m ti-A ''' rfJ -r Sr& TV ' n r ,... A -... . .. iyiVv 4, -'ii'VM, "-' 'A --.-O' .v i tMv?'"-s ' -.i ', , "' V2S! . RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r 'BmKKnemasKsaAKsrafnx.eaK4uaLi9fnBimM$HMUiim.$mMn'mmmun9m !' m awawMivriiiUBmiiBB j hi ,i ""'Mi'i'tn, n ? We shall appreciate a share of your coal orders s PItflTT Mjj P ! i ll 1IIH ' ill " i i . I . , ," !'l ,1 l'l '' 'i In ii ' ' ''Mi Li ' i.i 1 1 iiiiiil'iii Ii.iii.i ' 5 MOVED TO THE 3 Building McFarland Where I will conduct an exclusive undertaking J business, piano and musical merchandise. ? L .. Some Furniture LeftGoing at Cost ED. AMACK I 3 ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING S9S3caeassaa) S3&3 WBMms3m63$S C3S3eb3 fe'tfvawiBff) GScgeebcsss 8 I s I OUR HOHlWEIlTSf- i I Are Made Right 11 Well Lettered And Our Carefully Erected Prices Reasonable COMm IN AND 9tEe OVEftlflG BHOS. & GO. ANUARY TRAVEL SPECIALTIES Potato Culture In Nebraska .1. It. Duncan Potato jrnm l"W I" Nebi-nslm Is rapid ly growing Into prom'uctico us one ol the lending ludustth-s Itoinofriinli'tM. truck Kiit-dcns ii'i" Minnu-MiiiiltfiowoiH have nil cnutrllniicil their ulnt-elii pro ducing till' Cinp Of it)), 1A. It lull tl CH tlmuted l.v tin .tn'o li'iunl of nrloul tun- ut 7,'i"0,7(!l IiiiiIiuIh, valued ut 1, 25 1, 172(0. 1'ltu crop for KM I was nut ptoiluct-il ill uny one part t.n1nr sj'lioii rcouity tint u poitloti wis pro'ucid In every county. The west ern pat t of tlio .stiitu Is tlio only section of tin; slute. nlu-ii' poluto (.-rowiui; litis reached tliu a'litfe ut it liii'tfc coiiiiner clul intlu.sti-i. I lore Inio iicriMiKOt me planted huIi your to potatoes. Some lire puxlnivil iiiidi'r Iri'iuiitloii iiml others hy liy fuiinw.ir method". The industry Is otienl uicut importance; t Nchrusku iViiiiierons problems con front the frioweis, the proper solution ot which iiieuu the building of u r-till Kreuter ludustiy. Theno questions ure of importuiicc not only to the roweis of tills hection but also every person in the state who i.s trying to urow potu toes for itlier homo ut-o or uuirl'et Nubinsldishould piodtteu enough potu t iu to supply nil lior own needs and have u surplus for other states who de sire the best (,'ro.vn. rroductiou iiiiihi be Increased, lusteud of producing mi uvcrae of fiO bushels per aero the lluld-i should produce double and more. Ij'ti'Kcr production at lo-s cost pr bushel should be the aim of the grow ers. 1'ioblems ot distribution must be worked out so that the grower will tret, u maximum prollt. for producing tin- crop and the consumer be able to buy the crop ut. a minimum price Thi"-e are problems that ure uffectin all phasen of iiKriculture. Tliey must be solved for the but termeut of the pro iliii'ors and consumers alilte. Xo other horticultural crop has yet ruaehed the importiincu from a llnuti- clul standpoint that the potato ctop now enj'iys in the state. No other crop i.s so (reuciallr (,'tnwn as the potato. Pisease, poor mo hods in pro duction, mid distribution have been the bane of the potato grower. In Iiiirope the potato is a crop of yreat economic importance. The production per acre is several times what the best iivetajre in this country .amounts to. The crop is used for food lor both man and beast. Numerous by-pro-duets are made from the potato so that a ste.idy market demand can be muni laiiied for the crop. 'I'lie, piitutorow intf industry in Nebraska can be of lifuat importance economic, illy. The proper Solution of the problems fauiii(.' our croAt-rs and the adoption of meth ods wliicli will eliminate the waste in prciliiell in, .mil -iistril utiou nusius tin adding of si-vei, it millions of dollars to the w uljh of the stale. Buy It Now One of tlio big events of Nebraska is tlio nununl convention and exposl- on of ORGANIZED AGRICULTURE, LINCOLN, JANUARY 18 to 23, 1918 This is tlio convocation of the tfrioulturiil, Horticultural, Livestock, airy, Floral, OoodHoads, and Homo Economies Soclotlosjlt intorosts farmers, Irohatdlsts, live-stock men, business men and bankors. Tlio best Applo-show and Corn-bliow of tlio Middle West will behold luring this period. Over twenty-ilvo assoola'lous Interested in tho development and improvo- lent of Nebraska's agricultural, llvo stock and dairy inttresHs and allied sub- Cts will hold conventions that will interest every inhabitant of Nebraska.