The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 04, 1915, Image 2
m Vttotvcsvt ; ( W th -t Utf $ -.;- . '"fjU. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF !) The Last Shot FREDERICK PALMER (Copyright. 1914, by u 8YNOP8I8. At their homo on tlm frontier between tho flrnwtm nml drays Murtti autliiml nml her mother, cntcrlnliilnK Colonel Wester llng of Mil! (Jrays, eu Captain Iunstron of tint ItruvvtiH Injiiroil by u fall In hi mcropluiio. Ten yours Inter. Westerllng, nominal vice but real chlof of staff, ro-cn-forvoH Bouth l.n Tlr utid meditates on wur, Mnrta tells him of her teaching chllilren tho KM He of wur nnd martial patriotism, anil bcKB him to prevent wir while ho H ohlnf or stuff. Uinstron calls on Murtti at her homo. Sho tells l.anstion that sho bollor Keller, tho imntencr, to bo u spy. I.aiisinin roiifcsNi'.s it In trim nml shows her n tulophono which Keller has con cealed In u Hfcret passugo iimlcr tlm tower for iifln to benellt tho Hrowrm In war inurccncliut. l.uiistro:i declares his lovo for Marlit. WistcrlliiK and thn (Irny tiro. nilor plim to usn a trivial International affair to foincnt warllko patriotism atld Irllio brforo declaring wur. Pnrtow, llrown rhlof of staff, ruveals bin plans to Lanstron, mado vlco chlof. Tho dray rmy crosses tho bordor lino and attacks, Tho Itrowns chcclc them. Artillery, In fantry, 04roplnneH and dirigibles cnuagu. Mnrta lias her first glimpse of wnr in Iti modern, cold, selentllle, inlirdcrons bru tality. Tlm HrnWns fall back to tho Hal land houhe. Murln sees a niKht attack. Tho drays attack In force. Feller leaver his secret telephone and goes buck to hit Kuns. Hand to hand flKlitlnir. Tho Ilrowns fall back again. Maria nsks I.anitron over the phono to nppeal to Tartow to stop tho nshtlnir. Vandalism In the Oalland house. Westerllng and his stnlT occupy the Onl land house nnd he begins to woo Mnrta, who apparently throws her fortunes with tile UraVS and nffcrit Vllllllllili Inrnrmnllnti fiho culls up t.anstr(m on thn secret tele phono and pluns to kIvo Westerllng Infor mation Unit will trap the Uray aimy. westerllng forms his plan of attack upon whntlin iFiirni from her. Tho Grays tuko Borrtlr. CHAPTER XVI Continued. "TJiIh la llko you tlko whnt 1 want you to bo!" ho Bald. "You uro right" Ho caught lior hand, Inclosing It en tirely In IiIh grip, nnd fiho was sen Iblo, In a kind of dazed horror, of tho thrill of his strength. "Nothing enn atop ua! Numbora will win! Hard lighting In tho mercy of n quick end!" ho declared with his old rigidity of flvo agnliiBt Ihrco. which vjih welcome to her. "Then," ho ndded "and then" "Then!" sho repeated, averting her glanco. "Then" Thcro tho devil endod tho sentence and alio withdrew her hand and felt tho relief of ono es caping auffocntlon, to find that ho had realized thnt anything further during that Interview would bo banality and was rifling to go. "I don't feel decent!" alio thought. M8ocloty turned on Minna for a hu man weakness, but I I'm not n human being! I am ono of tho pawna of tho uachlno of War!" Walking alowly with lowered licad aa alio lort tho arbor, alio almost ran Into Houchtird, who apologized with tho alnglo word "Pardon!" as ho lifted hlB enp In overdono courtesy, which hla BtoIId brovlty mndo tho moro COn SplcUOUS. "MIbs Oalland, you aeem lost In nb atractlon," ho snld In audden loquac ity. "I am almost on tho point of accualng you of being a poet." "Accusing!" alio roplled. "Thon you must think thnt I would write bad poetry." "On tho contrnry, I Bhould say ex cellent using tho aonnot form," ho re turned. "I might make a counter nccuBa tlon, only that yours would bo the epic form," answered Martn. "For you, too, aeom fond of rambling." Thero was n veiled challongo In tho hawk eyes, which sho met with com monplaco polltonraB in horB, before bo again lifted his cap and proceeded on bia way. For tho noxt two weekB Mnrtn's rolo resolved Itself Into a kind of routine. Their cramped quartora became a refuge to Mnrta In tho trial of her Bocret work under tho