RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF The Last Shot BT FREDERICK (Copyright. ChaxU Scribner'a Son) SYNOPSIS. , At their homo on tho frontier between ,thn Ilrownii nnd Grnyn Murta (lalluinl und .her mother, entertaining Colonrl Wester liner of the Clruytt, nun Cnpluln lanstron of tlm Urowna Injured by a full In his aeroplane. Ten yeurs later. VontcrlltiK. Jn6mlnnl vlru but rcnl rhlef of stuff. re-en-forced Bouth l.a Tlr nnil iicdllntra on wur. jMarlii tells him or her teaching children tho Collie or war ntul martini patriotism, ml bouH him to prnvent war while he In chief of ntarr. rnnntron rails on Marin, iftt her lioini". Hlio tells Iin-itroti that nltu ibollevrB Keller, tho gardener, to bo n spy. (Lanstron confefws It In trim and shows nor a tolcphnno whlrh Feller ban con cealed In n secret pitHtmKo undor the lower for use to boncllt tho Tlrowfis In war emcrKonoina. I.uiiMtron doclnrca hla lovo for Mnrta. Westerllng and tho tlray premier plan to usu n trivial International unfair to foment warlike patriotism nnd trllio beforo declaring war. I'artow. Ilrown crilof of HtnlT, rovenls bin plana to I-uriHtron, mndo vlre-chlef. Tho dray army croHuca tho border lino nnd attacks. Tho nrorrna chock thorn. Artillery, In fantry, aeroplanes nnd dlrlglhlcs engage. Martn haa hor first gllmpHo of war In Ha modern, cold, Rclentlllc, imirilermiH bru tality. Tho Drowns fnll back to tho tlnl land house. Martn neea a night attack. The flraya attack In force. Keller lonvos tils eocret telephonn and Roes back to hlM funs. Hand to hnnd fighting. Tho llrowna all back ngnln. Murta nHkn Lanstron over tho phona to nppenl to Partow to stop tho fighting. Vnniiiillsm In the Qnlland house. Westerllng nnd hla staff occupy tlm dal land houao and ho begins to woo Mnrta, who apparently thrown her fortunei with the Grnya and offer vnluablo Information, flhe calls up LntiHtron on tho serrot tele phono nnd plana to Klvo Westorllng Infor mation that will trap tho Dray army. Wejitorllng forms his plan of attack upon what he learns from her. Tho Oroya tnkn Bordlr. Through Marta Westerllng la led to concentrate bin attack on tho main linn t ISngadlr. A lenk of Information In sus pected, llotichnrd Is rellovcd as chief In telligence o nicer. CHAPTER XVII Continued. All on tho subject for thn present! When It was taken up again his suc cessor would bo In charge. Ho, tho Indefatigable, tho ovor-lntonso, with tnodlovnl partlsnn fervor, who loathed In secret machines like Turcus), wnB tho first man of tho Bluff to go for In competency. "And Engadlr Is tho key-point," Wes torllng wns saying. "Yes," agreed Turcas. "So wo concentrato to break through thoro," Westerllng continued, "whllo wo ongago tho wholo lino llurcely enough to mako tho enemy uncertain whoro tho crucial attack Is to bo mado." "nut, general, If thoro lu nny plnco that Is naturally Btrong, that " Tur cas began. "Tho ono plnco whoro thoy are confi dent that wo won't attack!" Wester ling Interrupted. Ho rcHcntod tho staff's professional respect for Turcas. Aftor a sllonco nnd n survey of tho faces around, ho added with senten tious effect: "And I wns right about Hordlr!" To thin argument there could bo no answer. Tho ono stroko of general ship by tho Grays, who, otherwise, had succeeded alono through repeated mass attacks, had been Wcsterllng's hypothesis that had gained llordlr In a slnglo assault. "Engadlr It Is thonl" snld Turcas with tho loyalty' of tho Hubordlnato "In My Own Defense Aid." and for Your who makes a superior's conviction liU own, tho better to carry It out. Hazily, Bouchard had hoard (ho talk, while ho was looking nt Westerllng and seeing him, not at tho head of tho council tnblo, but In the arbor In eager appeal to Mnrta. "1 Bhall And outl I shall find out!" -was drumming In his tomploo when tho council rose; arid, without a word or a backward glanco, ho was tho first to lcavo tho room. When llouclmrd returned to his desk ho guessed tho contents of tho noto awaiting lilin, but ho took a long tlmo to rend Its stereotypod expressions In transferring him to perfunctory duty well to tho rear of tho army. Then ho pulled himself together and, leaden Itcorted, settled down to arrango rou- PALMER tlno details for his departure, whllo tho rest of tho staff was Immersed In tho activity of tho preparations for tho attack on Engadlr. Ho know that ho could not filcon If ho lay down. So ho spent tho night nt work. In tho morn ing his successor, n young man whom ho himself had chosen and trained, Colonel Uelllnl, appeared, and tho fallen man received