The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1915, Image 7

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cross, feverish, constipated.
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
tako tho tlmo from play to empty thelt
bowels, which becomo clogged up with
waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach
Look nt the tongue, mother I If coat
ed, or your child Is listless, cross, for
erlsh, breath bad, restless, doosn't eat
heartily, full of cold or has soro throat
or any other children's ailment, glvo a
toaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, because It is
perfectly harmless, and in a few hours
all this constipation poison, sour bilo
and fermenting waste will gently
move out of tho bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again. A thor
ough "insldo cleansing" Is otttlmcs all
that Is necessary. It should bo tho
first treatment given in any sickness.
Bowaro of counterfeit Ilg syrups.
Ask at tho Btore for a 50-ccnt bottlo of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
full directions for babies, children ol
all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on tho bottle. Adv.
One-Hundred-Dollar Tree.
Tho government has received $99.40
In pnymont for a singlo sugar pino
troo that a trespasser cut in tho Stan
islaus National forest In California. It
yielded moro than enough actual luui
for for a good-sized house, or for a
two-foot board walk nearly two miles
long. Tho tree scaled 18,933 board
feet, and was valued at (5.25 a
thousand feet. Officers of tho for
est service bcllovo that although na
tional forest timber Is frequently sold
at a higher rato a foot, no other treo
over felled In a national forest has
been worth so much. Youth's Com
It always gives me pleasure to recom
mend anything that la right and so I feel
It my duty to herald the praises of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. '
For years I was troubled with kidney
disease and it wo so intense that I was
bedridden for days at a time. I gave up
all hope and doctors for miles around
gave me no help. Incidentally I tried
several r-atent remedies and at last tried
Swamp-Root. From the first it gave me
relief and it was no time before I was
able to be up and around and now I am
perfectly well and able to work as I used
to before my terrible sickness.
So now let ma thank you for yonr won
derful discovery and take this oppor
tunity to recommend it to all who suffer
from kidney troubles.
Yours very truly,
Hope, Ark.
Subscribed and sworn to before me,
this 25th day of March, 1912.
A. V. WARE, Notary Public
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer O Co.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
BinRhamton, N. Y., for a sample size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable in
formation, telling about the kidneys and
bladder. When writing, be sure and men
tion this paper. Regular fifty-cent and
one-dollar size bottles for sala at all drug
stores. Adv.
"Why don't you knit oomcthlng for
the war sufferers?"
"I am knitting something," replied
young Mrs. Torkins.
"What is it."
"Well, I thought they were going
to be mittens, but I forgot to put the
thumbs in, so I'll have to make them
a pair of socks."
Free to Onr Readers)
Write Murine Ere Re-nedy Co., Chicago, fCf
18-page Illustrated Kje Book Free. Write all
bout your Eye Trouble and tbey wilt adrlss
aa to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies In Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyra. Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Tain, and Hells for 60c
Try It in Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. AUt
True Generosity.
Mary Did you glvo anything to tho
poor this wlntor?
Hazel Yes; I gavo my old shoes.
Mary Well, thero's nothing small
about that kind of charity.
Coughs nnd Colds cannot hold out against
Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops. A singlo
dose gives relief Co at all Druggists.
The small hours are responsible for
mnny a large head. Columbia Stnto.
not tell
the grocer to send
you Van Houten's
Rona Cocoa a hot
drink treat for the
family. Half-pound
in a red can
Nebraska editors will meet at Oma
ha, April 19 to 21.
Tho state trap shooting meet will
bo held at North l'latto, May 18 to 20.
Tablo Hock will vote on tho "wot"
or "dry" question at the spring elec
tion. The Southwest Nebraska dcclnma,
tory content will bo hold at Lincoln,
March 24.
Tho Houthorn Nebraska Develop
ment company bus bought tho Su
perior electric light plant.
Natlonnl Commander General Pal
mer will bo one of tho speakers at th
Q. A. It. encampment at Fremont, May
18 to 20.
Greenwood will form nn Independ
ent telephone company, ninny business
men nnd farmers having alrcndy sub
scribed for stock.
One of the largest poultry farms In
tho central west, containing 1,620
acres, will bo established noar Kear
ney this spring.
Henry Chrlstofferson, n fanner near
Fremont, had a finger amputated as n
result of a slight cut while butchering
several weeks ago.
Miss Knte Hoyle, for twenty-five
years nn operator for tho Nebraska
Telephone company nt Omaha, has
been retired on a pension.
Members of the Elks lodge nt Fre
mont are making elaborate prepara
tions to tako care of the convention
which occurs there May 10 and 11.
