The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 11, 1915, Image 2

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The Last Shot
(Copyrixlit. 1914, by
At tliolr homo on the frontier bolwrpn
the IlrnwitH anil (fraVH Mnrta Oallaml atul
her mntlirr, cntcrtutnliif; folonol Wi-hUt-llnR
of (lui tlruyH, aco Captain I.nriHtmn
of thn Ilrowim InJuriMl by a fall In IiIh
aeroplane Trn yrnrH latur.. WrHtrrllni;,
nominal vlro but real rlilof "f Muff, rc-en-forrci
Houtli I.n Tlr timl iiindltiitra on wnr.
Ho culln nn 'Mnrta, wlin In vlHltlriK In tl
Hray capital, film Iclh liltn of brr trnrh
Inff children (be fnlllrn of war and mar
llnl putrlotlfliu, and Iicbh ldm to prevent
wnr whlln bo In chief of Mnff. On tbo
mnrcb with the MI of tbo Hrowns I'rl.
vnto Htrnnsky, anarchlHt, In placed under
.ToM. Colonel I.nnntron licus lilm off.
ifinMtrnii ,ntla .... fnvln .if lm linftin Xn
lnlln with Keller, tbo nnrdoner. Mnrtu
tclln I.rtnutrnn thnt hIio hellovi-H Feller to
bo a spy. IitiKtron cnnfPHnes It In trtin.
i.rmMrnn rIiouh Mnrta a telephone, which
roller ban concealed In a necrct pitHsntfc
under tbo towor for two to benefit the
Brown In war emergencies. t.nnstrnn tlo
rlares hli lovo for Marlu. WcMcrllnif and
tbo Oray premier plan to ubo ti trivial In
Irrnatlonnl affair to foment warlike, pa
Irlotlpin In army and peoplo and strlbo bp
foro declaring wnr I'artow. Drown rlilof
of staff, and I,un.ition, mnde vlro, iIIkciim
the trouble, nnd the Drown ilefennes. i'ar
tow rr. von Is lil.i pbitiH to T.ntiHtron. Tbo
Oray nrtnv cnmsoH the border line nnd at
tacks. Tbo OrowiiH cberk them. Arlll
lory. Infantry, aernplnncH nnd dirigible
nK(ro. Rtrninky. rlnlnu to tnnko the
HnnrciilHt Rpeeeb of bis life, draws tbo
flray artillery fire. Nicked hv a shrapnel
pllnter be koph Her.erk and flcbtB "all
man." Mnrta has her flint Klltnpin of
war In Its modern, rold. scientific, mur
derous brtitnllty. Tbo Drowns fall back
to tbo flnllnnd bouse. Htranikv fornces.
Marta sees a night attack. Tbo flray
attack In fnrro. Keller leaven bis secret
telephone and goes hack to hit Kims.
Hand to hand flcrlit Int-r. Tbo Tlrowna fall
hack nnln, Mnrta asks Ianstron over
tbo phono to nppeal to I'artow to stop
ho flslitlnir. Vandalism In tbo Onlland
Thon n stuff-officer nppcarcd In tho
doorway. When lio saw a woman en
ter tho room ho frownod. Ho had rid
den from tho town, which wan empty
of women, a fact that ho regarded aa
a blcstilng. If bIio had been a maid
iorvant ho would havo kept on his
cap. Seeing that bIio was not, ho re
moved It nnd found himself In want of
words ns their eyes met after sho had
mado n gesture to tho broken glass
on -ho floor nnd tho lacerated tablo
top, which said too plainly:
"Do you ndmlro your work?"
Tho fact that ho was well groomed
and freshly shaven did not In any wlso
dleslpato In her femlnlno mind his
connection with UiIh destruction. Ho
hod never seen anything like tho smile
which wont with tho gesture Her
eyes woro two continuing and chal
lenging flames. Her chin was hold
high and steady, nnd tho pallor of ex
haustion, with tho blackness of her
hair and eycB, mado her atrangoly
commanding. Ho undorBtood that she
was not waiting for him to speak, but
to go.
"I did not know that thero was a
woman here!" ho said.
"And 1 did not know that olllcers of
the Grays woro accustomed to enter
prlvnto houses without Invitations!"
(ho replied.
"This Is a llttlo different," ho began.
Sho Interrupted him.
"But tho law of tho drays Is that
homes should bo loft undisturbed, Isn't
It? At least, it Is tho law of civiliza
tion. I bollovo you profesB, too, to pro
tect property, do you not?"
