The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 07, 1915, Image 2

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The Last Shot
(Copyright. 1914. by
At their homo tin thn frontier between
tho Ilrnwim mill (lray Malta Oulliitnl and
Jier mother, otitcrtiiliiliiK Colonel Wester
llnR of thn (iruys, ncn Cnptiiln Itnnlron,
tnff IntclllRnnco officer of tho llrown.
injured by u fnll In Ills Ton
lyoars Inter. Wcsterllng, nominal vlcn but
Toul chlof of Btnff, reinforces Hotith I .a
Tlr, tiKMllliitcn on wnr, nrnl speculate on
tho comimnitlvn iiros of himself nnrt Mnr
ta, who n vlnltlmr In tho Oniy riiiltul.
Vrstcrllng calln on Marta. Hho tolls hlin
of her lonchlnir children tlin follies of wnr
and mm Hal patriotism, 1ps hlin to pro-
-voni wnr wiiiin no in phut or Hinrr, una
rrciflctH that If ho mnlrH wnr tho
(llroivrm h will not win. On tho innrcli
with the BSd of tho Mrownn 1'rlvntc Hlnin
ky, unnrchlM, decries war and played
out patriotism nnd Is placed iindor arrest.
Colonel Lnnttron iivrrhrnrlng. hc'Ks him
on. I,nn.ilron rails on Mnrtn at hpr homo.
(IIo talks with Keller, tho Hardener. Mnrta
tells I.anatron that she IicIIcm'k hVllw to
bo a spy. TinHtron confesses It Is truo.
..nnstron bIiowh Mnrtn u tplrphono IwIiIpIi
Fellor bus concealed In a sccrot passage
.under tho tower for uso to benefit tho
llrown In war omerrccncles. f.nnstron do
rlarps his lovo for Mnrta. WcsterllnR nnd
thp Oruy premier plan to nun a trivial In
ternational affair to fomptit wnrllho pa
triotism In army and pooplo and strike bo
foro declaring wnr. 1'nrtow, Urowii chlof
of staff, nnd Ivtnstrnn, tnmlo vIcp, discuss
tho trouhlp, and tho Ilfown defenses, I'nr
tow reveals his plans to Iitmtron.
Now Dollarmo disposed his mon In
line bnck of tho rldgo of fresh onrth
that thoy hnd dug In tho night, ready
to rush to tholr places when ho blow
tho whlstlo that hung from his neck,
but ho did not allow them a gtlmpso
over tho crest.
"I know that you nro curious, but
powerful glasses nro watching for you
to show yourselves; nnd If n bnttcry
turnod looso on us you'd understand,"
bo oxplalnod.
Thus tho hours woro on, and tho
church clock utruck nlno nnd ten.
"Novor n movoment down Micro!"
called tho sergeant from tho crest to
Dollarmo. "Mnybo this Is Just tholr
final bluff boforo thoy como to torms
about Dodlnpoo" that stretch of Af
rican Junglo that seemed very far
way to thorn nil.
"Lot uu hopo so!" said Dellarmo
Choosing to go to town by tho
lastlo road rather than down tho tor
raco to tho main pass road, Marta,
starting for tho regular Sunday sor
vlco of hor echool, ns sho oraerged
from tho grounds, saw Fellor, garden
shears In hand, a llguro of stone
watching tho appronch of somo field
batteries. Tho question of allowing
hlni to undertake his part as a spy
had drifted Into tho background of hor
mind under tho, distressing and over
present pressuro of tho crisis. Ho was
to remain until thcro was war. Sho
was nlmost pnst him boforo ho real
ized her presence, which ho acknowl
edged by a startled movomont and a
atop forwnrd as ho took off his hat
8ho paused. Ilia oyes woro glowing
llko coale under a blower ns ho looked
at hor and again at tho battories,
Booming to Includo her with tho guns
In tho spoil of his fervid abstraction.