very noso of tho stafT. With llttlo Clarissa Elleon, they formed tho only fenilulno society In tho neighborhood. On suuuhlny days Mra. Oalland was usually to bo found In her favorite chair outsldo tho tower door; and hero Minna sot tho urn on a tnblo at four-thirty as In tho old days. No mombor of tho staff was more froquontly present at Martn'a teas than Bouchard, who wna developing his social instinct lato In llfo by sit ting In tho background nnd allowing others to do tho talking whllo ho watched and listened. In his hearing, Mnrto'a attltudo toward tho progress of tho war was aympathetlc but never Interrogatory, whllo sho shared atten tion with Clarissa Elleon, who was In dangor of becoming spoiled by ofllcors who had children of their own nt home. After tho reports of killed nnd wound ed, which came with such appalling regularity. It wan a relief to hear of tho day's casualties among Clarissa's dolls. Tho chief of transportation and supply rode her on his shoulder; tho chlof of tactics played hide-and-seek with hor; the chief engineer built her a doll house of stones with hla own hands; and tho chief medical offlcor was as concerned when sho caught cold as if tho hoalth of tho army woro at stnko. "We mustn't get too set up over all thlB attontlon, Clarissa Elloen, my rl ynl," auld Marta to tho child. "You aro tho only llttlo girl and I am tho mljr big girl within ronch. If thoro wero Iota of others It would bo dif ferent" Bouchard was losing flesh; his eyu BT Charles Scribner's Sons) wero sinking dooper under a heavier frown. IIIh duty bolng to get Infor mation, ho was gnlnlng nono. Ills duty being to keep tho Grays' socrots, thoro wiih n leak somowhero in hla own department. Ho quizzed subordi nates; ho mudo abrupt transfers, to no avail. Meanwhllo, tho Grays wero taking tho approaches to tho main Una of defense, which had been thought rela tively immaterial but had boon found shrewdly placed and their vulnerabil ity overestimated. Tho thunders of batteries hammering them beenmo a routlno of cxlHtcncd, llko tho imBsIng of trains to ono living nenr a railroad. Tho guns went on whllo tea wns bo lng served; thoy ushered In dawn nnd dnrknws; they woro going when sleep en in o to those whom thoy later awak ened with a atnrt. Fights aB desper ate as tho ono 'around tho houso bo catno reaturcB of this period, which wns only n warming-up practlco for tho wnr demon before tho orgy of Impending assault on tho main lino. Mnrta began to realize tho Immen sity of tho chessboard and of tho forces engaged In more than tho baro Htatcmcnt of numbora nnd distance. If a llrst attack on a position failed, tho wires from tho Galland houso re pented their orders to concontrato moro guns nnd attack again. In tho cud tho Drowns nlways yielded, but grudgingly, calculatingly, never bo lng taken by surprise. Tho few of them who fell prisoners sold, "God with us! We nhall win In tho end!" nnd answered no questions. Gradually tho Gray army began to feel that It wns battling with a mystery which wns lighting under cover, fulling back under cover a tcnnclouu, watchful mystery that sent sprays of death Into every linger of llcsh that tho Grays thrust forward In ussnult. "Another position taken. Our ad vnnco continues," was tho only news that Westerllng gavo to tho army, his people, nnd tho world, which forgot its Hports and murders and divorce cnscB In following tho progress of the llrst great European war for two gen erations. Ho mado no mention of the costs; his casualty lists wero secret. Tho Gray hosta wero sweeping for ward as a slow, IrrcslBtiblo tldo; this by Partow's own admission. Ho an nounced tho loss of a poeltton as promptly aa tho GroyB its taking. Ho published a dnlly list of casualties so meager in contrast to their own that tho Grays thought It falao; ho made known tho names of tho killed and wounded to their relatives. Yet tho seeming enndor of his press bureau Included no straw of information of military value to tho enemy. Westerllng never wont to tea at tho Gallands' with tho