The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 28, 1915, Image 2

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The Last Shot
(Copyright, 1914. by
At tturfr hnmn on thn frontier lietwrnn
Iho Ilruwnn and ClrnyH Miirtu Onllund uml
her rnotlior, entertaining Colonol WrMrr
lint; of Uui Clniyfi, bph CiipliUn I.uimlron
of thn llrowtm Injured !y a full In hU
aeroplaac. Tun years Inter. Wi-NtcrlltiK.
nominal lro hut real c.lilof of stuff, rn-eii-forccs
Hnutk TJi Tlr and inoilltutrH on war.
IIo call on Mart a, who li vImHIiik In thu
a ray riitiltiil. Khn tol!n him of her teach
lnj ct Ml drnii tho fnlllra of war and inur
tlnl (mtrtotimti, and Im-rh hint to prevent
war vvtallo ho Ih rhlcf of stuff. On tho
maroh with Uie C3d of thn Hrowim I'ri
vato fllrannkjr, anarchist, In placed under
arrtist. Oolonel I.anntron bcttn hltn off.
I.nnMron oalln on Mnrta at hur home. Ho
tnlkH with Keller, tho Kanlnner. Mnrta
tellfl fjinfltron that nho bellevvn Feller to
to a nny. Tanatron confePHCB It In true.
t.ntiHtron nliows Martn a telephone which
feller hits onnccnled In a i,ccrct ptirisaKu
under tho towor for into to bcnrlll tho
Hrowtia In war cmrrnonclci. Lnnstron do
rtarciB IiIa tovo for Marta. WcHterllnff nnd
the dray promlrr plan to iiho n trivial In
ternational affair to foment wnrllko pa
trlotlum In army nnd poot)lo nnd strike no
foro declaring wnr. I'nrlnw, llrnwn chief
of ntnff, and t.nmtron, made vlre, discuss
tho trouble, and tho llrnwn defenses. Par
tow rovonl.i hln plans to I.anntron. Tho
Gray army crowefl tho border lino and nt
tacks. Tho IlrnwnH elierk them. Artil
lery. Infantry, noroplnnei nnd dlrUlblci
mRngo. HtransUy, rlnlriK to mnke tho
anarchist speoih of IiIh life, draws tho
Gray nrtlllcry fin. Nlrltcd by n shrnpnel
upllnlcr he poes tterserk nnd flKhts "all
a man." Mnrta ltni her llrt Kllmpin of
war In I Li modern, rold. pelentltlc. mur
dcroun brutality. Tho Ilrnwns fall bark
o tho nallnnd house. Hlrnnslcy foraRCS.
CHAPTER XI Continued.
Sho wiih nt tho door of lior mother's
room, which wan llko an antlauo shop.
Old plates lay on top of old tables,
with vases on tho (loot- under tho
tables. Surrounded by her treasures,
Mrs. Gullaud awaited tho attnek; not
as a soldier awaits It, but as that ven
nrablo lloman Bonntor of tho ntory
facod tho barbarous Gauls neither
disputing tho powor of their speara
nor yielding tho Holf-renpect of his own
mind and soul. Sho hud lain down In
nor wrapper for tho night, and thu
light from n alnglo candle sho still
favored candles revealed her features
calm and philosophical among tho pil
lows. Yot tho magic of war, reaching
dcop Into bidden emotions, had her
also undur Its spoil. Her volco was at
onco moro tender nnd vital.
"Marta, I soo that you aro all on
wires l"
"Yes; Jangling wires, every ono,
Jangling every socond out of tune,"
Marta acquiesced.
"Marta, my father" her fattier had
boon a promlor of tho Ilrowns "al
ways said that you may enjoy tho lux
ury of fueling over HtUo things, for
thoy don't count much ono way or nn
othor; but about big things you must
never ftma or you will not bo worthy
of big things. Marta, you cannot stop
a railroad train with your hands. This
is not Uio first war on earth and wo
aro not tho first women who over
thought that war wus wrong. Each
of us has his work to do and you will
have yours. It docs no good to tiro
youiself out and fly to pieces, oven it
you do know eo much and havo been
tround tho world."
Sho umllod an a woman of sixty,
who has a secret heart-break that sho
had never given her husband a son,
may smilo nt n daughter who is both
son and daughter to her, and her
plump Hand, all curves llko her plump
faco and her plump body, spread opon
la appoal.
