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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1915)
STXTm' aw srrawrn -inTSW,.w'iwniiii "' A RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF lm ri!m'M'mTmw V 0 ;V 4! l( MB" FOR LIVER. BOILS For sick headache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and ' constipation. Oct a 10 cent box now. No odds how bad your liver, Rtomnch or bowcla; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort ablo vou arc from constinntlon. Indices- tlon, biliousness and sluggish bowels ! you always get the desired results with Cascarcts. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable Tako Cascarcts to-night; put an end to tho headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backacho and nil other distress; cleanBc your Insldo organs of nil tho bllo, gases and constipated matter which is producing tho misery. A 10-cont box means health, happl ness and a clear head for months. No moro days of gloom and distress If yon will tako a Cascarct now and then. All stores sell Cascarcts. Don't forget tho children their Uttlo In sides oeod a cleansing, too. Adv. Ingredients. "I don't think your speech was as full of ginger ub some of your former efforts." "Maybe It wasn't." replied Senator Sorghum. "Tho way n man has to stick to n topic in these 111. Mistering days makes him inclined to dlsponse with ginger and look for glue" THE COLONEL'S GOLD MINE Out In Gregory County, South Dakota, lives Colonel JohnBon, the famed Alfalfa King of that great section. About thirty years ngo he left Wisconsin for that domain. All lie had was willing hands, a clear brain and a bright vision. Today ho in the owner of thousands of acres, president of several bankit. nw i'iTn- ii i "" "" "r ? . tjj.rjKiirymBmi'Ges.j He has found n veritable gold mine in his thour-and-acrc Alfalfa field, and what is of particulir interest to jou and me is that his first Alfalfa Seed, twenty-five yeirs ago or more, was purchased from tho John A. Snl7cr Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. Tho Colonel says: "The best paying crop in hay, or grass, or pasture food is Alfalfa. It outranks oveiy thing in money value." Salzer'H Alfalfa is good on your owb form, for three to five tons of rich hay per acre, and with the aid of "Nitragen ' (sec my catalog) its growth is absolutely certain. For 10c In Pottage Wo gladly mail our Catalog ind sample packages of Ten Fa mous Farm Seeds, including Epeltz, "Tho Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated White Honnnza Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Mil lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte, the Silo Filler. Alfalfa, etc., etc. Or Send 12o And wo will mail you our big Catalog nnd six generous packages of Kirly Cabbage, iiarroi, 1,111:11111111.-1, in. Radish, Onion furnishing and lots of juicy delic IJarrot, laicumiior, j-icuuce, 1018 iiucy aciicious Vegetables during tho early Spring and Summer. Or send to John A. Salzcr Seed Co., Dox 703, La Croonc, Wto. twenty couts and receive both alove collec tions and their big catalog. Where the Life Is. Bacon Whteh Is tho liveliest prov ince In Canada?" Egbert Why, Ontario. "Why bo?" "Uccause I read In tho paper that there arc 1,002 cheese factories there." THE PROFE880R'8 8TATEMENT. Prof. Aug. F. W. Schmltz, Thomas, Okla, writes: "I was troubled with Backache for about twenty-five years. Wrtn told I bad Brlght's Disease in its last stages, I tried Dodd'a Kid ney Pills. After using two boxes I was somewhat re lieved and I stop ped tho treatment In the spring of the next year I had another at- Prof. Schmltz. tack. I went for Dodd'a Kldnoy Pills and they relieved me again. I used threo boxes. That Is now throe years ago and my Back ache has not returned in its severity, and by using another two boxes a lit tle later on, the pain left altogether and I have had no trouble since. You may use my statement. I recommend Dodd'a Kidney Pills when and wher ever I can." Dodd'a Kldnoy Pills, 60c per box at your dealer or Dodd'a Medi cine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. A