The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 11, 1915, Image 6

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Increase In Freight Rates Asked for
by Western Railroads Killed
as Result of
Wratem Ncwjpnper Union Ntiwn SitvIch
Washington. President Wilson In
confronted with otio o the most scrl
ous and perplexing developments thttt
haB over arisen in tin; .Mexican sltua
tion. Moxlco City 1h on the verge of
Rtai'VHtlon. Gcnoral Obrcgon, tins Car
ranza cotntniindor, refuses to penult
an International relief committee coin
posed of wealthy members of the for
eign colony to succor tlio needy. "Mex
ico needs no foreign aid." tlio general
Is reported to have mild. All mer
chants have been ordered to reopen
under threat of punlHhinent. Throe
hundred of thorn, all Mexicans, have
been Imprisoned. The peoplu of the
city aro living In teiror of another
evacuation, bIiico Obrcgon lms an
nounced that ho will not prevent loot
ing or pillaging for food or money.
Killed as'Result cf Quarrel.
Monroe. Neb. Ab a result of a quar
rel ThurBday morning, ThoinaB Crnick
was Bitot and liiHtantly killed by Syl
ester Hlgboo on the Zliniuer farm
near thlB place. Tho man had been
drinking and lilgbno elalmB that
Crnick, who wns a lingo man, threat
ened to bent lilm and ho Bitot him, the
charge taking effect in the left temple.
The shooting took place out In the
yard and Crnlck's body was left lying
In tho nnow until tho arrival of the
officers, when Hlgbeo and Mrs. Zlrn
tner wcro placed under arrest.
Western Railroads Ask Increase In
Freight Rates.
Chicago. Contending that tho mar
gin between their income and expenses
was becoming bo small as to Rerlously
affect their credit, forty-one western
railroads began before Commissioner
W. M, Daniels hero argument in their
application to tho interstate commerce
commission for an increaso in freight
rates which It was said would add $10,
000.000 to their annual revenue. Tho
argument was of a general character.
Later tho rates on commodities, such
aa groin, llvo stock, packing houso
products, coal and fruits and veg
etables, aro to bo considered In detail.
Turkish Government Moves Archives.
London. Telegrams confirm the re
port that tho Ottoman bank and thw
German Dank of Constantinople nre
transferring their effects to Konlch,
Asia Minor, and that tho archives of
tho Turkish government already have
been removed to that point Nowb
has reached hero from Berlin that the
Turks aro very short of ammunition
for their big guns and that tho Austrl
ans aro making efforts to push sup
plies through to Constantinople.
Investigating Bread Prices,
New York. Herbert B. Lanyon, n
bakor, testified hero that although
flour cost him moro than $7 a barrel,
it cost him only 2 cents and a frac
tion to bake n loaf of bread; that he
sold It wholcsalo at 3t cents to one
grocer, who sold it at retail at 4 cents.
Lanyon nppoared as one of fifty retail
dealers summoned in n hearing insti
tuted by tho stnto attorney general
to find out why the cost of bread wont
recently from 4 cents to 6 cents a loaf,
President Abandons Panama Trip.
Washington. President Wilson has
practically decided U abandon his con
templated trip to tho Panama canal in
July, because of the action of congress
in eliminating from the legislative and
nxocutlvc bill the appropriation for the
celebration of tho formal opening of
the canal.
Fall to Establish Quarantine.
Pierre, S. D. Efforts on tho part of
South Omaha und Nebraska live stock
dealers to havo South Dakota place n
quarantlno against stackers and feed
era from Minnesota and Iowa havo
Proclaim a State of Siege.
Homo. A ototo of tilcgo hns been
proclaimed in tho greater portion of
Cyronalca in an effort to put down n
robelllon. Cyronalca is ono of tho in
dependent udmluistrntlvo and military
districts of Tripoli which now Is un
der Italian coutrol. A dispatch from
Romo recently said Information had
been received at Tripoli to tho offect
that reinforcements had reached Cap
tain Vollluo, whoso nntlve troops had
almost deserted him as tho result of
i robelllon in Libya.
