'T'loamlinOTIMMTrTMlBlMMM litoMiril II limirT'"- l"--r-r rwi.,u.. "'" iwm mtiwi'-ri' n5SaMwy SSrLiWwsrorr w.JTif . f " r " " a-Jaa 11 i i ... . r . .s. m -HBg-wJ Jim iiii i in i warem ,iMTWMrlt . ,. ,. a ----- -- - n W1 llwilli !! i - - "- - ZZir. xawmmTwr-T, nn idniTignRnBiHltifHBIHIKlaHBHBIHHiMtaftAM, .. f-iW RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF Public Sale in OF Live Stock and Machinery AND MY r 240 ACRE FARM .Situated 7 lulled nortli and 2 miles west of lied Cloud, anil 0 iiiIIl8 III. west and 1 milt noilli of Conies, on Friday, Feb. 26 At to O'clock A. AT. Sharp Tills is nn A No. 1 funn finely improved; jjood fi room 2-slory house, ood bin n, com ei lb, hop mid ,ot house, kiiihkc, wind mill, cow hlii'd, silo, (-odd oicliiud; fi-nci il and cio.sh fenced; l(j"i ticies undi'ilMyatUinJ.'lini'it's iiirnira; l.-i acioH In wliriit.4 Will sell '4 section with liiiprmeuienth or sepiuutc, or uhnlo tract together. HUMS ON FAR11: SlCOn dim n on day ol" halo lliilance on terms to Mill purchaser at (! per iviit. rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska UBLIBHED KVKKY TIIUHSDAY antcrid In lliu 1'OHtolllre nt Kid (loud, Net), nn Second Clans Matter' II, MuAUTHUU I'tJllMSIIKIl CIIK ONLY DKMOCHATIC I'AI'KH IN WKIISI'i:it COUNTY 28 Head of Live Stock DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSsss: 7 HEAD OF HORSES 2 HEAD OF MULES 2 HEAD OF CATTLE 17 Heed of Hogs FARM MACHINERY, ETC. Lnnch on Groind TERMS OFSAIE-A credit of 10 months time will ho tfiveii on all Minis ourJ0, piiruhimur Hiving note and nnpioved security with interest at 10 per cent. Frank Vavrlcka J. H. Ellinger, Auct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk Superior is jtthllent because of the very jjood prospect of scctirliik' n (,'ood government building in tho near fut ure. TI10 eOininiUce has lepottcd favoiably on the lesoliitloti sotting iipat-t SI 1000.00 for this purpose, mid thoso in uhuifjo of the bill have every assurance that it will go thitt. We congiiitulato our sister city and trust that bin: will have her fondest hopes fully realized, Secretary of Slate Pool and his olliee force lire now worhlLgovertlmngettlin; out 11 report upon the amount of tnves paid Into tho Miitu by vlitue of the corporation tux law. It Is hoped to give a comprehensive showing, that legislation may tie enacted with 11 better knowledge of tho needs and the benefits to be derived. (loorgu W. Trine is fitting up the Liiidsey building and will soon have a full line of shelf and heavy hardware on dcspluy. Mr. Til ne is, well known in this city and community as a Hist class business man and he knows the people's wants Ueud his announce ment advertisement which appears in this issue. Tho Chief extends the glad hand and wishes the new enterpiiso success. What Is tho Bost Remedy For 1 Constipation? -$ Tlihhn, 'iicstion neked ua many times each dny. 'i lie answer 13 Wo guurantco them to bo satisfactory to you. fciolj only by us, 10 cciita. H. E. Grlco Drug Co. When the street work begins in the spiing, which Is not far uwny, wo be lieve that one of the (list things to be done is to properly grade the ground ! around the hitching racks of the city. The horses have stamped Hies so long that thoy have dug holes mound the racks and now when n farmer wishes to lie his team tho horses must stand In water or mud. 11. he has a nice buggy it is soon splattered with 11111(1 TIicmi places should be fixed at the eat liest opportunity. 51 Choice Government Irrigated Farms Now Ready in the Big Horn Basin nl i..UOVL,TeI,,t KXpei'8 ,lf'r nn x'lt!n of soil ami water supply ply have .put their strong approval upon ;,1 farms In tho Shoshone Project near T'ir" -"ov.,u,.nt has p,u S3 per acre In a permane ,t v right for those lands and asks only u return of tho money in so years without ntercst, no payment for 5 years after the .list payment: no drawing! v" can secure 0110 of these forms from 10 to 80 acres, if you act early. In the North Platte Valley of Nebraska another Government Project provides Irrigated homesteads on the same payment plan. O, , ors of e, im proved and new lands at attractive prices and most a.orable tein.s. So". Muff has one of the la.gest beet sugar facto, les In the United Stales. .loin our