Good Heart whor ore your "acwrgo, school books?" "When notices appeared that books woro wanted for tho wounded, I gavo mino to them." -Uumoratlcko Listy (Prague). Honest, now. did you over see any body tako tho advice you offored? McmphlB Commercial Appeal !Jffi2i2!25SrK?fSSSa kHm m ft IfffllMnONAL SONMTSOIOOL Lesson (n 1y r. Humln O. HKI.M'.US. Acting nircctnr ot lny School I'ourpc. Moody ltltilo Iti- Mltute, ChlcuKo.) LESSON FOR MARCH 21 JONATHAN AND HIS BEARER. ARMOR LESSON TEXT-l Samuel 11:1-11 CIOLUKN THXT-Let tn put on thr nr in oi- ot Unlit. Hum, 1J.1J. Samuel's ravlcw of his life of integ rlty, his chargo to tho Israelites, God's testimony of displeasure over their persistent deslto to have- n king, and Samnel's words of comfort nnd as surance as found In chapter 12, form an Interesting connection with last Sunday's lesson. In chapter 13 we have tho record of Israel agnln In dis tress nnd of Saul's folly In his assum ing tho priestly ofllco (vv. 13, 11). I. Saul's Distress, vv. 1-4. That Saul'B disobedience, just. Indicated, had Incurred God's displeasure, wo know. It evidently had its crtect upon tho pcoplo nlBO, for IiIb nrmy had dwindled during tho Intervening fifteen or clgnt con years, from 330,000 (ch. 11:8) to a feeblo GOO (v. 2). They wero further handicapped by a lack of weapons (ch 13:19-23). Deserted by Jehovah, by Samuel, Jehovnh's priest, and by nearly all of his enthusiastic subjects (see 11:12) Saul was "In tho uttermost part of Glbeah" hiding under a pome grnnato treo (see vv. 11. 22 nnd 13:0) This may refer to his being at Rlmmon (Judges 20:13-47). In this retirement Saul retains Ahlnh (v 3) as priest, thus keeping up tho outward form of worship. This priest is not referred to as Jehovah's. Ho was a grandson of Phlnchas, ono of Ell's wicked sons, and ns such was not to ho a successor In tho high priest's ofllcc (ch. 2:30 30). Such an outward form of "dead works" cannot tako tho placo of a liv ing faith. For Saul to consult tho or aclo of tho Urim and Thummlm worn by the priest nnd later to call up fa miliar spirits, showB his lack of spir itual apprehension. Tho references mado to Saul's conduct (chapters 12, 13) are an indication of his charactci and omphasizo tho psalmist's words as found in Ps. 119:11,105. II. Jonathan's Victory, vv. 4-13. But God had ono leader to whom ho could speak, Jonathan, who Is ono of tho finest and mobt attractive characters in tho wholo Bible. This episode Is among tho most brilliant In tho his tory of tho Israelltlsh nation. It was a brave deed, and an evidence of that triumphant faith shown so clearly In Jonathans dealings with David. Thoro seems to bo a suggestion that Jona than had lost confldenco in his fa ther, for neither ho nor tho people knew whero Jonathan had gono. Verses 4 nnd 5 vividly plcturo tho nature of tho location wherein Jona than undertook this feat. Jonathnn clearly counted upon tho fleshly cov enant sign as ground upon which to expect help and victory over his ono mles, who lacked such a sign (v. C). Tho army of tho Philistines had boon divided Into threo sections (Ch. 13: 17), nnd this gavo Jonathan his op portunity. The garrison at Mlchmash wns on tho opposite side of tho ra vino from Gcha. Saul's headquarters. Hidden by tho cliffs It was qulto easy to approach tho Philistines. It Is an Interesting and enlightening conversa tion recorded ns ensuing on that jour ney. Jonathan It may bo that tho Lord will work for us; for thoro Is no re straint to tho Lord to savo by many or by few (v. C). Armorbearer Do all that Is In thine heart; behold I am with theo. Jonathan Wo will pass . . . over, nnd will discover ourselves. Tho test, as recorded In verses nnd 10 was a real ono nnd a reve lation of Jonathan's shrewdness. Not to bo invited up by tho Philistines would suggest a desire they may havo had to cover up any weakness. To bo asked to "come" suggests their self confidence. Today's Message. Two young men Df faith saved a nation sunk in despair and disgrace They inspired confl denco In God and his promises. "Youth for battles, old ago for counsel," but