The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 25, 1915, Image 3

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WBk.IL". ..nBKfiLTiJl
I. X ---
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do some foods you cat hit back
taBto good, but work badly; ferment
into stubborn lumps nnd cause a sick,
flour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pape's
Diapepsin dlgcstB everything, leaving
nothing to Bour and upset you. There
ncvor waB anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective. No difference how
badly your stomach Is disordered you
will get happy relief in Ave minutes,
'but what pleases you most is that It
strengthens nnd regulates your stom
ach so you can eat your favorite foods
without fear.
You feol different as soon aB "Pnpe's
Diapepsin" comes in contact with the
stomach distress just vanishes your
ntomnch gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food.
Go now, make the best Investment
you ovor made by getting a large fifty
cent case of Papo'B Diapepsin from any
Glorc. You realize In Rvo minutes how
needless it is to suffer from Indiges
tion, dyBpopsia or bad stomach. Adr
Her Preference.
Young Mawks had decided to enlist
and go to war, and his wlfo was ob
jecting. "I3ut, darling," he argued, "even If 1
wero killed, Just think how fine it
would bo to bo the widow of n hero."
"Oh, no, Wilfred," pleaded tho young
wifo earnestly, her mind reverting to
a familiar proverb: "I would rather
be tho wife of a live jackass than a
dead Hon." Judge.
More than 30 year ngo Saber's Catalog
boomed Alfalfa, years before other eccdn
men thought of its value. Today Salrcr
excels! Hit Alfalfa sUrains include Grimm,
(Montana Lincoln, Ar. College inspected).
Salzcr's Dakota KegiBtered No. 30 all
hardy nn oak.
For 10c In Postage
Wc gladly mail dur Catalog
and pample package of Ten Fa
mom Farm Seeds, including
Speltz, "The Cereal Wonder;"
Rejuvenated White Bonanza
Oats, "Tho Priro Winner;" Bil
lion Dollar Urasv Tcosinte,
the Silo Filler, Alfalfa, etc.,
Or Send 12c
And we will mail you our
big Catalog nnd six generous
packages of Early Cabbage,
Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce,
Radish, Onion furnishing lotH
and lotH of juicy delicious
Vegetables during the early
Spring and Summer.
Or send to John A. Snlzcr
Seed Co., Box 703, La
Cronnc, Wis., twenty cents
and receive both above collec
tions and their big catalog.
"I can remember when we could get
an Idea of how an election was going
by taking a straw voto."
"Wo never depend on straw votes
out our way. Tho only chanco of
learning which way tho election was
going wns to discover which side had
the moBt two-dollar bills."
Save Your Halrl Get a 25 CeVit Bottla
of Danderlne Right Now Also
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair Is muto ovldenco of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
Thero is nothing so destructive to
tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair
of Hb luster, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish
ness and itching of tho scalp, which
If not romodlod causes tho hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die then tho
hair falls out fast A little Danderlno
tonight now any tlmo will surely
save- your hair.
Got a 25 cont bottlo of Knowlton'a
Danderlne from any store, and after
tho first application your hair will
tako on that life, luster and luxuriance
which is bo beautiful. It will becomo
wavy and fluffy and have tho appear
ance of abundance; an lncomparablo
Close and softness, but what will
please you most will bo after just a
few weeks' uso, when you will actual
ly boo a lot of fine, downy hair now
hair growing all over tho scalp. Adv.
His Point of View.
"What is your Idea of matrimony?"
asked tho fair maid who was still oc
cupying tho anxious seat.
"Well," rejoined tho wiso chnp who
had balked at tho hurdle, It's probably
all right for thoso who haven't enough
Important to Mothers
Examiuo carofully ovory bottlo ol
CASTOHIA.asafoandsure remedy foi
Infants and children, and seo that 11
Hears tho
In Uso For Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's CaBtorla
The tlnconsratoncy of womankind la
demonstrated by tho society girl, who
starts In when sho comes out.
(By E. O. 8KLLEHS, Acting Director of
Sunday School Course Moody ntble In
stitute, Chli-OKo.)
