The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 18, 1915, Image 7

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    - aJM
' &Nm?V?W:-"pWrtn.
New Jersey Physician Said to Have
Many Cures to His Credit.
Rod nank. N. j. (Snoclnn. AiU-tro
from every direction fully confirm pro- !
vious reports thai tho remarkablo
treatment for epilepsy being admlnis.
tered by tho consulting physician of
tho Kllno Laboiatorles, 01 this city, is
achieving wonderful results. Old and
stubborn cases have Deen greatly bene
fited and many patients claim to havo
been entirely cured.
Persons suffering from epilepsy
should write nt onco to Kllno Labora
tories, Hranch 48, Red Hank, N. J., for
a supply of tho remedy, which Is be
ing distributed gratuitously. Adv.
No Wonder.
"Do jou think tho vorld Is getting
better, Mr. Qadson?'"
"Surest Uilng you know! It's got
ting better evory day."
"In splto of tho war?"
"Oh, yes."
"I'm surprised to find you so op
timistic." "You wouldn't bo if you know what
1 knew."
"And what Is that?"
"I'to already cleaned up half a mil
Hon in wheat and expect to tnalu
Limits of Literature.
"You've read 'Tho Hcnvenly Twins'?
asked tho Englishman of an Irishman
"Yes, 1 havo."
"And Tho Sorrows of Satan'?"
"And you hnvo read 'Looking Back
"How tho dlvll could I do that?'
asked Pat. "
If a man didn't make nn occasions,
mlstako his frlonds would havo nc
kicks coming.
Tho man who knows himself knows,
how selfish other people are.
Though Sickand Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pa, "When I started
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I was in a
dreadfully rundown
state of Lealth,
ha kl internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
bad given in to my
feelings I would
haw been in bed.
Aa it was I had
hardlv strencrth at
1 times to bo on my
feet and what I did do was by a great
effort. I could not Bleep at night and
of course felt very bad in the morning,
and had a steady headache.
"After taking tho second bottle I no
ticed that tho headache was not so bad,
I rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued its use until it
made a new woman of me, and now I
can hardly realize that I am able to do
ao much as I do. Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etablo Compound." Mrs. Frank
CLARK, 3146 N. Tulip St, Richmond.Pa,
Women Hare Been Telling Women
for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has restored their
health when Buffering with female ills.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast. If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It
will pay you to do bo. Lydia E. Pink
ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You'ro Tired Out of Sort
Have No Appetite.
will put you right
in a lew days.
They d
their duty.
Cure Con
st! nation.
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine must bear Signature
from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone,
Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar
trouble and gets horse going sound.
Does not blister or remove the
hair and hone can be worked. Page
17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells
hovr. $2.00 a bottle delivered.
Horse Book 9 K free.
ABSORDINE, JR., antiseptic liniment foi
mankind. Reduces Painful Swellings, En
Urged Glands, Goitre, Wens, Bruises, Vari
cose Veins. Varicosities, heals Old Sores. Allays
Pain. Will tell you more if you write. $1 and
$2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book
"Evidence" free. Manufactured only by
W.F.YOUNG. P. D. F.. 310 Tends St .Sprlnafleld.Mtss.
17 Cullr Dlackltg Pllll. Un
prtrt. freb, reliable: iirefcrreJ b)
ettni alockinen. becausa thr
protect wrier other vacolnei fall.
Wrlto for Iwokltt and uitlraonlala.
lO.doii ptgi. Blackleg Pllll $1.00
SO-doie pkgt. OUcklrg Pllll 4 00
Hid anr InJivtor. but Cutlor'i beat
Tbo superiority of Cutler prvducta U dua to oier It
rtara of irwlalltlni In vacolnei and lerumi only,
Inilit on Cuttir'l. If unobtainable, order direct.
k Cuttar Laa oratory. Duality. CaJ.. ox Chicago, lit-
nfflx t-A aft
I fl'i -? HSI
i 8 ni
p p
BUBfNaUaSlllV 11 a-E.
Measure by Richmond and Broome
Asks For Publicity In Matter of
Personal Assessment
Western Nenspapcr L'nton News Servicer
Opening of thu uluctlou jiolls nt 8
a, in. and closing at 8 i. m., us pro
vldcil for in Houso Roll No. 'J00, by
Smith, for nil primary and genera!
utato elections, received the sanction
of the houso in committee of thu
whole. An attempt wits inado to
change tho closing hour to 7 o'clock,
but it failed.