- For oiltulal programs, Information, etc, apply to W. R. MELLOff, Chairman CEO. W. KLINE, Secretary Lincoln, Nebraska liny it now. That Is the slogan of a national campaign, unique in diameter ami far reaching in results us it alTects the general prosperity of tlio country, which has been inaugurated for the purpose of inducing purchases of goods now which must of necessity bo bought in the spring months. The campaign is general in its re quests and is directed to every one Especial attention, howevor, is being directed to tho purchase of heavy merchandise, such as farm machinery, building materials and other things which are usually bought during tho spring. liy buying now that which mast be bought latter, general business activity will bo materially increased aud erery one will feel the beneficial effects. Jobbing houses will be working under full force and factories will be work ing full time with full help. In this way many men who aio now out of work will be given employment and many families, who are In need of the actual necessities of life will be provid ed for. Tho campaign does not suggest in discriminate or unnecessary buying. Hut It does suggest economic buying aud insists upon buying now things that must bo bought later. Tho campaign should meet with especial favor from tho farmers of tho United States. Government statistics just issuod show that the farmers are more prosperous today than they have ever been the 1014 output from farms exoeded that of last year by more than eighty-threo million dollars and th.it while tho farmers aro showing a good ly margin of prollt, tho merchant and manufacturer aro having a hard time making ends moot. They will buy many things in tho spring but if they will buy them now, factories will bo running full blast and they can do a servico to humanity. With a general buying of necessary merchandise, business conditions would materially Improve, unsettled conditions would be lessonod and con fidence would bo restored much sooner than under present conditions. PLANTING PENNIES By ADA MAY ROWLAND. .Try t)s For Sale Bills.. will relievo your indication. Many peoplo in this town liavo used them nnd wo liavo yet to hear of a case whero thev Lave failed. Wo know tlio for mula. Bold only by us 25c ft box. H. E. Crico Drug Co, (Copyright. 19H, by W. O. Chapman.) "Hello, Hal anything wrong?" "Nothing but what money can euro." "H'ml" observed tho first speaker ns ho proceeded on his way. "I don't .lllto that sentiment, mid I always thought that Hal SturgcB was the last 'man In tho world to entertain such a fallacy." Tho, soliloquizer, however, did not know that his usually hustling, hope ful young friend was under a pretty sovoro strain at tho present time. Ilopo, ambition, love, seemed all about to wither away because of money and Ha urgent need. Many years previous Hula father had loaned D.ivld Kastman a largo bum of money. Things went wrong with Kubtmau. Tlun they wont bet ter. Ho wan honest and ho turned over to his creditor his littlu mort gaged farm at Gniyton, with the pro viso that lie was to bo Its tenant at a fixed rental whllo ho lived. Finally Kastmnn wrote to Hal's father that ho would bo ablo to square tho, wholo debt, soino ten thousand dollars, with in n year. , Hal's father died before tho year was up. Hal wrote to Mr. Eastman, asking what tho prospects as to tho promised money might be. Ho re ceived u speedy reply, stating that If ho would como down to Grayton tho old account would ho settled In cold cash. Hal arrived at Grayton to find that Mr. Kastmau had died tho day before. A search was mado for a will. Nono wns found. For money. There was nono at bank nor In tho house. Only tho old farmhouse was in evidence as tangible property. It was a great disappointment to Hal, all this, llo had contldcntly counted on tho money to start in business. Ho had already invested in that direction. Tills became a dead loss. Ho had to go back to a poor paying position In tlio adjoining town. Then, too, a situation evolved at tho littlu farm that distressed him. Dur ing tho last year of his life Mr. EaBt man had given a homo to an orphan girl and her littlu sister Nellie and Lois Itlynn. The young lady find been houselce'irr and nurse for her old almoner. He had given iW u cow some chickens, and the old farm liorso and carryall. Independently Nclllo had worked up quite a clientele for milk and eggs