H))flM)MMM4MNM&9Mf i RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF i. T-r.-- - ir-- f ' ' ' " - - , "f - , - J 1 10 CHANGE CAPITAL f Hi CARRANZA WANTS TO MOVE MEX- ICAN CAPITAL TO VERA CRUZ. AUSTRIA SHORT OF WHEAT War Bread In Austria Compoiea Chiefly of Flour Substitutes Government Establishing Labor Bureaus. Wr torn NctvHpnpcr Union News Horvlcp, Washington. Efforts of General Vcnustlano Carrniizu to cstnhllHli Vera "Cruz ns tho cnpltnl of iMcxIco City nnd compol tho diplomatic corps in Mexico City to go there worn discussed by nlllclnlu nnd foreign diplomats horo ns ono of tho gravest developments of tho Mexican situation. President Wil son conferred at length with Acting Secretary Lansing of tho stato depart ment nnd It was understood that tho American government would point out to Cnrranzn its displeasure over tho Inconvenlenco to the diplomatic corps in Mexico City. Already n movement lfl in progress for tho withdrawal of all legations recommended to the liomo government by sonic of tho dip lomats In Mexico City. Establishing Labor Bureaus. Lincoln, Neb. Labor burcnun at every postofllco, tho plan favored by tho Industrial relations committee now conducting nn Investigation In Now York, nro already n reality. Post master nrown, here, has received ad vnnco notlco of tho now federal labor bureau which is being installed throughout tho country, together with tbo printed matter necessary to stnrt tho division bureau in Its work. Every postodlcc in tho country will hecomo a branch employment bureau nnd every postmnster nnd rural mall carrier nn employment agent according to tho provisions of tho now ruling which went into effect recently. AUSTRIA 8H0RT OF WHEAT. Bread Now Being Sold Composed Largely of Substitutes. Venice. An olllclal decrco issued in Tricsto raises tho prlco of a two pound lonf of bread from 14 to 10 ccntB. Tho grain markets of Austria aro snld to bo In a dosporato condi tion. Tho wnr bread thnt is being Bold is composed largely of substi tutes for flour. Pcoplo or Vienna aro complaining of tho constantly Increas ing prlco of meat. Hogs aro said to be almost unobtainable. To Hold Camp of Instruction. Lincoln, Nob. Officers of tho medi cal corps of tho Nebraska nntlonal fiuard will get a frco trip with pay to Tort Robinson, Wyo., this summer, if Adjutant General Hall nccopts tho proposition mado to him by tho war department. Tho department plans to hold a camp or Instruction for nil mod leal officers, both commissioned nnd non-commlssloncd, at tho Wyoming fort Juno 7 to 12. Officers or eight western states aro oliglblo to attend this particular camp, Nebraska, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota and Kansas being In. cludod. Air Battles for State Fair. Kansas City. Arrangements have, ooen mado to stago an aeroplnno bnt-j tie and exhibition or bomb dropping. like that of tho prosent European war t the 1915 state fair at Lincoln tho week or Soptembor 6 to 11. Repre sentatives or state ralrs or tho middlo west, in conforenco In Knnsas City last week, mado arrangements for tho ex hibition. Tho shnm battles in tho air Will bo staged as instructive foaturcs. Dropped Bombs on the Germans. Potrograd. Russian aviators on February 2 successfully dropped bombs on tho mobilized reserves nnd trains of tho Germans nt Itawa. Ear secso and Doguszyce, about fifty miles outhwost of Warsaw, according to nn official announcement Just mado nub lie. Wheat Highest In Fifty Years. London. Wheat is bringing GO shil lings per quarter on tho London mar ket, tho highost prlco in upwards or half a century. Home for Orphaned Children. Rome Pope Denodlct has turned over for tho uso or children, mado orphans in tho recent earthquake tho palaco of Castol GandoUo, thirteen miles southeast or Romo, on Lako Al fcano. Tho rcrugo will be undor tho patronage or Qucon Helena. Fewer Marriages Under Eugenic Law. Madison, Wis. During 1914, tho first year or tho operation of tho eugenic xnnrrlago law, 4,000 fewer marriages wcro roportod to tho Wisconsin board Of health than in 1913. Ask Quarantine Against Iowa. Lincoln. Nob. Quarantino on Iowa