I.KSSON THXT-I Samuel 7:3-17.
QOI.DKN TKXT-Hltlicrto luitli Jeho
rah helped mo.-I Samuel 7:12 It. V.
Having prepared a "guilt offering,"
6:4-9, the Philistines started the ark
back towards Shlloh. As a punish
ment for their sacrilege nnd pcrhnps
for their boastful pride, God punishes
tho men of Hoth-Shcmesh and finally
tho nrk finds rest In tho house of
Ablnadab, 6:10-21, 7:1, 2. For 20
years Israel was under discipline In
bondage, v. 2.
! "And Samuel spake . . . say
ing," vv. 3-8. It is possible that nt
times Samuel was a fugitive, but that
ho was praying, tenchlng end punch
ing "tho word of Jehovah" wo are as
sured. At last Israel wbb "drawn to
gether," v. 2 It. V. margin. Undoubted
ly Samuel's pure life nnd his fnlthful
witnessing had as much to do with
this assembling as did tho oppression
of tho Philistines. Samuel told the
people plainly that In order to bo de
livered from tho Philistines Israel
must "return unto Jehovah with all
your heart." Tho putting away (judg
ing) of sin and all Idols Is the first
step of any real, genuine repentance
townrds God, Isa. r5:7. When Israel
adopted Ashtaroth and the "strange
gods" they possibly did so with no
thought of forsaking Jehovah, but
rather with tho Idea of "enrinchlng"
their worship. Such liberality, such a
federation of religions is weakening to
tho cause of faith, Matt. 6:24, I John
2:15, James, 4:4. Samuel might bo
called "narrow," but his exhortation to
Israel that they return to tho love
and worship of Jehovah, to the obedi
ence of his laws with whole-souled de
votion, was tho first, and the most es
sential requisite to their freedom. Is
rael's respond (v. 4) meant uot alone
self-denial, but a revolt against tho
Philistines. This meant also tho giv
ing up of amusements and profits which
might accompany such worship. Tho
word "heart" includes tho will, affec
tions, motives and powers of soul.
Not merely a surface emotion, but a
deep change of heart and character.
It is sad to recall that this was a
reformation, not a regeneration (ch.
8:8), but such is the history of an
emotional reformation. One day, how
ever, wo shall Bee that one will last
last, Rom. 11:26. Samuel is a type of
Christ as a prophet and also as an
Intercessor, Heb. 7:25. Gathering tho
people at Mizpah ("a lookout") ho
caused tho people to look to God.
Such a gathering was an evidence of
that unity of the people of God which
must ovor precedo prevailing prayer,
Ps. 99:6, Hob. 10:25. The meeting
began by a prayor by Samuel who
was nearest to God. They than poured
out water upon tho ground, a symbol
of their utter helplessness, also of
tho pouring out of their hearts before
God, II Sam. 14:14; Ps. 62:8. Israel
also "fasted" an expression of sor
row for sin which was so deep that
they could not eat, and a sign of the
humiliation of self and an earnest do
sire to find God, Dan. 9:3, Acts 13:2, 3.
II. "And Samuel offered . . .
a burnt offerlng(" vv. 9-12. Twenty
years of bondage bred a spirit of fear
In tho hearts of tho Israelites and In
their extremity they turned to Sam
uel to intercede for them. Christians
have a better ono as their Interces
sor, I John 2:1; Heb. 7:25; Rom.
8:34. Israel no longer placos Its
trust in an outward symbol as when
formerly they sent for tho ark, ch. 4:3.
All renl prayer is preceded by sacri
fice, and the only ground wo have upon
which to approach a holy God is to
Bhed blood, Heb. 10:19, John 14:6. This
1b also a type of entlro consecration.
Tho lamb of Samuel's sacrifice Is a
typo of our Christ who entered Into
God'B presence for us "by his own
blood," Hob. 9:11, 12. Having thus
properly approached God, Samnel
cried for Israel, and "tho Lord heard
him," John 17:9. In tho midst of this
tho Philistines gavo battle (v. 10)
even as Satan often makes his
fiercest assaults upon us in tho midst
of our holiest exercises. God "thun
dered with a great voico,"v. 11, marg.,
bringing discomfiture and fear to the
enemy, I John 5:14.