Stebblns and Van Dousen objected
to running as Into as 8 o'clock In the
evening, on the ground that election
boards n'J already required to work
too long hours and that this bill would
dcluy tho count and make the boards
rooro careless.
Tho opposite argument was made
by Norton of Polk that farmers can
vote more conveniently nftcr tho dny's
work Is over and Inasmuch as the
present law provides for closing tho
primaries at 9 p. m he thought that
general elections should run later than
6 o'clock. Mr Meredith snld that In
Ashland precinct last ear fifty-si,
rallrond men lost their votes by being
unable to reach homo beforo C o'clock.
Mr. Itegnn snld that nineteen voters
lost out In his precinct In Platte
county. Mr. Ncff said that farmers in
his county, Knox, had requested him
to Introduco a bill of this kind.
To Circumvent "Tax Dodgers"
Tho state press association bill in
troduced by Richmond and Broome,
and which calls for tho publication of.
personal assessment lists, is a mens
uro much commented on In the lcgls
lautrc. The legislators flguro that whllo It
will probably cost tho various counties
a considerable sum, tho publication of
the personal assessment rolls would
save this cost many times over by
driving tho tax-dodgers to tho open.
"If a man knows that his return of
personal property is going to be put
out where everybody can see it, instead
of being stuck away and lost in the
dusty flies in tho assessor's office, ho
is going to think twice beforo ho re
turns a ridiculously low personal
schedule, as so many of them do un
der the present scheme of things,"
said Representatives Richmond and
The bill provides for the publication
by townships at one-third the legal
rate. Only the total and not the item
'zed schedule is to be printed.
The state food, drug, dairy and oil
commission received 17,935.28 worth;
of feea during the month of January!
At the samo time the department;
made 1,340 inspections, covering everyi
thing from humblo groceries to large
packing houses. 'Mr. Harman'a com
mission filed fifteen complaints against
alleged vlolaters of the law, completed
three prosecutions; Issued 129 sani
tary; mado 42 chemical analysis and
twenty-six seed analysis.
Interest appears to be growing on
tho Bcal agricultural activities bill;
now ponding in tho senate. Tho meas-i
ure will likely provoke a fight, asj
sentiment Is pronounced In both dlrecj
tlons, for and against It. The bill as
bembles all .agricultural activities un
frier ono head a board of nine mem
Jbers and includes everything from
collection of statistics to supervision
Jof tho state agricultural college and
allied activities.
Howell's first Insurance bill to re
quiro companies to classify risks and'
to charge the same rate throughout
tho state, a sort of a self rate making
bill, was recommended for passage by
tho state senate The bill is intended
to carry out tho recommendations of
State Insurance Commissioner L. Q.
(Brian In his annual report to tho state
'nsuranco board.
A small legislature, even though the
terms of tho members bo increased to
four years, docs not appeal to the sen
ate. Tho committee of tho whole in
the upper houso killed Splrk'a bill for
smaller legislature by a vote of 15
o 12.
The houso standing committee on
miscellaneous subjects listened to ar
gument in favor of legalized boxing
snatches in Nebraska under .the Super
vision of a state commission, tho state
ito rocelvo a revenue therefrom, and
unanimously recommended It for pass
(ago. It has taken its place on the
coneral file.
Tho Tibbetts bill, requiring rail
roads to publish time tables in local
papers of all towns and cities where
there are two or more depots, was
indefinitely postponed.
Hall Insurance Fund
Levy of one-fourth of 1 mill on as
sessable property of the state for a
hall Insurance ind and provision
(whereby farmers who suffer from hall
Josses may collect from this fund, nro
jirlnclpnl points of tho Osterman bill,
which contemplates naming a board
of adjustment in each county, tho three
Imcmbors thereof to mako settlement
of ball loss'es and to draw on the stnte
for amounts thus fixed. Farmers who
want tho protection aro required to
Day in a 5 foo for registration thereof.
Mrs. Jennie Murphy has launched n
Jitney bus senleo at Beatrice.
HurwcH's new J20.U0O high school
building was dedicated last week.
The baseball board has decided that
theio will be, no league ball in York
this season. ,
According to tho new city directory
Just Issued, Omaha claims a popula
tion of 213.01S.
L. M. Thomas will succeed II. II.
Smith ns president of tho University
Pluco Commercial club.
Sewer bonds were defeated nt tho
election at Broken How last week by
a majority of HI votes.
