The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 21, 1915, Image 6
"" "" -K ' Mr iV Tf J-W ' CRt-l,- r ,. , , r .jwf-H1 K'i iU i'V.i: rv nttfrpWJ. A ' - "Hh. RED OLOUD, .NEBRASKA, CHIEF to'?-" .'jrtjraKSMW-? . v , i II GENERAL GONZALES GARZA PRESIDENT OF MEXICO. IS ANOTHER QUAKE IN ITALY Eleven Shocks Registered at Rome Sunday Fire Wrecks Big Furniture House at Lincoln. Western Nuwupttjicr Union Ncwu Htsrvlco Waahlnfiton. Col. lloquo (loiiznlce Carta, ono of Villa's principal olllcerH, Ih now thu oxcoutlvo head of that por tion of Mexican territory controlled by tho Vlllu-Znpiila forccti. Advices to this effect rouched the etato department from American Con mil Stllliunn. Details or the term of tho olllco which (Jarza will servo wero lackliiB, but tho guncral belief In Mex ican circles here wus that he had been appointed temporarily to meet nn emerKcncy created by tho sudden departure of General Gutierrez and members of his cublnet from Mexico City. Bad Fire In Furniture Store. Lincoln, Neb. Kiro which started nt 12: 25 Monday morning from an un known source gutted two floors and tho basement of the A. D. Iionway company furniture store at 1112-M14 O street. Tho 11 ro started In tho rear of tho basement undor tho cast half of the store. By tho titno tho depart ment was notified tho flro had secured such a start that tho flamos could not he checked. At 1 a. m., halt an hour after the flro wan reported, flames suddenly burst through tho first floor and swept up through tho building, turning tho interior Into a blazing fur ace. Thu loss was estimated at $50, MO. Tho stock was valued at $100,000 and was Insured for about $90,000. ITALY HAS ANOTHER SHOCK People Took Refuges in Open Places of 8afety. Rome. A ronowal of sclBtnlc dis turbances early Sunday sorved to add to tho terror of tho peoplo in parts of the district that was visited by tho heavy earthquake last Wednesday. Al though tho shocks wero light, build tags which had beon cracked and wero tottering from the effects of tho dlsturbanoo were completely razed. Ini Avezzano and Sora, the towns which suffered most from tho disaster, the people left tholr temporary shel ters and tack refuge In open places. Charge Roy Roberts with Murder. North Platte. Nob. That Hoy Rob erta murdered Vernon Connett Au gust S, 1914, and that Mr. and Mrs. Oliarloa Clayton, the step-father and mother, have a guilty knowledge of the murder is tho verdict brought by tho coroner's jury at the Inquest over tho remnlns of n man found ono mile south of Sutherland. Tho following Is tho verdict: "Wo find that said Ver non Connott came to his death by be ing Btruck with a hammer or other blunt Instrument in tho hands of Roy Roborts on or about August 3, 1914, and that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton have a guilty knowledgo of tho mur der." Bad Fire at Sioux City. Sioux City, la. An early rooming flro ripRtravftd thn Trlmhln lilnclr. filvtli I n fV nd Plorco streets, with a loss of $200,- 000. Fire Chief Kollogg and Fireman Thompson wore Injured when blown from tho building by n gasoline ex plosion. Tho flro started in the base mont from unknown causes at 1 a. m., and was not under control until 3:30. For a time St. Vincent's hospital was in danger, and many patients wero hurriedly removed and somo are In critical condition from tho shock. Sensational Advance In Wheat. Omaha, Neb. A car of No. 3 winter Nebraska wheat sold for cush on tho floor of tho Omaha grain exchango Saturday for $1.38. This is n sensa tional advanoe over prices which for days have been hitting high record marks. It is 4 cents higher than tie record price paid for No. 2 Friday. At tho samo tlmo durum wheat, which has boon keoping pace with tho up warm climb of tho inoro common grado, sold fpr $l..ri0. Bryan Sends a Protest. Washington. Secrotnry nryan hat sent a vlgtorous protest directly to tho Carranza authorities at Tnmplco, against their threat to close tho great oil wells in tho vicinity of Tnmplco becauso tho foreign operators refused to pay a heavy assessment, lovled by the Mexicans. At tho samo tlmo tho attention was brought to the attention of Carranza himself. Most of tho oil plants aro owned by American and