First Exchange of Prisoners.
Geneva. Tho tlrat tralnload of
maimed German prisoners of war who
aro to bo exchanged for wounded
French BoldlerB litis arrived horo from
Lyons homowaril hound. Tho special
glided Blowly Into tho station between
linns ofx Swiss troops. Tho cars were
linnieijlatoly boarded by Red Cross
nurses,' who distributed gifts of
oranges, chocolate and other delica
cies among tho sufferers, 'relieving
their French co-workers of tho re
sponsibility of caring for tho passengers.
Iff M$m W$ Tmmfwt-m
Big Surplus In Postoffice Department
For Fiscal Year Austrlnns
Suffer Terrible
Western Ncwtfapur Union News Service.
Washington. Olllclal reports to tho
United States government through Its
own and other diplomatic representa
tives describe it ti intolerable condi
tion of affairs in Mexico City, where
the populace is buffering tho effects of
famluo und lnck of communication
with tho outsldu world. One of the of
ficial reports charges that General
Obrcgon, tho Carranza commander, is
Inciting tho people to loot und to take
tho law Into their own hands to ob
tain food in order to forco a largo
part of the malo population into the
Carranza army. This view of tho sit
uation is credited by somo govern
ofllclals hero becauso of Obrcgon's
efforts to block a rolief movement be
gun by an international committee.
This committeo, in a communication
of somo length to tho United States
government, recites the difficulties of
tho situation and on tho basis of It a
strong protest has been sent to Gen
eral Carransa.
Big Losses for Austrlans.
London. Roports received nere
from various sources tell of the ter
rible losses suffered by Austria In tho
recent fighting. A Petrograd dispatch
to Iteuter's Telegram company HnyB
General Brousslloff's forces contlnuo
to repulse desperate Austrian ad
vances In tho Carpathians and that
officers who have been taken prisoners
declare their troops never before suf
fered so severely. Somo divisions nro
reported to have boon completely an
Surplus In Postoffice Department for
Fiscal Year.
Washington. Tho treasury depart
ment has received a check from Post
master General Burleson for $3,500,
000 representing the surplus In the
rovonues of his department for tho
flBcal year, which ended June 30, 1914.
For the fiscal year of 1013 the postal
rovenuo surplus was $3,800,000, which
also was turned over to the treasury.
In ncknowledglng tho receipt of this
check, Secretnry McAdon said those
payments wero tho fltst representing
actual surpluses made by tho post
ofllce department since 183G.
Germany Acquiesces.
Washington. Tho otllelal text of
Germany's reply to tho suggestions
of the United States with reference
Vo tlio abandonment of submarlno
warfare on merchant Bhlps. and the
shipment of foodstuffs to the civilian
population of belligerents, has been ro
celved by the state department. The
Gorman communication wnB nn nc
ncqulescence on practically all of tho
points proposed by the United States.
Administration ofllclals wore greatly
pleased at Its general tone.
Pay Fine In Lieu of License.
Fort Smith, Ark. Becauso Fort
Smith saloonlsts have secured federal,
state and county licenses, but under
tho new state prohibition law cannot
bo granted city licenses. It wns agreotl
at n conferonco that they shall bo lined
by tho city four dollarpa day, payable
overy ten days. Tho new prohibition
law forbids tho granting of any more
saloon licenses. Heforn It was signed,
Fort Smith saloonlsU had secured all
their licenses savo thoso from tho
Bomb In Barrel of Rice,
Galveston, Tex. Dispatches have
reached the Mexican consulate here
telling of nu explosion on hoard the
Mexican gunboat Progreso, which io
suited In tho death of thirty pcrsnm..
Including llvo women. Tho explosion
occurred while tho gunboat was at
Progreso. It 1b said that what pur
ported to bo u barrel of rlco Bent
abend was in reality a bomb prepared
by persons opposed to the Carranza
roglmo. The Mexican consul here has
cabled for further Information,
Russia Formulating Wide Sweeping
Reform Movement Sixty-third
Congress Winds Up
Western NYwuiiapor Union Nuub S-'.ct ice.
