The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1915, Image 6

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    . J4A-.
,. . if. J. N4m
'Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour
gassy stomachs in Five
minutes Time Itl
You don't want a alow remedy when
your stomach In bad or an uncertain
ono or a harmful one your stomach
Is too valuable; you mustn't Injuro It.
Papo's Diapepsin Is noted for Hi
speed In giving relief; Its harmless
ncssj Its certain unfailing action In
regulating slrk, sour, gnsBy stomacliB.
Its millions of cures In Indigestion,
dyopopsla, gastritis nnd other stomach
troubles has mndo It famoUB tho world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor In
your home keep It handy get a lnrgo
fifty-cent enso from any dculcr and
then If anyone should eat something
which doesn't agrco with them; If
what they cat lays like lead, ferments
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ache, dizziness nnd nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
remember as soon hb Papo's Diapepsin
comes In contact with tho stomach all
such distress vanishes. Its prompt
ness, certainty and case In overcoming
tho worst stomach disorders Is a rovc
latlon to thoso who try It. Adv.
Too Much Singing.
Dill I 8oo a clock built by a Cali
fornia eloctriclau plays n different
tnno on a series of pipes for every
Jill Thnt may bo all right for a
man to sing nt his work, but whoa
U comes to a clock I draw tho lino.
To Uto Cutlcura on Skin-Tortured
Babies. Trial Free.
' v a noi oain wun 'juueura oap ana
gcntlo application o." Cutlcura Oint
ment .-.t onco rcllovL, permit rest ana
loop 'nc' poln. o speedy hcalment
oi eczema rashes, ltchlngs and Irrl
tatlom. ol Infanta and children ovon
In sovr cases.
Samplo sach freo by mall with Doolc.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. XY,
ttoBton. Sold everywhere Adv.
Ever Happen to You?
mil It la said thcro arc 925 sopa
'rato operations In tho manufacture of
a watch that sells for a dollar.
Jill Well, thoro aro moro than
that when ono has stopped and a fel
low Is trying to make It go.
It Pays to Pray, and Advertise.
"Do you bcllevo In tho elllcacy ot
iraycrt" asked tho now minister.
"You bet!" triumphantly replied Sam
Stinger, tho enterprising real estate '
dealer. "Why, nt tho prayer meeting
last Thursday night, I prayed loud nnd
long for blessings on our progrcsBlvo
Jlttlo city. Incidentally mentioning a j
jfow of tho advantages it possesses for
profltablo Investments, nnd next morn
ing I sold four lota In my now Sky
High addition to n stranger who had
happened to drop In at tho services I' '
-Kansas City Star. ,
Fiction and Reality. j
It Is n slmplo truth to say that many
things hnppon in fiction which would
bo qulto ImposBlblo In fact, aB any
consor knows. It Is in fnlllng to dis
tinguish between thoso two that many
artists and most critics blunder and
this error Is In effect tho muno ob that
of tho ambitious actor who, having '
onco to play tho part, for tho first
tlmo, of an intoxicated ruffian In a
certain mulodrama, went to n neigh
boring tavern and lntoxlcnted hlmsolf.
Ho thought that this would storm tho
houBo, but on tho contrary ho was Im
mediately fired by tho management for
a fool and rightly. P. H. Martin, lr
tho Book Buyer.
Effect of Their Warm Drink In tha
"A year ago I wus a wreck from cot
feo drinking and waa on tho point ot
giving up my position in tho school
room because of nervousness.
"I waa telling a friend about It and
he Bald, 'Wo drink nothlug at meal
time but Postum, and It Is such a com
fort to havo something wo can enjoy
drinking with tho children.'
"I waa astonished that sho would
allow tho children to drink any kind
of coffeo, but she said Postum was
not cot oo, but a most healthful drink
for children as well as for older ones,
and that tho condition of both tho chil
dren and adults showed that to bo a
, fact
"I was In despair and determined
to glvo Postum a trial, following tho
directions carefully. It was a decided
success and I waB completely won by
its rich delicious flavor.