Ilritlsh capital. Tobacco Shipment Held Up. Paris. Two and a half tons of to bacco and cigars, half of a shipment recently mado by a number of Amer icans as a gift for thn allies' soldiers in tho trenches, has arrived hero and caused perturbation In t&o fiscal de partment, ns tho duties wero 150,000 francs ($30,000). Tho government of fered to remit tho duties If tho to "bacco wero Intended for hospitals, but the donors wanted it to gy to tho men in tho trenches. THE FRESH iiuuyriKhM , . . . NEW WORK FOR RED CROSS DISASTER SURPASSES EVEN THAT OF MESSINA. ' Invite Contributions to Aid Sufferers In Italian Earthquake Presi dent Inaugurates New Custom. Wcitern Newspaper Union News Service. Rome. William Marconi, who re turned here from Avezzano on board tho train with King Victor Emmanuel, declared words were insufficient to de scribe the horrors ho had witnessed. Tho town had been leveled, he said, and those of its resldontB who had es caped death in the disaster wero now destitute. "King Victor Emmanuel told me," Marconi Bald, "that he had visited tho scenes of all tho earthquake disasters In Italy stneo ho was a child, but this ono surpassed all others, even In cluding Messina. The king said tho survivors of Avezzano were only be tween 2 and 3 per cent of Its popu lation, whllo at Messina one-third of the people escaped." Inaugurates New Custom. Washington. President Wilson In augurated a new custom when ho called the cabinet together for tho first of a scries of Friday night Infor mal discussions of railroad business. He plans to contlnuo tho practice In definitely. Tho cabinet was inv session for nearly threo hours In tho president's study in tho White houso proper. Each cabinet officer had cnrrled to tho meeting a portfolio of depart mental papers. Later It was said thnt no important decisions had been reached. Tho loglslatlvo situation, tho Mexican and shipping questions and some routine business wero under stood to hnvo been taken up. . RED CROSS FINDS NEW WORK. Contributions Invited to Aid Earth quake Sufferers. Washington. Tho American Red Cross has announced that it would bo glad to recelvo ut its headqunrtors hero contributions for tho Italian earthquake sufferers, and would for ward such money through the state department and to tho proper officials in Italy. The following Btatomcnt has been Issued: "Tho press dispatches indicate that another dreadful calamity has vIsKed Italy, occasioned by nn oarthqunko, which is reported to hnvo destroyed many thousands of lives nnd to have devastated a largo city. The number rendered homoloss by tho Messina earthquake In 1908 was upwards of 60,000, nnd tho American public re sponded to tho relief by raising, through tho American Red Cross, tho munificent sum of approximately ono million dollars to assist Uioho stricken I people." Russians Reinforcing Front. Petrograd. Anticipating nnother at tempt on tho part of tho Germans to break through tho Russian lines at a new point, tho Russians are reinforc ing their entlro front from tho ex tremo north to (ho PHIca river. Espe cially strong contingents have been pent to tho lines along tho Nlemen nnd tho Hzura rivers. This nctlon Is taken becaupo of tho realization thnt the Germans miiBt win through within tli2 next few weeks or definitely nbnndon .their offensive In Poland until next summer. Hits Street Car Lines. San KranclBCo, Cal, "Jitney busses" - common automobiles which compete agaliiHt thn street ears for 5 cont fares have become u menace that Is engaging the Herloim uttentlon of hlr.-it railway olllelaln In Puclllc coast :ltf-it, and It Ih stated that no oxten hlurm of linos or sorvlco would bo un dertaken by thorn until tho problem was Hfjived, This announcement laJ lowed u reported cancellation by a Lou Angeles Htroct railway company of an order for 2C0 now cars. AIR FIEND THOUSANDS ARE DEAD BENEATH PILES OF DEBRIS. Suffragists Planning to Push Cause Ir. States Fighting Has Been Resumed in Russian Poland. Western Newspaper Union News Service Romo. With every hour, as addi tional and moro accurate details are received, the horror of Wednesday's earthquake increases, threatening to place it In tho list of similar catas trophes in Europo