The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 07, 1915, Image 1

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1 I
II "MloPN'Tlcnl Wlty
A Ifowsunpor That Gives The Mews Flfly-tHo IVccks liacli Year Tcr 5i.i0. V
VOLUME 153 Rlfln CLOUD, NKHKASK A..JAM:aIIV 7, l!)(jfp
"""n i""'UMiwjnkiuicrAxweeTi)eiKuxawiiJunxi3n&nciNHnin
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You Besir
Chal Gellatly
"Weds Lincoln Girl
VERY one of your banking connections
to be a profitable one, returning you the
largest measure of service and accom
modation commensurate with the size
of your deposit, open an account with
us. Interest paid on time deposits.
Deposits Guaranteed by State Guaranty Fund
i i
,i ,11 Mli.1
Jul: in 1 JiLiiuiilJlJul!
You wilt make no mistake by
placing your 55
w" J a JL
"Talk With Us About Your Wants"
The Diamond
As an Investment
BinS' v4
wears a
of pros-
iti its in-
Tlic man or woman who
diamond also wears an air
perky that is far reaching
These arc commercial limes, and to
BE successful you must LOOK it.
People are always judged at first by
their appearance.
As an investment the diamond is in a
class by itself, because, outside of its
intrinsic value, it has the added value
as an adornment.
When you are ready to buy a dia
mond, at whatever price, there are
plenty of reasons why you should
come here.
I :.
fl T i
L. 1. lloUJliUlJJb
Watch Inspector For C. 13. & Q.
Red Gloiid
Hk pS9 11
TI10 uiiii rliiK of .Mios MI11M1 Muloim
and II. Ch-tlmers (icllnllv. jr., look
pi in; at I o'clock jestt'iduy afternoon
a, the Iumiik of thu bride's pare'.'s, Mr.
mid Mis C W. Malum', 1001 t strict.
As Mis Charlotte Allen played tlio
woddiiiK march from "I.oheiijrrin" tlio
briih) nml biidcse;rootu cune down the
stairs and found their pi net's beneath
II buWLM' Of (.Tt'litl in fioiit of II llll'JJC
I window. Tall bushels of KlUnrney
I roses were found on each side of the
inltiir. Tlio bridiil couple weio attend
ed by Miss Ploioncu Miilont', hiHtur of
tlio bride, us maid of honor, Miss Paul
tin: (Jellatly, sister of tliu bridegroom
and Miss A deli in- ICelluras bridesmaid.
The only oilier attendant was .lean
Hopping, wliocarried tliu ling in n pink
ros bud. Tliu simple ceremony wuh
pronmiiieoil by tliu Rev. ,. 1) Young
of the First Presbyterian church. Tlio
briiJe's gown was of wliitu satin trim
med in prineess hieu and pearls and
was made entrain. A Dutch veil com
pleted the wedding costume. She
ciri'iud white with a shower of
lilies of the valley. The pink and
green elleuts were carried out in the
dresses of the attendants as well as in
the decorations. The ni.iid of honor
woro pale green brocaded a in, entrain
a-nl she carried plnU roses. Miss Koll
er was aVaycd in a dru-s of pink satin
t linmcil ill white biocaded Velvet and
white ttillo. Miss (7ellatly wore while
batiste with the sash and hair bow of
green. Ituth bridesmaids can led pink
rojes in baskets. The ringbctuer wn.s
dressed in while with a pink sash and
a pink hairuow. 1'iiikand gioen decor
a'ioiis wcic used throughout the din
ing room, a large basket of roses form
ing tho centerpiece. The house was
darkened during thu afternoon and thu
electric lights used. Klfly guests at
tended the marriage, service and thu
brief reception which followed. While
congratulations were being received
Miss Allen at thu piano played Men
delftsohu's wedding march. In the serv
ing room Mrs. K. S. Ivoller cut cream
while Mrs. Joseph Price poured coffee
Thu gift room was open to the guests
during thu afternoon.
Both Mr. and Mrs. (cllatly have at
tended tile University of Nebraska and
are well known in univeriiilv social
circles. Mr. Cellatly is a member of
thu Delta Tan Delta fraternity aud his
bride is a Pi JJotu Phi sorority girl.
Tney departed at Ij o'clock last nicj t
for thi ir new home at Kcd Cloud, Xob.,
wltoro thi) bridegroom is a lumberman.
Tuey will bo at home Immediately to
their friends. Friday's -Statu Journal
Mr. and Mrs. (Jellatly arrived in thu
city Friday uvening and they have
gone, to housekeeping in the residence
formerly occupied by the Misses Tay
lor. Mr. Gellatly is connected with
tliu Malonc-Avury Lumber Co., and the
Chief along with dial's many friends
wish him and his bride much joy and
happiness over thu matrimonial sun,
1914 Weather Summary -
Temperature: Maximum 105 degrees
on August 17th, minimum 10 deg. be
low s'.ero on Dec. 10th, greatest daily
rango 50 deg. on March VI, Oct. 17 and
Nov. '20. During tliu yoar tliero were
in days below y.oro, II of them in
December and t in February, 8 days of
1 100 degreos and above.
j Precipitation: Total 19X)2 Inches,
Juno thu wetttf&t month with 7.11 Inch
es, November tliu dryest with only a
.Trace. (1 run lest fall in '21 hoius 1.07
inches on the .'id and llltli of June,
Number of days with 0.01 inch or tuoro
Number of ri.iya clear
cloudy 02, cloudy 83.