other ofllcers, for it wob part of his cultivation of great ness to keop aloof from his subordi nates. Ills meetings with Marta hap pened casually when ho went "out into tho gnrdon. Only once had ho mndo any reference to tho "And thou" of their Interview In tho arbor. "I am winning bnttles for you!" ho hnd exclaimed with tho thing lu his eyeB which sho loathed. To hor It was equivalent to saying that sho had tricked him Into sending men to bo killed In ordor to please her. Sho despised herself for the way ho confided In her; yet sho had to go on keeping his confidence, re turning u tender glanco with ono that held out hope. She learned not to shuddor when ho spoko of a loss of "only ten thousand." In order to rnlly herself when sho grow faint-hearted to hor task, sho learned to picture tho lines of hia face hard-set with flvo-ugnlnst-threo brutality, whllo In com fort ho ordered 'multitudes to death, and, in contrast, to recall tho smllo of Dellnrme, who askod his soldiers to undorgo no risk that ho would not shore And after ovory success ho would remark that he was so much nearer Engadlr, that position of the main lino of defenso whoso weakness sho had rovenlod. "Your Engadlr!" ho enmo to any. "Then wo Bhall ngaln profit by your information; that Is, unless they have fortified since you received It." "Thoy haven't. Thoy had already fortified!" sho thought. Sho was al waya seeing tho mockery of his words In tho light of her own knowledgo and her own part, which never escaped her consciousness. One chamber of her mind waB acting for him; a sec anil chamber was perfectly awaro that tho otlior was acting. "Ono position moro tho Twin Uoul dor Redoubt, It Is called," ho an nounced nt last. "Wo shall not press hard In front. Wo shall drlvo In masses on either Bldo and storm tho flanks." This Bho wns tolophonlng to Lnn stron n few minutes later nnd having, in roturn, nil tho news of tho Drowns. Tho sheer fascination of knowing what both sides wero doing exerted Its spoil In hooping hor to her part. "Thoy'vo lost four hundred thousand men now, Lanny," aho said. "And wo only a hundred thousand. We're whittling them down," answered Lanstron. "Whittling them down! What a ghastly expression!" aha gasped. MYou aro ns bad ns Westerllng nnd I am worso than either of you! 1 I an nounced the four hundred thousand n If thoy were n score a Bcoro In a game In our favor. I nm helping, Lanny? All my sacrifice Isn't for nothing?" sho asked for tho hun dredth tlmo. "Immeasurably. You have saved us ninny lives!" ho replied. "And cqpt thorn many?" eho askod. "Yes, Marta, no doubt," ho admitted; "but no moro than they would havo lost In the end. It is only tho mount ing up or their casualties thut can end tho wnr. Thus tho lossou must bo taught." "And I enn bo of most help when the nttack on tho main defenso Is begun?" "Yes." "And when Westerllng finds that my Information is fnlso about Engadlr then" Sho had nover put tho question to him In thla way boforo. What would Westerllng do If ho found hor out? "My God, Marta!" ho exclaimed. "If I'd had any sonso I would havo thought of thatSln tho beginning and torn out tho 'phono! I'vo been mad, mad with tho ono thought of tho nation Inhu man in my greedy patriotism. I. will not lot you go any furtherl" It was a now thing for her to be rallying Him; yet this sho did as tho Btrango effect of bis protest on tho abnormal sensibilities that her acting had dovelopod. "Thinking of mo llttlo mel" sho called back. "Of ono person's com fort when hundreds of thousands of other women nro In terror; when tho destiny of millions Is nt atako! Lanny, you nro In a blue funk!" and sho was laughing forcedly and hectically. "I'm going on going on llko ono In a trance who enn't aton If ha would. I fa nil right, Lanny. I undertook' tho task myself. I must seo It through!" After Bho had hung np tho receiver hor buoyancy vanished. Sho leaned ngalnst tho wall of tho tunnel weakly. Ycb, what If eho woro found out7 Sho wns thinking of tho poeslblllty seri ously for tho first