"SvTMP T Ll - 4 -f .Bgwnwyyt 1 f I I i; l x. W fc-M" ,, NT- Vfflgrfl- KWWT3ai'iigtcaetinCTjiyv,-nrfwrwMairgrTgawji,wi.Miiww RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, NwmiMnM CHIEF WMI I m WL i7iMmuniniminiinm.itullmj iumt; s HOME NEWS Dullolln of The Week's Doings A. I) Weinlcrly Is on tin' s'ch list I IIR Wl I 1 .llting 'n uiv ereitut nnil buy coal. ,1. t. r tld will. Ciuii Huron nml wlfeof CouIi'N were in to vit Tuesday licit McKiirlmirt wont to Kansas Cilv Tuesday morning. 1'onts nml Hulls Ht i Price for Ciu-h Miner Hros. (.'n. I!. I.. Outiunipgs nml wife of l.lvi t toi'i weie In town Tuesday. Versncr A: Iv onU shipped two cars of hogs, to Kmi-iis rit Sunday. Iran1c Cowden returned Hm lust of tlii' week from Hit western pint of the Stfttl'. Attorney Walters was down from Illue Hill tills, week iillct.ding ill-triel I'ourt. The base bull funs of I'uhburv linve pureli trd iMiperlui's finticliKc tn 1 1 state league. Hoy Steii-iis nnil wife spent Sunday Willi Aiilmr Arnold nml wife who live west of Inuvale. Mr. nml Mrs. Wert Stevens moved Into the H. W. Ilnss pioperty on North Webster street Monday. Go to Miner Urns. Co., for all yom wants in Women's Wear and in Dry Goods, Groceries mill Shots. ,las. MoBride. .Tack Walter and Jell" Chaplin were down lrom Cowles Tues day attending disttiet court. Miss .Jessie Kellogg enteitained the Christian Endeavor of the United Church at lier home Friday evening. Lloyd Carpenter left for his liome in Alma Sunday morning "fter u visit with ills pan ntb A. II. Carpenter ami wife. K. S. Gather bus pin chased .T. C. Sloss'-palnt and wall paper establish ment and has taken possession of the same. An ..vcliiuifrc. fiiivs. "Young mini, don't buy her a diamond if you mo really goim? to need the money for a cook stove." Kobprt Kellier returned home from Lincoln Monday evening where he bad been spending a few days with his brother and sister. Among tboho who attended the f-es-sions of Organized Agriculture at. the University Farm last week weie R. B. and James B. Richer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oiiftelh weie called to Burr OiiU Saturday on ac count of the deatli of her mother. The funeral took place Sunday. C'H. Woods, who had been visiting with M. B. Coiner and wife the past week, left for his home at Marcellns, Michigan, Tuesday morning. John. Merrill of Red Cloud, is visiting at the home of bis obi time friends, G. W. Hogenilef and wife, this week. -Republican cit' Ibnr. You don't know bow much it is nppt eclated when Items of Interest are phoned in or handed in M tliis otllc". There Is no other way of making a good local newspni-or than to have the help of the general public. The thoroughbred stock breeders of Smith County will bold a combination sale Feb. 2Mb, consisting of Perehoron borsos, Durham, Hereford and Ilolstoln cattle, and Poland China hogs, about 75 head all told.-W. II. Lewis, Seo'y. Home people, it seems, siy- the Illue Hill Lender, simply "take" a news paper. Otheis receive and pay for it. To which class do you belong? If you really want a paper you should pay for it promptly an 1 if not, pay up I ho I..I...W... Im. and n finest that the 1 HUH"" .... --- . miner be discontinued d.-ess. It's an chs t lie paper." Churles Klein's gieatest work, "The Lion and the Mouse" is scheduled for a welcome visit to the opera bou'o on Thursday night. I-Ybiunry 4. and is but fair to the intelligence of the local theatregolng public to predict that it will be seen by as many "ho have never witnessed this great play of iinnnclal conditions us those who have so thoroughly enjoyod it in the past. It has been a long time, in fact out of the memory or many, since n play hs been produced that has won the un iversal pi alsc shown this drama and the fuct that it. Is bused on existing conditions in the lives of some of our moiioy kings of today makes it sttong or In commanding the attention of those In all walks of life. The United Play Company has done much, too, in holding "The Lion and the Mouse" at the high plane established at the .Ml.I I.. tlt.i ...t.l.Mfl ,1 1 verv ouii-et nun is '"- -""! that plajo'l "The Royal Slave" two weeks ago. to matter your ad to stop thus Ki'lmltx uas in Ticiiion Tues da,. lir. Pine of S'lipiulni' wtti lu town on riiiiis'lnj. II -try IJ.irlow wasdown from Frank lin Friday. I,"HI Hobbtns tirrlvod It) the eltv Wednesday. Dm Giubei' of nivcrlnii vs lu the elty Tuoihy. ' (.JlSvfi Hiilton of luuvalo urns in ton ii MiimIht. elms Hpibbui who down from lilri" III11 Mon.lHy. A. 13. Grnbleii wns down from Hltie