"In a short tlmo I noticed a decided
Improvement In my condition and kept
Browing better month after month,
until now I am healthy, and do my
work In tho school room with ease and
pleasure. I would not return to nerve
destroying coffeo for any mo'noy."
Namo given by Postum Co., Battle
Crook, Mich. Read "Tho Road to
Wollvlllo," in pkga.
Possum comes in two forms:
Regular Poitum must bo well
boiled. 16c nnd 25c packages.
Instant Poitum Ib a soluble pow
dor. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly
In a cup of hot water and, with cream
and sugar, makes a delicious beverago
Instantly. 30c und 50o tins.
Both kinds are equally delicious and
cost per cup about tho same.
' Thero's a Reason" For Postum.
aold by Grocers.
Investigating the Status of Conditions
In German Vessel Eltel
British Lose Sea
Wfslern Newspaper Union Nows Service
Washington. Kncournglng udvlcea
telling of the relief of thu food fumlnc
In Mexico City through tho ovacuatlon
of tho capital by tho forces of General
Obregon, tho Carranza commander,
were beclouded by tho news that at
tho entry of tho Zapata troops, John
B. AlcMnnus, an Amurlcan cttUcn, was
murdered Bhot down In his home, tho
door of which had been scaled with
the coat of arms of tho United States
and over which How tho stars and
stripes. Instant demand was mado by
tho Brazilian minister on behalf of
tho United States government, for thu
punishment of thoso guilty of tho
crltno. After a conference between
President Wilson and his cablnet,-Sec-retary
Bryan telegraphed tho Brazilian
minister approving of tho action ho
had taken and adding u demand for
reparation to tho family of tho victim.
British Cruller Torpedoed.
London. Tho admiralty announces
tho loss of tho auxiliary cruiser Bay
uno whllo tho vessel wns engaged in
patrol duty. In its statement of tho
disaster tho admiralty say":
"On tho 11th of March wrcckngo
of tho Bayano and bodies wore dis
covered and clrcumstnnccB point to
her having beon sunk by nn enemy
torpedo. Eight oHlcors and eighteen
men woro rescued, but It Is feared
that tho remainder of tho crow, num
being 21G, wcro lost."
Length of Time Eltel Can Remain
Not Decided.
Washington. Navy and state de
partment oulclals still havo under con
sideration tho length of tlmo to bo al
lowed tho Prlnz Eltel Frlcdrlch ,to
mako repairs at Newport Nows and
tho disposition to bo mndo of tho
prisoners. Tho first point will be do
elded after an American naval con
structor makes an Investigation of tho
repairs needed to rendor tho ves&el
seaworthy. Tho rolcnso of tho pris
oners will depend somewhat on tho
representations which may bo mado to
tho United States by tho various em
bassies or legations who havo nation
als aboard. As yet no communications
havo been received tho state depart
ment from nny of tho foreign govern
ments concerned.
Germans Abandon Polish Town.
London. Tho Germnns hnvo aban
doned Augustowo, In ItusRlnn Poland,
HO miles northwest of Warsaw, and
the Russians aro already on tho out
skirts of tho town, according to a Po
trograd dispatch to tho Dally Mall.
Przomysl is said to bo hard pressed
and nn odlcor who has nrrlvcd nt Pe
trograd from Przemysl says that pnrt
of tho outer works aro already In Rus
sian hands and thnt those works still
held by tho Austrluns havo been much
County Treasurers Balk on Ruling.
Lincoln, Nob. County treasurers of
Nebraska will refuse to mnko monthly
settlenientB with Stato Ticaouror Hall
Recording to tho lattcr's ruling mado
February 23. Thla was decided upon
at a meeting of about twcnty-flvo
county treasurers held at a local hotel
Thursday ovonlng.
Big Herd to Be Killed.
Eldorado, Kas. A herd of C12 cattle
and 180 hogs on a farm near hero has
beon pronounced infected with the foot
and mouth disease by stato and fed
eral authorities here. The nnimals
will bo slaughtered.