"Why, yes!" ho agreed. Ho wished
that ho could got a llttlo reaplto from
tho steady ilro of her eyes. It wob em
barrassing nnd as confusing ns tho
whlto light of nn lmpractlcublo logic.
"In that case, pleaso placo a guard
around our houso leet sonio more of
your soldlera get out of control," alio
went on.
I can do that, yes," ho said. "Hut
wo aro to tnnko this n staff headquar
ters and must start at onco to put tho
houso In readiness."
"General Westorllng's beadquar
teraT" sho inquired.
Ho parried tho question with a
frown. Staff-ofllcora never glvo infor
nation. They rccelvo information and
transmit orders.
"I know General Westerllng. You
will toll him that my mother, Mrs. Gal
land, and our maid and myself aro
very tired from tho ontcrtalnmont ho
baa glvon us, unasked, and wo need
loop to-night. So you will leavo us
until morning and that door, sir. Is tho
duo out into tho grounds."
Tho staff-ofllcor bowed and went out
by thut door, glad to gut away from
Marta'a eyes. Hto Inspection of the
promises with a view to plans for stuff
accommodation could wait. Wester
llng would uot be hero for two days
at least.
"Whow! What energy sho has!" ho
thought. "I never had anybody make
mo feol so contemptibly unllko a gen
tleman In my life."
.Yet Marta, returning to tho hall, had
to steady herself in a dizzy moment
against tho wall. Complete reaction
had como. Sho craved Bloop us it It
woro tho ono truo, real thing In tho
world. She craved sleep for the clarity
of mind that comes with tho morning
light. In tho haziness of lloecy thought,
as slumber drew its soft clouds
around her, hor last conscious visions
were tho pleasant ones rising freo of
a background of honor; of Feller's
irallo when ho went back to his auto
matic for good; of Dollarmo'a Binilo as
rwas dylug; of Stranskys smllo as
Minna gave him hopq; und of Hugo's
face us he uttered his ilute-llko cry of
protest la ucr ears wcro tho haunt
Charles Scribner's Sons)
ing calmness nnd contained forco of
Lnnstron's voice over tho tclcpbono.
Sho was pleased to think that sho had
not lost her temper In hor talk with
the fittiff-olllcer. No, sho had nut flared
onco in Indignation. It was as If she
had absorbed nomo of Lnnny's own
self-control. Lnnny would npprovo of
her In that sceno with an officer of tho
Grays. And sho realized that a change
had como over her a chango Inex
plicable and tolling nnd sho was
tired oh, so tlrcdl It had been ex
hnusllng work, Indeed, for ono woman,
though sho had been around tho world,
making wnr on two armies.
Tho general staffofllcer of tho Grays,
who had tasted Mnrta's temper on his
first call, when ho returned tho next
morning did not enter unannounced.
Ho rniiK tho door-bull.
"I havo a messago for you from Gen
eral Westerllng," ho mild to her. "Tho
general expresses his tlcop regret nt
tho unavoldablo dnmago to your houso
and grounds nnd has directed that
everything posslblo bo dono Immedi
ately In tho wny of repairs."
In proof of this tho officer cnlled at
tention to n group of service-corps
men who were removing tho fiand-bnga
from tho first terraco. Others wcro
at work In tho gnrden setting uprooted
plnnts back Into tho earth.
"Ills Excellency eayB," continued
tho ofllcor, "that, nlthough tho houso
1b so admirably suited for staff pur
poses, wo will find another if you do
sire." Ho was too pollto nnd too consld
orato In ills nttltudo for Marta not to
meet him In tho nmo spirit.
"Thnt Is what wo should naturally
prefer," nnd Murta bowed hor head In
"We should havo to begin Installing
the telegraph nnd telephone servlco on
tho lower floor nt onco," ho remarked.
"In fnct, all arrangements must bo
mado beforo tho general's arrival."
"Ho hus been a guest hero before,"
sho said rcmlnlscently and dctachedly.
Hor head dropped lower, in appar
ent dlsregnrd of his presence as eho
took counsel with herself. Sho was
perfectly still, without oven tho move
ment of an eye-lnsh. Other considera
tions than nny ho might Buggest. ho
BUbtly understood, held her attention.
They were tho criterion by which bIio
would ut length assent or dissent, and
nothing could hurry tho Marta of to
day, who yesterday had been a
crcaturo of feverish ImpuUe.