Hill Suiiihiy. licwls Viivrickii of Uliie Hill was in town Monday. Fur! Fins'.! Good nurrmv slr!niL ,1. O. I'lildwoll. Wade 1'iite returned to Mis'otni siindny morning. Coals Hint Suits at j Prli'o forCnsli. -Miner liios. Co. C. H Slionjj of CulbertHon una In tlio city Thurdny. Senator Wei'Mii'i whs homo I nun Lincoln over Sunday. FOR UK NT V good S-rw in bouse Hutchison A. Snbi'len. adv )ini l.'j all ill lived homo tlie last of the week from Kecllsit Springs. The thermometer icgNteied 111 de- giees iieiow eio muiii nay moiuiiig. Powell Bros, of Neligh have pur-cluisi-d the UaiiHobeitsou billiaid hall. Miss Ceclle Thouiton went to Lin coln Satutday niorniiig to .spend u few days. Special Sale on Granite Ware Satur day the llOth., '! o'clock Model Viulety store. Ollvi'i Wright has moved into the Smith piopcity in the east part of town. ' A few lluir Wyandotte cockerels for sale at SI each. Uupiiie of Mrs. G. W. Trine. The ladies of the Congregational chinch will hold a market Saturday at Wnlibrandt's store. The Washington t-chonl Is closed this week on account of the sickness of a large number of students Train No. 1H ran otr the track at Einllcott Sunday morning which caused it to be over four hours Into. Mr. and Mrs Dan Barber nrrived in the eltv the last of thu week to visit lu-r inohei, Mrs. W. N Ilicliardson. Mr. and Mis. Frank Mier of Hast ings are the happy parents of a baby boy which arrived the ilr.stof the week. Heib Ludlow lias tented thu Potter building on Main street nnd will move bis restauiant into the same next week. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, noo and throat patients and tho'c needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damei ell't, otllce in Bed Cloud, Mon day, February 1st. ' The joinig women of the United Church will entertain at a reception given in boner of Heioiend and Mis Beetle on Fiidiiy evening, January 'JU, at 8 o'clock at the Congregational f.lnnch. Evervbodv invited to be present. There will be soi vices at Grace chinch the next three Sundays. .Inn iiiipy ntstis an extri Sunday. Next Sunday a class tor Instruction in Baptism and Confirmation will meet at the church nt .1:30. All are web come to attend these instructions. .1. M. Bates. Supt. O. B. FiH.ier of Edgar, who had an application in for the Super inteiidetitsblp of the Red Cloud schools has withdrawn Ills applica tion owing to the fact that he has been elected superintendent of this Stronis burg schools. Ote.V many friends beio ai o plein-od to hear of his advancement. Notice is herewith given to the Zion's Evangelical Lutheran congre gation of Red Motid, that "Communion Services," will be held Sunday after noon, January Hist, beginning at l:l.ri p. m. sharp Announcements to bo m ide f mm or between 2::0 to fiillO p in. of this Thursday, Filday and S.ituiday. A. SniA.u., Pastor. The return of the Klein Play Com pany's alwajs welcome production of Charles Klein's delightful drama, "The Lion and the Mouse" to the opera house, TburstUy night, Feb ruary 4th, ih expected to bo an even greater success tlian on us previous vist, if the demand for seats is to be the governing criterion The sale lias advanced with much agility though choice seats are still to bo bad. The Klein Play Company is credited with having retained the high standard in Hireling an excellent cast and pro duction and much maybe expected. The Legislative Grind At till' close nf the thud Wi ck of the I gislii1 n i' M" s mi llisxmtr thi'iv has been in roditeed in the bouw IM) bills, ms against Hit? nt the s.iuie lime lu 1IU!1 I' o .tear-, tigo the geiiate Imd dumped If'o iiiinsuies into the hoppor at the elns of the third week but this seswinn only JOTm-tint" Hies have boon otfetcil. It Is estimated ib-it at the ebmi' of the period nt which bills inny be intto dued. pinbiilily iieM Momtoy. tbele will bav,. ItveiifdVorid about two thirds as many proposed laws ns um le up the r-ll tnjn'jiii ngoi So fnV tisihe house bllln tire coiii'eriieil Hi" .'