Marta, who, In tho breeding of hor
generation, folt sentiment as moro or
less of a luro from logic, dropped be
side tho bed In a sudden buret of sen
tlmont and gathered tho plump hand
In hers and kissed It.
"MoUior, you aro wondorfull" sho
said. "Mother, you aro great!"
After a tlmo, hor ear becoming nc
customed to tho firing as a city dwel
ler's to tho dlstnnt roar of city traf
fic Mrs. Gnllaud slopt. Uut Marta
could not follow her ndvlco. If, tran
siently at lonst, sho had found some
thing of tho peaco of tho confessional,
tho vigor of youth waB In hor arteries;
and youth cannot help romalning
awako under somo conditions. Sho
tiptoed ncross tho hall Into her own
room and seated herself by the win
dow. Tho symbol of what tho car
had heard tho oyo saw war, working
la tones of tho landscape by day with
smokeless powdor; war, rovcalcd by
Its tongues of ilamo at night. Ugly
bursts of flro from tho higher hills
spread to tho heavens llko an aurora
boroalla and broko their messengers
In sheets of flamo over tho lower hills
tho battorlcB of tho Drowns sprin
kling doatb about tho heads of the
gunners of tho Grays emplaclng their
batteries. Staccato flashes from a
single point countod so many bullots
from an automatic which directed by
tho boams of the search-lights, found
their targets In sections of advancing
Infantry. Hill crests, set off with
flashes running back and forth, de
marked Infantry linos of the Drowns
assisting tho automatics.
There wcro lulls between tho
crashos of tho small arms and tho
heavy, throaty speech of tho guns;
lulls that socmed to say that both
Hides had paused for a breathing
spoil; lulls that allowed tho battlo In
tho distance to bo heard In its porvn
slvo undortono. Iu ono of tbem, when
even tho undertono had ceased for a
few seconds, Marta caught faintly tho
groans of a wouudod man ono of tho
Charles Scribner'a Sons)
crew of u Gruy dlrlglblo burned by
tin explosion and brought In his agony
softly to earth by a billowing pieco of
cuvolopo which acted as a parachute.
Fighting proceeded In La Tlr In
stages of ferocity und blank sllenco.
Tho upper part of tho town, which
tho Drowns tlll held, wns in dark
ness; tho lower part, whoro tho Grays
were, was illuminated.
"Anothor ono of Lanuy'a plans 1"
thought Marta. "Ho would havo them
work In tho light, while wo flro out
of obscurity!"
Soon nil tho town wns In darkness,
for tho Grays had cut the wlro In tho
main conduit shortly after sho had
heard tho groans of tho wounded man.
There tho automatics broko out In a
mad storm, voicing their feelings at
getting a company in closo order In a
fltrect for tho spneo of a minute, bo
foro thoso who escaped could plaster
thoiiiBolveB ngnlnst doorwnyB or llnd
cover In nlloys. Then ailonco from
tho automatics and a choor from tho
Drowns thnt rasped out Its triumph
llko tho rubbing together of Btuol llles.
From tho lino of dofenso, that In
cluded tho first tcrrnco of tho Galland
grounds ns tho nnglo of a redoubt, not
u ehot, not a sound; sllenco on the
part of of!lcors nnd men as profound
ns Mrs. Gallaud's slumber, whllo one
of thu Drowns' search-lights, llko somo
grcnt witch's slow-turning oyo In a
narrow radius, covered tho lower tor
races nnd the road.
Mnrta gavo intermittent glances at
thu garden; the glances of a guardian.
Sho happened to bo looking In thnt
direction when flguros sprang across
tho road, crouching, running with tho
short, Quick steps of no body move
ment accompanying thnt of tho legs.
Tho search-light caught thorn In mer
ciless silhouette nnd tho automatic
and thu rifles from behind tho sand
bags on tho first terraco lot go. Somo
of tho figures dropped nnd lay In tho
road nnd sho knew that sho had seen
men hit for tho flnt tlmo. Others, Bho
thought, got snfely to tho cover of tho
gutter on tho gnrden Bide. Of thoso
on tho road, somo wero still nnd somo
sho Baw wero moving slowly bnck on
their stomachs to snfoty. Now tho
search-light laid Its beam steadily on
tho road. Again silence. From tho
upper terraco camo a great voice, llko
that of tho guns, from a human throat:
"Why didn't wo level thoso ter
races? They'll creep up from ono to
tho other!" It was Strunsky.