It seemed a long time that he was
watching thnt wonderful profllo under
tho very black hair, soft with tho soft
ness of flesh, yet llrmly carvod. Sho
lifted her head gradually, her eyes
sweeping past tho spot whero Dol
larmo had lain dying, whoro Poller
had manned tho automatic, whero
StraiiHky had thrown Pllzor over tho
parapet. Ho saw tho glance nrrested
und focuased o tho flag of tho Grays,
which was floating from a staff on tho
outHklrta of tho town, and Blowly,
glowingly, tho light rippling on Its
folds wuh reflected iu her face.
"Sho 1b for us! Sho Is a Gray!" ho
thought triumphantly. Tho woman
and tho Hag! Tbo mattor-of-fnet staff
olllccr telt the tin 111 of seiitlment.
"I think wo enn nrrnn'go It," Mnrta
announced with a raro smllo of assont.
"Thon 111 go back to town and set
tho slgnalcorpa men to work," ho
"And when you como you will find
tho houso nt your disposal," sho as
sured him.
Except that he wbb raising his enp
Instead of saluting, ho was conscious
of withdrawing with tbo doforenco duo
to u superior.
In placo of tho smile, nftor ho had
Bono, enmo a frown and a look In her
eyes as if at something revolting;
thon tho Btnllo returned, to bo suc
ceeded by tho frown, which was fol
lowed by an Indeterminate shaking of
tho bond.
Tea on the Veranda Again.
It was more Irritating than over for
Mrs. Galland to keep paco with her
daughter's inconsistencies. Hero was
Marta saying coolly:
'"Unto Caesar tho things that nro
Caesar's!' Wo havo our property, our
homo to protect. Perhaps tho Graya
havo como to stay for good, so
graclousnoss Is our only weapon. Wo
cannot fight a wholo army single
handed." "You havo found that out, Marta?"
said Mrs. Galland.
"Wo havo four rooms In tho baron's
tower and a kitchen stovo," Marta pro
ceeded. "With Minna wo can make
ourselves very comfortable and leavo
tho houso to tho etnff."
"Tho Gallanda In their gnrdonor'a
quarters! Tho staff of tt Grays in
ours! Your fnthor will turn In his
grnvo!" Mrs. Galland exclnlmod.
"But, mothor, It Is Hot qulto agrco
ablo to think of threo women living
In tho samo Iioubo with a scoro of
strnngo men!" Marta persisted.
"I had not thought of that, Marta.
Of course, It would bo abominable!"
agreed Mrs. Galland, promptly capitu
lating whero a point of propriety was
When Mnrta informed tho ofllccr
tho snmo ono who had rung tho door
boll on bin second visit of thoinmlly'a
decision ho nppenred shocked "nt the
idea of ovlctlon that was Implied. Hut,
secretly pleased at tho turn of event?,
ho hastened to apologize for Vur's
brutnl necessities, nnd Marta'a com
plaisance led him to consider hlmstlf
Bomothlng of a diplomatist. Yea, more
than cvor ho wna convinced of the
wisdom of nn Invader ringing door
bells. Meanwhile, tho service-corps men
had continued their work until now
thero was no vestlgo of war In tho
grounds that labor could obliterate;
and masotifl had como to repair the
wnlls of tho houso itself and plasterers
to renew tho broken ceilings.
All this Mnrta regarded In a kind
of charmed wonder that an invader
could bo so considerate. Her manner
with tho ofllcors In chargo of prepara
tions had tho simplicity and easo
which a woman of twonty-seven, who
la not old-mnldluu becnuso sho Is not
nfrald of a slnglo future, may employ
ua a surone hostess. Sho frequently
asked If thero wero good news.
Yes," was tho uniform reply. An
unexpected setback hero or resistance
thero, but progress, novertholcfls. But
sho lenrned, too, that tho first two
days' fighting along tho frontier had
cost tho Grays fifty thousand casual
ties. "In order to make nn omelet you
must break egga!" alio remarked.
"Spoken Ilko a truo soldier llko a
member of tho staff!" was tho reply.