Aika Aid for Starving Mexico.
Washington, D. C The Mexican
Red Cross has appealed to tho Ameri
can Red Cross through Secretary Bry
nn, for food for tho starving populaco
in Mexico City. The appeal said tho
famine in tho Mexican capital was rap
idly growing worse
Wage Arbitration Nearlng End.
Chicago. A compilation assorting
that tho railroads havo been prosper
ous in tho last few yenrs; that tho
prospect for them and for othor indus
tries In 1915 is good, and noting a
chnngo of sentiment In favor of tho
railroads was introduced nt tho arbi
tration of trio wage domands of tho
englnemen of western railroads. It
was tho last of the many statistical
exhibits analyzed, and was the final
word of tho brotherhood on the ability
of tho railroads to pay tho Increases
Killed by Political Enemies.
Paris. Tho British agoncy haa ro
celveil tho following dlapntch from So
fia, Bulgaria: "Advices rceelved hero
from Constantinople say that Menem
mod Ilurhau-Kildln Kffendl fnvorlto
son of tho former Sultan Abdul Hnmld.
hns been found strangled In his 'bod
room. Despite tho reservo of tho Turk
ish police, It has boon confirmed thnt
tho prince wns killed by polltlcnl eno
mtes." Prlnco Burhnn-Eildln wns
twonty-nlno yenrs old and tho fourth
ison of Abdul Hnmld. Ho held tho
rank of lieutenant In tho Turkish navy.
Bi-' ft SAM "'of Sip
More Aliens Leaving United States
than Are Arriving Tying Up of
Eltel Removes Menace to
Western Nouspapor Union News Service.
Washington. Another nolo haB
been aunt by the United States govern
ment to General Carranza In reply to
his response td tho notlco that Car
ranza and Obregon would bo held per
sonally responsible for the safety of
Amcrlcnna and other foreigners in
Mexico City. It is understood to hnvo
emphasized tho importance of keeping
railway communication between tho
capital and Vera Cruz open. The sec
ond communication was dispatched
so quickly nfter tho receipt of Carran
za's reply that tho Impression pre
vailed In diplomatic quarters that tho
United States had determined in ad
vance to mnko representations for tho
unrestricted pnssago of Americans
and other foreigners from Mexico City
to Vera Cruz.
Removes Shipping Menace.
London. Tho arrival of tho German
auxiliary cruiser Prlnz Eltel Friedrich
at Newport News, removing for a time
at least another mennco to British
shipping, and the success of tho Brit
ish troops In tho region of Lo Bnssee,
aro for tho moment tho most Interest
ing topics of discussion In tho British
isles. Whether tho Prinz Eltel Fried
rich will bo Interned or will again set
out for the high sens, it is considered
hero that her career as an armed
cruiser must come to an end, for
should sho be nllowed to sail after
repairs It Is bolloved that cruisers of
the allies, on watch, will account for
More Aliens Leaving United States
than Are Coming Here.
Washington. For tho llrst tlmo in
the history of tho United States tho
How of Immigration lias been turned
back toward Europo by the war and
moro aliens nro leaving, tho United
Stntes than are coming hero to make
their homes. Statistics published by
Immigration Coiumlslonor Cnmlnettl
show that thu chnngo came in Decem
ber last, when tho number ot emi
grant aliens leaving this 'country was
greater by 2,240 than tho total of Im
migrants ontorlng. In January, 1,157
moro departed than entered. Tho de
partures for six months from August,
1914. to January last, totaled 15,545
moro thnn tho arrivals, Including both
emigrant nnd non-emigrant nitons.
Thinks He la Christ.
Yankton, S. D. After years of labor
with tho Salvation Army, Captain
Richard Smith has suddenly gone In
sane. Ho bolloves ho Is Christ and
rofuses to ent nnd wear clothes. Mrs.
Smith Is also said to bo affected. Cap
tain nnd Mrs. Smith ramc here from
Norfolk, Neb., and hnvo been In tho
Salvation Army rescue work hero.
