nt i- -xwr"fww6r, "? -w. V f V h BILL TO PROTECT NEWSPAPERMEN ASK THAT LEGAL NOTICES PAID FOR PROMPTLY DE FOR STATE JTOTING PUNT Appropriation of One Hundred Thou- sand Dollars Requested for the Establishment of State Prlntery WoaUtii Newspaper Union News Service Newspaper publishers In the logl la t tiro propose to sco to it that alt legal notices shall bo paid for promptly Instead of tho publisher being com pelled to wait several months for his money and, in so mo cases, falling to get it all. The plun for bringing this about Is novel. It leaves no loophole whereby a needy publisher, anxious to get any kind of business, might consent to await the prompt payment and thus bo deprived of tho advantage which tho proposed law would glvo him. When- V !&' $& -;& & Xll gjfc-v 'v$. JOHN H. MOCKETT, JR. Representative from Lancaster county, one of the republican leaders In Nebraska legislature. evor a legal publication has been made this bill provides that the owner of iho newspaper, or someone in its em ploy, must swear to an affidavit con taining Uils clauso: "Publication feo has been paid to the publisher of newspaper in which sucb publication was made." A penalty of $25 fine is specified in lease any publisher makes a false am davit State Printing Plant Bill Ono hundrod thousand riollarn is ths amount of an appropriation for the ' V iWJT : tVZ JV. i; establishment of a state printing plant, sho associates. As a Nazarlto, Samson proposed in a bill introduced by Rep , was dedicated unto God, must not al resontatlvo Bates. This measuro ere low a razor to touch his head, was not atcs a Btate printing commission con sisting of tho governor, secretary of tato and tho stato printing commis sioner appointed by the governor. It empowers tho commission to act with tho board of control in purchasing a lto and erecting bulldlngB thereon, as near as possible to tho capltol building in Lincoln. Tho appropriation is divided as fol lows: Grounds and buildings, $20,000; equipment, $45,000; printing and building material, $10,000; labor, 920,000; salary of stato printer for one year, $2,000; Incidentals, $3,000. It Is figured by the introducer that the stato plant, ft established, will not be ready for operation during the first year ot the biennlum, and for that jreason only ono year's salary is pro vided for the state printer. Free labor will be employed. v Judge John J. Sullivan of Omaha, formerly judge of the supreme court kf Nobraska, has declined to accept appointment to tho honorable position pf chlof justlco ot tho court of which pe was onco a member. This Infor mation caused doop regret at the 'office of Governor Morehcad. Justice ifiulMran was tho first choice of tho Itovornor to fill a vacancy caused by (the death of Chief Justlco Conrad tlollonbeck, who died two weeks after e was inducted into offlco. Dodge of Douglas has presented a measuro which provides that in print Ins;, posting or distributing political advertisements either for tho elec tion or defeat of any candidate or any constitutional amendment the pamo of tho chairman and secretary ior two officers of tho organization Issuing tho asmo or the voters who are responsible therefor with their names and addresses and the name pf the printer shall be attached. Failure raakos penalty of fine or Im prisonment or both. Chief Game Warden Oust Ituten cck, in his annual report to tho gov ernor, rqfommends that a law be passed prohibiting tho carrying of firearms by all unnaturalized foreign born persons and also that a bill bo pnsscd allowing nil moneys derived from tho salo ot hunting and fishing tpormlts to bo used for tho protection ,and propagation of game and fish. Tho present law allows tho employ ment of thrco deputy gamo wardens i. a .uninil sittvVit mnnttia In y lift jk .hu.;.h. r .. . INIEMONAL. stMsrsaiooi . Lesson (Uy 13. O. HLLLUItS, Acting Director of Suniluy School Courso Moody lllblo In stitute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR JANUARY 31 THE BIRTH OF SAMSON. LUSSON TKXT-JtKlKcs 13:8-16, 21-25. ClOLDHN Ti:XT-Itewnrc. I pray tlieo. and drlnlt no ulno nor strung drink. Judge 13:4. Tho story of Samson bulks largo in Iho book of Judges and in tho Interest und imagination of nil men over since ais day. This being tho only lesson in t, soven years' course wo suggest, in outline, Samson's cnttro life. I. Samson's Parents. Clod chooses a humblo man and woman, folk of piety nnd prayer, to bring forth and rent this great deliverer. Tho angel's most Improbablo promiso (13:3) is accepted by Mnnonh and his