-,srw ? RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF a 'Tfg' H S " ; tff- "GASCB" FOR SLUGGISH BOWELS No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. Oct a 10 cent box now. Turn the rascals out tho headache, biliousness, Indication, tho nick, sour stomach niid foul gases turn them out to-nlRht and keep them out with Cascarots. Millions . men and women take n Cascarct now nnd then and never know tho misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom ach. Don't pit. in another day of distress. Let Cascarcts cleanse your stomach; remove tho Hour, fermenting food; take th excess bile from your liver and earrv out nil tho constipated wasto matter nnd poison In tho bowcln. Then you will feel great. A Cascnrct to-night straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10 cent box from any drug storo means n clear head, sweet stomach nnd clean, healthy liver nnd bowel action for months. Chil dren lovo Cascarcts becnuso thej ' never gripe or Blckcn. Adv. Too Long. Ilacon In a coMly watch that has been made for exhibition purposes thero Is n wheel that makes a revolt! tlon but once In four years, operating a dial that hIiowb the enra, mouths and days. Kgbort Never do In South America. They could never wait four years for a revolution down thoro, A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE ANY- ONE THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY MAKES FRIENDS. A few yearn apo I wns troubled with a complication of kidney and utomnch ail ments aad although 1 tried two or three different doctors, I was unable to obtain a cure. Having heard a grc.it deal about Swamp-Root, I decided to give it a trial and purchased a one-dollar bottle of Mr. Alexander, the druggist. From the be ginning I eeuld notice a change for tho better and after taking eight bottles of yonr medieine, I felt entirely cured and havo not bad any trouble since. Had I began using Swamp-lloot sooner, I would have been a few hundred dollars to the good and saved myself a lot of Buffering. You stay use my testimonial any time yon wisli. Tout very truly, CHARLES E. HARRIS, 460 Sbrtfe St. Marion, Iowa. I certify that Charles E. Harris signed the above testimonial in my presence, being first duly sworn to the truth there of, this tho 13th day of July, 1000. D. R. KINLEY, J. P. Letter t Dr. Kilmer & Co. Blnstiamton.N.Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable in formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and men tion this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug tores. Adv. Overhead Charges. Church "The overhead charges In this country aro something awful. Gotham I should say so. 1 Just read that American women yearly buy moro than $10,000,000 worth of mil linery supplies from Franfe." Saber's White Bonanza Oata. Made C. J. Johnson of Lincoln Co, Minn., famous in growing 243 bushels from 2V6 bushels sown last spring. Can you beat that in 1015? Wont you try? This great Oat 1ms tak en more prizes and given bigger and larger yields , t n r ougnout !the United States than lany Oat known. It's e n o rmously prolific. Just the Out for Kiowa, Minn., (Wis., 111., Slnd., Mich., Ohio. Neb., Kansas and Missouri. Wo are America's headquarters for Alfalfa and Potatoes Timothy, Clovers and Farm Seeds. For 10c In Postage Wc gladly mail our Catalog ana sample package oi len fa mous Farm Seeds, including Speltz, "The Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated White Bonanza Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Ilil lion Dollar Grass; Tcosinte, the Silo Filler, etc., etc. Or Send 12c And we will mall you our big Catalog and six generous packages of Early Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Onion furnishing lots and lots of Juicy delicious Vegetables during tho early Spring and Summer. Or Bead to John A.Snlzer Seed Co., Ilnx 703, Lit Cronnc, Win., twenty cents and receive With above collec tions and their bit; catalog". Every time a man looks into n mir ror ho inuiglncB ho sees tho reflection of a hero. Oh, That'o It. Kedrt Does ho drlvo his own car? Greono No; hlB wife's. jCsaBBBsisKS. sobsssssbssss9UHbsVBw Pa., N. Y., m A mm Ireland's Patron Saint 1 I -V - TiiT. J.iVu A3 pv Wl0"lix W&v IPX, $' iff MmwwwmmWktm l 'HkI I. J 4 !i lis 'imam " l I llilHtr I ! m Vj.ffS 111 1 ' H I i ' I f nn&ii'BUVLA, lHI 1 i am 3 i HH 4r t t . . t '' I I ffiKiTOi&S&JH liSi 1111 mWWJmth rtA I hmHsIsjB UK I If sPKsBHMsttt fMmWMmW&WSk MtfMP-'' Eis 3 