Amos llninin, 19 years old, fell from
a train near Fairbury nnd broko a
leg. Ho dragged himself for over a
mile through snow drifts boforo get
ting nld.
Tho body of nn unidentified man was
found nlongsldo tho Northwestern
track near Crowell. It Is thought ho
was stealing a rido and fell from a
There wore 10.900,000 bushels of
wheat in tho hands of Nebraska farm
ers March 1, according to the crop re
port of tho United States department
of agriculture.
At the stato convention of the Wood
men of tho World, at Norfolk last
week, Earl Stiles, head consul, wnB re
elected, as wore most of tho other
hond officers.
Tho South Omaha Stock Yards com
pany has offered prizes amounting to
$200 for tho best "nds" on exhibition
at tho editorial association meeting at
Omaha next month.
Tho fnmlly of Mrs. Dora Jnnsen, at
Lincoln, had a narrow escape from
death by gas asphyxiation cnused by
a defective furnace. Strenuous work
of physicians flnnlly saved them.
Tho high school basketball tourna
ment In session at Lincoln last week
Is declared to have been the largest of
Its kind ever held In the United States.
Not only In number of entrants, but In
While a Hastings minister was de
livering a sermon on "Thou Shalt Not
Steal." some dogenorato slipped Into
the cloak room and nnncxed a brand
now overcoat belonging to ono of tho
Petitions havo been circulated at
Auburn asking thnt a referendum ordl
nanco bo submitted to tho voters on
April C for tho purpose of enabling
tho city to voto on pool halls tho same
as on saloons.
According to a bulletin Just Issued
by them, a quarter mill levy to pro
vldo for erecting a building for tho
state historical society will mean an
expenditure of but fifty cents by each
man owning a $10,000 fnrm.
An order for 3,000 sets of European
war harness, on which most of eighty
employes have been working day and
night for nearly three monttiB In the
J. H. Haney factory at Hastings, has
Just been completed and 1b ready for
S. H. Bailey of Stella, who has kept
a record for one year's chicken busi
ness which ho has followed on a small
scale, finds that he has made a net
profit of $49.4G during tho year on an
original Investment of $14.25 for the
purchase of eighteen bens.
Will H. Parry, a former resident of
Syracuse has been appointed by Presi
dent Wilson as a member of the fed
eral trade commission from tho state
of Washington.
Prof. C. J. Pierson, a former super
Infnnilnnr nf unhnnln In Nnmnhn onun.
' ty, has been mado president of a new
, ly organized entomology club at tho
University 91 California.
Thirty-two Gage county farmors In
creased their yield of oats twelvo and
a half bushels per aero last yoar by
treating thoir send oats for smut.
Their fields were Just an avorago of
tho county.
Florence S. Vetto of Nebraska City
has brought suit for $20,000 ngalnst
flvo saloon-keepers of thnt place, for
alleged damages for Eclllug liquor to
her husband.
Tho Union Mutual Tclophono com
pany of Union has bought tho Inter
ests of tho Lincoln Telophono & Tolo
graph company In that, territory, and
will consolidate tho lines.
A part of tho material for the con
struction of tho now $4,000 electric
light plant at Union Is on the ground,
and tho work of construction will be
gin as soon as tho weather will per
mit. Rev. M. E. Lumbar of Wilton Junc
tion, la., has accoptcd a call to the
pastorate of tho First Presbyterian
church at Dunbar.
Cccllo Chnudoln, a nlneteen-yoar-old
Mason City girl, has brought suit
for $5,000 against Dr. A. Doyd of that
placo for breach of promlso of mar
rlage. Miss Margaret Carr, a school girl of
Horshey, recontly received a reward
from a milling company for using their
flour In bread with which she won first
prizo In thn county bread making con
tost, also first In tho Ptate contest of
Nebraska boys' and girls' clubs.
Qlrlal Beautify Your Halrl Make It
Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try
the Moltt Cloth.
Try as you will, after an application
of Dandorlno, you cannot find a Blnglb
traco of dandruff or falling hair-and
your scalp will not Itch, but what will
pleaso you most, will bo utter a few
weeks' use, when you seo new hair,
flno and downy at first yes but real
ly now hair growing all over tho
A llttlo Dandcriuu Immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ
enco how dull, faded, brlttlo and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Dandorlno and cnrufully draw It
through your hair, taking ono small
strand nt a time. Tho effect Is im
mediate and amazing your hair will
bo light, Huffy nnd wuvy, and havo nn
appearance of ubundance; nn Incom
parable luster, softness and luxuri
ance, tho beauty and shimmer of true
hair health.