llvo stock may bo sot up by tho No brnskn suto llvo stock snnitnry board. Thnt end Is sought In n petition filed with tbo board by mombors or tho llvo stock association or this stnto. Rumania Buying Ammunition. Romo. Tho Rumanian government has placed orderB In Italy for a largo qunntlty of ammunition, dolivory to bo rondo during April. This wnr material is ordered with the consent or tbo Ita lian government BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA lJox Dutto county will have a farm demonstrator. Unlvorslty chartor day exercises will bo held February 16. An effort Is being mado to reopen tho Paddock hotel nt Deatrtcc. Lincoln bakers havo udvanccd the prlco of bread to six cents a loaf. Tho national hotel association will meet In Lincoln, February 8 and 9. An athletic club has been organized it Johnson with a big membership. A fair association has boon organ ized by tho business men of Lyons. Sunday baseball will ho voted upon in Oinulin nt tho coming spring elec tion. TJio unlvorslty will begin tho manu facture of artificial ice for its own use, Bhortly. A movo Is on foot .for tho erection of a $."0,000 high school building ut Seward. ' A wet nnd dry fight will probably bo waged at tho spring election in Fremont. A big union rovlvnl of the dlfferont churches at DUler has Just come to a successful close. J. L. Willis won the state chockor championship nt tho tournament held at Hastings last week. Edft-nrd Bachlcr is dead ns a result of Injuries received in a fall on an icy walk at Nebraska City. Andrew Engstrom of Genoa was burned to death when he set his bed on flro whljo smoking a pipe. Over 200 guests wero present nt tho eighth anniversary celebration of tho Hastings Woman's club last week. University Place churches will be gin a union revival next week that will probably continue for a couple of weeks. Banks and schools at Fairfield closed during tho funeral ceremonies of Josoph Poahcck, tho murdered bank cashier. Dan Fowlers, near Stapleton, was nttacked by n cow nnd badly used up, hnvlng his shouldor and several ribs broken. Nearly $35,000 for n now Methodist church at Hastings was pledged In a two hours' service held thero a few days ago. Joo Davison of Beatrice was se verely burned about the face and hands whllo engaged In testing a gaso line engine. A revival, tho longest ever held there, hns Just ceased at Falls City, and over COO conversions resulted therefrom. Dr. Mario Moro or Wisner sustained a fractured skull when she slipped and fell on a walk at Fremont. Sho will recover. Thirty cars or horses wcro shipped rrom Grand Island on a special train destined ror governments In tho war zono or Europo. Almost $1,200 has been subscribed by rarmors and business men or Box Butte county to retain tho services of a farm demonstrator. Tho stato historical society will hold a spoclal exhibit at Hebron, Fobruary 19 nnd 20, under tho auspices of tho D. A. R. nt that place. Ray Lilly, near Harrison, was in stantly killed by tho accidental dis chargo or n, shotgun that ho and a brother wero handling. A woir hunt In tho vicinity or Te cum8ch resulted In tho death or three wolves. One or them led its chnsers a run or over eight mllos. Tho olovntor or tho Hastings Ele vator company, that was destroyed by flro last week, will bo rebuilt at once, according to present plans, Mrs. N. M. Troup or Kearney was soverely scalded by tho explosion or tho kitchen rnngo as sho was thawing out tho rrozen water pipes. Donald Sponco, a 16-year-old Beat rice lad, is making good in writing moving picture plays, having produced fourteon sceuarlos In tho past year. Tho timely discovery of a flro In the waste chute of tho now school build Ing at University Plnco saved tho structure from destruction. Its origin has not beon accounted for. Harry Watklns was severely In jured when his auto collided with n buggy, tho tonguo of which crashed through tho wind shield nnd Btruck him. The Suffrngo Mosscngor is a now monthly papor Just launched by fol lowers of, that party. It will bo man aged by Mrs. Viola Hnrrlson of Lin coln. Walter Foltz or Grafton met two psoudo