The Heart of the Lesson. This les
son is a great revelation of the power
and effectiveness of intercessory
prayer. "Mosob and Aaron among his
priests, and Samuel among them that
call upon his name," Ps. 99:6, seems
to place Samuel nt tho head of Is
rael's Intercessors oven as Moses and
Aaron led tho prophet priests.
Prnycr for others Is not only a duty,
but a prlvllogo and loy as well.
Too row Christians nro interceding
for others. Tho Blncero prayer for
others Is Inevitably followod up by
service for othors, even as Samuel's
prayer was followed by his servlco
judging Isrnol.
This lesson nlso emphasizes tho
need of appreciation of God's mer
cies. Abraham erected his alturs; Ja
cob and Joshun elected memo
rial stones to recall signal blessings;
Samuel calls tho ono he erected "Eb
onozer," for "Hitherto hath Jehovah
helped us,"
Pigs, Sheep, Dogs and Cats
Housed in Same Room With
Murdered Man.
Chicago. The coroner's Jury thnt
passed upon the death of Josoph Lnnz
rath, a truck farmer and hermit, wan
called upon to listen to a rcmnrknble
story. ,
"If I wero a Charles Dickens, an
Alexander Dumns or a Victor Hugo
I might tell you of the conditions I
found at tho place thlB innn called
home," said the coroner.
"In tho room where tho man was
found dead wns locnted his bed. With
scarcely room to pass between wns
tho Vonkstove, On the floor was u
A Menagerie In the Kitchen.
box with excelsior in it. This fur
nished tho homo for two pigs, which
Jumped upon the feather bed to greet
us aB wo entered.
"Some sheep also made their homo
in this combination living, sleeping
and cooking room, as did four cats
which hovered about the featlfprbed
In which tho man slept as If they
were used to making It their resting
place. A bulldog, likewise, was housed
in the kitchen, nnd the first thing I did
after I arrived thero was to grant the
dog Its liberty by cutting the rope.
"In tho kitchen I found decayed
cabbage, onions, potatoes, lettuce and
other vegetables. Tho wlfo of this
man lived In a room that is built over
a chicken coop. Tho conditions in this
place obviate any possibility of tak
ing finger print impressions or any
thing of the like."
Husband Objects Vigorously When
Wife Uses Expensive Frying
Buffalo, N. Y. Tho Btory of one
dinner that ended in tho man of the
house taking a punch at his wife wns
told in tho city court In the case of
Georgo Izdorczak. The trouble all came
about because tho wife wanted to fry
the chicken to a nlco brown in butter.
That was too expensive to suit hubby's
Isdorczak was arrested on tho com
plaint of his wife, who charged him
with striking her. She claimed that
while she was preparing the dinner
her husband started quarreling with
her and finally punched her.
Tho defendnnt did not admit strik
ing his wife, but he said they had had
an argument about the uso of butter.
Ife said it was too expensive. She said
sho had wantvd to use It because she
thought her hUBband would like il
Dog's Love Causes Him to Be
Locked Up In Jail With
Danville, III. Ono of tho most
touching cases of a dog's love for Its
master was demonstrated at the police
station hero recently. Monroe Jack
Bon, a full-blooded Sioux Indian, was
held on a charge of drunkenness.
Jackson had a dog. As tho dog re
fused to leave its master, the police
found It necessary to lock up tho ani
mal with tho Indian. When separated,
both wero Inconsolable. Jackson was
recently traveling with n "wild west"
Bhow. Tho show went broko. So did
Jackson, but ho managed to keep his
dog. When arrested tho dog was at
his side. When Jackson wuh arraigned
in police court tho dog went with
him. Jackson was sentenced to eight
days In jail.
Kills Bride Who Deserted Him.
