y ji ', ?; WK3WW BLT1! !',!" W' ivv "- : - RED OL NEBRASKA, CHIEF mwiwi jim wwwjwtrrwvw jwtis wwkt9 nmi CTmw.sv "a,o'iiw'wuiinT-OTnfjrjji wanirw inumir: WWlrtWIIMaOT(WWW Mllg' feflFSWWt'SWt v OUD. is. "V A - f .L i 'A i;v ' .' i ' Mh r . i'M .It ; ' .' Hk. WW ; HOME NEWS Dullotln of Tlio Week's Doings lie. II it) s went to lliisMngs Monday mo mug W. V liieh ml- win tip fi Dili (Initio Illicit NiMll'illiy. .lames JlcUnile of Cowles was In town Sitiiiilny Coats mill Suits at )i Pii.'o for LVh. Miner l'ros. Co. Tin! county eominissluiiers woie In bcslnu tills WeeU J. U -.Vntsnn of Ciimplioll was in town Wednesday. Senator Weedier was home from Lincoln over Sunday. VOi 1 5 UN I A good tVroiun liouso Hutchison A Hahuleti. adv Attorney C U. Stasenlfa of Campbell was In town Wedncdy Guy Zelgler spent Saturday night in IUverton with liis put cuts. 1). M. Ahlo returned homo from Lincoln the last, of t lie week. Prod Tnrnure and wifo left Monday for Oklahoma to visit fi lends. Conductor llugley and wife 'punt Sundiy in MeCooU with friends. Clias. Steward left Monday for South Omaha to attend a caltlo sale Tuesday. John Hamilton and son . John and Howaid weie up fioin liiilde Koch Saturday Iloh Avery and family are attending ii Lumbermen's meeting in Omalia this week. All Kodak lllms bought of Stevens Ilros., developed free when order for prints is given. C. W Malone of Lincoln spent Mon day night In tho city with his daughter, Mrs. Chal Uellatly. Postmaster Stine and family of Superior spent Sunday with Prank Cowdeu and family. Phil Dawson, of Endicott, held his hoi sale here Saturday and the hogs sold averaged S2S per head. Oo to Miner Uros. Co., for all your wants in Women's Wear and in Dry Goods, Groceries and Shoes. Mrs. Ed. Glllard of Naponee spent the lflst of the week hero with her brother, Allen TtiUeys and family. (Jinij Suuuders, a;id -Horace Morse of Cowles were Httcudlng the A. F. & A. M. school of instruction here on Friday night. Alfrprt Hadell of Long Island. Kan sas, is in the city this week being call ed heie by the sickness of Ida brother, George Hadell. E. W. Ross and family Ion Sunday for Sulphur Springs. Arkansas, where they will reside in hopes of impiove ing Mr. Ross' health. lloltaftc Tor Salc-The cotugo two dooiH south of Col. Hesse's residence will be sold at auction on tho 'JOth. For particulars inquire of J. S. (ill ham. llishoo William A. Quayle will lect-u-e in Esbon. Ids., .Inn. ti5t h. He will also speak at a ham-nut at 0 p. in. A largo delegation is expected from Uul Cloud Bei-tTHnnmit received word Monday that his In-other, E.irl Tonnmt, hud been killed by a train a'. Trenton, Nebraska, and he left that evening for ' Trenton. Messrs. Cotting and Mitchell have moved their stock of goods Into the'r building. They have installed a new set of fixtures, and now have one of the finest stores in town. This paper Is anxious each week to issue a spicy and interesting local page. If each ot our subscribers would hand us in one news item, what a newsy paper we could issue. Try it for a few weeks and murk the change. Last Fiiday evouing the mention, of tho Baptist church and Sunday School held a social at the church. A short program consisting of singing and short talks by the members weie given, after which a luncheon was served. All present reported an in joyable evening. George VanUamp wont to Lincoln Sunday night to complete arrange tnonts'foi-a General Fire Agency. If satisfactory contracts can bo obtained to agree with the Southern Nebraska Agency, odor by the company with which Mr. ViiiiCamp is now connected ho will make his homo in Red Cloud, which is the most cent i al location in his ten itoiy Mrs. Oliver Sutton, aged til jou-'S wife of Oliver Sutton, died at tin ir homo boiith wei-t of Iiiavale, but