Hov Henry Hall of Cl.Uonla hna
been transferred to the I.nSallo Meth
odist church nt West Beatrice.
A car load of lino horses was ship
ped from Broken Bow to a horso
firm In Munsvllle. N. Y., by express.
Valmrn's waterworks system Is
now completed, untl the Items says
that Palmyra really owns something
II. A. Yost, nn Auburn merchant on
a business trip to Chicago, was beaten
up and robbed by highwaymen in that
Thn Marlon Enterprise says that
traveling shows tako more monoy out
of that town than all the mall order
houses combined
Carl Kckhurt. fifteen ears old, nt
Campbell, was accidentally shol
through his hnnd by an elder brothei
who was shooting at birds.
The llnstlngs Country club, having
outgrown tho limits of Its present
quarters, Is ronstdeilng a project foi I
a new thoroughly modern home.
Thlrtoen horses were burned to
death when lire destroyed the Palace
livery barn at Scottsbluf. The lire
originated from defective wiring.
The highest price ovor paid for
wheat In Brock was received by Fred
Nlcman last week, when ho sold 1,000
bushels of tho rorenl to tho nrock
Roy RobcrtB of North Platto has en
tered tho penitentiary, probably never
to emerge, as ho Is condemned to dlo
Juno 4 for tho murder of Vernon Con
nett. Tho schoolhouso at Stratton was
badly damaged by flro starting from
nn overheated furnace, and which had
gotten tinder good headway boforo Its
Tho record prlco for Hampshire
hogs In Nebraska was reached when
forty-five sows averaged nearly $CG
each nt tho Manby salo near Lyons
last week.
S. E. Marty of Columbus was elect
ed as postmaster of that plaeo at nn
election held thero last week, many
rural patrons taking an actlvo interest,
In the vote.
The hardware storo of J. T. Garner
nt Craig was burglarized last week;
and a large quantity of cutlery taken:
This makes the fifth burglary thoro in
less than three months. ,
A pot wolf at the homo of Harry,
Doty, near Weeping Water, attacked
his young son Leonard, who received
a number of bites and scratches be
fore It was finally beaten off.
Principal Ilildreth of Fllley was
compelled to dismiss school and con
sult a physician becauso ho attempted
to subdtio an unruly pupil and
emerged from tho fray with a broken
Harry, tho throo-months-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Stachs of Bea
trice, was found dead in the cradle
Sunday by his mother. Coroner Reed
Is of the opinion that the child had
smothered to death.
Grain company at $1.50 per bushel.
Llttlo nernlco Manning, eighteen
months old, of Omaha, sat down in a
bucket of scalding lyo water with
which her mother was about to scrub
the floor, and died shortly aftorward
from Injuries received.
At tho convention of tho Nebraska
hardwaro men nt Omaha recently, It
was stated that eastern mnil order
houses, through tho medium of tho
parcel post, take business from local
merchants which, In taxes to tho com
munity, Is in excess of $150,000 a year.
More than 150 Norfolk men braved
the worst blizzard of the year to at-,
tend the annual banquet of tho com
mercial club of that placo lust week.
J. It. Cain, Sr president of the
State Bank of Stella, has entered up
on his thirtieth year with that insti
tution, having taken tho position of
cashier on January 1, 1886.
Former Governor George L. Shol
don, now operating a Mississippi
plantation, was in Lincoln for a few
days last wcok renewing old acquaint
ances and visiting around the stato
house with old colleagues of former
Everett Dolzell, sixteen year old son
of former Stato Superintendent J. E.
Dolzell, is dead at Stovcns Point, Wis.,
where Mr. Dolzell is at tho head of
the stato normal school.
Rev. H. C. Young of Tablo Rock was
awarded first prize by the American
Sunday school union at its sessions in
Philadelphia for tho best essay on
Christianity and amusements.
Tho condition of Dr. C. E. Bcssey,
botany professor of the state universi
ty, who suffered an attack of heart
trouble a week ago, has assumed ser
ious aspects and his life is said to bo
banging In the balance.