tho rising man with forced ofllclal courtesy. "In my own defenso and for your aid," ho said, "I show you a copy of what I havo Just written to General Westerllng." A brlof noto It was, In farowoll, be ginning with conventional thanks for Wcsterllng's confidence In tho past. "I am punished for being right," It concluded. "It Is my belief that Miss Gallnnd sends news to thn enemy and thnt sho draws It from you without your consclousncBB of tho fnct. I tell you honestly. Do what you will with mo." It took more courngo than any act of his life for tho loyal Uouchard to daro such candor to n suporlor. Seo Ing tho patchy, yellow, bloodless faco drawn In stiff lines and tho abysmal stnro of tho dcop-set oyea In thplr bony rcccBsce, Uelllnl was swept with a wavo of sympathy. "Thank you, llouclmrd. You'vo been very flnol" said Uolllnl as ho grasped Douchard's hand, which was Icy cold. "My duty my duty, In tho hopo that wo shall kill two Drowns for ovory Gray who has fallen that wo Bhall yet seo them starved nnd besieged nnd crying for mercy In tholr capital," replied llouclmrd. Ho salutod with a dismal, urgent formality .and Btalked out of tho room with tho trend of tho ghost of Hnmlot'fl father. Tho Btrango Impression thnt this furowell loft with llolllnl still lingered when, u fow momenta Inter, Wester llng summoned him. Not nlono tho dlllldcnco ofn now member of tho staff going Into tho presenco accounted for tho stir In his templps, as ho wait ed till Homo papers wcro signed be foro ho had Westorllng'e attention. Then Westorllng picked up Douchard's noto and shook his head sadly. "Poor llouclmrd! You can seo for yourself," nnd ho handed tho noto to llolllnl. "I should havo realized ear lier that It wub n caso for tho doctor and not for reprimand. Mad! Poor llouclmrd! Ho hadn't tho ability or tho resiliency of mind for his task, as I hopo you have, colonel." "I hopo so, sir," replied Uelllnl. "I'vo no doubt you havo," said Wes terllng. "You uro my cholco!" CHAPTER XVIII. A Change of Plan. 'Hint day nnd tho next Westerllng had no tlmo for strolling In tho, gar den. Ills only oxerclso wns a few porlods of pacing on tho veranda. Tur ens, as tirelessly Industrious as over, developed an Increasingly quiet Insist ence to leave the responsibility of do- clslons about everything of Importance to a chief who vn becoming Increas ingly arbitrary. Tho attack on Enga dlr being tho Jewel of Wcsterllng's own planning, ho wns disinclined to risk success by delegating authority, which nlso meant sharing tho glory of victory. Ilouchard's noto, though officially dis missed ns a matter of pathology, would not accept dismissal privately. In Hashes of distinctness it recurred to hlin between reports of tho progress of preparations nnd directions ns to dispositions. At dusk of tho second tiny, when nil tho guns nnd troops had their places for tho finnl movement un der cover of darkness nnd ho rose from his desk, tho thing that had edged Its way Into n crowded mind took possession of tho premises that strategy nnd tactics had vacated. It passed under tho sntno analysis ns his work. Ills overweening prldo, so son sltlvo to tho suspicion of a conviction thnt ho had been fooled, put his rela tions with Martn In logical review. Ho had fallen In lovo In tho midst of war. A cool nnd Intenso Impatlonco pos sessed him to study her In tho light of his now skepticism, when, turning tho path of tho first terrnco, ho Haw her watching tho sunset over tho crest of tho range. Sho was standing quite still, a slim, soft shadow between htm nnd tho light, which glided her figure nnd quarter profile. Did sho expect him? ho won dorcd. Wns sho posing at that In stant for his benefit? When eho turned, her faco In tho shadow, tho glow of tho sunset seemed to remain In her eyes, otherwise without expres sion, yet nblo to detect something un usual undor oxtornnla ns thoy ex changed commonplaces of greeting. "Well, thoro's a change In our offi cial family. Wo havo lost Douchard transferred to anothor post!" said Westerllng. Mnrta noted that, though ho gavo tho newB a casual turn, his scrutiny sharpened. "Jb that bo? I can't say that' my mother nnd I Bhall bo Borry," sho ro markod. "Ho wns always glaring nt uti as If ho wished ua out of sight. Indeed, if ho had his way, I think ho would havo mado us prlsonora of war. WnBn't ho a womnn-hnter?" bIio con cluded, half lu Irritation, half In amusement. "Ho had that roputatlon," Bald Wes terllng. "What do you think led to his departuro?" ho continued. "I confess I cannot guess!" said Marta, with a look