In nnswor was another voice Del
larmo's. "Perhaps thero wasn't tlmo to do
everything. If thoy get ns far as tho
first terraco well, In enso of a crisis,
wo havo hand-grenades. Dut, God
knows, I hopo wo shall not havo to
uso them."
After an Interval, moro figures mndo
n rush ncross tho road. Thoy, too, In
Stransky's words, paid n prlco for
Boeing tho gnrden. Dut tho flashes
from tho rlflea nnd tho automatic pro
vided a target for a Gray battery. Tho
bluo spark that flics from an overhead
trolloy or a third rail, multiplied a
hundredfold, broko In Martn's faco.
It was dazzling, blinding ns n bolt of
lightning a fow feet distant, with tho
thunder crash at tho snmo second,
followed by tho thrashing hum of bul
lets nnd fragments against tho side
of tho house.
"I know that this must come!"
something within her said. If sho
had not been prepared for It by tho
events of tho last twelve hours sho
would havo Jumped to her feet with
nn exclamation of natural shock and
horror. As It was, sho folt a convul
sive, nervous thrill without rising
from hur seat. A pauso. Tho next
sholl Lurst In lino with tho first, out
by tho lindon-treou; a third abovo tho
"Wo'vo got thnt rnngo, all right!"
thought tho Gray battery commander,
who had Judged tho distanco by tho
staff map. This wns all ho wnntod to
know for tho present. Ho would lot
looso nt tho propor tlmo to support
tho Infantry attack, when thero wero
enough driblets across tho road to
mako n chnrgo. Tho drlblots kopt on
coming, and, ono by ono, tho numbor
of dead on tho road was augmented.
Mnrta was diverted from this proc
oss of killing by piccomoal by a moro
theatric spectacle A brigade com
mander of tho Grnys had ticked an
order over tho wires nnd it had gono
from bnttory to bnttery. Not only
many field-guns, which are tho ter
riers of tho artillery, but somo guns
of slego caliber, tho mastiffs, in a
sudden outburst stnrted a havoc of
tumbling walls and cornices In tho
upper part of tho town.
Thon an oxploslon greater than nny
from tho shells shot a hemisphere of
light henvcnwnrd, rovonllng a shadowy
body flying overhead, and an Instant
later tho heavens were illuminated by
n vaet clrclo of flamo as tho dlrlglblo
that had dropped tho dynamite re
ceived Its death-blow.' Dut already
tho Drown Infantry wns withdrawing
from tho town, destroying buildings
that would glvo cover for tho attack
In tho morning as thoy went. Two or
thrco hours after midnight fell a si-
j lence which' wa to lost until dawn.
Tho combatants rested on their arms,
Drowns Baying to Grays, "Wo shall
bo ready for tho morrow!" and Grays
replying: "So shall wol"
Marta, nt her window, hor oyes fol
lowing tho movement of tho display,
now hero, now thoro, found herself
thinking of many things, nB In tho
Intermissions between tho acts of a
drama. Sho wondorcd It tho groan
ing, wounded man wero crying for
water or If ho wero wishing thnt somo
ono at homo wcro near him. Sho
thought of her talk with LnnBtron and
how fomlnlno nnd feeblo It must huvo
Bounded to a mind working in tho in
cxornblo processes of tho clash of
millions of men. Sho saw his left
hand twitching in hie pockot, his
right hand gripping It to hold It still,
on that afternoon when, for tho first
time, sho had understood his Injury
in tho aeroplano accident as tho tal
isman of his feelings his controlled
feelings! Always his controlled feel
ings! Sho saw Westerllng, bo conscious
of his strength, directing his chess
men In a death strugglo against Par
tow. And he was coming to this housa
ns his headquarters when tho final
test of tho strength of tho Titans was
Sho hoped that hor mother was still
sleeping; nnd sho had seconds when
oho was startled by her own calmness.
Again, tho faces of tho children in
her Bchool wcro as clear as In llfo.
