1 MfKSHrarnwwK' - RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF m.wwmmnii"J)irrwwmi i,xtjniMz.mjimraiMkUUiH'Kiirmar&iirtiimuu vjnim imihiuimi INSURANC EVERY KNOWN KIND THE OFFICE WHliRE YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME G. M. VanCamp Over Store) 's Clothlnft Store i " fc m'3$Wg& ! NO ALU M in Dr PRICES BAKING POWDER K & I BMMMnmnMMMMaiS mai THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. t'UUl.lbllhD KVJ-KY THURSDAY Entered In tliu I'oHtdlllt'o nt Kid Cloud, Neb. an .Second Clam Matter' A H. McAHTIlUK t'inii.iMiKit ory on." 'How great Inttli tho mighty fall- TUB ONLY DKMUUItATIU I'AI'KK IN WKIIHTKH COUNTY A SPRING SONG Cut this out nnil lo'irn It. Then wlion tlio woathor opens up and your friends get their ears out, joii cull sit on tilt porch mul lititn it over. It's full of truth and human nut mo: J ii tlio tlie gloaming, oh, my dm lint', when the cars nro whizzing lliht, Sit we two upon our front porch till we nee the very hint. It is tiuiu to seek the feathers, but we linger still outside; Twenty portions wit 1 they'd take us out H riding, hut they lied. In the gloaming, oil, my darling, we will sit till luidniijhi'n hour, As the motor curs tly past us, on the wings of benzine power. Do not Iglvc up" hope, my'darllng, beep a smiling, mid sit Unlit; If we witll for twenty huihuiois uiujbe one will stop some night. -l'ardevllle, Wis, Times A few more dinners like the one kI- en Tuesday and the Hud Cloud busines men will becon o acquaint o I with theli own schools, Tliu legislation tins passed a law that hetuafter all oflleors shall hold their respective olllccs for a period of four years and no longer. Iiuent olllcials are not eligible to re-election. This is a law that wilt call forth much condemnation a n d much defense. There are two sides to it and it re mains to be seen whether it will worl out well iu practice or not. Many be lieve that when the county or state ouco obtains a really competent olllcial that it should retain Ids sorvlecs as long as possible because he gets moie md more prollcieut iu his duties a d bunco is more valuable to the com inanity or public corporation tli u new timber and tlioro is good sound r msinlng In that, argument. On the other hand not a few Hay that it It is a good thing pass it niotiud and let vor,vonehave a little, that fuq tenth, an olllcial becoinesarbittary or fin gets his honesty and the community suffers Unfortitfiiitcly- this has sometimes been the case iu the past aiul Hi we iwait the outcome of this new order f things and the future will I'ochle whether it is better than the old or lot:. J The present condition of the Ne braska roiuls Is proving a fouulduble ally in assisting tlio house and senate Toad committees in shaping practical highway legislation. It is believed that the legislature will take some ac tion to ussist iu solving the road piol-Icms. There are plenty of catalogues from foreign houses being circulated in our tntdst again. Do these houses buy any of our butter, egg", giain or cattle? Do the J help us pay our tuxes? Do they II x our roads? Do they return a a single one of our dollars',' It would 1m well for us to nil seriously consider tills question from every angle, and if wo do we will certainly Dud that in the long run we are injuring ourselves every time wo send a dollar out of our icommiiuity, for it will never come back. Members of the house finance com mittee Friday afternoon listened to pleas of swine biceiiors who deslro a new building on the state fair grounds. The importance of the hog industry -was emphasized and the needs for the improvements explained. A number of representatives from the various 3 ve stock oigatiizatlons were present, Farmers who are Interested iu this measure. House Roll 18.1, by Ropic aonlativcs Naylorand Palmer, should C3mmuntcate at ouco with the sotia itors and representatives who repre sent their districts iu the leglslatuie. Wo have lost faith iu tlio ground iiog. From our infancy up we have atlwiys believed Implicitly iu the pie illctlouH of this old-time weather prophet tint this last forecast has en tirely shuttered our chcribhed beliefs .as to tbo Infallibility of this mythical jinlmal. He did not seo his shadow on alio Bocond of last mouth which means that he told us there would not be any xuoro winter and now we have the most winter and snow In all our hist State Senator William Weesner. of his distiict, felt that when a saloon lebauched a man and the good wife intended bi Inning suit tor damages, .she should tlr-t notify the saloon keep er in the uialttr, and so he voted for that Iniquitous measure. He ought go further. He ought demand that a bill be brought up before the legislature demanding that when an unfortunate debauched specimen of womanhood in tends to prosecute herdebaucher, that sho shall flist serve a written notice to the miseiaiit and if he shall commit tie act again, then he must be liable to prosecution Indeed, this paternal statesman, in justice to the loglo he has demonstrated with his vote, ought favor a measure, that when Ills son or any other man's sou frequents u saloon theie to start perhaps upon it career of detmuohment, the saloon keeper hhall tlrst servo the ptreutu with a notice that the boy is desirous of so making entry, before he shall be permitted to make the start, by tho said saloon keeper Hut Wen-tier won't do this. He is a zealous servant of the cause of fie liquor interests whether he iu toads to be. or not, and eveiy vote he has cast in the sta'e senate i his winter only proves It. This is Hih lai .finite session Weesner will sit iu maik Unit well Rivertun Review. No doubt the R vie editor h.o realized for some time that he Is a back number iu the race for the U. S. Mar.shalshlp and would like to be an aspirant for tho olllo o' Senator or this district two yoars fiom now. It is a question whether or not it would have pleased the llevlow plaster.