second only to the Messina dlsastor In 1908. Tho list of dead, dying and injured has Increased from a relatively small figure to moro than 30,000, according to an official announcement, and It Is expected that this number may grow before tho week passes. Tho full extent of the property loss has not yet been determined. Here in Romo priceless statues, century old buildings and structures that for years have been tho mecca of visitors, have been destroyed or injured. Though the loss of life, and pos sibly the damago may be less than it was In 1908, the area of the disturb ance greatly exceeds that of the Mes sina earthquake It covers the whole central portion of Italy, extending from Naples on tho south to Ferrara on the north. Fighting Again Resumed. Petrograd. Furious fighting has been resumed In Russian Poland. The Russian forces in the north, which aro pushing toward East Prussia In the region of Mlawa, have captured a num ber of villages. In tho center the Ger mans mado four violent attacks within forty-eight hours. They forced back tho Russians nnd occupied considera ble ground. Important bodies of Rus sian troops have pushed northward from Wnrsnw In tho movement toward tho westorn end of tho East Prussian frontier. They have reoccuplcd a num ber of villages between Mlawa and Przasnysz, hlthorto held by the Ger mans. FIGHT IS WARMING UP. Suffragists Have Plans for Pushing Cause In All States. Washington. Undaunted by the de cisive defeat 'of the Mondell suffrage resolution In tho houso, suffragist load ers declaro tho fight Is merely worm ing up. Their next move, they Indi cate, will bo In the senate, Tho sweeping voto of 204 against nnd 174 for tho measure was regarded my Mrs. Antoinette Funk, vice chair man of tho woman's congressional committee, ns "exactly one-fourth moro than we suffragists had expect ed to muster." "From nny point of view," she de clared cheerfully," "the achievement of a vote on this resolution was a vic tory for tho suffragists, since It hnd novor beforo reached tho stago of con sideration In tho houso Itsolf." Directed Operations by Telegraph. London. For several days tho op orations of tho British army In Flan ders wero directed by telegraph from thn homo of Sir John Fronch near Hyde Park, London, during tho gon oral'a recent visit hero. Whllo It took Wellington threo dayB alono to get a messngo to Whitehall and as long to receive a roply during the Waterloo campaign, General French was nblo to communicate directly with Sir John Archibald Murray nt tho base head quarters at St. Omer, Franco. Bad Storm in the East. Now York. Ono life was lost and considerable damngo dono hero by a severe wind nnd rain storm which prevailed during Tuosdny and which Increased n Intensity nt night. Tho wind caused tho virtual wrecking of a big grain elevator In Brooklyn. Three persons passing by wero Injured when sovcral thousand square feot of brick fell with a crash. Two laborers wero blown oft a plank leading ashore from a bargo at tho Erlo baBln, and ono was drowned. WITH THE LAWMAKERS WHAT Is BEING DONE IN HALLS OF CONGRESS. Epitome of the Work of the Dally Sessions of the National Lawmakers. Wfstcrn Newspaper Union News Service Saturday. Tho Senate Debate was resumed on tho proposal to attach a prohibition rider, covering the capital, to the Dis trict of Columbia appropriation bill. Caucus adopted resolution to make shipping bill come up after tho Dis trict of Columbia bill and to consider amendments to the shipping bill Mon day night. Consideration of the river and har bor bill was resumed. The lloiiHOT-Heprcsentatlvo Lobecli Introduced uj resolution to empowet the president to declare embargo against any belligerent who Interferes with American shipping in violation of International law. Representative Underwood's motion that the houso meet at 11 u. m. Tues day nnd dispose of the rivers and ban bor bill that day was adopted. Friday. The Senate Senator Lodge spoko on tho national defenses. Senators Root, Hitchcock and Swan son wero appointed to confer with Sec retary Bryan on amending the Colom bian treaty. Conllrmed nomination of Frederick L. Slddons as assistant justice of the District of Columbia supremo court. The House