Sho breathed her gratitudo that tho
procession In which thoy moved to
tho rear was hours ago out of tho
theater of danger. Iu tho simplicity
of big things, her duty wns to teach
thorn, a futuro generation, no lees
than Feller's duty was tho pursuing
shadow of his conscience. Sho should
bco war, alive, naked, bloody, nnd sho
would toll her children what sho had
seen ns a warning.
Silence, except an occasional riflo
shot sllenco nnd tho darkness boforo
dawn which would, sho know, concon
trato tho lightnings around tho house.
Sho glanced Into her mother's room
nnd marveled ns nt a mtruclo to find
her sleeping. Then sho stolo down
fltnlrB nnd opened tho outer door of
tho dining-room. A step or two
brought hor to tho edgo of tho vo
randa. Thero sho paused nnd lenned
ngnlnet ono of tho stono pillars. Del
Inrmo himself wns In u half-recllnlng
position, his back to a tree. He
seemed to bo nodding. Except for a
fow on watch over tho sand-bags, his
men wero stretched on tho earth, mov
ing restlessly at intervals, either In
nn effort to sloop or waking suddenly
nftcr a spell of harassed unconscious
Hand to Hand.
With tho first sign of dawn thero
wns a movement of shadowy forms
taking position in answer to low
spoken commands. Tho search-light
yielded Its vigil to tho wide-spread
beam out of tho east, and the detail
of tho sotting where Marta was to
watch tho play of ono of man's pas
sions, which ho dares not permit tho
tender flesh of woman to share, grow
The Searchliaht Caught Them In Mer
ciless Silhouette.
distinct. Dnyoncts wero fixed on tho
rifles thnt lay, along tho parapet of
Bnnd-bngs in front of tho row of brown
shoulders. Dack of them In tho yard
was a section of infantry In reserve,
also with bayonets fixed, ready to fill
tho placo of nny who foil out of lino,
a doctor and stretchers to euro for
tho wounded, and a detachment of en
gineers to mend any broaches made
In tho breastwork by shell flro.
The gunner of the automatic sight
ed his barrol, slightly adjusted Its
elevation, and swung it back nnd
forth to mnko suro that It worked
smoothly, whllo his assistant eaw thnt
tho fresh belts of cartridges which
wero to feed It woro within easy reach.
In straw lint nnd bluo blouse, shuf
fling with hlo old man's walk, Feller
camo along tho pnth from tho gato.
IIo was In rotrent from tho enticing
plcturo of tho regiment of flold-guns
tn front of tho cnstlo that was ready
for action. As tho Infantry had never
Intoroatod him, ho would bo safo from
temptation In tho yard,
"This Is no place for you I" said one
of tho onglnoera,
fliiHflSwitftr limn
mm ll 'JHI
"No, and don't wustn any time, ei
ther, old man!" Bald another. "Dack
to your bulbs!"
Feller did not even hear them. For
the moment ho wns actually deaf.
"Fire!" said Dollnrmo's whistle.
"Thur-r-r!" went tho automatic In
soulless, mechanical repetition, its
tnpo spinning through tho cylinder,
while the rifles spoko with tho human
irregularity of steel-tipped lingers
pounding nt random on a drumhead.
All along tho lino facing La Tlr tho
volume of ilro spread until It was llko
tho concert of a mighty loom.
Tho Gray batteries having tried out
their rango by tho flashes of tho au
tomatic tho prevIouB evening, wcro
making tho most of thu occasion.
"Uk-ung-n-ng!" tho breaking Jackets
whipped out their grists. Tho re
serves, tho hospital-corps men and tho
engineers hugged tho breastwork for
cover. Tho leaves clipped from tho
trees by bullots were blown aside with
tho hurrtcano breaths of shrapnel
bursts; bullets whistled so near Marta
that Bho heard their shrillness" abovo
every othor sound. Sho was amazed
that tho houses still remained stand
ing that nnyono was alive. Dut Bho
had a gllmpso of Dellarmo maintain
ing his set smllo and another of Fel
lor, who had crept up behind tho au
tomatic, making impatient "come-on!
como-onl whnt-Is-the-matter-wlth-you?"
gestures In tho direction of tho but
teries In front of tho castlo.