wlfo (13:6, 7). They express a deslro to bo nblo to measuro up to tho responsibility a suggestion to parents. There Is nlBO a hint of tho dual responsibility of par ents In tho words, "teach us," (Sco Eph. 6:4; Jos. l:G-7.) It was reason able to bcllcvo that tho one who brought tho promiso could also tell thorn how to train nnd nurturo tho child. God honored tho mother's pray-i or and sho shnrcB hor experience with tho father (v. 9). As tho mother of a Nazarlto Bho must keep herself from nil things unclean (v. 14; II Cor. 6:' 17), oven ns Mary, tho mother of Jesus (Luke 1:38). Tho experience of tho sacrifice, tho worship of Mnnoah and his wife and tho fact of Sam son's birth completes tho record of chapter 13. Mnnonh could not worship tho angel, but could show him hospi tality. Verso 18 (II. V.) seems to Indi cate that this was another promanl fcstatlon of our Lord Jesus. II. Samuel's Power.' Every rnco ho its superman, and. usually it is ono ol I physical strength. That Samson had no physical evidence of his supcrlot ntrongth is evident from tho fact that Delilah asked to know his secret. Noi was his strength in his hair, elso there was no need that tho "Spirit ot Jehovah" should como upon him. Tho secret of his power is indicated In 13:2G. Tho word "move" suggests to play upon a harp, as if Samson's heart was open to Qod as a harp Is open to human touch. "Samson's power was the result of a faith that was open to tho infinite storchouso ot tho di vine dynamic." Such spiritual power Is within tho reach of every man. Samson ("sunny") was full of laugh ter; not tho comic, but tho JoyouB. He did the big things God gavo him to da and was filled with gladness. But Samson camo under tho spell ot an evil woman and all of this truo laugh tor and glad joyousness left his soul. III. Samson's Impurity. A woman can make or mar tbo man with whom to touch nnythlng unclean, nor drink intoxicating liquor. This vow was usually for a short period. Samuel and John tho Baptlzer aro other Naza rites recorded In Scripture, and aro said to havo been such from birth (3:14; 16:17; Luko 1:15). Samson's strength burned out when ho lay his I head In a harlot's lap and the laughter went out of his soul, it was that which broko tho contact between him and God. Samson's birth in a godly homo, his kuowlego or his relation to God and tho experience of God's power did not keep him from an Ignoble failure IV. Samson's Imprisonment Wo find him after his excesses grinding in tho Philistlno prison, whero ho perhaps ' overheard praises being sung to Dagon who had overthrown Jehovah's judge. It Is never safo to play with tempta tion though conscious ot our own strength; then It is we aro moBt apt to fall (I Cor. 10:12). Ono act and tho gay hero is grinding in a prison houso. Directly a man goes into im purity, whether In act or thought, ho loses tho power that formerly moved men or worked wonders. Yenr after year Samson plodded Ills round of en forced toll, a typo of tho forco and power of intemperance and other Ira puro habits. Finally, "when their hearts woro merry" (1C:25), ho Is brought out to mako sport. During ono of his resting periods ho said to a boy near by, "Let me feel of tho two pillars," thoso upon which tho main walls rested and which wero within a man's reach. Then it was that ho was ablo to grip tho mysterious power of tho unseen (16:30). Was Samson a suicide? No! Ho accepted death as tho inevitable consequence of bis act ot duty (See Heb. 11:32). The growth of his hair was only a token of that consecration which he had surrendered when ho failed to withstand the wiles of Delilah. The Temperance Teaching of this lesson is all too plain. It must begin in tho homo and contlnuo throughout all of Ufo. As we havo scattered in formation throughout our land we havo seen tho work of temperanco ad vancing mightily. Snmson's exploit with tho lion Is a temperanco sermon Jn parablo (14:5, C; Prov. 20:1). The business of tho temperanco forces Is to Blay tho lion. Wo aro also to eat "honey out of tho rock," to gain vic tories, within and without, and, like Samson, wo can glvo honey to othors. , aissi sss.iffwsas; BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA Vnlrbury will bo In thu statu base ball league next Benson. Tho state muses' association will meet at Norfolk April 20. Grand Island Is to havo a substii Hon or branch postolllcc. Tocumsoh got sixteen Inches oi snow during tho roccnt storm. Tho Statu Farmers' union urges the adoption of a non-partisan primary law. University Place Is making