promoters at Omaha who Bold him an option on tho now Fontenolle hotol for $45, nnd ho is now trying to locate them to closo tho deal. Tho Bcvcro storm of last week forced a postponement of tho agricultural short course nt Ansloy, although speakors from the university farm succeeded in reaohing tho placo on time. A special rarmors' Instltuto for tho Indians or Thurston county was held recontly under tho auspices or tho .Thurston county farm management association and tho extension service or tho collogo or agriculture. Tho speeches of tho lecturers were In torproted to the Indians and aro ro portod to havo boon enthusiastically received. Burglars entered tho storo or Bone bright & Bunto nt Cortisol and car riod away goods vnluod at $1,200. Final arrangements for tho con struction of tho Carneglo library build ing at Collego View havo beon com plotcd nnd tho contract wll soon bo lot. Frank Harrison brought back to Lincoln from his Contrnl American trip over 7,000 feet of moving plcturo films. Ho will present a numhor of thorn, togotber with the movies or the editorial camp mooting at Lincoln last summer, at tho editorial convention at Omab. , WAR SIDELIGHTS DECLINE TO GIVE UP FIGHT THOUSANDS ALONG MEUSE RIVER FACE FAMINE. Friends of Immigration Bill Will Try Again Federal Officers Raid Alleged Opium Joint. Western Newspaper Union News Service, Namur, Belgium. Thousands of women, children and aged men in thoso'portlous of northern Franco ly ing nlong tho Mouse river, which aro occupied by tho Germans, are facing starvation, with no hopo of relief ex cepting the rood that the American commission of roller In Belgium is Bending south from Namur. Carts drawn by horses supplied by the Ger man nrmy nro being used for tho transportation of food through tho mountains to somo sections. Sedan Monthernio, Nouzon, Charleville, Mo horn, Mczlercs. and scores of other vil lages are absolutely without food, ex cepting the rations that tho German soldiers share with tho civilians. Raid Alleged Opium Joint. Lincoln, Neb. Charged with tha manufacture of opium, n violation or tho federal customs nnd revenue law, Harry J. Crnwrord. Ray Turner nnd Pete Nellls, three Lincoln men, wero nrrosted and brought before United States Commissioner Whitmoro. Tho trio waived preliminary henrlng nnd wero bound over to the federnl grand Jury. Crawford furnished bond In tho sum of $1,000, while Turner nnd Nellls gave bond In tho sum of $300 each for their appearance- boforo tho grand Jury at tho May term. DECLINE TO GIVE UP FIGHT. Friends of Immigration Bill WIN Try Again Next Year. Washington. Although defeated In their nttempts in tho houso to repass the Immigration bill over President Wilson's veto becauso of tho restric tive literacy tost provision, champi ons of the measure declare Hjat tho fight for tho proposed legislation will bo renewed In tho next congress. Tho fight to override tho executive disap proval was lost by tho narrow mar gin of five votes, n two-thirds voto bo ing necessary. Tho voto was 2G1 to override to 136 against. Unicngo. III. Tho biggest dlvidenti over dcclnrod by a Chicago corpora tion was paid out to tho common stock holders of Sears. Roebuck & Co. by tho directors or the mall order houso nt n special mcotlng. They declared a Btock dividend of 50 per cent donblo tho nmount which La Salle street had ex pected. It calls for tho Issuanco of $20,000,000 new common stock abso lutoly free. Lincoln, Neb Floyd Soybolt. re reiver of tho derunct First National bank or Superior, who filed suit In federal court to recover $46,57C92 from tho First Stato Savings bnnk or Supe rior. It is alleged that this sum repre sents tho nmount transferred by tho directors of tho dofunct bank to tho havings Institution after It was known by ltho directors thnt tho Flr3t Na tional was Insolvent. Will Can All the Pigs. Amsterdam. Tho Berlin Tngoblatt says that tho German government In tends to buy up pigs to tho valuo or $50,000,000 to bo killed and canned In order to save rodder useful for mili tary and other purposes. Boxing Is Legalized. Olyrnpln, Wash. Tho senate has passed Senator