tlmo. Yet, for only a moment did she dwell upon It be fore Bho dismissed It In sudden reac tion. "No matter what thoy do to mo or what becomes of mo!" she thought. "I'm a loBt soul, anyway. Tho thing Is to servo as long as I can and then I don't caro!" CHAPTER XVII. Thumbs Down for Bouchard. Haggard and at bay, Bouchard faced tho circle of frowns around the pol ished expanse of that precious heir loom, tho dining-room table of tho Gal lands. Tho dreaded reckoning of the apprehensions which kopt him rest lessly awake at night had como at the next staft council after tho fall of the Twin Uouldor Redoubt. With tho last approach to tho main line of dofonao cleared, ono chapter of the wnr was finished. Hut the ofllcers did not man Ifoat the elation that tho occnalon called for, which is not enying that thoy were discouraged. They had no doubt that eventually the Grays would dictate peace in tho Browns' capital. Exactly stated, their mood was ono of repressed professional Irritation, Nol until tho third attempt was Twin Boul der Redoubt taken. Ab far as resulta wero concerned, tho nicely plnnned first n.isault might havo beon a utroko of strategy by tho Browns to drive tho Grays Into an lmpassablo flro zone. "Tho troublo la wo uro not In formed!" exclaimed Turcas, opening his thin lips even less than usual, but twisting them In a algnlflcant manner ae ho gavo his words a rasping em phasis. Tho others hastened to follow his lead with equal candor. "Exnctly. Wo havo no reports of tholr artillery atrength, which wo had greatly underestimated," said the chief of artillery. "Our maps of tholr forts could not bo less correct If rovenlod to ua for purposes of deceit. Again and again wo havo thought that wo had them surprised, only to bo surprised our selves. In short, thoy know what wo are doing and we don't know what thoy aro doing!" said tho tactical ex port. Thoro tho chief of the aerostatic di vision took tho defenslvo. "They certainly don't loarn our plntiB with tholr planes and dirigibles!" ho dcclnrcd energetically. "Hardly, when wo nover seo them over our lines." "Tho Browna nro acting on the de fenslvo In tho air ae well as on tho earth!" "But our own planes and dirigibles bring llttlo news.'l said Turcas. "I moan, those that roturn," ho added pungcntly. "And fow do return. My men nro not wanting In courngo!" replied tho chler aorostatlc ofllcer. "Immediately we got over the Brown lines tho BrownB, who keep cruising to nnd fro, nro on us llko hawks. Thoy risk any thing to bring us down. When wo de scend low wo strlko tho flro of tholr hlgh-anglo guns, which are distributed tho longth of tho frontior. I bellevo both their aorlal fleet and their hlgh anglo artillery wero greatly under estimated. Finally, I cannot reduce my forco too much In ecoutlng or they might take tho offenslvo." "Another enso of not being in formed!" concluded Turcas, returning grimly to his point Ho looked at Bouchard, and every ono began looking nt Bouchard. H tho Gray tacticians had boen outplayed by tholr. opponents, If their losses for tho ground gained exceeded calculations, thon It was good to havo a Bcape goat for their professional mistakes. Bouchard was Westerllng'a cholco for chief of Intelligence. Hla blind loy alty waa pleaalng to hla superior, who, hitherto, bad promptly allenced any suggestion of criticism by repenting that tho defensive alwayB uppoared to tho offenslvo to bo bettur Informed than Itself. Hut this time Westerllng lot thu conversation run on without a word of excuse for his favorite. Each fresh reproach from tho staff, whoso opinion waB tho only god ho know, was a dagger thrust to Hou chard. At night ho hnd lain awnko worrying about tho leak; by day ho had sought to trace It, only to find ovory clow leading back to tho staff. Now ho waa as confused lu his sljnmo aa n Bonsltlvo schoolboy. Vaguely, In his distress, ho heard Westerllng asking a quoetlon, whllo he snw all those eyes Bturlng at him. "What information have wo about Engadlr7" "I bellevo it to bo strongly forti fied!" stammered