at tho sunset glow as If sho resented the loss of a min ute of It "Thoro has been a leak of Informa tion to tho Drowns I" ho announced. "Thero has! And ho was Intelli gent officer, wasn't ho7" sho asked, turning to Westerllng, her curiosity apparently aroused as a mattor of cour tesy to hlB own Interest In the sub ject. "Who do you think he accused? Why, you," ho added, with a peculiar laugh. She noted tho peculiarity of the laugh discriminatingly. "Ohl Hor eyoe opened wldo In wonder only wonder, nt first. Then, as comprehension took tho place of wonder, thoy grow sympathetic. "That explains!" sho oxclatmed. "Ills hate ful glances woro thoso of delusion. Ho wns going mad, you mean?' "Yes," snld Westerllng, "that that would explain It!" "I havo been told that when people go mad they always ascribe every In Jury dono to them to tho person who happens to havo oxcltcd their dislike," eho mused. "Which seems to hnvo been tho caso horo," Westerllng assented. He did not know what else to Bay. Ills prldo was recovering Its natural confidence In tho Infallibility of his Judgment of human beings. He was seeing his sus picions ae ridiculous enough to con vict him of a brain as disordered as Douchard's. Marta wns thinking that sho had been skating on very thin Ico nnd that Bho must go on skntlng till sho broke through. Thero was an exhila ration about It that Bho could not re Blst: tho exhilaration of risk and the control of hor faculties, prompted by a purpose hypnotically compelling. Doth were ellont, Bho watching tho sky, ho In anticipation and suspense. Tho roso went violet and tho shadows over tho range deepened. "Tho guns and tho troops wait. With darkness tho music begins!" ho Bald slowly, with n start of stern fervor. "Tho music the music! Ho calls It music!" ran through Marta's mind mockingly, but sho did not open her lips. "Thoy wait, ready, ovory detail ar ranged," ho continued proudly. Tho sky merged into the shadows of tho Inndscapo that spread and thickened-Into blackness. Out of tho drawn curtains of night broke an ugly flash and farther up tho slopo spread tho oxploslvo clrclo of light of a bursting shell. "Tho signal!" ho exclaimed. Right and left tho blasts spread along tho Gray lines and right and left, on tho instant, tho Drowns sent their blasts in reply. Countless tongues of (lame seemed to burst from count less craters, and tho rungo to rock In a torment of crashes. In tho Inter vening space between tho ugly, snv- ago gusts from tho Gray gun mouths, which sent their shells from tho midst of exploding Drown bIioIIb, swept tho beams of tho Drown Hearch-ltghts, their rays lost like sunlight In tho vor tex of nn open furnnco door. "Splendid! splendid!" cxclnlmcd Westerllng, In a sweep of omotlon nt tho sight that had been born of hla command. "Flvo thousand guns on our sido nlono! Tho world has never seen tho equal of this!" Marta looked away from tho range to his faco. very distinct In tho garish illumination. It was tho faco of a maestro of war seeing all his rehear sals and nil his labors coma true In symphonic gratification to tho eyo and enr; tho fnco of a man of trained mind, tho product of civilization, with tho elation of a party leader on tho lloor of u parliament In a crisis. "Soon, now!" said Westerllng, and looked at his watch. Shortly, In tho direction of Engndlr, to tho rear of tho steady flashes broke forth lino after lino of ilnshes as tho long-rango batteries, which so far hnd been silent, Joined their might ier voices 'to tho chorus, making a con tinuous leaping burst of explosions over tho Drown positions, which were tho real object of tho Attack. "Tho moment l'vo lived fori" ex claimed Westorllng. "Our Infantry is starting up tho apron of Engndir! Wo held back tho flro of tho heavy guns concontrnted for tho purpose of sup porting tho men with an outburst, Threo hundred heavy guns pouring in their shells on a space of two acres! Wo'ro tearing their redoubts to pieces! Thoy can't seo to flro! Thoy can't llvo under It! Thoy'ro In tho crater of a volcano! When our Infantry is on tho edge of the wreckago tho guna ceaso. Our Infnntry crowd In crowd into tho house thnt Partow built. Ho'll find that numbers count; that tho power of modern gunfire will open tho way for Infantry In masses to tnko and hold vital tactical positions! And no no, tholr flro In roplyi la not as strong as 1 expected." "Dccauso thoy are lotting you In! It will bo strong enough In duo sea son!" thought Marta In tho uncontrol lable triumph of antagonism. Five against threo was In his tono and In every