The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 21, 1915, Image 3

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For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach Und
Oet n 10-eont box now.
No oiWb how bad your liver, Btomacb
or bowels; how much your head
aches, how mlserahlo nntl uncomfort
nblo yon aro from constipation, Indigos
tlon, blllotranoag and sluggish bowclf
yon always get tho dcBlred results
with Oaeonrctn.
Donl lot your utomach, liver and
bowels taako you miserable. Take
CascarctB to-nlghtj put nil end to'tho
headache, blllouatipss, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gasRy stomach,
backacho and all other distress;
cleanse your Insldo organs of all tho
bllo, gnKcs nnd constipated matter
which Is producing tho misery.
A lucent box means health, happi
ness nnd a clear head for months.
No moro days of gloom nnd distress
If you will tako a Cascaret now and
then. AH stores sell Cascarets. Don't
forgot tho children their llttlo in
eldes need a cleansing, too. Adv. vm
Her Platform.
At tko Marshall home thcro was
much discussion of woman suffrage
and other political questions, and llt
tlo Vera had always been a very much
interested listener,
"What will you do when you can
roto?" a visitor asked her.
"Help to put candy on tho free list,"
was tho expected reply. Youth'f
Important to all Woman
Readers of this Paper.
Thousands upon thouKinda of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and never
suepect it.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing doc but kidney trouble, or thj
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys arc not in a healthy con
dition, they may cautc the other organs
to beoomo diseased.
Ycra may Buffer a great deal with pain
in the baok, bearing-down feelings, head
ache and Ions of ambition.
Foot health makes you nervous, irrita
ble and may be despondent; it makes
ny one so.
Itut Mmndrods of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Bwamp-Root, by restoring
health to the kidneys, proved to be just
the remedy needed to 'overcome such
A good kidney medicine, possessing
real healing and curative value, should
be a Wearing to thousands of nervous,
over-worlaed women.
Many send for a sample bottle to sec
what Bwamp-Root, the great Kidney,
Liver and Bladder Remedy will do for
them. Every reader of this paper, who
has not already tried it, by enclosing ten
cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. Y., may receive sample size bottle by
Parcel Tost. You can purchase the
regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size
bottles at all difig stores. Adv.
8lsyv Delivery.
Mrs. Gotham Who spoke at the
dinner tonight, dear?
Mr. Gotham Well, ono of tho speak
ers was the owner of that big depart
ment store.
"No wondor you'ro late, then."
"I happen to know his delivery Is
wfully slow."
"If I were n farmer boy, or a boy with'
out capital, nnd wanted an early compe
tency. I'd start right out growing Pota
toes," said Henry Schroedcr, the Potato
king of the Rod River Valley, whoso story
in the John A. Balzcr Seed Co.'s Catalogue
reads stranger than a romance.
That advice of Mr. Schroedcr'sJho self
made Potato king, comes from a warm
heart, a level head, an active hand, and
above all, a successful Potato grower!
Do You Know, Mr. Farmer,
there is moro money in five ocres of Pota
toes year in and year out than in nnything
you can grow on your farm, and tho grow
ing of Potatoes now, with present machin
ery, etc., is easy. It's regular Fourth of
July fun!
Palcr's Creations in Seed Corn put
Witconsin on tho Corn Map with its as
tonishing yields!
Headquarters for Oats, Barley, Clovers.
For 10c In Postage
We gladly mail our Catalog
and sample package of Ten Fa
mous Farm Seeds, including
Bpcltz, "Tie Cereal Wonder;"
Rejuvenated Whito Bonanza
Oats. "The Priro Winner;" Bil
lion Dollar Crass; Tcosinte,
the Silo Filler, etc., etc.
Or Send 12c
And we will mail you our
big Catalog md six generous
packages of Early Cabbage,
Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce,
Radish. Onion furnishine lots
and lots of Juicy deliclons
Vegetohlei during tho early
Spring nnd Summer.
Or send to John A. Snlzor
Secil Co., Ilox 703, La
Cronno, Wln.t twenty cents
and receive both nbovo collec
tions and their big catalog.
