HHiMHHHi MW i '',-'JBBBBBBM.'iBBKraFrw V mmmp 'ir-- tBtfaVfPCti .fiyrr.W I ( BBHWHHiHHHBIHBBIWBBBI' . ....... n shm i mtkk RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t a rn2k r 1 - , y J IT jaJR" SsUwikT-'-AV . Ilk. ' llA m sHi i 2Vffi& l I ' yiv ! m ,a. ! IS CHILD GROSS, FEVERISH. SICK uook, motneri it tongue is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children lovo this "fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanses the tender atomach, Ihrer and bowels so nicely. A child Biraply will not stop playing to empty tho bowels, and the result 1b they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, Btomach ours, then your llttlo one becomes cross, half-flick, feverish, don't cat. leep or act naturally, breath is bad, ystom full of cold, has soro throat, tomacb-acho or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! Beo if tonguo Is coated, then give a tcaspoonful of "California Byrup of Figs," and in a few hours all tho constipated wasto, sour bile and undigested food passes out of tho sys tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers give "California Byrup of Figs" bocnuso It Is perfectly harmless; children lovo It, and It nev er falls to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask at tho store for a GO-cont bottlo ef "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on tho bottlo. Adv. Serum Cure for Tetanus. Doctor Doyen, the famous French eurgeon, announces the discovery of a serum that will cure tetanus or lockjaw. Tho Inventor Is a physician in tho Ardennes, nnd the secret of his success lien In keeping tho patient with head downward at an angle of 45 degrees after Injecting tho scrum Into bis loins. Doyen says ho cures SO per cent of his cases. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Qlrltl Try This! Makes Hair Thick, QloB8y, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. Within ton minutes after an appli cation of Dandcrino you cannot find a elnglo traco of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will bo after a few veekB use, when you seo new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over tho icalp. llttlo Dandenna Imeedlately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittlo and i-craggy, Just moisten a cloth with Dandorino raid carefully draw it through yonr hair, taking ono small etrand at a time. The effect is amaz ingyour hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and bavo an appearance of abundance; an incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Get a 26 cent bottle of Knowlton'a Dandorino from any store, and provo that your hair ts as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's 11 yon surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If you will Just try a lit tle Danderin& Adv. Suspicious. "How about this faro?" demanded the stranger in New York. "Faro's quite correct, sir," replied the taxi chauffeur. "I haven't over charged you." "I know you haven't, and why haven't you? What sort of a game aro you up to now?" SALTS IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS TROUBLE YOU Eat' Leu Meat If Your Kidneys Aren't Acting Right or If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers You. When you wake up with backache d dull misery in tno Kidney region generally moans you have been eat- c too much meat says a well-known Sithorltv. Moat forms uric acid which Overworks the kidneys in their effort to flltor it from the blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must reliovo them like you relievo your bowels; removing all tho body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tonguo Is coated, and when tho weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urino is cloudy, full of sediment, channels oft en get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek roliof two or three times during the night. ' Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at onco or got from your pharraa cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stlmulato sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in tho urino so it no longer Irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a. life saver for regular meat eators. It is inoxponslvo, cannot Injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent llthla-water drink. Adv. One great troublo Is that ono half tho world Is trying to make a bigger show than tho other half. Nover mind about giving tho devil his duo; Just try to keep. him from get- ymt IKrOMnONAL StosrsaiooL Lesson (By E. O. SI2L,LKna. Acting Director of Sundny School Colirnp.l LESSON FOR JANUARY 17 THE CALL OF GIDEON. LF.BSON TKXT-Ju1bmi 6:1MS. S3-40, read entire