homeseeker,' excursion 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of any month aud see what these favoied sections otlVr you. J Do you 10 ilie the worth of an irrigated faun which Covoinment Soil Experts class as "choice?" Wilte mo vow inuiuii hon S.B. Howard, ss't. Immigration Agent 1004 Farnnm St., Omaha, Nebraska raKmrnKKK-sc EEETaSEl' PUBLIC SALE I will sell at my farm mile east of Riverton and 2 miles south, iarm cornering at the new river bridge commencing at 10 o'clock a. m on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 The following property to-wit: 85 HEAD OF STOCK 22 Head of Horses and Mules All of good class and condition 40 - Head of Cattle - 40 Cows, Heifers, Steers and 1 Polled Durham Bull 25 HEAD DUROC HOGS Farm Machinery, Household Goods, Chickens, Etc. LUNCH ON GROUND The members of thu Red Cloud High School debuting team will meet in joint debate with the high school of (inide Kock in thi" near futuie. Prom all io ports which we receive the debateis of the high school arc doing very 'credit able work and will given good account oftlieinselvcs iu thu coming debate. This work In school will be of very piactlcal assistance to the pupils when they assuinu the real duties of citizen ship because they will be able to ex piefcH themselves when ever tho oppor tunity presents itself One of the most common sentiments presented by the average adult is that he cannot tell what he knows and he feels this to be a serious limitation. What we learn as children becomes second nature to us in later Hfo and if there is anyone thing the American public needs it Is the ability to express ideas. We trust that the school authorities will make this feature of school life a permanent thing. Report of the Condition -or-riii:- Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Charter No. lOlii. Iiu iriorateil In the t:iU of Ntlirnska, nt thu eloseof IhiiIikss I'ebruari Ii, IUI,j. itiot'iif'i:s: LoatiMittuI Discounts S73.III.0J owriliaftK, Mcuml :uut tniMt-iiieil . .!iViS riiriiltiireniiil rixtuus l.duu.(W ('iirruiw i'!ihsiwiiI taiMn:ilil ,70.' TS Duufiom national unci statu hanks ...fc MUwi.trJ Clieel.siiuit Iteumif i.vliiiimul,j.j.ii I'unuiii'y 'j,8n.oo ' lOltl eoln -jo.OO hllvor. iilckiiisiiiidcuiin ... tiy.co ."5,'.t'l.l.oJ I uial eimli on liaml Total i.i.Miti.inus: I'lipllal Slock palil n Surplus (unit L'ndhMiil irollls Iililf ItHuil deports subject tiielicek .t).y. Tliui-ei itlllmtesutdi posit IU,1I,).!)S Total Heposlls I i iioslioi s' igtiarauty land 5 iia.wjtu r.lKKM)U I.Uill) (HI 13 7H.T.!0.'J I S!)9."i7 Raise Heavy Draft Horses "We shall have very little use for tho small driving horses from now on. The automobile has come to stay and will supeisede hi oi. The Intensive fanning now leipiiied, and that which we shall bo compelled to do In older to deilvo a revenue that will remuner ate the fanner on our highprleed lands, will call for tho heavy draft hoise. It ih the duty of every fanner from now on to niise colts fiom well bred draft stallions in order to mal.e his business piolltuble to meet the gio.it demand for heavy diaft noises tnitt isulienilj heieaud that will con tinually lniMi'Hio for inaiiv veins to come." Daniel Kelly in Onunied Agrlcult in e speech at the Kniveisity I-'aim, TiRHSl-10 months time at 10 per cent over and ubovo S10 on approved security. V. O. KOMJ, Auct. K, T. ttumu 88en, Clark 4f Jv 1 Many Farmers Reached The eipiivalenl of all the men in rural Xebuislta between the ages of St) and 0. attended the ngi icultural meet ings of the agricultural extension ser vice during Mil 1. M' ling to figures shown in thu annual lepott given dur ing Oiganled Agihiiiltural Week at tho L'nivcrslty l'arin. The repot t "uoj iintL id Dinners' institutes, short courses, special demonstration meetings, f.peclal women's clubs meet ings, special junior meetings, county fair exhibitions, and miscellaneous meetings woie held. The number at tending all meetings whs praotically '2J.l,000. Iu the same report it was noted that the poisonul correspondence of the depaituient amounted to '-'0,11: typewritten pages. Over httlf a mil lion circular letters of Information were used, In addition. The number of extension bulletins sent on request amounted to (W,8fiu copies. '''0,il