In her .constraint nnd detachment
they realized her conscious apprecia
tion of tho fact that In earlier tlmea
her peoplo had been for tho Browns;
but In hor flashes of Interest In tho
progress of tno war, flashes from a
woman's unmllltnry mind, they Judged
that her heart was with tho Grays. And
why not? Was it .not natural that n
woman with moro than hor share of
Intellectual perception should be on
tho right sido? From her associations
It was not to bo expected thnt sho
would mako an outright declaration of
apostasy. This would destroy tho valuo
and tho attractiveness of hor conver
sion. Itovorenco for tho past, for a
father who had fought for tho Browne,
against hor own convictions, mado her
attltudo appear singularly and deli
cately correct.
Tho war was a. week old a week
which had developed other tangents
and traps than La Tlr on tho morn
ing that tho first installment of Junior
officers ctuno to occupy tho tables and
desks. Whero tho family portraits had
hung In tho dining-room woro now big
mnps dotted with brown and gray
ilags. l'ortnblo Held cabinets with
sectional maps on a largo ecale wero
arranged around tho walls of the drawing-room.
In what had been tho loung-Ing-room
of tho old days of Galland
prosperity, tho refrain of half a dozen
telegraph Instruments mado medley
with tho clicking of typewriters. Cooka
nnd helpers wero busy in tho kitchen;
for tho stnff wero to live llko gentle
men; they woro to havo their morning
baths, their comfortable beds, and
"Just Like Old Days, Isn't It?"
regular meals. No twlngo of Indiges
tion or of rhoumatlsm from exposuro
waa to intorfcro with tho working of
their preclouB Intellectual processes.
No detail of assistanco would bo lack
ing to snvo any bureaucratic head tlmo
and labor. The bedrooms wero appor
tioned according to rank that of the
master awaited the master; tho beat
servant's bedroom awaited Francois,
his valet.
When Bouchard, tho chief of Intelli
gence, who fought tho battle of wits
nnd splos against Lnnstron, came, two
hours beforo Westerllng was due, the
last of tho staff except Westerllng and
his personal aldo had arrived. Bouch
ard, with his Iron-gray hair, bushy eye
brows, strong, aqulllno nose, and
huwk-llUe eyes, his mouth hidden by
a bristly rouBtacho, was lean and Bat-
urnlne, and ho was loyal. No Jealous
thought entered his mind at having to
servo a man younger than himself,
Ho did uot servo n personality; ho
served a chief of staff and a profes
sion. Tho Bcoro of words which es
caped him as ho looked over tho ar
rangements woro nil of directing crltl
clem nnd bitten off sharply, as If ho
regretted thnt ho had to wasto breath
la communicating vn a thought.
"I tell nothing, but you tell mo
everything!" said Bouchard's hawk
eyes. Ho waa old-fashioned; he looked
his part, which was ono of tho many
polnlB of difference between him nnd
Lnnstron ns a chief of Intelligence.
It lacked ono mlnuto to four when
Hedworth Westerllng, chief of ntuff in
namo as well as power now, alighted
from tho gray automobile thnt turned
In nt tho Galland drive. HIb Excel
lenoy had not occupied hlo new head
quarters na soon ns ho expected, but
this could havo no Influcnco on results.
If ho had lost fifty thousand men on
tho first two dnys and two hundred
thousand slnco tho wnr had begun,
should ho allow this to disturb hla
well-being of body or mind? HIb well
being of body nnd mind meant tho ulti
mate saving of lives.
Confldenco wna reflected In Wester
ling's bearing and In IiIb smllo of com
mand as ho passed through tho staff
rooms, Turcas and Bouchard In his
train, with tnclt npprovnl of tho ar
rangements. Finally, Turcas, now vice
chief of staff, and the othor chiefs
awaited his pleusuro In tho library,
which was to bo his sanctum. On tho
massive sevonteenth-centurv desk lav
a number of reports nnd auggestlons.
Westerllng ran through them with nc
customed swiftness of sifting nnd thon
turned to his personal aide.
"Tell Francois that I will havo tea
on tho vernndn."
From tho fact that he took with him
tho papors thnt ho had laid aside, Bub
ordlnato generals, with tho gift of tin
Bpoken directions which is n part of
their profession, understood thnt he
meant to go over tho subjects requir
ing special nttentlon while ho hud tea.
"Everything is going well well!"
ho ndded.
"Well!" ran tho unspoken communi
cation of confldenco through th'o staff.
So well that Ills Excelloncy wns
calmly taking ten on tho veranda! For
tho Indefatigable Turcas tho detail;
for Westerllng tho front of Jovo.