clinptrr. GOLDEN TEXT-nienaed Is the mn whom thou choowdt. Vb. 65-4. Wo have before us now tho fourth apostasy, and servitude of Israel, ono. which scorns to have affected chiefly tho four northernmost tribes (v. 35). In preparation for tho cull and work of Qldeon, tho sixth Judge, "tho chil dren of Israel cried unto heaven," nnd God sent unto them a prophet who en couraged their flagging faith In Jeho vnh and turned them back to him (G:l-10). Tho now impoverished and overridden Israelites, who hnd enjoyed prosperity after their former deliver ance, had agnln dono evil nnd must first Judgo their sin nnd obey tho voice of Jehovah before they could rccolvo a messago of liopo and deliverance through ono of Johovnh'H prophets. God'o Call to Gideon. I. Gideon In Prayer, vv. 11-13. That tho "nngel of Jehovah' was a mani festation of Jehovah Is clear from ti enreful rending of verst 13. Thcro tho first use of the word "lord" Is not cap italized, whereas in o second in- stanco it 1b caHtaltzed This nngel was a foreshadowing o tho Incarn'n Hon in Jesus of Nazareth. Ho Is clearly identified with Jehovah (eeo Judges 2:1, 2; Gen. 1G:10. 13, R. V.). It was thus that Abraham saw "my day" (John 8:5C). "Tho angel of tho Lord" at no time appears after Jesus camo, as tho revised text bIiows. Tho no madic Midlanltcs brought ruin to Is raol as tho bitter fruit of its sin. Then was uttered the cry for relief (Ps. 130). Tho father of Gideon is passed by, for bo woe a worshiper of Daal (v. 25). They who bear the vessels of tho Lord, those through whom ho works, must havo clean hands. God's call to Gid eon came to htm (1) while ho was alone, as ho was threshing wheat In the hiding place of a winepress, for he daro not thresh in the customary open place of a threshing floor. This call camo. to him (2) as ho was faith fully performing his duty, that one nearest bis hand (v. 11, Ex. 3:1, 2; Lulto 2:8, 9). 11. Gideon In Doubt, vv. 13-16. Gid eon's thought must havo been ono ol amazement as well as of doubt. Ills question, "Why then Is all this befal len us?" was a most natural one and ono that men even now are asking when they are in great trouble. Suf fering nnd misery aro not all to be laid at God's door, though he permit it, but chiefly at tho door of sin (Pb. 77:7-9; Isa. 49:1, 2). It is possible that Gid eon had not yet recognized his heav enly visitor (cf. v. 21). The name Gideon means "Hewer" or "Treefeller" and indicates, as all eastern names do, something of his personal character or appearance. Hence the significance of v. 14. Tho Lord In the person ol the angel looked upon him and said, seeing all of his natural qualifications, but with tho emphasis upon the "I" "Go in thy might . . . have not Bent thee?" Gideon Was the Agent. III. Gideon Assured, vv. 33-35. Gid eon's first net on being assured of this heavenly communication was ono of worship (vv. 17-26). His second one was to tako ten picked men and over throw the altar to Baal, thereby dem onstrating tho impotence of Baal and tho futility of calling upon him for deliverance. The tribesmen at onco light upon him as having performed this act and demand his death from Joash, his father, who seems to have been a sort of caretaker of the idol (v. 25). These same men later become Gideon's enthusiastic followers (vv. 34, 35). Gideon thus translated theory into action and gained confidence. It was one man against tho community, and to further rebuke them ho erected an altar to Jehovah (v. 28). IV. Gideon's Caution, vv. 36-40. Spur geon said that ho never entered his pulpit to preach without trembling, nnd Gideon would have been mora than human, even after assembling his army, had life been absolutely free from doubts. Wo should nover place an "If" beforo any of God's promises, and Jesus reprimanded those of his day when they demanded a "sign" (won der), but Gideon proved his heroism in part by his caution. Gideon was afraid of himself but was sure of God. Onco assured of God's leading he was willing to lead 300 men against the overwhelming force of bis enemies. If such a demand was a weakness God dealt with it with marvelous patlcnco and tenderness, Just as ho condescends to treat our weaknesBoe. The very life of tho nation Is at stake, everything de pends upon udeon'w bucccss or failure. Caution and courage are never far apart. Caution i tho soul of courage. Tho fleece suggests a "figure of for lorn Israel;" tho dew, tho presence ot the Holy Spirit. In the old dispensa tion tho dew rested upon Israol while others wero dry. In this dispensation Israel is dry whllo tho dew of God rests upon tho nations. "When God calls lift your soul In prayer and follow In tho