lino of his features. "It's hard for a soldier to leavo a sight llko tills, but tho real nows will bo awaiting mo nt my desk," ho con cluded, adding, as ho turned nwny: "It's flroworks worth seeing, and It you remain horo I will roturn to toll you tho results." Turning hor back to tho range for tho moment, sho saw tho twlnklo of the lights of tho town and tho threads of light ol the wagon-trains and the sweep of, tho lights of tho railroad trains on the plain; while In the fore ground every window of tho house was ablaze, llko some factory on a busy night shift. Sho could hear tho click of tho telegraph Instruments already repotting the details of tho action as cheerfully as Drobdlngnaglan crickets In their peaceful surroundings. Then out of the shadows Westorllng reap peared. "Tho apron of Engadlr Is ours!" he called. "Thanks to you!" ho added with pointed emphasis. Dnck In the house ho had received congratula tions with a nod, as If success wore a mattor of course. Defore her, ox ultatlon unbent Btlffness, and ho was hoarsely triumphant and eager. "It's plain calling now," ho went on. "A break In tho main lino I Wo havo only to drlvo homo tho wedge, nnd 'then und then!" ho concluded. Sho felt him close, his breath on her check. "Peace!" she hastened to say, draw ing back Instinctively. And then! Tho Irony of tho words In tho light of her knowtedgo was pointed by a terrific renewal of tho "We're Tearing Their Pieces I" Redoubts thunders and tho flashes far up on tho range, and sho could not resist re joicing in her heart. "That's tho BrownB!" exclaimed Westerllng In surprise. Tho volumo of lire increased. With tho rest of tho frontier in darkness, tho Engadlr flection was an isolated blazo. In its light sho saw his fea tures, without alarm but hardening in dogged Intensity. "They've awakened to what thoy havo lost! Thoy have been rushing up re serves nnd aro making a counter attack. Wo must hold what wo havo gained, no matter whnt tho cost!" His last sentence was spoken over his shoulder as he started for tho house. Without changing hor position, hardly turning her head, she watched until tho firing began to lessen rap idly. Then Hhc heard his step. She rose to face him, summoning back the spirit of tho actress. "This Is better yet! I came to tell you that tho counter-attack failed!" ho said as he saw her appear from tho shelter of tho arbor. Sho wondered If sho wero going to fall. Dut tho post of tho trellis was within reach. Sho caught hold of It to steady herself. Palled! "Tho killing It must havo been ter rible!" hor mind nt last mado hor ex claim to cover hor tardiness of re sponse to his mood. "You thought of that as you should as I do!" he Bald. Ho took her bauds In his, pulsing warm with tho flowing red of his strength. Sho let them remain llfo lessly, ns if sho had not tho will to tako them away, tho instinct of her part again dominant. To him this was another victory, and It was discovery tho discovery of molting weakness In her for tho first tlmo, which magni fied his eenso of mascullno power. Ho tightened his grip slightly aud Bho shuddered. "You are tired!" ho said, nnd it hurt her that ho should bo so considerate. "Tho killing to end that! It's all I want I" Bhe breathed miserably. "And tho end Is near!" he Bald. "YeB, now, thanks to you!" Thanks to her! And sho must listen aud submit to his touch! "Then engineers and material were ready to go In," ho continued. "Be fore morning, ns I had planned, we shall be so well fortified In the posi tion that nothing can budgo us. This success so strengthens my power with tho staff and tho premier that I need not wait on Fabian tactics. I am supremo. I shall make tho most of tho demoralization of thta blow to tho enemy. I shall not wait on slow ap proaches In tho hope of saving llfo. Tomorrow I shall attack and keep on nttacklng till all tho main lino Is ours." "Now you nro plnylng your real part, tho conqueror!" sho thought gladly. "Your kind of peaco Is tho ruin of nn other people; tho peace of a helpless enemy. That Is hotter" bettor for her conscience, Unwittingly, sho allowed her hands to remain in his. In tho pa ralysis of despair Bho was unconscious that she had hands. She felt that sho could cuduro anything to retrlevo tho error Into which she had boon the it W&$' MLmmmw MM to means of leading tho Drowns. And tho killing It would not stop, ehe know. No, tho Drowns would not yield until thoy wcro uecimatoa. "Wo havo tho numbers to spare. Numbers shall press homo homo to termB In their capital!" Wcsterllng's voice grew hUBky us