v' sslHpiiQyyfisfll BSslsHSsC9h''d jSLmmmPm I mmmmWKmWBLmS2mm'"i ifW&25MffikWA I t3BilBBlfc''''WK8BBBiiBBiBilBlBBiiiJsi BIsfinCflLBHRlBSbilssBnalHi On March 17, In or about the year 465, St. Patrick, consecrated bishop of Ireland, died at Saul, In County Down, Ireland, In the seventy-eighth year of his age. Today, more than fourteen centuries later, his day Is celebrated with reverence and with rejoicing throughout the English speaking world, for the Irish are everywhere, and nowhere now are they hanging men and women, too, for the wearing of the green. IRELAND'S SAINT, AND HIS WORKS Colleen Tells the .Story of the ulfo and Labors of the Beloved Preacher Who Brought Christianity to the Beautiful 8horea of the Green Isle. BY A COLLEEN. Erin's a spot famous for greenery, But wc do not match with our scenery. We're not ao green we can make bay with you Says the colleen. "Ah, get away with you!" Modern Bontf. AND 1b it green you're after think ing we are? Then turn your In telligent eyes upon us, for It's probably due to us that you havo an Intelligent eye to turn upon anything at all! A fit of the blues and a strenk of yellow may mako one kind of green the green young thing that hops out of life at a halter's end, mayhap; or the pale green of .envy in n foolish eye. Dut tho sweet, restful green that na ture painted tho lslo was never that kind of a color. 'Tls tho bright, cool and happy shade of tho leaves nnd growing things like tho bit of a sham rock that best tell the story of It And tho story of the shamrock and the story of Irelnnd aro tho story of Saint Patrick hlmseir. Are you telling me you never heard it? More shamo to you that don't know tho praises ot tho greatest of saints. Maybo you'ro ono of them that thinks thp blessed man was born In Franco Franco, ochone! Heaven savo the mark, 'twas In Dumbarton, called the Rocks of Clyde, in what is now Scotland. His father and mother wero Christians, after a fashion that 1b, and they were subject to tho Romnn in fluence, Scotland having been licked by the CaeBar, which Ireland was not. A lad of sixteen ho wnB when they nabbed him and, turning tho prow of the coracle down the Clyde, headed for a Bpot near tho Giant's Causeway. Once Innden It was not long boforo ho was sold to Mllchu, son of Hau Rain, who was king of Dalaradhv HIb du,ty thereafter was nono other than the tending ot cattle In tho valley ot tho flrald, not far from Uroughshnne. In that valley there Ib still a town called Rallyllgpatrlck or Patrick's Hollow. 8lx Years of Slavery. Six years he slaved and planned, and then nt the ago of, twenty-two he ran away Away from Mllchu and tho cattle and down to the sea at KUlala In the County Mayo, ho went. A boat wafl ready to sail when ho reached there; It was about two hundred miles from the valley of tho IJrald but he bad no money and the sailors refused to give him pasBago. Fearful or dis covery, he went Into tho wood ot Fo clut, there to hldo till he could got away safely, but tho Bailors' henrts be came softened, nnd they sent after him and gavo him free passage back to his homo. Home again after six years ot bon dage, you'd think he would Bettlo down nnd bo content, now wouldn't you. Rut no. Contrary to tho wishes ot his family ho determined to go back to Ireland and bo n missionary; and ho Dcgan to prepare himself for 'It Now tho tlmo vhen most boyfl of his ago wero in school he nnd botn away tond Ing tho cattle of his master so It was small book-learning hu had, and tho task ot preparing hlmfielt wns n hard ono, but ho spent years in monastic schools nnd moro than twenty of them had passed beforo ho set sal) to an ,&& swer the "voice of the Irish" that ho declared was calling to him. He would bring happiness to the lslo of Destiny by way ot Christianity wasn't that a noblo mission? And they were ripe for his hand. Ho landed near tho mouth of the River Slany, two miles from the place now known as Saul. At that time there wore many divisions and aa many rulers in Ireland, each brave clan being a law unto itself. SL Patrick tnndo straight for the nenrcst chief, Dichu, who thought he and IiIb companions were pirates and camo armed to meet them, but when SL Patrick spoke to him the melting sweetness of his message turned Dichu Into a stanch friend on tho spot, and straightway ho gave a barn to bo used ns a temporary church and land on which to build a perma nent ono and tho plnco Is known to this day ob Saul, (Saul meaning barn). Peaceful Conquest of