Representative Deakos of Michigan proposed a constitutional amendment to make the presidential term six years. Irrigation appropriation bills, carry ing $13,876,000, reported by Chnlrman Smith of the irrigation committee. Agreed to continue consideration ol river and harbor appropriation lc night session without recess. Thursday. The Senate Consideration of the District of Columbia appropriation bill was continued. Judiciary committee voted favorable report on nomination of Frederick L. Slddons as justice of the District of Columbia supreme court. Tho House Representative Gard ner's resolution calling on tho secre tary of war for information on coast defenses was passed almost unani mously. The river and harbor bill was up or consideration again. Began detailed consideration of the river and harbor appropriation bill carrying $34,000,000. I Wednesday. Tho Senate Foreign relations com mittee dlscuBsed the Colombian tre.'Hy. The House The naval comraltteo adopted the administration's two bat tleship program. Passed the Tuttlo standard barrel bill, which already has passed the senate. Russia Expelling Foreigners. Petrograd. German nnd Austrlni subjects between the nges of 1C and CO have been ordered expelled from Potrograd and its environs nnd nlsc from those Russian provinces which border on tho gulf of Finland and the Baltic sea, Including the gulf of Riga The order of expulsion provides that all persons concerned must be clear 'of those provinces by January 27. None Rescued from Wrecked Cruiser, Amsterdam. Information recelvod at Berlin is to the effect that nono ol ;the officers or mon wero saved from .the German cruiser Scharuhorst, sunk off the Falkland Islands by the British squadron. Seven officers nnd 171 men iworo saved from the Gnelsenau, seven from tho Numbers and four officers nnd fifteen men from tho Leipzig. Pushing University Extension. Lincoln, Neb. At u meeting of tho board of regents held Thursday, nt which routine mntters occupied con sldorablo time, action was taken to jhurry along tho acquisition of all the jots In tho block Immediately cast of fTwolfth street nnd north of It, nnd to pocure other lots In the blocks east of the university to be acquired whera reasonable prices may be secured. Nev President for Mexico, El Pnso, Tex. Official confirmation has been received hero of tho reap pc'ntmcnt as provisional president by the Villa Zapata convention of Eulallo Gutierrez, who thus has hecomo the eighth chief executlvo of Mexico in nny form during n single presidential term of six years. During this tlmo (only two havo been chosen by populnr leloctlon, Diaz, who was thrown out of pftlce by the Madero revolution, and Madero, deposed by tho reactionary Huorta-DIaz revolt. Rescued from Sealed Car. Omaha, Neb. Bleodlng from cuts and brulsos nnd too weak from hunger and exposure to stand alone, a young jtorolgner, giving his name ns Jan Co volcBkl, nged twenty-two years, was Rescued from a scnlcd box car on the tracks ut Fifteenth ami Nicholas streets, after an imprisonment of threo days. His hands wero scratched and blooding and his finger up lis torn from Ineffectual working at tho door in an effort to open It. , BRIEP NEWS OF NEBRASKA Eagle is taking steps to organize & brass band. ' York Is making efforts to reorganize her commercial club. Churches at Kcnesaw aro holding union revival meetings. The state firemen are in session at Nebraska City tliln week. Havelock has put the ban on slot machines nnd punch hoards. One fnrmer near Peru has lost six horses from cornstalk disease. Sunday schools nt Lincoln will ob serve Jnnuary 31 as temperance day. Tramps nre getting numerous and aro exceedingly troublesomo nt Falls City. Tho Nebraska Press Association will hold its annual session at Omnhu in 'April. Nebraska commercial travelers will hold n ball and banquet nt Lincoln, Friday night. Syrncusn has ordered all lottery de vices removed from stores and o'her public places. Guy McOlll of Weeping Water shot himself through the hand while clean ing a revolver. There Is a widespread epidemic of measles through tho country around Weeping Wntor. Frank Taylor wns sorloUBly burned nt Aurora when ho used kerosene to start tho kitchen