Manj a great man Is nover heard o
SO miles from home.
Prame Used to Protect Feed of Small
Government Poultry
'Prepared liy the I'nllfil StnU-s l part-'
ment of Agriculture.)
A recent fanners' bulletin (No. (521)
Issued by tho United States depart
ment of agriculture, entitled "Natural
and Artificial Brooding of Chickens."
contains some Interesting suggestions
regurdlng tho feeding of young chick
ons. Tho accompanying figure Illus
trates u. frame cover with wire netting
to protect feed of young vhicku from
the older fowls.
Young chickens should bo fed from
three to ftvo times dally, depending
upon one's experience in feeding. Un
doubtedly chickens can b grown fast
er by feeding five times dully than by
feeding throo times dally, but it
should be borne in mind that moro
harm can be dono to the young chick
ens by overfeeding than by under
feeding, and at no time should they bo
fed moro than barely to satisfy their
appetites and to keop them exercis
ing, except at the evening or last meal,
when they should bo given nil they
will eat. firenter care must bo exer
cised not to overfeed young chicks
that are confined than thoso that havo
freo range, as leg weakness 1b liablo to
result in thoso confined.
Farmers who havo no experience In
hog raising but who wish to start a
herd on their farms are urged by tho
United States department of agricul
ture to make haste slowly. It will bo
real economy, they say, if tho begin
ner can secure tho advice and assist
ance of an experienced breeder.
Whether he succeeds in this or not,
ho should stnrt with a small herd.
Five sows will be enough for the first
year if these are really good animals.
The chief points to bo desired in a
brood bow are Bet forth in farmers'
bulletin 205 of the United States de
partment of agriculture, published un
der tho title of "Pig Measurement."
The sows selected should bo nearly
tho same age and uniform in type. The
forehead should, be broad between the
eyes, tho throat clean nnd trim, tho
neck moderately thin nnd the shoul
ders smooth and deep; tho back should
bo fairly wide and straight, and amplo
Head of Herd of Duroc Jerseys.
,'oom for tho vital organs should bo
provided by a good width aud depth
of chest, well-sprung ribs and straight,
deep sides a deep, capacious bod.,
from end to end. Depth of chest aud
sides uro specially Important in n
brood cot,-. Pinched chests and waists
'siust bo avoided. Brood sows should,
of course, show quality, but this should
not becomo overreflned and delicate.
Extremes of refinement usually lead
to delicacy of constitution and often
accompany sterility.
The selection of tho hour 1b oven
moro important thun that of the sows.
It Is possiblo to obtain success from
the uso of a good boar with inferior
sows, but nothing but disaster can pos
sibly como from tho uso of an Inferior
boar with sows of high quality. Ono
method raises tho standard of tho
herd, tho other lowers it. If, ub is apt
to bo the case, the farmer's herd at
the beginning is not of sufficient slzo
to Justify buying a high-grade boar for
his excluslvo use, it will bo far better
for him to join with his neighbors in
obtaining ono in common, then to at
tempt to get results from an inferior
nnlmal. One boar can servo fifty or
sixty sows n seayon, so that co-operation
will bo found profitable In u great
majority of instances.
A boar with strongly developed
masculine characteristics should bo se
lected, preferably as a yearling, or else
as a pig that has been purchased at
tho same time as the sown and al
lowed to como to maturity beforo be
ing used. He should have a strongly
masculine head and a well-crested
neck. Ills shoulders should bo de
veloped according to age; but shields
on the ehouldors In pigs under a year
,or eighteen months aro objectionable.
