The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 28, 1915, Image 3

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i '
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physic into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days.
Remember the "doBo" mother Insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartlcB,
How you hated them, how you fought
npaliii taking tlicin.
With our children It's different.
Mothers who cling to the old form of
physic simply don't realize what they
do. Tho children's revolt 1h well found
ed. Their tender little "Inshles" aro
Injured by them.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowels need cleansing, give only dell
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action Is positive, but gentle. Millions
of mothers keep this harmless "fruit
laxative" handy; they know children
love to take It; thnt It never falls to
clean tho liver and bowels and sweet
en tho stomach, and that a teaspoonful
given today saves a sick child tomor
row. Ask at tho store for a 50-ccnt bottlo
of "California Syrup of'flgs," which
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages nnd for grown-ups plainly
on each bottle. Adv.
Powerful Russian Statesman.
Michael D. Tchellsheff, tho man re
uponslble for tho present government
al ban on vodka, tho demoralizing
Russian drink, Is a peasant by birth
and originally a house painter. Then
ho became mayor of tho city of Sa
mara, and Is now a millionaire. Phy
sically ho Is a giant, standing over
six feet four Incites in his stocking
feet and of powerful build.
Say Drugs Excite Kidneys and Rec
ommend Only Salts, Particularly
If Bladder Bothers You.
When your kidneys hurt and your
back feels sore, don't get scared and
pftcned to load your stomach with a
lot of drugs that excite tho kidneys
and Irritate the entire urinary tract.
Keep your kidneys clean like you keep
your bowels clean, by flushing them
with a mild, harmless salts which re
moves the body's urinous waBte and
stimulates them to their normal activ
ity. The function of the kidneys is to
filter the blood. In 24 hours thoy
strain from it COO grains' of acid and
waste, so we can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the
kidneys active'.
Drink lota of water you can't drink
too much; albo get from any pharma
cist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast each morning
for a tew days and your kidneys will
act flno. 'This famous salts Is made
from tho acid of grapes and lemon
Juice, combined with llthla, and has
been used for generations to clean and
stimulate clogged kidneys; also to
oeutrallzo the acids In urlno so it no
longer Is a source of Irritation, thus
ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep
their kidneys clean and active Try
this, also keep up tho water drinking,
and no doubt you will wonder what
i becamo of your kidney trouble and
backacho. Adv.
"Ah," he murmured, "If there were
only something In this mundano world
that would solaco all these vaguo
yearnings, satisfy one's wildest long
ings, nnd till tho aching void within!'
"Well, what's tho matter with plo?"
Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottle
of Danderlne Right Now Also
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair Is mute evidonco of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair
of Its luster, its strength and Its very
llfo; oventually producing a feverish
nesB and Itching of tho scalp, which
if not romedlcd causes tho hair roots
to shrink, loosen nnd die then tho
hair falls out fast. A llttlo Danderlne
tonight now any time will surely
eavo your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottlo of Kuowlton's
Danderlno from any store, and after
tho first application your hair will
tako on that llfo, luster and luxurlauco
which is so beautiful. It will become
wavy and fluffy and havo tho appear
anco of abundance; nn incomparable
gloss and softness, but what will
pleaso you most will bo after Just a
few weeks' use, when you will actual
ly soo a lot of lino, downy hair now
hair growing nil over tho scalp. Adv.
The fellow who Is good at making
i-M-UBOs Isn't very vnluablo for any
thing olao. Toledo Ulado.
Tho moro a man gotB tho more he
wunts unless a pollco Judgo is dealing
it out.
Healthy Sow
(Prop-trod by tho United Stntoa Depart
ment of AKrlenlturc.)
Tho familiar prnctlno of hogging off
crops has been developed by experts
In tho United States department of
ngriculturo Into a scientific system of
farm management which, It is said,
will minimize, in tlioso sections ami
those farms to which It Is ndnpted,
tho cost of harvest labor.
Reduced to its Rlmplost terms this
system, which Is described In full in
Farmers' Uulletln No. CI 4, "A Corn
Uelt System of Farming Which Save3
Harvest Labor by Hogging Down
Crops." consists of a four or live-year
rotation of corn, corn, rye and n mix
turo of clover und timothy ono or two
years. A farm manuged on this 'sys
tem should consist of four or llvo
fields of from 20 to 10 ncrea each,
nnd it Is dcslrnblo that all tho fields
should be of approximately tho same
size. Farms should be laid out in ac
cordance with the following plan:
1. Corn Klrst year to bo hoKRCit off.
2. Corn Second year to tiu cut nnd rye
3. Rye and Young Clover HogBod off
and pastured.