efforts to raise funds for a Y. M. C. A. at that plneo. D. C. Kllpatrlck was found dead In a snow drift a short distance from hie home at Fulls City. Retailers of tho stato will hold their next annual meeting nt Lincoln, February 23 to 2G. The Lincoln telephone company will have to pay $500 or more each month us a federal war tax. Laura Peterson ot Plattsmouth fell on n sidewalk whllo returning from school und broko an arm. Dr. L. C. Klgln, stato veterinarian, has tendered his resignation to the live stock sanitary board. Officers of tho N. N. G. will hereafter bo compelled to pass annual mental nnd physical examinations. Mr. and Mrs. David Digger of Uni versity Place celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last week. Itev. C. C. Mnrkham of Cedar Haplds has accepted a cull (o thu pastorate ot tho Baptist church at Tccumseh. Kcv. II. ilnllerborg, for olght years pastor of the German Evangelical church, near Arlington, has resigned. The old wooden bridge across the Platte river at Kearney 1b to be re placed with n modern concrete struc ture. Arthur Anderson hnd his left hand tofn off whllo feeding a corn shrcddei on the farm ot Charles Shaffer near Axtcll. Judge Conrad Ilollenhcck, chief Jus tlco of the Nobraska supremo coitrL died at Lincoln, Thursday, of heart failure. Tho Cornhusker basketball team won second gamo from tho Kansas "Aggies" 26 to 20 and tied first, 12 to 12. Over 1,500 sacks of Nebraska grown apples woro given away at tho closing of tho stato fruit growers' association show nt Lincoln. Miss Louise Stegner, who was dis missed by tho teachers' committee ol tho 1014 Omaha board of education, has been reinstated. In turning his team to avoid strlk ing a llttlo girl, Fireman Will Hyland was thrown from tho cart and sorl ously Injured at Omaha. Johnny Svejda, n ton-yenr-old Oma ha boy, lost three fingers when ho at tempted to Investigate tho interior oi a dynnmito cartridge with a hairpin. Tho widow of Nick Fellen, whe died In a drunken stupor in the Ne inaha county jail, has brought suit for $3,000 against threo saloon keep ers nnd their bondsmen for selling him liquor. Tho annual meeting of the Ne braska Peace society will be held at tho First Presbyterian church at Lin coln, Februnry 17. Many prominent speakers and workers along this line will bo present Tho Shorthorn breeders' association at Lincoln elected Charles Kltchlo of Grcsham, president; K. W. Cosgrove, Farnam, vice president; Irwin W.il son. Bolvldoro, secretary; Albert Johnson, Douglas, treasurer. Dwlght S. Dalbey of Gage county, president, and A. W. Richardson of Lancaster, secretary of the Nebraska Good Roads association, were re elected at tho meeting held at Lin coln in connection with organized agriculture. John L. Outright, Jr., recently ap pointed vice consul at Nottingham, England, has been recalled, on ac count of local objection to pro-German sentiment ho expressed in a private letter -to friends at his homo In Lincoln while a resident nt Co burg, Germany. Alfred Larson was found near Alli ance, December 10, with both feet badly frozen and amputation was necessary to save his limbs. Tho soldiers' home farm near Grana Island has received several head of cattle from tho farm of tho Norfolk asylum. The cattle aro of tho Hoi stein dairy typo and will furnish milk tor tho inmates ot the homo. Mrs. Henry Flyr lies in a critical condition at her homo near Hastings, Buffering from five broken ribs and possibly a fractured skull ns tho re sult of a runaway accident In which sho and her husband wero victims. Nearly COO wero In attendance at the stato firemen's convention at No braska City last week, and It Is said to havo been tho largest and best ever hold. S. W. McCune of Lowell lost a wal let containing $5,000 in. cash and se curities at Hastings and didn't know of it until Informed by telephone that it had been found on the street there. More than 100 students at Hastings believed to havo been exposed to smallpox through tho illness of Miss Brldenbaugh, teacher, havo been for bidden to return to school until suc cessfully vaccinated. Members of the Alliance volunteer fire department havo leased tho lot adjoining their club for tho purpose ot erecting a Bwlmmlng pool to which tho public will havo access. Many farm homes in Adams county will eventually be supplied with light and power from tho Hastings municl pn4 plant If tno plans proposed by tho mayor and council aro carried out. Tho Farmers' Grain company at Syracuse at their annual mooting, re ported that their elovator had