-!' edi. t r, had Senator Weesner voted against the bill. Home Grown Seed Corn Best Kvn tbo it. is said that like pro duces liko, the pretty ears of seed corn from tlio distant seed house may not, and usually do not, produce com as g od as that grown under local condi tions. Results from many farmers, c unity agricultural agents, and the Nebraska Kxpoilincnt Station show an incivaso of from l 5 to in bushels nn acre iu favor of the home grown jtoeil Co.oporative experiments in , wesjtcrn Nebraska have shown that the native seed yields about a fourth moro than corn just brought frcin the . eastern pin t of tlio stao. The results 'of the Nobr-iska Kxperluicnt Station are included iu Bulletin No. ISO, which may be lmd free. The Legislative Grind That Nebraska voters will have it cliHt.ce to vote oil at least one consti tutional amendment in twoyeats fiom now Is coitalii, tho amendment provid ing that all supremo judges shall be elected by districts Instead of In tln stale at large as at present. The bill has alt end) passed the Senuta and is certain to be acted upon favorably in the House. The bill Intending to place more power Iu the bauds of the Railway Commission and for which Thomas Hall has been so pcrsNleuily lobbying met its defeat lu a rather novel way. After amending tlio bill it was report ed out for passage by the committee, One of the inlro iucois of this incisure moved that.lt be imlellnltely postponed mid il was so ordered without taking the legubit- course of going Ihiotigh committee of the Whole, Another bill governing public utili ties which win Introduced by Os ter mini of .Merrick and vested more power lu the people of each comity rather than in tlio ltuilway Commission, was recommended by the committee to hi; iudi-lluitely postponed, Thecommitlce gave a public hearing at which a large number of attorneys and professional men presented their opinions of this bill. The House has passed a bill provid ing for a Supremo Court Commission to assist iu clearing the docket which I now overloaded witli cases. A bill has passed the House and been sent to the Senate which compels the St it' Railway Commission to furnish the county boards of equali.ttion and assessment with the liguios showing the physical valuation of the Railroad", Telegiaph and Telephone Hues of the Stttte. While many thousands of dollars will be appropriated for tho various B'ate institution", for reptirs, etc., it occurs to us that one of the things needing actual and immediate attent ion is the present State House. True it is that this has an old fa ml I'm r sound, but nevertheless the roof of the state house is so bad that it is almost Imnimslbbi In men stutn iirnnnrfv with out keeping the janitors on duty day! and night with pails and buckets to c itch the water winch is supposed to go down the caves, but which uu fortunately doesn't do anything of the kind. , The three big railroads of Nebraska occupied the flout of the stage at the state house on last Wednesday evening, when the presidents of the Union Pacific, the North western and the UiirliiiL'lon eudeavored to show by figures and argument that they must have '! cents a mile for passenger tratuc- uiih in iiie-o gentlemen exi plained, that, the Railroad), were .pro ceeding on tlio plan of "tlio people be shown" and weio ttylng to take them into their conlidcucc. It is doubtful if ono vote was made or lost by their coming but all members agreed that they appreciated having tho-o men, who lu tho past have dictated from their oftice chair, come down from their "high horse" and talk with the lawmakets as man to man. For the first time this session mutter lias been expongod from the record. Mockett of Lancaster after losing iu a tight between the Railway Commiss ion and the Attorney General present ed a resolution attacking the.eliaractcr of Arthur F. Mullen. Henry Rich mond of Douglas came to the rescue as a paciller of troubled wateis. Mr. Richmond iu very forceful laniMimre persuaded the House that in justice to .Mr. Mullen whose character had been unjustly assailed and in the interest of harmony, (which is so much' talked of in tho democrat party just now) that the proper thing to do would be to w'pe out all the record on this matter. He spoke of the great amount of woik before the House alii of how impossi ble it would bo to accomplish this work if the mem) ors engaged iu p-ison-alities or failed to work iu harmony w.th each other Tho Hist copies of Nebraska's 'Ulm Book" were delivered on Friday to members of tho Senate and House. The work lias been iu process of pre paration for two yeais, provision hav ing boeu made for the same lu the lOlIS session. Comments aie very 11 ut tering for Addison K, Sheldon, the compiler of the woik. It is ooitnlnly a book that every Neliraskan who takes au interest iu Hlul.