"Thur-eesh thur-eesh!" As tho
welcomo noto swept overhead he
waved his hands up and down In mad
rapturo and thon peeped over tho
breastwork to ascertain If tho prac
tice woro good. Tho Drown batteries
had been a little slow In coming Into
nctlon, but they soon broko tho pre
cision of tho opposing flro.
Now shells coming frequently fell
short or went wldo. Tho air cleared..
Then a chance shell, striking nt tho
ono point which tho man who fired
it six .thousand yards away would havo
chosen ns his bull's eye, obscured Fel
lor and tho automatic and Its gunners
In tho hnvoo of explosion. Feller must
havo been killed. Tho dust settled;
sho saw Dellarmo making frantic ges
tures ns ho looked at his men. They
wero keeping up their fusillade with
unflinching rapidity. Through tho
breach left in the breastwork sho had
glimpses, nB the dust was Anally dis
sipated, of gray figures, bayonets fixed,
pressing together as they camo on
fiercely toward tho opening. Tho
Drowns let go the full blast of their
magazines. Had that chanco shell
turned tho scales? Would the Grays
get Into tho breastwork?
All Marta's faculties and emotions
wcro frozen In her staro of suspense
nt tho breach. Thon her henrt leaped,
a cry In a gust of short breaths broko
from her lips as tho Drowns let go
a rasping, explosive, dcmonlncal cheer.
Tho first attack had been checked!
After triumph, terror, falntness, and
a closing of her eyes, sho opened
them to sco Feller, with his old straw
hat brim torn and crownless now
still on his head, riso from tho debris
nnd Bhako himself llko a dog coming
ashoro from a swim. Whllo tho engi
neers hnstened to repair tho breach
he assisted Stransky, who had also
bocn knocked down by tho concus
sion, to lift tho overturned automatic
off tho gunner. Tho doctor, putting a
hand on tho gunner's heart, shook his
head, nnd two hospital-corps men re
moved tho body to malco room for the
For onco Dellarmo's cheery smllo
deserted him. There was no ono left
to man the automatic, bo vital In the
defense, and oven if somebody could
be found tho gun was probnbly out of
commission. As ho started toward it
his' smllo, nlready summoned back,
was shot with surprise at sight of tho
gun in placo nnd a stranger in .bluo
blouse, whito hair showing through a
crownless straw hat, trying out tho
mechanism with knowing fingers. Del
larmo stared. Feller, unconscious of
everything but the gun, righted tho
cartridge band, swung tho barrel back
and forth, and then fired a shot.
"You you seem to know rapid
firers!" Dellarmo exclaimed In blank
"Yes, sir!" Fellor raised his linger,
whether In salute as a soldier or as
n gardener touching his hnt It was
hard to say.
"Dut how whore?" gasped Del
larmo. This tlmo tho movement of tho lin
ger was undoubtedly In salute, In per
fect, swift, military salute, with head
thrown back and shoulders Btlff. Fel
lor tho gardoner waB dead and burled
without ceremony.
"Lanstron's class, schbol for offi
cers, sir. Stood ono In ballistics, prlzo
medallist control of gun-flro. Yes, sir,
I know something about rapld-flrors,"
Feller replied, and flrcd a few' moro
shots. "A llttlo high, a littlo low
right, my lady, rightl"
Stransky was back in his placo next
to the automatic and firing whenever
a head appeared. Ho rolled his eyes
in a characteristic squint of scrutiny
toward tho new recruit.
"Beats spraying roso-bushos for
bugs, eh, old man?" he asked.
"Yes, a lead solution 1b best for
gray bugs!" Feller remarked pun
gently, and their glances meeting,
they saw In each other's oyes tho Joy
of hell.
"A pair of anarchists!" exclaimed
Stransky, grinning, and tried a shot
for another head.
As it In answer to prayor, a gun
ner had como out of tho earth. Suf
ficient to the noed was tho fact. It
was not, for Dellarmo to ask questions
of a prlzo-medalllet gradunto of the
school for ofneers in a blue blouse and
crownless straw hat. Ills export sur
vey assured him that boforo another
rush the enemy had certain prepara
tions to mako. He might glvo his
fighting smllo a recess and permit
himself a few minutes' relaxation.
J-.iofcing nro'und to nscortnin what
dainngo had boon donti o tho house
and grounds, ho beenmo awaro of
Marta's presence for tho first tlmo.