thero aro times that demand action moro than conference nnd considera tion. Courage is only of value, how ever, when based upon much training, devotion to God, the interests ot oth ers, and a clear vision. It is not a mcro flash In life's pathway. Courago Is contagious; Jonathan's feat set on flro tho soul of a nation. Rend again tho roll of honor In tho eleventh chap ter ot Hebrews. Tho highest courago Is not physical but moral. This cour age is open to all, but it Is intelligent ly grounded upon God's suro revela tion in his word and in tho person ot his Son, our Lord. "And his armor boarer after him." Jonathan did not go alono. On the other hand It is not probablo this young lad would havo gono up those rocks had not Jonathan led tho way; be cause ono wont before him, ho was ablo to scale tho fortress. God alono knowB tho heights to which wo may attain, but does not ask us to go.alono, nor expect ub to do tho impossible. Tho greatest heroes nro not military, they are Christian heroes, who put on tho Christian armor and whoso "strength 1b tho strength of ten be cause their hearts nro pure." Such heroes aro not dismayed at the con tempt and glbea ot tho enemy. c Gowns of American Design IF the now spring stylcB In gowns nro strictly of American design, thero Is every renson to congratulate their creators. After a Htudy of them ono might bo pardoned for quoting from tho song which bids us heartily rejolco In the Btrength of our salva tion and nddlug "from forclgn-mndo modeB" thereto. Tho street coBtumes nro cleverly shaped, comfortable, and clean cut. Their tailoring Is a thing of faultless beauty. Skirts nro short and just wldo and During enough for comfort in walltlng nnd for stylo. Jackets and coats aro easy and smart, Improving tho flguro which wears them properly. Ono may havo a choice as to length, as they aro shown In both long and short models. Materials are durable, old favorites being to tho foro in tho smartest garments. Decorations aro fow and elegant, buttons and straps and tho introduction of outsldu pocketB pro viding most of them. Hut It Ib in amazing cleverness in cutting both skirts nnd coats that this season has distinguished itself abovo others. In party gowns sklrtB aro more am The Motor THE motor bonnet of silk continues to stand at tho head of tho list as tho most practical ot things designed for the beadwear of autolsts. From tho standpoint of comfort, service, low cost, becomlngncss, and tho ease with which it can bo made, the silk motor bonnet has no rival possessing all ot its advantages. Thero aro, however, many bonnets that comblno tho soft millinery braids, llko those of hemp or silk fiber, with silk in their construction, that aro Just as durablo and becoming. By means of tho braid tho element of novelty in design enters into their composition, but they aro less simple to make than tho silk bonnets. Tho latter will notfttax tho ingenuity of the home milliner nt all. Taffeta silk is tho most satisfactory weavo to uso. Its body gives tho bon net a chunce to remain shapoly; it sheds tho dust easily and it ts mado in most appropriate and pleasing col ors. Patterns by which to cut the body of bonnets nro furnished by any of the standard pattern companies. Usually only about a yard of taffeta and a small strip of crlnolino are needed, except when plaltlngs of the silk aro used for trimming. An extra allowance must bo mado for this. Ma chtno stitching, with silk thread, helps out in tho finish and decoration of tho all-silk bonnets. Tho veil of wnshablo chiffon holds Its own with tho silk bonnet as the best friend of tho motorist. Chiffon veils aro so essential that they form a part of tho design in moBt bonnots and aro always reckoned with, either as a part of the decoration or an ac ceusory. ( ple, but mado of tho airiest fabrics over satin foundations. Ilodlces arej modestly high, and sntln bindings nro used to finish tho IIouiiccb and over drctiSCH of net or crepo or chiffon. With all this llulllness thero is n lit tle touch of tho nustoro In tho bodlco usually. In tho picture given hero a street suit of bwcII