-s of the state will want to possess. I he Legislature m.ule provision by resolution for tho distribution of 1, (KX) copies, ono going to each of the lilli schools and to each of the court houses iu the state. The past week bus witnessed more real legislation than iu any of tliu pre vious weeks this session, I'erhaps the most far reaching bill to pass tl e Senate was the county unit plan for apportioning school funds, providing for any county iu the state adopting he systi in ufit r it has been submitted t.i a vote of those concerned The Senate has i oported from committees nearly all of the bills intioduced in that. body. Those that have not as yet b,ien reported will have a mighty hard time getting through. One hund red bills huve been passed by the Senate audv are now before the Hoiit-o. MPTr3MffiiMyiijgii!jtin3iicnMTmaiw4TtjuMujijifa The Miner Bros. The Store That Sells Wooltex Red Cloud, Nebraska TO to the woman who cannot afford make a mistake. A mistake that may be corrected the next day is quickly forgotten. But a mistake that must stay with one for several months will not be forgotten for several more months. When you choose your Spring coat or suit, why not select one of our Wooltex garments? You can feel sure that it will be in good style and look well for at least a whole season. Every woman knows that con servative styles are the most lasting. You know how quick ly fads and freakish fancies die, and how out of style you feel if you are still wearing one. Wooltex garments all contain the best expression of the sea son's style tendencies, but they are refined and tempered to meet the practical ideas of the best dressed American women. Wooltex tailored garments give longer and better service than ordinary garments for they are made from pure silk and pure wool materials, by skillful, pains taking tailors. All mate ials are carefully shrunk before cutting. Seams are tailor-basted before stitch ing. Special attention is given collars, lapels and edges the places where ordinary garments show their lack of careful work manship. Every Wooltex garment is carefully inspected four times before it leaves the workrooms. Such materials and tailoring combined with skillful design ing, make alternations unneces sary in nearly all Wooltex garments. These are the ideal garments for you- correct in style faultless in tailoring; serviceable; moderate in price U II Miaift t Hi Ft WW 6. CI !" ' "n ' u tflM I I . I'fcs- if i fW. I It. ii mi. a i. There is such genuine economy in buying Wooltex garments that every woman should get acquainted with them. Judged from every standpoint, they meet your requirements. Our saleswomen know the thirty points of excellence in Wooltex garments and will gladly show them to you. Come in tomorrow and see the new Spring models. Try on a few, examine them closely. Their through and through goodness will prove you make no mistake when you buy Wooltex garments. WOOLTEX COATS 0 WOOLTEX SKIRTS WOOLTEX SUITS and fifty, indefinitely pnstpened about the same number aud have on general Hie i:t'2. A sifting committee will soon be appoin ed to sift out the meritorious bills for goneril file A Husband's View o! tha Woman's Suffrage Question Huh, my child, cut out the vellini?. it will ilo no good, by durn; for I fear there is no telling when your mother will return. Father's lieio to rock the entitle and to sine a dulcet note: father's here, sweet child, to ladle, p.tregoric down your throat in your couch of wood and wattle, take your rest, my little sweet, drinking cow's milk from a bottle, while your mother. on the street, telU the Women's Battle for ttieir Sacred Rights, by jlng; here s your little wooden rattle, here's your silver toothing ring. Ah, tills imita tion nursing brings to baby's face a frown, while your mother's nobly curbing laws t!int keep the women down. Milk from can and milk fiom bittle, and the milk the druggists mike, seems to paralyze your throttle, and to make your tummy ache; but my child, your mother's doing work too long undone, alas! She is storm ing round and shooing poor male critters oil tho glass. With her wo man stitfiage rabies sho is frothing at t'10 snoit, and can't take care of babies thn's for dud, the poor gsloot So, my dear, be bright and chipper; sing'and smile us flue as silk; father's here to pour a dipper of the predi gestcd nilllc Adams' County Demo- I iBf ketone! a f3liyH The House has passed one hundred 'orat. Come in and let us show you our line. We have the HOME, SINGER AND RUBY Ranging In mrlco From 9ZS to 94S. In Flvo and Seven Dra won In Rotary or Shuttle What is more serviceable than a good Sewing Machine. There is none befter than the above makes. ... S9 Roy sattley! Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer, fl v, . .... . J 1 mmmmmm mmmmmts&t 1