In tho neighboring vil lage. Usually, Saturdays ho ran down to tho farm. Upon tho day that ho felt that money would euro a great proportion of his ills, Hal wis realising how slow was tho proress in his present environment towards attaining a com petence. I nknowingly, tho vnguo thought of being ablu to ask Nellie to hecomo his life partner had a certain placo In his aspirations. Ho was greeted tit the farm by Nel lie in her usual bright sympathetic mood. lie stayed to supprr. As usual ho gavo to llttlo big-eyed, wistful Lois, tho few pennies ho never begrudged her. "You mustn't do that, Mr. Sturges," chlded Nellie Gently, as tho llttlo ono scampered away. "Why not?" challenged Hal, pleas antly. "because sho seems to lose them all. It is strango, but she never asks to go to tho village and buy sweet meats, like ordinary children. Tho pennies always disappear mysteri ously and sho never tells where they go to." "Perhaps she has a secret hoarding place?" suggested Hal, with a smile. He left Nellie and strolled through tho orchard In quest of tho truant child. Finally he caught sight of her blue frock over near a fence corner. "Why, what are you up to, llttlo one?" propounded Hal. Lois looked up with a llttlo an swering frown. "Not very nice, being peek-a-boo on a young lady" sho chlded, childishly. "If you waut to know, though, I'm planting ponnles!" "Planting pennies!" ejaculated tho baffled Hal. "Yes, sir. All you give mo In here," and sho patted tho ground. "When they grows, I'so going to pick wholo baskusfuls off'n tho bushes." "Whatever put that in your head, child?' demanded Hal. "Gran'pa;" so sho had been taught to designate Mr. Eastman. "How is that?" pressed Hal. "Saw him do It, watched him," was tho blunt explanation. "Dags and they chinked. And Jow'lry, and pa pers. Ho didn't know I was watching him. Never growed, though. Guess spot was too shady." "Whero was tho spot, Lois?" pressed Hal eagerly. Sho showed him. A bright light ot intelligence had flooded Hal Sturges mind. Ten minutes later ho was vlow lng tho ground under an old oak trco where Lois Insisted she had seen "Gran'pa" "planting mouoy." "I've been doing somo digging," n nounced Hal to Nelllo somewhat later, and ho told of his discovery. "A small fortune," ho explained. "Dear llttlo Lois, but for her tho bidden storo might never havo been found. Then," and ho drew nearer to Nclllo with a manner that consciously mado her flut ter, "1 should not havo been ablo for a long timo to ask a question I must now propound." "A question?' faltered Nollio, all a tremblo. "Yes, dear Nollio," was tho prompt response, "will you becomo my wife?" E5SSvS83t &MS- S3S32SS& QUALITY ON THIS WE HAVE BUILT OUR PRESENT BUSINESS J( HEN we began our vv business career in in Red Cloud we took as our motto the one word Quality and we believe all our patrons will agree with us that it has truly been our slogan all this lime. Our reputation for high-grade Groceries is well known. We are fully prepared to supply all your wants in our line P. A. Wullbrandt THE HOME GROCERY SSS- S3&3 LEGU NOTICE. In llti: District Court of Wt.hstcr County. Nebraska. liiiey M. Stonelire'nker, lMaintllt', VH. Samuel C. Shuck, l.lzloA. Hlinrxhcl, .1. W. SliurHliel, tier liuilximl, first uaiuu un known, t'lys-is O.Martin, Nellie Martin, lilx wife, Oscar i Tt-el, David I'. .Mc'nliK'li, Cora A. Metallic)!, his wife, (Iran M. Ileitue, nnd t-'loreiii'ull. Ileitue, his wife, WlUliini A. Kcnl a i I Ailillc Kent his wife. Pcft-iitlnulM. The above-named iiuu-rcMilcnt ilufriiilnntM, I.II11 A. Shartihcl. .1. V. .SharMicI, tier hus Ij:ukI, uliosollrst ikuiu' N unknown, lilysM-s (I. Martin, unit Nellle.Miirtin, his wife, wilt take notice that on Hie 'Jail day of January 1UI3, I.uey M Stout-breaker, plaluttll' lit-riln, tiled tier petition In the District Court of Webnler County, Neluiiska, uunlitst said de fendants, tin-object Mini prayt-rof which are to foreclose a certain mortmme exicuteil by tlieileleuilaut saiuiiel .Shuck totheplalu till upon the (ollo.vlnt; dea-rlbcil prcmhcK, to-wli: Commencing 'J-J:!!) feet north of tlio south east corner of the south west quarter of the .south east quarter of section in. In town '2 north, of raiiKO It, west, of tho lith P. M. tu Webster County, Nebraska: thence north to the north east corner of the north west quart er of tlio mmUi cast quarter of MctloulVi, town -Jnorihof ranuo II, west; running west !iS0 fiet; thence south lulistauceequal to the east iluiiof said laud lu question; thence east ItSO fiet to the point of departure; containing:! ' acres mentor lcs, all In theuorth wcxlquart erof tin- south cast quarter of Mctlon ".