The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1915, Image 1

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    5y y
The McFarland Store
Changes Hands
On last Saturday thodeil was c'ommI
whereby Walter W. Ms'tshall pur
chased the I! K. MeFiirland grocery
Mr. Marshall, while young In yiais,
is posseted of goo 1 business ub'lity
enjoys a wMo circle of friends "ltd no
doubt will conduct the btisinoss in
such ii way as to merit the patn iiih,'!'
of the many patrons of this old estab
lishi'd jrroeery house.
Mr. M irshall took possession the
first nf the week, and The t'hiof finds,
considerable pleasure in extending to
Waller V. Marshall, the glad hand,
and wo feel safe in predicting that he
will make it success of his venture in
the mercantile world. ltnd ht.4 mi
nounoetnent on smother page of this
Mr. I!. H MoKarland as vet hi s
formed iki dulliiitc plans tor the
future, but w'h trust that he and lis
estcoinablo family may continue '.o
make this city tholr home.
Bad Fire At Dr.
DamerelPs Monday
Last Monday morning about 1:30
o'clock a fire alarm wan turned in and
investigation dlsolosed the fact Unit
the scene of the lite was Dr. DameroU's
residence on West Fourth Avenue.
It. is thought that the blaze started
from the fire-place, and several of the
room wore, badly damaged before the
blazo was extinijulshed. The lire de
partment and our citizens responded
quickly wlien the bell i any and sunn
put the fire out. The damage to the
houso and furniture is estimated at
between SloiH) and tUOOO.
Deposits Guaranteed
DA ' ,'-i;ulj i J : J L ,...' mhm
If You Desire
CAPITA Ij 8U5.000 N
1, , T
& Six1
J'Afc VV u n't
fff ' run
Tf 1 rrl
UUWri rkt
Pioneer Lumberman
of Inavale Is Dead
William I tniis.
of Inavale. died
Saturday night
several mouth''.
one of the pioneers
at Ills home Hide
after an (llii'ss of
lie was cngiiKi'd in
the lumber business at that pluee for jvins. and about two years imo
ll sob! out ou account of poor health
Mr. Irons was one of lnavale's nist
highly respected citizens lie leaves
u wife and u buve number of friends
to immrii his ileatli, tliree chlhlivti
haVm,' precede 1 him to the rave.
The funeral was hold Wednesday, l!ev i
J. V. Ivls. n pleaching tbo sermon,
Hlhl interim nt look place in District
11 cemetery. Deceased was bom in
West Virginia and was 71 years old nt
the time of bis demise. The Chief, ,
iiloin with his manj fi'iemls. Nteiids
sympathy to 'he boreuvd wife i
Citizens Mommate j
City Candidates
On Monday evening a largo number
of our citizens met at the court house
and nominated the following tnon for
city nilleer-:
Mayor Kobt. Damerell.
Gleik-0. C.Teel.
Treasurer S. 11. Klor.inoe.
Engineer Oeo. II. Ovcrlng.
Police .Judge .1. A. Uurdon.
Couneilinan 1st Ward II. Xeuor
berg. Couneilinan 2nd Ward W. A. Vay
nurd. Members of School Hoard Clark
S'ewns and Cliil I'ope.
Chairman Hanney called the meeting
to order and was also elected Chair
man for the ensuing year. E S. (
ber was olc'ted secretary.
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one, returning you the
largest measure of service and accom
modation commensurate with the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits.
by State Guaranty Fund
Where YourTrouble Ends
OUR experience in vision testing enabled
us to toned your eyes with scientific
accuracy. Wc specialize in the most modem
forms of spectacles and eyeglasses, including
the popular Toric and Kryptok Invisible Bifocal
Lenses. It will be a pleasure to demonstrate
for you the superior merits of these lenses in
our patented
You will admit that Fits-U's are the most com
fortable and best-looking glasses you ever saw.
Jeweler and Optometrist
rfSEfc J p alf V V m " V J -A J0W fr RyBfcj: i"ygjMWKBfcJAJJ.'ttavt HA fr - f f tTLi . .. -
A Newspaper That Gives The News
Patrons of School District
Held Meeting Last Friday
The meelliiK of the school district was held in the assembly room of tho
IIih School last l-Vlday afternoon. The attendance was not lare;e, being about
thirty six In all. Henry (iilhain, president of the lt.iurd, opoued the meeting
by sl'atini: that UiU action was taken so thai tho patrons could loaru what
condition their,sehools were in. He otlled up-ill Prof. Moritz, who (,'iivo
in a brief but comprehensive manner the outline of tho present course of study.
This Included manual training, commercial arithmetic, domest'u science and
agriculture. These courses cost no more than If all wore taking tho classical
course, because if they wore all taking olio course the classes would have to
be handled In sections. Tho secretary then wive a statement of tho expensi 8
for tho past ten years which will be found below.
Tho meeting was then turned over to tho patrons of tho district. Dr.
Hoxey was elected chairman and l W Cowdeti, secretary Chas. Herrlck and
JihIko Itanney were nominated as candidates for members of tho school board.