William Wray's bill legalizing ten-round boxing bouts un der supervision of a state uthletlc com mission, by u voto of 32 to IS. Plotting Against United States. Brownsvlllo, Tex. Uaslllo Ramos, a Mexican, was arrested by officers of tho department or Justlco and Is hold on n charge of plotting ngnlnst tho United States in inciting nn expedition among sevoral races who nro exten sively represented in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Federal olllcors Bay that tho man under arrest was in teresting Moxicnns, Japaneso and other allons in tho tnovemont, tho de tails of which were not mado public. EFFORT TO REPASS IMMIGRATION BILL FAILS. Nebraska Institutions Inclined to Favor Chicago as Reserve Dls- trlct Canada Taking I No Chances.1 Western Newspaper Union New Service. Washington. An attempt to pass tho Immigration bill, prescribing a lit eracy test for the admission of aliens over President Wilson's voto failed in tho house Thursday, the affirmative vote lacking five of tho necessary two thirds. Of 399 members present, 261 voted to override the veto, 136 voted to sustain the president, and two an swered "present." The final test camo at the close of a day of dobato In which party lines temporarily wero obliterat ed. Majority Leader Underwood mudo a vigorous speech criticising the president's reasons for vetoing tho bill nnd urging tho houso to override ox ecutlve disapproval. Canada Taking No Chances. Ottawa, Ont. Tho dynamiting or thb International bridge over the St. Croix river at Vanceboro, Me., has led the authorities to tnko extra precautions to prevent uny possible attack on tho Canadian parliamentary building at tho opening or tho sessions of tho legislative body. The bridge incident has suggested to officials that somo partisan of n nation hostile to Great Brifain might tako advantngo or the presence of tho duko of Connaught, governor of Cannda, and attempt some thing unpleasant In the Canadian senate chamber. BANKS ASK FOR TRANSFER. Nebraska Institutions Favor Chicago to Kansas City. Washington. Appearing for protest ing banks in Nebraska nnd Wyoming, F. A. Brogan or Omaha presented ar gument to tho federal reservo board against tho Inclusion of Nebraska In tho Kansas City reservd district. Ho charged Kansas City with Belflsh In terests. Furthermore, ho said that tho currency law in providing that tho customs business should deter mine the boundary lines of tho vari ous reserve districts was mandatory, and that Nebraska ought therefore to bo put Into tho Chicago district. Mr.i Brogan said ho was not trying to get a reserve bank In Lincoln or Omnha. but moroly to chango tho Nebraska banks Into tho Chicago district In order that tho ordinary business cus toms of bankers In the stato need not be abandoned. Women Ask Clemency for Roberts. North Platto, Neb. Just boforo court closed n motion for a new trial was filed by Attorney James Keefe on behalf of Roy Roberts. At tho meeting or tho Twentieth Century club the matter or Roberts' sentence wnB tukon beforo ubout forty women. They drafted a resolution to the effect that Inasmuch as society had permit ted Roberts to grow up in sin it was in a great extent responsible for his crimes nnd thnt it now owed it to him to lntcrcedo in his behalf. Tornadic Storms In Texas. Dallas, Tex. Eastorn Texas and parts of Arkansas and Oklahoma Buf fered Sunday from a severo wind storm, which in many localities as sumed the nature or a tornado. No ono was soveroly injured. College Asks $100,000. Atchison, Kan. Midland collego here has asked for $100,000 as an en dowment fund nnd tho Kansas-Nebraska Lutheran synod has endorsed the njnn authorizing tho Bollcltatlonuot funds in Its congregations. Italian Peasants Go to Germany. Venice, Italy. Many Italian peas ants, both men and women, nro going to Germany to ongago in farm and fac tory work, in rosponso to offers of un usually high wages. For tho men 6,6 marks ($1.62) n day is promised nnd I for tho women threo marks (76c). Italian newspapers nro warning tho peasants ugnlnst accepting this cm ployment, In vlow of the uncertainty In rognrd to