4. Clover and Timothy Hot; pastured
6. Timothy and Clover Kor hay or pas
ture. Above Is plan of a fnrm run on a flvo
year rotation.
In field No. 1 the first year corn is
grown nnd hogged off as soon as it is
ripe. This Is generally from Septem
ber 1 to September 10. When the corn
Is cultivated for the last time, it Is
usually desirable to sow soy beans or
Tape, in order that tho hogs may have
pasturago while gathering tho corn,
and also because such a crop supplies
valuable humus which can bo turned
back Into the soil. In tho following
spring this field Is prepared for second-year
corn and becomes field No. 2
in the Illustration.
Fold No. 2 1b, as wo havo seen, tie
. voted to second year corn, which Is
not hogged off but hnrvested by hnnd.
Here rye is sown in tho fall. Under
fovornblo conditions this can bo done
whllo tho corn is still standing, but If
necessary It is not too lato after tho
corn hns been cut nnd shocked. Hyo
mny ho sown much Inter than whent,
' and tills is ono of Its great advantages
I in n rotation Riich ns is now being de
scribed. Field No. 3 is devoted to ryo
throughout tho entire season. In tho
spring it is pastured by tho hogs as
long ns it is palatable, affording excel
lent pnsturage. especially for young
hogs nnd brood sows. When tho ryo
j becomes tough and tho hogs censo to
relish It, they should uo removed anu
not returned to tho field until two
Much Depends Upon Price of Feeding
Materials and Development of
Bone, Muscle and Vigor.
Tho best tlmo to sell tho pigs de
pends upon tho price of feeding ma
terials that may bo utilized in growing
them nnd developing their bone, mus
clo and vigor, and preparing thorn for
tho fattening period. When wo havo
plenty of forage, skim milk and other
home-grown foods, wo often find it ad
vantageous to allow them a longer
period of growth than when wo feed
an exclusive grain diet. Market de
mands uro for a medium-sized hog,
with plenty of lean meat; strong, but
not too coarse bono; plenty of activity
and strength to stand up well during
Fall pigs, as a rulo, are less profit
ablo unless tho feeder can utlllzo what
would otherwise bo wasto feed in keep
ing them through tho winter. I'igs
that mako good gains during tho win
tor, nnd can bo put on paBturo in tho
spring, und then fattened In tho fall,
often mako good gains during tho
longer periods, and cnBh In lino profits
in tho fall. On account of coming to
maturity at tho best time to breed for
spring litters, wo havo found fall far
rowed sows very desirable for breed
ing purposes. Tho second season gives
them the bono and musclo develop
ment at a vory low cost
Warm drinking water, light, warm
nnd dry quarters, succulent food with
frequent chnngo of breeding and diet,
will lnsuro good growth during tho
winter, hut unless wo aro In tho best
shapo to look after these details, wo
find It best to conflno our feeding to
spring litters. Tho fall pig that goes
into tho winter without a warm place
to sleep and plonty of wnrm, nourish
ing food, hns a winter of mlsory bo
foro it.
Farm Profits.
Tho farm profits aro for tho most
part made out of yields that aro abovo
tho average Average yields Boldom
nay moro thun tho cost of production.
and Litter.
weeks after the rye has ripened. Thoy
should then ho allowed to gather the
entire crop and to grnzo upon the
young clover that has come up with
Floltl No. 4 Is devoted entirely to
hog pasture. When clover and tim
othy aro planted together, the hogs
graze principally on tho clover and
leavo most of tho timothy to bo cut
for hay. In tho live-year rotntlon, how
ever, field No, T Is depended upon to
furnish the principal supply of hay for
tho horses and cows. There should bo
bomo surplus nnd this, of courso, can
bo sold. Lato In tho fall the field Is
plowed for first year corn, and In tho
following spring it takes Its place in
tho rotation ns field No. 1.