I "Frontier closed last night to pro
vent Intelligences about our prepara
tions leaking out Lanny'a plan all
allvoj tho guns coming," ho said, his
shoulders stiffpnlng, hla chin drawing
In, his features resolute and beaming
with tho ardor of youth In action
"troops moving hero nnd there to their
places engineers preparing tho do
fonsos automatics at critical points
with tho Infantry Hold-wires laid
flold-tolophonoB sot up tho wireless
pitting tho caissons full planes and
dirigibles ready sonrch-llghtB In po
sition" Thoro tho torrent of his broken sen
tences was checked. A shadow passed
la front of lilnf. IIo enmo out of his
tnmco of Imageries of activities, so
vividly clear to his military mlud, to
roallzo that Marta was abruptly leav
ing, "MIsb Galland!" ho called urgontly.
"Firing may commenco nt any min
ute. You miwt not go Into town!"
"Hut I must!" sho declared, sneak
ing over her Bhoultlor whllo sho
passod. It was clear that no warning
would provall against hor deterit,
"Thon,l shall go with you!" ho said,
starting toward her with a light step.
"It is not necessary, thank you!"
sho answered, nioro coldly than sho
hud ovor epokon to him. This had a
magically quick effect on his atti
tude "I beg your pardon! I forgot!" ho
explained In his old man's voice, his
head sinking, his shoulders drooping
In tho humility of a servant who rec
ognizes that ho hns boon proporly ro
buked for presumption. "Not a gun
,ner any moro I'm a spy!" ho thought,
as ho shuflled off without looking
toward tho battories agalu, though tho
.music of wheels and hoofs wno now
close by.
Marta had a gllmpoo of him as oho
turnod away. "Ho Is what ho Is bo
causo of tho army; a victim of a cult,
a habit," sho was thinking. "Had he
been In any other calling bis flno qual
ities might havo been of service to tho
world and he would havo beon happy."
rxjompany of Infantry resting
among their stacked rlflos chanced
tho color of tho squaro In tho dlstanco
free sUio gray pavement to tho brown
Charles Scribner'i Soni)
of a tnuRH of uniforms. In tho middle
of tho main street a major of tho bri
gade staff, with a numbor of Junior
officers and ordorlics, was ovldontly
waiting on somo signal. Sontrlcs woro
posted at regular Intervals along tho
curb. Tho pcoplo In tho houses and
shops from tlmo to tlmo stopped pack
ing up their effectfl long enough to go
to tho doors nnd look up and down
apprehensively, asking bootless, ner
vous questions,
"Are thoy coming yet?"
"Do you think they will como?"
"Aro you Buro It's going to bo war?"
"Will they shell tho town?"
"Thero'll. bo time enough for you
to get away!" shouted the major. "All
wo know Is what Is written In our In
structions, nnd wo shall act on thorn
when the thing starts. Then wo are
In command. Mennwhlle, get ready!"
Then tho major beenmo awaro of a
young woman who wn going In tho
wrong direction. Her cheeks were
flushed from her rapid "wnlk, her lips
were parted, Bhowing firm, whlto
teeth, and hor black oyea woro re
garding him In n blazo of satiro or
nmiiBcmcnt; an emotion, whatever It.
was, that thoroughly centered his at
tention. "Mademoiselle, I am very sorry, but
unlesB you llvo In this direction," ho
said very politoly, "you may not go any
farther. Until wo havo other orders
or thoy attack every ono Is supposed
to remain in his houeo or his placo of
"This Is my placo of business!"
Mnrta nnawored, for Bho was already
opposlto a small, disused chapel which
was her schoolroom, whero a half
dozen of tho faithful children were
gathored around tho mascullno Impor
tant of Jacky Worther, ono of tho
older boys.
"Then you aro Miss Qullandt" said
tho major, enlightened. Ills smllo had
an appreciation of tho Irony of hor oc
cupation at. that moment. "Your chil
dren nro very loyal. Thoy would not
toll mo whore thoy lived, so wo had
to let them stay there."
"Thoso who havo bomeB," she said,
Identifying each ono of tho faithful
with a glanco, "havo so many broth
ers and sisters that thoy will hardly
bo mlHsed from tho flock. Others
havo no homes at least not much of a
ono" horo hor temper roso again
"taxes being so high In ordor that you
may organize murder and tho destruc
tion of proporty."
"Now really, Miss Galland," ho be
gan solicitously, "I havo been assigned
to movo tho civil population in caso of
uttack. Your children ought "
"After school! You havo your duty
thlB morning nnd I havo mlno!" Marta
Interrupted pleasantly, und turned
toward tho chapel.
