The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 04, 1915, Image 8
1 : &sill: j&tttw, .3 & W tf frf Ji5taitt!iOtetni,,rt - .U&jLyJUSWU ,,,. V ,- AfcKSi;' ,r a.Mv J." ,... fc, JfaU, tk , ?. j iA-V .4-, ( . eSJl - i EBB 0LOVB, SIBftif, ! m ' im IMU l 1 20 SALE 20 1 8 Diseoant Discount 8 SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE To clean up everything in Winter Goods, I will i. . r tin l rr il. . give a aiscounc or su per cem oir on inu A following goods: Underwear Outings Outing Night Dresses Wool Hose Blankets Fleeced Goods Hoods Caps Yarns Outing Petticoats Knit Petticoats Sweaters Mittens It will pay you to anticipate your wants on the above goods. i Mrs. Barbara Phares New Line ol Spring Laces and Embroideries Just Received lll.illl! Mllil ll! ulillilull! ,.i Horses and Mares nuniGU n fits?- ggm f!PH WILL BE AT RED CLOUD, NEBR. Saturday, Feb. 6th Must be halter broken and in fair flesh, from 4 years old and up. Don't have to be war horses. Will buy any useful horse. Will buy small horses and mares, 4 years old and up. if halter broken. Win. Kirkpatrick ."IVi ' ', . ' j r ', ,'151 HENRY COOK, M. D. pi: W.n: in DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES c lia ,. d 1 ODH PflWEHTS-. Are Made Right Well Lettered And Carefully Erected Reasonable COME IN AND mKK OVEHIflG BROS. & GO. 69S9 The Legislative Grind For a new member Representative W. A. SmithofHeomer Is making good. Ah chairman an the committee on Privileges and Elections tlio heavy part of the contest of Kolloy vs Fulta, for the Furnas county honors, fell up on his shoulder. With a democrat nmjorlty on his committee and a demo eraot it a.or'ty n tho house, ho had it w tliln his power to unseat Mr. Fults and put In Platform" Kelley. Mr Smith Is ii very modest country bunk er hut he has ti future In politics if he eludes to follow tho pastime. Norton's bill for a constitutional convention passed the lower blanch of the Icgislatmc '.vlthout serious opposi tion. Two years ago u similar i evolu tion met an untimely death. Oppon ems argued Mint I lie ooti-tl iillou was as iinitlleialilt' as the laws of the Medes anil IVrslaii.s ami u limn uas branded a i evolutionist uhosnggestetl anything of tho sort. Hut this session the mens lire was presented in a ditl'eient form. Instead of tearing Kebraskn's Mngiu Charta to tatters and erecting a now foundation for our statutes tho bill pi opuses to submit cuch f rojwed now suction of the constitution separately to the electing. In that way thedeslr able changes can be acted upon favor ably at the polls while unpopular sect ions may be discarded. House Roll No 1, tho Norton bill, is well on Its way in tho senate. It is whispeied that it will have harder sledding there than In the house, which is recognized as being more favorable to progressive leglslatkn. H.ulcer of Franklin, Cronin of O'Neill and Tibbets of Hustings are members of tho house who are active newspaper men. llenty Richmond of Omaha and liroome of Alliance have been mem bers of the fraternity recently and may be depended upon to defend the dignity of the press upon every occa sion. There is no active publisher in the senate, aside from Secretary Will rath, but Senators Heal and Quiuby have won their spurs as editors and they have retained all of their sympa thies for tho country publishers. If the governor had called out the militia Thmsday, Soutli Omaha and Reason and the other suburban towns around Omaha might havo been an nexed to Lincoln. A tremendous crowd of suburbanites camo down to present a petition in boots to the leg islature against a bill that seeks to add all ot the little towns to the city of Omaha The committee having the bill in charge gave the guests a public hearing end strong arguments wei.e made for and against annexation. It is generally thought that if the bill passes the senate it will be given clear sailing in the house and "Greater Omaha" will bo un actuality rather than a droam. Representative Lanigan of Greeley county has introduced a bill in con formity with the suggestion in GoverJ nor Morehead's message providing for a constitutional amendment that, if passed, will elect future members of tho state supremo court by congres sional districts. There is also a bill peudine to provide for tho election of a supreme court commission. Those who have investigated the condition of the docket claim that there are no prospects for t e prcscut court to clean it up inside of three years if no new cases arc filed. In the appoint ment of Androw Morrlssey for chief justice