Snowfall S',i IhjUun;
Thun lorstorai 27. y
Prevailing wind dirootlon
1 FrWa -Lustlu spring May lllth, !ln,t
In Mil October ISth.-Chus S. Lit How.
Mr. Phillips went to 0111110 Rock
Wednesday morning to hold a school
nt Instruction for tho A. F. & A M.
School Board
' Met Monday
ltt:t) Ci.ot D, Nkii., Jan. 1th, 191.1.
liegular meeting of thu Hoard held
in olllce of Dr. Crelgliton, Pies. Henry
Cillhatn presiding. Members present
Mlaekledge, Coon, Cruigliloii, Ovorlug.
Minutes of previous meeting road,
and approved us read.
Superintendent gavu oral monthly,
Secretary reported that he had put(
in a bid of $f)0 for old com thom-c
which bid had been accepted by boaid
of county commissioners
Tlio following bills were presented:
II W. WVNeh Mfg Co., s:i:i hi)
W. W. Wilson Co., HK)
University of Nebraska '20 12
Central Scientillc Co II 3
Webb Pob.Co 17 OS
Oiiiu it Co -IS r.o
Tniversity of Nebraska 100
C. S. Crabill 0 00
C. L. Cottlng 1 70
C. A Mercer !1 i
(). C. IV el 1 i:
F. (J. Turnurc it Sou 17 tf
Frank Smelser 1 l!0
Harbnia Phare.s It!
Mot hurt llros., lit JO
Moved and K-coiidcd tliat the above
bills be allow ul.
Move I by Creighton and seconded by
Hhicklc'igu that, wo enter into contract
with P"f. Morltx. for three years at
SISoO per year. Uullott spread and le
sulted 1 for motion and I
Moved and seconded to adjourn.
R J Jr., Secretary.
i .tf$3)
3 fill
Hoard met Janutty 15, pursuant
adjannment, tdl tnemhurs preBent.
The following ofli'iul bunds were ap
proved: -
Justices of the Peace F.C.Huachuw,
Pottuium; II. II. Holdredge, luuvale;
Dirk Hoppen, KoHcmunt.
Coroner Bi Amack.
Stperititendcnt of Instruction Ger
trude L. Coon.
Constables V. A. I'arcu", Po'Htlam;
Grant Christy, Red Cloud; Setli F.
Green, Hladen; L. Sherman, Hod C oud.
Overseers of Highways J. N. Hutch
itH, district No. (!J; J.n. Mclntoah,
district No. 10; V. K. Lumbrecht, di
trlct No. 15; M.itl Dean, iliHUict. No. G;
Onno Muen s, district No Ci; A.
Limpiiiiui, district No. !; G. G. Hh'k
aril, didtrh't N. 1; Adam Alhrr,' dia
trict No. U; Jnn. 15. Fox, district No
9; Ii. U. Hioth, dis-rict No. 2J; Frank
Stanley, district No. MJ; "Jutin Frey,
district No. 2.
Hond of First National ilini; of Hlue
Hill in the sum of $8000, to eecure
county deposits, approved,
Settlement of ovorseers of high
ways approved as follows:
II. B. Hersh, district 13; William
McCord, district 12; William WeRmann,
district 12; Mike Flessmcr, district 8;
Matt Dean, district G; Harm Hoppen,
district, 4.
Tho city plumbing and heating jub of
placing heat in the county j ill was ac
cepted it being found satisfactory.
Application of EJith L. McKeighan
to purchase University land was pre
scaled and T. J. Chunliu. chairman of
I board appointed Paul Storey, G. Ohm-
I atiiita flmt W n lTiilfiinii nq nntllMtr.
On motion briaid aiijjurncd, sino die.
2l5, jwrtly
N W b7
Farmers Take Notice
Hiiiig in your hogo on Tuefcday and
Saturday as Sunday aipl Wednesday
aro our only shipping days. Don't
brltiif them on other days.
' Wjcksnkk & KOOXTZ.
20, 25, 33 Y& Per Cent
j Discount For Gasbi
This opportunity to buy seasonable mer
chandise at Sacrifice Prices is up to you.
The sale includes Men's, Boys' and
Children's Suits and Overcoats.
Great? Trading Stamps With All Cash
Purchases '
Goods Charged Will Be At Regular Prices
rh 0--
m zz The Clothier - 1
8 m IF W NEED OF A g
I mJT )1; DoiUIiill 1
in Q&i-SriMa. ?i1BB? J M
d a &?VN!ji Como in and let us show m
frE&Mm you our line. Wc have T
m thc m
Ranging In Price From $25 to $45., In Flvo and Seven J
A Drawer. In Rotary or Shuttle A
(0 What is more serviceable than a food Sewing (A
8 Machine. There is none better than the above 'w)
makes. .'. .'. .'. .. ,'. UP
jl Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer, fl
Don't fail to seo Guy and Constance '
uaurman in tuu piay ever
written, "A Fool und His
title spells fun and th
proves tlio promWo. Will be prosonted
nt tho opera houso on Saturday, Jan
uary ttth. Prices SOo, IIjc and 2SC.
Embalmer and Furniture Dealer.
'v ?HMSg) nyiaE2!2S5iSSSSS
r;sji,: ty us for artistic job PtjijiTifiG
Wo Can Please You As To Material, Style And
Workmanship, And Our Prices Aro Very Low.
4 1
s - I
w..n imm a-a-rJt.wtwftmi nwtw