"Thoy aro putting sharpshootors In
tho church towor to got tho aero
planes, and thcro aro lots of tho little
guns that tiro bullets so fast you can't
count 'om and llttlo spring wagons
with dynamite to blow things up
and" Jacky Werthor ran on In a
series of vocal explosions as Marta
opened tho door to let tho children
go In.
"Yet you came!" Bald Marta with a
hand caressingly on his shoulder.
"It looka protty bnd for peaco, but
wo camo," answered Jacky, round
oyed, In loyalty. "We'd como right
through bullets 'causo wo said wo
would It wo wasn't sick, and wo waan't
"My Boven disciples Boven!" ex
claimed Mnrta as sho counted them.
"Aud you need not sit on tho regular
soats, but around mo on tho platform.
It will bo moro Intimate"
"That's grand!" camo In chorus.
They did not bother nbout chnlre, but
Rented themBolves on tho floor around
Mnrta's skirts.
Tho church clock boomed out Ub de
liberate strokes through ton, tho hour
set for tho lesson, and nil counted
mom ono iwo inrco. Marta waa
thinking what a dismal llttlo effort
theirs was, nnd yet sho waa very hap
py, tremblingly happy In hor distrac
tion and excitement, that thoy had not
waltod for hor at tho door of tho
chapel In vain.
Sho announced that thoro would bo
no talk this morning; thoy would only
sny tholr oath. Repeating in concort
tho pledgo to tho boys and glrla of
other lands, tho childish voices pecu
liarly swoot and harmonious In con
trast to tho raucous and unovon
sounds of foreboding from tho street,
thoy camo In duo courso to tho words
of tho concession that tho oath mado
to militancy:
"If an enemy tries to tnko my
"Children 1 " Marta Interrupted
with a senoo of wonder and shock.
Thoy paused and looked nt her ques
tlonlngly. "I had almost forgotten
that part!" sho breathed confusedly.
"Thnt's tho part that makes all
wo'ro doing ngnlpst tho drays right!"
put In Jacky Werthor promptly,
"As I wroto it for you I 'I shall ap
peal to his boiibo of Justlco nnd reason
with him"'
Jaws dropped and oyea bulged, for
abovo the sounds of tho street roso
from tho dlstanco tho unmistakable
crackling of rifle flro which, as they
listened, spread and Increased In vol
ume "Go on on to tho end of the oath!
It will tako only a moment," snld
Marta rcsolutoly. "It Isn't much, but
It's tho best wo can do I"
The Baptism of Fire.
All tho landscape In front of Fra
casso's company seemed to havo been
deserted; no moving figures wore any
whero in eight; no sign of the enemy's
Faintly tho town clock was heard
striking tho hour. From eight to nlno
and nlno to ten Frncasso's men wait
ed; waited until tho machlno was
ready and Wosterllng should throw In
tho clutch; waited until the troops
wero In placo for tho first movo boforo
ho hurled his battalions forward.
They did not know how the captain at
their back received his orders; thoy
only heard tho noto of tho whlstlo,
with a command familiar to a trained
Instinct on tho odgo of anticipation. It
released a spring in their nervo-con
tors, Thoy responded n tho wheela
respond when tho throttle is opened.
Jumping to their feet thoy broko Into
a run, bodies bent, Jieuds down, liko
tho peppered silhouette that faced
Westerllng'B desk. What thoy had
dono repeatedly In drills and maneu
vers they wero now doing in war, me
chanically as marionettes.
"Como on! Tho bullet la not mado
that can get mo! Como on!" cried tho
giant Eugeno Aronson.
Nearly nil felt tho exhilaration of
movement in company. Then camo
tho sound that generations had drilled
for without hearing; tho sound that
summons tho Imagination of man in
tho thought of how ho will feel and
act when ho hears It; tho sound that
la everywhero llko tho song snatches
of bees driven whizzing through tho
"That's It! Wo'ro under flro! Wo'ro
under flro!" flashed a crookod light
ning recognition of tho Bound through
every brain.