Got a 25 cont bottlo of Knowlton's
Dandorlno from any Btoro nnd prove
that your hair Is as pretty and soft
as any that It has been neglected or
injured by careless treatment that'i
all. Adv.
Dlog's Find.
Dlgenes was searching tho Btreots of
Athens for tho honest man, when sud
denly the spirit of Ananias sidled up
to him nnd whispered.
"Diogenes, I am a liar!"
Whoroupon Diogenes scratched his
bald pate for a tlmo In perplexity, but
finally, closing his lantern, had to in
vito tho shado homo to dinner. Co
lumbia Jester.
Her Narrow Escape.
He I'd no Idea you wouhl accept
mo tho first tlmo 1 proposed.
She And did you think I would the
second time?
Ho Oh, thoro would havo been nc
second tlmo,
Take Tablespoonful of Salt If Back
Hurta or Bladder Bothers Meat
Forma Uric Acid.
Wo are a nation of meat caters and
our blood Is filled with urlo acid, says
a well-known authority, who warns us
to be constantly on guard against kid
ney trouble.
The kldncyB do their utmost to free
tho blood of this irritating acid, but
becomo weak from the overwork;
they get sluggish ; tho ellmlnatlve tis
sues clog and thus tho waste Is ro
taincd In tho blood to poison tho en
tire system.
When your kidneys ache and fool
llko lumps of lead, and you havo sting
ing pains in tho back or tho urlno is
cloudy, full of sediment, or tho blad
der is irritable, obliging you to seek
relief during tho night; when you havo
sovcro headaches, nervous and dizzy
spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or
rheumatism In bad weather, get from
your pharmacist about four ounces of
Jad Sail tako a tablespoonful in a
glass of atcr boforo breakfast each
morning utid in a fow days your kid
neys will act flno. This famous salts
Is mado from tho acid of grapes and
lomon julco, combined with llthta, and
has been used for generations to flush
and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neu
tralize tho acids in urlno so It Is no
long-or a sourco of Irritation, thus end
ing urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful efferves
cent lithta-water drink, and nobody
can mako a mistako by taking a llttlo
occasionally to keep tho kidneys clean
and active Adv.
"You upprovo of your wife's public
"Yes," replied Mr. Meekton. "I'd
rnther sho told her views about cco
nomnlcs and sociology to tho throng
than hnvo her handing them out to
mo as little hcdtlmo stories."
Look Years Younnerl Try Grandma's
Recipe of Sage and Sulphur and
Nobody Will Know.
Almost ovcryono knows that Sngo
Tea and Sulphur properly compound
ed, brings hack tho natural color and
lustro to tho hair when faded, strenked
or gray; also ends dandruff, Itching
scalp nnd stops falling hair. Years
ago tho only way to get thlB mlxturo
was to mako It at home, which 1b
mussy and troublesome.
Nowadays wo simply ask at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sago and Sul
phur Hair Remedy." You will got a
largo bottlo for about 50 cents. Every
body uses this old, famous reclpo, be
cause no ono can possibly toll that
you darkened your hair, as it does It
ro naturally and evenly. You dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
ono small strand nt a tlmo; by morn
ing tho gray hair disappears, and
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, thick
and glossy and you look yoars younger,
A Business Matter.
Kunlco Havo you taken tho count?
HolrcsB No; but I havo an option
on him until after the borso show."
Wants the Names of All Old Soldle
Relieve! Manufacturer of Pay
ment of Corporation
IVeitern Newspaper Union Nevra Servlea
Tho Hlchiiioml-llrooino bill, provid
ing for publication of personal prop
erty tax lists In newHpnperfl of the
state 11 bill Indorsed nnd worked for
, by members of the state press nssocla
1 Hon wns sent nhend to third reading
I after a warm cmutultteu of tho whole
pcrnp in mo iioiiho. 11 wns aineiuioa
on route to provide thnt tho publica
tion shall ho subject to tho will nf tho
members of the hoards of routity com
missioners of each county Friends of
tho measure accepted the amendment
and It wont through by a olo of forty
nine to forty-six. In bnhalf of the
measure It wns argued that tho pub
licity would result In placing of all
personal property on thn tax rolls and
that tax dodgers would have a hard
lime under this measure becuiise they
would not wnnt to ho thrown into tho
spot light.
For Relief of Manufacturer
Tho hill exempting manufacturing
corporations of the stato from tho
' payment to tho stato annually of a
heavy occupation tax passed tho son-
I ate on third rending by a voto of 18
to 13. The measure, Senate Fllo No.
214, was Introduced by Mattes of Otoo.