the theory of young men for hard work has been practiced. A government irilguliou attorney has cited an instance no longer ago thuu last summer of a judge who was dis inclined to work because of his age and ill health and while he waited to render a decision in a enntioversy fiom the western part of the state the farmers along a certain ditch lost their crops from dry weather. A salary of neatly four bundled dollars per mouth ought to secure to the state men ot vigor and judicial ability. l)r IlolVmeistor, the Chase county statesman, pulled oil' a successful stunt Friday afternoon just befotc ad journment, lie wants a railroad com pany to oither fish or cut bait, i. e to use a right of way or to forfeit It after a certain time. He got word that the compauios interested wero preparing a circular letter directed against House Roll No. 7 aud he mauaged to put on enough steam to get the bill passed la the lower house twenty minutes beforo tho railroad letters were distributed to the members. The two bill providing for appropri ations for the payment of salaries of merabors and employees and for inci dental expenses of the legislature were made into laws Thursday in time for warrants to be issued by the audi tor the next day. It was the first pay day of this session. The second pay occurs this week. Tho bousebooker llgures that the expenses for employes for the first month will amount to but little more than one third of what it did for the same time two years ago, If this same ratio ooutluues the legis lature will save ut least f 10,000 for the session as against that ot 1013. There are now thirty people on the pay roll as against the posblblo thirty three who may bo used in case it is neoes sary. The benute is doing nearly as well, but a higher limit is permitted there. A Real Farm Bargain 9 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD FARM HOME 5 As I am desirous of moving to the coast, wish to sell my farm 1-2 miles west of Inavale. This is one of the best 80 acre farms in the Republican valley. 20 acres first bottom, 60 acres second bottom land, all in a high state of cultivation. Improvements consist of a good 9 room two story house a good 14x14 wash house; good barn, with hay mow, room for 10 head of horses 2 good buggy sheds, corn crib, hen house, a good cement supply tank piped to carry water to barn, wash house and house. A good orchard with all kinds of fruit trees. Terms to Suit Purchaser INQUIRE OF J. fl. Ellinoef - Geo. jttatkins Red Cloud, Nebr. Inavale, Nebr. LE II.. Strong "Pull" and Drawing Power in All of Our Printing H OT ALL advertising matter is consigned to the waste basket. Some of it finds a place in the files of the receinmni nr nn hie desk or his table. The printing upon which one can depend to win this dis tinction is of the out-of-the-ordinary class, the well-designed and well-executed example of the printing art. Every business man desires that his printing should have what is known as "pulling" power; that is, it should accomplish its intended mission, namely, to set forth the value of goods and secure orders for those goods. The printing we do is of the kind that win the coveted place at the elbow of the prospective customer. Try us. Wc Make a Specialty of Printing Neat and Attractive Balo Bills The Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud, Nebraska L1 1 J Who's Most Guilty? Now comes a speculator on the Chicago board of trade and says that the farmers are responsible for the present high price of wheat and its food products because they are holding their grain. Shame on the farmers. Who would have thought they could be so mean? Undoubtedly grain specu lators have the notion that theirs is the saored right to hold grain for higher prices That Is their llttlo game and they don't wish to have any one else intrude on tills, their self-appointed, special privilege. Tho charge that farmers have combined to boost tho price of wheat is a jolte, of course. Individuals who can afford to do so may bo holding their wheat for better prices. If So, wo can't think of any one who has a greater right to do this than the man who grew the grain. Certainly ho could do this with more justice than the trader who buys grain merely to sipuoc.o someone else. Ne braska Farm Journal. In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska. STATU OK NHIIHAHKA, I Webster County, f " In tho mattor of tho estato of Wessc Wesscls, Sr., deceased. CItKDITOHS of said estato will tako notice, that tho time limited for presentation and tiling of claims against tho same Is August Mth A. I). 