At tho annual meeting of the Odell
Farmors' Elevator company, held re
cently, n 6 per cent dividend was de
clared by tho stockholders. Fires in
Nebraska during 1914 caused a prop
erty loss of $9,731,557, according to tho
report of State Flro Commissioner
While M. Lucas of Funk was quietly
resting at Excelsior Springs, Mo., and
bathing In tho Invigorating waters of
that health resort, a carload of his
cattlo was stolen, sent to markot at
Omnha, and tho monoy for tho salo
forwarded to hla home bank and
placed to his credit
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxatlvo today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
tako tho timo from play to empty their
bowels, which bocomo clogged up with
wnsto, liver getB sluggish; stomach
Look nt tho tonguo, mother! If coat
ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fov
crlsh, breath bad, restless, doesn't cat
heartily, full of cold or has soro throat
or any othor children's ailment, glvo a
tenspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, bocnuso It la
perfectly linrmlcss, and in a few hours
all thin constipation poison, sour bllo
and formontlng waste will gently
movo out of tho bowels, nnd you hnvo
a well, playful child ngnln. A thor
ough "inside clennsing" Is outlines nil
that is necessary. It should bo tho
first treatment given In nny slckncsa.
Howaro of counterfeit fig syrups
Ask nt tho storo for a GOcent bottlo of
"California Syrup of Figs," which liaa
full directions for babies, children of
all agea nnd for grown-ups plainly
printed on tho bottlo. Adv.
Head of the Navy Evidently Not an
Expert as to tho Odor of
Alcoholic Liquors.
A story la going tho rounds In
Washington about Secretary of tho
Navy Daniels which may or may not
reflect credit on that ofllclal, accord
ing to tbo point of vlow. According
to this story tho secrctnry was ono
morning conferring with nn officer
and In tho mlddlo of his conference
Interrupted tho proceedings to sny:
"This Is tho scconfl morning thnt I
have smelled whisky on your breath,
To which tho ofilcor Is said to havo
replied: "I beg your pardon, Mr. Sec
retary, it was whisky yesterday, but
it la gin this morning."
No nnmo has been nllowcd to leak
out In connection with this story, and
it may bo that thero Is moro fiction
than fact in It. Boston Transcript.
Doesn't Go Very Far.
Redd What do you think of his
now car?
Greene Ob, It's all right as far aa
It goes.
Ita Ambition.
"Wheat Is going up."
"Well, I suppose It's after the
Straw hats shipped abroad from
British factories An 1913 numbered
-nearly 8,000,000, valuo, $3,500,000.
Dry grain, preferably rico, is the
best thing to use to clean the inside of
' ' A., ,T?
What Becomes of the Wheat?
The wheat yield of the United States for 1914 reached the enormous figure of
nearly 900,000,000 bushels.
Yet in spite of the wonderful nutritive value of this grain, much of its value vrifl
be lost as human food. Why?
Because many wheat products (white bread and many so called breakfast foods)
lack the nourishing mineral qualities of the grain found directly under the bran-coat
These vital elements are thrown out with the bran-coat to make the flour white.
More and more, thinking people are waking up to this fact; and are now
obtaining all the grain nourishment by eating
This famous wheat and malted barley food, retains all the nutriment of the gram,
including the rich mineral values so necessary in building brain, nerve and muscle.
Grape-Nuts is all food no waste! It is easily
digested, and with cream or milk affords complete
nourishment, at less cost than any other food.
This, together with its delicious flavour freah-eealed, has made Grape-Nuts
a household svord the world over.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
No rise in price sold by Grocers everywhere.
Maybe Ground-Hog Was Responsible
for His Injuries, but He Had
His Doubts.
"I don't know 'bout tint grotiti'-hnwg
I dtinno," said Unclo 'Knstiio, as ho
wngged his head In a puzzled way.
"Am ho llko a woodchuck?
"Am ho like a 'possum?
"Am ho llko a polecat?
"Am ho llko n b'nr?
"I dunno sah I dunno. All I kin
sny tun tint tie olo woman glvo mo n
dime ono day to go down to do stoh
mid buy her somo snuff. I got Into
u oral) gamo down dar mid lost do
dltno. When I got back homo do olo
woman says to mo:
"Whn'a do snuff, olo man?"
"'Sunthln' happened to dat dlmol'
I snys.
"'You crapped It away, you olo sin
ner!' " 'No, Linda. A groun'-hawg took
arter mo anil run mo for sovon miles
nnd obcr 'lebon fences, nnd wo went so
fnst tint do dime melted In my pocket'
"I snld dat, snh, and when I cum to
I had been kicked nnd pounded and
struck mid dragged around till It wns
fo' weeks befo' I could git outor bed.
Meblio It wns dat groun'-hawg, and
tnebbo not. l'zo got n snetikln' Idea,
but I dunno I dunno!" Pittsburgh
When the Laws Met.