Ho had told Marta only two weeks
ngo that ho should see her again If
war came; and war had como. With
tho Inviting prospect of a fow holiday
moments in which to contlnuo tho in
terview thnt had been abruptly con
cluded In a hotel recoptlon-room, ho
started down tho terraco steps. Abovo
tho second terraco ho saw a crown of
woman's hair hair of Jet abundanco,
shading a faco that brought familiar
completeness to tho scene. Their
glances met whero tho path ended
nt tho 'second terraco flight; hers shot
with n beam of restrained nnd ques
tioning good humor that spoko at
least n truco to tho invader.
"You called sooner than I expected,"
she said in a noto of equivocal pleas
antry. "Or I," ho rejoined with a shade of
triumph, tho politest of triumph. Ho
was a step nbovo her, her head on a
level with tho pocket of hla blouse.
His squnro shoulders, commanding
height, nnd military ercctnesa wero
thus emphasized, ns was her own femi
nine slightness.
"I want to thank you," sho said. "As
becomea n soldier, your forethought
was expressed In action. It was the
promptness of tho men you sent to
look after tho garden which saved tho
uprooted plants beforo thoy wero past
"I wished it for your sake and some
what for my own sako to bo tho Bamo
that It was in tho dayB when I used
to call," ho said graciously. "Tea waa
from four to five, do you remember?
Will you Join mo? I havo Just ordered
A generous, pleasant conqueror,
this! No ono know better than Wester
llng how to bo ono when ho chose. Ho
was something of an actor. Lcadore
of men of his typo usually aro.
"Why, yes. Very gladly!" sho as
sented with no unduo cordiality nnd
no unduo constraint, qulto as If thoro
wore no war.
Neutrality could not bo better Im
personated, ho thought, than In tho
even clenvlng of her lips over tho
words. Thoy seemed to say that a
storm hnd como and gone and a new
set of masters hnd taken tho placo of
tho old. As they approached tho
veranda Francois waa placing tho tea
"Just llko tho old days, Isn't It?" ho
exclaimed with his first sip, convinced
that tho officers' commissary supplied
excellent tea In tho field.
"Yes, for tho moment If wo forget
tho war!" eho replied, and looked
away, preoccupied, toward tho land
scape. It we forget tho war! Sho bore on
tho words rather grimly. Tho chango
that ho had noted between tho Marta
of tho hotel reception-room nnd tho
Mnrta of tho moment wns not alto
gether tho work of ten years. It had
developed slnco sho was in tho capi
tal. In theso threo weeks war had
been brought to her door. Sho hnd
been undor heavy flro. Yet this sub
ject of tho war wns the ono which he,
as an Invader, considered himself
bound to avoid.
"Wo do forgot It at ten, don't wo?"
ho asked.
"At least we need not speak ot It!"
sho replied,
"I am staying tonight. I wnB going
to ask if you wouldn't remain on tho
vornnda whilo I go over theso pa
pers. It It would bo very cozy and
"Why, yos," sho agreed with evident
Turcas came, In answer to Wester
llng'a ring. Tho orders and sugges
tions on tho tnblo 'seemed to bo tho
product of this lath of a man, the vlco
chief, but a lath of steel, not wood,
who appeared a runner trained for a
raco ot Intellects in tho scratch class,
Ono by ono, almost perfunctorily,
Westerllng gavo his assent as ho
passed the papers to Turcas) while
Turcao's dry voice, coming rrom -jc-tween
a narrow opening of tho thin
lips, gavo his reasons with a rapid
flrcr'n precision In answer to his
chief's Inquiries.
With each order somewhere along
that frontier somo unit of n great or
gnnlsnt would respond. Tho reserves
from this position would bo trans
ferred to thnt; such a position would
bo felt out before dark by a reconnols
snnco In force, however costly; tho
rnpld-flrcrs of tho 19th Division would
bo transferred to tho 20th; despite tho
37th Brlgnde'a losses, It would still
form tho advance; General Sound-So
would bo Buperscded after his fnlluro
of yesterday; Colonel So-and-So would
take his placo as acting major-general;
moro care muBt bo exercised In recom
mendations for bronzo crosses, lest
their valuo so depreciate that ofllcors
and men would lack Incentive to win
Marta wus having a look behind tho
sccncB at the fountalnhead of great
events. Power! power! Tho abso
lute power of tho soldier In tho saddle,
with premier and government nnd allf
tho Institutions of peace only a dim'
background for the processes of war!