Erin. So tho blessed man went up and down tho island leaving tho broad track of light behind him. Ho gath ered together the chiefs and their clans that had been warring among themselves end he made them Into one solid body. For tho Irish never do things by halves, and their love nnd chivalry responded to tho appeal of tho apostle of Erin. It wasn't giving to tho church with one hand and snatching back with two they were not a bit of It only each ono trying to outdo his neighbor in goodness and Belf-sncrlflce. Don't think that it was nil easy sailing. Tho saint met with much opposition and had many threats made on his life, but that didn't fcazo him one whit. Tho strongest oppo nents ho hnd wero tho Druids, as tho pagan priests wero called Ho deter mined to put n stop to them, and went right into their stronghold at Tara, whero they wero holding high Jinks, and began tho celebration ot Easter by lighting tho Easter flro, for it was EaBter eve. Tho royal command was sent to Patrick to present himself to tho court at Slane. Thero bo wbb re ceived with dudgeon and welcomed by tho royal bard Dubbthack It was just what ho wanted and he began to preach to them and converted more than half of them on tho spot, gaining tho king's permission to preach In any part of Ireland ho wished. No need to tell him twice. From Connaught he traveled tostho Lakes of KUlarney, from tho east to the west and from tho north to the south, back and forth he went baptizing thousands. His Inst years were spent riear Saul, advising and teaching those who were to take up his work and follow after him. And on tho 17th of March, In tho year 493, "ho was translated to heaven " Much has been said about just where his gravo Is, but as long as wo know that his ashes rest In the soil of Inlsfnll, what matter? And today Erin's sons nro scnttored fir and wide doing tho world's work Literature scienco and art havo drawn from tho Irish resources, not to men tion that hardworking tenm, "Mike and Pat," that keep body and soul together for half of tho vaudovillo performers nothing Is so easy to attempt as the Irish brogue. Maybo you've noticed that tho underdono bits aro rarer than tho overdone ones? Professional nu morlsts bad manners to them, would becomo extinct entirely It tho samo pair wero not hnndy to havo smart an swers wished onto tho ends of their tongues. 'Tls not saying tho Irish aro not witty 1 nm, but only so good-natured that tho sins cf tho world aro grafted graciously upon them FARMERS WHO WESTERN CANADA Those Who Exercise Thrift, Prac tice Due Economy, and Adopt Reasonable Methods Are Sure to Prosper. Thoso who nro Interested In devel oping tho agricultural resources of Western Canada In bringing to tho notice of thoso whom they deslro to tnko part In thin doclopmont present only tho facts. There has never been given tho Impression that farming in Western Canada could bo carried on without effort or labor, but It has been successfully t-tnted that better results can ho secured with less outlay of capital, either In monoy or Inbor, than anywhere elso on tho continent. This has been proven tlmo nnd tlmo again Hundreds of cases could bo cited where men hnvo taken up farms, cither a homestead, or purchased from railways or land companies, and with llttlo capital nt tho start hnvo ac quired a competence, havo established good homes for themselves, and pro vided a Hiiro future. They havo com foi table homes and all their surround ings aro comfortable, spenk of tho To ward that their thrift has accom plished. Catl DIcknn, of Russlnn Poland lived In Pittsburgh, Pa., for fourteen jears, nnd saved up $000. In 1003 ho took tho J900 with him to Albertn. His own story Is that ho bought a quarter bpc, tion for which ho agreed to pay 11,'JOO "In 190 1 I hnd thirty ncres of crop, threshed 900 bushels. In 1909 I bought another qunrter. I now havo ono hundred ncroit under cultivation, nnd havo never had i crop failure. Havo threshed forty-seven bushels of wheat per acre, but tho nvcrngo ban been nbout forty. My oats for tho eleven yenrs that I havo been hero averaged forty-sevon buBhels to tho acre. I now havo 9 horses, 47 head of cattle, 33 hogs, which I consider worth J3.C0O. I havo u thousand dol lars worth of farm Implements and my land is worth $8,000. This Is all clear of debt I havo every reason to consider this a first-class mixed farm ing, dairying and poultry raising coun try, as I think that it Is apparent that I hnvo had some success. The