he proceeded, harflh as orderB to soldiers who hesi tated In faco of flro. "After that after that" tho tone changed from hareh ness to deslro, which wns still tho de Blre of possession "tho frultB of peaco, a triumph that I want you to share!" Ho wob drawing her toward him with an Impulse of the force of thin deslro, when sho broke free with an abrupt, struggling pull. "Not thatt Not that! Your work Is not yet done!" eho cried. Ho made a move ns It to persist, then ho fell back with a gesturo of understanding. "Right! Hold mo to It!" ho ex clnimcd resolutely. "Hold mo to tho bargain! So a woman worth whllo should hold a man worth while." "Yes!" sho managed to say, and turned to go In a sudden Impetus of energy. Half running, half stumbling, tho light of tho lantern bobbing and trembling weirdly, sho hastened through tho tunnel. Usually tho tlmo for taking . tho receiver down till Lanny replied was only a half min ute. Now sho waited what ecemed many minutes without response Had tho connections been broken? To mako sure that her Impatlonco was not tricking her sho began to count off the seconds. Then she heard Lan stron's voice, broken and hoarse: "Marta, Marta, ho Is dead! Partow Ib dead!" Recovering himself, Lanstron told tho Btory of Partow'e going, which was In keeping with his llfo and his prayers. As tho doctor put It, the light of his mind, turned on full volt age to tho lnst, went out without a flicker. Through tho day he had at tended to tho dispositions for receiv ing tho Grays' attack, enlivening rou tine as usual with flashes of humor and reflection ranging beyond tho de tails In hand. An hour or so boforo dark ho had reached across the table and laid his big, soft palm on the back of Lanstron'a hand. Ho was thinking aloud, a habit of his In Lanstron's com pany, when an Idea requiring gesta tion enmo to him. "My boy, It is not fatal If wo lose tho apron of Engadlr. Tho defenses behind It nro very strong." "No, not fatal," Lanstron agreed. "Dut lt'a very Important." "And Westerllng will think It fatal. Yes, 1 understand his character. Yes yce; and if our counter-attack should fall, then Miss Gnlland's position would bo secure Hm-m-m thoso whom tho gods would destroy hm-m-m. Westerllng will bo con vinced that repeated, overwhelming attacks will gain our mala line. In stead of using engineering approaches, ho will throw his battalions, masses upon masses, against our works until hla strength is spent. It would be baiting tho bull. A risk a risk but, my boy, 1 am going to " Partow's head, which was bent In thought, dropped with a Jerk. A con vulsion shook him und ho foil forward onto the map, his brave old heart in its last flutter, and Lanstron wns alono In the silent room with tho dead and his responsibility. "The order that I knew ho was about to speak, Marta, I gave for him," Lan stron concluded. "It seemed to mo nn Inspiration his last Inspiration to make tho counter-attack a feint." "And you'ro acting chief of staff Lanny? You against Westerllng?" "Yes." The colonel of tho 128th and Captain Fracasso wero eating their biscuits to gether and making occasional remarks rather than holding a conversation. "Well, Westerllng Is a llold-mar-Bhul," snld tho colonel. "Yes, he's got something out of It!" "Tho men seem to bo losing spirit there's not doubt of it!" exclaimed the colonel, more aloud to himself than to Frucusse, after a whllo. "No wonder!" replied Fracasso. Mar tinet though he was, ho spoko In grum bling loyalty to hla soldiers. "What kind of spirit is thero in doing tho work of navvies? Spirit! No sol diers over fought better In invasion, at least. Look at our losses! Spirit! Westerllng drives us in. Ho thinks wo can climb Niagara Falls! Ho " "Stop! You aro talking llko an an nrchlst!" snapped tho colonel. "How enn tho men havo spirit when you feel that way?" "I shall contlnuo to obey orders nnd do my duty, sir!" ropllcd Fracasso. "And thoy will, too, or I'll know tho reason why." Thero was a silence, but at length tho colonel exploded: "I suppose Westerllng knows what ho Is doing!" "Still wo must go onl We must win!" "Yes, tho offensive always wins In tlio end. Wo must go on!" "And onco wo have the ran go yes, onco wo'vo won ono vital position tho men will recover their enthusiasm and bo crying: 'On to the capital!'" "Right! Wo wero forgetting history. Wo wero forgetting1 the volatility of human nature." (TO DE CONTINUED.) Cholera's Natural Home. The marshy ground of tho Ganges delta, with its vast masses of vege tation, decaying under a tropical sun, Is tho nntivo homo of