direction it leads. As you lift your soul before God it will war or wano. If It wanes, abandon it; if it waxes, follow it, though nil hell attempt to stay you." F. B. Meyer, RECEIPTS MUST ACCOMPANY AC COUNTS FOR EXPENDITURES STATE OFFICERS ON DUTY New Officials Take Charge and Many Changes Ara Made In Office Forces Western Newspaper Union News Service Tho first official act of State Auditor Smith was that of attaching his signa ture to bonds of tho city of Valentin nmountlng to $20,000. His second was to firmly but respectfully decllno a request mndo by nine Btuto bank ox amlnors who dcslrqd to he relieved ol tho trouble of obtaining receipts foi every Hem expended by them In thcli trnvplH about tho state. Thoy have been required to fllo receipts for ex penditures when they fllo oxponso ac counts, but desired to bo rellovcd ol the troublo. Auditor Smith's olllce forco com- HORACE M. DAVIS Editor of the Ord Journal, (elected at first asilstant chief clerk of the house of rep resentatives. prises tho following new appointees: Deputy auditor, W. B. Easthani. Broken Bow; stuto accountant, Charles Q. DcFrance, Lincoln; county trensurer examiners, F. A. Stech of David City and John J. Mahoney of 'Omaha; bookkeeper, L. A. Willis, Hastings; bond clerk, Georgo W. Ellsworth, Fullerton. Ho will endeavor to dispense with a recorder. It this can bo dono he will Bavo to the Btate an annual salary of $1,000. Stato Treasurer Georgo E. Hall of Franklin Is busy assisting his official bondsmen check $10,000,000 of securi ties for which ho is to givo a receipt when he finds them all. The old office force Is assisting in the work. Oscar Dantelson ot Center, Neb., has been succeeded as deputy stato treasurer by William H. Murray of Frnnkfm. State Superintendent A. O. Thomas is being assisted by O. P. Stewart of Sterling, Miss Stanley of Kearney, Lulu Walford of Pawneo City and J. D. French of Lincoln, all new appointees, nnd has appointed A. V. Teed of Ponca, who will soon Join the office force. Miss Edith Lathrop, who has been rural school Inspector for soveral years has been retained as a membor of the offico force. Secretary of State Pool has changed his entire office forco, but has re tained George W. Marsh, former dep uty, for the present to assist the new employes, who are: Deputy secretary, Hugh L. Cooper, Tecumseh; book keeper, Kcnnoth A. McRao, Grand iBland; corporation clerk, Max Katel-. man, Omaha; recorder, B. It. Boys Bays, Valparaiso; automobllo clerk, Miss Cecllo Snapp, Lincoln; stenog rapher and copyist, Miss Etta Saffor, York. Attorney General Willis E. Reed Is now on duty ready to defend the stato and its officers In any honorable busi ness in which they may be engaged In an official capacity. Andrew M. Morrissoy of Valontlne, formerly private secretary to tho gov ernor, is deputy attorney general. G. W. Ayres of Central City, formerly deputy attorney general, has been naked to remain in tbe office nt least until tho legislature adjourns. Miss Josephine Murphy of Flattsmouth, who has served as legal stenographer in the department, has been retained Members of the state legislature and their wives and families and hun dreds of citizens attended the gov ernor's reception at the executive mansion Thursday night. Beforo the evening had ndvanced far tho orches tra removed from the ball on the first floor to tho ball room, and dancing started. All of the newly elected state officials, their wives and many legis lators were in lino. Tho legislators took turns at receiving and mingling with tho guests. Tho stato auditor's offlco has re ceived notlco that tho county board of Greeley county has passed a resolu tion to make a lovy in 1915 to raiso $803.35 to bo paid tho state as Iho bat unco duo tho stato for tho caro of patients at tho hospital for tho Insane. This debt wns incurred a number ol year ago under an old law. Roses "from tho boyB at home" graced tho desk of Barrett of Douglas at tho opening session. They were American beauties, large and of a deep red hue. tPrfiErBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBPaH FIGHTS SLEEP AND HUNGER 112 HOURS Miner Caught in Cavc-ln Forced to Keep Awake for Fear of Being Buried Alive. Kly, Minn. Hack from tho tomb, from darkness, enmo Josoph Skuslk when ho was carrlod, conscious nnd practically unharmed, but exhnustod, from tho pit of Slbloy mine, whoro he nnd five others wero burled In a cave In. For 112 hours Skuslk fought sloop, terror, thirst and hunger In a dark hole 90 feet under ground nnd won. With him thoro wns brought to tho surfuco tho body of an unidentified companion who hnd smothered In dirt. That Skuslk's escapo was mtrncu lous Is