Tho samo indications of a good pork
producing carcuss that tho sows re
quired should bo seen In tho boar a
broad, straight, deeply flosliod back,
much depth and length of side, and
well-doveloped hind quarters. Tho boar
should bo selected to correct any de
fects that may bo common to tho
sows, for oxamplo, If tho bows aro
rather coarso In bono and loosely
uuui.hj3l ftiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLVakiiflBLibLflEiat 4f - - jflHBHB t! i ism . tssWssssBtVV
v'R'" 'VSMOTV' KZ3RHVHsVBHBisHtMKcKBi1isiiiiHiiK LsIjFiwCv5iJJisaBaaaF
slsEaar L'""'' v Jflfl JtA u ifSVJlBkflK. 4ssMfyJ sjHf bCbBibHbbW 'VlssssssVi '
I 1 1 I. ffc, i rB3r-'sii
Chicks From Older Ones In Use at
Farm, Beltsville, Md.
built, tho boar should have high quail
ty fine bone, skin and hair If the
sows tend toward ovprrcllncment nnd
delicacy, the boar should ho rathei
"rangy" and strong-boned
Once tho herd has boon established
by tho careful selection of sows nntl
boar, It must bo maintained and its
standard raised by tho oxerclsc of the
greatest care in tho selection of nnl
mals for breeding purposes. This se
lection should bo madn as early at
possiblo. Ono celebrated breeder used
to select his show lambs nnd cnlvct
when they wero three doys old. This,
of course, Is unusual, but tho decision
should not be delayed any longer than
Is absolutely necessary. No animals
should bo selected for breeding pur
poses except for good reasons and
unless tho breeder Is quite suro that
ho Is right In his selection.
Youngsters Should Be Fed Cow's Milk
Weakened With Water Mixture
Should Be Sweetened.
(ny w. D KHALll)
An orphan colt can bo raised by
hand successfully if a llttlo care is
taken.) It should bo fed on cow's
milk, but tho cow should bo fresh if
Do not feed tho milk nt Its normal
strength, but weaken with one-third
water that is, to two parts milk put
ono part warm water.
Tho mixture should bo sweetened a
llttlo with sugar and given when about
tho temperature of a mare's milk.
At the end of two weeks the quan
tity of water may gradually be re
duced and tho amount of milk in
creased until tho water is left off al
together. Don't forget to sweeten tho
milk at all times.
Whenever possiblo tho milk should
bo given immediately after milking it
from tho cow. If it is dozlrod, a freBh
egg may bo added threo times a day.
It will bo a strengthenor and will mako
tho colt's1 hair sleek and glossy.
Tho quantity of milk given should
bo governed by ono's judgment. Somo
colts requlro moro than others, but bo
careful not to overfeed, for tho colt
may get tho scours. Until tho colt is
n month old It will bo necessary to
feed it threo or four times each day.
To teach tho colt to drink from a
pall is not a very great taBk. Put your
finger in his mouth and Ipwcr your
band Into tho milk. Ho will got a
tasto of tho milk aud soon you can slip
your finger from his mouth and ho
will proceed without you.
If ho proves obstinate, wrap a gooso
quill with a strip of cloth and uso it as
a nipplo In a bottlo or purchase a nip
ple from tho drug storo.
Good caro must be taken of tho
pall from which tho colt drinks. It
bhould bo scalded each time it is used.
Never uso sour or skim milk, it
you would avoid bowel troubles.
Glvo clean water between feeds. Let
him run In tho yard, and Boon ho will
bo nipping tho green grass.
After a whllo ho will bo eating dry
bran from your hand if you put a llttlo
sugar In it.
Soon you will bo ablo to focd him
somo grain and thon your hardest work
Is over.
IkSfob, V &m, 1
Roots of all kinds can bo fed cooked
or raw, but they should bo chopped
Tho legs of dressed poultry when
shipped to market should bo perfectly
By "largo roaBtor" 1b meant a plump,
soft chicken, weighing about four or
fivo pounds.
Always turn tho heads of tho birds
back undor tho wings in packing
dressed poultry.
When tho mornings aro cold, take
tho chill off tho drinking water, but
do not mako it warm. s
During tho months of April, May
and Juno tho highest prices aro paid
for a first-class soft roaster.
Old cock birds havo a clasB of their
own in market, and do not como un
dor tho head of "largo roasting fowls."
Each pigeon should havo at loast
ono hundred cubic feet spaco In the
riylng pen. writes J. u Van Arsdalo.
(By K. O. 8KI..M3H8, ActliiR Director ot
Sunday School Course Moody llllilo Iiw
stltute, Clilrngo.)