Heportof secretary:
Year Taxes Levied No. Teachers Salary Teachers No. Graduates
I00.'i 810,000 VI 8 5,410 11
1900 8,000 Itt ' 0.800 13
1907 9,400 13 0,000 14
1908 13,000 14 8,000 12
1903 15.300 14 0,000 11
l'.HO 17,000 15 9,000 1.1
1911 13.C0O 10 0,000 20
1912 1G.775 17 11,000 25
1913 12,000 18 12,000 28
1014 13,000 20 13,000 33
Avorogo tax levied for ten years, 813,017.50.
"It's a Long
Way to Tipperary"
There's something very interesting
about the war songs" ot tho people.
They are uevor what you would expect
them to be, and yet they are always,
taken up, whether from the sentiment
of the song we can scarcely tell, and
in a few days' time they aro sung nil
over the country. Who was not thrilled
by the southern war songs of "Dixie'
and "Maryland, My Maryland," and
tho northern song "John Urown's
Hody," or "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
tho Hoys Aro Marching"? It will be
noticed that in all these thoro is a
vein of sentiment, and tho fact that
' soldiers and all borts of peoplo appre
ciate thorn goes to show that there Is
! u hidden vein of sentiment, an ideal,
in tho minds of even tho common
1 j oopio Wo aro not so lacking in
sentiment as wo are supposed to bo.
Tho war song of tho English which
lias been taken up by tho Ocjrmans and
I no doubt by tho French, comes from
Ireland, the last place in (which wc
would oxpeut an English war song to
"It's a long way to Tipporary,
It's a long way to go;
it's a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know."
There's no mistake about that, and
Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
no tnistako about the sentiment in it.
And It will be n long way to Tipper
ary to tho boys that aro singing it,
particularly, aa at present they ure
going in tho opposite direction, with
strong chances that many of them will
never get back to that "sweetost
It's a long way to Tipporary in any
walk of life. It's a long way to an
ideal. Wo havo to go a long way be
fore wo realize nny noble, lofty senti
ment, a long way for tho boy who Is
leaving school before ho (ltuls himself
established in life, a long way for tho
boy who leaves tho farm and goes to
town. Kvontunlly ho may bo a power
in business or a leader of men, but
"It's a long way to go," It's a long
wny for tho boy wlu has only his
bauds and Ids brains who hopes to
havo a home of his own with "tho
sweetest girl."
We all havo our Tipporarys, whore
wo hope for happiness and satisfaction
insofar as that can be reached in this
world of ours. The only way to get to
Tipporary is to keep ou going and do
tho best wo can oven if tho way is
winding and tortuous and seems some
times to go in tho wrong direction;
keep bravely at it, with the thought of
our Tipperary, whatover It may bo,
constantly in mind us au inspiration,
Wallaco's Farmer,
''HWIMuJhiiiuiiiiiV ii wpfl&m0m-
Hdwaril J. Kelly to It. A. Coch
rane, wil, sw'4 7-2-12
Pardon K Fairfield nod wife to
(!ny and Lester t Cone, wd,
part oj.; sw'4 lo 1-9
(Joorpj tireijf and wife to Henry
Hritton, wd, lots l-2-.'M-fi, lllk.
II, S.veozy's Add to lilne Hill..
S. W. Hopito and wlfo to Wheat-
on W. I locate, wd, lot 7, Mk.
I, 1st add to liladon
MortKMKOS Klled $23,200.00.
MortK'iKes Iteloased f2S,7t.()0,
If You
To See
We Have
The "Up - to
Former Red Cloud Pastor
Moves To Omaha
The editor this woek received
letter from llev. W. R Colo, who Is
well and favorably known to nearly
J everyone in this vlclnly, ho holni;
i the pastor of the Haptlst church itoru
I for Kouiu time, leHlulny somo two
yo.tis iiko to beeomo pastor of Tho
J'alesline ll.ipiist church at tlciio.t.
Anions other things Kev. Colo writes
IhatowiiiK to the poor health of both
hiinselt and Mrrt. t'ole, he is compelled
, to e;ive tin Ids work at that place, and
hereafter will be found with olllces lit
Omaha, where ho intends taking up
tho work for the Society of tho b'riond
less Ills homo address will bo '
North (list yireet, Hensou, Nebr , acd
he states that ho will bo pleased to
have any of Ids friends call and boo
him when in Oinnlia.
Uov. ColiJ ",,t' "'y piouohos tho
Kitspi'l, but lives it, and tho Chiof Is
sorry to learn of tho Illness of UiIh
estimable couple, and wo trust that
ho may tlnd his new field of labor to
bo a beiiellcial one.
Real Estate Iransfcrs.
Heal Kstnle Transfers fumlshod by
M. W. Carter, Hondo 1 Abstractor, Red
Cloud, Nebraska.
I MarKueretto Warnock, ot. ill., to
Arthur I). Warnock, qod, noj.f
30 2 10 8 1
Charles A. Schultz and wlfo to
John Hiickson, wd, o nwj4'
8-1-10 and lot 10 and se.i so).i
n.M(l 13000
Vern V. Kinick to Sylvester
Kmlck, wd, eiJ mv 0 2-10.... I
Charles Hverlliitf and wife' to
Henry Hot., Si, wd, invi;f ill-i-Vi
.. 1100Q
Erick O. Horifmnn and wife to C.
A Arvlhon, wd, eisu' lll-3-la r.OOO
The New Styles In
We will be very
glad to show them
Them All In
- Now" Shades
i ii
BlIilPlfflillB mmmmmm
-. i
,-. , . ,ri-,.wrTr