Tho I.uwh sat about tho long green
tablo. Alt tho fundamentals woro
thero savo ono. Even tho decrepit
Snllc Law was piesent, dozing be
tween tho Mosaic. LawB nnd tho Law
of Primogeniture.
Tho chairman, tho Inw of tho
Land, called the meeting to order.
"Aro all present?" ho naked.
It was tho Blue Laws who respond
ed. "I don't eco nothln' of tho Law of
Nations," ho squeaked.
"Tho Law of Nations hnB been
abolished," tho chairman sharply re
plied. "Tho business of tho conven
tion will now proceed."
An Old Contention.
"How did she happen to dccldo that
ho was her bouI mato?"
"Ho was demonstrating a now dance
at her houso and b )ko n costly vaso."
"I don't sco how sho figured that
"Neither do I, but thero Is a groat
deal in tho philosophy of women that
can't bo figured out."
Notice for Yourself.
"Old Mr. Grabbles eayB thero Is
nothing too good for his daughter."
"Ho has a hard Jolt coming to him
somo day."
"What makes you think bo?"
"A girl who is brought up that way
almost Invariably picks out a man to
marry who isn't worth killing."
The truly dignified man is never
ashamed to lay aside hla dignity for
tho purpose of doing his duty as he
sees it
Tho day has passed when wo can
pretend to know things. People want
to bo shown.
I fZr WawMHCllL. Ba9JaiaB''adaALieL7aHa9aBLatw
-aMHjlBSBsNBSBBfi8BjsSaBBl am BSHhaBBBBaSDBjBiTaaaw aSVaaaasih-SBSSk-fSjB.
. r v awM 7Jsr'LIlLtnmjVaiZLlsiiiiW4. .
r'rfi.x siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim mr.Mm w mA& y
ajtvMgVm 'laVT-yasfXa.sjysayyaTTy rMrz-i-ztt T - j i w Jr"iz
Look Years Younger! Try Grandma's)
Recipe of Sage and Sulphur and
Nobody Will Know.
Almost ovcryono knows that Saga
Tea and Sulphur properly compound
ed, brings back tho natural color and
lustro to tho hair whon faded, streaked
or gray; also ends dandruff, itching
scalp nnd stops falling hnlr. Years
ago tho only wny to got this mixture
wns to mnko It at homo, which U
mussy mid troublesome
Nowadays wo simply nsk at any
drug storo for "Wyoth'B Sago and Sul
phur Hnlr Remedy." You will got a
largo bottlo for about 50 conta. Every
body uses this old, famous rcclpo, be
causo no ono can possibly tell that
you darkened your hnlr, an it does it
bo naturally and ovcnly. You dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
ono small strand at a time; by morn
ing tho gray hair disappears, and
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, thick
and glossy and you look years younger.
Advantage of Silencer.
This crash of tho bullet makes the
valuo of tho Maxim sllcncor very little,
so far as military efficiency is con
cerned, In tho wny that tho flcttoa
writer Imagines tho sllonccr td be use
ful, but not to prevent the enemy from
discovering tho position of the men
firing ns many fancy.
Its vnluo Ilea In tho fact that it
ellmluntca fully half of tho recoil of
tho rlllo from tho action of tho gases
In Ita chambers, and It gtvca the offi
cers much bettor control ovor tho fire,
becnuso of tho lessened nolso of the
rifles. It cuts down tho roar of the
Springfield to nbout tho nolso of the
.25-20 mid thus the roar of tho rifle
nt tho firing lino Is much reduced, and
tho commands of the officers can ba
heard. Outing.
Consternation at the Front.
Tho archblBhop of York, in his early
days, did a groat deal of work among
tho uneducated classes, and on ona
occasion n very Ulltorato woman
was godmother to a child at a chris
tening. In tho cour of tho ceremony
sho was asked in tho UBUal way If she
renounced tho devil nnd all hla works,
"Oh, yes, sir," sho replied briskly,
"I recommend them all."
Not Much Acquainted With Him.
"Your hUBband," said tho caller, sym
pathlzlngly, "was -. man of excellent
"Yes," sighed the widow, "he waa
a good mnn. Everybody says ao. I
wasn't much acquainted with him nty
solf. He belonged to six lodge." '
Inquisitive Incubator Chick Say,
do they figure your birthday from the
day you'ro laid or the day you'ra
hatched? Puck.
Somo men are ao lucky that taej
even fall down when nobody ta aren4
to see. St. Joseph Gazette.
j: "'
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