I,1:RS0N TICXT-JiiiIrcs 7:1-8. 1G-23. THXT-Not by mlKht, nor by
power, but by my Spirit, snlth Jehovah of
hosts. Koch. 4:C. U. V.
This was tho period of Israel's
transition from a nomadic to an ag
ricultural life. Tho record wo havo
is an nltornato succession of Idolatry
nnd subjugation with a return to Je
hovah and to liberty.
I. "Gideon and All the People," vv.
1-8. Hnllylng about him his clansmen
Gideon chose n position nt tho spring
of Hnrod nenr Jezreel, his back to Mt.
Gilhoa and the Mldlntiltca to the north
next to Mt. Moreh. Ho thus con
trolled tho fords of tho Jordan and
could prevent tho enemy from return
ing to their homes In tho desert coun
try. Outwardly tho great discrepancy
of numbers mado tho situation look
dubious for Israel, but In reality the
danger was that tho army woa toe
large, slnco when tho victory wne
gained they might "vaunt themselves."
Individuals and churches usually
count their Btrcngth according to num
bers. (Soo II Cor. 12:9.) If wo desire
God'B strength It must bo ns wo our
selves aro weak (Isa. 40:29). God 1b
sometimes limited by having too many
nnd not enough of tho right sort.
When God delivers ho loaves no room
for boasting (Eph. 2:8, 9; Rom. 3:27).
God can save as well by tho few as
by tho many (I Samuel 14:C), and fre
quently uses tho weak and despised
things to confound tho mighty (I Cor.
1:27, 28), that "no flesh should glory
in his presence" (I Cor. 1:29). Thetfe
wero two tests whereby Gideon wos
to select his warriors: (1) "Go to,
proclaim . . . whosoovor is fearful
. . . let him return" (v. 3). It te
not well to crltlclzo too sovcroly the
22,000 who returned; oven In tho Gar
den not only Peter, but all the disci
ples forsook tho Master and fled. God
docs not chooso men becauso they are
heroes, but to mako heroes ot them
by tho power of his might. (2) There
Is yet another sifting. God gives Gid
eon tho clue (v. 4), viz., to decldo by
their method of drinking. Thoso who
drank "aa a dog lappeth," were thoBe
not to bo taken off guard even wnllt
II. Gideon's Second Assurance, w.
9-15. It was absurd, humanly speak
ing, for 300 men to expect to defeat!
135,000. God "strengthened" Gideon
(v. 11). Gideon and Phurab, at God's;
command, entered tho valley and drew
near tho Midianlto host. Avoiding tho
guard, if any, they drew near enough;
to hear a man telling his dream td
"his follow." Tho latter Interprets;
this as nothing olso than tho "sword
of GIdeort" (v. 14). Gideon worshiped
God nnd nt onco returned to arouse
tho camp of Israel.
III. The Sword of the Lord and of'
Gideon, vv. 16-23. In nil probability
theso men wore their usual weapons
as soldiers and enrried food for their
uso in pursuing tho enemy. Howovor,
for this midnight attack thoy needed
only threo weapons, lnmps, pltchors
nnd trumpets. Each of theso havo a
spiritual suggestion for tho Christian.
(Beo Matt. 25:4; Ps. 119:105; also II
Cor. 4:G, 7, and Ezok. 33:3, 6; I. Cor.
14:8.) Gideon's stratagem of dividing
his men into three companies and
then as tho pitchers aro broken to
blow tho trumpet caused a lively panic
among tho Midlanttes. That Gideon
had faith and courago In himself, and
in tho word of Jehovah, is suggested
in his words, "Look' on mo and do
likewise." Wo aro to look to tho "cap
tain of our salvation" (Hob. 13:2) and
by our lives of obedience provo tho
devotion of our llfo (John 15:14,
14:21). As already suggested, thero
wero probably no defenses surround
ing tho enemy nnd in tho darkness
Gideon and his men easily approached
tho camp. It Is easy to lmnglno tho
scene the midnight hour, tho army
suddenly awakened by a deafening
shout, tho blasts of trumpets, tho 300
torches flashing forth amid tho crash
of earthenwaro, and all of this In
tlenso darkness. Tho Mldlanltcs in
tho confusion turned their weapons
against ench other and flod toward
tho Jordan and into tho regions be
yond toward tho desert. Others fol
lowed by tho ten thousand, fleeing to
ward Succoth nnd Penuel. Wo of
thlB day havo our wars and battles
against tho wrongs, tho principalities
and powers of ovll, which aro around
us and within us. Such battles re
quire the samo courago, and skill, and
conBocrution of ourselves, as did tho
wars of thoso ancients against tho
enemies that threatened tho very ex
iBtenco ot tho people of God.