Ilouchard. "You bellevo! You havo no Infor mation?" pursued Westerllng. "No, sir," roplled Ilouchard. "Noth ingnothing now!" "We do soem to get little Informa tion," suld Westerllng, looking hard at Ilouchard In sllonco tlm com- I blnod sllenco of tho wholo Btaff. This public reproof could havo but ono meaning. Ho uhould soon receive a noto which' would thank him politely ror nis services, in tho stereotyped phrases always used for tho purpose, boforo, announcing his transfer to a less rcsponslblo poBt. "Very llttlo, sir!" Uouchnrd replied doggedly. "Thero Ib that wo bad from ono of our aviators whoso machlno camo down In a smash Just aa ho got over our infantry positions on his return," said tho chief aerostatic oulcor. "He Bouchard Faced tho Circle of Frown. was In a dying condition when wo picked him up, and, .as he was speak ing with the last breaths In his body, naturally his account of what he had seen was somowhat incoherent. It would be of uso, howevor, If wo had plans or tho forts that would cnablo ua to chock off hia report Intelli gently." "Yet, what ovldenco have we that Partow or Lanstron has done moro thau to mako a fortunato guess or show military Insight?" Westerllng asked. "Thero is the caso of my own belief that Uordlr was weak, which proved correct." "Last night wo got u written tele graphic Btaff messago from the body of a dead ofllcer of tho Browna found In tho Twin Boulder Redoubt," snld tho vico-chief, "which showed that In an hour after our plans woro transmit ted to our own troops for tho first attack they wero known to the en emy." "That looks llko a leak!" exclaimed Westerllng, "a leak, Bouchard, do you hear?" He was frowning and his lips woro drawn and his cheoks mottled with red In a way not pleasant to see. Stiffening In his chair, a flnsh of desperation in his eye, Bouchard's bouy, long hand gripped tho table edgo. Every ono felt that a sonsa tlon was coming. "Yes, I havo known that thero was a leak!" ho said with hoarso, painful deliberation. "I have Bont out ovory possible tracer. I have followed up overy sort of clow. I havo trails forrcd a. dozen men. I havo left noth ing undone!" "With no result?" persisted Westor ling Impatiently. "Yes, ulways tho same result: That tho leak la hero In this houeo hero In tho grand headquarters of tho army under our very noses. I know It Is not tho telegraphers or tho clerka. It 1b a member of tho staff 1" , "Havo you gone out of your head?" demanded Westorllng. "What staff ofllcor? How does he get tho Infor mation to tho enemy? Name the per sons you suspect hore and now! Ex plain, If you want to bo considered sane!" Here wa tho blackest accusation that could bo mado against an ofllcer! Tho chosen men of tho staff, tested through many grades boforo they reachod tho inner clrclo or cabinet se crecy, lost tho composuro of a council. All woro leaning forwnrd toward Bou chard breathless for hla answer. "There are three women on the grounds," said Bouchard. "I havo boon agalnat tholr staying from the first mmmm i m MMIH I ft 7s3MhIt35iS9 jjaJHgf i v Ho got no further. His words were drowned by tho outburst of one of the younger members of tho staff, who had either to laugh or choko at the plcturo of tills decpeyed, spectral sort of man, known as n woman-hater, In his rovclntlon of tho farcical source of his suspicions. "Why not lncludo Clarissa Elleon?" somo ono asked, starting a chorus of sntirlcnl exclamations. "How do they get through tho line?" "Yes, past a wull of bayonetB?" "When not even a soldier In uni form Is allowed to move awuy from his command without a pass?" "By wireless?" "Perhaps by tolepathy!" "Unless." said tho chief or tho aero static division, grinning, "Bouchard Jenda them the uso or our own wires through tho capital and around by the neutral countries across tho Brown frontior!" "But tho correct plnns and location of their forts and tho numbers of their heavy guns and or their planeB and dirigibles your failure to havo this information is not tho result of any lenk from our staff