Edlnburg, 111. Charles Jordes, n
farmer, shot his bride who deserted
him after n fow dnys of married life,
wounded his mothor-ln-lnw nnd then
turned tho gun on himself, indicting
probably fatal wounds. Jealousy wns
tho cause of tho trugedy.
"Loaded" Cigar Destroyed Eye,
Aurora, Ind. Pratt C. Ilolloway lost
tho sight of his right cyo when u
"loaded" cigar ho was attempting to
smoko exploded. A small wiro spring
In tho cigar caught and cut tho right
The United States Wheat Pro
duction Admits of 100 Mil
lion Bushels for Export.
The tnlk In tho press somo llttlo
tlmo bnck of placing an cmbnrgo on
wheat, brought forcibly to tho minds
of tho people of the United States n
condition that may nt somo tlmo In
tho near futuro faco tlom. 100 mil
lion biiHliols of an export of wheat
means a splendid rovenuo to tho
country ns well ns to the farmer,
and If this wuro assured year after
year, there would bo reason for con
siderable congratulation. Hut last
yenr'H magnificent and abundant
crop, which wns estimated nt S91
million bushels, cannot bo expected
every year. With a home consump
tion of 775 million bushels, and a
production In many years of llttlo
more than this, tho fact Is nppnrent
that at 11 n enrly dato tho United
States will have to Import wheat. It
will be then that tho people of tho
United States will bo looking to other
marketB for n supply. And It Is then
that tho valuo of Western Canada
lands will bo vlowed with consider
nblo favor. Tho great area of wheat
lands In Canada will then be called
upon to provldo tho greatest portion
of the old world's supply, nnd also, In
tho opinion of tho writer, thnt of tho
United States as well. At present
there nro only about 12 million acres
of these lands producing wheat. Thero
nro live times that many ncres thnt
can bo brought under successful culti
vation, Apart altogether from tho
value of tlieso lands ns whent pro
ducers thero Is an increased value to
them from tho fact that tho soil Is
especially adapted to tho growing of
many other kinds of grnln ns well as
nil manner of cultivated grasses,
while tho nntlve grnsses arc a won
dei ful nsset In thomselvea. The cli
mate Is especially favorablo to tho
raising of llvo stock, such ns horses,
cattle, sheep and hogs. All theso
bring Into the limelight tho adapta
bility of tho soil, tho cllmato and
nil other necessary conditions, to tho
carrying on of dairy farming, in a
most profltubln way.
Thero Is no question thnt high
prices for all that tho farmer can grow
or rnlBe will contlnuo for somo years,
nnd this Is the great opportuno time
to tnko advantngo of what Western
Cnnnda offers. Lands mny bo had as
n freo grant. These aro mostly lo
cnted somo llttlo distance from rail
ways at tho present time, but sooner
or Inter will be well served by rail
ways that aro projected Into these
districts. Land may also be secured
by purchaso nt rcasonnblo price, nnd
on easy terms from holders of samn.
In mnny cases farms partly Improved
may bo rented. A Winnipeg paper
eald recontly: "Canada wantB Amorl
can immigrants. Thoy mnko good
Canadlnn citizens." And then speak
ing of the erroneous Impression that
has gained somo publicity Inn portion
of tho United States press, snys: "It
cannot be too forcibly Impressed upon
tho American mind that in coming
to Canada they place themselves un
der tho freest democracy tho world
knows. No citizen of this country,
whother nntlvo or naturalized, can be
compelled 10 military service The
only compulsion is tho compulsion of
conscience and patriotic duty. Thnt Is
the motlvo that has prompted thou
sands of Canadians to offer their lives.
Thoy aro fighting as freo men." Ad
vertisement. The Real Victim.
Mrs. Howell I understand your hus
band Is troubled with dyspepsia.
Mrs. Growell Yes; but his dyspep
sia doosn't trouble him half as much
as it does mo.
The golden rule Is all right, but tho
ono used by a lot of people is only
Winter Chills Bring Kidney Ills
A spell of cold, damp weather is
always followed by a fine crop of kid
ney troubles and backache.