Bhepherd'B plaid is shown. Plaits at tho sides of both front nnd back produce slightly flar ing panels, the skirt being mado up of four of these. The Jacket opens In a "V" at tho front, with rcvcrB terminating at tho bust lino and an Inlay of velvet which is carried to tho high turnover col lar A strap at each sldo of the back Is finished with a simulated buttonhole and set, with a lono button, to tho nnrrow, shaped belt which defines the Mlchtlv hlKh waist line. Tho cuffs nro odd. with tho Bleovo turned back from a band of velvet nnd fastened down with n button. Tho front of tho Jncket Is almost straight, and cut with n dip. i Bonnet of Silk Several special kinds ot hats appear among tho spring showings of motor head wear, among them exquisite cro cheted hats of Bilk fiber braid, and patent leather hats. Tho last aro wholly rainproof. Dut tho crocheted hats, and silk bonnotB llko Uioso pic tured here, aro not much damaged by rain. When tho Bilk bonnet has served its day it can bo replaced for bo little money and Ib altogether bo at tractive that it Is likely to remain a favorite. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Velvets for Little Girls. Girls from twelvo to sixteen are fol lowing the examplo of their elders for afternoon in tho wearing ot velvet frocks. These usually have over blouses or long-walatcd effects, with tho top skirt of velvet and tho short underskirt ot satin or plaited chiffon. A collar ot real lace and a satin bolt or Bash completes a very smart .little costume which can bo worn without a coat as warmer weather approaches. Rice In Pincushion. Rico makes an excellent filling for a pincushion. Tako a yard ot five inch dresden ribbon, double and sow into a bag, stitching a quarter ot an inch back from tho edgo along tho sides, to leave for a finish, Fill it snugly with rlco grains and you will find it keeps Ub place; even heavy hatpins do not turn It over. Soiled White Inexcusable. Clean whlto will cover a multitude ot faults In stylo and material, but sollod whlto on a woman Is qulto as Inexcus able as on a man. Its nly Meaning. Uncle Roger had been po'ly for Rome time, and had tried with alacrity every sort of patent medicine he could secure. An old ncqunlntnnro hnlled him with: "Hello, undo. How nro you'all now adays?" "How Is I? W'y, haw SB, fo' mos'ly six nnints a meal's vlttles aln' mean nullln' t' hip, 'scusln' somopln tuh tako medicine alter!" Judge. Importnnt to Mothorn Examlnu carefully every bottlo ot CASTOKIA, a safe nnd suro remedy for Infants and children, and sco that it Bears tho G&vBa5u Slgnnturoot In Uso For Over 30 Years, Children Cry for Flctchor'fl Castoria The Lush In Luscious. "Why do they call tho oyster n luscious bivalve?" "Ib not not customary to refer to In toxicating beverages ns lush?" asked tho learned but unsophisticated citi zen. "Yes." "Then Miisrlous bivalve,' no doubt, refers to (tin oyster cocktail." Flashes of Humor, aro you wearing "Why glnsses, BlinkB?" "I was nearly blinded by my daz zling wit, JlnkH." 'Nother Testimonial. Oyer My brother litis beon greatly benefited by patent medicines. Myor So? Whnt kind did ho take? flyer Oh, ho didn't tnko any. He's a druggist. Those of Middle Age Especially. When you have found no remedy for the horrors that oppress you during change of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. uI nm writing to let you know how much your medicino has dono for mo. I failed terribly during tho last winter and summer and every ono remarked about my appearance. I suf fered from a femalo troublo and always had pains in my back, no appetite and at times was very weak. "I was visitingat a friend's houso ono day and sho thought I needed Xydia K. