creek pre cinct The committee appointed to investigate road in said Denver Crcelc pri'clnct reports no progro-s in said invostlgatiou and ask for an o.vtcutiou of time in which to make suid Investi gation. On motion time wits extended to next meeting of Hoard. The clniiiiiiiii of the bou'd appointed the bridge committee of commissioner district No 5 to meet with Nuckolls county t.oaid to devise plunij, by which thu drainage un the public road en cunnty line between the. countiea of Nuckolls and Webster at the northeast q tarter of section 21-19, Webster county, cuu he taken care of and report to the county board of Webster county the mult of said meeting. On motion thu following claims wen audited and allowed- and tho clerk au thorized and instructed to druw war rants on their respective funds in pay ment of same, viz: Uiidge claims: W. V. Lockhart $ 12 25 Win McCord 2100 A. E. S:rong & Co 7 01 C. M. Wilson 95 75 Wells & MeTaggart 98 81 Comity farm fund: J.C. Caldwell 900 K. A. Crcighton 2G 00 Koehler& Twedalo Co 8 60 Miner Bros. Co 12 51 James Peterson 3G 00 F. G. Turnurc & Son 7 78 Iloscoe P. Weesnor & Co 31 58 General fund: J. O. Cutler 1195 Charles Brubakcr 11 50 Wm. Galbraith 2 00 O. J. Kailey 17 GO Clarence Kizir 1 50 J. A. Mc Arthur 5 80 Geo. II. Oveiing 32 50 C.E.Putnam, secretary 25 00 L. C. Peieiger, secretary 25 00 A. D. Itanney 25 05 Annio Belle Spanogle 45 76 A. E. Strong & Co 5 00 Grant Shidler 20 10 Geo. G.Hart 100 It. B.Fulton 7 25 C. E. Vaughan 7 50 E. McBride.... 4 25 J. It. Horn 175 On motion board adjourned to meet April 27, 1915. The .New Hardware Store 1 1 1 As Spring is now hero wo would liko to liavo you call and look over our Garden Tools. Wo carry nothing but tho bebt aud our prlcos aro right. Wo also havo a nice lino of Oil Stoves, Kitchen Cabinets, Washlug Machines, Cook Stoves, Sewing Machines aud most anything in tho hardware- lino. George W. Trine. FatMiis Idahe Apples ' Now selling from car at Red Cloud for 80 centu and up. adv r You Wish To See We Have The "Up - to - PAUL J I The iXi Spring House Cleaning Will Be on Hand in a U' Few Days Y ou WILL NEED a new Rug for the parlor or some part of the house. "We have an exception- ally large lino to select from in all G sizes. Also have a nice line of Linoleum just arriving with some of the new patterns. Call In And See Them H THE PRICE IS RIGHT ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. S3 v a csj FOR RENT A good 5-room house Hutchison & Saladen, adv 20 porcent discount on Wall Paper and Paint B. S Garbor. We hear that b quiet game of poker was broken up Saturday evening by some ono throwing a brick thru tbo window and thus broke up the game. NUMBER 13 : The New Styles In Hats Caps Sh oes AND Furnishings We will be very glad to show them Them All In Now" Shades STOREY Clothier Urlng in your cream and buy coal. J. O. Cildwell. WANTED A good steady gentle manly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Webster County. No experi ence needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Wiuona, Mlun. Established I J ' m .;i k i ,1 Q m I ,? m .! 1 L u f 3 i.-. .'.Mi nt ? -..i v u , J Ml It' M ' j'-r-"-BmM'tf1'tlJWy jrirZt