Elders Training with Young Hecrults.
Copenhagen Germnns up to the ago
of 55 years, who two months ago were
declared unfit for military service. It
Is reported horo, now havo been called
upon to undergo training with younger
recruits. Reports received hero from
Schloswlg aro that tho supply of pe
troloum In Germany has becomo so
sranll that persons who formerly were
permitted to purchnso ono bottlo n
wcok now hnvo been deprived of that
privilege Tho stock In Schleswig has
been virtually exhausted.
Greece Buying American Wheat.
Washington, D. C With tho Rus
sian whent supply cut off by the clos
ing of tho Dardanelles to merchant
ships, Grceco hns now turned to the
United States and Is now buying from
this country from 25,000 to 40,000 tons
of wheat n mouth, acpordlng to Ameri
can Consul Henry Alexnndod Weddcl,
at Atheiu. Tho Hellenic government
hns taken this stop -vith a view to
keeping down food prices and check
ing speculation in foodstuffs
Military Government of England Ha
Power to Draft Private Prop.
erty Villa Will Oppose
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. Arrival of the German
converted cruiser tho Prinz Eltel
Frlederich at Newport Nows with tho
announcement that during her bIx
months' scouring of the sca3 aB a com
merce raider alio had sent to tho bot
tom ono vessel which wns American
owned and flew the Hag of the United
Stntes profoundly stirred ofncial Wash
ington. In tho ubsence of a detailed
story of the sinking of the Bhip Wil
llnm P. Frye. off the coast of South
America, Judgment was withheld, but
thero was no attempt to deny tho so
rlousnoss of the incident nnd It was
conceded that on Its face It boro tho
appearance of an unfriendly act upon
tho part ot a German ship of war
which must result in diplomatic ne
gotiations with the German govern
ment. Will Oppose Foreign Invasion.
El Paso, Tex. General Villa, In u
statement received from Torreon by
tho Associated Press, declared that In
event of Intervention of foreign troop3
to subdue tho Carranza forces ho nnd
nil other Mexicans would unlto ngalnst
tho Invaders. Ho denied recent Inter,
views In American newspapers which
he said had just been called to his at
tention, In which he wns quoted as
having said that he would not oppose
armed intervention on the part of tho
several powers "to reduce tho Carran
za troops to order," provided that ho
would bo made commander of such a
British Military Has Power to Draft
Private Property.
London The house of commons has
given to the government authority to
tnko over thu control of the entire en
gineering trade of the country and to
placo it under a combined manage
ment for the purpose of increasing
tho output of munitions of wnr. Tho
dofenso of tho realm not, passed at tho
outbreak of tho war, gave the govern
ment power to take and exorcise con
trol ovor works where war materials
were being actually made. David
Lloyd-George, the chancellor of tho
exchequer, on behnir of tho govern
ment, nsked that the control of manu
factories bo extended to works which
were capable of being UBed for that
purpose. This power was unanimous
ly granted.
Will Issue Potato Tickets.
Berlin. Tho suburban town of Wil
mersdorf hns voted to Issue potato
tickets similar to the bread tickets re
cently introduced in all cities in Ger
many. Wllmersdorf, which Is the
first town to adopt this method for
conserving the potato supply, allows
twenty-two pounds per capita weekly.
Has Smallest Homestead.
Washington. D. C Serena Holer,
Blue has tho distinction of owning the
smnllcst homestead in tho United
States. Moreover, it only cost 10
cents. It is eight-hundrodths of an
acre in area nnd is a llttlo triangular
bit of land, 189 feet long and thirty
eight feet wide at its brondest point,
Jutting to Turtle Lake Minnesota. Tho
10 cents pnld hor entry and she does
not havo to live there threo years as
otherwlso required by law. None tho
less, Miss flluo hns a houso there and
grows tomatoos, cabbage nnd clover.
Missouri State Normal Burns.