"MIsb Gnllnnd, you you weren't
thero during the fighting?" he cried
tta hu ran towntd her.
".Yes," sho nnld rather faintly.
"If I had known that I should bavt
been scared to death!"
"Dut I was sufo behind tho pillar,"
sho explained.
"Miss Galland, you'ro Buch a good
soldier please and I'm suro you have
not had your breakfast, and till good
soldiers never neglect their rations,
not at tho beginning of u war! Miss
Galland, please " Yes, as ho meant
It, pltnso bo a good fellow.
Sho could not resist smiling nt tho
charming manner of his plen. She felt
weak and strange a llttlo dizzy. Do
Bides, her mother's voice now camo
from tho doorway and then her moth
er's hand was pressing her nrm.
"Marta, If you remain out hero, I
Bhnll!" announced Mrs. Galland.
"I wns Just comlnc in."
Dellnrme, Ills cap held be foro him In
tho Jaunty, fashion of officers, bowed,
his fnco beaming his happiness at her
"Como!" MrB. Galland Bllpped her
hnnd Into Marta's. "Two women can't
fight both nrmlcB. Como! I prescrlbo
hot coffee. It Is waiting; and, do you
know, I And a meal in the kitchen
very cozy."
Doing human nnd not a heroine fed
on lotos blossoms, nnd being exhaust
ed and also hungry, when Bho was
seated nt tnble, with Minna adroitly
urging hur, Marta ate with tho relish
of llttlo Peterkln In tho shell crater
munching biscuits from his haversack,
but tho movement of tho minute-hand
on tho clock-face beenmo uncanny and
merciless to her oyo In its deliberate
regularity. Dellarmo had been told
to hold on until noon, sho know. Was
ho Btlll smiling? Was Feller still
happy In playing n stream of lead
from tho automatic? Was the second
chnrgo of tho Grays, which muBt linvo
como to close quarters when tho guns
went silent, going to succeed?
Mrs. Galland had settled down con
scientiously to play solitaire, n favor
lto pastime of hers; but sho failed
to win, us sho complained to Mnrta,
becauso of hor stupid way thlB morn
ing of missing tho combination cards.
After a long intermission camo an
other outburst from Dellarmo's men,
which sho Interpreted ns tho responso
to nnother rush by tho Grays; and this
yelping of tho demon wns not that
of tho hound after the hare, as in
the valley, but of the haro with his
back to tho wall. When It was over
thero was no cheer. What did this
mean? Without warning to her mother
sho bolted out of tho kitchen. Mrs.
Galland sprang up to follow, but
Minna barred tho way.
"Ono is enough!" sho said flrmly,
and Mrs. Galland dropped back Into
hor chair.
In tho front rooms Mnrta found
havoc beyond .her Imagination. A por
tion of the ceiling hnd been blown out
by n shell entering at an up-atalrs win
dow; thu hardwood floors wero lit
tered with plaster and window-glass
and ripped into splinters In places.
Cub Reporter Got Something of a Jolt
In His Interview With Educated
Two San Francisco reporters were
assigned to call on Chinamen and in
terview them on an immigration meas
ure pending In congress. Ono of tho
reporters was a cub and an Easterner,
while tho other, an experienced man,
assumed tho management of tho as
signment "Gates," ho said, after thoy had in
vaded several Chinese shops without
nny important result, "yonder is a
tea-storo. Deat it over by thero and
talk to tho boss nbout Chlneso voting.
I'll go In next door. Remember to
uso tho very simplest EngllBU you
Tho cub went Inalde tho tea-Bhop
and thus addressed tho proprietor:
"John, how? Me mo Telegraph,
John! Nowspapo savvy, John?
Nowspapo print things. Un'stan'?
Wo want know what John think nbout
Chinaman vote all samo Mellcan
man. What John think Chinaman
voto, see? Savvy, John? Voto? What
Tho Chinaman listened to nil this
with profound gravity and thon re
plied: "Tho question of granting tho right
of suffrngo to Chinese citizens who
havo como to tho United StatoB with
tho avowed intentiou of making this
country tholr permanent homo is ono
that has occupied tho attention of
thoughtful men of nil parties for years,
and It may in tlmo becomo of para
mount Importance. At present, how
ever, It seems to mo that there is no
exigency requiring an expression of
opinion from me upon this subject
You will pleaso excuso me."