slnco tho war bo gnn," said Turcae In his dry, pone trattng voice, clearing tho nlr or the smoko or scattered explosions. "All wore BtitVing at Bouchard again. What answer had ho to this? Ho was In tho box, tho evidence stated by the prosecutor. Let him speak! He wos ralrly beside himself In a paroxysm of rago nnd struck at the air with his clenched list. " Lanstron!" he cried. "There'a no purposo In that. He can't hear you!" oald Turcas, dryly as ever. "He might, through the leak." said the chlof aerostatic ofllcer, who con sidered that many of his gallant sub ordinates had lost their lives through Bouchard's Inefllclency. "Perhnpe Cla rissa Eileen has already telopathlcally wigwagged It to him." To lose your temper at a staff coun cil Is most unbecoming. Turcas would have kopt his If hit In tho back by a fool automoblllst. Westerllng had now recovered his. Ho was again the su perman In command. "It Is for you nnd not for us to locate tho leak; yes. for you!" ho said. "That Is all on tho subject for tho present," ho ndded In a tone of mixed pity nnd contempt, which loft Bouchard frcod from tho staro of his colleagues and In tho miserable com pany of his humiliation. (to nra CONTINUED.) NOTHING NEW IN JOKE LINE Foolish Is the Humorist Who Would Insist That This "Has Never Been Sprung Before." A reader of the Docket In New York city cut out tho Item relating to the dlsolutlon of partnership, In which one partner makes the statement that "those who owo the firm will settle with him, and those that tho firm owes will scttlo with Mose," and sends it back to us with this notation: "Thla was an old chestnut when I lived in , which was In 1855." To this charge wo enter a plea of confession and avoldanco. Wo con tend that tho courts will take Judicial notice or tho fact that thero Is nothing new under tho sun, and In our Judg ment tho Jokesmlth Is well within his rights In resurrecting a Joko which was old In 1855. Tho Incident brings to mlijd tho fol lowing story: "Tho editor of a Minne sota newspaper back In tho '80s con cocted tho following: 'Yon Yonson put four sticks or dynnmlte In tho stovo last Sunday to thaw them out. Tho handles wero nickel plated and only cost $10.'" A proressor or EnglUh literature In an eastern university wrote very Interesting article on this Joke, claiming that It represented a distinctly American brand or humor, and that It could not hnvo happened In any other country or at any othor tlmo. But alas for tho professor of Eng lish literature for there la nothing now under tho sun. Reference to II Chronicles, Chapter 10, Versos 12 and 13, produces tho following: 12. And Asa In tho thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased In hla feet, until his disease was ex ceedingly great: yet In his dlseaso ho sought not to tho Lord, but to the physicians. 13. And Asa slept with his fathers. West's Docket. Would Handle Wheat In Bulk. Australian wheat, at the present tlmo, Is transported In bngs, a system which Involves not only a considerable cost, but Is ulso uneconomical In the uso of labor. In consequence, tho gov ernments of New South Wnles and Vic toria uro considering proposals for handling It In bulk, based upon tho re ports of engineers, who mado Inquiries as to this method In Canada, tho Unl tod States and South Africa. The ex perts also say that tho chango would result lu a largo extension of tho growing areas. It Is understood, how ever, that tho steamship lines, which havo beon approached on the subject, aro not agreed that under existing clr cumBtanpes tho shipment of grain In bulk Is practicable, though It la be lioved that If ndequato supplies were guaranteed tho necessary space would bo readily forthcoming. Arrest for Debt. While Imprisonment for debt as It nt ono tlmo existed In English nnd Amerlcnn law, by which a debtor might bo arrested and Imprisoned for more liability to pay his creditor, no longer exists In tho United States, tho statutes of tho majority of tho statea provldo for the arrest of a dofendant In a civil action