handled during tho year Just passed 413,000 bushels of whoat and 6,000 head oi bogs. TOLD OF IDE Poultry Men Exchange Ideas About Noble Bird. 4 Appealed to One as Having a Comical Aspect How Editor Broke Man's Habit of Allowing His Chick ens to Run. "A customer was Just telling mo of thu experience of his llttlo boy who this morning learned a lesson on the hnblts ot that comic biped known us tho chicken," said u well-known poul try denier. "He said that while at breakfast ho heard tho Utile chap patter downstairs and run to thu out kitchen, whero was kept n chicken which had yesterday been presented to tho boy by Ills uncle. Upon open ing tho door lie set up a howl. "'Whut'B up, son?' cried thu father. " 'He wouldn't go to bed! walled tho boy. "There tho Wyandotte loosted on tho edge of thu box, Ignoring tho beau tiful nest thu owner had prepared In side, expecting tho chicken to crawl In llko a pup and curl up to sleep." "Yes," resumed tho poultry man, who talks Interestingly on (he subject of the walking birds, "tho chicken Is a stupid thing to be, with Its by-product, the egg, so Important a factor In tho food supply "Ho seems so comical to mo. Ho roves nbout all day, trying to catch up to his head, which hu thrusts for ward and then steps even with. In cidentally, tho sldeeyim spy a bug hero and there. "His head retains something ot tho shape and motion of his ancestor, tho snake. "Tho tall feathers aro Important to a chicken in maintaining Its balance. When lost in battle or by accident, tho cripple will fall on his uoso in run ning. "1 saw a woman In BuckB county killing chlckuns for tho Philadelphia market. Her method of slaughter was to hang thu fowls head downward from a lino utrctched between two trees. Sho went along tho row and cut each chicken's throat with a Jack knife. "Ono Immcnso Plymouth Kock rooster developed such powerful re Ilexes thnt ho broko tho ropo twice, and n tar ropo had to bo substituted to Insuro tho execution. This woman al so killed pigeons In thu samo way. "I recently heard of some smart do vlccs to break a hatching hen. Ono was to placo u loud ticking dollar watch In tho nest At first tho 'cluck' looked In every direction as if for an enemy, then sho became panicky, bristled up and jumped from tho nest In terror. "Ono hen was going about with a squaro block of wood tied between her legs. After several trials it pene trated to her little walnut bean that sho could not Bit down, and sho gavo up tho Idea of hatching tho china egg always left In tho nest as a nucleus for tho laying hens. "I havo a new chicken story, by tho way; got it from a Jersey farmer: "Bmngardner wns greatly annoyed by neighbor Fcnstormakcr's chlckons, which passed tho daylight hours In his garden. Ho did not wish to quarrel 891 Million Bushels Harvested How Much Wasted? Last year a wheat crop in the U. S. was a record yield, surpassing all expectations. All of the nourishment of this enormous crop should go into food for mankind, but much of it will be wasted. In making white flour and many foods, the outer, or bran coat of the wheat is discarded. This bran-coat contains vital mineral salts, iron for the blood, lime for tho teeth and bones, phosphate of potash for the brain and nerves, etc., etc, aU absolutely necessary to health. All of these mineral elements are retained in making Grape-Ntits Food About three-quarters of a million bushels of selected wheat are used by the factories of the Postum Cereal Company, and none of the nutriment of this wheat is wasted. Grape-Nuts is made from wheat and malted barley. The food comes ready to serve and costs less than a cent a dish. It's mighty good, too. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere. with Fonstermnkrr. Ono day ho told tho local editor of Ills troubles. "'How many heiiB do you koop your self?' linked tho scribe. '"Only two.' "'All light, leave It to mo.' "The next Ismio of tho paper had n paragiaph calling attention to tho phe nomenal laying of llrungnrducr's hens. From two hens ho wns collecting from sl to suveii eggs h day. Fenstermak or Hhut up his chickens. 