tho cholera. In that pestilential region tho chol era nnd plnguo are found ovory year and nil tho yoar round. Every chol era cpldomlo which has desolated Europo, ovcry visitation of tho plague, Is bolloved to havo started from the mouth of Uio Ganges, Mr. Andor Kiss, No. 318 Clinton Place, Kansas City, Mo., writes! "I cannot thank you enough for being cured. For seven long years I doctored steadily for my catarrh and cough, which cost rno hundreds of dol lars. But my catarrh grew worse 11 the time. Even though I was under the treatment of some of the most famous doctors, X still had a tsrribls cough and tbought aornetlmes that I would choke. I could get no air. I then bought a bottlo of Pcruna, and that evening and all night my wife gave It to me according to the directions, and I feH bet ter the following day already. Three days later I felt much Im proved, and today, after the use of the fourth bottle, I feel an tirely cured. I can conscien tiously recommend this grand medtdno to every citizen." A Good Cough Tablet There are people who object to taking fluid medicines. For such people the Peruna Tablets are especially valuable. They arc convenient to carry to. the pocket Feeling of Security. Dill Saw you out horseback riding, today. Jill Oh, did you? "I supposo you feol as safe on a horso as you would on a tn51oy"? "Safer. You aro not oxpeetsd to give up your scat to a lady on a rwso." IS 'J'f Look, Mother! If tongue it coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children lovo thla "fruit laxative," aad nothing elso cleanses the tender Btomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop playing to empty tho bowels, and the result Is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, Btomach sours, then your llttlo ono becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad, system full of cold, has Bore throat stomach-acho or diarrhoea. Llaten. Mother! Seo If tonguo Is coated, then give a teaspoonful of ".California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all tho constipated waste, eour bllo'ond undigested food passes out of the sys tem, and you havo a well child agaln. Millions of mothers give "California Syrup of Figs" because It Is perfectly harmless; children love It, and It nev er fails to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask at the storo for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," whloh has full directions for babies, children of nil nges nnd for grown-ups plainly printed on tho bottle. Adv. All His. "How much loc8 Rogers get a week?" "All ho earns; he's a bachelor." Doston Evening Trnnscrlpt Put Off Old Age Some old folks are bent and shaky. Others are straight and sttong. It can't be mere "oldaiss" that works such havoc. No it's too often uric acid. Fight off this life-sapping poison. Help the kid neys take it from the blood. To aid then, live carefully nnd stimulate their action with the old reliable medicine, Doan's Kidney Pills. A Kansas Case ftwnKufiftBianj s. Eighth Ht, Indopo ndo n oo, Kun.. saya: "For vunrs my back ached constantly and my feet and unities wcro swol len, fipots came i beforo my eyes and l got uizzy and nervous. Tho kid ney secretions wore in on a siiape, too. Doan's Kidney Pills cured ma and the 'euro has lasted. I :am over oluhty 1- years old and In goou ncann." Cat Dout't at Any Store. COe Box DOAN'SAV FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of woman's Ills, such as loucorrhoes and Inflammation, hot douches of Paxtlne aro very eOlcacious. No woman who has over used medicated douche will fall to appreciate the clean aud healthy condition Faztino produces and the prompt rellof from so renews and discomfort which follows its ubo.TIiIs is because I'axtlne possosso? suporlor cleansing, disinfect iik uuu neaiing properties. For tan vears tho L villa K. i Finkham Medlclno Co. has rec ommended l'axtlno In tholr private corrcsponrtoneo with wo men, which proves us superi ority. 'Women who havo (iron relieved say it Is " worth Its vhtht In told." AtdniL'crldts. CHILD CROSS FFUFRSH K IB MFilnS&Kkz vrj 0h OIM' -i.ffll1 Hi '.KH 'vmmx- Ziim2n rjssTJ g large box or by mall. Hiunplefreo. Iho Paxtou Toilet Co., Bo3ton,' Mass. DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because- it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure tho finest fabric. For laundry purposes it has no cqujl. 16 or, package 10c. 1-3 more starch for same money, DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Oniolm, Ncbraski W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 11-1915. V a M