London. According to dispatches
loeelveu here from Mytllene ana Ten
uios islands, Keiuer'H Atheas corre
spondent says tlio allied fleet has de
strayed the batterlea of KIlid Hahr and
Danakalo and arrived near Dardan
elles. There uro more than 100,000
Turks on tho Unlllpoll coast under
Issad Pasha. Tho village of Yculshahr
1h reported to have been destroyed by
A Renter dispatch from Athens,
dated March ', says: "The bombard
ment was resumed this morning at
10 o'clock, when fifty-two ships en
tered tho straits. Fourteen battle
ships bombarded the Turkish position
on the Uulf of Saros. At noon the
shelling was redoubled In violence for
two hours. The results aro not yet
Wind Up Slxty-thlrd Congress.
Washington. The sixty-third con
gress Wednesday night strenuously
worked its way towards the finale at
noon Thursday. Weary and worn sen
ators und representatives pressed on
under the eyes of hundreds of specta
tors, who crowded the galleries of
both houso and senate chambers and
overflowed into tho corridors. Both
branches handled a flood of bills, res
olutions and conforenco reports in a
desperate effort to pass all necessary
legislation before adjournment. Tho
sessions, which began early In tho
morning, were practically almost con
tinual until the final windup.
Second Wide-Sweeping Reform Pro
posed by Russia.
New York. An officer of the emper
or's household, In a letter to n friend
In this city, writes that the second
wide-sweeping reform to bo effected
in Hussla will bo compulsory educa
tion. Tho letter states that M. KaBso,
minister of instruction and religion, is
formulating a decree to bo issued on
tho termination of tho present hostili
ties and to be in full effect through
out tho empire after a period of five
years. Tho letter Is being discussed
by tho minister of the cabinet. It is
genorally belloved that the local gov
ernment bodies will welcome tho new
move in education and gtvo It finan
cial support.
Indictments Against Anarchists.
New York. Tho grand Jury found
Indictments against Frank Abamo
and, Charles Carbono, the anarchists
who were arrested accused of having
plotted to e.xplodo two dynamite bombs
in St. Patrick's cathedral while sev
eral hundred worshipers wero nt mass.
Tho Indictments charge tho two men
with having placed a bomb In a pub
lic place in violation of the penal
laws. Abarno and Carbono were nr
raiKned and held in $25,000 ball each.
In Eulogy of Dean Bessey.
Lincoln, Neb. Chancellor Avery of
tho University of Nebraska spoke to
tho house of representatives Tuosday
nfternoon in tribute to tho memory of
Prof. Charles K. Bessey, late head of
tho department of botany. Following
tho chancellor, Representative Peter
son of Lancaster addressed tho houso
as n graduate of the university and a
pupil of Prof. Bessey. Ills talk was n
feeling eulogy of tho late oducator's
personal qualities, Intellectual attain,
ments and lofty example to those who
wero associated with him.
'Respite of Benefit to Turks.
London. Operations of tho French
and British fleets against tho Turk
ish formications on tho Dardanelles,
which during the last week hns taken
tho warships of tho nllloB some fifteen
miles through this well defended nnd
narrow waterway, are nt a standstill
on account of wind, accompanied by
a heavy mist, which hinders the
mnrkBinanshlp of tho naval gunners
necessary to reduce tho second lino of
forts concealed by tho hills. TIiIb ro
splto is likely to prove of benefit to
tho Turks,
Gcorgo W. Bcemls, a pioneer of the
state, is dead at his home in York.
Omaha Is celebrating merchants'
spring mnrkct this week.
Furmors In tho vicinity of Polk have
organized a grain association.
The stnto G. A. R. encampment will
bo held at Fremont, May 18 to 20.
Billy Sunday will open up his cru
sade on vice at Omaha In September.
C. T. Deldrlck has been named by
President Wilson as postmaster at
Norfolk contemplates tho laying of
several miles of paving during the
coming Bummer.