Thero waa no sign of the enemy;
no telling whore the bullets came
Whlsh-whlsht Th-Ipp-wblng! Tho
refrnln gripped Potorkln's Imagination
with an unseen hand. Ho seemed to
bo suffocating. He wanted to throw
himself down and hold his hands in
front of hla head. Whllo Pllzer and
Aronson woro not thinking, only run
ning, Peterktn was thinking with the
rapidity of a man falling from a high
building. Ho was certain only that
ho was bound to strlko ground.
"An Inch is as good as a mllol" He
recollected tho captain's teaching.
"Only ono of a thousand bullets fired
In war ever, kills a man" but he was
certain that ho had heard a million
already. Ho looked around to find
that ho waa still keeping up with Eu
gono nnd felt tho thrill of tho bravery
of fellowship nt alght of the giant's
flushed, confident face reveling in the
spirit of a charge. And then, Just
Pllzer Was Shooting to Kill.
then, riligeno convulsively threw up
his nrms, dropped his 'rifle, and
whirled on his heel. As ho went down
his hand clutched at his loft breast
and came away red and dripping.
After ono wild backward glance, Pe
terkln plunged ahead,
"Kugcno!" Hugo Mnllln had stopped
nnd bont ovor ISugono In tho supremo
Instinct of thnt terrible second, sup
porting his comrado's head.
"Tho bullot is not mado " Eugeno
whispered, tho ruling passion strong
to tho Inst. A fllckor of tho eyelids, a
gurglo In tho throat, and ho was dead.
"Horo, you aro not going to get out
this way!" Frncasse shoutod, hi tho
Irritation of hasto, slapping Hugo with
his sword. "Go on I That's hospital
corps work."
Hugo had n glimpse of tho captain's
rigid features and a last one of Eu
gono's, whlto and etlll and yet ns It
ho woro about to scak his favorlto
boast; then ho hurried on, his sldu
glanco showing othor proserato forms.
Ono form a fow yardB away half roso
to call "Hospltnll" nnd fell back,
struck mortally by a socond bullot.
"That'B what you got If you forgot
Instructions," Bald Fracaseo with no
Bonso of brutality, only professional
exasperation. Keen down, you wound
ed men!" he shouted at the top of his
Tho colonel of the 128th hnd not
looked for Immediate resistance. He
hnd told Fracasso's men to occupy tho
knoll expeditiously. Hut by tho com
mon Impulse of military training, no
less than in answer to the whistle's
call, in face of tho withering flro they
dropped to earth at tho base of a
knoll, whore Hugo throw himself
down nt full length In his placo In lino
next to Peterkln.
"Flro polntblnnk at tho crest In
front of you I I saw a couple of men
standing up thcro!" called Fracassc.
"Flro fast! That's tho way to keup
down tholr flro polntblnnk, I tell you!
You're firing Into tho sky I I want to
sco more dust kicked up. Firo fasti
Wo'll havo them out of thoro soon!
Thoy're only an outpost."
Hugo waa firing vaguely, llko a man
In u dream. Pllzer wns ehootlng to
kill. His cyo had tho steely gleam
of his rifle sight and tho liver patch
on hla cheek wns a deeper huo ua he
sought to avenge Eugeno'B death:
Drowned by tho racket of tholr own
lire, not oven Peterkln was hearing
tho whlsh-whlsh of tho bullets from
Dcllnrmo'a company now. Ho did not
know thnt tho blacksmith's non, who
waa tho fourth man from him, lay with
his chin on his rlllo stock and a tiny
trickle of blood from a holo In his
forehead running down the brldgo of
his nose.
Young Dellarmc, new to his cap
taln'B rank, watching the plain
through IiIb glasses, saw tho move
ment of mounted oillcers to tho rear
of the 128th as unreason for summon
ing his men.
"Creep up! Don't show yourselves!
Creep up carefully carefully!" ho
kept repeating ns thoy crawled for
ward on their stomachs. "And no ono
1b to flro until tho command comes."
Hugging tho cover of tho rldgo of
fresh earth which they hnd thrown up
the previous night, thoy watched tho
whlto posts. Stransky, who hud been
ruminatlvely silent nil the morning,
was In hla place, but he whb not look
ing at tho enemy. Cautiously, to avoid
a reprimand, he raised his head to en
ablo him to glanco along tho line. All
tho faces seemed drawn and claytsh.