Tim sdav after an illness of soveial months. Tho luneral services, weio hold Sunday, conducted by I. W. E Nun. lluiUl took place al Minden Tuosdiy She loaves a hiisbind and several son, and daughters to niouiii h r death. , Watch Your Children Often children do not lot parents know they arc constipated. They fear some thing distasteful. They will like llcxall Orderlies a mild laxativo that tastes liko sugar. Sold only by us, 10 cents. H. E. Grico Drug Co. tieorgo Iliilcll Is ,.y sicklhl&week t'n.rs mi. I Su t- at I j Pi lee for Cash - Millet Urns li. FmI Moeile of H'ue Hill wos in lovMi Wt din sd.it C W. Kuley left Vonday for ill -li'iniu fur an cstHi led vllt Kill Speiiec, the newspaper king of Pi.tiiMni county, wlio'e homo Is al I'liihklin, in nit. tlils'oHleo a fiateriml on 11 Wo moodily I'Vcniug. lie hud been to Cowles ami was on his way homo Tho third number of the Lectin Course was given by the Avon Sketch Cub Wednesday evening In I ho opeia hoii'o. The Club gave one of the best eiitcrliiiiiuieiils that has been given in I ho opera house for sometime and should hate been favored with a lurgor audience Fnrm loans At best rates ami terms tube hail in tills state Call for mo at State ItaiiU of Red Cloud. C F. C'.minii. ROSEMONT with Mi-s P.tliol Wilght ts s'ajing Mrs. 11. Aulubnin this week. Mr. atid'Mrs V, K. Hans and ehll lien visited T. W. Schultz Sunday. Miss Noilio Pc.ul, tisslstiiiit htllo gl'l, was a passenger to L-iwreiu'e Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. C. Reevo who live near Guide Rock wore Ro-einout visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Barton and baby visited ber parent-, Mr. and Mis. H. C. Wiight Sunday. Mrs. M. Kuncle mid oliildren wore called to eto Friday by the death of her little brother. Mr vand Mrs. II. Autuburn mid baby visited the former's sister, Mrs. A. F. Krause last week Mr. and Mrs. C. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shirley took dinner with Rev. Smith's Thursday. Halllo Robinson returned from Lin coln Tuesday where ho had been at tending a barber college for the past throe weeks nislrii't Court com cues t ulaj. Hli Co of lllnilcii sin tot. n t"dity. At'oriiev A M. Walters of Mine Hill is ill to mi Mlteiulllig district court Ralph Woo. Is of Wtinoie spent Sun day wlih his pueiils, Mr and Mi-. (Mum. Woods. John Grimes of Hillings, Montana is In the city visiting bis bunker Ned tii-lines ami wife. Plait A Titos baton ( roe of men at ivmk this week la.tlng I ho f iiudatloii for the now- til emeu's hall. Me. and Mis Phil Spaigur id VII lUou, I ma, are visiting with Chas Woods and family this week. Mis l.eh'iid and ohlldien left Wed Hi's lay evening for Oregon, whcie tiioy will make their future home. Miss i:il.abeth llrulo or Citnpbell is visiting hoi- sisters, Mi-sdames Joe McCullutu and A. ). Asher this wi ek Mrs. Harry Cramer returned home Hie II i st of the week from Geneva, t heie she lied been visiting her pal outs, Rev. Austin and wifo Senator Weesuer lias been appointed a member of th" following senate commit loc: Revenue and Taxation and School Lauds alio i-'uiids SOUTHJNAVALE Ins III) Questions and Answers He gaily ambled up to the counter ot tho department storo and Inquired: "Have you Kissed Me In the Moon light?" "Not me," answered the lady clerk; "better ask Mabel at tho other counter," Audj this reminds us of another of the same order: The Sun- duy school teacher asked the question of her class: "Who drove the children of Israel into Canaan?" Nobody seem ed to know, and tho question was re peated with emphasis, xuo suonco was deathlike "Come now", con tinue 1 the teacher, you little boy, on the back scat, who drove the children of Israel into CanminV" Although con siderably embarrassed by what lie con sidered a