The annual meeting of the state
speed association will be hold at Fre
mont, March 18.
Tho stnte banklcrf bonrd has grant
ed a charter to tho Farmers Stato
bank ut Louisville.
Work will begin on McCook's $115,
000 fedornl building as soon ns tho
weather will permit.
Axtell will vote on n new post
master. There are but two candi
dates In the field so fnr.
A carload of cotton In transit
through the stato caught lire at Ra
venna and was destroyed.
Figured on a per capita basis, Ne
braska Is tho second state In tho
union for swine production.
Tho raising of a fund for tho estab
lishment of a Y. M. C. A. nt Univer
sity Place has been completed.
Sixteen box enrs in the railroad
yards at Fremont wero broken into
and robbed ono night last week.
A municipal caucus will bo held at
Falls City. March 15 A wet and dry
light will bo on there this spring.
Barney Oldfleld and De Loss Thomp
son will bo star attractions at tho
great Nebraska state fair next fall.
Over fifty cases of measles were
treated nt Lyons during the month of
February. It was a record breaker.
According to a Fremont liorso
dealer, that vicinity has furnished over
six hundred animals to the European
Fremont fraternal societies aro con
slderlng erecting n building suitable
for housing all tho orders of that
Tho Methodist, Presbyterian and
Baptist churches of Hebron nre plan
ning to hold a scries of union revlvat
John Zocmnn. for fifteen years post
master nt Snyder, Id dead. Ho wne
forty) years old nnd had been 111 for
some time.
The price of wheat at Fremont has
dropped to $1.03, but Dodge county
farmers nre holding their grain, con
fident of n rise.
The "Buy It Now" movement inau.
gurated by the agricultural publishers'
association, Is spreading to every sec-'
tlon of tho stnte.
The Security Mutual building at
Lincoln wil be rebuilt this summer to
a ten-story structure nt an expenditure
of nbout $175,000.
Horace M. Davis of the Ord Journal
and D. A. Gcll of tho Grand Island
Free Press have been appointed post
master at those cities.
Charles B. Perry of Crete has been
appointed to the charge of tho con
sulate at Turin, Italy. He has had
considerable consular experience.
Kearney business men are interest
ed in a movement favoring a merger
of the independent nnd the Bell tele
phone companies at that place.
The proposition of enlarging the Ne
braska speed association circuit to
eight towns will be considered at a
meeting In Fremont, March IS. '
Tho Rock Island Railway company
at Lincoln claims to have been sys
tematically robbed of a hundred thou
sand dollars worth of coal during the
present winter.
All records of the Lincoln weather
bureau were broken by the snow storm
of last week, tho high 'mark of forty
llvo Inches for the season of 1911-12
being pnssed by moro than a foot. Tho
snowfall for tho winter will total
close to 58 inches.
Jerry Mnngus, .a farmer near Be
atrice, hit his hand with a hammer,
as a result of which blood poisoning
ensued and he had to havo a finger
An olght-story Masonic temple Is to
bo erected nt Omaha at a coBt of
$300,000. It will be the most up-to-date
of any similar edifice in tho
United States.
School children of tho stato will be
asked to contribute their mites to
tho cargo of the "Ea3ter Argosy," tho
relief ship to bo sent to tho starving
Belgians by tho New York relief com
mittee. Tho roof of the Clay Center gym
nasium caved In from un over-pressure
of snow, just before tho crowd began
to gather for a basketball game, no
ono being In tho room at tho time.
The stato institution's aro thinking
of discarding canned salmon from tho
menu nnd aro looking with kindly
eyes towards the Vlckled article. It Is
said to bo better and half tho price.
Sister Catherine Sharkey is dead at
tho convent of tho Sacred Heart at
Omaha. Her death waB tho indirect
result of Injuries received In tho cy
clone of two years ago, wrom which
she nover fully recovered.
Rov. C. C. Markham of Ceda? Rapids
has accepted the pastorato of the To
cumsch Baptist church
Fairs in the county circuit compris
ing Flllmoro, Nuckolls and Gago will
bo held, respectively, nt Geneva, Sep
tember 14 to 17; Nelson, September
'JO to 23. and Beatrice, Septembor 28
to October 1.