.blef ieaoii fin the siiinllei number may he traced lothi'Tiii'l th.it tin legislative lefef enco bnrenu Is drawing ui'iiiy of Hie bills and Dlieetor Sheldon is endeavor itlg to get together the members who have bills on similar sul'jccts in intio dili'n and Inducing tuetn to Join in the priM-itrntloii of line bill that will em Inaco all of the points sought to be pre-iMitid. The work of the legislative bureau will svi moro than a iIioushiiiI dollar In pi lilting nluiii) bisldn mtieli aiinoyHiiee tn the way of amending bills ior gi ti tiiuut leal uiidiypgriipliienl irtots. Tlie lonireM bill hut bus lieell Intro SOUTM INAVAI-E Iwlcli Is iiitlliig up Ice a car lead ill with wnRrwjrT- ihih'm..i..mi .rTnrTrrir1f1rn.r-t .lidin lint tiiU week. Kilt. Meyer shipped on of hay this week. Mlsselia Chaplain is verv meases Mini pueiiiuoulii. Oit Stevens ii ml fmnlly spent Sun dsi at the Win. Ilnskin's home II. F. Points mid wife transacted iitiMnessin llivtitdii hisi Monday. I'htnles nickel sun visited fehitiws nenr 1'iiittUllii n ft w dnjs tlilsweik. Mi. nml Mis. .'c,y Arues.in eittei- taincd n dumber of ii'lallves list I'lii'sday, Miss Itouiile Blankenbakcr has heen tjulte III with measles al the home of her griuulpiitchls in luavale. A. .Iiiiisen leturiicit lionu. luini KaiiHMs City last week. Mis. Jauscii leiunilieil with their iliiiiglitei, Anna, who is tn n hospital al that place. lbi nml I .hi en Huiisleker departeil last wee'.- Inr Moiclntid, K'miisiis. in visit their In other, Owen. They o peel to islt other wisliril liolllts b--fur'e thej i elm n. t tieii- is a gient deal of sickness in this community al piest-ul, measles as2'vssss -s3a!e sses-vxaje- ANRIA ' l n y m Ha fiKEAf J ov SALE u 9 in ,.,l was ottered in the senate Kiida.i , ' ,l'" l"vuill..,g oiseaso Aumng 8 m Men's Boys' and Children's HITS and OVERCOATS AT ISiQ REDUCTIONS A 2m 83V3(o Reductions from regular plain figure prices. Only High Grade Clothing Sold Here KUPPENHEfMER here Our Advice Is: When you feel out of sorts from consti pation, let us say that Jf do not relievo you, gco a physician, becauso no other homo remedy will, gold only by us, 10 cents. H. E. Qrlco Dru8 Co. Farm ionns At best rates and terms to lie lrid in this state. Cull for me at State Bank of Bed Cloud. C K. Catiiiik. frrniientlynceilafood tonio and tis3U0 Growing Chiluron buililcr for their good health. )! Olive Oil i&XOXX pm,.icion coniiiinina Ilupophsivtntc is the prescription for ibis. H. E. Grlco Drug Co. when Hie educational emit' bill was pteseuted by lvii 1 Malloiy. Almost every slat" organization ha partici pated in making u commendations to the state .supeiintendeii" and the school voiniutssioii a b o u t desired changes in the school laws. Kiuner than to attempt to amend the v.iilmis sections seveial able fcchool men anil lawyers have been winking several weeks on n school code that will be ennsldered ill its entiiety. It is of sueli far reaching importance that it is planned to have extra copies of the bill printed so that nil inquirers may be supplied with copies Wheio is the organized lobby of former yearsY" is a fieipiently asked question around the state house. No one seems to be able to answer the question and it is apparent that the times have changed and that represent ntives of special Intel ests have lent ned that the present membership is not gcnoially amenable to old ways of making and killing laws A bill has been introduced that seeks to change the law to close saloons at six o'clock instead of eight in the evening. Temperance woikeis disclaim any particular interest in the bill and the saloon men say that it was not offered tit tin Ir suggest ion, so It is fair to presume legislation on the liquor question will not attract much attcntiou at I Ids session. , Since overtime has been almost en liioly cut out aiming the employees at the house end of the state house it ,is appaient that the jobs are seeking Hie men iiitlier than the deeteplt and th" intlrin seeking tlie sinecuies. Koimer employees wlio ciiine at tlie beginning of ttie session this time expecting big pay for doing little tiork have quit in disgust rather than wait for tlie rush period when they can become attached to tlie pay roll. Governor Moi eheud recommended in his message that tlie conilcts at me penitentiary be set to woi k doing tlie printing that is req died for the use of the stato. lie advises that the legis latiiic make an impropriation for the machinery and for the salaries of ex port printers to do the supervising Two stato printery bills have boon in troduced but neither contemplates any connection with tho penitentiary. City and country newspapers all over tho state are not taking kindly tti the Idea of a state pilnting establishment and piotests are beginning to come to the ems of iheineiiiheis. The sponsors foi the state pi. ml ale asking for all appmpiiatlou of a bundled thousand dollars. I lie local Insurance agents associa tions are behind it pioposod In that will level lire insurance rates thioiigh out tlie state. The insm-niico coin paiiies admit thai tlu'y me getting higher rates than necessary in some towns but justify