Warrensburg, Mo. Flro destroyed
tho stato normal school hero with a
loss of $500,000. Only tho Dockerj
gymnasium was saved The origin of
tho flro is n mystery. Mrs, James
Kirk, living near the campus, was
awakened by the reflection of tho flro
In her room nnd turned In tho alarm.
Four buildings woro destroyed, as fol
lows: Administration building, train,
lug building, library building nnd mu
sic building. All wero three story
expect mm
British Order Strikes United States
Exporters Beachey, the Avi
ator, Meets Death In
rVcstcrn Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. Germany probablj
will repudiate the action of the cap
tain of tho Prinz Eitol Friedrich in
sinking thu American ahlp Willl.un P.
Fryo and mnko reparation for the loss
of tho vessel und cargo, In the opinion
of German o;clals here. Inasmuch as
tho United States and Germany ure in
accord on tho question of shipping
foodstuffs from a neutral country to
civilians in belligerent territory, no
issue is expected to be raised by Ger
many over the right of tho cargo to
bo sent to its destination without in
terruptlon. Count BcrnBtorff, tho
German ambassador, after a visit to
tho stato department, Indicated thnt
he believed the enso would bo Buttled
without much difficulty.
Lincoln Beachey Drops to Death.
San Francisco. Tho spectacular
career of Lincoln Benchoy, one of tho
most dnrlng of American aviators,
who thrilled big crowds at the state
fair at Lincoln Inst full, ended Sun
day when ho fell to his death at the
Pannma-Paelflc exposition in sight of
thousnnds of Bpectntors.
Beachey was completing his second
flight of tho day when tho accident oc
curred. Having previously electrified
the crowd with a scries of aerial
somersaults, the airman sought to ndd
an additional thrill by making one
of tho sensatlonnl perpendicular drops
which usually featured his flights.
Tho fatal fall was attributed to tho
fact that Beachey entrusted his life for
tho first tlmo to a new monoplnno.
United States Exporters Hit by Brit
Ish Order.
London. Tho British government
has added tho following articles to the
nbsolute contraband Hit: Wool, wool
en nnd worsted yarns, wool tops nnd
noils, tin, chloride of tin. tin ore,
castor oil, parafllne wnx. copper, lu
bricants, iodine, hides and all kinds
of leather suitable for military equip
ment, ammonia and Its salts, urea,
aslllno and its compounds. Foodstuffs
for animals, heretofore on tho condi
tional contraband list, aro broadened
to include "oleaginous seeds, nuts nnd
kernels nnd nnimnl nnd vegetable oils'
nnd fats, other than linseed oil. suita
ble for tho manufacture of margaiino
cakes and meals. This apparently
makes cottonseed and all cottonseed
oil products conditional contraband.
Lincoln Wins State Championship.
Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln high school
won the intorscholnstic basketball
championship for tho second consccu
tlvo tlmo by defentlng Omnha In tho
final contest of class A at tho auditor!,
urn Saturday night. 17 to 10. Among
tho clnss B teams. Hebron nrnvml hp
right to tho championship by taking '
mi; unai rrom amnion, 18 to 7. Ne
braska City won the consolation tour-
nnmont by eliminating her ono re
maining opponent, onkdnlo. winning
12 to 0. Lincoln nnd Omaha staged a
pretty battlo for the championship.
The contest was exceedingly fast, with
both teaina displaying tho most versa
tile basketball seen on a Lincoln floor
for years.
Condition of Dope Victims Pitiful.
Chicago. Thirty thousand persons
in Chicago are addicted to habit-forming
drugs, which, under a new federal
statute, they probably cannot get. a
gathering of physicians wns told hero
by Dr. W. A. Evnns, former city com
missioner of health. Tho doctors, rep
resenting state, county and city gov
ernment and medical societies, met to
determino what could be done for the
drug users, whoso condition has been
depicted as pitiful.
Compulsory Education for Texas.
Austin, Tex. A compulsory educa
tion law for TexnB haB been Blgned by
Governor JamoB B. Ferguson. It bo
comes effective In September, 1916.