John L. Cutrlght, tho Lincoln boy
who loft tho consular servlco recently,
following an Incident In which tho
wrath of tho English was excited by
certain pro-Gorman utterances of his,
hns been admitted to practice at the
Nebraska bur.
Claims Allen Land Enactment Is Un.
constitutional Third Belgian
Capital Has Been
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. The situation in Mex
ico City is described by high olllclald
here as very serious. Starvation con
fionts the populace if General Obrcgon
stay a, It was reported, und rioting Is
said to bo imminent if ho evacuates
the city. There was s'-ine talk among
diplomats of tho possibility of Inter
vention, perhaps by a coalition of
South American powers, but this was
discounted because of tho geographical
and other obstacles for a. satisfactory
plan of procedure.
Third Belgian Capital Deserted.
London. Fumes, the third capital
on Belgian soil since tho war began,
has been deserted on account of the
latest Gcrtmm bombardment, which de
stroyed half of the town. The Bel
gian general headquarturs located
there tor several mouths has become
the most mobile part of the army, and
King Albert with his Btaff olllcera
hardly know when they arise In, the
morning where they aro going to sleep
that night.
Allen Land Enactment Pictured as Un.
constitutional in Brief Filed In
Supreme Court.
Washington. Nebraska's alien land
law has been attacked ns unconstitu
tional In a brief filed in the supreme
court by attorneys for non-resident
aliens who have been deprived from
Inheriting land of John, Toop, nn Eng
lishman, naturalized in the United
States and living at Ulysses, Nob., nt
the time of his death in 189S. Oral ar
gument In the ense will not bo heard
until late in the spring. It has at
tracted much attention among consti
tutional lawyers, as well ns iu diplo
matic circles.
The Btatute in, question wns passed
In 1889 and provides that non-resident
aliens shall not acquire title to agri
cultural or mining land by descent or
purchase, except that the widow and
heirs of aliens who had hitherto ac
quired land might hold such for ten
years for sale or naturalization.
Spain Suffers from War.
Madrid. Evidence that Spain Is Buf
fering more severely economically
from the war than any country except
the belligerents is contained in dis
patches from different provincial cen
ters. Notwithstanding drastic meas
ures taken by the government to pre
vent monopolistic prices the cost of
food, especially bread and meat, con
tinues to rise. Thu situation is felt
most ncutoly by tho working classes,
already hard hit by the industrial stag
nation resulting from the war.
Says Villa Not Dead.
San Antonio, Tex. F. P. Rescllla,
Villa representative, has' received a
message from E. C. Llorcnte, repre
sentative of Villa in Wnshlngton, in
which tho latter declares Villa Is not
only alive, but that he received a di
rect tolegraphlc message from his dat
ed at Guadalajara on March G. Re
cent rumors of Villa's death have been
Sale of Flour Forbidden.
Berlin. The sale of wheat or rye
flour on Fridays, Saturdays nnd Sun
days has been forbidden. Tho author
ities havo discovered that thrifty
housewives who havo found It unnec
essary to use during tho week their
entire supply of bread cards havo been
using tho surplus to lay In n reserve
stock of flour.
Greek Army Mobilizing.
Gencvn All the Greek nrmy ofllcors
in Switzerland havo been recalled.
Other Greeks of a military ago must
present themselves nt tho offices of
tho consul general in Geneva before
March 11. Tho opinion is expressed
by many here that there Is to bo a gen
eral mpblllzatlon of tho Greek army.
To Reimburse Farmers.
Springfield, III. A bill appropriating
$1,600,000 for tho reimbursement of
farmers and stock raisers who suffered
financial losses through the killing or
their stock In nn effort to check tho
spread of foot and mouth discaso was
passed by tho Illinois Fcnnto.
London A dispatch to Renter's Tel
egram company from Romo Bays n
slight shock of enrthnunko was felt
Thursday night nt Florence, Bologna,
Modena nnd other places, but that no
damage was done.