Italy's foreign policy, but apparently many unemployed persons are willing to assume tho risk involved. SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM GOVERNOR GOVERNOR ASKS FOR APPRO PRIATION TO COVER DEFICIT Shortage Not Actual, But Caused by Failure to Make the Various Funds Interchangeable Western New.pnpcr Union New .Service A message from Governor Morehead lsklng an emergency appropriation to cover deficits In various funds of stato Institutions, was read in the house Thursday morning. Tho messago made It clear that the deficit was not an actual one. but wns created by reason of tho refusal of the stnto treasurer to make tho various funds Interchangeable. The net sur- H. L. COOPER Now serving as Deputy Secretary of State, iu wnicn position ne was appointed by his former newspaper partner, Mr. Chas. i ' . ."." "u " eiecxea 10 mat oiflce last fall. Mr. Cooper was connected with the news paper business In Tecumseh for almost a third of a century, and It Is said of him that he has not an enemy In the county. He Is well qualified for his new duties and will make a popular officer. The man agement of the Journal-Tribune has been assumed by Mr. E. G. Howard. plus in other funds exceeds the deficit by some $2G,000. This wjll nil lapse back into the state treasury. The amount of the emergency ap propriation asked for Is $77,054. The net surplus In other Hinds is $103,020. of which $11.7-19 is in tho salary funds and $91,271 in tho maintenance funds of tho Various institutions. Tho seeming deficits are In certain funds In eight different institutions us follows: Soldiers' and sailors home nt Burkett. $25,700; girls' home nt Ge neva, $5,720; Inglesido insnno nsylum, $8,415; boys' homo at Kearney, $5, 720; orthopedic hospital. $6,392; peni tentiary, $17.C40; industrial school at Mllford, $2 944; school for deaf at Omaha, $946; home for dependent children at Lincoln. $2,730. State Treasurer Stands Pat. State Treasurer George K. Hall ab solutely declines to ho a party to tho transfer of monoy from tho legisla tive appropriation for wages of em ployes at the penitentiary to tho main tenance fund of tho penitentiary. An opinion written by tho attorney general's department last year, signed by Deputy Attorney General Georgo W. Ayres, and approved by Attorney General Martin, says tho desired transfer of funds cannot bo mado un dor tho constitution. Attorney Gen eral W.lllls E. Reed has given nn oral opinion holding that tho transfer of funds can legally bo mado. State TreaBuror Hall will not admit that ho is following an opinion of a republican attorney general and dls regarding a contrary opinion by a democratic attorney general. "I am following tho conatltutlon.nl though I am a democrat," ho Bald. ir a measuro boforo tho legislature, requiring publication of tho nssoss ment rolls of taxpayers becomes a law. tho tax dodger will havo somo hard sledding, nnd it is hoped by its pro motor to greatly augment tho ex chequer of the cou-ty treasurers over tho state. Tho measure has beon tried out In other states, and to a limited ex ,tent In somo of tho counties In Ne braska, nnd is snld to havo proven a pronounced success. Frank M. Coffey Appointed Governor Morehead has appointed Frnnk F. Coffey or Lincoln to tho labor commlsslonershlp. Mr. Coffey Is a well known union labor man nnd for several years past has been identi fied with printing trades. Ho was a member of tho workmen compensa tion commission created by tho 1911 legislature. Ho will take olllco at onco. Ho succeeds C. W. Pool, who was' elected secretary of state, and who resigned upon taking chargo of that office The last day for their Introduction In the senato brought forth eighty-six bills, making a total of 29C presented at this session. Lieutenant Govornor Pearson announced at tho closo of tho flood or bills that tho total numbdr introduced in tho senato two years ago wns 459. Tho bills Introduced at this sosslon covor almost every con- .celvablo subject from a constitutional amendment authorizing the governor to appoint all stato ofllcora to n bill directed against a tencher trust, nnd Including a bill to put sideboards on the Platte river and thuB narrow tbo 'channel and reclaim land. jq tHsv lff sT J mLx 'iy g llllfl ssHsJHsIs BBBBBBKBvi 'iBKsB9LwisH I SWBTB&StfeaHWBMBwsSfeSCTBl THIS WOMAN'S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Bridgeton.N.J.