God's work in this world Is often '
done by a few persons who have had
a vision of him, who have grown In
character and devotion, and who uso
tho slmplo weapons of lamps, pitchers
and trumpets, oven ns that small com
pany of ono hundred and twenty on
tho day of Pentecost, filled with tho
Spirit of God, led tho forces which
ultimately overthrew Invincible Homo.
Tho reformation under Luther, tho
work of tho Puritans, Caroy In India,
tho Wcsloys In England, and count
less other IriBtanceu ore Illustrations
of this truth, that "ono with God la
Proof Positive.
Visitor Thu dear baby has got Its
grandmother noso.
Aggrieved Papa No, It hasn't, for
she was nrauud here this morning
poking It into our business.
Their Places.
"Where did yo.i go In tho thrator,
Mrs. C'omoup?"
"We sat In tho mezzotint boxes, but
tho girls preferred sents In tho
The Bore.
"I hnto to ask Jinks about his
"Ho promptly tells mo all about It."
"Aflor you refused Jack did ho pro
pose again?"
"Yes: but It was to another girl."
to Feed the World'
war's leanui devastation
crops has caused an unusual demand
: tne American continent, xue
world must be fed and thero ia an unusual demand
for Canadian wheat. Canada's invitation to every
industrious Ametican A therefore especially attrac
tive. She wants farmers to make moneyand happy,
prosperous Homes lor themselves while
to raise immense wheat crops
You can get a Homestead of 160 acres FREE and
other lands can be bought at remarkably low prices. Think of the money yon
can make with wheat at its present high prices, where for come time it is lia
ble to continue. During many years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20
bushels to the acre many yields as high as 43 bushels to the aero. Wonderful
crops alto of Oats, Barley and Flai.
Miied farmiai is fully as profitable an industry as craln ratslne. The excel
lent grasses, full of nutrition, are the only
purposes, uooa scnoois, markets convenient, annate excellent.
'?. MIlltarvMrvfrnlftiuit MmnulAarv In Cinadii. but thftml annvtrA ifffmind fnr dm
I'iS Ubor tnranUca tha minv vounf men who
foment una yeit it art tag itrmert to put
Writ for literature and partlcnUrt at to reduced railway tstse to
Buperintendant immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or
W. V. leaielf, 228 17h St.
EoomfBee DldgnOmahsJek.
Canadian Government Agent
fell hri am
Curea the tick and acta aa preventive for othcra. Liquid given on tha
tongue. Safe for brood mare and all othcra. Ileat kidney remedy; SOc and
I a bottle; S3 and 110 a doten. Bold by all druggltta and hora roods
houaea, or tent, eiprcia paid, by the manufacturer. .
Surely Was Something of a Miracle as
Event Was Explained by
the Minister.
Here 1b ono of Goorgo W. Cnblo'a
good Bouthorn storlos:
"In a town in Georgia Hvch an old
colored fellow who Is a real thorn in
tho Bido or tho local ministers, for the
old fellow Is nlways asking embarrass
ing quostlons of them touching
mooted theological points,' says Mr.
"Ono day old Ebon hnd a long and
earnest discussion with his pastor in
reforenco to Just what constituted a
miracle. Tho minister found it no
cany matter to mako his Ideas clear
to Kbcn.
" 'I s'poso, now,' said tho preacher,
'dat do greatest of all do miracles
was dat of do loaves and fishes. You
'membor, of co'co, dat doro was fivo
thousand loavcB nnd two thousand
flsheB which was eaten by tho twelvo
" 'Sho', I 'membor,' replied old Eben,
with a smile, 'an' It always 'pcared to
mo dat do mlrnclo was dot doy didn't
bust!'" Tho Sunday Magazine.