Tho cub wont outside and leaned
against a lamppost to rest and re
cover from a sudden falntness. His
fellow reporter bad purposely steered
him agnltiBt ono of tho best educated
Chinamen In tho United States.
For China Stand.
When ono has a china umbrella
stand It Is a wlso plan to placo a
spongo In tho bottom of tho Jar to
keep It from being cracked or broken.
Tho spongo not only prevents It from
belnir broken, but nlsn nlisnrhs ),. .
-Ur which drljjis from tha umbrella.
I am frequently troubled with kidney
nnd bladder ttoublc, especially in thu
Spring nnd Fall. Deing nn old Veteran
of the Civil War, a littlo cxponurc or
cold settles on my kidneys, and then
I am laid up with kidney or bladder
troublo Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Iloot was
recommended to mo a number of years
ngo, and I took a number of bottles of it
and was more than plcaocd with tho re
sults, I consider Swamp-Ilnot tho great
est nnd best kidney medicine on tht
market and it never fnlls to givo quicU
results in kidney trouble, bladder troubla
and lame back.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root has done m
so much good that I feel if any words of
mine will be tho means of relieving any
poor sufferers, that you aro nt liberty to
use this letter as you sec fit.
Yours very truly,
1780 Walker St. Dea Moines, Iowa.
State of Iowa
Poko County J8'"
A. R. Hansen, a retail draggisi of thl
city, being first duly sworn deposes and
says, that he is well Acquainted with
Gcorgo W. Atclilcy, who gave tho above
testimonial; that wild Atclilcy made and
signed said testimonial in my presence
and that I have sold said Atchlcy a part
of the Swamp-Root referred to in abovo
testimonial. Affiant further snya that
George W. Atchlcy is a well knowa citi
zen of this city nnd an honorable man,
and that it was Mr. Atchley's deairo U
give said testimonial.
Subscribed to in my presence, and
sworn to before me, this 23rd of March,
E. J. FRISK, Notary Public
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer fc Co.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will DoForYoa
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
DinRhamton, N. Y., for a samplo sizq
bottle. It will convince anyone Yon;
will also rcceivo'a booklet of valuable in
formation, telling about the kidneys and,
bladder. When writing, be sure andmen
tion this paper. Regular fifty-cent and
one-dollar rizc bottles for sale at all druj
stores. Adv.
Heartless Prophetess.
"Harold says that after we are mar
rlcd ho will want mo to dress like a
queen." r
"Yes," replied Miss Cayonno. "And
for a whllo ho will bo ns proud as a
king. After that ho will grumble llko
a taxpayer."
in Mineralogy.
Professor Name the largest known
Mr. A. Tho aco.
Matchless Concert
Stranger Havo you a rantci, sir?
Vain Individual No, I dont think
bo. DcBton Evening Transcript.
Restored To Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound,
Montpeller, Vt "Wo have groat
fnith in your remedies. . I was very ir
regular and was
tired and sleepy all
the time, would have
cold chills, and my
hands and fcetwould
bloat My stomach
bothered me, I had
pain in my side and
a bad headache most
of the time. Lydia
E. Pin'Kham's Vege
table Compound has
done me lots of (rood
and I now feel fine. I am regular, my
stomach is better and my pains hava all
left me. You can uso my name if you
like. I am proud of what your reme
dies have done for mo."-Mrs. Mary
Gauthier, 21 Ridgo St, Montpeller, Vt
An Utmost Dcpcndablo Medicine
It must bo admitted by every fair
minded, intelligent person, that a medi
cine could not li vo and grow in popularity
for nearly forty years, and to-day hold
a record for thousands upon thousands
of 'actual cures, ns has Lydia E. JRmk,-..
ham's Vegetablo Compound, without
possessing grent virtue and actual
worth. Such medicines must bo looked
upon nnd termed both standard and
depcndablo by every thinking person.
If yon liavo tho slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
blo Compound will hcl p you,ivrlto
(confidential) Lynn, Mass.,f or nd
vlco. Your letter will bo opened
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the Irer (
right the stomach and bowels are right
gently butfirmly com
pel a lazy nver to.
so us cmty.
Cures Con-.
tipation, In
ind Uutress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
mtrnwr VER
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 5-1915.
"tywrwyt Higjwv;