Under such a system hogs furnish
tho principal lncomo. Thoy nro turned
in on tho ryo a early as posslblo In
tho spring nnd thoro thoy remnln ns
long as tho pasturo Is tender, al
though tho brood sows should be
taken to other inclosures as soon as
the spring pigs can be weaned, nnd
there bred for fall litters. Karly In
May when tho ryo probably ceases tc
afford good pasturo tho hogs are
turned into field No. 4, devoted tc
first-year clover and timothy. With
tho addition of a reasonably liberal
corn ration they feed on this until the
middle of July, or two weeks after tho
rye has ripened, when they are turned
back into the rye field and nllowed to
hog it nil down without other feed. Uy1
tho time tho rye Is harvested the corn
in field No. 1 is ready for the hogs.
If none of the stock is sold before, tho
hogs will gather all tho corn by No
vember 1. In this way with practical
ly no labor and very llttlo attention
tho entire herd is furnished with pas
turo and grain feed throughout tho
entire spring, summer nnd fall. In
addition, there is tho corn from field
No. 2, which is harvested and not
hogged down, nnd tho surplus hay
from fields No. 4 and 5.
Under this system, tho only tlmo
when outsldo labor Is ludlspcnsnblo is
during tho liny harvest. On a farm of
a hundred acres it is not probable thnt
this will nmount to moro than ten
days' hired labor, which is certainly
much less than Is required by tho sys
tems of farm management in moro
genernl use. As for tho cash Income,
it may bo said that roughly speaking
ryo ultimately brings tho snmo re
turns, whether It la hogged down or
cut nnd threshed nnd sold. In tile
lattor case, however, there Is nil the
cost of labor to bo considered, To
navo this, is tho main object of the
system described.
If Rye Can Be Purchased for Less
Money Than Wheat It Will Be to
Advantage to Feed Them.
Chemical analyses indicate that
there is nearly 75 por cent moro fat
and slightly moro protein in wheat
middlings than In rye middlings, al
though feeding tests show that wheat
middlings aro but very little better
than ryo middlings. Feeding tests
have shown that pigs fed on ryo mid
dlings aro quite likely to go off feed,
which Is not so common an occur
rence with wheat middlings. With
prices tho same, wheat middlings
would bo tho better feed, but if ryo
middlings can bo purchased for some
what less than tho other, it will bo
to tho feeder's advantago to use them.
c jih
Had liny or fodder should never bo
fed to tho qow.
Sunlight Is death to dlscnso germs.
Flood tho stablo with sunlight.
Always provldo tho cow with a good
bed to Ho on. Ho a good friend to your
Water with tho chill taken out la
best for tho milk cows. Put a heater
in tho tank.
Tho reason many cows kick 1b bo
causo they havo been kicked first
Ever think about that?
Tho way to produce milk profitably
Is to havo cows brod for that pur
poso. Do not try to mako a cow do
two things at tho same tmo.
Fertllo farms aro necessary if per
manent ngriculturo is to bo estab
lished and tho dairy cow offers the
simplest and best posslblo means oi
securing theso fertllo fields.
Facts Don't Lie Western Can
ada Is Full of Facts Here
Arc Three of Them.
1. C T. Moore, Underbill, Mnn.
Camo from llruco County, Ontario,
18S2, with n capital of $2.00. Homo
steaded quarter suction. Now owns
2,800 acres for which ho paid average
of $20.00 worth today $10.00 per acre.
2. James Steel, Uattleford, Sas
katchewan. Came from Perthshire,
Scotland, 1001. Ills fnro advanced to
bring hlmscir and family to Canada.
Took tip homestead, which ho sold
later $25.00 per acre, buying 1,000
ncreB nt $15.00 per acre. HaB been
vory successful in mixed farming.
Values land now at $10.00 per aero,
nnd Ib worth $G0.00. "If 1 had re
mained in tho Old Country my gray
hairs would havo been n passport to
tho poor house," ho says.
3. II. J. Smith, Clover liar. Alberta,
Camo from North Michigan, 1893,
without capital. Now farming 800
ncreB, valued nt $200 por ncro. Pur
chased originally nt $15.00 per aero.
Engaged In mixed farming. Cows
averngo him $150.00 a year.
All this talk about tho exploitation
of labor by capital, class distinction,
living wage, high cost of living, and
so forth, doesn't hold tho slightest
interest for tho Canadian farmer.