World Wide Appeal for Peace,
Snn Francisco. Leading churchmen
nnd advocates of pcaco in Cnllfomla
hnvo fixed April 18, ninth anniversary
or tho destruction ot San Francisco
by flro, as tho day of commencement
of a world-wldo nppoal for peace, it
has boon announced, April 18 fulls on
Sunday, and leaders of tho movement
have suggested ' that ministers
throughout tlio world preach that day
upon the subject: "Tho Victory of the
Pursuits or Pcnc "
Finally Restored To Health
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Bellevuo, Ohio. "I was in a terrible
state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetnblo Com
pound. My back
achcduntil I thought
pains all over me,
nervous feelings and
periodic troubles. . 1
was very wenk and
run down nnd was
losing hopo of ever
being well and
strong. After tak
ing Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound I improved
rapidly and today am a well woman. I
cannot tell you how happy I feel and I
cannot say too much for your Compound.
Would not bo without it in tlio house if
It cost three times tho amount "Mrs.
Chas. CHAP3IAN, It. P. D. No. 7, Belle
vuc, Ohio.
Woman's Precious Gift.
The one which she should most zeal
ously guard, is her health, but it is
the one most often neglected, until
some nilment peculiar to her box hns
fastened itself upon her. When so af
fected such women may rely upon Lydia
E. Pinkhnm's Vegetnblo Compound, a
remedy that hns been wonderfully suc
cessful in restoring health to suffering
If you liavo lio slightest doubt
thai Lydia K. l'iiikliam's Vegeta
ble Compound will hclpyoti.wrlto
to Lydia K.lMiiUhamaiedielneCo.
(cnufidentiiil) Lynn.IMtiss., for ad
vice. Your letter will bo opened,
read and answered by a woman,
nnd bold In strict confidence.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the fiver is
right the stomach and bowels are right
gently but firmly com
pel a lazy liver to.
do its duty.
Cures Con
stipation, In
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
Patience What do you think?
Practlco 1 can't imagine.
"I wrote my nnme on an egg 'one' of
our hens laid before we sent it to
market, and I got a proposal of mar
rlago from the man who got it."
"Guess tho man must have been
frcBher than the egg."
Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for
Backache or Bladder Trouble
Neutralize Adda.
Uric acid in meat excites the kid
neyB, they become overworked; gel
sluggish, ache, and feel liko lumps of
lead. The urlno becomes cloudy; the
bladder is irritated, and you may be
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night. When tho kid
neys clog you must help them flush
off tho body's urinous wasto or you'll
bo a real sick person shortly. At first
you feel a dull misery in the kidney
region, you suffer from backache, sick
headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour,
tonguo coated and you feel rheumatic
twinges- when tho weather Is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounceB of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act flno. This fa
mouB salts Is made from tho acid ot
grapes and lemon juice, combined
with Uthla, and has been usod for
generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate thorn to normal activity,
also to peutrallzo tho acids in urine,
so it no longer is a sourco of Irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot In
jure; makcB a delightful effervescent
llthla-water drink which evoryona
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
hero say they sell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who bellovo in overcoming kid
ney trouble while It is only troublo.
Some Going.
Mrs. Styles, from tho tonncau ot
her automobile I wish you wouldn't
go so faBt over tho rough places, Jen
kins; you nearly pitched mo out a mln
uto ago.
Jenkins Why don't you hold on to
your husband, ma'am?
"My husband? Goodnessl He went
out ten mlnutcB ago, Jenkins I "
Ono touch of spring fever would bo
n welcome relief.
Uranulalcd Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo
sura to Sun, Dust and Wind
jiilckly relieved by Murine
yc Remedy, No Smarting,
iust Eve Comfort. At
Vour Druggist's 50c per Uottle. Murine Eye
Druggists or tiiuiac lji kcwcuj ve mmcs
Hi!ii,,i,l:LL."ii-i' "iili.liu
pipy rf
ayapBsr sMr-ii.i-9
W nsjr--