1915; and for tho payment of debts Is Janunry IS), law, that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on tho 28th day of August 1015. at to o'clock, A. M to recelvo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly Hied. Dated this JUIh day of January, A. 1)., 191C. A. 1). ItANNMV, SK-U-) County Judge. C. It. httnenka, Attorney. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second Houi North o! I. O. O. F. Hall Graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Pheie lnd.212 In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska. Statu ot Nebraska, l ... Webster County. ( In tho mutter of tho estate of I'redrlek Wltlwir deceiihcd. L'UKDITOIlSof wild estato will tako notice that the tlmo limited for presentation and tiling of claims aguliist tho sanio Is August aitli, 11)10; ami for tho payment of debts Is January :10th, lum, that I will sit m tho county court room In said county on tho. loth day of August 11)15, at io o'clock A. M to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all cuunis ana objections duly filed uaica tins sotii day of January A. I)., loin. (Seal). A. I). HANNKV, County Judge. WelHtor County, Nebraska; thenco north to Notice of Final Report. In tho County Court of Webster county, Nebraska. In tho matter of tho estate ot Amos Oust, deceased. All persons Interested In said estate, aro horoby notified that tho Administrator has filed a final account ami report ot his admin, lstratlon, and a potltton (or ilnal settlement ol his account and nn order (or tho distribut ion ol tho personal estate in his hauds and a dtschargo from his trust, which havo boon sot (or hearing beforo said court on the 23d day ot Kebruary, 1915, at 10 o'clock, A. M when all persons Interested In tho premises may appear and contest tho saino. Dated this 3d day ot Kebruary, 1015. tlKAI. A. I). ItANNKY, County Judge. COL. R. C. PETERS General Auctioneer Will Guarantee Competent Service. Aek Thoee Who Have Had Him Cry Their Sale Write or Wire For Dates Guide'Rock, - Nebr. DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Vetoririary College m TWELVK YEAIIS KXI-KRIKNCE AT BAILEY'S TIE' BAKN R ed Cloud -x- Nebraska IEGAL NOTICE. In The District Court of Webster County. Nebraska. Lucy M. Stonebrcakcr, l'lalutlir, Samuel C. Shuck, I-1.loA. Sharshel, J. W.Sharshel, her husband, llrst naiuo un. known, Ulysses!!. Martin, Nelllo Martin, his w He, Oscar C. Teel, David 1. Mctnlnch, Cora A. Mclnlnch, his wife, OrauM. Hedge, and KloreiKo II. Hi dge, his wife. William A. Kent amlAddlu Kent his wife. Defendants. The nbove-naiucd noii-resldenl defendants, I.UloA.hharNhel.J. W. SharMiel, her litis band, whosullrsfnaiuels unknown, Ulyssis (i. .Martin, and Nellie Martin, his wlfo, will take notku that on the 'Jnd day of January 11)15, l.uey M Stonthnakcr, plalntlir herein, moaner petition In the District Cnnrt J.f iir !.... ..... ..... . . ' "" ",u ""lowing described premises'. to-wlt: Commencing '"to feel north of tho south cast corner of tho south west quarter of tho south east quarter of section 33, In town 3 ". ui range ii, west, of tho nth V. M. In Webster County, Nebraska, against said ,e fendanis, the objtct and prayer of which :Jro to foreclose a certain mortgage executed ,y the defendant Samuel C Shuck to tho plali- tho north east corncrof thoimrih u-at ,...,f er o( tho south east quarter of section, town - north ol range 11, west; running wost 380 (cot; thenco south a distance equal to tho cast lino ot said land In question; thenco cast 380 (cot to tho point o( departure; containing 3 1-2 acres moroor less, mi the north west quart crol tho south cast quarter of section 35, town 2, north of range 11, west o( tho 6th V M. in Webster County, Nebraska, (now known as lotsil to 30 In Shuok'siSub-Divlston of Annex 1 to Hod cloud) to secure tho pay inent ol a certain promissory noto dated March 9, 1908 for tho sum ot 11500.00 and duo and payable March U, 1910; thatthorols now ?.li!LUAKm 8a,d noto nna 'uorteago tho sum ot 11388.53 tor which sum with Interest from this date plalntlir prays for a decree; that defend, ants bo required to pay tho snmo or that said promlsos may bo sold to satisfy tho amount fouud due. You aro required to answer said petition oa or boforo tho '.'ad day of Kebruary, 1915. Dated January a, 1010. I.UCV M, SrONEHUKAKKIt, !' Hcrnard McNeny, Ilcr Attorney,, Coats and Suits at yt Price for Cash, Miner llros. Co. A few Hull Wyandotte coclrerols for sale at 81 each. Inquire of Mrs. G. W. Trine. , A TT r r l M - V, - nNN '