ictlection, lie aiiswend promptly, "I never did, wo just moved here from Mis-outi last week." Adams County Democrat. Giaudim Hluukouhihci quite ill the past week. A Utile Mm of Frank S Hunts is ill w it Ii tin measles this week. Ilarve Farnham went to Kansas City Sunday with a load of hogs. Harvey Sinner went to Kansas City Sunday with a load oT cattle. Frank Stokes and wife visited at tho ilmncs Kincaid home Sunday. Harry Whlloley was transacting business in Red Cloud last Thursday. Clyde Mltchel was sawing wood for Clarence Reed on the Aruosou farm last week. The Mt Pleasant Ladies Aid So ciety will servo lunch next week at the Buzzard bale north west of Innvalo. Albert Stoner wont to Lincoln Tues day as a delegate to tho Farmers' Educational and Co-Operative' Union, which is In session at that week. A. Jaiisen and wifo were called to Kansas City last week, on receiving word that their daughter. Anna, who was visiting theio, had been' badly burned, i ' place t ds 1 4 I ROM 1HE PfcN OF CON HrtOVLIi Innvalo, Nebr . Dec SU, lull. Killlnr Red Cloud Chief. - W lieu this oi uel and hm-iible war ts over It Is admitted by almost ttor.t one that there will be a cniisidoral lo change in the map of Huiope and pit haps ot tho old world. Theio will bo a wide contrast hot w cell the geogiaph.t now in the hamls of tho school child ion and then. The iiuiiies of man.t of the larger towns mid cities, espicialiy. tt ill tu changed, itiul many spots, now litstoilc In the war zone, lint former ly iiaiuolo's, will then tieeito The rivers will run as thoy are and the mountains remain tho sumo But thts change iu geography will not be contlitcd to the one subject' alone, as it .till ellect and make a eomptoto change In most or alt of tho i other subjects taught in school, es-1 pecially spelling mid gt milium- will bo1 dlllcicut, with their rules mid delluii tlons, pronunciation, classillcatitui. dciovatlon and conll-catlons. Tho lat ter if not a subjiot, K suio to bo an object. Now matter will bo brought Into Hie milhtnotic, both in simple and com pound proportion, such as the follow ing exauipie: uncertain amount o ammunition is lomiiicd to kill ftl ollleeis mid -Jod privates, how much , ammunition will be required to kill 7H8 oillVors and a million of piivatos? I Reduction, fractions, dividing, multi plying, subti acting and adding all will j bo brought into play. Agriculture or piautical farming will experience a complete change, mid will requiro special attention, as no judicious or scioiililic notations mo being made during tho war, but, alas, a rotation contrary to tho laws of God and man, viz: miring wheat ono year mid hund reds of thousands of pour human dead carouses tho following year Or in other words, two ciops on the same land the same year, and making it still more unsystematic and sacreliglous, trodden down, burned mid loft to rot Such a course really crlos aloud for redress and restitution. Some slight changes will also lie made In geometry. Tho problems will have u complicated touch to them and bo more dilllcult to prove. Book keeping, both single mid double entry, nlso will appear very obstruee to youiio- beginners, us a considerable change will present Itself iu the stock, prom nuu loss and bulnnce accounts. I am gld I am not to go to school in ineso, nays, tu 'vSSSS -3RSR 6S63n mUl JAN8JAHY I mm SALE I Men's Boys' and Children's ,;;;;;:; g SUITS and OVERCOATS S U 8 20 8 14 r AT BIG REDUCTIONS 26 33 Reductions "from regular plain figure prices. Only High Grade Clothing Sold Here M KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHCRAFT Suits and Overcoats 8 8 8 8 8 D N A THE BEST IN THE WORLD he Qomden-Kaley Qlotbing (jo. Always Reliable HBNRY COOK, M. D. IiKAI.KIt IN Farm Leans I am again le.