Why? Ilccauso ho has proved that
you can't begin too poor to becomo
rich In Canada; thnt free homesteads
prccludo tho possibility of being
robbed of freedom and Independence;
that tho high cost of living can't hurt
tho man who grows most of his own
necessities; that his labor brings ro
ward in exact und Just proportion to
tlmo nnd Intelligence Invested.
If those who wlilno nt urban condi
tions would give a llttlo timo to in
vestigating thoso suburban, they
would likely spy a clear way out of
their difficulties. For tho first step,
drop a card to any Canadian Govern
ment Agent. Advertisement.
No Change.
"He became run down from his
overworking himself at agricultural
pursuits, and the doctor advised a
cbango of occupation, which 1b why
ho came back to town and set up an
a fashionable dentist."
"That's no change of occupation.
He's still cultivating nchers."
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do some foodB you eat hit back
taste good, but work badly; ferment
Into stubborn lumps nnd cauBO a sick,
sour, gnssy Btomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pape's
Diapepsin digests everything,' leaving
nothing to sour and upset you. Thero
never wns anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective. No difference how
badly your Btomach is disordered you
will get happy relief in flvo minutes,
but what pleases you most is that It
strengthens and regulates your stom
ach so you can eat your favorite foods
without fear.
You feel different as soon as 'Tape's
Diapepsin" comes in contact with tho
stomach distress Just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food.
Co now, mako tho best investment
you over raado by getting a largo fifty
cent case of Papo's Diapepsin from any
store. You realize in Ave minutes how
needless it is to suffer from Indiges
tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv.
The Conqueror' Return.
Mr. Mouatt, born tired, also father
sf a large family, spent most of
his married llfo In bed, whllo Mrs.
Mouatt worked In tho glass factory,
Just to kcop things moving. Ono
morning Mr. Mouatt became Impreg
nated with tho largo idea of getting
out of bod at last, und offering his
services to his country. On calling
nt Mrs. Mouatt's ono day Inst week,
a lady found hor In tears.
"Why, Mrs. Mouatt, what Is tho mat
ter? Has your husband been wound
ed?" "No, miss, (Loud sniffles.)
"Well, denr mo! I hope ho has not
been killed!"
"Oh, it's worse than that, miss! 'E's
coming 'omo!" Judgo.
Getting On.
"Has that novel you aro reading any
"I should say sol A tiro explodes
in tho first chapter and that's how the
hero meets tho herdlne."
A man looks cheap when bis wlfo
cnlls him "dear" In public.
table., aud
YjbU -TbWV V'NQU VBaaaaBaBaBaaaieBaV
AYcfictaulc Preparation Tor As-siniilntiiilicFooilnnilllcgiila-lindllie
Stomachs ami Utmels of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful
ncssari(lllcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not NAnc otic
Ftv'pt ft Old DrSAHVlimtElt
liml! SttM
fl!n Suit'
tlhStlt - I
1 Stid . I
rtrtiH ffnvor f
Anrrfrrl Rrmrtiv fiirCnnsllDfl
lion . Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoca,
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
Tin: CENTAtm Company.
.St 5
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
"Professor Grouch has at las solved
the problem of abolishing distress In
tho world."
"Whnt's his scheme?"
"To Btarve the poor off tho face of
tho earth."
She Made Up a Mixture ot 8ago Tea
and 8ulphur to Bring Back Color.
Gloat, Thlcknoss.
Almost everyone knows thnt Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back tho natural color and
lustro to tho hair when faded, streaked
or gray; also ends dandruff, itching
scalp and stops fulling hair. Years
ago tbo only way to get this mixturo
was to mako it at homo, which is
mussy and troublesome. Nowadays,
by asking at any storo for "Wyotlj's
Sago nnd Sulphur Hair Remedy," you
will get a largo bottlo of tho famous
old reclpo for about CO conts.
Don't Btny gray! Try it! No ono
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as It docH It so naturally
and evonly. You dampen a rpongo or
soft brush with it and drnw this
through your hair, taking ono smnll
strand at a time, by morning tho gray
hnlr disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, thick and glossy.
In the Beginning."
"Say, Adam," remarked Kvo at the
breakfast tablo, "I need a now gown.
What kind shall I get?"
"Oh, don't bother mo," growled
Adam, who was trying to poruso the
morning paper. "I don't care a fig
what kind you get. nut aB it's the
first of tho year, perhaps It would bo
Just as well to turn over a now leaf.'