only help that I had wa my oldest boy, who was 8 years old when I arrived in Alberta." About fifty miles west of Wctaskl win thero Ib a pr.rtlally timbered dis trict lying between Buck Lake and Pigeon Lake. All this land is ready for homestoadlng, end judging from a letter received by a resident there, this would seem to be an 'deal place for a fanner who desired such sur roundings. This settler lives on the shore of Duck Lake, his land is willow brush, which is easy to clear. Some of the lumber Is good saw timber, and lots of good logs for buildings can bo had, as well as rails for fencing. For wheat growing tho soil is excel lent Water Is easily secured, fishing Ib good and plentiful and game is any thing but scarce. Tho settlers are mostly from tho United States and Canada. Advertisement Tip Topics. Tho Gourmand I suppose you'vo had to put up with "Tlppcrary" ever since the war started? Tho Waiter (his labor unrewarded) Yes, sir, and tip a rarity. London Tatler. NEGLECT YOUR SCALP And Lose Your Hair. Cutlcura vents It Trial Free. Pre Cutlcura Soap shampoos cleanso and purify the scalp of dandruff while the Ointment soothes and heals tho irritated scalp skin. Dandruff and itching aro hair destroyers. Get ac quainted with these supcrcreamy emol lients for the skin and scalp. ' , Sample each free by mall with Rook: Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Roston. Sold everywhere Adv. Their Name Is Legion. "I usually take tho lato train for home." "I know; but which ono?" Philadel phia Public Ledger. Stubborn Throat troubles sre easily re lieved by Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops. They net like manic Oc at all Druggists. A man with horso sense Ib the hard est to drlvo, W.L MENS 2.50 3 3.50 4.00 4.50 '5 5.50 SHOES WOMEN'S '2.00 '2.50 3.00 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES BOYS' 1 .75 2 '2.50 3.00 MISSES' '2.00 & '2.50 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L, DOUGLAS SHOES W. I Douglaa .hoe. aro made of leather, on tho Inte.t modem, cunuuuy ciinairncicti uj me muit ezitert lost and pattern tuukent in nil of equal price, can compete with W. Im Dmiclaa .hoe for ntyln workmamlilp anil quiUlty, A. comfortable, eaujr walking hoe they are utuurpiuied. The 3.00,.1.50 nntl 4.00 .hoe nmttlieriiiaueai'OHUiiir l.oo to aj.i.uu. VS.flli Kline roiiiimro favorably wllh ouu to H.tMi, wnureier you live iprre are iiiuiiy niui ami winiun wearing W,l..loiii:la iIiovk. Conmilttheni anil thuy will tell you that W. t Douglu) ho excelled. lor tuo price. If you could vllt tlm W. T.. DourIii llrorkton, Maita., iiiul Hen how carefully are muni), mm um iiikii Kraiiu M'uiiimn iiiu, you would then tiiiilnrxluml why thy look .mil lit hotter, liolil their aliupu anil wear longer than other makua for tho price. If your dealer cannot supply you, wrlto for Illus trated Catalog showing how to order by mall. V.Ti.I)ouKlitfiS10 Spark 8t,,Urockton,Muss. -T MrAiiJ LEHHiig MR -- At.C0H0l.-3 PEH CENT AYegclalilc Preparation for As the Stomachs and Uimels of Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful ncssntulKcst Contains neither Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral Not Nauc otic Vyjw fOM DrSAMVUMMSIt Itmpkin Sit' pftrmit A, CrtnitoSU Umrm Snil Hmiyttn Ztier A perfect Hctnedy for Constipa tion . Sour Stomacli.Dinrrlwiea, Worms.Convulsions.revcrian ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP Foe Simile Signature of Tun Centauii Company. I NEW YORK. ) Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mayor tells policemen to club tho right man, but who's going tc admit ho's the right mnn? 'Tape's Diapepsln" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. Time it! In flvo minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, BOurncsB or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. rape's Diapepsln Ib noted for Its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most cer tain Indigestion remedy in tho whole world, and besides it Is harmless. Plcaso for your Bake, get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln from any storo and put your stomach right Don't keep on being miserable llfo Is too short you aro not here long, so mako your stay agreeable. Hat what you llko and digest it; en joy lr without dread of rebellion In tho stomach. Pnpo's Diapepsln belongB In your homo nnyway. Should ono of tho fam ily eat something which don't agreo with them, or In enso of nn attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach dorangement at daytimo or during the night, It is handy to glvo tho quickest relief known. Adv. The paving of streets with wooden blocks originated in Russia. Beautiful Recipe Book For Every Woman. We have been nuked by the Calumet linking Powder Company of CIiIchko to announce tliruuKli tho columns of this publication tlmt they havo JiihL KOttcn up mm of the best Heclpo HooUh ever pub llHhcd, 1C pnKm of which nro beautifully Illustrated, showing In the calorH a lot of tin 1 tit y JIhIk'H and goad thliiKH to cat tlmt rnn In) prepared with Calumet lSuklut; Powder. . In addition to this thero nro 2S2 valu able rcclpea and numnroun household hints prepared by tho tnoHt noted Domestic Sci ence teachcrH and Cooking Exnertit. Wo know you will tlnd this a very valu able book, nn you will have uso for It almoBt every day. All you have to do to Kct one In to take tho Blip that you llnd In a pound enn ot Calumet Hakluir Powder, fill In your nnme ii nd nddreHs according to the Irmtructlons nn the llp ami mall It to tho Calumet linking Powder Compnny, Chlcngo. III. It you nro not already using Calumet Baking Powder, wo would Huggeat that you try It today. You will find It whole some and economical to use. You will llnd It a Uaklng Powder of un. usual merit nnd tho recipe book one of the most beautiful and useful books of this kind that you havo ever possessed. Adv. Llfo Ib never monotonous woman who can afford a cook. to the thn bent iluiuettlo and Imported coiiiurr. nn oilier iuuko will Rive m pooil anrvlco i lie iM.oii.Bo.uunmi nllu'r nmUna contlin; .hoim cannot factory at the mIimox fE niii;:;;i:!';i::T;v;;!;'.i!;.i!i:iMiiiij;;m:iimimilM!,..T: ftNIIIHIl STOMACH MISERY GAS, INDIGESTION MW w vmfflMmMMmfc fivuww r-7 cx j- mimir.wunowuYim (?,& mmmwnw $7Ammmwmwm,A mWrnwif .iitoVct. I'M i 1 IMwf jlW S3 00 - lm wiMmmwWk xuwmuniinu.UT mbkx i uitmui irjnsiAM7sr?ym af?iiMft.-maR -etSatevJff W:iyAS?mifS. jrFP- YYaBU IFKlu (', ..-VAW.WWWWWamTK'iiKai &.mkw wsacv ft i, ;,;,?:sjpmia5MEa. tlMmMWimk wMMm)W!l ill Wmmm WvaMP beware opSVCiBflpw iW'wWf SUBSTITUTES?"! CASTORIA For Infants nnd Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt OtNTUN eOMPANT, NCW TOSH CfTT. A good camel will travel 100 miles day for ten days. SAGE TEA DARKENS GRAY HAIR TO ANY SHADE. TRY IT! Keep Your Locks Youthful, Dark, Glossy and Thick With Garden Sage and 8ulphur. When you darken your hair with Sago Tea and Sulphur, so ono can tell, because It's done bo natsxally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, nt homo Is nnissy and trouble some. For GO ccntB you can buy at any drug storo tho ready-te-sso tonlo called "Wyeth'B Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy." You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your harr, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing all gray hair disappears, aad, after another application or two, yoar hair becomes beautifully darkoaed, glossy and luxuriant. You will also dis cover dandruff Is gone aid hair has stopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dls graco, is a sign of old ago, and as we all deslro a youthful and n t tract! vo ap pearance, get .busy at once wfth Wy cth'n Sago and Sulphur and look years younger. Adv. Tho beauty of the kalsomlned coun tenance Ib not oven skin deep. the costs by getting a big red can of Van Houten's Rona Cocoa today. Better than coffee and costs less. Half pound 25c FAfticI HAIR BALSAM A toilet prvptraUo of taarlfc llcll to rrxileuliadn& Far R tularin CA and Bautr to Gray or TmitA Hair. Mo.liKUU)tIrft1K. Sudan and Billion S Grass OropalnlOOdaTsfromieedliigl Prodoesaeaormomiy. IHmIUto euro for hr fhorUe. BiaOiTiLOOrium John A. Salter Seed Co., Box 703, U Crotte. Wta CAUTION! When buyln W.L DouiUa (bom loo Tot bU NAMU AND I'uiuui iiunpea on tho bottom. 6boa ibui lumped are atwu won enn ids price pua lor mem. 32 ton W. L. Uouilu 1 or guaranteed tbctr vuu. and pro tec led tbe wearer aalm likh diIcm for Inferior aboea by bavlng bla NAMtf AND l'HIOE aiainpcd oa tbe bot tom before ibey lean tbe far torv.Do not be bcrauaded to take aome otter max claimed to lie luai aa ioou. You aro pawns your money ana aro emiueu (oiiio oeai W. L. Doucuu (hoeaarwaold through bo atorei In the large cltlei and inoe d.elen very where. Mtmf IVf frffl i ffv U 4j B.krLm. BWI V ksFr-rtduJ rHXv JwwHyvvA WV r ft vxWvvvvvfsrSi i 1 K I sC Ik I ( 1 '. & W i v;- 17"iL 'KW'HrWewa "WW rtw1 -w)swjp,swi'wyv,''r' ? W' ftJFm V t J!