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound. I took it and havo gained eight pounds, havo a good appetito and am feeling better every day. Everybody is asking mo what I am doing and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound. You may publish this lotter if you wish and I hopo others who havo tho samo complaint will sco it and get health from your medicino as I did." Mrs. A. IIornuno, 01 Stanton St, liuCulo, N. Y. Made Me Well and Strong. Maoedon, N.Y. "I was all run down and very thin in flesh, nor ' vous, no appetite, could not slcop and was weak, and felt badly all tho time. Tho doctors said I had poor blood nnd what I had was , turning to water. I took different medicines which did not help mo, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound mado mo wolf and strong, and I am recommending it to my friends." Mrs. Fred Cuace, It. No.2, Maccdou, N.Y. ' The Change of Life. Beltsville, Md. "By tho uso of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound I havo successfully passed through a most trying time, tho Chango of Lifo. I suffered with a weakness, and had to stay in bed threo days at a tlmo. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound restored, mo to perfect health, and I nra praising it for tho benefit of other women who Buffer as I did." Mrs. V. 8. Duvall, Route No. 1, Beltsville, Md. For SO years Lydia E. PlnkhamVi Vegetable Compound lias been the standard remedy for fe male Ills. No ono sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if sho docs not try this fa moos medicine mado from roots and herbs. It has restored so many sufferlngwomentohealtn. K Write to LYDIA E.FINKHAH MEDICINE CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice, tter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confldenco. Catarrhal Fever I to (1 doirs often cnr. Una MUrjtnt. Nl'dllN'R (Ulr&nUed tO OUr CM. Hufo for nr Diuro, Duion bottle 1 16. CbamUU liiiiiJPTfBmrBill 1 Just as cheap and in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta 160 Acrt Homtsttads art Actually Frta to Stttltrs and Othtr Land at From $15 to $20 par Aort The people of European countries as well as the American nwnent mustbefed-thus an even greater demand 'or Canadian i Wheat will keep un the price. Any farmer who can ujj uic f . , mike money-that's what you can expect in Western Canada. Wonder Jut yields also of OaU, B.rley and Flu. Mhted IWng Is ; fully i prof. itable an Industry as grain raising. are the only food requireaeuneriomeci or uau y ymjM. ww- w,.-, ISSISSSSSA1 there I. ,nu.ul demand for farm Immigration, Ottawa, Canada; or to W.V. Dennett. 220 17th St., Room 4, Bee Building, Omaha, Nebr. Canadian Goverment Aiat GOLDS ami Catarrhal Troubtti Cured by Pc-ru-na A colU I nouto catarrh. I'Arutift. Is a rorognltod standard remedy for catarrh. Copy "111 oi ui " tn. Th Pmruna Co, SSmiSiSSSlSli Will mine. Inflamed, Strained, Swollen Tendons, Ligaments, Muscles or Bruises. Shi pi the lameness mil pain from a Splint, Side Bone or Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair gone. Hone can be used. &2 a bottle delivered Describe wnir c:sc for special instructions and Book ?. K Free. ABf ORB'.NE, JR., the antiseptic! jmimentfor mankind. Reduces Strained, Torn Liga ment, r.nbrueil Glniulv Veins of Muscles, Ural Cum, hort-s, Ulier. Allnys pain. ?tl t t)OiliMilriirirlctiifitrli?rtril. Il..k "hr1ilrnr" fr. W. MOUND, P. 0 r, 310 Temple Street, SprHuj1Itld,IU. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartic nnd purgatives. They are uiuitii. iiiHii,uuuixi,3trtiy i y CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purrly egt tabic. Act. gently on tne mrr, eliminate our, nnu . ixxitlietlieilcliratri membrane of thc.4 bowel. Cure. Comllptllon, Rlllomnni, Slrl ll.ail. scat sal Intlfttllon, ts millions know. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must tear Signature burtfloroolt. (let It ot druiltu, barneM dutlen f BWAI JSl1 BHPAD-rrDc iBVKZsW MITTLF mm Hivtri slMsTC PILLS. &US?&&&zg unnfartnrcni. oiprMt paid. HfUUN'S u the bl prrrenUro of all forms of dtatempat. Hl'OIIN MEDICAL CO- Md BacUrlologUti, OoaUn, Ib&P.S.A. Yes, waiting for every farmer or farmer's son any industrious American who is anxious to establish for himself a happy home and prosperity. Canada's hearty In vitation this year is more attractive than .vr. Wheat is hltther but her farm land miy iana ai jwwm v.w .. ft t 45 husheio to the acre U bound to The excel ent grasses, tun ojutnuon, ' ' 1 1 '?: ! i 'J It i 1