IPubllo service corporations are still
subject to tho tax, although tho bill
as originally Introduced would havo
exempted them also. Tho bill was
(recommended for passago after Sena
rtor Mattes had secured n report from
ISecretary of Stato Pool, showing that
lot the' total tax of $80,000 collected
from tho corporations of tho Btato,
from $10,000 to $15,000 was paid by
Governor Morehcad has presented to)
tho house of representatives a bill to;
requiro county assessors or county
clerks, or whoever happens to bo in
charge of an assessor's work, to collect
the names of all old soldlors of the
war of 1812, the Mexican war, and tho
war of the rebellion ro that the names
may bo listed as to company, regiment,
battalion, vessel, with tho present
residence and postotflco address. The
soldiers of tho Spanish-American war
and tho v so-called Phtlllplno insurrec
tion aro not nsked for. Tho object is
to obtnln a complete roster of soldiers.
This was attempted many years ago
and tho duty was Imposed upon asses
sors and county clerks. Sovoral vol
umes of these rosters wero published
ny the secrotary of stato. Later some
appropriation was mado for tho Q. A.
It. stato department to gathor such in
formation and transcribe it upon rec
ords. Tho proposed bill provides that
tho Information collected shall bo sub
mitted to Secretary of Stato Pool.
Tho draft of tho varohouso bill,
which hns been ngreed upon by tho
special joint committee of tho house
and sonato as a substitute to S. F. No.
1 and other bills on that subject, has
been completed and copies furnished
to tho press. Tho Joint committee in
cludes Representatives Dau, Mattcson
and Cox and Senators Henry, Shum
way and Gates. Under this agreed
measure, It is made optional with
every elevator company whother it
shall becomo a public warehouse Tha
state railway commission will have
general control and regulation of
these establishments. A maximum
schedule of storage charges Is fixed,
and companios must give bond to in
sure compliance with the termB of tha
Beginning with Monday, thcro will
bo no legislation In tho house which la
not approved by a body of slxtcon
members. ThlB group Is known as the
sifting committee. It will havo no con
trol over bills In tho hands of stand
ing committees, but of tho 175 hllla
now on general file It will havo abso
lute charge unloss tho house gots un
ruly nnd lifts sorno pot measuro over
tho heads of tho sixteen men. And
such nctlon never occurs without a
vigorous protest from tho sifters.
Tho houso finance ways and means
jommlttcc hns ngreed upon tho recom
mendation of a bIJl consolidating tho
Slvo stock sanitary hoard and tho
stnllion registration departments,
with a contemplated saving of about
$10,000. Tho measuro ns drafted
would appropriate $40 000 for salaries
and malntcnnnco for tho two depart
ments. Two years ago $30,000 was
appropriated for tho Ilvo stock sani
tary board and $7,200 for tho state
veterinarian and his assistant, but tho
latter ofllco was given tho fees from
tho offlce.
On recommendation of tho hoard of
control, tho scnato Increased tho ap
propriation In H. R. No. 474 from
$7,500 to $20,000 nnd recommonded tho
amended bill for passago. Thomonoy
Is for the purchaso of lnnd for tho
Hastings asylum. It was tho original
plan to buy only sixty acres, but tho
board discovered that it would bo
economy to buy up tho rost of tho
quarter, tho sixty boing tho poorest
land and tho prlco per aero for the
wholo being not much hlghr.
Modern Warfare Hat Developed New
Field That Calls for Scientific
Tho ndvent of tho noroplano and tho
airship has Introduced a hard prob
lem for tho rifleman whoso duty It Is
to bring down hostllo crnft of this
kind, Bays Popular Mechanics. Even
with its enormous speed tho bullet
discharged by n modern rlflo is not
fast enough for tho noroplnuo, ns has
boon discovered In tho European war,
but tho export riflemen who aro con
stantly on tho watch for hostllo air
craft aro fast learning tho require
ments for hitting theso swiftly moving
targets, llo no longer alms at an
ueroplnno when trying to bring It
down, but nt n point about six lengths
ahead of the machine The alrmnn
running tho hostllo craft also knows
this nnd, when under firo, seldom Hies
far In a straight lino If ho can help it,
but follows a course.
Tho Zeppelin Is n much slower-moving
crnft and can ho "plugged" about
tho center of the envelopo If tho rlllo
man nlms nt Its iioho.
Stranger Tells Tad Ho Knows Tad,
and, as Was Proved by the
Sequel, Ho Did.
T. A. Dorgan, "Tad," tho cartoonist,
was (lining alono In n restaurant in
Fulton street tho other night, sayB
Cartoons Mngazlno. A stranger
dropped Into tho scat opposite and fell
to discussing cartoons.