"They don't want to light! They're
Just hero because they're ordered hero
and haven't the character to defy au
thority," ho thought. "Tho leaven Is
working! My tlmo is coming!"
For Dellarmo the minute had come
when all his training was to bo put to
a test. The figures on tho other Bide of
tho white posts wero rising. IIo was to
provo by tho way he directed a com
'pany of Infantry In nctlon whether or
not he was worthy of his captain's
rank. Ho smiled cheerily. In order
that ho might watch how each man
used his rifle, ho drew back of tho line,
his slim body elect as he rested on
ono knee, his head level with the
other heads while ho Angered his
whistle. Tho instant that Eugeno
Aronson sprang over tho whlto post
a blast from tho whistle began the
It was a signal, too, for Stransky
to play the part ho had planned; to
muko the speech of his life. His six
feet of stature Bhot to its feet with
a Jack-in-the-box abruptness, under
the impulse of a mighty and reckle&s
"Men. atop. firing!" he howled thun
derously. "Stop firing on your broth
ers! Like you, they nro only tho
pawns of tho ruling class, who keep
us all pawns In order that they may
havo champagno nnd caviare. Com
rades, I'll lead you! Comrades, we'll
tako a whlto flag and go down to meet
our comrades and we'll Hnd that they
think na wo do! I'll lead you!"
Tho appeal was drowned In the
cracking of tho rifles working as regu
larly as punchlng-machlnes In a fac
tory. Every soldier was seeing only
his sight nnd the running figures un
der It. Mechanically nnd automatical
ly, training had been projected Into
action, anticipation into realization. A
spectator might as well havo called to
a man In n hundred-yard dash to stop
running, to an oarsman in a ruco to
Jump out of his shell.
Tho company sergeant sprang for
Stransky with an oath. Hut StranBky
was In no mood to submit. Ho felled
tho sergeant with a blow and, reck
lessly defiant, stared at Dellarmo,
whllo tho men, steadily firing, were
still oblivious of tho scene. Tho ser
gennt, stunned, roso to his knees nnd
reached for his revolver. Dellnrmo,
bent over to keep hla head below tho
crest, had already drawn his as ho
hastened townrd them.
"Will you get down? Will you tnko
your placo wlthyour rifle?" domanded
Stransky laughed thunderously in
scorn. He wns hundsome, titanic, nnd
barbaric, with hla hugo shouldors
stretching his blouso, which fell loose
ly around his narrow hlpB, whllo the
fist that had felled tho sergeant was
still clenched.
"No!" said Stransky. "You won't
kill much If you kill mo and you'd kill
less If you shot yourself! God AI
mighty! Do you think I'm afraid? Me
Ills oyes In a bloodshot glaro, as
uncompromising as thoso of a bull In
nn nrcna watching tho noxt movo of
tho red enpo of tho matador, regarded
Dellarmo, who hesitated in admiration
of tho plcturo of human forco before
him. But tho old sergeant, smarting
under tho insult of the blow, his sand
stone features mottled with red
patches, had no compunctions of this
ordor. Ho was ready to uct as execu
tlonor. "If you don't want to shoot, I can!
An oxaraplo tho law! Thero'a no
othor way of dealing with himl Give
the word I" he said to Dollarmo.
Stransky laughed, now in stridors
cynicism. Dellarmo still hesitated,
recollecting Lanstron's remark. Ho
pictured Stransky in a last stand in a
redoubt, and every soldier wan as
precious to him as a piece of gold to
a miser,
"One ought to be enough to kill mo
If you're going to do It to slow music,"
Bald Stransky. "You might an well
kill me aa the poor fools that your
poor fools aro trying to "
Another breath flniflhed tho speech;
a breath released 'from a ball that
seemed to havo come straight from
hell. Tho flro control officer of a regi
ment of Gray artillery on tho nlnln.
Lscannlng tho landscape for the origin
oi mo riiie-nro wnicn was leaving
many fallen In tho wako of tho charge
of tho Gray Infantry, had seen a llguro
on tho knoll. "How kind! Thank
you!" his thought Bpoko faster thnn
words. No need of range-finding!
The rango to every posalblo battery
or infantry position around La Tlr
was already marked on his map. Ho
passed tho word to his guns.