-tdy to make fawnLuius iu any amount, la'rVo or small, and at the best terms going. Solo agent for Trevett, Maltis it Bin or. Ofllcti over Paul Stoioy's. .1. H. Baii.iiv. Wait For Her, Boys! The gill who is unkind to her moth er isn't wort h a tinkers doggone. This isn't written in any part of tho Bible, but it's written in the history of thous. amis and thousands of inisllt homes If one of.you boys over run across a girl with her faco full of roos; with eyes that would dim tho luster of a Colorado sky hi! with a voice that would make the song of an angel seem discordant, and she says as she comes to tho door: "I cun't go for a few minute1'; I've got to help mother with the dishes," don't give her up. Stick to her like a burr to a mule's tail Just sit down on the doorstep and wait. If she joins you in two or three minutes, so much better But If you h ive to stay there on the door-step for a hutfhour, or an hour; you just wait for her. If you don't, somebody ele will and In time you'll be sorry. For you'll realize what you have lost Wait for her, boy. She's worth it.- Ex Card of Thanks We deslio to th-tnk our kind neigh hois mid fi lends for their kindness to u.s dm ing the sickness and death of our beloved daughter, .Myrtle Flor-mice. Mil ami Mus. Bi.snii: Mui.kii Con McCoare. iil DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES :lli! w I IUlllllll!!IIVimi!l!llll!illlli:i!lJ December Weather Report Teinpeiatiire: Menil 17 degrees; maximum Til degrees on 1st; minimum Id below zero mi luih. Precipitation: Total ,!i7 inches. Total snowfall 152 inches. Number of days clear 13, partly cloudy '-', cloudy 10. Bates of sleet 127th. Prevailing wind -direction N.V. Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer. Standing of Contestants Tho following is tho standing of the Contestants in The Chief's and Cook's Drug S'oie Fieo Tiip lo tho Panama Exposition Conttsl: 1.. n.. I. . !). in II. Pi. 13. U. ir. t f 17. 18. PJ. on 21 1 1 ytno i'i7!) 5 st:i7.-i 1S7KI.') 71lilti iHSHo 1 1 Clir. ll.'.IKI i;i-i7.'i 7.irsu liS'-Jli-' iiooTr fl'il'.r, lost lit) i.J7l.l.'i 8IM.1 107:1111 8'J'IO y.o-.o 7.V 7.'i UlllO 6tck headache, biliousness, piles, and bad breath ore usually caused by inac tive bowels. Gcb a box of Rcxall. .Orderlies. They act gently and effco' lively. Sold only by us at 10 cents. H. E. Grice Drug Co. COL. R. C. PETERS Genera.1 Auctioneer Will Guarantee Competent Service. Ask Those Who Have Had Him Cry Their Sales TURNURE'S JANUARY f CLEARANCE SALE ., Ladies' and Children's Cloaks fi .-1 . E 1 Must be sold in next ten days. Money . 'j no object. You can make your dollar go PRICE just twice as.far here. ALL COATS 3 The stock contains many fine black Coats, and quite a variety of Fancy Cloaks, although we are broken in some sizes. Come early and get your choice at these reduced prices: Write or Wire For Dates Guide Rock, - Nebr. There Is No Question but that indigestion and tho dist towed feeling which uhvayi Koca with it can bo piomptly telioved by taking n before and ufter each meal. 25o a box. H. E. Grico Drug Co. DR. DEARDORF VETERMARY SURGEON Craduale ( lncigi Veteiinnry College iwi.i.vi, m i:s rvpi.ltil scb AT ISAII.KY'a Till UAUN Rod Cloud -:- Ncbrosk. $ 1 0.00 Cloaks at 1 5.00 Cloaks at 20.00 Cloaks at 25.00 Cloaks at 27.50 Cloaks at M r V iV $ 5.00 7.50 10.00, 12.50 13.75 PRICE 8 S FURS AND SKIRTS AT Vz F r ' The Stage Last E. S. GLrber Hml Kslate. I'm in Loans uml liisuritiu-e Ked GSoud, - Nebrasltt u n . CHAS. E. CROSS 0YEU SU1R BANIT RcJ G'.oud ' ' ' Kebrsska !"J "S. J ; v) 8 E lq Ji i See the latest thing in Women's Fine Slioes H." Green Trading With Bach Cash Stamps Given Sale - ja. & --fy - j- - Agents For Pictorial Review Patterns SSSSSSSS, A m 1L' m x n M n ! I Hi r IA 1 i -rx.r-9rTS-"or r.Ttu3lTT3VWrttotKlCCSasyf..Vi