"Now tako my old friend Tad," snld
tho Btrangor. "I llko him personally.
In fact wo nro tho best of friends, but
11B nn artist ho Is punk."
"You know Tad, thon?" Tad asked.
"Know him! I should say I do."
"I'll hot you $5 you don't know him,"
snld Tad, reaching for his wallet. Tho
$10 waB deposited on tho tablo.
"Now," said tho cartoonist, "how aro
you going to provo thnt you would
know Tnd If you saw htm?"
"That'B a cinch." chuckled tho stron
ger ns ho gathered In tho money. "You
aro Tad."
Knows Something of the Sea.
Naval Recruiting Officer (to actor
who has applied to Join tho naval ro
scrvo And what experience havo
you had?
Actor Quito considerable, I was
two years a midshipman in II. M. S.
Pinafore, a lieutenant In half a dozen
plays and an admiral In tho Chlncso
Honeymoon. London Opinion.
Your Uncle Samuel spent $800,000,
000 for jewelry last year.
The Drazlllan cotton crop la Increas
ing In quantity and quality.
Big Jobs
are gained largely by doing common tasks
uncommonly well, '
But to do unusually good work of any kind,
fitness of body and mind are required.
Food plays a big part in this matter food that
contains true nourishment. And true nourishment
be it remembered must include certain important
elements which unfortunately are often lacking in the
ordinary dietary especially in white bread. These
elements are phosphorus, iron, lime, sulphur, etc.,
stored by Nature in her field grains, and absolutely
necessary for building strong, vigorous bodies and
active brains.
made of choice wheat' and malted barley, affords all
the nutriment of these grains, including these important
mineral elements, in form for easy, quick digestion.
Grape-Nuts food is always fresh, crisp, sweet and
ready to eat with cream or milk.
Thousands have found that a ration of Grape
Nuts each day makes for real progress towards the
bigger things of life.
"There's a Reason"
sold by Grocers everywhere
Story Reveals Characteristics of th
Present Occupant of the Pon
tifical Throne.
An nnccdoto Is being told about the
popo which shows his natural simplici
ty of manners. Slnco his childhood
his holiness hns, been a great friend of
n Geuocso nobleman who was in the
habit of calling him by his Christian
nnmo nnd used tho dlmlnutlvo ot
James, "Glacomlno," corresponding te
tho English "Jimmy." This nobloman
wns recently received In audlcnco by
tho pope, who when ho saw him kneel
down said: "No, no; Jimmy won't al
low you to do thnt."
Tho popo and his friend had a long
talk and tho noblomnn, who Is very
rich, nsked the popo to nllow him to
present him with sorno gift. "I have
n splendid old silver servlco worthy of
n popo nnd I wnnt to glvo It to you,"
said the noblumnii. "No, thank you,"
replied tho pope, "I hnvo no use for 0
silver service; whnt I need Is hnrd
cash, which Is inoro useful for tha
church." Tho noblomnn nsked pep
mission to sign n check thcro and then
nnd gnvo It to tho popo. llo drew It
for $20,000, as that wns what tho sll
ver service was worth.
Submerged Timber.
Tho strength of a hemlock stick a
foot squnro that had been In wntor for
nlmoHt forty years was recently test
ed .In tho 000,000-pound testing ma
chlno nt Rensselaer Polytechnic Instl
tuto nt Troy, In Now York. Tho tim
ber, which wns 10 feet 9 Inches long,
hnd formed part of ono of tho piers of
tho Congress street brldgo nt Troy.
When tho pier broko down after tho
flood In tho spring of 1913, tho tlmbor
wns turned over to ono of tho material-testing
laboratories of tho Instl
tuto. It wnn kept In tho open air
for thrco months, nnd then plnced in
a dry room for a llttlo moro than nine
months. When placed in tho testing
machine, tho cnlumn failed under a
load of 384,000 pounds; that Is, the
long-submcrgod wood showed an ulti
mate strength of 2,070 pounds to the
squnro Inch. In tho opinion of Prof.
T. R. Lnwson, who conducted the tost,
tho romnrkablo strength of this piece
of homlock seems to show that be
ing Immersed In wntor for a long time
docs not decreaso tho column strength
of timber that 1b subsequently permit
ted to dry out. Youth's Companion.
The Reason.
"Young Mm. Mlllyuns certainly did
provo a devoted nurso to her husband
In his critical Illness. Sho must love
him, nftor all."
"Love him, rot! She knows she
lonkB ficrco In black."
The average man would be glad ot
tho opportunity to poso as a retired
captain of Industry on half pay.
. i
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