indlcntod by tho situation in which ho was found, one foot pin- The Planks Overhead Allowed the Dirt to Fall Gradually. ionod by timbers nnd with nn nrch o. timber overhead that kept off tho di rect fall of earth. Had It not been for tho pinioned foot ho probnbly would havo tried to escapo nnd been overwhelmed by a rush of earth. Ab It wns, ho could not lonvo tho spot and tho planka overhead allowed tho dirt tofall but gradually. This falling dirt, according to half n dozen broken sentences ho apoko beforo doctors ordered him to keep Bilont, wns Skuslk's greatest troublo. In the darkness ho could not seo whether ho was menaced by possible blgRer falls, nnd as dirt alfted through nnd foil on his face, a hnndful at a tlmo, ho frantically brushed It awny. Ho dared not sloop for fear more would fall and smother him. SAD "GHOST" FOILS POLICE Vralth of Man Killed Who Was on Railroad Tracks Upsets Old Neighbors. Philadelphia. On Garrett Hill, in Radnor township, tho police are look ing nightly for the "ghost" of a man who wsb killed several months ago at the railroad station nt Radnor. The man lived at Garrett Hill, and has re turned, his old neighbors Bay. :' A number of residents say they havo seen tho wraith. It flits out of dark corners, they say, stares at them with sorrowful eyeB, and then passes, moaning. A woman tollB of being called to her door tho other evening, and of finding tbe man there facing her with his piteous stnro. As sho stood, she says, paralyzed with fear, he vanished. So many tales of the "ghost" have reached tho pollco that they havo 'be gun an investigation, on tho theory that a crank or a maniac Is annoying the residents. So far, however, no trace of a flesh and blood marauder has been found. FALLS HEADLONG 80 FEET Nevada Miner Is Victim of Many Ac cldents Within a Few Months. Plocho, Nov. Falling headlong for a distance of 80 feet down nn incline in shaft No. 1 of tho Amalgamated Plocho company, Ted O'Brien, a miner, was seriously Injured. In addition to a broken leg, he wns terribly cut and bruised. O'Drien had been tbe victim of a scries ot accidents, all of which have happened within tho last few months. While working at the Prince mino a few months ago his foot was crushed and he was laid up for several weoka. Shortly after recovering from this misfortune a hand was crushed and again he was laid up. A week follow ing his supposed recovery from this accident ho was again retired to tho sick list ns a result ot blood poisoning setting in. Physicians say that ho will recovor from tho effects of the latest and most serious accident. Sentenced to Jail for 60 8econds. J Many, La. Convicted of shooting uupuiy Buoriu ui. a. force, ur. nnr voy Dillon, former president of tho stato board ot health, was suntonced to GO soconds In Jail by Judgo J. H. lioono hero. Girls Kill Four-Pronged Buck. Bellofonto, Pa. Center county has nt least two Dlanns, Mary and Zllla Sharer, who killed a deor. Tho girls dragged it a half mllo to their homo, skinned and dressed it. Tho buck nnd four tvongs and weighed 1C0 pounds. TALK ON You Don't Have to Uo About Canada The Simple Truth Is Enough. Tho natural resources ot tho coun try are so vast that thoy cannot bo told in moro figures. Man can only tell of what tiny portions havo dono. Ho can only say, "I am moro pros perous than I ever expected to bo." And yet if a farmer expects to suc ceed on land that ho has been forcod to pay f GO to $100 an aero for ho ought to feel assured of attaining prosperity when ho finds tho richest pralrlo soil at IiIb disposal absolutely freo. If ho has a llttlo capital, lei him InvoBt It all in llvo stock nnd farm Implements ho will find himself ten yenra ahead of tho gamo. Somo day such n clmnco will not bo found nnywhero on tho face of tho globo. But now tho satno opportunities awnlt you au nwalted tho ploneor and not ono hundredth pnrt of tho difficulties ho encountered and ovcrcamo. Success In Canada la mndo up of two things, natural re sources and human labor. Canada hns tho ono and you tho other. A postal card stands between you and tho Cnnndlan government agent. If you don't hold theso two forcos nnd enjoy tho fruits ot tho result It 1b your own fault Debt and Canada Will Not Stand Hitched. You wnnt a cozy homo, a freo llfo, and BUfllclont income. You wnnt edu cation for your children, nnd Bomo plcasuro for your wife. You want in dependence. Your burden has been heavy, and your farm hasn't paid. You work hard nnd nro dlBcournged. You roqulro a change Thoro Is a goal within Bight, where your children will have advantages. You can got a homo in Western Canada, freedom, whero your ambitions can bo fulfilled. If tho