S H3.u5J.so jsiwrr.oi' Ni:iiit.sic., i , County of Wel.sur, ( l,h. K. ri.oiiXMi., eashler of the allow I liaim.il iMiik.duliiiiliy snc.ir that thealioxu htiiteuiLiit iHiirorriit and tt no eopy of the report Hindu to thu Statu llaiiklnu' Hoard, si. It. I'l.UltANCK, vr"sr: (.'ashler. II. I'. Mii:k, Dlrtetor. t'. I. I'ol'K. Illnetor. Subscrlliul aud sworn to htforo mo tills I7th day of IVIiruary 1UI5. (sua i) o. f. Tki:i., Notary l'ulille. In the ounty Court of Webster County Nebraska. .Sl'ATi:OI'NMMItASC., uu Wtltotir County, f ss IN tho matter of tho estate of W'ts&tl WesseN. Sr., ill tensed. Clli:i)l'l()lt!5df Hildestato will take notice, thai tho tliuu llinlud for prescntallon and lllliu- of clnlniB against the Hainu Is August aith A. 1. l',)ir; nnii for the payment of debts Is. Iniiiinry'JU, lUlit, that I will sit at the county uourt room In Mild county on thu Sdili day of Ainiasl 1)15, at 10 o'clock, A. M to rtctlve, uxamlne, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections dul Mini. Hated tills JJtli dny of January, A. I)., 1910 A. 1). iian.i:v, (si.w.) County J udiie. C It. stasxulia, Attorney. In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska. Slatoof Nebraska, oiisier (.ouuty. l.v tho matter of the estnto of I'redrlck Wlttwcr dtccascd. CltniMTOIlS of said estate will tnko notice that tho tlmo llmltid for lirtscutatlon and illltiK of claims tiKnliiHl the saino Is Aiiuiitit !2fith, 1015; mid for tho payment of debts Is January isoth, lull), that I will sit at the county court room In said county on tho IWth daj of AiiKiiht 11115, nt 10 o'clock A. M to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adJuHt all claims aud objtctlons duly llhd. DatiilthNiMtli day ol .laiiuarv A. P., 1UI5. (Seal). A. I). HANNKY, County .Indue. Notice of Final Rt port. ' In tho (utility Court of Websttr county, Ncluaska. In tin matter of the rstnleof Amos (iust, dectasid. All persons lutirisiid In said estate, tire hereby nolllled that the Admlulstiator tins lib d a linn! account and r port of hlsadmlii. Ihtrntlou. and a pclltlon fur Dual suttlunu ul of Ills nc count and u order for the distribut ion of tin pmsonnl t stale In his hands and a dlscliarut! from bis irusi, which haNo Ik en sit for hi arluc lit foresaid court on tho 'iM dny of l'ebrunry, III 15, nt 10 o'clock, A. M , whui all jiersoiih lutiristid In tho nremlsis may appiar and coutist tho same. Dated tliln:M day of l-'ebrunry, IU15. SKAI. A. D. ItANNUV, County JudKC. F I R E SHOES AND HOSE FOR ALL THE FAMILY ONLY COME (NTO OUR STORE AND SLCP YOUR FEET INTO A PAIR OF OUR SHOES. THEY WILL LOOK SO WELL. AND FEEL SO GOOD. AND THE PRICE WILL BE SO LOW THAT YOU WILL BUY THEM. THEY Wl,L GlUE YOU SUCH LONG WEAR THAT YOU WILL COME TO US THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU NEED SHOES. OUR HOSIERY WILL PLEASE YOU. TOO. THE MINER BROS. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" Red Cloud, Nebraska New Hardware yrai Mr. Geo. Trine wishes to announce to the public that on February 27, 1915 He will open a cash hardware store in the Lindsey building. He will carry a full and up-to-date stock of hardware, stoves, etc., at prices that are right. Your patronage will be ap preciated and every effort made to serve your interests. Quality in Every Line W Irine i If You Are Nervous and ore losing weight, wo recommend that you take- itvxoiBIL Jpvoii WgSSSSm Emulsion for a short time. Apmortatfoowhjcb H. E. Gric Drug Co, , THE ALARM is a dremtrul thing Of FIRE for tho man without insurance. Every time ho sees the engines racing aloiitf his heart comes up In his throat if tho fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy, THK COBT OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alono is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. & i ""Wrm r Rttlmbl lhUth60. I Don't Wait To Be To Attend the . . United Church Asked! Sunday, February 21st MORNING SUBJECT: "Is It Ever Right To Lie" EVENING SUBJECT: "Miracle, Fact or Fiction" Don't Stsy at Home! Come! United Church l. beebe, '' l8tDrWMti:. t. F. Hall Pastor tST RidTh OU.I ."nd Kmp PMttd on Church N.tt.r. ''''' A kf A i .. f I X 3. CS- - i-i'.".-ft.'l"1ii,.J, il. . ; x Ji." "tc-rfi. muk-.nsMitji. - ica;"jiry?Miraa)ujfit'iuMfi.jtf-yty'-'