The burst of their first shrapnel
shell blinded all three actors In tho
scene on tho crest of tho knoll with
Its ear-splitting crack and tho forco of
Its concussion throw Stransky down
beside the sergeant. Dellarmo, as his
vision cleared, hud Just time to see
Stransky Jerk his hand up to his tem
ple, whero thero wns u red spot, bo
foro another shell burst, u llttlo to
tho rear. This waa harmless, na a
Hhrapnel's shower of fragments and
bullets carry fotwurd from tho point
of explosion. Dut tho next burst In
front of the line. Tho doctor's period
of Idleness wns over. One mnn'a rlllo
shot up ns his spine wns broken by n
Jugged piece of shrapnel Jacket. Now
thoro wero too many shells to watch
them Individually.
"It's all right all right, men!" Del
larme called ugaiu, ussumlng his
cheery smile. "It takes a lot of shrap
nel to kill unybody. Our batteries will
soon nnswer!"
Ills voice was unheard, yet Its spir
it wns felt. The men know through
their training thnt there was no use
of dodging and that their best protec
tion wns an accurate firo of their own.
Stransky had half risen, a new kind
of savagery dawning on his features
as ho regained his wits. With In
verted eyes he regarded tho red ends
of his fingers, held In line with tho
brldgo of his nose. Ho felt of the
wound again, now that he was less
dizzy. It was only a scratch and lu
had been knocked down liko a beef in
an abattoir by an unseen enemy, on
whom he could not lay hands! Deaf
eningly, the shrapnel Jackets con
tinued to crack with "ukung-s-sh
ukung-s-sh" ns tho awlft breath of tho
shrapnel missiles spread. The guns
of one battery of that Gray regiment
of artillery, each firing six 14-pound
shells a minute methodically, every
shell loaded with nearly two hundred
projectiles, were giving their undivid
ed nttention to the knoll.
How long could his company enduro
this? Dellarme might well ask. IIo
know that he would not bo expected
to withdraw yet. With a sense of re
lief ho saw FracasBo'a men drop for
cover at tho baso of the knoll nnd
then, expectation fulfilled, ho realized
that rifle-flro now reinforced tho ene
my's shell fire. Ills duty wns to re
main whllo ho could hold his men,
and a feeling toward them such as ho
had never felt before, which was love,
sprang full-fledged into his heart ns he
saw how steadily they kept up their
Stransky. enger In response to a
new passion, sprang forward Into
placo and picked up his rifle.
"If you will not have It my way,
tako it youra!" said the best shot In
tho company, ns ho began firing with
resoluto coolness.
"They have n lot of men down," said
Dellarme, his glasses showing tho
many prostrate figures on tho whent
stubble "Steady! steady! Wo have
P'-onty of batteries back In tho hills,
One will bo In action Boon."
Man of Prominence Had Two, and
Their Causes Were of Widely
Different Beginnings.
I heard a prominent Cambrldgo man
toll of the two most tense moments
of his life yesterday, "says a corre
spondent of tho Hoston Journal. But
tho tension In each case was differ
ent. "I doubt If I over shall forgot either
occasion," ho said, reflectively. "They
woro big moments.
"Tho first was when I was in col
lego. I wns captain of the baseball
team that year. Wo camo to tho end
of tho ninth. Wo needed ono run to
tie the scoro nnd another to win tho
game Two mon down nnd two on
tho sr.eks when I enmo to bnt. And
for onco In my career I did It. I
lined out a three-bnggor, right ovor
the railroad track. When I felt It go
well, thnt was ono occasion.
"And tho othor." Ho chuckled, but
a slow flush crept over his cheeks.
"It wns thirty years ago, soon nftor I
left college I went over to seo a glr)
I thought was pretty nice nnd to meet
hor folks for the' first tlmo. I went
on a Sunday. All tho mon were away.
And thoy hnd duck for" dinner." Ho
stopped. "Ever carvo a duck?" ho
nske,l meaningly. "No, neither had I
before. Nor havo I since" His blush
doepencd. "I nover even wont to Bee
that girl again," ho added plaintively.
One Viewpoint.
Hemmandhaw Kangaroo farming Is
a very Important Industry In Australia.