-". town '-. north of iam;u II, west of the lith I M. lu Webster County, Nebraska, mow known as tots I to") tuShuck'n Suh-DIMon ot Annex 1 to Iteil Cloud) to secure the pay ment of a certain promissory note dated March ll, UKW for the sum of JI.VXl.'O and due and payable March 11, UHO; that there Is now due upon said note and mortuanc the sum of Si;ls8.r:i for w lilch sum with Interest from tills date plaliillll' prays for a decree; that defend ants be required to pay tho miiiui or that wild premises may be sold to satisfy the n mount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho'i'd day of rebruary, 11)15. Dated January'-!, into. IiUl'V M. SroNKIIUKAKKIl, liy liernard McNeny, Iter Attorney. Order to Show Cause State ol Nebraska, I in Tho County Court. Webster County, f At a County Court held at tho County Court room In anil for said county December 30th A. !., 11)14. In tho matter of tho estate ot Frederick Wlttwer, Deceased. UN reading ami tiling tho petition ot John Wlttwer and Ucorgo Wlttwer praying that administration ot said estate may bo granted to them as Kxtcutors. OHDKItKD, that Baturdny tho 30th day of January, A. I). 1'JIO, at ten o'clock a. in., Is assigned tor hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may ap pear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County and show causo why prayer of petitioner should not be granted; nnd that notice of the pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested lu said matter, by publishing a copy ol this order lu the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, lor three consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. A 1). IlANNKV, (Seal) County Judge. Order To Show Cause. nStnte ot Nebraska, l ,nThl. (,.. (-, o Webster County, f n The Couutj Court At a County Court held at tho County Court room In and for said county January Pith, A. D.1UI&. In tho matter of tho estato of Wcssul WessclsSr., Deceased. On reading aud tiling tho petition of Josrph I,. Watson praying that administra tion of said estate may bo granted to Joseph I,. Watson, asAilmlulstrator. Oudkiihii, That Friday tho 2!)th day of January, A. P., IU15, at 11 o'clock a. in., Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested lu said matter may appear at a County Court to beheld lu and for said county and show cause why prayer of peti tioner should not be granted; and that nottco of tho pendency of said. petition and the hear lug thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said matter, liy publishing a copy of this order In the lted Cloud Chief, a weekly news paper printed lu said county, for three con-st-cutlvo weeks prior to said day of hearing, ska id A. I). Hannky, County Judge. C. It. Stahknka, Attorney, If You Aro Losing Weight and your ncrvea aro in bad condition, no recommend Olive Oil Emulsion contanny tlypoptiospliUct a food and nerve tonto prescription. H. E, Grice Drug Co, feciffll. "" " WtifSiW'. IFIRE $ THE ALARM Is a dreadful tlilni; OT FIRE for thu man without insurance. Kvury time lie sees the engines raciiif,' uloiii: his heart comes up lu hifi throat if thc'lire is anywhere near liih place. What folly, what nits tuUeii economy. THE COST OF is so sniiill that it INSURANCE need hardly be on.siilei-ed. Tho freedom from worry alone i.s worth it many times over Have, lis Insure you today. . C TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Ufimi&mmsmaisi if BEST REPAIRING W 1 Mi UNDER THE SON !-H IB BE5T REPAIRING! UNDER THE SON !-J BmM:-MMB Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike repairing is a branch of our business which is given especial atten tion. Send Your Torn Garment To Va We will clean press and re pair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? 5. G. flassinger Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones Dr. Nicholson DENTIST n? omon ovi'ji Auimairr's stork IN RIVKIITOX ON MONDAY Red Cloud. Nebraska CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North ot I. O. 0. F. Hall Graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phone lnil.212 ) -!' t i t i J I i V"N BHM4rrft ucnitt-wwi