Stock Exchange.
"Whot does her husband do7 I
heard1 her Bay something about tho
stock exchange"
"He's a horso trader."
Caused by Coffee.
"I havo been a coffoo drinker, more
or less, ever slnco I can remember, un
til a few months ago I becamo more
and moro nervous and Irritable, and
finally I could not" sleep at night for I
was horribly disturbed by dreams of
all sorts and a species ot distressing
"Finally, after hearing tho experi
ence ot numbers of friends who had
quit coffee and wero drinking Postum,
and learning ot tho groat benefits they
had derived, I concluded coffoo must
bo tho causo of my trouble, so I got
somo Postum and had it mado strictly
according to directions.
"I was astonished at tho flavor and
taste. It entirely took tho placo of
coffee, and to my very great satisfac
tion, I began to sleep peacefully and
sweetly. My nerves Improved, and I
wish I could wean every man, woman
and child from tho unwholesome drug
drink coffeo.
"People do not really appreclato or
realize what a powerful drug It is and
what terrible effect it has on tho hu
man system. It they did, hardly a
pound of coffee would bo sold. I would
never think of going back to coffee
again. I would almost as soon think
of putting my hand in a flro after I
had onco been burned. Youra for
Postum comes In two forma:
Regular Postum must bo well
boiled. IGo and 20c packages.
Instant Postum 1b a solublo pow
der. A tenspoonful dissolves quickly
In a cup of hot water and, with cream
and sugar, makcB a delicious beverago
Instantly. 30c and 50o tins.
Tho cost per cup ot both kinds 1b
about tho pamo.
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
-gold by Grocer
c5 it Ju
tastes fine
the whole family will
like Van Houtcn's
Rona Cocoa, better
than any other. Big
red can, half-pound
of European
for grain
people ot tne
holptce n
food required either for beef or dairy i
h.ira TtilutitMmd for tha war. Thanmr.
ei tra acreage into grain.
ca tarrhal revest
Winter Piyilcs.
"Do you enjoy winter picnics?"
"Oh, yos, Indeed, but they hnrdly
seem Ilka picnics without spiders."
Every girl vows when she marries
that sho will not stand for neglecl
from her husband the way her poor
old mother does.
Ho who gets rich quick in apt to
go broke in a hurry.
Mary's llttlo lamb somotlmeB grows
up nnd becomes tho goat.
For Young and Old
The ocuto agonising pain of
rheumatism is soothed at once
by Sloan's Liniment. Do not
rub it penetrates to tho aoro
spot, bringing a comfort not
dreamed of until tried. Get
bottlo today.
Hera What Other Sayi
"I highly recommend your Liniment
a ths brat remedy for rheumatism I ever
uaed. Dcfora ualng it I rpent largo aumt
ot money trying to get relnf of tho misery
and pains in limba and body, ao I tried
your Liniment both Internal and external
and I found quick relief, and now am
well and itrong again." Uti. CurtU, t$i
N. 16th St., Upringfltld, JU.
Hero'a Proof
"I wlh to writo and tell you about a
fall I had down fourteen atepa, and bruited
my neclc and hip very bad. I could not
eleep at all. I ncnt my wif n for a 23 cent
bottle ot your Liniment and In two ilaya'
time I wna on my feet again." Charltt
llydt, 13t0)i I'rairit Ait., St. Lovit, Mo,
for neuralgia, sciatica, sprain aad
All Drag gbt. 25.
Send four cents in stamps for a
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
Wlaconiln yields on topRalterS anrnTltltlai nclpaaV
John A. Stlter Seed Co., Box 70S, La Crttse. Wis.
Wataon, E. Ootaiaama ,
D.tL Advlra and hnftk. f raa.
Bates reasonaUa. Highest reference. lieatBerrloaa.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraska
BVm. rjST.S 71 W 'XHT"."' r
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 4-1015.
" " -rfWa'i.OTi ea.iiitiwfci vtauxAtMi-'j Jlwaagwiawitfjy-'
, i
-.i. -.t,,., jJ.ei,ik..