Pralrlo Provinces of Canada aro full of Successful Farmers why should you provo the exception? Haven't you got brains, experience, courago7 Then provo what theso aro capable of when put on trial. It Is encouraging to know that there 1b ono country In tho world whero poverty is no bnrrlor to wealth; own your own car; own your self; bo somebody. For facts wrlto to any Canadian government agent AdvertlBomont Principal Products. Teacher What Is tho elephant hunted for, Emerson? Bright Pupil Magazine articles. Puck. Much of tho wisdom of the wise is reflected from tho foolishness of the foolish. Macon Telegraph. Nothing disappoints a woman quite o much as nothing to bo disappointed over. Detroit Free Press. Wffl ffimlrt Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen, of Bushnell, III. Busiineix, lLfc."-"I think all tho troublo I havo had since jny aaarriago was caused by oxpoauro whon a younp; girl. My work has been housework of all kinds, and I havo dono milking in the cold and enow when I was too young to rcalizo that it would hurt me. I havo suffered very much with bearing down pains in my back and such miserable pains across mq, and was very nervous and generally ran down in health, but since I havo taken Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound my back nover hurts mo, my nerves aro stronger, and I' am gaining in health evory day. I thank you for the great help I have received, from your medicmo, and if my letter will benefit suf fering women I will bo glad for you to print it. Mrs. jAxza Crusxm, Bushnell, Illinois. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. noDQPON, Mb. -aI feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to toll what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound did for me. One year ago I found myself atcrriblo sufferer. I nad pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached. I had no appotito and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would bo so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossiblo to movo or do a bit of work and I thought I nover would bo any better until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt llko a now woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam ily of four. I shall always feel that I owo my good health to your medicine." Mrs. Haywaud Soweks, Uodgdon, Maine. , For 30 years Iydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lias bcentlio standard remedy for fe male ills. No ono sick with woman's ailments does just Ice to herself if sho does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it una restored Homanysufferlngwomento health. rjtfEVrite to LYDIA lM'IXKH AM MEDICINE CO. lkF (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strlcoonudencs. SAGE TEA DARKENS GRAY HAIR TO ANY SHADE. TRY ITl Keep Your Locks Youthful, Dark, Glossy and Thick With Garden Sage and 8ulphur. When you darken your hair with Sngo Ten and Sulphur, no ono can toll, becauflo U'b dono so naturally, so evenly. Propnrlng this mixture, though, at homo Is mussy and trouble somo. For CO cents you can bay at any drug Btoro tho rendy-to-trao tonlo called "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy." You Just dampen sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hah-, taking ono small strand nt a time. By morn ing all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, yonr hahr becomes beautifully darkoaod, glossy and luxuriant. You will also dis cover dandruff Is gono and ftalr has stopped falling. Grny, faded hair, though no dis grace, la a sign of old ago, nnd ns wo all dcslro n youthful nnd attractive ap pcarnnco, get busy at onco with Wy eth's Sago nnd Sulphur und look years younger. Adv. After the War. Tho manufacture ot woodon logs Is n useful Industry, but extraordinary activity in their production Is not a sign that tlui world Is Industrially prospermia. Kansas City Journal. votm own nitunuisT wim.tkli. voo Try MiiDiik Kjn Itemed for lied. Weak, WaU-ry Ui nnd (Iruiitiliiied KjellJM Nn Huirtlnii Jiitt Kji minion. Wrlln for llootc if llin Kr by mail fc'ron. Miirlun hjo Itemed? Co., Chicago. Gossip generally means taking two and two nnd tanking throe. YOUR WELFARE is at stake when you neglect the Stom ach, Liver and Bowels. Poor health will soon overtake you. Keep up "to the mark" by assisting these organs in their work with the help of H0STETTERS Stomach Bitters It makes the appetite keen and aids digestion. Tryabottls. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of mrrlC. Jlolin to eradlcau dandruff. Far RmIaHm Color ami Beauty to GrayerFadadtUar. J SQcajnHtwatDrorsiau. i 5iGCirTTOi3wTx"' if, l fl t;i M W M I .V txotr- t1iXitJ&-