Farmer to Consumer.
Lincoln. Nob. The farmer to con
sumer movement proposed by the
United Stntes government through the
ngency of certain flrst-elasB postof
flees, Is racing nlong nt a merry clip,
Tho Lincoln office is compiling n list
of farmers who will bo In a position
to sell butter, eggs, strawberries and
the llko direct to the consumer and
through tho medium of tho parcel post.
Tho Lincoln offlco is tho farmers'
agency for the first nnd second pnrcel
lost zoneB nnd Includes a radius of
150 miles from horo In all directions.
Sugar Embargo to Be Raised.
London. The prohlblton ngainstt the
Importation of sugar Into the United
Kingdom from America and othor neq
tral countries probnbly will be re
moved within tho next two or threo
months. Reginald McKenna, tho homo
Bocretary, Intimated as much In tho
house of commons. Mr. MoKcnnn ex
pressed tlio view thnt tho measures to
bo taken by Great Britain nnd her ah
lies against Gorman trado would pro
vent furtrer shipments of sugar to
neutral rovntrlcs.
H pu
olvcd once
for all bv Calumet.
For dally use In millions of kitchens baa
proved that Cnlumct is highest not only in
Duality but in leavening poiver as well un
ulllng In results pure to the extreme and
wonderfully economical In use. Ask youi
grocer. And try Calumet next bako da.
Received Highest Awards
WorM's Para
Fd Expnitiaa,
ItlClf m.
Prii Eisau.
two, Fraaca,
Yea Joa t HTt Btraty when yoa lay cleti r Mf -cia I
bakfac pewdt r. Don't be aided. Bur Cstinat. It' I
ore ccooenic! mora wkelctemt aire but retails. I
uumti u ttr topenor 10 four muk and tod.
VIcoiistn jloldi on top Palmrt spcclalUca hoi pod
John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box 703. La Croue, Wis.
Nnrlh Pjilnli WJirnt nnd Corn Land Knr Salo We
HUlllI UdltUld li.ui.juiucrviiindX.'Uncrivirariulana
for tuln, prlio tvi und l-fi pur ncrn, on i'uit Kiruis,
lm-aud nn thu hew Itcu kdirtl-Motitana linn of tha
fit. Northern nnd ruM nf Wilton on Northern
1'uclUc. lIliMAKCK 11UAI.TV LO.. lllsmarck, N. IX
Wntana I). Coleman
l'litcnt J mw) tr.W uauluglori.
BoUfl reasonable. Highest references. Jlst aciv lu-a.
Nebraska Directory w
Omahs. Nebraska
Booms from 110 up single, 75 cents up double,
"How Is It you college boys stlcsT
to the hazing game?"
"Oh, It's eucli a bully game!"
Analyzo tho contents of your cap ot
sorrow and you'll be surprised at the.
bapplncBB found therein.
That Twinkling 8tar.
Bill You say tho actress showed
you all around?
Jill Yes; alio was my guiding atar.
Roofing that
must last'
You can't tell hv Innlrinar
at a roll of roofing how long it
will last on the roof, but when
you get the guarantee of re
sponsible company, you know
that your roofing miuc giro
satisfactory service.
Buy materials that last
-Our leidlnjr product-U Buamntetd 3 years
for l-ply. 10 ea3 for 2 ply and IS ytnni for
3-ply. We ntso make tower priced roofinir.
flute surfaced shinnies, Imlldlti- pupera. wall
oonrds. out-door paints, plastic cement, elc.
Ask your dealer for products made by us.
They nre reasonable iu price and we stand
bcliiud them.
General Roofing Manufactaring Cs
IForbf a aranl manvfaeturtri at Boafiua
1i' antl VuUlia J'ajwrt
New Tort Olr BMtea CUttfS PHtilartS
rUUblalU AtUaU CUnltal DaUM
SMaiU CUdaatll KtaauCUr . Mantaaah
StaFftacfaca SaalUs Laaaa HtaVari Sraata