under certain condi tions, such as rraud, or torts, or env bazslement etc. A POTATO KING "If I wero n farmer boy, or a boy with ut capital, nnd wanted nu early compe tency. I'd start right out growing Pota toes, said Henry h'chroedcr, the Potato king of the Red River Valley, whose tory in the John A. Sdlzcr Seed Co.'s Catalogue reads utrjnKcr than a romance. i That advice of Mr. Schrocder's, the self made Potato kins, comes from n warm heart, a level bead, a potato lung I Price Kchrocder's Famous Ohio, bushel, fl.75; ten bushels, $15.00. Here's another advice of the Red River Potato king. He says: "Plant a plenty when potatoes are plenty," or cheap, like they were last Fall That's sound doctrine. Follow his advice thh year and coming July and August nml all iall look out for 70c and 00c and fl.00 Potatoes! CORN. Who placed Wisconsin on the Corn map, wny at the top? Sal zers crea tions in field Corns, Bar ley, O a t s.k Speltz, andjj Clovers. Po-E ffiMfflfflH MIMwHxu wiiuea iieipeu . iv Uli lb. t .- We make awi ureat pnccial-' ty ol seedJi corn, listing- over fortyr, tffS sm. r i e t I e s, " Fh-rrGi among them the earliest, heaviest eared, biggest yielders known. For 10c In Postage We gladly mail our Catalog and sample package of Ten Fa mous Farm Seeds, including Speltz, "Tho Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated Whito Bonanza Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Bil lion Dollar Grass; Teosiote, the Silo Filler, etc., etc. Or 8end 12c And we will mail you our big Catalog and six generous packages of Early Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Onion furnishing lots and lots of juicy delicious Vegetables during the early Spring nnd Summer. Or send to John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box 703, La Croaae, Wis., twenty cents and receive both above collec tions and their big caUlog. 0 Only Fair. "Do I understand you to Bay," asked :ho Judge, "that his remarks were ac rimonious?" "No, Judge, your honor, I didn't say that. I said he Just swore at me. I ain't a-goln' to claim that ho dona what he didn't do." St James Ga tetto. IF BACK HURTS CLEAN KIDNEYS WITH SALTS Drink Lots of Water and Stop Eating Meat for a While If the Bladder Bothera You. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks tho kidneys In their efforts to filter It from tho system. Regular caters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You' must re lieve thorn like you relieve your bow els; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tonguo Is coated and when the weather la had you bars rheumatlo twinges. Tho urine la cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night To neutralize theao Irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ouncos of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the add of grapes and lemon Julco, combined with Uthla, and has been used for generations to clean and Btlmulato sluggish kidneys and atop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts la lnoxponslvo; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoid ing serious kidney and bladdor dis eases. Adv. Feminine Charity. Tho Man I understand that Miss Angular cornea of a very old family. Tho Maid Well, she certainly looks ist JnTpor,a,Jt,!0 Mothers) Examine carefully overy bottle ot CASTORIA, a Bafo and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that H Bears tho ..m mm Signature ot &4g&7 In Use For Over 30 Teanfc Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori Safety First. "I'll let you Into my scheme on the underground floor1' "Aro thero any exits?" Attention, Mothers! Wrlto Wm. Wrlgloy Jr. Co.. 1304 Kcsnor 3Idg Chicago, III., for 28 page beautifully colored "Mother Goose Jingle Book," Sent freo to all read ers or this paper. Adv. How much easier to mako mistakes . than to unscramble them. m A V . -v IV x: 1 i n I VfckZ tlwiiKSifSa " ' ' ' ' 'i.'foytfTiVi 1"arf -Virriiir"!! t r-iri- i -r isi i i i m sn n m. iiji mm n m i i - v .-- -.-. - ..rrlltfftirNsVB ' Il11111"1"" "" iiiiMigaa!mM!i