'Brungard i.cr'fl getting my eggs,' ho remarked to tho editor." A New Cure. A bedpost has not generally boon regarded bo much n8 an eyooponor as an eye-shutter, but If a story thnt comes from Boston Is trim and what story from Boston was ever iiutrua? our oculists should go' to school to tho huudmnlils of Morpheus. Mr. Frank H. Hayes, who haB been Btotio blind for ulno years, so the tnlo runs, struck his head violently against tho bedpost on nrlslng, and wns astounded a few minutes afterward to find that his sight had boon entirely restored. Wo do not know whether the vlrtio of this euro lay In tho bedpost or In tho fact that It wns n Boston bedpost, but If it was really effected In this way there would seem to bo a good ileal In such Inanimate objects not heretofore dreamed of In tho philosophy of optica. Ono of the morals of this modern mir acle would seem to bu that "knocking' Is sometimes n very ctucncloits prv ess, and that tho only way to mako some folks sco things Is by knocking them Into their heads. Baltimore Sun. Frank Comment. In his very, very early youth Mr. Mumpser hnd been a pretty child. Ills friends did not bullovo this was pos sible nnd oven ho hail forgotten all about it until ono day ho unearthed n painting or hlmseir nt that period from nmiitig tho old lumber. This ho handed to his wlfo no somo compensation for his present some what worm-eaten uppenrancc. "There, Alice," said Mrs. Mumpser. proudly exhibiting tho plcturo to tho servant. "Thnt Is a portrait of your master, painted when hu was a child." Allco gazed open-mouthed at tho production. "Lor", mum," sho said, nftor somo moments, "what n pity It la wo havo, to grow up, ain't It?" London An Bwcrs. Their Pastor's Faults. Wardon So you got rid of your pas tor? Elder Yes; ho waB a good man, but ho was too dry In IiIb preaching al- wnys giving us a history of tho Jows. But wo don't like our now paBtor much, cither. Warden What's tho matter with him? Elder Well, ho preaches with tears In IiIb volco all tho tlmo. Warden I see. Tho old pastor wan too historical, and tho now ono too hysterical. Khaki for the Navy. Naval medical authorities, after ex perience gained In naval operations at Vera Cruz, aro of tho opinion that white clothing, particularly white hats, aro too easily penetrated by tho sun's rays nnd aro thercforo unsuit able for ubo In tho tropics. It is rec ommended that only khaki or forestry neutral clothing be supplied to the navy for landing parties. Tho Pathfinder. For Five Years I was Troubled with a Chronic Disease. Peruna Cured me Sound and Well. Mrs. Maggie Durbln, 209 Victory St, Little Bock. Ark., writes: "I was troubled for five years with a chronlo disease. I tried eveythlnc I heard of, but nothing did me any good. Some doctors said my trouble wa catarrh of the bowels, nnd some said consumption of the bowels. One doctor snld he could cure me: I took his medicine two months, but It did me no good. A friend of mine ad vised me to try Perunn and 1 did so. After I had taken two bottles I found It wan helping me, so I continued Ita u.-ie, nnd It has cured me sound and well. 1 can recommend Peruna te any one, and If any one want to know what Peruna did for me If they will write to me I will answer promptly." WRONG VIEWS OF MARRIAGE Brooklyn Lawyer Tells of Some Popu lar Impressions That Aro Entire ly Erroneous. Sumo persons bollovo, Bays Mr. Hugo Hlrsli of the Brooklyn bar, la CaBo and Comment, that raarrlago can bo entered Into by any man or woman, regardless of ago, raco, re lationship, or condition. But In this they aro mistnken, for every state hns Its own peculiar laws regarding, limit ing, and circumscribing ontrauco into thlB relationship nB tho samo may be affected by thoso provisions. Somo iiersona bollovo that fraud, force, duress, coercion, used for the purpose of bringing about marriage between man nnd woman, do not af fect tho legality of tho relationship, but In this thoy aro mistaken, because every state and territory has a law providing for tho annulment ot mar riages caused by fraud, forco, etc. Somo moti bollovo that wives are chatties and may bo beaten Into sub mission. Tills Is a gravo error, for la many of tho statcB such conduct Is causo for an absolute divorce, and la nearly all of tho states It is causo for a legal separation. Return of Walnut Tho wood of our fathers, the good old "black walnut" thnt was reckoned tho supremo cabinet material of CO years ago, has como back. True, they call it "American walnut" no?, and glvo It a shiny finish and try to bide tho deep, purplish brown which Is the truo glory of tho stuff; out It Is the samo old mood In spite ot all. May It soon get back Us ancient name and more than Its ancient popularity. Developing. Irene Don't you think that travel brings out nil that is In ono? Ire Yes; especially ocean travel. Judge. Somo men who boast that thoy pay as thoy go never inanago to got very far. aflrVk'EeeW Rs) (K V i , v,' ",'fl i POlViwuo ... w .- it iw?i5'w?riWTtf