Opposite her was a man who could
mako and unmake not only generals
but oven tho destinies of peoples. By
every sign ho enjoyed his power for
Its own sako. Thero must bo a chief
of tho five millions, which wero ns a
moving forest of destruction, nnd hero
wns tho chief, his strength reflected
In tho strong muscles of his short
neck as ho turned his head to listen
to Turcas. Marta recalled tho con
trast between Westerllng nnd Lnn
stron as they faced each other after
tho wreck of tho aeroplnuo ten years
ago; the Iron Invincibility of tho
elder's sturdy, mature (lguro and tho
nlert, hlgh-Btrung Invincibility of tho
slighter llguro of tho younger man.
Ho had taken up a paper thought
fully after Turcas withdrew, when ho
looked up to Marta in answer to a
movement In her chair. Sho had bent
forward In a ikjso that freed her flguro
from tho chalr-bnck In nn outline of
suppleness and firmness; her lips wero
parted, showing a faint line of tho
whlto of her teeth, nnd he caught her
gazing nt him in a kind ot wondering
ndmirntlon. But bIio dropped her eye
lids Instuutly nnd said deliberately,
less to him than to herself:
"You havo tho gift!"
No tea-table flattery that, ho know;
only the reflection of a fact whoso ex
istence had been borno in on her by
"Tho gift? How?" ho inquired,
speaking to tho fringo of hair that
half hid her lowered face.
Sho looked up, smiling brightly.
"You don't know what gift! Not
the pianist's! Not tho poet's! Why,
of course, tho supreme gift of com
mand! Tho thing that made you chief
of staff! And the war goes well for
you, doesn't It?"
Delicious morsel, this, to a connois
seur in compliments! He tasted it
with the same self-satisfied smllo that
ho had her first prophecy. To her
who had then voiced a secret ho had
shared with no ono, ns his chest
swelled with a full breath, he bared
anothor In tho delight ot tho Impres
sion ho had made on her.
"Yes, as you foresaw as I planned ! "
ho said. "Yes, I planned nil, stop by
step, till I was chlaf of staff and ready.
I convinced tho premier that It was
tlmo to strlko and I choso the hour to
strike; for Bodlnpoo wns only a con
venient excuso for tho Inst of all the
Of Much Worth If Only to Create the
Useful Romance of
Chivalry served to draw out and de
velop those freo, bold spirits whose
talents could not havo beon evoked by
tho disputations of tho schoolmen nor
tho mortifications of tho religious zeal
ots, says the Engineering Magazine. It
created a romance of action to match
the saint's moral paradise and evoked
poetry and the arts to celebrate Its
charms. Tho lovo of tho beautiful
whlrh It begot caused a hospitable ro
ceptlon to bo given in Europe to tho
reftnementa brought from tho East by
tho returning crusaders, which caused
tho first slight stirring of International
Tho enthusiasm which tho many
sided Ideal of chivalry evoked with
Its galaxy ot virtues, may bo seen, In
lltcraturo, In the unfolding of the
themes ot tho slmplo Aryan folk talea,
and tho proso romances of tho twelfth
and thirteenth centuries, into tho sen
suous beauty of Provencal poetry and
the delicacy and pathos ot Plutarch
and Danto. Cblvulry embolllBhed with
romance tho lives of lta half-legendary
foundera, Charlemagne, Siegfried and
Arthur. It supplied tho conception of
virtue sung in Chaucer's Pgrlmnge,
Malory's "Morto D'Arthur" and Spon
sor's "Faorlo Queone." In tho world
of action chivalry animated the cru
sades, dispensed Justice throughout
Europo for 400 years, purified court
life and mado much of tho warfare ot
tho mlddlo ages peculiarly humane and
noblo. Its enthusiasm burnod Into
brilliancy In such characters as Rich
ard and Blondel, tho Black Princo and
his fnther, Tnncrcd, Godfrey of Bouil
lon, Gaston do Folx, Bayard and War
wick, and In a thousand torgotton com
manders of tho Templars, tho Knlghta
of St. John and tho Teutonic Knights.
Speed of Run of Stream.
A stream runs most rapidly ono
flfth of tho depth below tho surface
and Us nverago spood Is that of the
nurrnnt twn-flfthn nt tha Hanih i.n...
the bottom I
51'! ONE OF THE,
Although Canada's real start iu na
tionnl development us pointed out bj
tho Buffalo Commercial, enmo alow
ly and late, ns compared with that ol
tho United States, It Is now well un
der wny, nnd very soon thero will be
n marvelous expansion in agriculture,
mining and manufacturing.