You nover miss tho water until the
courts get hold of tho stock and
bqucczo it out.
Man is of few days and full of con
densed meanness.
........I .,.,.,,,.,"... Si. ,,,:,:, .linffnmifa
A real guarantee on roofing !
A useless risk
' not euaranteed
concern. When
you get the
Buy materials that last
Ak your ilcnler for prod
ucts ninile by us Uiey bear
our name. Roofing
Mil vnulf anil jiHiYt)
Sl.t j Sblnsla Felt.
Deadenlna Felts
Tand F.lta
Building Papers
1 -ply guaranteed 5 yean
2-ply guaranteed 10 years
3-pIy guatanteed IS yean
General Roofing Manufacturing Company
WorUtl (aroeti mannfacturtv ef Konjlna and BuUdttg Papn
Rev Terk City Beetaa Cllc. fitukene PMI.itlUa AilaaU OmlaU Beeraft
SuUoU Claclanatl KaatuCity Mlai.oIl SiaFrudatc Seattle LeaSea HiaWrf treaty
la lilt Ml acre Kalztr'. Cabbage brought liM an cere Union, SIM).
pecial latrouacuoa leucruou lor o
Wln aiaeonrninnilled bit horti t Kulron, he self clcii but 300 QUALITY men i to win
hi. irreit victory. Ho tfaUer lor lony-ono year, tiu been wlecllrg, Improving and srlgl
n.tliiic new Vegot.tile vrlll, mull lo-day hi. Hit contain, only tlie ereim. tna Terr.
very Ceil I Only DUALITY SI.I.DS I We du want you to teit them (lid bf nee gUdlrmail
you, lor lite, our big bead Catalogue tree, with one gencrotu pickagu eicul
PbU..rirt ErlyCMgi M.rlitC.rroti Early Caeimjwti
AU fcummor Long UUuc. ; A SlUtue ef Oaloni Juicy dllu
All lis packigei for but He. contain, enough tucd to .unply ycu ttIio rich. Juicy VtgV
lota and loll ot t.iem, uuring tue eariy aprmg aim lunimcr.
Jlicul t KM l!tr Potato Kina'i Komanct n ft'ilrrr. Cotofogae.
For Infants and Chlldron.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Gay Old Dogs.
"You can't teach an old dog new
"Oh, I don't know. They alt want to
try tho tango and tho maxim."
The Opportunist.
Ho I love tho true, the geod, the
benutlful, the
She Oh, Oeorgo, thin Is so suddent
Joun own nnoflorar wni.TRi.r. wo
ry Murine Kyn llr-rardy for Had. Weak, Watery
ilia and (Iranulatod Nyntlelai Mo HnwrtlDr
Ioit Bra comfort. . Wrltii lor lisok Ok Uin Kys
iy mat! Free. Murtno Mya. lieenody Oa Chlcaset
Where a pretty girl Is concerned It
doesn't tako an egotist to mako ayes.
the cook
to bake with Van
Houten's Rona Cocoa
instead of chocolate.
One telling will do.
Red can, half-pound
is constantly growing in favor because It
Docs Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not injure tho finest fabric. Fot
laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 oa,
package 10a 1-3 more starch for aaase money.
DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Oaaaha. Nebraska
Baltcra Podlf ran PuUtnca helped pntWIacooiln war
on tba tup TUi IU mormon nolaUirUld. W a
do tamo fur 700. UIO HUUb UATALUO VKHIa,
John A. Salter SetJ Co., Box 703, La Crosse, Wla,
is to buy roofing
by a responsible
you buy our roofing
written guarantee
yA i
Ar 4ft
01 ino worm a largcsi' i,r . . .1
manufacturers ol rool- T" mkk iiiuoi icuisie,
and build- ,8- ..., 1L.1. ... it
papara Jr piuut: tiieir ivurui
by the test of time
In.ul.tlna Papers
Wall Board.
PUitie Hoofing Cement Cement
Roof Coatlne
Metal Palnte
Out-door Palata
Shingle Stain
Kenned Coal Tar
JTLH jH JiT Yfllt. JBaaaTi' ,"
taaaaVSafe mWKAUjJK J VaaRf lal
laa 'f?W 194. at CaaaBma