Colds and chills damage the kid
neys. Other troubles common to win
ter weather are Just as bad. Grip, ton
Bilitls, quinsy, pneumonia or any other
Infectious disease hurts the kidneys
by overloading the blood with poisons.
The kidneys get worn, weak and In
flamed trying to work It off.
It Isn't hard to strengthen weak
kidneys though, if you act quickly.
At tho first sign of backache, dizzy
spells, headaches, losa of weight, nerv
ousness, depression and painful, irreg
ular kidney action, start using Doan's
Kidney Pills. Rest tho kidneys by
Blmplo eating, avoldnnco of overwork
and worry, and getting moro rest and
loop. A milk diet Is flno.
This senslblo treatment should
bring quick benefit and prevent seri
ous kidney diseases like dropsy,
gravel and Brlgbt's disease.
Clip this advertisement and mall it
to tho addresB below for a free trial
of Doan's Kidney Pills, tho beat roc-
Wj? WhenYour;Back'U Lame-RememberflheiName
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physic into a
sick child.
Look bnck nt your childhood clays.
Remember tho "dose" mother Insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated them, how you fought
against taking them.
With our children It's different
Mothers who cling to tho old form of
physic simply don't renllze what thoy
do. Tho children's revolt Is well-founded.
Their tender llttlo "Insldes'' aro
Injured by them.
It your child's stomach, liver and
bowels need demising, glvo only dell
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action Is positive, but gentle. Millions
of mothers keep this hnrmloss "fruit
lnxatlvo" handy; they know children
lovo to tnko It; that It never falls to
clean tho liver and bovel nnd Bweot
en tho Btomnch, and that a teaspoonful
given today saves u sick child tomor
row. Ask nt tho storo for a COcent bottlo
of "California Syrup of KlgB," which
has full directions for bnbles, children
of nil ages and for grown-ups plainly
on ench bottle. Adv.
"Experience Is a great teacher."
"Isn't it? There's Hroun'B case."
"What about Mr. Drown?"
"Ho married a widow."
"I know."
"Well, Drown hnd an Idea thnt ho
was a handy mnn around tho house
About tho second week nfter his mnr
rlnge she caught him with a monkoy
wrench on his way to fix some of tho
water pipes."
"What did Bhe do?"
"She stopped htm."
"Sho said her first husband hnd the
notion that he was a plumber, nnd sho
hud all the trouble from that snurco
that sho wanted."
8he Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur to Bring Back Color,
Gloss, Thickness.
Almost everyono knows thnt Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back tho natural color and
lustro to the hair when faded, streaked
or gray; also ends dandruff, itching
scalp and stops falling hair. Years
ago the only wny to get this mixture
was to make it at homo, which la
muBsy and troublesome Nowadays,
by asking nt nny storo for "Wyoth's
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you
will get a large bottlo of the famous
old rcclpo for about CO cents.
Don't Btny gray! Try It! No ono
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as if does It so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or
soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a tlmo, by morning tho gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, thick and glossy.
The Female of the 8pecles.
"I toll you, sir," sntd tho sad-eyed
passenger with tho bargain-counter
tie, "nil women aro born gamblers."
"That's right," observed tho but
ton drummer. "And they nenrly al
ways win when thoy play hearts to
catch diamonds."
There's Just No Telling.
"Where would tho druggists bo It
theydldn't sell cosmetics?"
"I don't know, but a much moro vital
question Is whero would nine out of
ten women be?"
It is a wholo lot better to ,howl be
fore you arc hurt than to howl in a
hospital. Philadelphia Telegraph.
Tho mother tonguo has tho father
tonguo benten.
Vi "Evtrr Pittar
r, T,Ilt 4 Storm-
"I'd be oil right only fot my back. "
MUkV ftt'
Jill I V m 1 mjHryfZiwft HI EKuSarUf
Sotfty.eilDea Price 50 cents. FostMnburnbDBaJbi'rtYPrppflclia
(&3 VwMl A real I
on roofing!
A useless risk Is to buy roofinsr
not guaranteed by a responsible) con
cern. When you buy our roofing you
get the written guarantee of tho world's
largest manufacturers of roofing and
building papers.