Mrs. Hommandhaw Fancy hoeing
a kangaroo. Youngstown Telegram.
No sick headache, biliousness,
bad taste or constipation
by morning.
Get a 10-ccnt box.
Aro you keeping your bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, puro and fresh
with CascaretB, or merely forcing a
passageway every fow days with
Salts, Cathartic Pills, CaBtor Oil or
Purgatlvo Waters?
Stop having a bowel wnsh-day. Lot
Cnscarots thoroughly "cleanso and reg
ulate tho Btomach, remove tho sour
and fermenting food nnd foul gases,
tako tho excess bllo from tho liver
and carry out of tho system all tho
constipated wasto matter nnd poisons
in the bowels.
A Cascarot to-night will mako you
feel great by morning. Thoy work
whllo you sleep nover gripe, sicken
or cause any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your store.
Millions of men nnd women take a
Cascarot now and then and never
havo Headache, Biliousness, Coated
Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
Constipation. Adv.
Willie Knew. . '
Somo time ngo tho teacher of a pub
lic school was Instructing a clasiT lu
geography, and when It camo tlio to
hand out a fow questions sho turned
to WIlllo Smith.
"Willie," she said, "can you tell mo
what Is one of tho principal products l
of the West Indies?"
"No, ma'am," frankly answered Wil
lie, after a moment's hesitation.
"Just think n bit," encouragingly re
turned the teacher; "whero does tho
sugar como from that you ubo at your "i
"Sometimes from tho store," an
swered Willie, "and sometimes we bor
row It from tho next-door -neighbor."
Some Interesting Fads About
Kidney Troubles.
Few people realize to what extent tlicir
health depends upon the condition of tha
The physician in nearly nH vanes of
Berinus illnens, makes a chomignl analysis
of the patient's urine. Ho knows that
unless the kidneys are doing) their work
properly, the other organs cannot readily
be brought hack to health and strength.
When the kidneys are neglected or
abused in any way, serious results are
sure to follow. According to hea'tli
6tatif.tic, Uright'fl disease, which la rrlly
nn advanced form of kidney trouble,
caused nearly ten thousand deaths in
1013 in the state of New York alone.
Therefore, it behooves ua to pay more
attention to the health of these most
important organs.
An ideal herbal compound that haa
had remarkable fucccss as a kidney rem
edy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, th.
great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy.
Tho mild nnd healing influence of thin
preparation in most cases is soon realised,
according to Rworn statements nnd verified
testimony of those who havo used tb
If you feel that your kidneys rcmiita
attention, and wish a sample bottle, write
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y.
Mention this paper, enclose ten cents nnd
they will gladly forward it to you bf
Parcel Post.
Swnmp-Koot is sold by every druggist
in bottles of two sizes 50o nnd $1.00. Adi
His Regular Cue.
Many a man who permits himself to
bo led forth to musical cntertainmentu
ho docs not caro for will inDrecialti
tho following:
wnat made you start clapping youi
bands when that woman stopped on
your foot in the tramcar?"
"I waB dozing," nnawored Mr. Cum
rox. "I thought mother and the girls
wero having a musicale at homo and
ono of them was signaling that K was
tlmo to npplnud."
Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur- J
lant and Remove Dandruff Rieal J
Surprise for You. '
Your hair becomes light, wavy, flur
fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus
trous and beautiful aa a young girl's
after a "Danderlno hair cleanso." Just
try this moisten n cloth with a llttlo
Danderlno and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking ono email
strand at a time. This will cleanso
tho hair of dust, dirt and excessive, oil
nnd In Just a fow moments you have
doubled tho beauty of your hair."
Besides beautifying tho hair at onco,
Danderlno dissolves every partlclo of
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invig
orates tno scalp, forover stopping itcbi
ing nnu railing hair.
But what will plenso you most wl
bo after a 'few weeks' use when yJ
will actually aco now halr flno anl
downy at first yes but really uel
uair growing nil ovor tho scalp,
you caro for protty, soft hair and 1c
or It, surely get a 25 cont bottle
Knowlton'a Danderlno from any stoil
and Just try It. Adv.'
Tho most common form of pes-
slmlsm Is tho bollet that a good bej
ginning makes a bad ondlng.
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