Tho paper abovo mentioned says
that "heretofore tho development ol
Canada, llko that of the United States,
has been westward, but unllko this
country, tho Dominion has a great
territory to tho North, which has been
regarded as nil but uninhabitable, but
In which recent research has proven
thoro aro possibilities of develop
ment almost Inconceivable." Aftor,
mnklng complimentary rcforonco to
the resources of tho country tributary
to tho Hudson Bay, which will bo
opened up when tho railroad now un
dor construction la completed, tho
Commercial further Bays "thero aro
those living today who will boo our
neighbor on tho north a great and
powerful nation, nnd a not Insignifi
cant Industrial and commercial rival
of the United Stntes. Tho war may
retard, but It cannot destroy, Canada's
future. And in this expansion no ono
will mcro heartily rcjolco than the
people of tho United States, occauso
tho prosperity of tho Domlniou Is
bound to liictense our own."
Herein is tho spirit that dominates
tho Dominion Government when it
extends an Invitation to Americans to
assist In developing the resources thut
Cnnnda possesses, whether thoy be
mineral, forest, Industrial, commercial
or agriculture. Both countries will
benefit and tho United States will bo
a gainer by having as a nolghbor a
country whoso resources nro aa great
and varied aa aro those of Canada.
In comparing tho United States
nlong with other nations of tho world
In producing nnd importing food
stuffs, tho Agricultural Outlook pub
lished by tho United States depart
ment of ngrlculturo says:
Tho United Stntca In recent years
has been as largo an importer ot food
stuffs na exporter; therefore sho can
not bo classed as a surplua producer
of foodstuffs. This Is contrary to pop
ular Impression. It Is truo that si")
Is an exporter of certain articles, out
sho Is an equally largo lmnoitcr of
other articles. In this classification
tea and coffeo aro Included with food
Btuffs. In edlblo grains tho produc
tion is 23 per cent moro than the
amount retained; tho production of
meats Is six per cent more that
Is, exports of meat equal six per cent
ot that rotalncd in tho United States
for consumption; tho production ot
dairy products is 20 per cent mors
than consumed; tho production ot
poultry Is Just about equal to con
sumption; of vegetables, one per cent
An Investigation into tho produc
tion, imports and exports of food prod
ucts of various countries Indicates
that England produces about S3 per
cent of her food requirements, and
Imports (net) about 47 per cent; Bel
glum produces G7 per cent, and Im
ports 43 percont; Germany produces
88 per cent,and Imports 12 por cont;
Franco produces 92 per cent, and Im
ports eight per cent; Austria-Hungary
produces 08 per cent, and Imports two
per cent; Russia produces 110 per
cent of her requirements, and exports
nn equivalent of about 10 per cent;
Canada produces 23 per cent moro
than eho consumes; Argentina pro
duces 48 per cent moro than she con
sumes; tho United States produces
practically no moro than sho con
sumes (1. o. cxporta and imports ot
foodstuffs almost balance).
With this Information beforo the
reader, It is not a difficult matter to
direct attention to the fact that Can
ada stands In a pre-eminent position
In tho matter of grain and cattlo pro
duction, and with a largo territory
yet unoccupied she will always main
tain It. Advertisement
AttltUda of thfl Believer
RVAr. '
I feol that goodnesB, nnd truth, knd
righteousness are realities, eternal
realities, and thnt they ennnot be ab
stractions, or vapors floating 1. a spir
itual atmosphere, but that they neces
sarily Imply a living, personal will, a
good, loving, righteous God, In whose
hands wo are perfectly safe, and who
1b guiding us by unfailing wisdom.
Thomas Ersklno.
Under Most Conditions If You Use
Cutlcura. Trial Free.
The Soap to cleanso nnd purify, the
Ointment to sootho and heal. Nothing
better or moro effective at nny price
than theso fragrant supercrcamy emol
lients.. A ono-nlght treatment will test
thorn In tho severest forms of red,
rough, chapped and soro hands.
Samplo each freo by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere Adv.
Knew the Ropes.
Bacon You can depend on him.
Egbert Aro you suro?
"Oh. positively. Ho knows nil thq
"How do you know?"
"Bocause ho worked for a long tlmq
In ono of thoso fnctorles whero thoy
mako cheap cigars."
A wlso woman refuses to ask her
husband to acoompany hor to church
If ho tallu in his sleop.