Buy materials that laiit
our Ifadtnc product is guaranteed S
years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply and IS
years for 3-ply. We aho make lower
Iiru-eit roofing, slate sutfaced shlnglea,
nilMIng papers, wall boards, out-door
paints, plastic cement, etc.
Ak j our denier for products made ly ttv
"lhey nte reasonable hi ptke and we stand
bchlud them.
General Roofing Manufacturing Co.
II Vrlr'W mnmtfitrturtri QJtonfing
and llutltttng itjrrt
NtwTkCitr RmIm Ctlctf Flthtsna
rkilUalpUa AtUala Cl.t.Uad IMralt
St.UiU Clscluttl KtsttiClty Miai'ipon
SsaFiMtbc Stilt Lasses llaatorf ijittf
is constantly growing in favor because it
Docs Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not injuro the finest fabric. Foa
laundry purposes it hat no equal. 16 os,
package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money.
DEFIANCE SiARCH CO., Omaha. Nebraska
Much More Cheerful.
"A scientist says that tho sun will
never cool off."
"I'm very glad to hear that."
"What difference does It mnko to
you who "Will be dead millions of yearn
before nnythlng of the sort could hap
pen, anyhow?"
"Well, It'B moro cheerful to think of
this old world, so good In spite of all
Its faults, rolling nlong through the
sunshlnu 30,000,000 years from now,
with n warm, throbbing load of hu
man freight, than to picture tt a doso
lato ball of Ice plunging through eter
nal darkness."
When Your Eyes Need Care
L'tte Murine Kye Medicine. NoHmartlnir Feela
Klne Acta Ouloklr. Try It for lied, Weak,
Koro Kjcannd tlratiulnted Kjellils, Murine In
eompounded liy our OciiIIhIh nnt a "Patent
Medicine" but lined In HiicceHxful Flivulrlnna'
I'ractlrr for many )euTH. Now dedicated to
the Public and hold by t-riiKKlnts at Mo per
llotlle. Murine K)0 Halve In Axeptla Till,
.' mill Me. Write for Uook of the Ey Free.
Murine, Eya Remedy Company, Chicago. Adr
Pa's Vlndlctlveness.
"George, father has failed."
"That's just llko him! I told you
all along, darling, thnt ho was going
to do all he could to keep us from be
ing married!" Stray Stories.
The Reason. '
"Tho man who uttered thoBo forged
notoi mado a very clumsy Job of it"
"Oh, but, you know, ho stuttered."
Occasionally n man mnkos a great
hit by doing tho wrong thing at the
right tlmo.
There would be more hermits if huts
could bo fitted up with all modern
In Alaska women have full suffrage
without opposition.
Anyway, wo admlro a cheerful Idiot
moro than wo do tho other kind.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely ana
gently on tno
liver, euro
ache, Dlzzl.
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 9-1915.
ommended kidney remedy In tk
world. You'll decide It worth a trial,
when you read this enthusiastic testi
mony.' Health Badly Run
Had Almost Given Up Hope
Permanent Relief
James W, Madison, mall carrier, 11 W.
Walnut 8t , Dodce City. Kan., says: "I was
troubled considerably by too frcqusnt pat.
sagca of tho kidney aecretlons which obllfe
me to set up several times during: the night.
I had sptlla of falntncss and dlxilnesa.
I took mcdlclno a physician prescribed, bat
sot only temporary relief. My health waa ae
badly run down that I was obliged to dis
continue my studies at the Oeorce Washing
ton University School of Medicine and re
turn to Kansas where my health was tempo
rarily improved by the climatic change.
However, about three yeara ago my condi
tion became even worse than formerly and
my heart began to show signs of weakness.
1 was very much discouraged and thought X
would never be nblo to carry on my work.
One day, fortunately, I learned of Doan's
Kidney rills and began using them. In
three months' time 1 felt that I was en
tirely cund. Since then I huvo never has
any (rouble."
sKIsLiiI waiMiiiiil
sasaaaaaaasaH bssmwi a
r ivcr
r JwWcs i