- thousand times "I want to thank yoa for tho wonderful F good Lydia E. Fink ham's Vogotablo Compound has dons for mo. I suffered very much from a femalo trouble, r had bearing down pnins, was irregular and at times could hardly walk acrosa tho room. I was unablo to do my housowork or attend to my baby I was so weak. Lydia E. rjnkham'a Vegetablo Compound did mo a world of good, and now I am strong nnd healthy, can do my work nnd tend my baby. I ndviso all suffering women to tako it and get well ns I did. "-Mr?. FANNIE COOPER, H.F.D., Bridgeton, N.J. Lydia E. Pinkhnm'o Vegetablo Com pound, mado, from nativo roots and herbs, contains no nnrcotic or harmful drugs, nnd to-day holds tho record of being tho most successful remedy for femnlo ills wo know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in tho I'inkhnm laboratory at Lynn, Mass., Bcem to prove this fact For thirty years it has been tho stand ard remedy for femalo ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments ns displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc If you want special adrico vrlto to Lydia E. I'inkliam Med icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will bo opened rend and answered by a wotuam and hold in strict confidence. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely out gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure indigestion, improve the complexion, biighten the eyes SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature A First Offender. Bach of two little Uoston girls has a black-and-tnn terrier dog. It was not long before tho two dogs fought, and it required tho efforts of a man to sepa rate them. Bach little girl was disposed to blamo tho other's llttlo dog for start ing tho trouble, and ono of them said: "I don't care, your dog is a sneak ing Httlo thing, anyhow!" "Well, so Is your dog," was the reply. "And this tlmo It snookod tlrst, too!" IS VM Look, Mother! If tongue it coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children love this "fruit laxaUve, and nothing else cleanses tho tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply ,wlll not stop playing to empty tho bowels, and the result is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, Btomach sours, then your llttlo ono becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breaUi la bad, system full of cold, has Boro throat.,. Btomach-acho or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See if tonguo Is coated, then, give a teaspoonful or ''Calirornla Syrup or Figs," nnd In a row hours all tho constipated waste, sour bile and undigested rood passes out or tho sys tem, and you havo a well child again. Millions or mothers glvo "California Syrup of Figs" becauso it Is perfectly harmless; children love it, and It nev er falls to act on tho Btomach, liver and bowels. Ask at tho store for a CO-ccnt bottla of "Calirornla Syrup or Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on tho bottlo. Adv. A Press Agent. Mask-Who is that follow coming out of your rooifl with a suit? Wig That's my press agent For the treatment of rohla, pore throat, etc., De.in's Mcntholntctl Cotmh Drops give euro relief Dc ut all nood Uniuiyata. , Every tlmo a man looks Into a mir ror ho imagines ho sees tho reflection of a hero. Anyono could writo pootry wero It not necessary to mnko It rhymo. CLfVMA Granulated Eyelids, WM Eyes inllamed by expo-u- v sure to Sun, Dust and Win Bm. .. quIcklyrelievedbyMurhn wLjf V3 EyeRemedy.NoSmartinb', just Eye Comfort At Yonr Druggist's SOc per Bottle. Nurlse Era SilvcInTubes25c.ForBookllbeEyeFreaak Druggists or Muriac Eye Reaedy Co., CUuf lW. if'L.,1 t "JUll- rBs lijflB v.w 'mR m m .BZBB - .mnnDTTDC MSffmm bbitti r JokBKW pills. w JAr-'V ' " " - - cT ; &Uc&?&zg U FFVFRSH Sid i -B . .ly ffttfg.' tmmmwiUrJ(tSXttt:-n. .' 1 'XattlTPKVHSXZXS "-. A.B-J-