lire. Tho Lincoln telephone company will havo to pay $500 or moro each month as a federal wnr tax. The Nebraska Association of City School Superintendents will meet at York, January 2S and 29. C. J. Stephens, Sownrd county, wns thrown from his buggy and Instantly killed, his rfeck being broken. John Campbell nnd wife, of Adams colebrated their sixtieth wedding an niversary tho first of January. James Hcaton hns been treasurer of tho I. O. O. F. lodge at Lincoln for twenty-five consecutive years. Mr. and Mrs. William Hagedorn celebrated their golden wedding last weok at their home nenr West Point. The new Seventh Dny Adventist church at Nebraska City is about com pleted and will bo dedicated Hhortly. Flro starting from an overheated stove destroyed tho homo of Georgo Allen near St. Dorvln. Nemaha county. Dominic Rhondcs, an Indian, was the victim of confidence men nt Lincoln to the extent of $14, tho amount of his pile. Kelman Chadd, a seven-year-old Lin coln lad, bit off tho tip of- his tongue when he stumbled and fell ns he was "at play. About 450 delegates attended the sessions of the Nebraska Farmers' Union at Its convention at Lincoln last week. W. F. Critchfleld, of Fullerton, a well known attorney, died In Omaha last week from a severe attack of pneumonia. A number of Greeks nnd Mexicans have been bound over to the district court nt Scottsbluff on charges of bootlegging. Superintendent E. U. Graff of tho Omaha public schools has been re elected secretary of tho Nebraska Stato Teachers' association. John Tcbblns of Omaha, nged 75, tho oldest mall carried In the city, has been In continuous service In 'that postofllco for forty-two years. Flro of unknown origin destroyed the P. J. Smith livery barn at Lincoln, forty horses being burned to death, and four men narrowly escaping with their lives. Hugh L. Cooper, of Tecumsch, dep uty secretary of state, Is an old-tlmo printer, having spent forty-llvo years In tho business, twenty-seven of them at Tecumseh. A Fremont woman has brought suit against tho Canadian Pacific Railroad Company for the alleged logs of $2,400 worth of diamonds while a passenger on ono of its trains. James E. Delzoll, former superin tendent of public Instruction, will go to Stevens Point, Wis., where ho will have charge of tho mathematical de partment of the state normal school. Charles Emrick, who died at Lin coln last weok, was one of tho oldest rallwuy employes in active service In tho United Stntos. I Omnha is nlready making prepara tions to entertain tho National Saen gerbund in elaborate style when It meets thero during tho coming sum? mer. An antique piano, nn heirloom in tho family of A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln, was ono of the exhibits at the sessions of tho state historical society at tho capital city last week. Mrs. Sawyer rendored upon It several of tho pieces nho used to play in her girlhood days, Rov. "Kid" Wedgo has again for saken tho pulpit nnd returned to tho prlzo ring, finding It moro congenial work than that of saving souls. Tuesday last was the twonty-sev-enth anniversary of tho great Ne braska bllzznrd, the worst In her his tory, In which a number If lives wero lost and much property damago re sulted. Miss Nell Brldcnbaugh, n Hastings Bchool teacher, was quarantined, pu pils and teachers dismissed, nnd the high school building fumigated, when she was pronounced a victim of small pox. , A mass meeting of citizens wns held at Columbus to protest tho sale of arms to warring European nntloiB. Don Enfield, a Lincoln newspaper man, has beon selected by Congress- j mnn-eloct Renvls as his prlvnto secre tary. At tho election of tho Stato His torlcnl Society, which met In Lincoln Jlnst week, tho following officers woo named: j, L, Webster, Omaha, presi dent; Robort Harvey, Lincoln, vice president; C. G, Basset, Gibbons, sec ond vice-president; C, S. Paluo, Lin-' coin, secretary, and P, L. Hall, Lin coln, treasurer. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Glrlst Beautify Your Hairl Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth Try aB you will, after an application of Dandcrlne, you cannot find a single traco of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itchl but what will pleaso you moBt, will bo after a fow weekB' usb, when you eo new hair, flno and downy at llrst yes but real ly now hair growing all ovor the scalp. A little Dandcrlne Immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittlo and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Dandcrlne nnd carefully draw it through your hair, taking ono small strand at n time. The effect is im mediate nnd amazing your hnlr will be light, fluffy nnd wavy, and hnvo an nppeurnnco of abundance; nn incomparable- luster, BoftnesB nnd luxuri ance, the beauty and Bhlmmcr of truo hair health. Oct a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton'n Dandcrlno from any storo and provo that your hair is ub pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. Their Use. "Do you see where the FuturlBt and Cubists hnvo gone t Spain?" "Maybe they use their pfefenres on tho bulls to infuriate the hi the ring." You can always toll when & girl Is jealous by tho way she both she Isn't. What has become of tbe Id-fashioned man who used to prretJtot the weather with a goose bono? WOMAN REFUSES OPERATION Tells How She Was Saved by Taking Lydia EL Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Louisville. Ky.-' think If mowl cof fering women would tako Lydia B. BMl Xnlrhmvt'ai Vrrm- IURUIHJI o v vVM ble Composmd they would enjoy better health. I goffered from a f emalo trou ble, and tho doctors decided I hod ft tumorous growth and would nave to bo operated upon. but I refused as I do not believe In opera tions. I had fainting spells, bloated. and could hardly stand the pain in my left side. My husband insisted that 1 try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and I am so thankful I did, for I am now a well woman. I sleep better, do all my housework and take long walks. I novcr fail to praiso Lydia. E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for my good health. "Mrs. J. M. Resch, 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Since wo guarantee that al testimo nials which wo publish aro genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has the vlrtuo to help theso women it will help any other woman who is Buffering in a like manner? If you aro ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, bnt at once takf Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compourid. .Write to Lydia E, Pinkhnm Med icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opened, rend nnd answered by a 'woman and hold in strict confldenoo. The Army of Constipation I Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give relief ' they pcrma- nentlycureCon- iipiuon, im lions use, them for Biliouineii, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sallow SUa. SMALL TILL, SMALL'DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature IviTAl sl BjTT" sjaVpBr J bi 1 1 W i will reduce intlanit'd, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft uunencs; Heals Boils, Poll Evil, Qulttor, Fistula, or any unhealthy sore quickly It !, a retire tntUcftic nil itrmlctdc Mrauil Untei doc not blister nmitr btndttt or re mote tbe btlr, an 701 can work the bone. 12.00 ter bottle. itUt. ereiL IlnnW 7 K frm WMOMmM igKa ntJrM.V'A,! ' nt iw ai II t- SB iff!-"" M wr-'A : iy m isxrsfj' ,SBJEA ssmnAD-rrrfc SBfSsr InCD s m L LB e BBlBBlBVBBlBBBl iBH UB I K tfr F ' AHSOKMNL, JR., iniltfptle liniment (of tntnUM. Reduce, ralnlul. Swollen Vein,. Oohie. Wen. SmIm. IlruUei. modi pin trij InAammition. l'tlce (1.00 per bottle ildnleri or dellrered. Will tell jrou more II you write. HUnultftureJ cmlr by Vt.r. YOUNG. P.D.f., 310 Temjle St., SDrlnafleld, Man. Df i rv losscs suTlypreventec fl I A Lift h' Cutter! Dlacklro Pllla. tow. MMM4CWiX rrtce.1. frcih. reliable: preferr) fei Wrstrm tnckrarn. bwauia they m ni protect where other vaeelnti fall. 1 Write for looklel and trillmouiali. I -I!, v 10. doie page. Blackleg Pills $1.00 1 all t 6U-doie pkgo. Blacklrg PHI 4.00 , , !! eiij Injivtor, but Citttcr'a beat. The superiority of Cutter product la due to orer II years or epevlallzlnic In vaeclnei and terumi only. -J",I,,..'B Cutter'a. If unobtainable, order direct. Tfca Cutter Laboratory. Berkeley, Cal.. ar Cblcajo, jii. V Ym M X .- 1