their rates on tlie theory that in other towns competi tion has beaten the intcs down below the cost price. As it is they say that Nebraska lias not been a proiltable in- hiliance Held for the last few yeais. Tlie companies are not asking for the law that the agents want but they are not in a position to oppose it. Tlie plan contemplated would make the rates the same in towns of similar size mid operating under similar condi tion? as to lire llghtingfaellitles. The equalizing of tho rates would be en foi ceil bv the stato Insurance com mission. Tho agents insist that rates should be established on a seleutillc and mathematical principle mid when once so established should not be cut and slashed by irresponsible agents of "wild cat" companies. About Dim hundred out nf the total one inndied thirty-three statesmen at Lincoln have ideas on hunting and (ishiug laws. Mime want the open season on chickens and quaiU abolish ed ana" some want the open season ex tended. It is a safe guess that the an nual f-o for fishing will lie wiped out so far as local tlshei men m e conutrncd, lh Si- w lui letili ned liiime fiiini High sifh. ii1 ick weie, Ashley Waithuin, ?) iHviht Kamiiisk,v, llaiohl Key mid (A Hewey Adams We are glad to report iffy I hem all iniproi ii g V Red Barns in Nebraska fl Many new bains arc being built in f) the rural districts in Nebiaska. A ii. .ii. ii ...i.. i .1....1 i.. ..ii w uiiimiiiK imiiuiiui iiL-mum ill till sciv tlons of tlie stale report an unpreced ented demand for barn lumber ami red paint Next to Hie home, the barn is the most important building on the faun, mid wherever red barns exist Hieie frugality mid prosperity abides supreme. I'hu rapid constriicllou of new barns in Netnaska is lifting tlie farming in dustry of tills stato into a higher zone of utility and is establishing it new era in our iiuliistiial progress. No com munity can proceed far into its agri cultural economy until its stock are well sheltered and Its ciops are propel lv housed D N A CLOTHCRAFT Suits and Overcoats THE BEST IN THE WORLD he Qomden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. Always Reliable Rural Carrier Examination a '.ilTili,'1;"!'"!!,! HENRY COOK, M. D. The lT tilted States Civil Service Com mission announces an open competitive examination at bed Cloud mid. Bin mil, iseur., on rciiruary i, uur, as a result which it is expected to make ceitiileatioii to (111 the valiancy at luavale, Nebraska, and other vacan cies as they may occur on rural routes at post ollices in the nboic named county, unless it i- found to be in the Interest of tho set vice to 111! any va cancy by reinstatement, transfer or promotion Tho compensation of a mi nl carrier is based upon tho length of the mute and imiges fiom fill to l.?lil) nor i!ir Ail eligible legbter for tile posi ion i nf nil nl IclltV cm rice for each county will In. tllllilllll l lli.l A lini-win imiut '-' be examined for the county in which the post oilicc tliat supplies Ids home is situated. As a result ol such an examination lie may become eligible to appointment us rural currier at any post olllcii in such county. A rural letter currier after one yeai's satis factory service may lie trausferiod to the position of cleik or currier in a first or second class post ollic.e, to tlie position of railway mail cletk, or to oilier positions in the classified ser vice, subject to such examination its may be required by the civil-service nil s. John A McIi.iiknnv, President. 3 im:ai.i:ii is a DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL f SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES iiwTiuniaiiiiiMitiiiiiiiiiM .1 Wc shall appreciate a share of your coal orders PMTT ft FREES id' if A Real Farm Bargain 5 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD FARM HOME As I am desirous of moving to the coast, wish to sell my farm 1-2 miles west of Inavale. This is one of the best 80 acre farms in the Republican valley. 20 acres first bottom, 60 acres second bottom land, all in a high state of cultivation. Improvements consist of a good 9 room two story house, a good 14x14 wash house; good barn, with hay, mow, room for 10 head of horses, 2 good buggy sheds, corn crib, hen house, a good cement supply tank piped to carry water to barn, wash house and house. A good orchard with all kinds of fruit trees. Terms to Suit Purchaser INQUIRE CF J. fl. ElltogeF Geo jatkios I Kdltor lMsou was in Iloseinnnt Monday. Red Cloud, Nebr. 1 U Inavale, Nebr. s s IIW ryiirvHTw pwi wjiijrif : lri 'VAVkwi -n. , - -A. r-jn. sej6jmmmmaumsammmm 'rr'Ni